1 A Bit of Silk 7
2 The Dictionary 16
3 The Library 20
4 The Whip 51
5 Training 64
6 Transportation 73
7 Brundisium 101
8 The Platform; The Annex to the Sales
Barn 106
9 The Sales Barn; The Block; The Cage 121
10 The Kitchen 139
11 The Raffle; The Alcove; The Kennel 165
12 The Floor 219
13 The Passageway; Intrigues 222
14 Punishment 258
15 The Hood and Leash 269
16 Thieves 271
17 The Square of Market of Semris 278
18 The Grating; The Garments 290
19 The Streets of Argentum; The Belly
Chain and Disk 292
20 The
Key in the Belt 297
21 The
Panels 310
Inquiries; Gagged, Hooded and Collared 313
23 The
Work Camp 316
24 In The
Work Camp 322
25 In the
Tent of the Overseer 346
Mercenaries 354
27 The
Pen; Outside the Pen 362
28 The
Well 373
29 The
Meadow 381
30 The
Slave Wagon 427
Placation; In the Slave Wagon 435
32 The
Camp 446
33 Dust 455
34 Love 465
Chapter 1 A BIT OF SILK
(pg. 7) I
knew that I did not conform to the cultural stereotypes prescribed to me. I had
known this for a long time. The dark secrets which lay hidden within me. I had
been forced to conceal for several years. I do not know from whence the secrets
arose. They were directly contrary to everything that had been taught to me.
Their origins, it seemed, were deep within me, and, I feared, as I lay awake at
night afraid, sweating and distraught, native to my very nature. But such a
nature, I wept, could not be, and if it were, so subtle, so insistent, so
persistent, so unrelenting, so tenacious, it must never be admitted, never,
never! Yes, I fought them, these secrets, these covert knowledges, these
anticipations, these dreams. Yes, I struggled, in accord with the demands of my
culture, my training and education, these things telling me how I must be, how
I must be as I was told to be, to drive them from me. I repudiated them, again
and again, but to no avail. They returned, ever again, mercilessly, horrifying
me, taunting and mocking me, stripping me in the darkness of my bed of my
pretenses and lies. I squirmed and thrashed in my bed, twisting and weeping,
pounding it with my fists, crying out, "No! No!" Then I would put my
head fearfully on my pillow, dampened with meaningless, rebellious tears. Could
I be so weak and terrible? Could I be truly so different from others? Surely
there could be no one in the world so degraded, so shameful and terrible as
myself. Then one night I rose from bed and went to the vanity and lit the small
candle there. I had bought this candle weeks before, probably because deep
within me, within my deepest self, in my anguished mind, in my tortured breast
and heart, I knew this night would come. I lit the small candle. I stood there
in the flickering light, for some minutes, looking at myself. I wore a white
nightgown, ankle length. I had dark hair and eyes. At that time my hair was cut
at shoulder length. Then, not looking back to the mirror, I crept in the
candlelight and shadows to the dresser and there, from beneath several layers
of garments, where I had concealed it, I drew forth a small bit of (pg. 8)
scarlet cloth, tiny and silken, with shoulder straps, a garment I had myself
sewn weeks ago, one in which, save for fittings, often done by feel, with my
eyes closed, I never even dared to look upon myself. This, in a sense, was the
third such garment I had attempted. The material for the first, not yet even
touched by need and thread, or scissors, I had suddenly discarded in terror,
months ago. I had actually begun work on the second garment, some two months
ago, but, in touching it to my body, for it was the sort of garment which
touches the body directly, with no intervening investiture, I had suddenly,
comprehending its meaning and nature, begun to shake with terror and, scarcely
knowing what I was doing, I feverishly cut and tore it to pieces, and threw it
away! But even as I had destroyed it I knew, weeping and distraught, terrified.
I would make another. I took the third garment from the drawer. Suddenly I
thrust I back in the drawer, again under the other garments, thrusting shut the
drawer. Then, after a moment, breathing heavily, trembling, I opened the drawer
again, and removed it, once more, from its place. I went back to the vanity not
looking in the mirror. I dropped the bit of scarlet silk near my feet on the
rug. I was trembling. It seemed I could scarcely get my breath. I lifted my
eyes then again to the figure in the mirror. She was not large, but I thought
she might be pretty. But it is hard to be objective about such thing. I
supposed there could be criteria, of one sort or another, in some place or
another, of a somewhat ascertainable, quantitative sort, perhaps what men might
be willing to pay for you, but even then they would probably be paying for a
spectrum of desirablilities, of which pettiness, per se, might be only one, and
perhaps not even the most important. I did not know. I suppose even more
important would be what a woman looked like to a given man and what
thought he could do with her, or, seeing her, knew he could do with her. I
looked at the figure in the mirror. Her nightgown, ankle length, was of white
cotton. It seemed rather demure, or timid, I supposed, but there was little
doubt that there was a female, and perhaps a rather attractive one, though, to
be sure, that would be a judgment for men to more properly make, within it.
There were the stains of tears on the cheeks of the girl facing me in the
mirror, I noted. She trembled. Her lips moved. Why was she afraid? At what she
saw in the mirror? It was herself, surely. Why should she fear that? I saw she
wore a nightgown. I liked that. I did not like pajamas. To be sure, she was perhaps
too feminine for a woman in these times, but then there are such women, in
spite of all. They are real, and their needs are real. I looked at her. Yes, I
thought, she was objectively (pg. 9) pretty. There was no doubt about it. To be
sure, she might not seem so to a crocodile or a tree but she should seem such
to a male of her species, and that was what counted. Yes, that was what
counted, objectively. To be sure, he would doubtless wish to see if the rest of
her matched her face. Men were with that. They were like traders of horses and
breeders of dogs, interested in the whole female. I again regarded the girl in
the mirror. Yes, I thought, she was too feminine, at least for these times.
This was not the sort of woman wanted in our times. She was like something
beautiful stranded on a foreign beach. Surely she belonged in another time or
place. She seemed in her hormones and beauty, in her needs, like a stranger
flung out of time. There she stood in a world alien to her deepest nature, not
a man, and not wanting to be one, a victim of time and heredity, of her genetic
depths, of biology and history. How lonely and unbefriended, how frustrated,
unfulfilled and doleful she was. How tragic is she indeed, I thought, whom the
lies on one’s time fail to nourish. I looked again at the girl in the mirror.
Surely she might better have cooked meat in the light of a cave fire, the
thongs on her left wrist perhaps marking whose woman she was, or with sistrum
and hymns, under the orders of priests, welcomed the grand, redemptive,
sluggish flows of the Nile; better she had run barefoot on a lonely Aegean
beach, her himation gathered to her knees, a fillet of white wool in her hair,
watching for oared ships; better she had spun wool in Crete or cast nets, her
robes tied to her waist, off the coast of Asia Minor; better she had broken her
dolls and put them in the temple of Vesta; better she had been a silken girl
breathless behind the wooden screens of the seraglio or a ragged slut on her
knees desperately licking and kissing for coins in the sunlit, dusty streets
below; better she had been bartered for a thousand horses in Scythia or led to
Jerusalem tied by the hair to a Crusader’s stirrup; better to have been a
high-born Spanish lady forced to beg to be the bride of a pirate; better to
have been an Irish prostitute, her face slashed by Puritans for following the
troops of Charles; better to have been a delicate lady of the Regency carried
into Turkish slavery; better to have been a Colonial dame spinning in Ohio, looking
up to see her first red master. I put down my head, and shook it. Such thoughts
must be put from my mind, I told myself. But the girl stood there, still stood
there, in the mirror. She had not left, or fled. How bold she was, or how deep
were her needs! I shuddered. How many times I had awakened from sleep, moving
against the coarse, narrow cords which had held me down, above and below my
breasts and crossed between (pg. 10) them, leaving their cruel marks on my
body! How many times had I awakened, seeming still to feel the tight bite of
cruel shackles on my wrists and ankles. How many times had I, bound at their
mercy, looked up at them? How many times had I recoiled from the blows of their
whips, only to crawl then to their feet, piteous and contrite, begging to
please them? I was a females. Not looking in the mirror I
drew off
the nightgown and held it clenched in my hand. I then crouched down and put it
gently on the rug, beside the bit of silk. I hesitated. Then I picked up the
bit of silk and, standing, not looking in the mirror, I drew it on. It was on
me! I closed my eyes. I felt on my skin its silken presence, almost nothing,
little more than a whisper or a mockery. I drew it at the hem down more against
my body, perhaps defensively, that I might feel it on me the more, that I might
assure myself, I told myself, the more of its presence, that I was truly
garmented, but this, too, of course, merely confirmed upon me not uncertainly
the insidious disturbing subtlety of its slightness, the so undeniable, so
insistent, scandalous feel of its slightness, its shameful, mocking silken
caress, and, too, as I drew it down, it clung more closely about me, it seemed
that it would then, almost as though scornfully, imperiously, in amusement,
given its nature, respond to my efforts at modesty only by producing a further
and yet greater revelation and betrayal of my beauty. I stood there, the
garment on. I turned then to the mirror, and opened my eyes. Suddenly I gasped
and was giddy. For a moment it seemed blackness swam about me, and I fought for
breath. My knees almost buckled. I struggled to retain consciousness. I looked
in the mirror. Never had I seen myself thusly. I was terrified. In the mirror
there was a different woman than the world knew of me, one they had never seen,
one they had never suspected. What was that thing she wore? What sort of
garment could that be, so delicious and brief, so excruciatingly and
uncompromisingly feminine? Surely no real woman, hostile, unloving, demanding,
shrill and frustrated, zealous in her conformance to stereotypes, attempting
desperately to find satisfaction in such things, would wear such a garment. It
was too female, too feminine. How could she be identical to a male in such a
garment? It would show her simply that she was not. How could she keep her
dignity and respect in such a garment? It would show her simply that she was
beautifully, and utterly different from a man. It was the sort of garment a man
might throw to a woman to wear, amused to see her in it. What sort of woman, of
her own free will, would put on such a garment? Surely no real woman. It was
too feminine. Surely (pg. 11) only a terrible woman, a low woman, a shameful,
wicked, worthless woman, a reproach to her entire sex, one with depths and
needs antedating her century, one with needs, not indexed to political
orthodoxies, one with needs older and deeper, and more real and profound, more
ancient and marvelous than those dictated to her by intellectual aberrations
antithetical to biology, truth, history and time. I put my hand before my
mouth, frightened. I stood there, regarding myself, then, shamed, and humbled
and thrilled. I knew then it was I in the mirror, and none other. Perhaps what
I saw was not a real woman in some invented, artificial, contemptible,
grotesque modern sense, but I thought she was a woman nonetheless and one in
some even suddenly significant force, that that there were two sexes, and that
they were quite different. I regarded myself in the mirror, and trembled,
wondering what this might mean, fully. I feared to consider the matter. What
did it mean, that we were not the same as men, that we were so different? Was
this really totally meaningless, a unique accident in the history of a world, a
random paragraph written in the oceans, in the records of steaming swamps, in
the journals of primeval forests, in the annals of the grasslands and deserts,
of vacillating glaciers and damp, flowering valleys, of the basins of broad
rivers and of the treks of nomads, wagons and armies, or were there biological
proprieties, destinies and natures to be fulfilled? I did not know. But I knew
how I felt. I lowered my hand and turned, slowly, before the mirror. I
considered myself, and was, truly, not displeased. I was not a man, and did not
want to be one. I was a female. I choked back a sob. I wondered what it might
that men, until we had managed to turn them against themselves, until we had
managed to tie and cripple them, were so much stronger, so much more powerful,
than we. There was no nether closure, by intent, in the tiny garment I had
fashioned. It was open at the (pg. 12) bottom. This had seemed to me necessary,
somehow, when I had made it. That had seemed to me interesting at the time, but
I thought that now I might more fully understand its meaning. It was the
garment, particularly in its brevity, of a woman who, whether she willed it or
not, was to be kept open to the touch of a man. It was, in its way, a
convenience for the male, indeed, even an invitation to his predation; too,
similarly, it was, to her, her vulnerability, and nature, reminding her of what
she was, and her meaning. I wondered if anywhere there might be true men, men
capable of answering the scream of need in a woman, capable of taking us in
hand and treating us, and handling us, as what we were, females. Alas, I did
not think so. Before the mirror I sobbed. Then I thought that somewhere,
surely, there must be such men! Surely somewhere in nature there must be an
accounting for them, as there was an accounting for the dances of bees and the
fragrances of flowers, for the fleetness of the antelope and the teeth of the
tiger, for the migrations of fish and birds, for the swarming of insects, for
the turning of turtles to the sea. Somehow there must be a reason for the way I
felt, something beyond all denials, denunciations and rationalizations. Such
needs bespoke something deep within me, but I dared not consider what it might
be. I was lonely and miserable! I wondered if somewhere in nature there might
lie not only an explanation for these needs, so seemingly mysterious and
inexplicable, given my environment, my education, my training, my conditioning,
so different from them, but also some dark complenient in them, some response
to them, or answer to them. Did they not belong in some organic whole, in some
natural relationship, selected for throughout time and history? The bee’s
dances betokened the direction and distance of nectar; the fragrance of the
flower, seemingly such a meaningless thing of beauty, called forth, luring the
bee to its pollen, the swiftness of the antelope paid tribute to the ferocity
and agility of the carnivore, the fangs of the carnivore to the elusiveness of
his quarry; at the ends of migrations lay the spawning waters and nesting
grounds of species; swarmings brought sexes into proximity; and meaning was
given to the trek of the turtle, as it led at last to the sea. I considered
what might be the answer, the response, in nature, to the needs I felt, if
there was one, what might be the nature of the startling organic whole, if it
existed, the natural relationship, if (pg. 13) there should be such, in which
they figured. I wondered what might possibly be the complement in nature to
these overwhelming, undeniable, persistent things within me, which had so
distressed and troubled me, which now so obsessed me, which caused me such
anguish, these irresistible calls and cries within me, the agonizing needs I
felt, and I shuddered. I looked in the mirror. How brazen she was to see
herself in such a garment! I wondered how she might look, so clad, or perhaps
in less, to a man. Suddenly she seemed small, and beautiful, and so vulnerable,
and inutterably desirable. I sensed then what might be the nature of the
complement in nature to my needs, what might be their flower, their sea, their
carnivore, and I stood there terrified, sensing the imperiousness of that
complement, its power, its uncompromising ferocity, what it might be to be its
object, and knowing that if it existed it would have its way and be absolutely served.
pleased I was, then, that surely no such complement could exist, that I was
safe. I had nothing to fear.
continued to look at the girl in the mirror. She was exquisite, I thought. She
is beautiful, I thought, standing there in the brief silk, in the candlelight,
so softly revealed. I had not realized she was so beautiful. I had never seen
her before, it seemed, thusly, I had not guessed how marvelous she might be.
Yes, it is fortunate that men such as those in my dreams do not exist. I thought,
for what then, beauty, would be your fate at their hands? I considered what I
might look like, with a chain on my neck. Such men, I thought, would take few
chances of losing you, Doreen. Doubtless you would be kept in superb custody,
if even the least sort of escape were remotely conceivable. I wonder if you
would learn quickly to serve them well, according to their tiniest caprices.
Yes, I thought, I would learn quickly and well. It would not be pleasant to
feel their whips. I wept then, again, wondering if perhaps I had not been born
elsewhere, perhaps time and time again, in other times, if I had not lived in
Egypt or Sumer, or Chaldea, in rocky Hellas, or verdant Sybaris or bustling
Miletus, if I had not been kept in the great palace in Persepolis, if I might
not have seen Alexander, kneeling to him as a Persian slave, if I might not, a
barbarian girl, have entered Rome in chains, herded before the chariot of a
general, gracing with others his triumph, if I might not, as a Moslem girl,
have served Crusaders in some remote fortress, or, as a Christian slave, found
myself shamelessly exhibited and sold in an Arab market, thence to be taught to
dance for masters.
Then I
put such thoughts from my head. I did not think the (pg. 14) explanation for my
needs, the mysterious things within me, which were so different from what I had
been taught, could be so complex, or simple, as racial memories, or the
memories of individuals whom I might have been in other places and times. They
were rather, I suspected, though I could not know, a simple heritage of my sex,
but there was this to be said, had I lived in another place or time I might
perhaps have found female fulfillments which, categorically, it seemed, were to
be denied to me in my present world, the neuteristic, anonymous world, so
inimical to individuality and love, in which I found myself a prisoner of time
and circumstance.
I looked
into the mirror, and smiled. To be sure, I thought, perhaps you were once an
Irish girl tied between the benches of a Viking ship, bound for Iceland, or a
pale, prim English lady carried to Barbary, in 1802, who will be taught to
feel, and serve dark masters in helpless ecstasy, but perhaps, too, you were
not. That was she, and not really you. But who are you? Is there a ship somewhere
that will come for you? Are the chains forged that will bind your limbs? Is
there an iron, somewhere, waiting to be heated, which will mark your body? Is
there a collar, somewhere, unknown to you, that you will someday know well,
because it had been locked on your neck? I wonder. You are beautiful. I do not
think men would be patient with you. They would want superb service, with no
hesitation or compromise. You are that beautiful. Be pleased that men do not
exist such as in your dreams, Doreen, for in their power, and in their arms,
you would be raped, humiliated and unspeakable degraded. You do not know,
responding helplessly to them, what they might make you, what you might become,
I laughed, scornfully. What you might become? How pretentious you are! Do you
think I do not know you, who you are, and what you are? Perhaps what you are is
hidden from all the world, but it is not hidden from me! I know you, and what
you are! Speak honestly or be beaten! What you might become, indeed! What you
might become, I retorted, you already know in your heart, and know it fully
well, you petty, lovely hypocrite, you already are!
The girl
in the mirror looked startled, and then pouting, and angry.
it not true?" I challenged her.
she sobbed. "It is true!"
you not rather burdensomely garbed?" I asked.
She drew
off the tiny bit of silk. I watched her in the mirror. "You may
dance," I told her.
(pg. 15)
She looked at me, defiantly.
want to dance," I told her. "Dance."
I then,
startled, saw her, myself, in the mirror. "Who are you?’ I asked,
"Who taught you to move like that? Where did you come from? Can you be
truly Doreen? You are not Doreen as I have seen her before. Are you I? Are we
the same? Surely that cannot be I! No one showed you such a dance! Has there
been such a dance lurking in you all this time? Can we be the same? Surely that
cannot be! Surely I must stop! You are the Doreen I must conceal, the Doreen
whom I must, whatever be the cost or anguish, never permit to be seen, or even
suspected! You are the Doreen I must deny. You are the Doreen I must hide! Yet
you are my true self. I know that! It is my true self then that I must deny,
and hide!"
I watched
bitch!" I chided her. "You brazen bitch! You meaningless, brazen
little bitch!"
watched. How shameless, how meaningless, how terrible, how worthless she was,
that girl in the mirror, that writhing, astounding, uncontrollably sensuous
little bitch!
continued to dance.
I saw
that she was worthless indeed, worth less than the dirt beneath the feet of
gods, but that, too, in her way, she possessed incredible riches and power, in
her beauty and femaleness, and in her dance. In the sense in which a free
person was priceless, she was worthless, but, too, in her way, I could see that
she would have value, value as a pair of boots might have value or a dog. She
was the sort of person who would have a finite, measurable value. She was the
sort of woman on whom a fair price could be put.
I collapsed
to the rug, naked. I felt its coarse nap on my thigh and side. I clutched my
arms about myself. I drew my legs up. I was terrified. I wept. I could not
understand what I had done, and seen. The girl in the mirror was now gone. We
were now one. I trembled.
I lay
there for better than an hour, I think, in the flickering shadows, naked, on
the rug. I listened to the sounds from outside, mostly those of traffic.
Eventually the tiny candle burned out.
The book
is her," I said, "on the bottom shelf."
it," he said.
again, of course, had I dared to don the tiny silken garment. I would have been
too terrified to have done so. It brought out things too deep and marvelous,
too shameful and terrible, too precious and beautiful in me. But it remained
with my things, in the dresser. Nonetheless my life had changed, somehow, in
perspective or understanding, if not greatly in overt deed or obvious fact,
that night when I had seem myself as I was, or might be, in the mirror, when I
had come to incontrovertibly learn my true nature, a nature which must be
forever denied, thwarted and frustrated, a nature that had no place in my
I had asked, looking up from behind the reference desk. My heart had almost
stopped beating. He was large, and supple. His hands and arms, long arms,
seemed powerful. He was dressed in a dark business suit, with a tie. There
seemed, however, something subtly awry with this vesture. He did not seem at
ease somehow in this garment. There seemed something alien about him, something
foreign. What startled me most about him at first, I think, was his eyes, and
how they looked at me. I was not certain I could fathom such a look, but it had
terrified me. It was almost, I had inexplicably felt, as though his eyes could
see through my clothing. Perhaps, I thought, such a man has looked on many
women, and would have difficulty in conjecturing the general nature of my most
intimate lineaments. In that instant I had felt, in effect, naked before him.
and then he had lifted his head and was glancing about the room, as thought he
might understand my apprehension at being beneath a (pg. 17) gaze such as him.
"Yes?" I repeated, as pleasantly as I could, catching my breath. He
looked back at me, swiftly, fiercely. He was not interested in my pretenses, my
games. I quickly lowered my head, unable, somehow, to meet that gaze. It is
difficult to explain this, but if you meet such a man, you will know it. Before
such a man a female can suddenly feel herself nothing. Then I sensed him
turning again to one side. Mercifully I knew he had freed me of his gaze. I
lifted my eyes a little, but not so much as to risk, should he turn,
encountering his.
you Harper’s Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities?" he
course," I said, in relief. Suddenly our relationship became explicable
and modular. "Its number is in the card catalog," I said.
I sensed
him looking at me.
can fine the number for it in the card catalog," I told him.
He did
not move toward the card catalog.
you recognize it?" I asked.
He was
silent. I sensed he might be becoming angry. Did he think I was going to wait
on him?
you can recognize it," I said, "I can tell you where it is. It is
down that aisle, and on the left, toward the end, on the bottom shelf."
me," he said.
busy," I said.
you are not," he said. To be sure, he was right. I was not really busy.
Perhaps he had determined that before he had come to the desk. I had a
distinct, uneasy sense, then, that he might be remembering, and keeping an
account in some way, of my petty delays.
I rose
from behind the desk. He stood back. I would precede him. That was appropriate,
of course, as it was I who knew where the book was. To be sure, it made me
uneasy to walk before him. No one, or hardly anyone, as far as I knew,
incidentally, ever used that book or showed any interest in it. We learn of it,
of course, in library science. It is a standard reference work in its area. I
knew where it was, from shelf reading. Too, of course, I knew the general range
of numbers within which it fell. Indeed, I had had to memorize such things for
examinations. I preceded the fellow to the aisle, and down it. It seemed,
somehow, now, that the shelves were close on both sides. The space between them
seemed somehow narrower, and more wall-like, than usual. The library is well
lit. I was very conscious of him (pg. 18) behind me. I did not think he was a
classics scholar. "Perhaps you want to look up something for a crossword
puzzle." I said, lightly. Then I was afraid, again, doubtless foolishly,
that he might be keeping an account of such things as my remark. Perhaps it had
not pleased him. But what did it matter whether he was pleased or not?
are wearing a skirt," he said.
stopped, frightened. I turned and looked at him, briefly. He was a quite large
man anyway, but here, in this enclosed space, the shelves on each side, he
seemed gigantic. I felt tiny before him. His bulk, somehow seemingly ungainly
in that suit and tie, seemed to fill the space between the shelves. "Is
the book here?" he asked. "No," I said. But I felt suddenly, and
the thought frightened me, that he knew where the book was, that he knew very
well where the book was. I then turned and continued down the aisle. In a
moment I had reached its vicinity. I could see it there now, on the bottom
there," I said, "on the bottom shelf, that large book. You can see
the title."
you a female intellectual?" he asked.
I said, hastily.
you are a librarian," he said.
am only a simple librarian," I said.
have probably read a great deal," he said.
have read a little," I said, uncertainly, uneasily.
you are the sort of woman who has read more than she has lived," he said.
book is on the bottom shelf," I said.
soon perhaps," he said, "books will be behind you."
is down there," I said, "on the shelf, on the bottom."
you a modern woman?" he asked.
course," I said. I did not know what else to say. In one sense, of course,
I supposed this was terribly false.
he said. "I can see that it is true. You are tight, and prissy."
I made as
though to leave, but his eyes held me where I was, immobile. It was almost as
though I was held in place, standing there, before him, by a fixed collar,
mounted on a horizontal rod, extending from a wall.
you one of the modern women who are intent upon destroying me?" he asked.
regarded him, startled.
you guilty of such crimes?" he asked.
do not know what you are talking about," I said, frightened.
(pg. 19)
He smiled. "Are you familiar with the book on the bottom shelf?" he
really," I said. It was a standard reference source, but in a limited
area. I had never used it.
are several such books," he said, "but it is surely one of the
am sure it is a valuable, excellent reference work," I said.
tells of a world, very different from that in which you live," he said,
"a world very much simpler, and more basic, a world more fundamental, and
less hypocritical, and far fresher and cleaner, in its way, and more alive and
wild than yours."
mine?" I said. His voice, now that he spoke at length, seemed to have some
trace of an accent. But I could not begin to place it.
is a world in which men and women stood closer to the fires of life," he
said. "It was a world of tides and gods, of spears and Caesars, of games,
and wreathes of laurel, of the clash, detectable for miles, of phalanxes, of
the marchings of legions, in measured stride, of the long roads and the
fortified camps, of the coming and going of the oared ships, of the pourings of
offerings, wine and salt, and oil, into the sea."
I said
in such a world women such as you were bought and sold as slaves," he
world is gone," I said.
is another, not unlike it, which exists," he said.
is absurd," I said.
have seen it," he said.
book is here," I said, "on the bottom shelf." I was trembling. I
was terribly, frightened.
it," he said.
I lowered
myself to my knees. I drew out the book. I looked up at him. I was on my knees
before him.
it," he said.
I did so.
Within it was a sheet of folded paper.
I opened
the sheet of folded paper. On it was writing.
it," he said.
am a slave," I read. Then I looked up. He had left. I leaned over, on my
knees, bending far over, clutching the paper. I was giddy and faint. Then I
looked up once more after him. The aisle was empty. I wondered if he would come
back for me. Then I felt suddenly frightened, and ill, and hurried to the
ladies’ room.
(pg. 20)
I put the bells about my ankle.
