From the time of first contact until today, the Great Intrusion had one purpose: the theft of the Original Inhabitantsall's lands. This page details some of what transpired, documented from historical sources the Intruders put into their books, legal decisions, and policies but suppressed. The Cherokees were treated with as a Sovereign Nation. This substantially differed from the Western treaties which were treaties of war between the Nations and their conquerors; the military. Our treaties are government to government and to be valid, under international law, we had to have ratified them in our Nation which this author can find no record of. Our recourse, verifiable through the treaties, is through the president of the United States and no one else. However, the U.S. government chooses to ignore that critical point in treaty, constitutional, and international law in their thirst for all our land! Our lands were stolen through avarice and treachery unrivaled in the civilized history of the world.

The Treaties
A discussion by Michael Sims
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Principal Players in the Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act
Cherokee Nation Vs Georgia
Worcester vs Georgia

The State of Franklin
And - The Dumplin Settlement

Under British Rule

The Intruders
Treaty of Mcintosh - theft of land in MS, ALA, GA
General William McIntosh

The Forts, Stations, and Traces

The Missionaries

THE Cherokee War 1758-1761

The Traditional Tribal Government

The Cherokee Republic
Part I
Part II

Maps of Chickamaguan lands

West section Large file
East section Large file
The division of lands- NC Military Reservation, etc.
Original extent
Extent in 1791
Extent in 1838
Indian Land Cessions


Land Boundaries

The following links are of note as Georgia played a pivotal role in the instituting of the Trail of Tears.
Cherokees in Georgia
Cherokee History in Georgia
Land Cessions in Georgia
Ridge's Betrayal?

Andrew Jackson and Indian Removal

Dawes Act

Book: History of Alabama

Treaty Study


The Snake Doctor

Last Update 1/07