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Welcome To Scott's Battery

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Home Page

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A Confederate Battery's Civil War History and More !

Yes this is a picture of Scott's Tennessee Light Artillery Company B's Original Battle Flag, Click on the e-mail button below to contact Lt. Marsh for more information or questions about the battle flag.

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The Tennessee Battery

        Organized at Memphis, Tennessee in May 1861 as the Tennessee Artillery Corps, Company B. The Battery was stationed at Fort Pillow until August when it reorganized as Bankhead Battery of light artillery and equipped with 4 field pieces. In 1862 the battery had 6 field pieces with approximately 100 men and 75 horses.

Bankhead Battery.     August, 1861 - May 10, 1861

Scott's Battery.     June, 1862 - December, 1863

Consolidated with Sweet's and Marshall's Batteries on December 9, 1863

Reorganized by re-enactors November, 1979 - Present.


Let's Explore the Past and the Present of Scott's Battery.

Due to yahoo briefcase knocking off all our pictures every 30 day's I am looking for a different photo album to use for all of our pictures.

Please forgive the delay.

Scott's Battery History.

Biographies Of First Persons.

Our Cannon.

Scott's Battery Events & News! UPDATED 03-31-09!

Scott's Battery Re-enactors Page.

Photo Gallery Index:

Ladies & Children Page.

Herb "Grandpa" Weber Memorial.

Other Civil War Links.


"Last Updated... 03-31-2009"

Copyright © 1999 by Scott's Battery

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