It was
dark now in the library, and it was past ten thirty. We had closed more than an
hour ago.
incident in the reference section, that in connection with Harper’s Dictionary
of Classical Literature and Antiquities, that in which I had been so
frightened, had occurred more than three months ago. In that incident it seemed
that I had found myself at the feet of a man. To be sure, it was merely that I
was kneeling to draw forth a book. I was a librarian. I was only being helpful,
surely. Too, it had seemed that I had, before him, aloud, confessed that I was
a slave. But that was an absurd interpretation, surely, of what had occurred. I
was only reading the paper I had found in the book. That was all. I had taken
the paper home. The next day, after a troubled, restless night, and after hours
of anxiety, misery and hesitation, I had suddenly, feverishly, burned it. Thus
I had hoped to put it from me, but I knew the thing had happened, that the
words had been said, and had had their meaning, that which they had had at the
time, and not necessarily that which I might now fervently desire to ascribe to
them, and to such a man. That the paper might be burned could not undo what was
now transcribed in the reality of the world. The incident, as you might well
imagine, had much disturbed me. For days it dominated my consciousness,
obsessing me. Then, later, mercifully, when I gradually began to understand how
foolish my fears were, I was able to return my attention to the important
routines of my life, my duties in the library, my reading, my shopping, and so
on. Once in a while, of course, the terrors and alarms of that incident, suddenly,
unexpectedly, would rise up, flooding back upon me, but on the whole, I had, it
seemed, forgotten about it. I rationally dismissed it, which was the healthy
thing to do. The whole thing had been silly. Sometime I wondered if it had even
happened. I would recall sometimes the eyes of the man. The thing that had
perhaps most impressed me about him, aside from his size, his seeming vigor
(pg. 21) and formidableness, was his eyes. They had not seemed like the eyes of
the men I knew. In them there had seemed an incredible intelligence, a
savagery, an uncompromising ferocity. In those eyes, in that fierce gaze, I had
been unable to detect reservations, inhibitions, hesitancies or guilt. He
seemed to be the sort of man, and the only one of this sort I had ever met, who
would do much what he pleased, and take what he wanted. He seemed to carry with
him the right of power and lions. I had no doubt that he was totally my
superior. There had been, however, I think, one explicit consequence, or
residue, of that incident. I think it served, somehow, in some way, to trigger
a resolve on my part to do something which for me, if not for other women,
required great courage. It brought me to my lessons. For months before, I had
toyed with the idea, or the fancy, or fantasy, the idea first having emerged
after I had seen myself in the mirror on that incredible night in my room, of
taking lessons in dance. I had almost died on the phone, making inquiries about
these things, and more than once, suddenly blushing crimson, or, from the feel
of it, I suppose so, had hung up the phone without identifying myself. I was
not interested, of course, in such forms of dance as ballet or tap. I was
interested in a form of dancing which was more basic, more fundamental, more
female. The form of dance I was interested in, of course, and this doubtless
accounted for my timidity, my hesitation and fear, was ethnic dance, or, if you
prefer, to speak perhaps more straightforwardly, "belly dancing."
Happily it was always women who answered the phone. I do not think I could have
dared to speak to a man of this sort of thing. Like most modern women I was
concerned to conceal my sexual needs. To reveal them would have been just too
excruciatingly embarrassing. What woman would dare to reveal to a man that she
wants to move, would dare to move, before those of his sex in so beautiful and
exciting a manner, in a way that will drive them mad with the wanting of her,
in a way that shows them that she, too, has powerful sexual
and in her dance, as she presents and displays herself, striving to please
them, that she wants them satisfied? Surely no virtuous woman. Surely only a
despicable, sensuous slut, the helpless prisoner of her undignified and
unworthy passions. In the end I called up the first woman, again, on whom I
had, some days ago, hung up. "Have you done belly dancing before?"
she asked. "Not really," I said. "You are a beginner?" she
asked. "Yes," I said. I had not really thought much about it before,
but (pg. 22) it seemed there must then be various levels of this form of dance.
I found that intriguing. "I understand it is good exercise," I said.
"Yes," she said. "New classes begin Monday, in the afternoon and
evening. Are you interested?" "Yes," I said. I had said,
"Yes." That affirmation I think, did me a great deal of good. I had
publicly admitted my interest in this sort of thing. Somehow that made things
seem much simpler, much easier. If I had lost status in this admission, it had
now been lost, and it was now no longer to be worried about. But the woman did
not seem surprised, or offended or scandalized. "What is your name?’ she
asked. I gave her my name. I was committed. I had taken these lessons now for
almost three months, and in more than one course of instruction. I kept my new
form of exercise, or my new hobby, if you like, secret from those at the
library, and those I knew. It would not do at all for them to know that I was
studying ethnic dance. Let them think of me merely as Doreen, their co-worker
or friend, the quiet reference librarian. It was not necessary for them to know
that sometimes, when we utilized costumes, other than our leotards and scarves,
that that quiet Doreen, barefoot, in anklets and bracelets, with whirling
necklaces, with her midriff bared, sometimes with her thighs stripped, swirled
in fringed halter and shimmering skirt, with tantalizing veils, to barbaric
music. I think I was the best in my classes. My teacher, she also with whom I
had spoken on the phone, proved to be an incredibly lovely woman. She seemed incredibly
pleased with my progress. Often she would give me extra instruction. I was her
star pupil. Often, too, she would call to my attention offers or engagements,
at parties and clubs, and such. It was natural that she would e contacted with
regard to such matters. I always refused to go, of course. "But you would
be beautiful, and marvelous," she would encourage me. "No," I
would laugh. "No! No! I would be terrible!" One or another of the
other girls, then, would be contacted, and they would go. Several, I thought,
were wonderful. Women are so beautiful, thusly. Never would I, however, have
had the courage to dance publicly. Too, suppose someone had seem me, like that.
To be sure my dance, whatever might have been its motivations, conscious or
subconscious, did have various lovely accompanying effects. I found myself
slimmer and trimmer than before, and more vital than before. Too, I think the
dance served some purpose within me, thought I am not sure what it was. Perhaps
it helped me get more in touch with my womanhood. To be sure, sometimes it made
me sad, as if in some way it seemed incomplete, as though it were only part of
a whole, a lovely part of a whole that was (pg. 22) not fully available to me.
"It would help, of course," my teacher said to me, "if you would
perform. It is meant to be seen. You do not know what it is truly like until
you have performed." "I would be afraid to perform," I said.
"Why?" she asked. I put down my head, not wanting to speak.
"Because there are men there?" she asked. I looked up.
"Yes," I said. "Do you think these dances are for women?"
she said. "That is their purpose." "Please," I protested.
"And there would not be one man here, one real man," she said,
"who, seeing you half naked in your jewelry and veils, would not want to
put a chain on you, and own you." I looked at her, startled. "I see
that such thoughts are not new to you," she smiled. "I thought
not." How could she have known that I had had such thoughts? Could it be
that she,
too, had
them, as she was a woman? I will recount one further anecdote from my lessons.
It occurred yesterday evening. We were in class. We were dancing, twenty of us,
in leotards, and shawls or scarves, to the music on the tape recorder. Then
suddenly she said to us, scornfully. "What is wrong? You are dancing
tonight like free women. You must improve that. You must dance like
slaves," I said.
she said. "Keep dancing, all of you!" In a moment, she said,
"That’s better. That’s much better." She walked about, among us. Then
she was before me. I was in the front row. "Keep dancing, Doreen,"
she said, warningly. I was then, for the moment, afraid of her. I kept dancing.
"Imagine now," she said to me, "what it would be to do that
before a man, Doreen. Suppose, now, there is a man present. He is a strong man.
You are before him. Dance! Ah! Good! Good!" I gather I must have danced
well. "Good," she said. "Very good. That is very good. Now you
are dancing like a slave."
am not a slave," I protested.
are all slaves," she said, and walked away.
I smiled,
hooking the scarlet halter before my belly and then turning it and putting my
arms through the straps, pulling it up, adjusting it snugly into place. I am,
like most women, amply, but medium-breasted. I ran my thumbs about the interior
of my belt, adjusting the drape of the skirt. I have a narrow waist with, I
think, sweetly wide hips. My legs were short but shapely, excellent I think for
a dancer, or at least a dancer of the sort I was, an ethnic dancer. I put on
armlets, bracelets and, opposite the bells on my left ankle, a goldenlike
anklet on my right ankle. I put my necklaces about my neck, the five of them.
With such (pg. 24) an abundance of splendor I thought might strong men bedeck
their women. I examined myself in the mirror in the ladies’ room at the
library. How amusing, and absurd, I thought that my teacher had said that we
were slaves. I was ready.
I turned
off the light in the ladies’ room and emerged into the hall-like way between
the interior wall, that enclosing the washrooms and part of the children’s
section, and the openings between the shelves on the western side of the
library. One of the doors to the children’s section was on the left. The
information desk was on the right. I sometimes worked there. I stood for a
moment in the hall-like way. It was dark in the library, quite dark. Then I
went right, making my way along the hall-like way toward the open, central
section of the library, where the information desk was, and there went left,
toward the reference section. On my right were the card catalogs and then,
later, the xerox machines. On one of the tables in the reference section I had
left my small tape recorder. With it were some tapes which I had purchased.
There were tapes of a sort suitable for ethnic dancing. I used them often for
my private practice. Also, from time to time, I sometimes told myself it was
because of the smallness of my apartment, I was in the habit of coming to the
library, after hours, of course, to dance. I would let myself in through the
staff entrance. This was on the lower level, near the parking lot. I enjoyed
dancing here. I do not think, really, that this was all simply a matter of
space. Perhaps it amused me to dance her, where I worked, I do not know.
Perhaps I enjoyed the contrast, known only to me, between quiet Doreen, the
librarian, and Doreen, the secret Doreen of my heart, the dancer, or far worse.
Too, there seemed something meaningful, something rich and almost symbolic,
perhaps even defiant, about dancing here, in this place where I worked, with
its whispers, its sedateness, its cerebral pretensions, to dance here, in this
place, as a woman. No, I do not think it was really all a matter of space. How
startled my co-workers would have been if they could have seen me, Doreen,
barefoot, half naked, belled and bangled, dancing, and such dancing, dancing
almost as though she might be a slave! And so it was here, in this private,
perfect place, that I presented, in effect, my secret performances,
performances which I had, of course, determined to keep wholly to myself,
performances which I would never permit anyone to see, here where no one would
ever know, where no one would even suspect, here where I was absolutely alone,
where I was perfectly secure and safe.
I moved,
warming up, preparing my muscles. I was intent, (pg. 25) and careful. A dancer,
of course, does not simply begin to dance. That can be dangerous. She warms up.
It is like an athlete warming up, I suppose. As I warmed up, I could hear the
jewelry on me, the tiny sounds of the skirt. Bells, too, marked these
movements. I was belled. These I had fastened, in three lines, they fastened on
a single thong, about my left ankle. Men, I sensed, somehow, would relish an
ornamented woman, perhaps even one who was shamefully belled.
I went to
the table where rested the small recorder. I was excited, as I always was,
somehow, before I danced. I picked up one tape, put it aside, and selected
another. It was to that that I should dance.
Men had
always, it seemed, at least since puberty, been more disturbing, and
interesting and attractive to me than they should have been to a modern woman,
or a real woman. They had always seemed far more important to me than they were
really supposed to be. They were only men, I had been taught. But even so, they
were men, even if that were all they were. I could never bring myself to think
of them, really, as persons. To me they always seemed more meaningful, and
virile, than that, even the men I knew. To me, in spite of their cowardice and
weakness, they still seemed, in a way, men, or at least the promise of men.
Beyond this, after that night, long ago, in my bedroom, that night in which I
had admitted to myself my real nature, though I had denied it often enough
since, my interest in me had been considerably deepened. After my confession to
myself, kneeling before my vanity in the darkness of my room, they had suddenly
become a thousand times more real and frightening to me. And this interest in
them, and my sensitivity to them, and my awareness of them, had been deepened
further, I think, in my experience with dance. I do not think this was simply a
matter of a modest reduction in my weight and, connected with this, and the
exercise, a noticeable improvement in my figure, helping me to a more
felicitous and reassuring self-image, that of a female in clear, lovely
contrast to a male, or the dance’s prosaic improvement of such things as my
circulation, my body tone, and general health, though, to be sure, it is
difficult for a woman to be healthy, truly healthy, and not be interested in
men, but what was really important, rather, or especially important, I think,
was the nature of the dance itself, the kind of dance it was. In this form of
dance a woman becomes aware of the marvelous, profound complementaries of
sexuality, that she, clearly, is the female, beautiful and desirable, and that
they, watching her, being pleased, their eyes alit, strong and mighty, are
different (pg. 26) from her, that they are men, and that, in the order of
nature, she, the female of their species, belongs to them. It is thus
impossible for her, in this form of dance, not to become alertly, deeply,
keenly aware of the opposite sex.
Do we
truly belong to me, I asked myself. No, I laughed. No, of course not! How silly
that is!
inserted the tape in the recorder.
My finger
hesitated over the button. But perhaps it is true, really, I thought. I
shrugged. It seemed that men did not want us, or that men of the sort I knew
did not want us. If they did want us why did they not take us, and make us
theirs? I wondered, then, if there were
a different sort of men, somewhere, the sort of men who might want us, truly,
and take us, and make us theirs. Surely not. Men did not do what they wanted
with women, never. Surely not! Nowhere! Nowhere! But I knew, of course, that
men had, and commonly had, in thousands of places, for thousands of years,
treated us, or some women, at least, perhaps luckless, unfortunate ones,
exactly as they had pleased, holding them and keeping them, as no more than
dogs and chattels. How horrifying, I thought. But surely men such as that no
longer existed, and my recurrent
longing for them, a needful, desperate longing, as I sometimes admitted
to myself, must be no more than some pathetic, vestigial residue of a foregone
era. Perhaps it was an odd, anachronistic inherited trait, a genetic relic,
tragically perhaps, in my case, no longer congruent with its creature’s
environment. I wondered if I had been born out of my time. Surely a woman such as
I, I thought, might better have thrived in Thebes, or Rome, or Damascus. But I
was real, and was as I was, in this time. Did this not suggest then that
somewhere, somehow, there might be something answering to my yearnings, my
hungers and cries? How was it that I should cry out in the darkness, if, truly,
there were no one, anywhere, to hear? Be pleased there isn’t, little fool, I
snapped to myself. Of course there wasn’t. I reassured myself. How terrifying
it would be if there were. I decided I would now dance. I recalled that the man
in the aisle, he in the incident which had taken place some three months ago,
that in connection with Harper’s
Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities, had spoken of a world like one long past, a world in which, as he
had said, women such as myself were
bought and sold as slaves. I dismissed the thought immediately from my mind.
But I knew there was another reason I had come to the library to dance, one I
had seldom admitted to myself. It was here, in this place, over there to my
left, where I had found myself kneeling before a man, (pg. 27) where I had
found myself saying aloud, "I am a slave." I would now dance. I
decided, as a pleasant fancy, that I would pretend something naughty, as I
occasionally did, that I was truly a slave, on such a world, and that I was
dancing before masters. Oh, I would dance well! The masters, as I dreamed of
them, of course, and as they figured in my fancies, were not the men of Earth,
or, at least, not men like most of those of Earth. No, they would be different.
They would be quite different. They would be quite different. They would be
such as before whom a girl could quite properly, and, indeed, perhaps even in
fear of her life, realistically dance, and dance desperately, hoping to be found pleasing, or acceptable. They
would be true men. They would be her masters.
I pressed
the button on the tape recorder and there, in the darkness, in the library, my
bare feet feeling the coarse piling of the thin, stained carpet, to the soft
sounds of bells, those tied on my ankle, I danced. I danced for some time, lost
in my delights, and I danced, or tried to, as would have, as I had planned, a
mere slave, needful and fearful, before those who held over her the power of
life and death, before her masters.
I cried
out, suddenly, startled. I stopped, with a jangle of bells, and a swirl of
skirt. I shrank back, my hand flung before my mouth. "Who are you?" I
cried, to the figure standing in the shadows, some feet away, but I knew. I
backed away, my hand at my breast. I was suddenly conscious, terribly, of my
bare feet, of the bells on one ankle, the anklets on the other, of the
nakedness of my legs with the swirling, veil-like skirt, of the bareness of my
midriff, of my bared arms and shoulders, of the jewelry upon me. My breasts
heaved, as I struggled for breath, within the scarlet halter which confined
them. I put my hand out, as though to fend him away, backing yet further away.
"Who are you!" I cried.
you think to play games with me?" he inquired.
are you doing here!" I cried.
you not guess?" he asked.
have no business here," I said. "Go away!"
business brings me here," he said.
I looked
wildly about me, and was going to turn, and flee, when I cried out, again. To
my right there was another man. I spun about. Behind me, a few feet, and to my
left, there was another!
The man
who was to my right turned off the tape recorder.
I stood
there, in swirling skirt and bells. Then suddenly I fled between the man before
me and he on my right, running between the tables and toward the shelves. The
fellow on the right, I (pg. 28) think, came after me. I fled, with a jangle of
bells, down the stairs, to the lower level. I yanked wildly on the heavy door
there. I was terrified. I would run out into the night, even as I was. It did
not budge. The handle seemed warm. The bolt area, too, was warm. I gasped. It
was rippled. It had apparently been exposed to great heat, in a small area, and
it had melted there, and then hardened. The door would not open. In effect,
somehow it seemed welded shut. Hearing
the men, or one of them behind me, I then fled to the others stairs, and thence
upward again, to the main level of the library. I hurried toward the front
entrance. The fellow whom I had first seen was now standing there, before the
door. He looked at me. He slipped a small object into his pocket. That door,
too, I thought wildly, is now sealed! Thusly they could close a door.
Similarly, doubtless, with heat, they could as easily open one! There was a
technology here which frightened me. I turned and fled back, again, toward the
area where I had originally been surprised. The return desk was on my left, the
information desk ahead and to my right. I turned suddenly to the left and fled
down the hall-like way between the shelves and the washrooms. At the end of
this I saw another man. I think he who had originally followed me. I turned to
the left, to lock myself in the ladies’ room, but the door hung awry on one
hinge. I had not heard breakage. It must have done, again, with heat. The door
was useless! I could not hide there! I cried out in misery. But then, too, I
realized, suddenly, if I had hidden there I would have been trapped. They could
open that door, surely, as easily as they opened and closed others. Why then
had they set the door awry? With a sinking feeling I realized perhaps it had
amused them, that it must have been merely to inform me that there was no
place, really, to hide! Too, there seemed something symbolic in this. In my
culture men could not enter the ladies’ room. Its precincts were not permitted
to them. It was a place where women could go, and be safe. But now, it seemed,
that I had not even this symbolic security, this pathetic figment of a
convention, to protect me. There was no place to hide! There was no place to be
safe! These men, I feared, came from a place where perhaps no woman, or no
woman of certain sorts, was fully safe. They came, I feared, from a place where
they might follow a woman, or such a woman, anywhere, where they might pursue
her anywhere, where they might go after her anywhere. I fled back down the
hall-like way toward the information desk, stopping suddenly, with a jangle of
bells, near the end of the hall-like way. I looked wildly about. I was fearful
of precipitously flinging (pg. 29) myself into the arms of a man. I threw a
wild look over my shoulder. The fellow was approaching. I turned wildly right, toward
the main doors again. Perhaps the first man, he I had first seen, he whom I
knew, no longer blocked them! But he was still there! I cried out in misery and
darted across the open space, past the information desk and the office, past
the periodicals and into the reading area, toward the main-level porch,
overlooking the lake. That door, too, was sealed. I tried to pick up one of the
small armchairs, to smash through, and perhaps squeeze through, one of the
high, narrow windows, but it was too heavy for me, and the man was now close
behind me. Even if I could have lifted the chair he would have been upon me
before I could have reached the glass. I darted back again toward the main
section of the library. They were in no hurry, it seemed, to close in on me.
They were letting me run, letting me learn perhaps, learn as a female, what it
was to run. I fleetly crossed the open space of the central section of the
library and ran up to the iron, iron-and-wood-banistered stairs to the upper
level, where we keep
and fiction. My bare feet sounded strange to me, striking on the surface of the
stairs. I wondered if anyone had ever ascended them barefoot before, here, in
this place. I suspected not. The corrugated surface of the stairs, too, felt
strange on my feet. My soles stung at the top. Then I was again on carpeting. I
fled down the aisle. I heard a man coming up, behind me, slowly. I hid between
two of the shelves perpendicular to the main aisle. My ankle moved, slightly.
There was the tiny sound of bells. They would know where I was! Again I must
run! I leapt up, crying out, and fled again, irrationally, terrified, wildly,
miserably, weeping, my every step again betrayed by bells, this time about the
far end of the tiny side aisle between the shelves, away from the main aisle,
away from where I thought the man would be. Then I hid again, between two
shelves, and fumbled, feverishly in the darkness with the tie on my bells. I
could do nothing with it in the darkness. I had belled myself well, I thought bitterly.
I had belled myself as might have a slave, who knows that her bells must be on
her tightly, firstly for psychological reasons, that she knows herself belled,
and is conscious of all the erotic and humiliating richness of this, she, a
belled animal, and secondly and thirdly, of course, for mechanical reasons,
that they be responsive to her slightest movements, as in the slowest, subtlest
portions of her dance, and will not slip, or come loose, in the more rapid
portions of her dance, despite her swiftest gyrations. I wept. I could not free
the bells. Even as I tried they would make their tiny sounds. I tried to remain
absolutely still. I (pg. 30) held them with both hands, trying to keep my ankle
absolutely still. But I was breathing heavily. I could not help myself. Tears
ran down my cheeks. Surely my breathing, if nothing else, would betray me. Too,
in the tiny movements of my body, even in breathing, the bells would sometimes
make a tiny sound. I looked up. there, at the opening to my side aisle, in the
main aisle, tall in the darkness, looking down at me, loomed a man, one of the
three whom I had seen, he, I think, who had followed me about so quietly and
tenaciously, originally to the lower level, up again by the other stairs, down
the hall-like way, across the open space, toward the porch area, back again
across the open space, and now up the stairs. I leaped up and fled away from
him, utilizing the narrow space at the edge of the porchlike upper level,
between the safety bannister and the shelves, to the second stairs, on the east
side of the upper level, leading down to the main floor. No one was there. I
hurried down the stairs. I darted between tables, toward the first-floor
shelves on the east side of the building, where we keep most of our reference
materials. I heard him coming down the iron stairs behind me. I hurried into
one of the aisles, between the reference shelves. I crouched down there, at the
far end. I looked behind me. He had entered the aisle. With a cry of misery I
leapt up and fled about the end of the shelving area turning wildly with a
swirl of skirt and a jangle of bells into the adjacent aisle and was caught! He
had apparently been waiting in this place. His hands were on my upper arms. I
was held as helplessly as a child, I had literally, running, unable to stop,
stumbling, with a cry of misery, struck against him. I had flung myself, it
seemed, into his arms. He had thrust me back a bit, and now held me,
helplessly, by the upper arms, his hands like iron on my arms, but inches from
him. It was he whom I had encountered some three months ago in the library, he,
of course, of the incident in the aisle, this very aisle, even, and in this
very place in this aisle, that puzzling, frightening incident involving
Harper’s Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities. Minutes ago, in
terror, before running, I had recognized him. I had recognized him even before
he had spoken. I had known him unmistakably in my woman’s heart, even in the
darkness. I feared him terribly. Now I
was in
his grasp. He lifted me up a little, easily before him, so easily that I might
have been a child. I squirmed, helpless. Only my toes, their very tips, could
touch the carpet. He looked at me, peering into my eyes, his hands so tight on
my arms. I began to tremble, and could not look at him, and was terrified and
weak. He let me down, so that I might stand, but I could not do so. It was only
(pg. 31) his hands which kept me on my feet. The other man was now behind me.
He then released my arms and I, weak and frightened, unable to help myself,
sank to my knees before him.
up," he said.
I did so.
know where you are, of course," he said.
I said. I looked to my right. There, in the darkness, where I could reach out
and touch it, on the bottom shelf, in its place, was Harper’s Dictionary of
Classical Literature and Antiquities. Probably it had not been moved since it
had been replaces, months ago. I then looked up at him, again. I was in the
same place where, months before, I had, in a very different reality, found
myself on my knees before this man. Then, of course, I had been a helpful
librarian, obedient, dutifully, to the instructions of an imperious patron. It
had been a bright afternoon. I had been fully and modestly, clothed. I had worn
simple, quiet, unostentatious, dignified garments. I had worn a long-sleeved
blouse, a dark sweater, a plain skirt, dark stockings and low-heeled shoes.
Indeed, in the dress code of the library, it was posted in the employees’ room,
where our lockers lined one wall, such garments were prescribed for us. But
things were now much different. It was no longer a bright afternoon. It was now
late at night. Others were not about. We were now alone, absolutely and
frighteningly alone. I did not now kneel before him in a blouse, sweater and
skirt. I now knelt before him, semi-nude, in jewelry and silk.
you remember Harper’s Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities?"
he asked.
I said.
you remember the paper that was in the book?" he asked.
I said.
did it say?" he asked.
said," I said, "I am a slave."
the words," he said.
am a slave," I said.
He then
reached down and took me by one arm, the left arm, and drew me to my feet and
then pulled me beside him, down the aisle, toward the open part of the library,
the northern part of it, near the reference desk. When we were there, he
released me.
he said.
I then
knelt there on the carpet. Without really thinking I smoothed the veil-like
skirt about me, so that it was in an attractive, circular pattern.
(pg. 32)
He smiled.
I looked
The third
man was in this area, near one of the tables. On the table he had opened an
attaché case.
you see me dance?" I asked.
up," he said.
I did so.
he said.
I looked
down, miserable. It had been meant that no one would see me dance, especially
as I had danced this night!
you stopped, and before the end of your dance, and without permission," he
said. "Thus, you shall dance again."
I looked
up at him, again, startled.
he said, "this will be the first time you will dance knowingly before
could you know that I have never danced before men?" I asked.
you think you have not been under surveillance," he asked, "that we
do not know a great deal about you?"
cannot dance before men," I said.
will not!" I said.
to you feet," he said.
I rose to
my feet. The man near the table ran the tape back on the tape recorder.
will begin at the beginning," he said. "You will perform the entire
dance, from beginning to end, for us."
no," I said. I could not stand the thought, the terrifying thought, of
putting myself, in the beauty of the dance, before men such as these. I could
not even dream of letting such men see me dance. It was utterly unthinkable. I
had not even dared to show myself thusly to common men, to banal, safe,
inoffensive, trivial, conquered men, men of the sort with whom I associated,
men of the sort I knew. Who knew what they might think, how they might be
tempted to act, what they might be prompted to do?
The man
pushed the button on the tape recorder, and I danced.
The tape
played for eleven minutes and seventeen seconds, its playing time. The piece
was excellent, in its melodic lines, its moods, and shifts. It was one of my
favorites. But never before had I danced to it in terror. Never before had I
danced to it before men. Then it finished in a swirl and I spun and sank to my
knees before them, my head down, my hands on my thighs, in a common ending
position for such a dance. Never before, (pg. 33) however, I think, had I been
so suddenly and deeply struck with the meaning of this ending position, it
following the beauty of the dance, its presentation of the dancer in a posture
of submission.
were frightened," he said.
I said.
He drew
forth from his pocket a tiny, soft piece of cloth. He threw it to me, and I
picked it up.
you recognize it?" he asked.
I said, in fear. It was a tiny garment which I had made for myself long ago,
that which I had dared to wear only once, in the candlelit secrecy of my
off your clothes, and put it on," he said. "Leave the bells on your
ankles. They help us keep track of you."
I looked
at him, in protest.
may, of course, avail yourself of the privacy of your washroom," he said.
I then
walked between two men, the second and third man, to the ladies’ room, and
brushed aside the loose door. They waited outside, almost as though they might
have some respect for my privacy. I turned on the light. I removed the jewelry,
the ankles and necklaces, and such, I had worn. Then I reached behind my back
and unhooked the scarlet halter, and slipped it from me. I looked at my
breasts. In the tiny bit of scarlet silk they had given me to wear, their form,
and loveliness, if they were lovely, would be in little doubt. I then slipped
from the tights and skirt. I was naked, save for a leather thong on my left
ankle, and bells. I felt strange, standing there in the ladies’ room in the
library, naked. Then I drew the small bit of silk over my head. They had
obviously searched my room, perhaps ransacking it, and found it. They seemed to
know a great deal about me. Perhaps they had thought it their business to learn
about me. Perhaps there was little about me that they did not know. They knew
even about that bit of silk, now on my body, one of my most closely guarded
I then
turned off the light in the ladies’ room and, to the small sound of bells on my
ankle, returned to the central area.
there," said the man. I did. "Now, turn slowly before us," he
I obeyed.
he said.
I looked
at him.
he said.
I knelt.
your dance," he said, "you were frightened."
(pg. 34)
"Yes," I said.
he said, "it is clear that you are not without talent, indeed, perhaps
even considerable talent."
I was
it is also clear that you were holding back, that as a typical female of Earth,
you would cheat men, that you would not give them all that you had to give.
That sort of thing is now no longer permitted to you."
Earth?" I said.
look well in garments such as that you are wearing," he said. "They
are appropriate for them."
Again I
was silent. It was dark in the library, but not absolutely dark, of course. It
was mostly a matter of shadows, and lighter places, of darker and lighter
areas. Here where we were light came through the high, narrow windows to my
left, from the moon, and from a street lamp, about a hundred feet away. It was
near the western edge of the parking lot, by the sidewalk, fixed there, mainly,
I suppose, to illuminate the street running at the side of the library. The
front entrance is reached by a drive. It was spring. At that time I did not
realize the significance of the time. The building was warm.
you a ‘modern woman’?" he asked.
I said. Again I did not know what else to say. He had asked me that question
long ago, months ago, in the aisle, in our first encounter. I supposed it was
true, in some sense.
is easy enough to take that from a woman," he said.
I looked
at him, puzzled.
you a female intellectual?" he asked.
I said, as I had responded before, when he had asked the question long ago, in
our first encounter.
in your personal library, that in your quarters, there are such books as
Rosovtzeff’s History of the Ancient World and Mommsen’s History of Rome,"
he said. "Have you read them?"
I said.
are now both out of print," he said.
brought them in a secondhand bookstore," I said. He had spoken of my
"quarters," and not, say, of my "Rooms," or my
"apartment." To me that seemed odd. Too, as he spoke now, at greater
length, his accent, as it had once been before, was detectable. Still, however,
I could not place it. I was sure his native tongue was not English. I did not
know what his background might be. I had never encountered a man like him. I
had not known they existed.
such as you," he said, "use such books as cosmetics (pg. 35) and ornaments,
as mere intellectual adornments. They mean no more to you than your lipstick
and eye shadow, than the baubles in your jewelry boxes. I despise women such as
regarded him, frightened. I did not understand his hostility. He seemed to bear
me some hatred, or some kind of woman he though I was, some hatred. I was
afraid he did not wish to understand me. He seemed unwilling to recognize that
there might be some delicacy and authenticity in my interest in these things,
for their own value and beauty. To be sure, perhaps a bit of my motivation in
their acquisition had been from vanity, but, yet, I was sure that there had
been something genuine there, too. There must have been!
you lean anything from the books?" he asked.
think so," I said.
you learn the worlds of which they speak?" he asked.
little about them," I said.
it will do you some good," he mused.
do not understand," I said.
such books," he said, "are now behind you."
do not understand," I said.
will no longer need them where you are going," he said.
do not understand," I said.
things will no longer be a part of your life," he said. "Your life is
not going to be quite different."
do not understand," I said, frightened. "What are you talking
are doubtless the sort of female who has intellectual pretensions," he
I was
you think you are intelligent?" he asked.
I said.
are not," he said.
I was
you do, doubtless, have some form of intelligence," he said, "in your
small, nasty way."
I looked
up at him, angrily.
you will need every bit of it, I assure you," he said, "just to stay
I looked
at him, frightened.
slut," he said.
squirmed under his epithet. I was conscious of the light silk on my body. The
bells on my ankle, jangled.
he said, regarding me, "you are a modern woman, (pg. 36) one with
intellectual pretensions. I see it now, certainly, one of those modern women
who desire to destroy men."
don’t know what you’re talking about," I said.
there are ways of treating, and handling, women such as you," he said,
"ways of rendering them not only absolutely harmless, but, better still,
exquisitely useful and delicious."
don’t know what you’re talking about!" I protested.
not lie to me," he snarled.
I put
down my head, miserable. The bells on my ankle moved.
garment is an interesting one," he said. "It well reveals you."
I looked
up at him, frightened.
be sure," he said, "it is a bit more ample than is necessary, not as
snug as it might be, not cut as high at the thighs as it might be, not cut as
deeply at the neck as it might be, and, surely, as I determined earlier, it is
insufficiently diaphanous."
I looked
up at him.
it off," he said.
Numbly I
pulled the tiny garment over my head and put it beside me on the carpet.
may be a long time," he said, "before you are again permitted a
trembled, naked.
The third
man went to the table, that on which rested the attaché case. He removed an
object from the case. I gasped in terror. He handed it to the man in front of
me. It was a whip. It had a single, stout, coiled lash.
do you think your name was?" he asked.
I said. "Doreen Williamson!" That had seemed a strange way to inquire
my name, surely. Too, they knew so much about me. They must have known my name.
What did he mean then, "What did I think my name was?"
Doreen," he said, "do you still remember Harper’s Dictionary of
Classical Literature and Antiquities?"
I said. The way he had said my name somehow alarmed me. It was almost as though
that name might not be mine, really. It was almost as though he had simply,
perhaps, primarily as a convenience for himself, decided to call me that, if
only for the time.
it," he said.
I looked
at the whip. I leap to my feet, in a jangle of bells, and hurried to the place
where the book was. In a moment I had (pg. 37) it and had returned, and,
holding the book, knelt again before him.
it," he said.
I did so.
it down," he said, "to the side."
I did so.
He then
held the whip before me. "Kiss the whip," he said.
I did so.
my feet," he said. I put my head down, frightened, the palms of my hands
on the carpet, and kissed his feet. I then straightened up, and knelt back on
my heels.
your hands, palms down, on your thighs," he said.
I obeyed.
you do have some intelligence," he said. "Now put your knees
no!" I said.
I was wrong," he mused.
Swiftly I
put my knees apart.
you will survive," he mused.
He then
nodded to the fellow on his left. To my horror the fellow went again to the
attaché case and this time brought out coils of chain. I could not see well in
the half darkness what it was. Then he was behind me. To my horror I felt a
metal collar locked about my neck. It was a very sturdy metal collar. It had,
apparently, an attachment, or ring, of some sort, I supposed, in the back, and
to this attachment, or ring, the long chain was attached. The fellow behind me
must have held it mostly coiled in his hand. The collar encircled my neck
closely. I touched it, frightened. I put my finger inside the rim of the
implacable encirclement. There was only a half inch or so between its metal and
my throat. I felt its weight on the attachment, or ring. I was leashed. I wore
a chain leash. I was terrified. Perhaps no one can conjecture my feelings,
truly, who has not been, too, the helpless prisoner of such a device.
he said.
I said.
you a virgin?" he asked.
see," I said. "I am to be raped."
he said.
question is personal," I said. Then I felt the metal chain at the back of
the collar jerk upward, savagely. The collar cut at the back of my neck, and
was tight under my chin. I held my head as far down against the collar as I
could, in spite of the (pg. 38) additional tightening this effected under my
chin, that I might relieve the pressure of its lower rim against my throat.
This also forced me to lower my head, submissively. I was half choked. I was
unable to speak. I was terrified. I no longer knelt on my heels. I had not been
jerked up, off them. Then the collar was suddenly, angrily, turned on my
throat, relieving the pressure on my carotid artery, and jerked downward. My
head and neck followed it. The long chain was then thrown back between my legs
and I felt my ankles crossed and a proximate part of the chain wrapped about
them. I was thus held, bent over, my head low, my neck in the collar, kneeling.
I strained to look up, lifting my eyes. To my terror I saw the man before me
uncoil the whip. "I am a virgin," I whispered. "I am a
virgin!" He made a sign and the
chain was unwrapped from my ankles and the collar turned again on my neck. I
was then jerked backward, half choked, but with the pressure substantially high
on my neck, under the chin, doubtless by intent, and then lay before them on
the low-piled coarse carpet, so muchly trodden by our library patrons.
your legs," he said.
I did so,
In spite
of my terror, I felt incredibly alive doing this, obeying him.
crouched near me. He put the whip on the rug.
are a virgin?" he asked.
I said.
you lying?" he asked.
I said.
you are lying," he said, "you will be whipped."
I looked
at him, from my back. I could not begin to understand a man who was so strong.
How absurd it seemed! Did he not know that women could do anything with
impunity, that no matter what we did, even if it were to bring about the
destruction of a man’s manhood and the ruination of his life, we were never
punished? And yet this man seemed ready to punish me for so little as a lie, or
perhaps for something as insignificant as simply not being fully pleasing to
him! What sort of man was this? It was almost as though he were not a man of
Earth! How had he managed to escape his weakening? Has he, somehow, not been
suitably trained and conditioned? How different he seemed from a man of Earth!
Was he one of the rare men of Earth, I wondered, who had seen through the
debilitating and demeaning hoaxes of his society, who had cast forth from him,
like poisons (pg. 39) from his body, the unnatural and pathological
conditioning programs to which he had been subjected?
you understand?" he asked.
I said.
wonder if you really do," he said.
My lip
might perhaps think of lying now to a man," he said, "but I assure
you, my dear, the time will come when you would be terrified to even think of
lying to a man."
I was
still," he said.
I tensed.
will only take a moment," he said. "I will be extremely gentle."
I pulled
back a bit.
But he
was gently, extremely gentle.
she a virgin?" asked one of the men standing nearby, the third man, he
near the table on which rested the attaché case.
said the man beside me.
I blushed,
fellow near the attaché case then turned to it, and seemed to sort through some
objects within it. Then he found one and placed it on the table. I do not know
if I could have told what it was, in the shadows, had I been standing. Lying as
I was, of course, I probably could not, from my position, have seen what it was
even had the room been as light as it had been long ago, some three months ago,
on that bright afternoon when I had for the first time to my knowledge found
myself under the eyes of my current captor. Whatever it was, it did not seem
large. It made a metal sound when placed on the table.
you going to rape me now?" I whispered.
he said.
I asked.
he said.
not?" I asked.
are a virgin," he said.
don’t understand," I said.
if you are not going to rape me," I said, "what is this about?"
on your knees," he said, standing up.
I rose
again to my knees, with a small sound of bells, the chain leash on my neck.
He seemed
a bit angry. The other two men, too, he near the (pg. 40) attaché case, and he
who held my leash, his fist now close to the back of my neck, seemed somewhat
angry. I gather they had not been particularly pleased to learn that I was a
virgin. Had it not been for that I gathered they would have seem to it that I
pleased them muchly.
I am not to be raped," I said, "I do not understand what is going on.
What is this all about?"
no fear," said the man, "eventually, in your new life, you will be
well and frequently raped. Indeed, your life, in effect, will be one of
new life?" I said. "I do not understand what is going on."
is stupid," said the man behind me, he controlling my leash, allowing me
so little tether on it.
said the man before me. "She has her tiny spark of intelligence, nasty,
petty and small though it might be, which, hopefully, may perhaps facilitate
her survival. It is just that these things, now, are beyond her ken."
do not understand," I said.
you not guess, cuddly beauty?" he asked.
I said.
long ago," he said, "when we first met, and we spoke of an ancient,
beautiful world?"
I said.
world in which women such as you," he said, "were bought and sold as
I said, uneasily.
you remember saying that that world was gone," he said.
I said.
perhaps, too," he said, "you may remember me remarking that there was
another, not unlike it, which exists."
I said.
said that that was absurd, as I recall," he said.
I said. "And it is absurd!"
I felt
the man’s hand tighten a little in the chain. This made me more conscious of
the collar on my neck.
you recall what I said then?" he asked.
I said. I shuddered.
he asked.
you had seen it," I said.
is true," he said.
are mad!" I said.
you, too, will see it, my dear," he said.
(pg. 41)
"That is absurd!" I said. "You are mad! You are mad!"
reached down and picked up the whip.
must learn deference to males," he said, "absolute deference to
I shrank
back. But he was coiling the whip. Then with a butt clip and a blade clip, he
put it on his belt. I almost fainted.
is no such place!" I said.
was born there," he said, "as were my fellows."
is no such place on Earth!" I said.
is true," he said.
are you saying?" I gasped. "Who are you?"
am Teibar," he said. "My colleagues are Hercon, to your right, and
Taurog, behind you, who holds your chain."
do not understand such names," I said. They did not even sound like the
names of men of Earth!
suppose they are unfamiliar to you," he said. "They are not found
here, or at least, I suppose, not frequently."
I asked.
he said, "on Earth."
don’t understand," I said.
speak of a world which is not Earth," he said.
world?" I asked.
he said.
planet?" I asked.
he said.
you are human, surely," I said, "some sort of human, though perhaps
of a different sort from those to whom I am accustomed."
fear that I am an alien?" he asked.
I whispered.
one sense it is true that I, from your point of view, am an alien," he
said, "the sense in which I have come from a different world. In another
senses, however, I am not an alien, as I am identically a member of your own
I looked
at him.
ancestors came from Earth," he said, "rather as yours came from
Europe. Have no fear. I am every bit as human as you."
see," I said.
that is why I am so dangerous to you," he said, "because I am a
member of your own species, because I understand you, because I know how you
think, because I am familiar with your nasty little mine and emotions, your
slyness, your (pg. 42) pettinesses, your selfishness, your stupid little
tricks, everything about you, and what you are."
this world of which you speak," I whispered, "supposing it exists, it
is like, in some ways, the other world, the vanished world, of which we
he said.
it like it in one way in particular," I asked.
is like it in many ways," he said, seemingly amused. "Do you have
anything particular in mind?"
is a world—" I asked.
he said.
it a world in which women such as I," I asked, "are bought and sold
as slaves?"
he said.
are you going to do with me?" I asked.
you not guess?" he asked.
I leaped
upward but, cruelly, instantly, with an expert turn and throw of the leash, I
was thrown twisting, gasping and choking, to my belly on the rug. I was
startled with how excellently, how easily, how smoothly, and with such little
thought this had apparently been done. I had been utterly helpless, like
something of no account in Taurog’s control. I felt his heel on my back. it
pressed me cruelly down on the rug. The collar was on my abraded neck. Some
links of its chain lay beside my throat. I lifted my head as I could.
fellow before me made a sign and Taurog removed his heel from my back. I could
still feel its print there. I was frightened. I could feel the rough, flattened
coarseness of the carpet beneath me. I noted the difference between the feel of
it, from lying upon it on my back, before, and as I did now, on my stomach. It
had seemed plain, hard and scratchy to my back, a suitable surface, I supposed,
on which a girl’s virginity might be tested, but as I lay on my stomach, to my
softness, to my breasts and belly, to my thighs, it seemed oddly different. I
was now much more conscious of it, the irregularities of its surface, the tiny,
abrupt roughnesses, where a shoe might have moved the pile. I had walked upon
that carpet thousands of times. Never before, however, had I lain on it, on my
stomach, naked.
said my captor.
struggled to my knees. My body was still sensitive to the feel of the rug.
Taurog had not been gentle with me. I could still feel the print of his heel on
my back. I gathered that I was not the sort of thing to which gentleness need
be shown.
(pg. 43)
I looked at my captor.
might interest you to know that you have been on our list for some time,"
he said.
I said.
he said, "lists, actually. You have been on our scouting list for a year,
on our consideration list for six months, and on our active list for some three
am not a slave!" I cried.
the man approached me and I shrank back. Then he took me by the upper arms and
pulled me up, from my knees, before him, until I was half standing. "On
the contrary," he said, "my hateful little charmer, you are. I assure
you of it. There is not the least doubt about the matter. We know our work. To
a practiced eye, a discerning eye, one which is trained to look for, and
recognize, such things, you are obviously a slave. The suitable condition for a
woman such as you is perfectly clear, deny it and squirm though you
no," I whimpered, turning my head away from him.
you think I cannot recognize slaves?" he asked. "It is my
I moaned.
He shook
me, and my head snapped back, and I cried out with misery.
at me," he said.
I did so,
like many others," he said, "can recognize slaves, and, have no fear,
I have recognized you as one."
I whimpered, not wanting to look at him.
at me," he said.
Again I
looked at him, terrified.
is in your eyes," he said.
I wept.
months ago," he said, "when I looked into your eyes, when you sat in
those silly garments, behind that foolish desk, I saw that you, beneath all
that cotton and wool, were a naked slave."
I wept.
I look into them now," he said, "and see that it is true."
no, no!" I wept, turning my head away. I dared not meet those fierce eyes
which so frightened me, which seemed somehow to look through me, burning
through me like fire, bringing unwelcome, frightening torches to my secret
darkness, (pg. 44) penetrating to my deepest and most closely guarded secrets,
to what lay in the most secret belly and heart of me.
I have you dance again, before men?" he asked.
I said. "No!"
not fear," he said, "you will dance again before them, and dance as
you have never dreamed a woman could dance before men!"
I wept. "No, no!"
released me, and I subsided weakly to my knees before him. It seems that one
could do little but kneel before such a man. Then, angrily, he thrust silk in
my mouth, my own, that which he had made me take off earlier. I was silenced.
all fours," he said.
I went to
all fours before him. A loop of the chain leash hung down by my neck, to the
right, a foot or so, and then lopped up to its attachment. I could feel its
weight. It turned the collar a little to the right.
The men
then spoke for a few moments among themselves. I could not understand the
language. It seemed expressive, and highly inflected.
leader turned to me. I saw him remove the whip from his belt. I put my head
down. I bit into the silk, holding it in my mouth. I knew I could not remove it
without their permission. He had put it in there. I saw the blade of the whip
shake free. I began to tremble. I whimpered, the silk in my mouth. I whimpered
that I not be beaten.
understand the whip, don’t you slut?" he asked.
whimpered, plaintively, pleadingly.
is one of the few things a little animal like you clearly understands," he
at her," said Teibar, my captor, to his man, Taurog, he holding my leash,
"she has never felt it, but she senses what it might be like to feel it,
what it could do to her."
said Taurog.
then," said Teibar, "I suppose that all females understand the whip,
or if they are stupid, and do not, they may be brought swiftly enough to its
proper understanding."
said Taurog.
I then
felt the blade of the whip move lightly upon my back. I shuddered. I wanted to
scream, but I could only whimper, plaintively. The whip, it seemed to me,
strangely enough, somehow, was not a stranger to me. I seemed to know it. I
wondered, wildly, if I had felt it in former lives. Something about it seemed
(pg. 45) almost a terrifying memory. Could I be remembering it, I wondered,
from a sunlit shelf in Memphis, from a patio in Athens, from a post in Rome or
a ring, cords on my wrists, in a women’s quarters in Bokara, Basra, Samarkand
or Bagdad? Had I felt it before, somewhere, or in many places, and never, even
through a succession of lives, forgotten it? No, I told myself, that would be
quite unlikely. On the other hand, I had little doubt that many women in the
past, in such places, and in thousands of others, had had their behavior
corrected with perfection by just such instruments and their kin, such as the
switch, the strap, the bastinado. There was something in me, however, which
seemed to know the whip, and terribly feared it. I suppose that this might have
been an effect only of the startling alarms of my imagination, they informing
me with some vividness as to what it might be to feel its stroke, but I
suspect, really, that there was more involved. I suspect that there was a
kinship of sorts between myself and the whip, that we were perhaps, in some
sense, made for one another, that even if I never felt it I recognized it as
having something authoritative, and intimate and important, to do with me, and
what, in my heart, I secretly was.
I felt
the lash brushing my back, twice more. It seemed to do so thoughtfully,
meditatively. I whimpered, biting on the wet silk. Tears fell from my eyes to
the carpet. I whimpered, tiny, begging sounds, pleading for mercy. It did not
matter to him. I was sure, that I was a modern woman in the Twentieth Century.
I might as well have been, as far as he cared, only a curvaceous, beautiful
barbarian servant in Epidaurus, or, in the keeping of Crusaders, or in the
tents of Mongols, a Persian dancing girl. He was literally considering beating
me. What we all had in common was that we were women. Similarly I had not the
least doubt that if he wished to beat me, he would do so. He was fully capable,
I sensed, of doing whatever he might wish to me, and with perfection.
little slut," he said, removing the whip and replacing it on his belt,
"it will be better later."
I shook
with relief. I sobbed with relief. I was not to be beaten! I was not to be
beaten! Then suddenly I shuddered. I wondered what he might possibly have
meant, "that it would be better later."
I looked
up at him.
delicious, meaningless, sly, viscous, hateful thing," he snarled.
I could
not understand his animosity, his seeming hatred of me.
(pg. 46)
"Take her out of my sight," he said to Taurog, "lest I be
tempted to kill her."
little slut," said Taurog. He moved beside me, and then ahead of me, and I
felt the pressure of the interior of the collar at the back of my neck, on the
left, and the tug of the chain. The collar had now, in response to his
movements, shifted on my neck. It was apparently not a ring where the chain was
attached but, it now seemed, some sort of fixed-position, heavy, welded-in
metal staple. This device, to which the chain was attached, where it now
exerted its force, was now under my jaw, to my right. I followed Taurog now, on
all fours, the silk stuffed in my mouth. He pulled me back behind the xerox
machines, where the sight of me would not offend Teibar. There, with his foot,
first against my arms and hands, then against my knees and thighs, brushing
them outward, toward the extremities in both cases, he let me know his will
with respect to my limbs. I went first to my elbows, and then to my belly. I do
not think Taurog spoke much English. He had, however, conveyed his intent to
me. I realized, lying there on the cool surface, it is a composition surface in
that area, on my belly, naked, among the machines, that it is not always
necessary to understand a man’s language to obey him, or for him to command
you. I heard Teibar speaking to Hercon, and then Hercon left for somewhere, as
I later found out to gather up my things from the ladies’ room. Teibar himself
whim I thought of as my personal, and most meaningful, captor, stayed in the
vicinity of the table, that on which the attaché case rested. I thought I heard
him moving some things about there.
In a
short while Hercon returned to the vicinity of the table. A moment later,
Teibar said something, apparently to Taurog.
jerked the chain upward, twice, gently. It was little more than a sound of links,
and only the slightest pressures, twice, on the attachment. It was a signal to
made a sound of approval as I rose immediately to all fours. He then led me
back tot he table on which the attaché case rested, where Teibar, whom I feared
mostly, my chief captor, waited.
I saw a
pile of my things there on the carpet, the dancer’s costume, my purse, my
clothes, those I had worn to the library, and such, near the table. That had
been I supposed a result of Hercon’s brief absence. He was now back. Taurog
said something to Teibar.
said Teibar, looking down at me, "is pleased with (pg. 47) you. He thinks
you may have an instinctive understanding of chain signals."
I could
not speak, the wet silk in my mouth. I could only look up at him.
is possible," he said, "You are a woman."
I looked
up at him, angrily.
He then
removed a small object from his pocket. I think I had seen it before, near the
front doors of the library, when I had seen him there, and had fled back, away
from him. He pointed it at the pile of clothing, and diverse articles. A line
of light, causing me to pull back, crying out, half blinded, burned forth from
the object. When I could see, I saw that the rug was gone there, and that,
about, there were only ashes.
is this other thing," said Hercon, lifting the tape recorder. Doubtless
the tapes were near it.
it, and its musics," said Teibar. "Let those who come upon it ponder
its meaning."
replaced the recorder on its table.
I was
trembling. I had seen what had become of the clothing, and such, on the floor.
I was not familiar with the technology these men had at their disposal. It
seemed, however, powerful, and sophisticated. Oddly enough, it did not seem
congenial to the type of world of which he had spoken. Could it be that on that
world such devices were not permitted? I saw the small object pointed at me. I
shook my head, wildly, whimpering, biting on the silk, tears in my eyes. I knew
its burning line, that intense beam or blade, could divide me, fluids hissing,
boiling, in an instant. "You understand what we could do, if we wished,
don’t you?" he asked. I nodded vigorously, affirmatively, tears in my
eyes. Then he returned it to his pocket. I collapsed to the rug, unable to bear
my own weight.
her on the table," he said.
reached down and picked me up, lightly, and put me on my back, on the table,
near the attaché case. The men pushed chairs back, so that they might stand
about the table.
I looked
up at Teibar, terrified. He drew the silk from my mouth.
I wept.
you given permission to speak?" he asked.
I whispered.
I do not wish to hear you speak," he said. He was opening, and then
smoothing out, and folding the bit of wet silk I had had thrust in my mouth. It
was then in a soft, damp, (pg. 48) layered, folded form some six or seven
inches square. He put it beside me, beside my left hip.
I speak?" I asked. I then realized that no gag was needed to silence me.
It could be done to me as simply and effectively by the will, or mere whim, of
men such as there. By such men I could be silenced by a mere word, or a gesture
or glance.
her bells," he said to Hercon. "Anklet her. The virgin anklet."
I said.
well," he said.
is this all about?" I begged. "What are you going to do with me,
I felt
Hercon’s strong fingers working the thong on my left ankle. I heard the rustle
of bells.
are you?" I demanded.
he said.
I moved
my head in frustration. The collar, so close, and heavy, and confining, was on
my neck. I heard the movement of the chain, behind me, where it dangled over
the edge of the table.
what are you?’ I begged.
he said, "as are you, in your petty, nasty way."
do you hate me?" I asked.
of what you are, and what you would do to men," he said.
I asked.
them," he said.
am not going to destroy men," I said.
know," he said, "now."
don’t understand!" I wept.
Then I
felt the bells removed from my ankle. Hercon handed them to Teibar, who placed
them, on their thong, on the soft, damp silk beside me.
are you doing this?" I asked. "What are you, really!"
am a businessman," he said.
is your business?" I asked, plaintively.
am an exporter," he said.
I then
felt a sturdy metal anklet closed about my left ankle, where the bells had
been. It snapped shut. I had no doubt it locked. I gathered there might be
different sorts of such anklets. This one, I had gathered, was a "virgin
do you export?" I asked.
he said.
(pg. 49)
I reared up on the table, but, by the hair, with a rattle of the chain on my
collar, was pulled back onto it, on my back.
still," he said.
I saw
Hercon lift up, and shake out, a large, folded leather sack. It was heavy,
dark, long, and narrow. It had straps, and a lock, at one end.
have prepared the mask, and solution," he said to Hercon.
strained to see the sack. Hercon was now folding it three times, and placing it
on the table.
will be placed in that, head first, gagged, and bound, hand and foot,"
said Teibar, "but, even if you were not bound, it would be very difficult
for you, because of the tightness and narrowness of the sack, to do more than
wiggle a little."
I tried
to rise up but a conical, stiff, rubberized mask was thrust over my nose and
mouth, and, by means of it, I was pushed back on the table. Taurog held my
wrists, pinning me back on the table’s surface. Hercon held my ankles. I
struggled. My eyes must have been wild over the mask. Teibar poured some fluid
from a small bottle into an opening, or through a porous mesh, at the apex of
the mask. He held it firmly over my nose and mouth.
steady, little slut," said Teibar, soothingly. "There is no use to
struggle. Your struggles will avail you not in the least."
I tried
to fight the mask but I could not. I was held. I was held, helplessly. My
strength, that of a woman, was nothing to theirs, that of men. I wondered what
might be the meaning of that, in a natural world.
deeply," said Teibar.
I tried
to move my head, but, because of the tightness of the mask, over my nose and
mouth, and how he held it on me, pressing it down upon me, I could not. I tried
to hold my breath. I felt a drop of liquid, and then a trickle of liquid, run
on the bridge of my nose, and then its way down my right cheek.
deeply," said Teibar, soothingly.
I fought
to hold my breath.
said something.
now," said Teibar, to me, "you are disappointing Hercon."
I looked
up at him, wildly.
deeply," he said. "You do not wish to disappoint Hercon. Taurog too,
was so proud of you. You would not wish to disappoint him, too, would you? Not
after you did so well, in the matter of the chain. The time will come, I assure
you, when (pg. 50) you will be extremely concerned that you not disappoint men
in any way, in the least."
I sudden
coughed, half choking, in the mask. I gasped in air, plaintively, eagerly,
desperately, in those tiny, hot confines. There was a closeness, an
oppressiveness within them.
said Teibar. "Now, breathe slowly, regularly, deeply."
I looked
up at him over the tight rubber rim of the mask.
you understand that resistance is useless," he said.
I sobbed.
My eyes were bright with tears. I breathed in, deeply.
said Teibar. "Good."
It seemed
there was a kind of heaviness inside the mask. It was not a strangling
sensation and then, with my first gasp for air, an obliteration of
consciousness, almost like a blow. This was quite different. It was patient,
slow and gentle. I breathed in and out, deeply, slowly, regularly, in misery.
Too, of course, it would be relentless and implacable.
said Teibar.
released my ankles. I sluggishly, groggily, moved my feet. I felt the anklet
with my right foot, and tried weakly to push it from my ankle, but, of course,
it was useless. It only hurt the side of my right foot a little, and the inside
of my left ankle. it was on me. I could not remove it. It was there, on me,
until someone else, not me, might want it off. I was "ankleted," whatever
that meant.
deeply," said Teibar. "Good. Good."
released my wrists. He put my hands at my sides. I could not lift them.
deeply," said Teibar, soothingly.
I felt a
key thrust into the lock on the collar I wore. It was then removed from me. I
was dimly conscious of Taurog coiling the chain and replacing it in the attaché
now, if you wish," said Teibar, "slut."
But I
could scarcely move. I could not raise my arms. I could not even bring my hands
to the mask, and had I been able to do so, I would have been too weak to push
it away. About the peripheries of my vision it seemed dark. It was hot under
the tight mask. I felt another drop of liquid within the mask.
are ours now, ‘modern woman,’" said Teibar.
But I
scarcely heard him, or understood him. I supposed, in some sense, I was a
"modern woman." I remembered, vaguely, that Teibar had said, earlier,
that that could be taken away from me. I did not doubt it. Then I lost
(pg. 51)
I screamed suddenly under it awakening under it startled not believing it not
expecting it the suddenness it was like lightning the cracking sound like the
sky breaking the snap like fire my body wrenching I pulling upwards the chain
on my neck I fell to my side I pulled at the chain then the snap again no no
please no so sharp so loud the fire the pain I screamed I was naked the chain
cut my neck "Kneel," he snarled, "head to the floor," I
sobbing obeyed.
said he, "the modern woman under the whip."
trembled, kneeling, my head down, the palms of my hands on the floor.
slut," said he, "your power is gone, all of it, that mistakenly given
to you by foolish men."
I moaned,
bent over, small before him, in a position of obeisance to his manhood, in
up," he said. "Kneel, kneel straightly. Put your hands on your
thighs. Head up. Split your knees. More widely, slut!"
I obeyed.
I was
then kneeling before him, straightly, my head up, my hands on my thighs, my
knees widely spread, the chain from my collar dangling down before me, between
my breasts, I could feel it on my body, and going back, between my knees, to a
ring. I was terrified. I thought I must be mad. My body was in pain. There
seemed something different here. The air was different, a thousand times, it
seemed, cleaner and fresher. I had never known such air existed to be breathed.
It made me feel somehow charged and alive. The whip seemed still, hot and
terrible, to burn on my body. And something else was different, too, something
subtle, something I supposed I might quickly become (pg. 52) accustomed to, but
that now frightened me, terribly, in its implications. Literally the world had
a different feel. Its gravity preposterously enough, seemed less than that with
which I was familiar. I dismissed this from my mind as some sort of confusion,
or illusion. But I knew that I was in pain, sharp, miserable pain, fiery,
burning pain, put on me by a man, and that that was real. Too, I knew I knelt
before a man. That, too, was real. I was an educated, civilized woman, a modern
woman, I supposed, in some sense, but I found myself kneeling before a man!
Too, this startling me, this strangely affecting me, it seemed that this was
somehow appropriate for me, that it was rightful for me, that it was where I
belonged. I felt incredibly alive, and rightful there. Too, he had whipped me
awake. What did that mean? What must be my nature here, then, I wondered, or my
condition or status, in this place, that I could be so awakened? Though I was
an educated, refined, civilized woman, a contemporary woman, a modern woman, I
supposed, in some sense, I had been awakened by a whip! I had felt the lash!
am I?" I begged.
my world," he said, simply.
do not lie to me," I begged.
he said. "Are you accusing a man of lying to you?" He shook out the
whip’s coil.
I said. "No!" I understood then that sexuality was important in this
place, wherever it was, and that we were not of the same sex.
I see," he said. "Of course. You are merely still simple, and naïve.
Yes, I suppose it would be hard for you to believe, particularly with your
banal, sly, limited, intelligence, my delicious, nasty, little animal." To
my relief he recoiled the whip.
world?" I said.
life is going to be different now," he said, "quite different,
dramatically different in a number of ways."
world?" I begged.
he said.
planet?" I asked.
he said.
do not seriously ask me to believe that, do you?" I asked.
I said.
you not detect a difference in the atmosphere?" he asked. "Is it so
difficult to detect? Too, can you not, really, at (pg. 55) least now, more
importantly, sense differences in the gravitational field?"
see that you can," he said.
am now truly on another planet?" I asked.
he said.
I felt
faint. For a moment everything seemed to go dark. I wavered. In my heart I knew
that what he was saying, incredible though it might seem, despite the startling
enormity of it, was true.
have many adjustments to make, my pretty little animal," he said.
I looked
at him.
there is no escape for you," he said, "from this world,. You are here
to stay. It is now your world, as well as mine. You are going to be here, and
live on its terms, and exactly so, my modern woman, my hateful little charmer,
for the rest of your life."
no!" I said.
your hands, clasped, behind the back of your head, and put your head
back," he said.
I did so.
back," he said.
I put my
head farther back.
I said. "Please!"
He walked
about me. "It is here that sluts such as you belong," he said.
shuddered, feeling the coils of the whip move on my stomach.
he said, coming around in front of me again, "I think you will do very
I said.
may resume your original position," he said.
I returned
then to my former position, with my hands on my thighs.
I knelt
before Teibar, who had captured me on Earth, making me his prisoner after hours
in the very library where I had worked. He was clad now in a tunic. I did not
understand this, but it seemed to fit in well with the plain room in which I
was confined. That garment, so simple, so physically freeing, so attractive, I
supposed, might be congenial to this world, as it had been to several of the
worlds of Earth. I suspected it was not untypical of this world. He had strong
arms, and strong legs. I was even uneasy looking at him in such a garment. I
knew that I had found him physically disturbing, and deeply and profoundly (pg.
54) so, even on Earth, and had felt helpless and weak before him, but now those
feelings, now that I saw him as he was on his own world, so splendid and
powerful, so uncompromising, so fierce, so vital, so masculine, masculine like
no man I had ever seen, or had known could exist, seemed multiplied a thousand
times. It was like a lion before me, a lion whose teeth could rend me, whose
paw, with a blow, could break my neck. And I was chained within his reach!
He was
regarding me.
I dared
not meet his eyes directly. I saw the whip in his hand. Men on this world, I
suspected, were not patient with women, or at least women such as I.
is to be done with me, on this world?" I asked.
are not wearing clothes," he said, as though he might be just noticing this.
I said.
are chained by the neck," he said.
I said.
think it must be obvious," he said.
shuddered. I wondered what it might be like, to be a female on a world like
this, or the sort of female I was, on a world like this, where, unlike Earth,
men had not been weakened.
are afraid, aren’t you, slut?" he asked.
I said.
he said. "That is as it should be. And you have every right to be afraid,
I assure you, even, indeed, far more afraid than you can even begin to
understand now."
I shuddered.
is amusing, " he said, "to consider how the nature of your life is
going to change."
many women brought here?" I asked.
your shipment," he said, "one hundred. You were the hundredth."
seems a great many," I whispered.
do not gather them all, of course," he said. "There are others
engaged in these enterprises, as well. The captures are brought together from
various places, one from here, one from there, this attracting little attention."
various countries?" I asked. "America, England, France, Germany,
Denmark, China, Japan?"
he said. "But your shipment was largely regional."
it difficult to ‘gather’ these girls?" I asked.
he said, "they are trapped more easily than the small animals you call
rabbits. Consider your own case."
(pg. 55)
"Do your people do this sort of thing regularly?" I asked.
have our schedules," he said.
there other groups engaged in this sort of thing?" I asked.
think so," he said, "But I know little about them."
was the hundredth?" I asked.
he said.
" I
was saved for last?" I asked.
he said.
was your doing?" I asked.
he said.
I asked.
have asked for a transfer to other duties," he said, musingly, regarding
me. "It is thus possible that you may be the last female I will bring her
from your world. To be sure, I will doubtless capture other women from time to
time, here on my world, women native to my world, and perhaps, from time to
time, Earth girls who have been brought here earlier."
you chose me for your last catch," I said.
he said.
I asked.
smiled, fingering the coils of the whip.
you could have taken others," I said.
he said.
you did not," I said.
he said.
I asked.
He did
not respond.
is something different or special about me, somehow, from your point of view,
isn’t there?" I said. I had sensed this from the first.
did wish to make my last catch a particularly delicious one," he said.
do not understand," I said.
not underestimate yourself, and your desirability as a female animal," he
am too short," I said. "I am too meaty. I am not tall, spare and
not be stupid," he said.
I attractive?" I asked.
he said. "You are superbly cuddly slut. Do you think I would get my pay if
I did not bring in first-class females?" I then realized that the tastes
of men here might run more to the natural female, sweet and cuddly, and
marvelous, (pg. 56) than the stereotypes of beauty on my own world. In a sense
I was moved with pleasure to learn this. In another sense I was terrified. Here
I then understood I might find myself desired, and sought, and hunted, perhaps
even as an animal, exquisitely delectable female quarry.
even so," I said, "perhaps you found something, or thought there was
something, different or special about me?"
find you personally," he said, "quite desirable, even excruciatingly
I shrank
back in the chain. How could he speak so openly of sexual matters? Too, I was
afraid, as a female, found of interest, before him.
yes," he said, "beyond such things you are special to me."
what way?" I asked.
your capture there is something symbolic," he said. "It is thus
fitting that you be what might be my last capture of a female of your
seem to hate me," I said.
he said,. "I do."
I asked.
are a modern woman," he said, "and, as such, you represent a
perversion of humanity, a pernicious and wanton perversion, one maliciously
deleterious to the centralities of human sexuality, both of the male and
female, and thus on literally inimical not only to the quality but, ultimately,
to the very future of the human species."
I looked
at him, startled.
are a modern woman," he said, "and would destroy men."
I said.
you will not, I assure you," he said, "destroy men here, Modern
Woman. Here, rather, you will serve them fully, and fearfully, and delectably,
and to the utmost of your abilities."
am not a modern woman," I said. "I have never, in my heart, been a
modern woman. In my heart I am a primitive woman, one who has been bred upon
from the time of caves, an ancient woman, a needful, loving woman! I was an
alien, and sorrowful, and lost, and miserable, in my world as you were!"
he cried. He snapped the whip in fury, and I shrank back, startled by its sound
and threat, before him. "You are so (pg. 57) clever, you lying slut!"
he hissed. "You are so quick, so cunning, so dangerous!"
I said.
I see through your tiny tricks!"
do you think I am a modern woman, in some sense you despise," I asked,
"because I can speak clearly, because I can think, because I have read a
book? Do you not think that true women, loving, needful women, can do these
things? Do you not think that what you can love, they, too, can love?"
demean such things," he said, "using them as baubles and
I wept.
those little adornments, those little vanity devices," he said, "will
make you more amusing, and interesting, in your collar."
collar?" I asked, aghast.
you not seen what is being done to men on your world?" he asked.
I was
you are not active in such matters," he said, "what have you done to
reverse them?"
I was
are thus, at the least, , an abettor, or accomplice, in such crimes," he
I said.
if only by tacit consent, you, too, are guilty of them," he said.
I protested.
do you think of the men of your world?" he asked.
despise them! They are weaklings!" I cried, suddenly. They deserve to have
us take their world from them, to be thrust aside with words and writs, to be
superseded by contrived legalities, to be relegated by statutes and slogans to
the peripheries of power, to become trammeled, and crippled, as they are
advised, as they are castrated, to become nothing, to be deprived of their
pride and strength, and thus even of the potentiality of their unused manhood,
to take our orders, to obey us!"
position, I take it," he said, "is motivated by your hatred, jealousy
and envy of men?"
do not think so," I said. "I do not want to be a man. I want to be a
woman. My anger, my frustration, is motivated, I think, not by their manhood,
and that I am not a man, as seems to be the case almost universally with the
women you despise, if (pg. 58) we can believe physicians in the matter, but
rather by their lack of manhood, which denies me as well as them, which keeps
me form being a full woman."
are a clever slut, in your small way," he said. "I never doubted it.
How cunningly you would turn things! But I am not deceived by your petty
tricks. You envy men, and not being one, would try to destroy them."
I said.
he said, "you are a modern woman, and would, like others, if you could,
destroy men. I find you, and others like you, guilty, and grievously guilty,
guilty of crimes against the very future of the human race on your world. Here
you will discover, however, that men, the men of my world, are not inclined to
find this sort of thing acceptable. You will learn here, I fear, that they do
not see fit to tolerate such intentions and attempts."
he said, "my young, lovely, charming pretentious slut, you are going to
learn what it is to be a woman, truly. Here, too, by my intent, I having
brought you here, it pleasing me, you will in a lifetime of beauty, degradation
and service pay for your crimes. Here, modern woman, your being a modern woman
will be taken from you. You will henceforth be another sort of woman."
I looked
up at him, frightened.
will revenge the men of Earth," he said.
I put
down my head, terrified. I supposed, in some senses, I had been a modern woman,
and that I was, in some sense, guilty of crimes. I had little doubt I would be
punished. Men would doubtless have their vengeances upon me.
I looked
up at my captor.
He had
brought me to his place, at least in part, it seemed, out of just such a sense
of fittingness, out of just such a sense of rightfulness and justice.
morning, Miss Williamson," he said.
morning," I whispered. As he had used my name I was not at all sure it was
really mine. It had sounded different, somehow. I suddenly feared that I might
have any name, almost like a dog.
incredibly attractive he was to me! How weak he made me feel!
I thought
that I was, as human beings went, quite intelligent, but before this man,
before such a man, I sensed that my intelligence was as nothing. I sensed, as I
had long before, in the (pg. 59) library, that he, in his power, intelligence
and maleness, was totally my superior, indeed, that I could at best be little
more than an animal at his feet.
still," he said. He crouched before me, the whip in his hand.
are you going to do?" I asked.
said he. I readjusted my position, improving it, kneeling, back on my heels, my
back straight, my hands on my thighs, my knees spread.
are you going to do?" I asked. My body could still feel, dimly, the hot
marks of the lash.
your head down," he said. "Farther back."
I was
then looking, in effect, at the beams and plaster of the ceiling.
is a test," he said.
I cried, suddenly, recoiling, jerking back, falling on my side, in a rattle of
chain. I was then at the end of the chain, away from him, it taut from the
ring, it holding my head forward. I could withdraw no further. I put my knees
together, tightly. I put my hands over them. I looked at him in horror.
he said. "It is as I thought."
I could
not believe what he had done.
are alive," he said, coiling the blade back against the staff. "I had
thought you would be. Your body, its curves, suggests a rich abundance of
female hormones. Such will put you, of course, more at the mercy of men."
The touch
had been totally unexpected.
I said. "Beast!"
The touch
had been gently, but it had been purposeful. Apparently it had told him what he
wanted to know.
I wept.
I had not
realized what he was going to do. I had not had an opportunity to prepare
myself for the touch, to perhaps steel myself into inertness. I was then
suddenly fearful. What is such men simply did not permit a woman to steel
herself into inertness, what if it were literally incumbent upon her to feel,
and irreservedly, perhaps even under the threat of discipline, of fierce
punishment, or worse, in all her hot, sweet, vulnerable openness? As it was,
taken unawares, I had been forced to show myself, and before this beast, this
lion of a man, responsive. I blushed red, hotly.
He stood
up. "Return here, and kneel," he said, "and as you were
before." He indicated the spot, gesturing with the whip, near the ring,
where I had knelt.
(pg. 60)
He shook out the blade of the whip.
hurried, crawling, to the spot, and knelt there, as I had before.
He looked
down at me.
me pay," I whispered.
he said.
am ready," I whispered.
am naked before you," I said. "I am on a chain. You have aroused me.
You have made me show myself responsive. You have taken all pride from me. You
despise me. You hate me. I gather that I am to be made to pay for my crimes,
that men here will make me pay for them, for being a modern woman. I am ready
to pay. Make me pay."
your back," he said. "Throw your legs apart." Tears in my eyes,
I obeyed.
modern woman," he smiled, "on her back."
I belong!" I said.
on your stomach," he smiled, "or kneeling, bent over, or in any one
of a thousand postures of submission and service."
shuddered, understanding the sorts of things that might be required of me, and
even routinely, on this world.
I closed
my eyes. I feared I might swoon at his least touch. I had never met anyone who
remotely compared with him. I had not even known such men could exist. To such
a man I knew that I, even with all my refinement, education and intelligence,
could never be more than a dog, a panting bitch, at his feet. He had ever
spoken of a "collar." What could he have meant?
I opened
my eyes.
you beg?" he asked.
you make me beg?" I cried.
he said.
well," I wept. "I beg!"
modern woman begs," he smiled.
beg," I said. "I am not longer a modern woman."
yes," he smiled, "you are still a modern woman, as of now. But, in
time, you will no longer be one. In time, that will be taken from you."
beg!" I said. "I beg!"
you have forgotten something," he said.
I asked, in misery.
are a virgin," he said.
I looked
at him, wildly, tears in my eyes.
as you were before, slut," he said.
(pg. 61)
"Beast!" I wept. "Beast!" But I crept to my knees, and
knelt before him, as I had been commanded. I was shaking. Tears fell from my eyes.
He had had no intention of having me. My virginity, somehow, seemed a factor in
this. I wondered what this, really, could have to do with anything. Had it not
been for that I think I would, even in the library, by such a man, have been
put to lengthy uses. Muchly I suspected would I have been forced to pleasure
him, and doubtless Taurog and Hercon, as well.
I wept.
am leaving," he said.
I looked
up, frightened.
was only that I wished to see you before I left, and how you might look, here,
a chain on your neck, hateful, charming slut, in a waiting room."
waiting room?" I asked.
he said. "They will be coming for you shortly. You will have a busy
morning. Others are already being processed."
I asked.
he said. He then turned away from me.
I cried.
He turned
about, again to regard me.
I thought
desperately. I wanted to keep him with me. "Are all women awakened
here," I asked, "by the whip?" My body was still sore from the
he said, "of course not. It was merely that I thought it might be
informative and salubrious for you to be awakened thusly, that you might then,
from the beginning, obtain an inkling as to what, for you, was to be the nature
of your new world."
regarded him, aghast.
no fear," he said. "Such things, if ever, is rarely done. As you may
well imagine, it tends to interfere with a woman’s sleep."
her beauty sleep?" I said, ironically.
a way, that is quite true," he said. "Good rest is important to her,
for her loveliness, her alertness and service. It is the same with other
domestic animals."
I looked
at him, angrily.
of your beatings will occur, at any rate, I assure you, when you are fully
I asked.
hazard of what is to be your condition," he said.
occupational hazard?" I inquired.
(pg. 62)
"The condition is not an occupation," he said. "An occupation is
not something you are, but something you do. Too, you might change an
occupation. Your condition, on the other hand, in the sense I have in mind, is
not what you do, but what you are. Similarly, you will be totally unable to
change your condition. You will be absolutely powerless to alter, influence or
change it in any way whatsoever. Once it is imposed upon you it will then be
something which you, quite simply, and categorically, are. To be sure, susceptibility
to the beatings of which I spoke, similarly to an occupational hazard, in its
way, is an inevitable concomitant of what will be your condition. The frequency
and nature of these beatings, of course, will probably depend much on you. If
you are not pleasing, you will doubtless be beaten, and well. If you are
pleasing, and perfectly so, you may or may not be beaten."
I looked
at him, trying to understand what was being said to me. I did know, of course,
I could be beaten. I had already felt the lash. I was not eager to feel it
is wrong?" he asked.
do not understand what you are saying," I said.
he asked.
I put my
hands on the chain that attached me by the neck to the ring in the floor.
"I do not understand what I am doing here," I said. "What is
going to be done with me?"
mean, immediately?" he asked.
I said.
going to be branded," he said, "and put in a collar."
regarded him with disbelief.
so, too, will the other girls," he said. "You will have your brands
and collars."
I could
not speak.
things are prescribed by merchant law," he said.
I whispered, frightened, "is then truly a world such as that of which you
spoke, a world in which women such as I are bought and sold as slaves?"
he said.
I released the chain and knelt as I had before, back straight, back on my
heels, my hands on my thighs, my knees spread.
he said.
that is the fate you have decided for me," I said, "that I be a
he said.
I was
(pg. 63)
"It will be amusing, from time to time, to think of you in exacting and
perfect bondage, where you belong, so right for you, striving desperately to
please masters, for fear of your very life, my delectable, hateful slut."
is why you did not take my virginity," I said, "because you had this
fate in store for me?"
he said.
virginity could affect my price?" I asked.
he said.
is if I were an animal," I said.
he said, "you will be an animal, in full legality."
captured me," I said, poutingly. "My virginity belongs to you. It is
yours, truly."
do not want it," he said.
I looked
at him, startled.
give it to whoever buys you, and welcome," he said.
I bit my
lip, to keep from crying out in anger.
my will I find you extremely attractive," he said, "even
infuriatingly so. Indeed, I must put you from my mind. Soon I will forget you.
Soon you will be only another number, another entry in my records. But it is
you I find attractive, and not some meaningless part of you. What is the
virginity of a hateful modern woman, a despicable slut like yourself, really
worth? Nothing. It is worthless. Oh, it might be amusing, as an act of
imperious arrogance, to take it from you, to rend it, to be the first to force
you apart, to be the first to open you for the uses of men, but it is even more
amusing to show you my disdain for the worthless bit of fragile, temporary
tissue by which you set such grand and unnatural store, and leave its fate to
the lotteries of markets, and to whoever makes the successful bid on you. Let
it go to him, whoever he is, who first buys you."
clenched my fists on my thighs. I sobbed. I wept.
is thus," he said, "I show my contempt for you."
I looked
up at him.
he said.
I sobbed.
it is not I, but others," he said, "who will put your charms to
not leave me," I begged.
But he
had gone.
I lay
down on the floor. I pulled my legs up. After a time I heard the voices of me
outside the door. I did not understand their language. They were coming for me.
(pg. 64)
"Eat!" said the man. My face was thrust down, into the trough, half
into the moist gruel. His hand was in my hair. I feared for a moment I might
suffocate. I pressed my face down into the gruel. I opened my mouth. With my
teeth and lips, and tongue, desperately scraping, scooping, pulling, licking,
biting, pushing down, moving my head, I tried to get as much into my mouth as I
could. My head was then pulled up, and held back, by the hair. I swallowed what
I had in my mouth. It was not easy to swallow it. I knelt before a wooden
feeding trough, with other girls. The man crouched beside me. My eyes were
closed. Gruel was upon my face and in my hair. he then threw my head forward
again, over the wooden rim of the trough, and pushed my face down again,
deeply, submerging it, to the ears, in the gruel. Again I struggled to get as
much as I could into my mouth. Then his hand left my hair and I lifted my head
from the moist substance. I blinked, gruel upon my face, its particles like
wet, unmelting snow on my eyelashes. He had gone further down the line. I
struggled to swallow what I had in my mouth. I pulled a little, weakly, at the
light, lovely manacles which confined my wrists behind my back. I looked at the
other girls, to my right. They, too, were similarly manacled. We were not yet
permitted to use our hands in feeding. I looked to my left, and made certain
that the man was not watching. I then bend down and tried to wipe my closed
eyes and face on the wooden edge of the trough. He was not treating everyone as he had treated me. I had received
special attentions in this matter. That had to do with something which had
happened earlier. I looked to the girl to my right, a blonde. She put her head
down, again, to the trough, her wrists linked behind her, like mine, in those
lovely feminine confinements, little more than two lock rings and a tiny span
of gleaming chain. We were all naked. It was easy to tell, however, which of us
were virgins, for the virgins, like myself, wore the "iron belt." Its
horizontal portion, like an iron oval, would close about my waist, and the vertical
portion, like a "U", hinged in (pg. 65) front to the horizontal
portion, flattened, shaped and slotted at its center, would swing up between my
legs and there it flattened, laterally slotted end, like a hasp, would be
placed over the staple on the left side, already over this staple, and secured
there, behind my back, with a heavy, dangling padlock. There was little danger
I would be penetrated while wearing this device. The girl to my right did not
wear it. She had already been "opened for the uses of men," as it is
said here. She was thus free, of course, for the uses of the guards, who did
not fail to avail themselves of their privileges. Once she had been dragged
forth from her kennel, down several from mine, to the right, and they, so eager
were they, such men, to have her, that they had not even seen fit to wait until
they had pulled her on her leash to their own quarters. I pretended not to
watch. But later, after they were finished, and had returned her to her own
kennel, and I was alone, I wept, so aroused I was. I did not know if she were
from Earth, and if so, from what part of it, or if she were of this world. We
are almost never permitted to speak during the feeding period. When she had
been used before my kennel she had been under "gag law," as is common
when the guards use a girl, forbidden speech, save for moans and whimpers. I
had understood many of the commands given to her, of course. I had begun to
learn this language. I looked at her. It was possible she was of this world.
Men here, I had learned, were every bit as ready, and as prompt, to put their
own females to their purposes as the females of Earth. Our origins made no
difference in these matters. What was important was what we had in common, our
sex, simply that we were females. To be sure, the girls here from this world
regarded themselves as immeasurably superior to us, those of Earth, and perhaps
the men did, too, in some sense, but, as far as I could tell,
that made
their chains no lighter, nor the blows they received any the less severe. Some
men, of course, many men even, seemed to find women of Earth of special
interest, and treated them with particular harshness. Teibar, who had captured
me, I think, was such a man. Others, however, seemed to prefer visiting these
abuses on the women of their own world. Others, which made sense to me, seemed
to think in terms of the individual woman. I think it would be true, however,
to say that generally, aside from people’s opinions as to the proper sort of
treatment for us, we did not have the same "standing" as the women of
this world. More often than they, for example, we would be put in earrings,
which here is regarded, (pg. 66) interestingly enough, as an almost consummate
degradation of a woman. similarly, another indication of our status here is
that, occasionally, one of our names, an Earth-girl name, would be bestowed on
a girl of this world, as a punishment, usually a temporary one, indicating that
she was now to be regarded as one of the lowest of the low. I had now been
branded, a small, graceful mark burned into my left thigh, high, under the hip.
It had a vertical bar, a rather strict one, with two curling, frondlike
extensions, rather near its base, as though in submission to it. It looked a
little like a "K." That was mine. There were variations on this
theme. Some of the other girls had similar brands, but, in one respect or
another, somewhat different. There were other sorts of brands, too, but the
"K-type" brand was the most common. Most of these brands, of whatever
sort, were on the left thigh, as mine was, near the hip. On my neck, also,
there was now a flat, narrow steel collar. It was close-fitting. I could not
remove it. It was locked there. It was not uncomfortable. I seldom even though
about it, but it was there.
I looked
to my left. The fellow who had thrust my face into the gruel was looking in my
direction. Quickly I put my face back into the trough, thrusting it into the
moist gruel. Feeding time was almost over. I did not care for the gruel much,
as it was tasteless and flat. I ate it, however, as it was incumbent upon me to
do so. Too, I was hungry, and it was undeniably nourishing. It, like other
aspects of our diet, the fruits and vegetables, and the cylindrical pellets we
were given, seemed intended to slim our bodies and bring us to a peak state of
health. The gruel was appropriate enough for us, I supposed. It was clearly a
form of animal feed.
I sneaked
a look to my left, and, frightened, saw that the man was coming in my
direction. Swiftly I thrust my face back into the trough and addressed myself
to the gruel. I sensed he would now be behind me. I ate quickly, and well. I
then heard the gone sound, which signified the end of the feeding period.
Immediately I withdrew my head from the trough and knelt back on my heels, my
back straight, looking straightly ahead. When the gone sounds the girl stops
eating immediately, and assumes this position. Obedience is to be
I heard
the man moving away. Yes, he had been behind me. I breathed more easily.
I was now
eating quite well. They did not have any more trouble with me on that score,
not now.
A week
ago I had, not because I wanted to starve, or die, as some of the Earth girls
in my group had proclaimed hysterically (pg. 67) in their own cases, and not
even because I was trying to be difficult, really, I had refused to eat. I had
done this, I think, as an experiment, as much as anything else. I had wondered
what they would do. Too, I think I was trying to find out the limitations
within which I was functioning, what I might be able to do, and might not be
able to do. I wanted to know the nature and extent, and the existence or
nonexistence, of the discipline to which I might be liable. I wanted to know
something about the boundaries of my world. I was trying to find out where the
fences were, the location of the walls. I found out. There had been seven of us
involved in this matter. Our leader was a short, plump blonde who had been a
political columnist for a small suburban newspaper on the northeast coast of
the United States. She had been a political-science major in college. We were
taken immediately in hand, all seven of us. Three of us, our leader and her two
chief cohorts, were immediately kenneled, publicly, in the feeding area. The
rest of us were tied on low "perches," also in the feeding area, at
one wall, platforms fitted with "T" beams, a ring in the back of the
"T" beam. Such things are often found in such houses, like rings and
posts, commonly being used for purposes of display and discipline. Our ankles
were put in leather shackles, behind the vertical post. Our arms were hooked
over the horizontal post and fastened in front of us with straps and leather
manacles, which buckled shut. Our heads were then pulled back and , by our hair
tied about the ring behind the post, held painfully in this position. Narrow
tubes were then brought, with plungers. These, to our dismay and discomfort,
and horror, were thrust down out throat to our stomach. These tubes were
inserted through heavy leather balls put in our mouths. We could not close our
mouths or bite on the tubes because of these obstructions. Food was then forced
into our stomachs. The tubes were then withdrawn. We could not rid ourselves of
the food, even had we wished to do so. Our hands were secured. We looked at one
another. Some of the girls had tears of helpless frustration in their eyes. If
the men chose not to permit it, they could not even starve themselves. In my
eyes, however, I think, was something less like helpless rage and defeat than
reassurance, wonder and respect. I was pleased to learn, terrible though it may
sound, how strong these men were, and how, with them, I was totally helpless.
None of us requested a second demonstration of their power. We went quickly
enough to the trough after that. The other three who had been kenneled were not
fed. Soon the two cohorts were begging to be fed. It seems that, truly, they
had no wish to die. Too, it was clear the men would simply (pg. 68) permit them
to do so, if they wished. After some two days the two cohorts, piteous and
pleading, were drawn forth and permitted, when it was the feeding period, and
not before, to feed. The leader, then, too, the blonde, begged to be fed. They
kept her in starvation three more days. Then they put her in a tiny cage, where
she could not exercise, and could scarcely move, and, heavily, abundantly,
every two hours, using the tube and ball, and the cruel plunger, using rich
foods and creams, which she could not taste because of the tube, forced-fed
here. Soon her corpulence became pathetic. She was then removed from our midst.
Some men, we were told, like such women. She was being readied for the
"Tahari trade," we were told. This seemed to amuse the girls from
this world who were amongst us. The Earth girls, like myself, however, did not
understand the allusion.
The gong
sounded again and we rose up, and turned toward the door.
When I
came to the door a whip was lowered in front of me. In that moment the line
paused. Swiftly I moved to the side, and knelt, my back straight, my knees
wide. The line continued on its way. I had been removed from it by the whip.
The padlock behind the small of my back made a tiny sound as, dangling, it
moved against the "U"-shaped bar, fastened up, between my legs. I adjusted
my position, carefully. I knelt before a man. The whip was held toward me, and
I kissed it, deferentially, and then drew back my head.
lessons have proceeded well, Doreen," he said.
That was
now my name, "Doreen," only that, simply "Doreen," nothing
I looked
up at him.
well," he said.
I could
understand him. To be sure, my grasp of this language still left much to be
desired. There were still many words, even common words, I did not know, and
sometimes I could not follow even elementary constructions. I think, however,
all things considered, that it could not be gainsaid that my progress in it had
been remarkable. I was the quickest of my Earth sisters in this respect. All of
us, however, I thought, were doing extremely well. This was not simply because
of the frequency and intensiveness of our lessons, and our finding ourselves in
an environment where this language, it seemed, was simply, or primarily,
spoken, but because of our motivation. We strove to learn it. We were
desperately eager to learn it. We had learned that not only the quality and
nature of our life on this world, but perhaps our very survival, could be
contingent on our success in understanding (pg. 69) and speaking this language.
Too, we were often accorded private instructresses. These girls, though
collared, and doubtless branded, as we were, wore brief tunics, which put them
immeasurably above us. How we envied them! Too, they carried long, supple
leather quirts. These they used on us when not satisfied with our responses, or
progress. I had been quirted, but not often. My usual instructress was
"Tina," the name which she had been given on this world. I do not
know what her original name had been. she had once been from Pittsburgh. I
think she was a good instructress, and she had helped me much. A part of my success,
I am sure, was due to her. She was supposed to be one of the best
instructresses. They had assigned her to me. She was exacting. More than once I
had felt her quirt. The instructresses, of course, had their own report lines.
If their charges did not do well they, themselves, were held responsible. I
recalled seeing one of the instructresses stripped and whipped because the
skill levels of her charge were judged insufficient. After that, for better
than a week, she was permitted only a half tunic. She began, then, to use two
hands on her quirt. Almost immediately her pupil improved her performances
considerably. When the instructress had been stripped I had seen that she, like
the rest of us, was branded. Her brand, too, was one of the "K-type"
brands. It was somewhat different from mine, but it was clearly of the same
sort. I do not know what the nature of Tina’s brand was, as I never saw it, but
I am sure it was there, probably high on the left thigh, like mine, beneath
that brief skirt. There was no difficulty, of course, in seeing the collar on
her neck. That was visible to anyone. It was probably one of the
"K-type" brands. They seemed to be the most common brand, at least of
those I had seen. The lessons of which the man had spoken were not all linguistic,
of course. I had also received lessons in the proper performance of domestic
sevilities, such as cooking, sewing, laundering, cleaning, and such. Other
lessons were almost lessons in customs, manners and decorum. For example, we
were taught how to serve at a table, deferentially, skillfully, unobtrusively
and, for the most part, silently, and how to move and walk, and kneel and rise,
gracefully, and even such tiny, interesting things, as how to pick up a fallen
object, by crouching down, retrieving it, rather than bending over. we were
being taught, it seemed, to be graceful and beautiful. Too, of course, we were
taught our place, and proper relations with men. A significant portion of our training was intimate and erotic, or
sexual and sensual, in nature, ranging from such things as make-up, body
ornamentation, cosmetics (pg. 70) and perfumes, to techniques, psychological
and physical, usually a combination of both, of pleasing men. In the latter
range of our studies some of the girls were even instructed in the rudiments of
what, perhaps for lack of a better word, might be described, using the Earth
expression, as "ethnic dance." It did not surprise me that the men of
this world, who seemed to have such a lust for, and such a relish for, and appreciation
of females,
would command such a dance of them. I gathered this form of dance was quite
common here and that it might be required of any female, or any female of our
sort. Interestingly enough I had had only two days of this sort of instruction
before I was stopped, and sent from the room, to be applied to other lessons. I
was told that my skills in these matters, as they had now ascertained, and
confirming reports on my "papers," or "records," were
already far beyond the rudiments that I would obtain in such a class. I was
simply dismissed from the class, to address myself to other lessons; I had, so
to speak, "validated that requirement."
I put my
head down, gratefully. I was pleased that he was pleased. Girls such as I are
eager to please such men. It makes us happy to do so. It satisfies something
warm, and deep and marvelous, in the very bottom of our bellies to do so. If we
do not, of course, they simply see to it that we do. Our behavior is then
quickly, and often painfully, corrected.
is hard to believe that you are a virgin," he said.
I did not
lift my head. I moved as little in the iron belt. It was not as well fitted to
me as it might have been. They just take belts they have at hand, and, finding
one of the proper size, or approximately so, they put it on her. The
"U-shaped" vertical bar on this belt was, at the center, hammered
flat, shaped and slotted. It chafed the upper interior of my thighs a little. I
had diffidently called this to the attention of a fitter some weeks ago, but,
after he checked it, and had determined to his satisfaction that the matter was
not serious enough to have warranted my complaint, he had simply cuffed me, and
sent me, blood in my mouth, back to my lessons. I had not complained
afterwards. That I was a virgin had undoubtedly been included by Teibar in my
papers, or records. On the other hand, when I had begun my lessons, and given
the apparent alacrity with which I took to them, they had, to make sure,
removed the belt, and checked the matter. The report had been correct. The belt
was then replaced on me. I had, for most practical purposes, worn it since,
even sleeping in it, in my kennel. I gathered they did not entirely trust the
discipline of the guards. To these men, (pg. 71) and to men such as these, I
gathered, I was attractive, perhaps even extremely so. This undoubtedly had
something to do with the sexual tastes of such men, seeming to run more toward
the normal, natural female that toward the current commercial paradigms of
feminine beauty in my culture, but I think, too, I was pretty, really pretty,
genuinely pretty, and very desirable to them, and very attractive to them,
aside from such general considerations. Too, of course, these were extremely
vigorous and virile men. Probably very few females, of any sort, would have
been really safe in their vicinity.
you have become beautiful," he said to me, "and even more
I kept my
head down.
In the
flattened, shaped part of the metal under my belly, about a quarter of an inch
from my body, there was a curved slot about three inches in length and
three-eighths of an inch in width. The interior edges of this slot, heavy and
iron, were serrated, jagged, like the teeth of a saw. The belt, accordingly,
equipped with this device, and locked so closely upon me, so fixedly upon me,
would be likely, I thought, to frustrate or discourage a male, unless, of
course, he had its key, or a tool to remove it.
I felt
the hand of the man in my hair. He was not being cruel to me. He was shaking my
head, good-naturedly. I looked up at him, gratefully. We are grateful for such
small signs of recognition, even as dogs are. This man was pleased with me. He
did not hate me, even though I was a woman of Earth. I was only another charge,
or student, or pupil, to him. he did not bear me anything like the ill will,
the hostility, that Teibar, who had been my captor, had. Indeed, very few of
the men I had met here seemed hostile toward me, as he had been. There might
have been a very simple reason for that, of course. Teibar had been to Earth,
and had seen what was being done to men on that world. These men, I supposed,
might be ignorant of that. Indeed, they might even be incredulous that such a
thing could occur. It was perhaps the sort of thing they would not have
believed, unless they had seen it with their own eyes. Accordingly, it seems it
did not even occur to them to see me, as Teibar had, in terms of guilt, crime
and villainy, nor, in hatred, to make me some sort of helpless proxy, something
fit to be punished for the wrongs which had been visited upon the men of my
The man
put his hand down by my face, touching it gently, and I kissed and licked it,
looking up at him. I was naked before him, and branded, and collared. He smiled
down at me. He was (pg. 72) fond of me, as men might be fond of a lovely, sleek
she animal. His name was Ulrick. I would not use his name to him directly, of
course, but I might use it to others, in reference to him.
have news for you, Doreen," he said.
I looked
up at him.
have done about as much with you here as we have the inclination to do, given
our schedules," he said. "Too, you and two of the other girls, have
come along very well."
I looked
up at him, puzzled.
have learned a great deal here," he said. "But you have really only
begun your education here. It will soon become apparent to you, outside, how
little you know. It is my recommendation that you continue to apply yourself,
and be diligent. Strive constantly to improve your skills, and value."
I could
not understand, exactly, what he was saying. I think this was not so much a
matter of the words, as of their seeming import.
have an order to be filled," he said, "from a wholesaler, for three
Earth females."
he said, "eventually, on the block, when you are retailed, presumably in
different markets, do not tighten. Be fresh and supple. Breathe deeply. Be
beautiful. Be only so afraid that you are superb, not so afraid that you are
awkward, or clumsy."
is a good time of year," he said. "It will soon be the peak
I was
terrified. I gathered then that it may not have been an accident that I had
been captured by Teibar when I had. He had "gathered" me, as he might
have put it, so simple and unpretentious a verb, suggesting the casualness of
his efforts, at a certain time of year pertinent to his own world, at a time
when I would have enough time to be delivered here, trained, at least to some
extent, and then, at an optimum moment, it seemed, brought to market.
are going to be sold," he said.
I looked
up at him, terrified.
you understand?" he asked.
Master," I said.
(pg. 75)
It is all part of the hood, the leather ball, the strap attached at the front
of it, and the belt, with its double loop, on the outside, held in place by the
hood’s belt loops, at its opening. Some hoods are little more than sacks, of
canvas or leather, with drawstrings. The leather ball was thrust, by a thumb,
into my mouth. I then felt its strap, attached at its front, drawn back between
my teeth, and buckled behind the back of my neck. The hood itself was then
placed over my head and some tucks were taken in it. It was then, by the double
loop of the belt, passed twice about my neck, drawn shut. The hood was now
closed about my neck. It was snug under my chin, held by the belt. The belt was
then buckled shut behind the back of my neck, as the gag strap, inside the
hood, had been. A small padlock, passed through two rings, the buckle ring and
one of the small rings, sewn in the belt, now adjacent to it, secured the
arrangement on me. I was locked in the hood.
I, and
apparently the other two Earth girls, Clarissa and Gloria, had been found
acceptable by the wholesaler’s agent. They were already kneeling in their
hoods, naked, their knees spread, in the neck chain. I then felt the chain put
on my own neck. Seven other girls, too, similarly hooded and in postures of
submission, were on the same chain, but I did not think they were from Earth.
Our hands, too, those of all of us, were secured, braceleted behind our backs.
We all, too, had new collars on our necks, probably transport collars. They had
metal tags attached to them. There had been two lots, it seemed, one of seven
girls from this world and one of three from Earth. We had not actually been
paid for, as I understood it, except for a deposit, and were merely being sent
on consignment to the wholesaler, who, similarly, for deposits, filling his own
orders, would deliver us to various retailers. Our sales would then,
presumably, take place in various places, and the moneys, except for the
retailer’s profit, would return to the wholesaler, for his profit, and
eventually to Ulrick’s people, for theirs.
(pg. 74)
I knelt in the hood.
I was a
slave girl.
This was
a world called "Gor,"
On Earth
Teibar had told me that there was a world such as this, though he had not told
me its name, a world on which women such as I were "bought and sold."
I had not believed him, of course. But I had now learned that he had spoken the
truth. I had now learned that there was such a world, and that its chains were
real. I wore them.
A command
was spoken and we rose. Another command was uttered and we stepped forth,
beginning with our left foot.
thought, somewhat bitterly, how amused Teibar would have been to see me,
chained and hooded, in coffle, the "hateful slut," the "modern woman,"
he had so despised, now in her place, now, at last, getting her due. How he had
hated me! I still could not understand the full extent of his animosity. I took
measured, graceful steps. We must be beautiful in coffle. We can be whipped if
we are not. Doubtless he would have relished the thought of a lifetime of
degradations and vengenances to be visited upon me. I should have rejoiced, I
suppose, that he had gone his way, he who was so fierce and had hated me so
keenly, doubtless never to lay eyes on me again, content doubtless now to
merely ponder, upon occasion, with amusement, the fate to which he had
consigned me, but, to be honest, I would not have minded being seen by him
again, or kneeling at his feet, or trying to show him what I had learned, or
even trying to please him, and as what he had seen fit that I had now been
made. I suppose I should have hated him. When I thought of him, I often wept.
Like a cuffed, kicked bitch I would have crawled back to him, if I had had the
chance. But he had not kept me, as I supposed he could have, and as Ulrick,
questioned earnestly by me on this matter, had confirmed. It would have simply
been a matter of paying a good price for me, but one discounted within the
house, one well within his means. But he had not wanted me. He had spurned me
and sent me, his despised "modern woman," doubtless in disdain and
amusement, to the chains of others. I would have liked to have seen him again,
perhaps to try to convince him, humbly, that I had learned my lessons, that I had
profited from his instruction, and what he had done to me, that there was, even
now, this soon, very little of the "modern woman" left in me. And,
eventually, I supposed, there would be none of it left in me. He had said that
it could be taken from me, and I now had little doubt not only that it could
be, but that it would be, (pg. 76) and totally. Indeed, I wanted, myself, to
rid myself of its narrowness, its contaminations, its uglinesses, as quickly as
I could. I supposed I was a wicked, worthless woman and, far worse, only a
despicable natural slave, but something deep in me, fundamental in me, profound
and ancient in me, loved men, and I did not want to make them small, and
nothing, but I wanted, rather, to please them, to obey them, to serve them, to
give my all to them, to make them strong and proud, grand and glorious, to make
them happy. But here, among the virile men of Gor, I had little choice in such
matters. Such things, regardless of whether or not I might wish to bestow them
of my own free will, would be simply commanded of me. Even did I hate men I
would have no choice here but to deliver perfections to them. Here among
masters and slaves were literally instituted the practices and relationships,
and required of me, under the threat of terrible punishments, and even death,
which in my heart I would have longed to bestow of my own free will on men, or
at least men so free and proud, so much the natural masters of a woman.
I was now
outside, probably in a walled court. I could feel the air on my body. My feet
were bare. I realized, with a shock, I loved what was being done to me.
I heard
the creak of wagon wheels, the shuffling of some sort of beast.
way," said a man.
We moved,
but only a few feet. Tugs on the neck chain guided me. It was warm in the hood.
The extension on the neck chain of the first girl, who was also hooded, serves
as a leash for her, guiding her, and her chain guides the second girl, and the
second girl’s guides the third, and so on. I was last in the coffle. I did not
know if this were significant or not at this time. Sometimes the most exciting
girl is put first on the coffle, and sometimes last. Sometimes beauties and
lesser beauties are mixed. Sometimes the coffle is simply arranged in order of
descending height.
suddenly jerked, and almost fell, uttering, startled, a stifled sound, my head
moving, the gag straps pulling at the back of my neck, the girl in front of me
almost off balance, the snap of the lash, too, had startled me, the lash had
stung my calves, sharply, cruelly.
straight," said a voice.
improved my posture immediately.
sometimes have a tendency, I am afraid, to be a little slothful or lax when not
directly under the eyes of men. Some say we are all lazy, and must be kept
constantly in line by the (pg. 76) whip. I do not know. Perhaps, on the other
hand, it is simply that we are human, so very, very human. In the hood, of
course, it is hard to know if a man is looking at you or not. It is best to
assume, naturally, that one is always doing so. I had been lax. I had been
careless. I had been foolish.
I felt a
man’s hand on my arm. "This way," he said.
That is
one of the disadvantages of being last in the coffle, incidentally. It is
easiest to strike one in that position. Too, as I, locked in my hood, had
foolishly permitted to slip my mind, there is often a guard there, towards its
here," said a man.
I should
have kept myself beautiful, particularly here, in the open, where there were
men about.
The backs
of my calves still stung.
I hoped I
would not be struck again. I was trying to stand well.
I then felt
myself lifted up, lightly, in the hood, the chain still on my neck, in a man’s
arms, his hands thusly supporting me, one beneath the back of my knees and the
other behind my back, and was handed up to another man, who then put me down,
kneeling, on a higher, metal surface. I heard the snorting of some beast. I did
not know what it was. I did not think it was a horse or ox. It was perhaps some
draft animal native to this world. It frightened me. The surface seemed to move
a bit under me. There was a girl on my right, linked to me by her neck chain,
she who had preceded me on the coffle. No girl was on my left. I was the last
on the coffle. I heard a body, doubtless that of the fellow to whom I had been
handed, descend from the surface. I then, a moment later, heard the closing,
heavy and metallic, of a door or gate. I even felt the vibration of this metal
flooring, on my knees and toes. I then heard a rattle of chain, the thrusting
home of a heavy bolt and the closure of what sounded like a heavy, dangling padlock,
one with a bolt perhaps a half-inch thick. I had seen many such in the house.
Several of our kennels, where our blankets and pans of water were kept, had
been closed with similar devices. My own kennel, on the other hand, had been
closed with two locks intrinsic to the door itself. I could still feel the air
on my body so I thought we were not in a solid-sided enclosure, but, probably,
a cage. I put back my head. I could then feel the bars. They were heavy, about
an inch or an inch-and-a-half thick. I would have supposed, and about three
inches apart. This cage, I gathered, from the height of the surface, and its
movement, was mounted on a wagon.
(pg. 77)
I tried to move the leather ball around a bit in my mouth, with my tongue. I
managed to adjust it a little, so it was a bit more comfortable.
I then
heard the sliding of canvas, and its being pulled down and adjusted, and the
sound of various buckles. The cage was being covered.
In a
moment then there was a cry to some animal and the shaking of a harness.
There was
also the snapping of a whip. That sound frightened me. I had learned to know it
better than I cared to
I was
thrown off balance a little to my left as the vehicle began to move.
It seemed
to me we were being held in a great deal of security. We were gagged and
hooded; we were stripped, our brands thusly bared; our wrists were manacled
behind our backs; and we were attached to one another, in coffle, by neck
chains. Beyond this we were caged, and the cage, too, was covered. That may have
been, of course, that we not attract too much attention, naked slaves being
transported through streets. I wondered if there were any free women on this
world. I had never seen one. To be sure, slave girls on this world were often
held in great security. One of the most significant securities, of course, was
their collars, marking them unmistakably as slaves, and, usually, identifying
their masters. It seemed to please these men, so proud, so strong, so
uncompromising, so imperious, to keep us in bonds, chains and such. Our
strongest bond, of course, that which would hold us if none other, that which
we could never hope to break, was our condition itself, that we were slaves.
Still, beyond these things it seemed to me that there might be something a little
mysterious, if not excessive, in the careful way we were bring treated, handled
and moved. I had gathered that it was not really unusual, particularly in
certain places, though in others it was apparently regarded as being tactless
or vulgar, for slaves to be marched naked, in coffle, through the streets, for
example, for their own edification or instruction, that they be helped to
understand that they are truly slaves, as the case might be, as a matter of
simple convenience. Certainly they were often kept this way, I had been given
to understand, on highway and road treks, if only to protect their tunics from
sweat and dust. And there seemed little objection anywhere to marching them
through the streets in tunics or camisks, a narrow, poncholike garment. To be
sure, they were generally transported naked, in closed wagons, their ankles
chained to a central bar. But they (pg. 78) were presumably not then gagged and
hooded, or confined as closely as we. I did not understand these things. I did
not question the will of masters, of course, for the will of masters, quite
simply, is not to be questioned, but I was curious, or puzzled, to know why it
was being done this way. Too, more interestingly, I did not even know where I
was. I did not know were the house in which I had been trained was located. I
did not even know the name of that house. I did not even know the name of its
master. Now I was being taken from it, towards some equally unknown
destination. None of the girls, too, as far as I could tell, were any the
better informed then I. But whatever the explanation might be for these
anomalies, if, anomalies there were, there was no doubt that I was now a slave.
Teibar, who had been my captor, had seen to that.
To be
sure, interestingly, I did not really object to these various things, neither
to the anomalies they were, nor to what might be the more typical or standard
subjugation, rigors and strictures, fierce and terrible though they might be,
to which I was subjected. Though I would scarcely admit this to myself, I was
thrilled to be branded and collared. I was thrilled to have been stripped, and
gagged and hooded, and manacled, and put in neck coffle, by the will of men. I
pleased that they had taken me in hand and, wishing to do so, had made me their
slave. I was inutterably thrilled to be now absolutely and categorically
subject, in the order of nature, to their uncompromising domination. It was for
this sort of thing that I had longed all my life. It was for this reason, I
thought, that I had so despised males of Earth., because they had permitted
themselves to be deprived of the birthright of their manhood, because they
would not see to it that I was put in, and kept in, my rightful place in
nature, where I wanted in my heart to be. My beauty, I felt, belonged to them,
if they were strong enough to take it, and put it where it belonged, at their
feet. I had wanted to kneel before them, lovingly and worshipfully, and yield
them my total submission. They had not been strong enough, however, I had been
almost consumed with anguish, and filled with contempt for them, and tortured
and torn by loneliness, hatred and misery. Then, to my amazement, I had found
myself brought to this world. Here men had no such weakness. Here I found
myself, in all my helpless womanhood, whether I was pleased about it or not,
whether I wished it or, whether I willed it or not, at the feet of masters. No,
I did not object to the collars and brands. They put my womanhood on me. I did
not object to the will of men, and to their bonds. Such told me that I was
theirs. I (pg. 79) did not object to being kept in ignorance, as this was their
will, and gave me further evidence that I was only their animal, and slave, as
I wanted to be, and to such men, so marvelous and mighty, could be nothing
else. Did we, on Earth, take our dogs and cars into our confidence? Similarly,
though I did not want to feel their whips, and dreaded then terribly, the
knowledge that I was subject to them, and that these men, such men, were fully
ready to use them on me, and would, if I were not pleasing, was deeply moving,
reassuring me of their mastery over me.
I knelt
back on my heels. I moved a bit with the motion of the wagon. The chain moved a
bit on my neck, lopping up to the throat of the girl on my right. It was hard
to tell in the hood but I thought I detected the smell of salt air. We had now
been in the wagon perhaps an hour.
sounded now, judging from the sound of the metal-rimmed wheels, and felt,
judging from the vibrations, like we were moving over cobblestones.
The back
of my calves, where I had been struck, now felt better. That had really been
foolish of me, standing in a slovenly manner in the coffle, when there might
have been men about, and indeed, had been one, and with a whip. That I had been
lashed, however, showed me that I was, in a way, important, and that men cared
about me. I was a female. I made some sort of difference to them. They were
genuinely interested in females, and liked them, and were concerned with them.
They wanted us to be as charming and beautiful as we could be, and would,
frankly, hold us accountable for such things. How many times, I wondered, had a
man on Earth, irritated with an Earth woman, or girl, been tempted to seize her
and say, pull gum from her mouth, or straighten her hair, or adjust her halter,
or tell her to straighten her body or to change her posture, or to sit or kneel
in a certain way, but, of course, had not done so? Here, however, men, I
gathered, at least with women such as I, felt few reservations, inhibitions or
compunctions, about taking immediate and often direct action in such matters.
They tended to view us with a certain proprietary interest, even, in certain
cases, with a certain possessive zeal and zest, and seemed determined to see to
it that we were as marvelous as we could be. We were, after all, the females of
their species.
I was now
more sure than ever that I could smell salt air. We continued on our way. Once
I heard a sort of sudden bellowing snort and hiss, it seemed, from the
closeness, and the associated jerk on the traces and movement of the vehicle,
from the beast drawing the wagon. It frightened me. I wondered what its nature
(pg. 80) might be. Hooded, of course, I had not seen it. I knew really very
little about the world to which I had been brought. I listened to sounds from
outside the wagon. There were more of them now. The wagon seemed, not, to be
generally descending.
I pulled
a bit at the light manacles which fastened my wrists behind my back. They were
light, but they were, I was sure, a thousand times strong enough to hold me,
and perfectly. I thought about them. They seemed obviously made for women. That
was interesting. It told me something, I supposed, about the culture. It was a
culture in which there was apparently a call for such articles. It was a
culture in which they had their role, and utilities.
I heard
men calling out, or shouting, here and there, now and then, as we continued on
our way, usually descending.
I also
heard, once, it startling me, a woman’s voice, raised, shrill, angry,
screaming, scolding. I shuddered. I would not have dared to do that. I would
have been whipped. I could not make out what she was saying. I do not think it
had anything to do with us or the passage of the wagon. I doubted that any
woman who could be like that wore a collar or knelt before men. I then began to
suspect, with some certainty, and trepidation, that not all women on this world
were as I. That thought, justifiably, as I would learn, filled me alarm. There
would be doubtless a kind of war between women like that and women such as
myself, I thought, a war in which women such as I, in effect, would be unarmed,
and, perhaps despised and hated by them, fully at their mercy, totally helpless
before them.
I smelled
something cooking.
I heard
another woman’s voice, this one hawking fish, and then the voice of another
woman, that one hawking suls. The sul is a large, thick-skinned, starchy,
yellow-fleshed root vegetable. It is very common on this world. There are a
thousand ways in which it is prepared. It is fed even to slaves. I had had some
at the house, narrow, cooked slices smeared with butter, sprinkled with salt,
fed to me by hand. We had loved them, simple as they were. I, on my knees, my
hands manacled behind me, had begged prettily for them. Sometimes they were
simply thrown to us, on the floor, and we squirmed for them on our bellies,
competing with one another for them. Then the insistent cries of these two
women, proclaiming the excellence of their respective offerings, were left
behind. We were different from such women, I feared, quite different.
Then I
was suddenly startled as I heard a man’s hand slap loudly, good-naturedly,
against the side of the wagon, within (pg. 81) which was our cage. He yelled
something raucous and ribald. It had to do with "tastas" or
"stick candies." These are not candies, incidentally, like sticks,
as, for example, licorice or peppermint sticks, but soft, rounded, succulent candies,
usually covered with a coating of syrup or fudge, rather in the nature of the
caramel apple, but much smaller, and, like a caramel apple, mounted on sticks.
The candy is prepared and then the stick, from the bottom, is thrust up,
deeply, into it. It is then ready to be eaten. As the candy is held neatly in
place there is very little mess in this arrangement. Similarly, as the candy is
held in its fixed position, it may, in spite of its nature, be eaten, or
bitten, or licked or sucked, as swiftly, or slowly, and as much at one’s
leisure as one might please. These candies are usually sold at such places as
parks, beaches, and promenades, at carnivals, expositions and fairs, and at
various types of popular events, such as plays, song dramas, races, games, and
kaissa matches. They are popular even with children. I had learned of these
things from Ulrick, back at the house. I had wondered why he had summoned us to
our duties and lessons, with the call, "Come, tastas!" The expression
was occasionally used by men for women such as we. To be sure, there seemed to
be a great number of such expressions for us, such as "morsels,"
"puddings," and "candies." When there was the sound of the
slap of the man’s hand on the wagon side, it so unexpected, and sounding so
loud, and his sudden shout, several of the girls had moved, stirring suddenly,
in their chains. I, too, frightened, startled, had moved in mine. We had had no
doubt that outside was a strong, virile man, much more powerful than we, and
that we were slaves.
I then
heard it startling me, too, and frightening me, too, and even more than before,
a stick beating savagely on the side of the wagon. I heard, too, the shrill
screaming of a woman’s voice. It had a very ugly sound. I could not make out
all she was saying but its import was surely uncomplimentary. Among other
things she called us "She-sleen" and "she-urts." I did not
know what a sleen might be, but I did know what an urt was. When we had begun
our training, shortly after we had been branded and collared, we had been kept
in a lower level of the house, in a dank, dark, cold, musty area, seeming to
consist largely of narrow corridors and cells, an area of damp, cold stone
walls, of shadows and pools of water, chained in a large, common cell. In this
cell we bedded on damp stray, cast over the stone. Our food, in the temporary
light of lamps or lanterns was thrown from pails to us, garbage perhaps, from
the meals of others, and (pg. 82) we could not, under penalties of the whip,
use our hands to retrieve it. Too, as we soon discovered, we were not the only
denizens of that place. Often the urts, those tiny, swift, sleek, furtive
rodents, bold in their familiarity with, and seemingly assumed privileges in,
the place, would rush to food before we could reach it and, almost at our cheek,
snatch it up and scurry away to their holes, through the narrowly spaced bars
and small crevices. They would come at night, too. It was hard to sleep, for
one might suddenly, unexpectedly, scamper over one’s body. Too, one would be
awakened by other girls, screaming, or crying out hysterically, at the sounds,
or movements, or touches, in the darkness of the tiny beasts. Some girls were
bitten. We strove mightily in our lessons, to be found worthy of being raised
to a higher level. This seemed almost symbolic, and was doubtless intended to
be. None of us, of course, were permitted to ascend to the next level until all
of us had attained at least its minimum requirements. This put great pressure
on us all to excel. One girl was determined to be refractory. She was fiercely
disciplined that night, as though by merciless, raging cats, by her chain
mates. In the morning she considerably improved her performances. It seemed
that she had only wanted that excuse, really, that sop to her pride, to eagerly
serve men with perfection. She soon became one of the best of us. Indeed, as
she wheedled with the guards, and would sometimes ever receive a candy, many of
us became quite jealous of her. Gradually, with our class less than a week, we
were all on a higher level. Then, a week of so later, we had our own tiny
kennels, small and cramped, but dry, and above the level of the urts. These
things helped us to understand, first, how much we were at the mercy of one
another, and, secondly, how much we were all, fundamentally, ultimately, both
collectively and individually, at the mercy of men. We were then, in a minute
or two, beyond the screaming of the woman and the intense, cruel beating of her
stick. As that sort of thing was going on, we had scarcely dared move. I think
all of us were terribly frightened, and perhaps the Gorean girls more than the
Earth girls, for they surely must have known more of what was going on, or was
involved, then we naïve Earth women, so new to our collars and chains. Yet even
we, I am sure, sensed the terrible, frightening hostility, the hysteria, the
fury, of the woman outside. I am sure none of us would have cared to meet her,
or find ourselves within the range of her wrath. Teibar, I thought to myself,
must, of course, have known there were such women on this place. I wondered if
the thought of this, too, amused him, that he had brought me, his (pg. 83)
despised "modern woman," as a helpless slave, to this place, this
place where I might find myself defenseless within the ambit of such fury.
I could
hear various folks outside the wagon, as the wagon now moved slowly. It seemed,
now, too, to be moving on a level, on a wooden, planked surface. It sounded
hollow beneath the wheels.
realized, suddenly, that my knees were pressed closely together. That had
occurred during, and I had kept them that way afterwards, the beating on the
wagon of the woman, and her screaming. It had been a defensive gesture,
bringing my knees together, tightly, because I was afraid. Perhaps, too, I
supposed, just as a male might find the spreading of a female’s knees,
appropriate, deferential or placatory, so, too, such a woman might prefer their
closure, finding it respectful, or placatory. Perhaps she might be mollified to
some extent by such an apparent modesty. I did not know. Still, looking down at
me, I did not think she would be likely to be fooled by it. I did not think she
would be stupid. She would probably know what I was, really. It was probably
not hard to tell. Perhaps we were just different sorts of women. I did not
know. I did realize that such women, in all their frustration and anger, would
probably want me to be like them. That thought horrified me. I found it
terrifying. It would be like going back to the sterilities, the barrenesses,
the pathologies, of Earth. Tears formed in my eyes, in the hood. What was I to
do? I recalled that Ulrick had told me that certain kinds of slaves, house
slaves, "tower slaves," and such, whatever they were, might kneel
with their knees together, but I had also been informed that I, and the other
girls, were not such slaves. We were some other sort of slave, it seemed,
though exactly what sort I was not perfectly clear. "Masters will teach
you," had laughed Ulrick. For us, at any rate, for whatever sort of slave
we were, the open-kneed position was commanded. Too, I felt that it was the one
which was right for me, at least before me. I then decided that my best mode of
action would be to pretend to be unsexual, and modest, before women such as she
who had beaten on the side of the wagon but, when with men, and as they would
undoubtedly require, kneel as I had been taught, placing myself shamelessly,
vulnerably, deliciously, delightfully, happily at their feet. I felt the knee
of the girl next to me touch my knee. She, too, I supposed, had been
considering these matters. Doubtless I was not alone in my fears or concerns.
She, too, was an Earth girl, Gloria. She was from Fort Worth, Texas. She had
been put on the coffle before me. (pg. 84) She had now spread her knees, the shameless
slut! I then moved a bit to my left, toward the gate of the cage, and spread my
own knees, doubtlessly just as shamelessly. It gave me great pleasure to do
this. It was like an act of rebellion, or defiance, in my heart, to the woman
who had beaten me on the wagon. To be sure, she, with her stick, could not see
me. I would not have been so brave, doubtless, if she had been about. But I was
now pleased to be again so kneeling. It was the way I was supposed to kneel,
and it was the way I would kneel, I decided, even before free women, if a man
were present, unless he ordered me to kneel differently. It was to men that I
belonged, not women. Let them rant! Let them cry out with rage. I was proud to
belong to men, to men such as those of this world! I would thus, rightfully,
and joyously, kneel before them as what I was, a woman, and their slave. What
was the problem of women such as she who had beaten on the wagon? Did she wish,
in her heart, I wondered, that she, too, could kneel thusly, owned? Then I dismissed
that thought as foolish, doubtlessly foolish. Not such a woman! Never such a
woman! But them why was she so hostile? Did she that our service and beauty,
our yielding to our hearts, lessened or demeaned her is some way? What a
puzzling inference! What an absurd conclusion! What a grotesque mockery of
thought that would be! Must all women be alike? Could there be legitimately
only a single type of female, and that the grotesque projection of her own
feminine insufficiencies, her misery and hatred? If anything, it seemed that
our abjectness might have made her own status, presumably different than ours,
seem even finer and more exalted. Perhaps she hated men and it was thus an
way of attacking them, by attempting to spoil and ruin us, by trying to make us
inert and like herself. The issues seemed complex. At any rate there seemed no
objective justification for her trying to make us like her. What was so marvelous
or desirable, really, about her unhappiness and harness, her cruelty and
frustration, that we, lesser women, should find it preferable to love? Why did
she so hate us? Did our nature, and softness, contradict her views, showing
them false? Perhaps that was it, that she in some strange, almost
incomprehensible way felt refuted by us, and our feelings, or threatened by us.
Was it important for her, perhaps, in a war with men, perhaps in her graspings
for power, I wondered, to maintain that she, in her hatred, ambition, envy and
narrowness, stood for an entire sex? How ridiculous! But, if so, it was easier
to understand how she might hate us so, for our very existence, and that of
women like us, natural, loving women, subservient in the (pg. 85) order of nature
to masters, undermined her lies. How fearful it would be, I thought, if such a
female, or such females, in all their hatred and frustration, should manage by
lies, propaganda, misrepresentation, manipulation, distortion, chicanery and
law, swiftly or gradually, perhaps almost unnoticeably, to bring about the
ruination of the natural relationships between the sexes, to subvert the
biotruths of an entire species, to impose their grotesque perversions, for
their own purposes, on an entire world. Then I realized how little I knew,
really, about that particular woman, doubtless a native of this world. My
reflections were colored, in effect, by the pathologies of a far-off world. Her
anger might have been motivated by so small a thing, but so natural a thing, as
the interest that some man took in a woman such as we, and perhaps not in her.
Who knew? It might be easier, then, I supposed, to be cruel to us than to him.
perhaps he would have simply turned his back on her, walking away from her,
ignoring her. Perhaps he would have cuffed her to silence. Who knew? I pulled a
bit at the manacles which held my hands behind my back. my wrists were well
locked in them. I had considered earlier how they were made for women, and that
this seemed significant in this culture. In this culture it seemed that
slavery, bondage such as mine, at least, was an essential ingredient, that it
was unquestioned, or, if it had been questioned, that the questions had been
resolved long ago, and in favor of the collar, that it was a matter of
tradition institutionalized in its legal structures. Too, in this culture,
where there were such men, I did not think there was any real danger of
susceptibility to the debilitating, antibiological pathologies of Earth. I
shuddered. In this culture, at least, women such as I had noting to fear,
having everything to fear.
I then
tried to dismiss the woman from my mind.
might be the case with her, she was, it seemed, quite different from me.
I was afraid. I had had, for a time, my knees clenched closely together! I did
not think there was a man in with us. The fellow who had been lifting us into
the cage, taking us from the fellow below, had, I was sure, descended from the
wagon. I did not know for certain, of course, because of my hooding, whether or
not there might have been a man in the cage with us, a guard, perhaps, or even,
say, an unhooded female slave, one of the instructresses, for example, perhaps
charged to observe our deportment. But I did not think so. Too, I was sure (pg.
86) the cage was covered, as I had heard the drawings-down, and tightening, of
canvas, and its bucklings, but, to be sure, there might have been a flap, or
peephole, or something, perhaps behind the wagon box, from which, from time to
time, we might have been observed. I began to sweat. I had been lashed earlier,
across the back of the calves, for an imperfect posture or carriage. I hoped I
would not, now, be punished, after the wagon stopped, for some similar breach
of beauty or decorum. I pulled at the manacles. I moaned softly in the hood. I
now kept my knees widely separated, determinedly so. I tried to kneel
straightly, too, beautifully, in the neck chain. I did not know if there were
men to see or not.
suddenly, the wagon stopped. I could sense the movements of other girls, by the
chain on my neck, the sounds, the vibrations, those tiny physical
transmissions, indicative of their stirrings, through the flooring of the metal
cage. They were all frightened, I think, as I was. We had arrived, somewhere.
They were adjusting their postures. I, too, tried to improve mine, even
We heard
voices. The driver seemed to descend from the wagon box. We waited. There was very little sound now.
We were very quiet. There was occasionally the tiny sound of the stirrings of
links of chain, from the chain on our necks. I moved a little, to feel the tiny
metal tag, slung on its tiny closed chain, the chain closed about my collar,
move delicately, lightly, on my skin, just below my neck. It had something to
do with my transportation, or disposition. We all had such tags, now, on our
We heard
some canvas being thrust up, near the gate. "Sit, or lie, as you will,
sluts," said a man’s voice. He was a fellow from the house. I recognized
his voice. The canvas was then pulled down, again. We would be here for a
while, it seemed. We adjusted our positions, as we could. I lay down on my
side. My knees were sore from the metal flooring, and the movements of the
vehicle. The smell of salt air was strong here.
We waited,
doubtless in various postures of ease. The others, I would suppose, were as
grateful as I to break position. It seemed nothing was happening. Doubtless
outside the wagon, though, something was happening, if only an inquiry into a
delay, a tallying or accounting, a certification of papers, a checking of
arrangements, something. Inside the wagon, we waited.
I thought
again of the woman who had cried out, beating on the side of the wagon.
(pg. 87)
I moved the leather ball about a bit in my mouth, it held in my mouth by its
strap, pulled back between my teeth, buckled behind the back of my neck. I felt
it behind my lips and teeth, over my tongue, obstructing my oral orifice. I
could not speak. Indeed, I could make very little noise at all. I pressed up on
it with my tongue. I moved my tips and teeth about it. I could not begin to
dislodge it. It is a secure, effective device. It does its job well, as it is
designed to do. My head, in its hood, now rested on the metal flooring. I could
feel the flooring through the leather.
I was
afraid, remembering the woman who had beaten on the wagon. I thought that
probably I, and women like me, would have much to fear from such women. I did
not think she was, really, as I might have hoped, an isolated aberration. Who
could protect me then from such as she, only men, surely. She, too, thus, in
her way, regardless of her intentions, would be putting me all the more at the
mercy of my masters, men. I feared her, and such as she. How shrill and ugly
she had sounded! I did not know, of course, but I suspected she might have been
coarse-featured, or homely. She had even sounded ugly. I was pretty. That made
me even more afraid of her, and her kind. I thought they might resent me, and
hate me, for being pretty. Too, I was apparently a type of woman, short, with
shapely legs, and nicely breasted, which men on this world often found
attractive. That, too, might be held against me. Such things, of course, are
not that unusual. For example, if one is not strong, one might tend to
disparage strength, or claim that it is not important. Indeed, one might,
grotesquely enough, resent such things so in others as, sooner or later, to
come to hate those who are beautiful or attractive. On Earth those who espoused
such eccentric and paradoxical perspectives might, on the whole, unless they
became politically powerful, be ignored or avoided. Here, however, I feared,
the beautiful, and attractive, might find themselves at their mercy. The
terrors of this situation were further impressed upon me by the understanding
that it was most likely the beautiful, and the attractive, who would be sought
out for impressement into helpless bondage. They would be the prizes. I myself,
I knew, in some sense, was such a prize. Teibar had told me that he was paid,
in effect, for bringing in "first-class females." I was thus, it
seemed, at least from the perspective of (pg. 88) this world, a
"first-class female." I recalled he had used such expressions to me
as "little charmer" and "cuddly slut." These expressions,
though probably intended to humiliate me, and demean me, and put me in my
place, as a female, nonetheless seemed to attest to his finding me of genuine
sexual intent. To be sure, he had not seen fit to keep me. Ulrick, though had
assured me, and I think truthfully, of my attractiveness, and had even done me
the kindness of speculating somewhat skeptically on the soundness of Teibar’s
judgment in the matter. He, at any rate, had regarded me as being pretty enough
to wear Teibar’s collar. Too, more than once one of the guards at the house had
angrily tested the security of the iron belt on me, and then, finding it
secure, had thrust me from him, then taking another girl in hand, one not in
such a belt, for the satisfaction of his fierce needs.
I heard
voices outside, but, it seemed, nothing was being done with us. We must wait.
I was
truly afraid of women such as she who had beaten on the wagon. I did not even
have a cloth to put on my body before her. i would be naked to her stick or
switch. And even the instructresses I had seen had been barefoot and worn only
brief tunics. Women such as I, I feared, thus, even if clothed, would be
clothed in distinctive manners, manners which would be particular to us,
manners which would be prominent and visible, manners which would leave no
doubt as to our condition, and status, and generally, I suspected, scantily,
and revealingly, as the instructresses had been, for the pleasures of men.
We waited
gagged, stripped, hooded and chained.
the woman who had beaten on the wagon was really not so different from us, I
thought. Perhaps it was only that she had not been taken in hand, imperiously,
and branded and put in a collar. Perhaps, on some level, in some way, she was
jealous of us and wanted to be like us, a woman whom men might conceivably find
of interest. Perhaps somewhere in her there was even a true woman. Perhaps
somewhere in her there was, too, a slave, who yearned to serve at the feet of
masters. I did not even think it mattered whether or not she might be homely or
plain. Men are sometimes fools, I think, putting too much store, at least at
first, by such superficialities. One need not be beautiful, I was sure, to be a
loving, slave treasure.
regardless of what the truth in these matters might have been, I was certainly
not eager, now, to make the acquaintance of such women. After they were
stripped and in chains, and (pg. 89) crouching fearfully, with branded thighs,
their necks in collars, fearing the whips of men, that would be soon enough for
me, if ever! We were, at least as of now, regardless of what might be the
fundamental and ultimate truth in these matters, quite different sorts of
women. Social chasms separated us, social chasms unbridgeable except by the brand
and collar.
wondered why we had been hooded, and had had heavy ball gags thrust in our
mouths, and buckled back, in place. I did not think our hooding was to conceal
our beauty from the casual glances of men. Men such as these, I had gathered,
were seldom reluctant to show off the beauty of the baubles on the
"slaver’s necklace." Too, we were stripped, and, even so, I was sure,
were being kept in a covered cage. I supposed the motivations of the hooding,
in part, might have been to remind us that we were slaves, and men could do
these things to us, but, too, I suspected, it was to keep us in "slave
ignorance," a condition often deemed appropriate for women in bondage. At
any rate none of us knew where we were, or where we had been. We did not even
know the name of the house where we had been trained, or the name of its
master. In this sense, we did not even know who owned us. The Gorean girls had
tried to read one another’s collars, but the markings on them had apparently
been in coded symbols, incomprehensible even to them. That seemed strange to
me. Though I was learning to speak Gorean, incidentally, I could not read it.
Neither I, nor any of the other Earth girls in my group, had, as far as I knew,
in spite of the intensity and frequency of our lessons, received any
instructions whatsoever in reading it, even in an elementary way. We were
illiterate. I suspected we would be kept that way. Still, the degree of "slave ignorance" in which we were
being kept, not even knowing the name of our master, for example, seemed
extreme, if not absurd. It was connected, then, I reasoned, with some sort of
measures of security. This might explain, too, the gags, which were perhaps not
simply a way of men telling us that we are subject to them, and may be gagged,
as we might be blindfolded, chained, tied or beaten, at their pleasure, but
rather to keep us from speaking with one another, particularly the Gorean
girls, perhaps exchanging information or speculations, or, more likely, daring
to call out to others, perhaps passers-by in the vicinity of the wagon, teasing
them, bantering with them, begging prettily, perhaps, for tiny bits of
adjusted my position a little. The metal flooring was hard on my shoulder and
thigh. I wished I had had my blanket, which (pg. 90) had been in my kennel,
with my pan of water. It had much eased the harshness of the kennel’s cement
I went to
my back. I felt the flooring on my shoulder blades. I pulled my wrists up, in
their linked rings, taking advantage of the space at the small of my back.
waited, caged, in your hoods and chains.
I thought
again of the woman who had frightened me so, she who had beaten on the side of
the wagon.
as of now, at any rate, we were quite different sorts of women.
wondered at what the nature of the delay might be. I wondered what it might be
that we were waiting for.
We were
not passengers, of course, who might inquire, perhaps impatiently, into the
nature of delays, perhaps even demanding explanations; we were only animals,
being shipped; we were cargo.
I moved
again to my side.
I pulled
again, a little, at those lovely, stern impediments of steel, linked together
by a small sturdy chain, which held my wrists behind my back. How well they
confined me! The chain, too, was on my neck, keeping me with others. Too, with
others, I was caged. I had heard the door, or gate, being locked. The cage,
too, I conjectured, judging from the metal flooring, from the weighty,
efficient sounds of the closing and locking of the gate, from the feel of the
stout bars behind me, was quite sturdy. It would probably hold men, and with
perfection, let alone females.
struggled to sit up. I managed it. My shoulder hurt. My thigh was sore. I then
put my back against the bars.
I had
gathered that female slaves in transit, in general, must look forward to bonds
or confinements. But the usual arrangement in these particulars, I had
gathered, was a simple coffle chain, most commonly a neck coffle, but sometimes
a wrist or ankle coffle; a slave cage, mounted on a wagon, in which the girls
were free; or a slave wagon, within which, stripped, their ankles were chained
about a movable, central bar, it fixed in place, locked, during transit. Surely
it was not typical that they were treated to the attentions which we enjoyed,
being gagged, hooded, neck chained, manacled and caged. This, too, I supposed,
might represent some sort of security measure, but, if so, it seemed to me, of
a depth and degree which must be unusual. Perhaps, on the other hand, it had to
do, simply, with our being new slaves. New slaves are often treated with great
harshness. It helps them learn quickly that they are slaves. Later, when the
(pg. 91) girl is well trained and her services become perfections she may be treated
more leniently, even lovingly, like a dog. To be sure, if she should become in
the least bit lax, the original strictures, or worse, will be instantly
reimposed, or instituted.
The ten
of us had been in the wagon now, even after it had stopped, at least an hour,
perhaps two.
I thought
of Teibar.
He, and
men like him, were inutterably superior to me. I had not known such men could
exist. I had only dreamed of them. Before such men, I, a refined, educated,
highly intelligent woman of Earth, knew myself nothing. I could be, in effect,
no more than a dog at their feet.
I pressed
back against the bars.
interestingly enough, I was not discontented. I could have wished, I suppose,
for lesser men but I did not really want lesser men. I wanted the mightiest
men, the most powerful men, the most glorious men, the most ferocious, grandest
men. I did not want men who were like me, I wanted men who were like men, men
in whose arms, ravished, loving, crying out, overwhelmed, mastered. I could be
myself, and find myself. I wanted such men, and knew in my heart that I
belonged to them. I wanted a man who was greater than I, and incomparably so,
one whom I must, in the order of nature, obey, one to whom I must look up. and
I did not care if it was from my knees, black with dust, a collar on my neck,
naked, that I looked up to his glory. I wished, tears in my eyes, that Teibar
had kept me, his "modern woman," as a pet, as his bitch. I would have
tried to serve him well. I would have been overjoyed to have been to him the
only thing I could really be to men such as he, the lowly bitch of such men. I
would have brought his sandals to him in my teeth. I would have begged to clean
his feet with my tongue. I would strive to show him that the "modern
woman" was gone, and that in her place was now his bitch, his legal
property, his woman, his woman in all ways, helpless and loving beyond loving.
I lay
down again on the metal flooring.
I thought
again of the woman who had beaten on the side of the wagon. How afraid she had
made me! How different she seemed from us, from the ten of us, chained in this
cage. She was, I was sure, free. She must have been free, to have been
permitted to scream like that, and carry on like that. There seemed to be no
other possible explanation. The thought made me shudder. She was then, even if
stupid and ugly, worlds above and beyond us. She would be priceless. Our value,
even if we (pg. 92) were desirable and beautiful, on the other hand, would be
finite, a function quite simply of fluctuations in the market, and what men
were willing to pay for us. We were properties. She, I supposed, was not. That
would seem to be the major difference between us. We could be bought and sold.
She, I supposed, could not, unless, of course, men saw fit to reduce her, too,
to bondage, and then, of course, she would be no different from us, and our
competitions would be reduced to the same common denominator, that of mere
females. I lay there, hooded, a new slave, trying to understand, down in my
belly, what is was, truly, to be a property. I could thus come into the
ownership of anyone who had the wherewithal to buy me, male or female. Too, I
had little doubt that not all the men on this world could be of the nature of
Teibars and Ulricks, and the guards in the house where I had been trained.
Doubtless there were men here, too, if not as on Earth, men who might be
fretful, petty and weak, men the very sight and smell of which I might find
offensive, men whose appearance and least touch I might find literally sickening,
men I might find inutterably disgusting, men who were unclean, who were cruel,
and loathsome and gross, who might be hideous and frightful, men I might find
myself shrinking from, almost vomiting in disgust and terror, but they would
own me, as much as any other, and I would be obliged, as a slave, to bring
myself warmly and unquestionably into their arms, and bring my lips obediently
and hotly to theirs, to submit wholly to them, to give myself wholly to them,
to surrender wholly to them, holding back nothing, to please them, fully, and
intimately. These things were simple
attachments to my condition, consequences of what I was. I could not change
them. They were simply part of what it meant to be what I was, a slave. We do
not choose our masters not is it up to us, whether or not we will please them,
or to what degree. We must strive to be perfection all ways, for anyone. That
is part of what is to be a slave. In reconciling myself to bondage I had, also,
to reconcile myself to this condition. It is a part of bondage. It is something
which the slave must accept. Without it there can be no true slavery. I had
accepted this condition, at least theoretically, verbally, acknowledging its
incumbency on me, in my training. Somehow, interestingly, this acceptance, too,
seemed liberating to me. It made my bondage much more real to me. Too,
interestingly, in its way, it also made it seem much more precious to me.
Still, I
supposed one could not truly understand what being a property was until one had
been sold, and had come into the keeping of masters. Doubtless Teibar’s
"modern woman," his (pg. 93) arrogant, pretentious Earth female, as
he had thought, his despised catch, would come to understand what that was. How
amused he would be from time to time, I supposed, thinking of what he had done
to me, the fate into which he had brought me. I tried to hate him, but could
not. I wanted rather to kiss his feet. But then perhaps he did not even
remember me. Perhaps he had forgotten me! Perhaps I was now alone, totally alone,
on this world, having been brought here for a price, and then, having earned my
coins for others, discarded, cast into the markets, set adrift uncertain
weathers, on trackless seas, to vanish from sight, to disappear tracelessly,
with no one noticing or caring, at the mercy of whatever course winds and
currents, and fortune, and the will and interests of men, might take me. But I
would never forget Teibar. I would remember him, always, even as I moaned in my
I jerked
suddenly, frightened, in the manacles. I could belong to anyone, to anyone who
could pay for me! Surely that was wrong for a woman of Earth! How could it have
come about that I was now only a lowly slave? I had been a woman of Earth! How
could it have come about then that I was now, on this world, only a collared
animal, stripped and chained, at the mercy of masters? Could it truly be I
here, in this cage, in chains? Had I gone mad? Could I be dreaming? But I
pushed up with my tongue, straining my tongue, against the bottom of the
leather ball in my mouth, fixed there so mercilessly, so effectively. I moved
my lips and teeth about it. I could feel its shape and size. But I could not
dislodge it. I shook my head a little, moving the chain on my neck. It was on
me. I hurt my wrists, pulling against the manacles that confined them. But I
could not relieve their stern clasp in the least, nor extend by an iota the
tiny span their links allotted me. I moved my shoulder and thigh on the metal
flooring. My shoulder was sore, and my thigh was sensitive, and perhaps red.
The flooring gave us a very obdurate surface. It was very solid. It was plated,
and heavy. I supposed it might be of iron. The plates, I conjectured, judging
from the apparent weight and solidity of them, must be an inch thick, at least.
No, I was not dreaming. It was I, here, truly, in this place, now a slave. Then
again I was content. How had Teibar, and others, I wondered, have known that I
was a slave? It had not been hard to tell, I had gathered. I was frightened,
but, too, I knew I was where I belonged, in bondage.
No more
concern was being taken for us, it seemed, than for crates, bales or boxes.
(pg. 94)
I heard Gloria, next to me, moan. She, too, doubtless, was feeling the hardness
of the flooring. I felt the chain on my neck move, as she changed her position.
On the other side of her was Clarissa, who was from Wilmington, Delaware. She
had even received, more than once, a candy from a guard. No longer was she
refractory. She, too, had learned herself slave. The first seven girls on the
chain were Gorean girls. Clarissa had not been a virgin, or at least for long,
in the house. I had seen two of the Gorean girls, and Clarissa, rather
regularly put to the uses of the guards. I had noted, with interest, that although
they were from different worlds, they, in the throes of their instimate
employments, at first submitting to and enduring, then accepting, then reveling
in, and, at last, kneeling and licking, mutely begging and pleading for their
ravishments, in their whimpers and moans, and clutchings, denied speech,
obedient under "gag law," had sounded the same. I supposed under
certain conditions we all sounded the same. We were all women. That was what
was important. I do not think, really, even from the point of view of men, that
there is anything to choose from, between a Gorean girl and an Earth girl,
assuming both have well learned their collars. It is doubtless, really, all a
matter of the individual woman. What we all have in common, of course, is that
we are all females.
We might
have been animals kept waiting, horses, or pigs or dogs! Then I recollected
that that was what we were, animals, slaves.
We were
There was
little danger, I thought, that we would escape. Too, on such a world, where
would one run? And even if one could get one’s collar off, one was branded,
marked. I was not interested in running away. I had learned the penalties for
such things. I did not wish to be whipped, or hamstrung, or have my feet cut
off, or be fed to sleen. Here men were not tolerant of attempted escapes. They
did not have the patience for them. Here, for women such as I, escape was not
an option; here, for all practical purposes, it was simply impossible. At best,
we might hope, against all hopes, at great personal risk, even mortal risk, it
seemed, to escape from the chains of one master into those of another, in which
case, of course, we would be a "caught slave," a modality that would
be almost certain to assure us of the cruelest of treatments and the harshest
of confinements, followed, perhaps, if our captor pleased, by a return to our
original master.
(pg. 95)
I suddenly sat, half up, on the metal floor. Then I lay on it, on my back,
shuddering, pulling my wrists up, behind the small of my back. I raised my
properties we had value, like other properties! Suddenly I realized, this
thought frightening me, as I contemplated myself the object of such
considerations, there might be a further point in chaining and confining us. It
need not be simply construed in terms of such things as keeping us in a given
space, or together, say, for purposes of custodial neatness, or rendering
escape impossible, or discouraging thoughts of it, as if such thoughts needed
discouraging, or reminding us that we were slaves, or disciplining or punishing
us, or pleasing men, who delighted to see us so helplessly their captives, but
for another reason, too, obvious now that I thought about it. We were
properties! We were valuables, like money, or dogs or horses. Indeed, by some
men, we might even be regarded as treasures. We might then, like other animals
or goods, be subject to theft! We might
be stolen! Thus it made sense that, if for no other reason, we might
occasionally find ourselves kept, in effect, under lock and key. I did know
that it was not unusual for slaves to be confined at night. In the house we had
been locked in our kennels. Too, I had heard that at night it was not unusual
for beautiful female slaves to be chained at the foot of their master’s couch,
fastened there to a slave ring, the chain usually running to a manacle on their
left ankle or a collar on their neck.
The fact
that I now realized I was subject to theft frightened me, but it, too, like
many other things, seemed an attachment of my condition, a simple consequence
of what I was. I recalled hearing now, in the house, of "capture
rights," respected in law. I had originally thought these rights referred
to the acquisition of free women but I had later realized they must pertain,
more generally, to the acquisition of properties in general, including slaves.
I had not thought much about such things, in a real, or practical sense, until
now, now that I was outside of the house. I tried to recall my lessons. Theft,
or capture, if you prefer, conferred rights over me. I would belong to, and
must fully serve, anyone into whose effective possession I came, even if it had
been by theft. The original master, of course, has the right to try to recover
his property, which remains technically his for a period of one week. If I were
to flee the thief, however, after he has consolidated his hold on me, for
example, kept me for even a night, I could, actually in Gorean law, be counted
as a runaway slave, from him, even though he did not technically own me yet,
and punished accordingly. Analogies are (pg. 96) that is not permitted to
animals to challenge the tethers on their necks, or flee the posts within which
they find themselves penned, that money must retain its value, and buying
power, regardless of who has it in hand, and so on. Strictures of this sort, of
course, do not apply to free persons, such as free women. A free woman is
entitled to try to escape a captor as best she can, and without penalty, even
after her first night in his bonds, if she still chooses to do so. If she is
enslaved, of course, then she is subject to, and covered by, the same customs,
practices and laws as any other slave. The point of these statutes, it seems,
it to keep the slave in perfect custody, at all times, and to encourage
boldness on the part of males. After the slave had been in the possession of
the their, or captor, for one week she counts as being legally his. To be sure,
the original maser may attempt to steal her back. A popular sport with young
men is trying "chain luck." This refers to the capture of women,
either free or bond, viewed as a sport. In war, of course, women of this world,
slave and free, like silver and gold, rank high as booty.
suddenly, startling me, I heard canvas being unbuckled and pulled away. My body
suddenly felt hot sunlight fall upon it. It was warmer in the hood. I was
afraid, in the hood. I struggled to my knees. I heard, too, the movements of
chain, from our necks, and the small sounds of the chains linking manacles, and
the stirring, and scrambling, the movement of naked bodies on the iron
flooring, of the other girls. I heard a key being thrust in a heavy lock, and
the lock being opened, it seemed loudly, abruptly. I heard the rustle of chain
at the gate, and the opening of the heavy gate. I assumed the standard
open-kneed position, back straight, stomach in, shoulders back, head up,
immediately. I assume the other girls did, too. We did not even hear a man
snap, "Position." It had not been necessary. We were, to some extent,
at least, trained girls.
I heard a
body ascend to our level. I felt strong rough hands on me. "This
way," said a man’s voice. "Move this way." But he was talking,
it seemed, to the other girls, for I felt myself literally lifted up and lifted
back toward the gate, the chain pulling against the left side of my neck as it
was pulled away from the right side, dragging Gloria, doubtless to her knees,
or half crouching, after me. I was handed down to the level. My feet were on
warm boards. Gloria was then handed down, after me, and then the others. I
heard the hootings, whistles, sucking and clicking noises, and sex calls of
men, gathered about. It seemed there must be a great many of them, a small
crowd, even. They had probably wandered over here, as we were being disembarked
(pg. 97) from the wagon. I felt a man’s hand in the chain on my neck and he
pulled me stumbling where he wanted me. For a moment it seemed I was the head
of the coffle. Then I was turned about, and was standing alone, confused. I did
not know where I was, or even in what direction I faced. I thin, then, the lead
girl was drawn around, and forward, properly orienting the coffle, and that I,
though I was not sure of it, was again at its end. Gloria, judging from the
chain, was somewhere to my right. She should been, though, either in front of
me, or behind me. I did not know where I was, even with respect to the coffle.
I heard more of the hootings and noises, the sex calls, closer now. I began to
tremble. I then jerked and almost fell. The snap had been so loud, so
frightening, and the leather burned me so terribly! I had thrown my head back,
gasping, sobbing out, wildly, fighting the ball in my mouth, in the hood. Then I
uttered a tiny, frightened, anguished, protesting, stifled sound. "Stand
straight, sluts!" we heard. "You are in the presence of men!" I
then, jerking, in fear, reacting, but the lash was not on me, heard it strike
twice more amongst us. This time the lash had been not on my calves, but fully
on my back. I stood as straight, and beautifully, as I could. My back stung. It
was as though a narrow path had been cut into it, and left raw, and burning, on
it. I heard an increase in the hootings, the noises, and sex calls. Some of the
men were now, apparently, crowded closely about. I had difficulty holding my
position. I felt a man’s hand on my left breast. I felt a man’s hand squeezing
my right thigh. "Do not touch the merchandise," laughed a guard. It
was a voice I knew from the house. It may have been the fellow who had struck
me, and the others. "Unless you want to buy," he added, chuckling.
"Does she have a face to match this luscious form?" asked a man.
"Yes," said the guard. "She is marvelously beautiful." I
was grateful to him. I wondered if it could be true, that I might count as
being marvelously beautiful, to men such as these. And if so, what might that
mean? Did it suggest, I wondered, that I in my helplessness might then expect
to be the object of persistent and unusual predations? "They are all
superb slave meat," said the guard. "From what house do they
come?" asked the man. But the guard did not respond to him.
I heard
chains. I felt myself literally turned about. I was now, I conjectured, behind
Gloria again.
called a man.
The chain
pulled at the back of my neck, so I was drawn forward.
boards beneath my feet seemed thick and hot. They were (pg. 98) splintery. At
one point I thought I stepped in warm tar. The smell of the salt air was very
strong here.
coffle slowed.
A man’s
hand on my arm stopped me.
now," I heard a man say. "Step carefully. The board is narrow. Climb.
Do not be afraid. I will steady you." I then heard the chain move again,
uncertainly. In a moment or two, I felt myself guided forward by a man’s hand
on my arm. I felt frightened. "Here, now," he said, "lovely
naked lady, step up a little." His hand was on my arm, almost as though
escorting me, as though, indeed, I might be a lady! "At least she is not
face-stripped!" called a man. There was laughter. How it must have amused
them, these jokes, as though ladies might be publicly naked! How they mocked
me! I was no "lady." I was branded. They well knew, all of them. I
was branded! They need only look. It was visible to all, as I was, on my left
thigh, unmistakable and prominent, burned into my body. "There," he
said. But I was grateful for his help, as a female, in this predicament, even
an enslaved one. I felt an ascendant board beneath my feet. Too, on it, as I
discovered, twice stepping on them, there were crosspieces. When one man’s
hands left my arm, a moment later, another’s reached down to me, and, again by
the arm, helped me up. once the board I was climbing shifted a little. This was
unexpected. I was frightened. But I was steadied by the second man. It was as
though the upper end of it had moved slightly. I was then lifted up, and down,
onto another wooden surface, this one as smooth as a floor. I had moved some
seven or eight feet, maybe ten feet, at an angle of perhaps twenty degrees. I
was then guided a bit to my right and forward, and turned, and knelt there. I
felt a movement on the chain. Gloria must be to my left. They knelt us closely
together. My left shoulder touched her right shoulder. I felt the floor move
beneath my knees. I then felt a chain put about my neck, and locked there. A
moment later I felt its other end move, and heard sounds as though it were
being twisted about metal. I then heard the sound of another lock, a heavy one.
Something similar had been done, I supposed, at the other end of the coffle,
utilizing the first girl’s lead chain. The coffle was now, I supposed, secured
on both ends. There was again the movement beneath my knees. There was no
mistaking the movement. We were on a floating surface.
of these are white silk?" asked a
(pg. 99)
"I heard the sound of a long, heavy board, being drawn over wood. It was
then, it seemed, placed somewhere to my right.
their tags," said another man.
is one," said a man, lifting my tag. There was a cry of good-natured
protest from a fellow somewhere to my left and in front of me.
is another," said another man, to my left.
will need three," said another man, somewhere. I felt my tag being lifted
a second time. "Wouldn’t you know it," grumbled a man. He then let
the tag drop back against my flesh, under the collar.
I heard
the sound of ropes being drawn aboard, and a noise like that of wood pushing on
wood. We moved. We seemed to be swinging to my left.
I heard
some metal apparatus put down on wood, near me.
I heard
the men calling out to one another. I heard the creaking of wood. I then heard
what sounded like a number of poles thrust through wood.
up," said a man. "Higher up, off you heels. Keep those pretty knees
wide. Hold still."
I felt
then the encircling clasp of metal closed about my waist, and then, swinging up
between my legs, another piece of metal. These things were fastened in place,
the right side, and the lower portion, hasplike, over the staple on the left
side of the apparatus. The whole was then secured behind my back with a
padlock. Once again I wore an iron belt.
I then
heard the dropping and unfurling of canvas from above me. A moment or two
later, it briefly snapping and flapping, it was under control. I then felt it
in the very boards beneath me, it exciting me with the pressing weight and
smoothness of it, its strength, its directness and awesome power, the force of
the wind filling and shaping, and thrusting against, this large, extended,
exposed canvas surface, transmitting its power through the yard, the ropes and
the mast which must hold it in place. I was indescribably thrilled. I wanted so
much to see. I wished I had not been in the hood.
I then
heard a sound like the beating of a mallet on a wooden surface, slowly,
regularly, every few seconds. With its stroke oars, it seemed, entered the
water. There must then be several oarsmen. I supposed they would be strong,
virile men, to draw oars. I squirmed a little, uneasily, in the hood, in the
iron belt.
I heard a
bell from somewhere. It was perhaps on a buoy, marking a channel in a harbor.
(pg. 100)
We were being taken somewhere, the Gorean girls and the Earth girls. None of
us, I am sure, knew where.
may kneel back on your heels," said a man.
I did so,
He was
probably the fellow who had put the belt on me.
you like to be out of the hood?" he asked.
once for ‘Yes,’ twice for ‘No," he said.
whimpered once.
will soon be clear the harbor," he said. "Are you pretty?"
I did not
respond, immediately. I did not wish to sound vain, nor was I sure, really,
that I was pretty enough to count as being "pretty," so to speak.
Much surely depended, too, on the opinions of men. Was it not really up to
them, to decide whether I was pretty or not? A girl who might be attractive to
one man might not be so to another, I knew. I supposed I should whimper twice,
for a negative response, but then I feared, what if he, or someone, should
unhood me, as doubtless someone would, sooner or later, if only to feed and
water me. I might then, if I had responded in the negative, be punished for
lying. I recalled Ulrick had thought me pretty, and others had, too. Also, only
a few minutes ago, the guard had said to someone that I was "marvelously
beautiful." Whereas that might have been an exaggeration, even an absurd
one, it seemed that on the basis of it, I might be legitimately entitled to
view myself as at least "pretty." Too, I recalled that Teibar, apparently
unwillingly, apparently in spite of himself, apparently to his fury and
disgust, considering what he took to be my nature, had seemed to find me
attractive, even extremely so, maddeningly so. To be sure, he had not kept me.
Too, I considered the sexual tastes of these men, tastes according to which,
this sometimes terrifying me. I apparently counted as being unusually desirable
or attractive. Indeed, on this world, rightly or wrongly, I did count, it
seemed, even, as the guard had said, "marvelously beautiful." To be
sure, I was alarmed to consider what might be the consequences of being
beautiful, and a slave, on a world such as this, among men such as these.
whimpered once. I tensed, fearing I might be struck for vanity. But I was not
in an Ahn, or so," he said, "we will remove your gags and hoods.
Things will then be more pleasant for you."
(pg. 101)
I whimpered once, signifying my pleasure, my gratitude, hoping to encourage
you know when we will do this?" he asked.
whimpered twice.
we are out of the sight of land," he said, "totally out of the sight
of land."
I lifted
my head in the hood, to the sound of his voice.
you understand?" he asked.
whimpered once.
is Brundisium!" said one of the girls, peeping out of the wagon. "I
am sure of it!"
want to be sold here," said another.
will depend on the conditions of the market," said another.
think we are already past its street of brands," said another.
are still within its walls," said another.
is one of the greatest ports," said another.
is here that the Cosian fleet landed," said another.
We were naked in a slave wagon, our ankles
chained to a central bar. The high, squarish framework of the wagon was covered
with blue and yellow silk, under which was common canvas. The silk is often
removed during bad weather. We had thrust up the canvas and silk, an inch or
two, at the top edge of the wagon bed, and, turned and kneeling, some half
sitting, half lying, eager, curious, our ankle chains twisted, were peeping
are still soldiers and sailors of Cos about," said one of the girls.
is one," said another girl.
is handsome," said another. "I would not mind being owned by
remark, I suddenly found disturbing, and frightening. I had accepted that we
could be owned, and, indeed, were, but it still frightened me, to hear it
spoken of so openly, owned, and by a private master!
(pg. 102)
"There are banners of Cos, too, as well as those of Brundisium," said
said another.
must have come from Cos," said one of the girls.
Telnus," said another.
agreed the first.
We had
apparently come into the keeping of our wholesaler outside the walls of this
city, at a temporary slave camp. Gorean girls with us had learned, or claimed
to have learned, that this avoided the taxes levied on commercial transactions
within Brundisium. Similarly, of course, such camps presumably had other
values, as well. Space outside the city’s walls is usually cheaper to rent than
space within its walls. Too, such camps may be moved about, making them more
versatile commercially. For example, they may be shifted to areas where women,
perhaps because of large-scale raids or the falls of cities, may suddenly be
abundant and cheap, and to areas, too, where there may be an unusual increase
in retail demand. It also made them, I suppose, more difficult to trace, if
anyone were interested in doing that sort of thing. A disadvantage of such
camps is that they are more vulnerable to attack than if they were located in,
say, housings or courts within a city’s walls. On the other hand, they are
usually located quite near cities, usually within the sight of their walls, and
this tends to reduce to some extent the likelihood of such attacks. In any such
camp, of course, and there had been in this one, there are usually several merchants.
These are generally both wholesalers and retailers, but primarily wholesalers,
for retailers are usually indigenous of given cities. These wholesalers usually
distribute to retailers, in their individual cities, or, often, also, in
well-known slaving centers, of which there are many, for example, Ar, Ko-ro-ba,
Venna, Vonda, Victoria, on the Vosk, Market of Semris, Besnit, Esalinus,
Harfax, Corcynus, Argentum, Torcadino, and others. Most of the wholesalers, I supposed, do have permanent
headquarters, somewhere, but they, or their agents, often frequent these camps,
as well, availing themselves of the considerable advantages accruing to their
trade in such places. The group with which I now was contained, as had the
original coffle, ten girls. Three, however, were new girls, all Goreans, and we
now had only seven of the original ten in the wagon. Gloria and Clarissa, as
well as myself, interestingly, all the Earth Girls, were still with this group.
We did not know who the wholesaler was who had handled us. As soon as land had
first been sighted, we had again, the original coffle of us, been subjected to
our original securities, our hands back-manacled, (pg. 103) our mouths gagged,
our heads covered with heavy, opaque, buckled, locked hoods. These manacles,
gags and hoods, and our neck chain, had been removed only in the cages in the
slave tents. This morning we had been put, rather as normal slaves, subjected
apparently to only ordinary securities, in the wagon. I think we were all
pleased at this new lenience, effective as it still was, in the manner of our
keeping. I know I was. We were now, apparently, as nearly as I could tell,
being delivered to one or more retail outlets.
said one of the girls. "There are so many burned buildings here!"
We saw
that what she had said was true, peeping out. It seemed, here, that an entire
district, or streets, at least, of buildings, had been burned in this area. It
did not seem that the fires had been of recent origin. They may have happened
weeks, or months, ago. Indeed, in various places, sometimes between gutted,
blackened shells of buildings, there were cleared areas. Here it seemed that
burned structures must have been razed, and debris carted away. Here and there,
too, supporting this idea, were great heaps of charred timber and rubble,
presumably awaiting some disposition. In many places tents and temporary
buildings, sometimes little more than shacks, had been erected. Too, here and
there, permanent structures, with basements and foundations, and stone walls,
seemed clearly to be in the process of construction.
am sure this is Brundisium," said the girl who had first spoken.
"There was a great fire in Brundisium five months ago."
out to someone," suggested another girl. "Ask."
me," said the first girl. "You call out."
said one of the Gorean girls. "You ask." She did not mind risking
Clarissa. Clarissa had been very popular with the guards. We were all, or those
of us who had been with her in the former house, somewhat jealous, I suppose,
of her attractiveness to them. We probably all wished we could have been that
desirable. She had even received candies. I thought, however, that perhaps if I
had not been forced to wear the iron belt, I, too, might have been similarly
popular. I, too, might have received a candy or two. I was sure that I, if I
had set my mind to it, could have pleased a man, and myself, as well as she! To
be sure, I reassured myself, quickly, assuaging a shred of the dignity of the
frigid Earth female, still left in me at the time, I would have had no choice
in the matter. I would have been whipped, or punished terribly, or perhaps even
killed, if I had not. And, certainly, too, (pg. 104) guards had been interested
in me. More than once, they had investigated, and tested, and seemingly to
their anger and disappointment, the obduracy and effectiveness of the metal
device in which I had been fastened.
suggested the Gorean girl.
said Gloria.
then," said the Gorean girl, Ha.
no," I said. I did not want the driver or guard to hear me call out to
anyone. I was not interested in being whipped tonight.
she-urts," said the Gorean girl.
do it," said Gloria. I was pleased Gloria spoke up. She was a larger girl.
She could stand up to the Gorean girl, who was also a larger girl. I was
smaller, and afraid of her.
Gorean girl, Ila, however, did not call out to anyone, either. She, too, was
afraid. She, too, as we, belonged to those brutes, men. She, too, no more than
we, cared to be placed beneath their imperious, disciplinary lash.
delighted to look out through the crack between the wood and the canvas and
silk. This was a beautiful world, and I reveled in it. I found almost
everything I saw different and interesting, the men and women, the children,
the clothes, their accouterments, the streets, the buildings, the tents, the
stalls, the trees, the flowers, everything. It seemed to open, and beautiful,
and free, though, to be sure, I within it was a slave. I was startled, and a
little frightened, even, byt the strange, scaled, long-necked, placid,
lizardlike quadrupled that drew the wagon. These might be human beings, here,
but I was not on Earth.
no," said one of the Gorean girls, angrily, in frustration. "We are
coming to the gate! We are going to be leaving the city!"
Three or
four of the other girls, too, Goreans, all moaned in protest.
want to be sold here!" said one of them.
difference does it make?" asked Gloria, peeping out.
fool!" said one of them, "you know nothing! You can wear your collar
in a small town, in a camp, in a peasant village, if you want! I want to wear
mine in a great city!"
Gloria pull a plow, let her hoe weeds, let her carry water on a great farm,"
said one of the girls.
is too pretty," said another Gorean girl. "No peasant could afford
I hoped
that I, too, might be too pretty for a peasant to afford.
(pg. 105)
"One has a much easier life, almost always, in a city," said one of
the Gorean girls.
depends on your master," said another.
agreed another.
supposed that was true. The most important thing was not whether you were in a
city or not, but your master. He would surely be the most important single
element in your life. You would belong to him, literally. However, I thought,
it might be nice, other things being equal, to live in one of these lovely
cities. Also doubtless the labors of a slave in such a city would be easier on
the whole than those of one, say, on a farm.
the canvas down, quickly," said one of the girls. "We are coming to
the gate!"
We pulled
the canvas and silk down, as best we could, and then, very quietly, turned
about and sat in the wagon. We heard papers being checked. Then we heard a
man’s voice. "Stay as you are. Don’t kneel." The canvas at the front
of the wagon was opened, and a man, from the floor space before the wagon box,
looked in upon us. We sat quietly, not meeting his eyes, naked, the chains on
our ankles about the central bar. "Ten kajirae," he said. This word
was the plural of ‘kajira’ which was one of the words, the most common one, for
what we were. It means, ‘slave girl’, ‘slave woman’, ‘she-slave’, that sort of
thing. The brand on my left thigh was a cursive ‘kef’, the first letter in the
word ‘kajira’. The best translation is doubtless ‘slave girl’. Then he closed
the canvas again. Then, in a bit, we had trundled through the gate. Apparently
we had only cut through this city, which might be Brundisium, enroute to
somewhere else. We had saved time, it seemed, taking this route, rather than
driving about its walls, it was, I gathered, a large city.
where are we going?" asked one of the Gorean girls, of another.
doubtless Samnium," was the response.
I sat on
the long, heavy, wooden platform, raised about a foot above the dirt, one of
several in this exposition area, in this annex of the sales barn, naked, my
feet tucked back, near my left thigh, my ankles crossed, my left hand on my
left ankle, my weight muchly on the palm of my right hand, on the platform. A
chain was on my neck, an individual chain. It was about five feet long. It ran
from a ring set in the platform to my collar.
We were
not in Samnium, but in the Market of Semris. This is a much smaller town,
south, and somewhat to the east, of Samnium. It is best known, interestingly
enough, ironically enough, as an important livestock market. In particular, it
is famed for its sales of tarsks. Too, of course, there are markets here for
is not Samnium!" had cried Ila, when the canvas and silk had been pulled
aside, and the central bar unlocked from its socket.
said the fellow handling us. "It is the Market of Semris."
are tarsk cages!" had cried Ila, when we had been unshackled.
We had
been lifted down from the wagon and placed on our feet in a high-walled
courtyard. The shackles usually stay with the wagon, particularly when the
wagon does not belong to the dealer to whom delivery is being made. The cages
to which she referred were to the left, a few feet away, against the wall of
the courtyard. There was, too, very strong, the smell of animals in this place.
said the fellow. "But tonight tarsks are not being sold, not four-legged
tarsks, at any rate."
will not be sold here!" cried Ila.
indicated the cages to our left. We stood there, barefoot, closely together, in
the dirt. Too, was straw scattered about. It was muchly broken and trampled. In
the dirt there were numerous tracks and prints, many of them of small hoofs,
marking (pg. 107) perhaps the place of passage of small groups of some sort of
animal. Too, there were the tracks of wagon wheels there, and of sandals and
boots, and of small, high-arched bare feet, doubtless those of girls. The cages
were long, low and narrow, such as may be stacked and tied on long, flatbed
wagons. They had stout frames of metal, were floored with sheet metal, and
roofed, sided and gated with heavy meshes of a chain-link-type metal, the links
passed through, and clinched in, apertures in the frame. As the mesh was formed
its openings were about two-inches square.
will never get in such a thing!" cried Ila. "Never!"
Then the
lash, from behind her, fell upon her, and she sank crying out, reaching behind
her, sobbing, to her knees, and then, with the next blow, was flung by its
force to her belly in the dirt before the man. Thrice there in the dirt was she
struck, writhing and sobbing, begging forgiveness. Then, on her hands and
knees, swiftly, at a gesture, she crawled, poked by sharp sticks, hastened by
the cry "Quickly, she-tarsk!" to the first of the low, narrow cages
and scrambled, weeping, within it. She was a large girl, and formidable to us,
except perhaps to Gloria, but, compared to the men, she was only another female,
no different from us. Compared to them, her size and strength, really only that
of a woman, was, like ours, when all was said and done, simply negligible.
Compared to them she was, like us, simply small and weak. Before them, and to
them, she could never be any more than we, only another female, small, lovely
and helpless, a mere female, totally at their mercy. We looked swiftly, wildly
at one another and, in these swiftly exchanged glances, I think, honestly,
there was pleasure as well as fear. We were pleased that the insolent Ila,
often so pretentious and lofty with us, had been put immediately and sternly,
to her instruction and anguish, in her place, that of a female slave, like us.
We were glad the men had taken the action they had. We had been reassured by
it. In it we had had a demonstration of their firmness and power, of the
meaningfulness and reality of their mastery. It had served, too, to remind us
all, graphically, of what we all were, women, and slaves, and that we were
subject, as such, to them. The insolence of Ila, too, was an embarrassment to
us, and, in its way, a reflection on us, and our sex. To be sure, we were also
afraid. We did not wish her behavior to draw down the wrath of the men on us
all. We were not eager to share the lash with her. We now saw Ila in the cage,
her fingers hooked in the mesh, looking out. Her eyes were frightened. In them,
too, there was grievous pain. She was a lashed slave. The rest of us then,
quickly, at gestures, (pg. 108) hurried to the cages, dropped to all fours, and
entered them. Two cages sufficed us all.
I sat on
the long, heavy, wooden platform, raised about a foot from the dirt, one of
several in this exposition area, in this annex to the sales barn, naked, my
feet tucked back, near my left thigh, my ankles crossed, my left hand on my
left ankle, my weight muchly on the palm of my right hand, on the bench. A
chain was on my neck, an individual chain. It was about five feet long. It ran
from a ring set in the platform to my collar. On the upper portion of my left
breast something was written, inscribed there with a grease pencil. I had heard
that it was the number "89." I could not read it. It was my lot
out, hurry!" had said the man this morning, pounding with his pointed
stick on the linked, metal mesh of the cage’s roof. We had mostly backed out,
for the cages were narrow, and then remained there, in the dirt, in the gray
light of the early morning, on all fours. During the morning and afternoon of
the day before, when we had first arrived in Market of Semris, after we were
caged, other wagons had arrived, and unloaded their own fair occupants, they,
too, in short order, to be caged. Still later that afternoon some groups of
small, fat, grunting, bristly, brindled, shaggy-maned, hoofed, flat-snouted,
rooting animals had been herded in, also with pointed sticks, and they, too,
had been guided into identical cages. We had looked out of our cage, our
fingers hooked in the mesh, to other cages, some of them with girls in them,
some with the fat, flat-snouted, grunting, short-legged, brindled quadrupeds.
are tarsks," said one of the Gorean girls.
I nodded.
They were
not to be sold that night, however, I had gathered. We had learned that that
night tarsks were not to be sold, not "four-legged" tarsks, at any
rate. I recalled the other footprints we had seen in the dirt, left over,
probably, from the day before, those smaller, lovelier, daintier, high-arched
prints, doubtless those of girls. I did not know where they were. I would later
learn that they were in the exposition area, on the platforms, where we, the
next day, would find ourselves. The day in the cage had been warm, and the
night, too, had not been unpleasant, but, toward morning, it had cool. Happily
it had not rained. I shivered. I was glad to be out of the cage, moving now, on
my hands and knees, in the dirt, across the courtyard. I had not yet been given
clothing on this planet. We had had, however, (pg. 109) in the house where I
had been trained, blankets in our kennels.
had said our herder, he with the stick. "Wait."
We had
come to a long, narrow, wooden, calked, semicircular tanklike container, about
two feet wide and ten feet long, half buried in the dirt, its forward edge
reached by a low ramp. It was filled with a dark fluid. Here we had to wait
while a group of fifteen tarsks, one by one, herded up the ramp, plunged into
the fluid and swam to the other side where, scrambling out of the container,
they shook themselves, and hastened down the descent ramp.
you two-legged tarsks," said the man, waving toward the container with his
shuddered. None of us, I am sure, cared to enter that dark fluid.
not swallow the fluid," he said.
We looked
at one another, from our hands and knees. We would be sure not to do so. We
needed no encouragement in the matter. Clearly it would not be simple water.
first, two-legged tarsk," he said to Ila.
Master!" she said, hastening to obey, hurrying up the ramp on all fours
and plunging into the dark fluid. In an instant she was in the center of the
container. A little past that point, one of the men, reaching over the side of
the structure, thrust her head under the fluid. Then, in a moment, she was
scrambling out of the container.
on your feet," she was told.
Master," she said, now at the foot of the descent ramp, shivering, holding
her arms about herself. Ila, we noted, to our satisfaction, was now properly
deferential. Too, she was quick to obey. It seemed she had learned her lesson
yesterday, that she was, like us, a woman and a slave. As she had been the
first into the first cage yesterday, and we had had, for the most part, to back
out of the narrow enclosures, it was natural that she had been at the head of
our group this morning. i, for what it was worth, whether it was meaningful or
not, whether it was a tribute to my beauty, or an indication of my assumed
esthetic inferiority to the others, or a matter of accident, of simple
happenstance or original positioning, with no significance, or height or
whatever, was again at the end of the group. To be sure, I was neither the
tallest nor the shortest of the group. One of the Gorean girls, Tutina, was
smaller than I. It was, thus, I think, only an accident in its way, at least
with respect to what was going on this morning, that Ila had been chosen to be
the first to enter the (pg. 110) fluid. The man had not even seemed to remember
that she had been refractory, or resistant, the day before. He was thus kindly,
I think, letting her begin again.
I plunged
from the incline of the ramp, from my hands and knees, into the dark liquid, on
my belly, as had the others before me, and the tarsks before them. I was
suddenly almost totally immersed. I cried out, sputtering, raising my head. It
was shockingly cold. It seemed foul. My head went under again and again I
desperately raised it. I then had my feet under me, and stood up, the fluid
about my waist. I was then, by a man’s hand in my hair, pulled from my feet
forward, and again into the liquid. It was stinging my eyes and nose. My eyes
were filled with them. I could barely see. I thrashed forward and then, wildly,
reaching about, seized the side. I pulled myself, then, clinging to the side,
the fluid swirling about my neck, toward the other end. Apparently they wanted
us well immersed. At the center point a man seized me by the hair and, to my
acute distress, forced my head under the fluid, for a terrible second or two,
and then released me. I then, moving forward, getting my feet under me, climbed
stumbling, falling, splashing, up the end of the container, and pulled myself,
at last, gratefully, onto the descent ramp. In a moment I was standing with the
others, in the dirt, in the open courtyard, near the foot of the descent ramp.
I was freezing. My teeth were chattering. I held my hands about myself,
trembling with cold.
way," said the man.
we followed him. I looked about. I wondered if the others could possibly be as
miserable as I was. I was extremely sensitive to cold, and to feelings of
almost all sorts. I wondered if one of the criteria for selecting a woman for
slavery might be her tactile sensitivity. I myself, I know, am extremely
sensitive to such things as textures, for example, the feel of silk or leather,
or a manacle, on my body. It is sometimes almost as though my entire skin was a
single, extensive, sheetlike, marvelous tactile organ. Too, I reacted to the
feel of a man’s hands on me, even in handling me in so simple a manner as to
put me in a cage. These types of skin sensitivity, of course, make us much more
alive to our environment. Indeed, part of our training was to increase our
awareness of subtle sensations. These features and capacities, too, of course,
made us more sensitive to both pain and pleasure. Thus, they put us all the
more, it seemed, at the mercy of masters. I looked about. Surely none of the
girls could be as miserable as I! But I saw them, in their misery, in their
cruel (pg. 111) discomfort, regard me as well. I wondered if they were thinking
the same thoughts as I. We were all terribly miserable. We were all such, it
seemed, as to be helplessly at the mercy of our sensitivities, tactile and
otherwise, of our helpless responsiveness, and our feelings.
way," said the man.
We were
very pleased to follow him into a large, wooden building.
is the annex to the sales barn," he said. "The exposition spaces are
I hardly
heard him, so eager I was to get within the building. Within, in the center of
the building, in the center of its dirt floor, was a fire pit, in which blazed
a cheerful fire. His stick, held out, prevented us from running toward it.
Then, amused, he lowered the stick, and we ran to stand near the fire, crowding
about it. Blankets, too, rough and brown, were there, in piles, and, permitted,
at a gesture of the stick, we seized them up and clutched them gratefully about
us, drying our bodies, and our hair.
seemed five exits from the lofty, raftered room. We had entered through one,
coming in from the courtyard; another led through double doors to our right,
and another, also with double doors, now barred, lay at one end of the room. It
seemed to lead to another yard. There were also two smaller doors, giving
access perhaps to offices and corridors. In this large room there were also a
large number o flow, sturdy platforms, raised about a foot above the dirt
flooring. Some of these platforms were flush with the walls, but others, by far
the larger number, were arranged at regular intervals, about four feet apart,
in rows, the effect being that of providing aisles between and about them. I
did not know about the platforms next to the wall, but it seemed that the
platforms in the open part of the room, though formidable, and heavy, would be
movable. They could thus be brought out, and arranged, or removed, or
dismantled, and taken away, it seemed, according to desire. In this fashion it
seemed the room might be capable of serving various purposes.
your hair," said a man, bringing out a box of wooden combs, "and then
you will be fed."
We took
the combs and knelt, letting the blankets fall about our waist, and combed our
hair. I think it pleased the men to see us do this. Gorean men relish women,
and enjoy watching them, even in the performance of such simple, homely acts as
combing their hair. To be sure, we were bare-breasted, and slaves, and obeying.
We had not been asked to form a combing (pg. 112) circle, probably because they
were willing to permit us to remain in the vicinity of the fire. There were too
few of us to circumscribe the fire. We would have had to withdraw from the
fire, or most of us. In the combing circle we kneel in a circle, each girl
combing the hair of the girl in front of her. Making us comb our hair before we
were fed, incidentally, is typical of the manner in which Gorean men treat
female slaves. The woman is to be presentable and beautiful, before she is
permitted food. How much darker, I noted, did my hair, and that of the other
brunets look, when it was wet. The combs were of yellow wood, and had long
teeth. The entire comb, including the teeth, was about five inches square.
There are various hairdos in which such combs are worn in the hair. usually,
however, the hair of slaves is worn long, and loose, or confined only in some
simple way, as with a ribbon or woolen fillet. Some masters like the ponytail
hairdo on a slave, which, on Gor, is usually spoken of as the
"leash," or "hair leash," for, by it, a girl may be
conveniently seized and controlled. Upswept hairdos are usually reserved for
free women, or high slaves. They are a hairdo of that sort to a slave is the
master’s pleasure in undoing it, in loosening it, thus reminding even the high
slave that in his arms, ultimately, she, the high slave, is yet a slave, and as
much or more than the lowest girl in the most remote village. The loosening of
a woman’s hair on Gor in an extremely sensuous, meaningful act. "Who
loosens her hair?" is a way of asking, in effect, who owns her.
is Teibar coming to inspect these women?" asked a man.
suddenly almost fainted. Teibar! He had not abandoned me, I thought wildly. I
gasped. I looked about wildly. Some of the other girls looked at me, strangely,
unable to understand my sudden agitation. My heart palpitated madly. Surely
everyone must hear it. My breast heaved. I fought for breath. The other girls
perhaps thought me mad. I did not care! It made no difference! Teibar owned me!
I was his! Teibar! He was here! He had not forgotten me! He wanted me! He had
come for me! It was I he had picked out, even on Earth! I would love and serve
him forever, forever and forever, no more than a dog at his feet, but living in
the light of his presence, a loving, panting bitch, loving him forever, loving
him forever with a love beyond love!
is wrong?" whispered Gloria.
I whispered. "Nothing! Nothing!"
(pg. 113)
"They are bringing food," said a girl.
smells good," said little Tutina.
yes," I said.
I sat on
the long, low wooden platform, in the annex to the sales barn, in the
exposition area, naked, my feet tucked back, near my left thigh, my ankles
crossed, my left hand on my left ankle, my right hand supporting most of my
weight, the chain on my neck dropping down to the wood, to my right, then
lifting, running back over my thighs, then keeping its rendezvous with its
ring, behind me and to my left. On my left breast, on its upper portion,
inscribed there with a grease pencil, in Gorean, was a number. I had been told
it was "89," and that it was my lot number.
After we
had eaten this morning, thought I, so excited, had scarcely touched food, we
were knelt in a line, facing one of the small doors.
I had
strained to hear the smallest scraps of conversation among our keepers. I had
learned that this place was an appurtenance of the house of Teibar, who was a
well-known slaver in Market of Semris. He owned this complex and dealt also in
the sales of livestock, in particular those of tarsks. This particular complex
was, it seemed, on of the best-known areas in Market of Semris for the sales of
tarsks. Indeed, in the very area where I now was, the platforms cleared away
and pens put forth, projected sales lots of tarsks were commonly displayed,
often prize lots, to be bid upon later in the sales barn itself. To be sure,
the platforms made it obvious that this area, too, could, and did, serve
another purpose, as well, the vending of yet another form of livestock, the
female slave. To be sure, most of his sales, those of women, apparently took
place at another facility, one more precisely adapted to their display and
merchandising. How like Teibar I had thought, to deal in both tarsks and women.
I had smiled. He well knew how to keep us in our place, did he not? And what a
rich joke, I had thought, this was doubtless supposed to be, that I would find
myself here, his "modern woman," in a place where really, more
appropriately, and usually, not women, but tarks, were sold! It was this place,
I had surmised, thinking I had penetrated his joke, where he had planned to
reclaim me. I suddenly finding myself again in his power, that of the house of
Teibar, and in a very complex of his, "where women such as I might be
bought and sold." Surely he had planned this coup, this joyful, lovely
trick, his master’s jest, so rich and delicious, even from the time of the
library on Earth, (pg. 114) even from
the time the conical, stiff, rubberized mask had been placed over my nose and
We were
kneeling, facing on of the small doors.
to the dirt!" called a man.
we assumed a common form of slave obeisance, kneeling, the palms of our hands
on the ground, our heads to the ground. Many masters, though it tends to be
rather associated, usually, with given cities, require this position of their
girls, usually when they first enter his presence, or find themselves, as in a
room, which he has entered, in his prison. She is then, usually, when given
permission, permitted to lift her head, but is to remain kneeling before him,
beautifully, in a standard position, her knees closed if she is a house slave
or tower slave, her knees open, if she was the sort of slave I was, whatever
sort of slave that was supposed to be. It is almost universal, as far as I
know, that a slave kneels in one fashion or another, when entering her master’s
presence, or if she should find herself in his presence. She also commonly
kneels when spoken to by any free person. This is simply a matter of respect.
To be sure, she can be slain, if she does not do so. The kneeling position, of
course, which is usually required to break, is commonly an initial position.
For example, after its deferential assumption, she may be dismissed from it, to
other duties, such as cleaning, shopping or cooking.
I began
to tremble, violently. I could not lift my head and look, of course. At the end
of our line I sensed men.
think you will find these a good lot," someone said. That pleased me. I
wanted our lot, or our group, to be a good one, and I wanted, if possible, to
be the best in it! I wanted that, if only for Teibar. But I heard no response
to the man’s remark.
your head," I heard a man say to someone, at the end of the line. It had
to be Ila.
said someone. Ila, I conjectured, was now being scrutinized. She was doubtless
kneeling very beautifully.
do you think, Teibar?" I heard.
(pg. 115)
I again almost fainted that Teibar, my master, he who had come to reclaim me,
was near.
Then I
feared, terribly, that he might more desire Ila than me. A wave of sudden
terrible hatred swept over me. I wanted suddenly to leap up, screaming, and run
at her, like a raging cat, to scratch out her eyes, to tear every last strand
of that long, silky blond hair out of her head! Then I was frightened. I
remained exactly in place. I did not move. I could be terribly punished,
perhaps even tortured and killed, if I, a mere property, seriously injured, or
diminished the value of, another property. Short of such things, though, we
could do much what we wanted to one another, and Ila was larger and stronger
than I! I felt helpless.
But there
had been no response to the man’s question.
reassured myself that it was not Ila he had wanted. He could have had her at
the house of our training, or bought her there, and for a discount, if he had
wanted! He hadn’t! to be sure, she was a larger woman than I, and meatier. Did
that make her better? I did not know. Perhaps she was more beautiful! I did not
know. I did know that I was beautiful, and even if I were not as beautiful as
she, I was desperately needful, willing and loving. Surely such things should
count for something! Too, it seemed, undeniably, that he had found me
desirable. I thought and hoped, that perhaps I might be special to him,
somehow, in some way, more so than others, as he was to me, he who was the
loved, dreaded master of my heart.
said a man to Ila. She stood. Something then, it seemed, was done to her.
"Kneel," she was told. She knelt.
I kept my
head down, kneeling. I trembled. I awaited the approach of my master.
up," had said the man, then, and then "Stand," and then, after a
moment, "Kneel," to one of the women, after another, approaching me,
done the line. "Look up," he said to the woman next to me, Gloria.
She was a large girl, with swirling red hair. To be sure, before the men, she
could be, like Ila, only another female slave.
was said to Gloria. She stood. Something was done to her. "Kneel,"
she was told. She knelt.
I kept my
head down. They were then before me! I trembled. I awaited the command to lift
my head, to view my master, to greet him with joy, to prove to him that I was
no longer a hated "modern woman," no longer a spoiled, pampered woman
of a (pg. 116) sick, antibiological world, that I was now only his, a female
slave, vulnerable and exposed in the fullness of her womanhood, belonging to
him, totally, fully on his own terms, on his own world.
Teibar," said a man, "is the last of the lot."
I had
been saved for last. My master had saved me for last!
up," said a man.
is wrong with her?" asked a man.
is wrong with you?" asked another.
said another.
I looked
wildly, sick, from one face to another. I was shaking. I tried, wildly,
irrationally, to shut from my mind what I saw. I tried, in my mind, to change
what I saw. I tried, wildly, irrationally, to force myself to see another,
among those faces, one who must be there.
is Teibar?" I asked.
am Teibar," said one of the men.
I began
to shake, uncontrollably.
said a man.
But I was
so weak I could not stand.
One of
the men went behind me and lifted me up, by the arms, holding me.
I almost
lost consciousness.
I felt a
pressure on the upper portion of my left breast, it seemed to be being drawn
upon, or marked, by a cylindrical object with a soft, smooth, rounded point. It
traversed my skin easily, with little friction, though I was clearly aware of
its downward pressure. In the wake of the object there appeared a bright,
thick, red line, moving about and circling, completing a course, a
configuration, on me, which perhaps to some who looked upon it, but not to me,
was significant. And then, in a moment, the object was withdrawn, the marking
fixed upon me. I looked down upon it, what was written on me.
have it?" asked the man with the cylindrical marking device, some sort of
grease pencil, to another, who held a clipboard, with attached papers.
said the fellow with the board, making a notation on the papers.
said the fellow with the pencil, putting it back in one of the compartments of
an open, triple-sheath attached to his belt.
The man
who was supporting me, holding me from behind, let me sink to my knees. I could
not stand by myself.
(pg. 117)
I looked down at my breast, at what was written there, so boldly and brightly.
you read?" asked a man, he who had said he was Teibar.
Master," I whispered.
are an Earth female, are you not?" he asked.
Master," I whispered.
as an Earth female," he said, "you are not used to having your body
written upon, for the convenience of men."
Master," I said.
here you will grow used to it," he said. "Too, here, you are no
longer really, an Earth female. You are now no longer of Earth. You not belong
to this world, ours."
Master," I said. It was true. I now belonged to this world.
you like to know what it says?" he asked.
Master," I said.
is the number ’89,’ " he said. "It is the number of your individual
sales lot."
Master," I said.
is wrong?" he asked.
I looked
up at him, tears in my eyes.
am Teibar," he said.
Master," I said.
he said, softly, "it is then some other Teibar you were thinking of."
Master," I whispered.
he said, "is a common name."
Master," I said.
is a very common name," he said.
Master," I said.
her," I thought I heard someone say. Then I must have lost consciousness.
I sat,
waiting, on the long, heavy, wooden platform, raised a foot or so above the
dirt floor of the exposition area, it located in the annex to Teibar’s sales
barn, he of Market of Semris, a dealer in tarsks, as they said, four-legged and
two-legged. The platform was one of several, arranged in orderly rows. The
platform I was on was near the center of the room. I sat there, waiting, small,
helpless, naked, my feet tucked back, near my left thigh, my ankles crossed, as
though they might be held together by a small chain, my left hand on my left
ankle, my weight muchly on the palm of my right hand, a chain on my (pg. 118)
neck, running to its ring in the platform. I do not know how long I had been unconscious.
I had awakened here, on the platform, feeling its heavy, sturdy, smooth wooden
surface beneath my body. I had also become aware of the chain on my neck. A
little later I learned what space and movement it would permit me. I could
stand comfortably in it. This was intentional on the part of the masters, being
connected with a concept of latitudes suitable for the appropriate display of
merchandise. We were a ten-lot originally, it seemed, but as though in
anticipation of a projected decision, we had been given different lot numbers.
It seems they had not been fully decided, at least at one point, whether to sell us as a unit, a given ten-lot, or to
break the ten-lot and sell us individually. They had now decided, it seemed, to
sell us individually. I suppose it was a sound commercial decision, given the
conditions current in their area. i do not really know. At any rate, they would
do what they wanted, the same as with any other sort of merchandise. We were
not the only ten-lot now in the room. There were girls, now, on most of the
platforms, usually three girls to a platform. These others, I gathered, had
been brought in during the day by wagons, or had perhaps been marched over from
some other facility. Such things were the concerns of masters, not mine. My
head was down. There was a number of my left breast. I was alone. Teibar, my
master, who had so easily and imperiously captured me on Earth, and who had
brought me here, seeing to it that I was suitably impressed into helpless
bondage, had not wanted me. My hopes had been absurd. How naïve I had been.
what a fool I had been. I should have known better. I could cry no more. It was
now early in the evening. Somewhat before noon we had been watered, doubtless
that we would be freshened and our bellies pleasantly rounded. The men,
customers, natives of the locality, agents, dealers and others, were then
admitted, to examine us, and, if interested, take notes on our lot numbers. On
the platforms, I, and others, had endured the most intimate scrutinies. They
had moved about us, circulating here and there, going from one platform to
another. They usually did this, it seemed, in a precise pattern, beginning at
one point or another, thus making certain that the contents of ever platform
came within their purview, that they did not miss even one of the displayed
wares. We, of course, perforce, must respond to their instructions. We found
ourselves often standing, or sitting or kneeling, or moving or assuming
attitudes, or pursing our lips, and so on, according to their commands. In
these times we were often handled quite objectively, the firmness of our
breasts and thighs being tested, (pg. 119) and so on. But then animals are
often handled on such a basis, slapped on the flanks, and such. Sometimes they
would even put us bodily in desired attitudes. They wanted to form some ideas,
it seemed, as to our condition and soundness, and what it might be for them, or
their clients, to own us. We were even, occasionally, touched intimately. Under
such attentions I could not help squirming. This seemed to amuse them. I
gathered from some of their remarks, somewhat indelicate remarks, scarcely fit
for the ears of an Earth woman, or one who had once been from Earth, that under
true male attentions I might prove to be utterly helpless. I found this
dubious. I assumed that it was
false. I
would learn later that it was not. Still I was so distraught, so much numbed,
so much in shock, so despondent, so much in despair, so miserable over my
rejection by Teibar, that I was not even remotely as responsive as I would
normally have been. and this had to do not simply with feelings. Sometimes I
was hardly aware of, or caring of, what was being done to me. Sometimes I
knelt, and moved, and posed, almost without understanding or thinking about
what was being done to me. To these men, I am sure, I must have appeared,
though perhaps beautiful, inert. They were now gone. The exposition area was
now closed to the public. It was in the early evening. I supposed that we would
be watered again, later, that we might again appear fresh, our skin with
excellent tone, glistening and smooth, our bellies sweetly rounded. After a
large breakfast this morning, we had been fed very lightly, however, only a
handful of dry gruel put in our mouths after the closing of the exposition
area. To be sure, I supposed it was enough for us. We need far less food than
men. It is cheaper to feed us than male slaves. There were other reasons, of
course, why we had been fed so lightly today. Tonight they did not want us to
be lethargic or sluggish. Too, they did not wish, particularly in the case of
new girls, their stomachs turning and wrenching in misery, and terror, to risk
disgusting accidents.
we heard.
every girl on every platform assumed position. I looked about, as I could.
Every girl that I saw has assumed, as I had, the open-kneed position. It was
required of them. I gathered, as it was required of me. They were all
attractive. I wondered what sort of slaves we were, that we must kneel in this
In a few
moments we were lined up, according to our separate lots. I at the end of mine,
facing not the large, closed double doors which let to the area outside, those
doors through which (pg. 120) the customers had entered, but the other large,
closed double doors, those which, apparently led somewhere else. Gloria was in
front of me, as usual. Her hands were manacled behind her back. my hands, too,
were identically secured. On her neck, as on mine, was a buckled, two-ringed,
leather collar. It was the sort of collar which may be easily put on, and
removed from, a girl. The girl, of course, if manacled as we were, is helpless
in it. The rings are located at 180 degrees from one another. This permits
girls to be fastened, the collar oriented appropriately, either side by side,
in ranks, or behind one another, in files. A leather strap, with snaps at both
ends, joins the rings, usually the ring at the back of one collar to the ring
at the front of another. Gloria, being ahead of me, was thus leashed to the
ring at the back of the girl’s collar ahead of her, and I was leashed to the
ring at the back of Gloria’s collar. As I was at the end of the line, the ring
at the back of my collar hung free, against the leather, not utilized.
double doors before us, were opened.
I could
see a long corridor, dimly lit with lamps. It was, like the exposition area,
floored with dirt. That made sense, as doubtless tarsks, those of the
four-footed variety, those bristly, squat, grunting animals, as opposed to the
two-footed variety, those soft, smooth, shapely animals, were often conducted
through it.
I looked
down the long, dark, dirt-floored corridor.
group, it seemed, would be neither the first, nor, given our position, the last
to enter that corridor.
I looked
down at the writing on my left breast. It was, I had been told, an
"89," my lot number.
We had
been fed very lightly today.
There was
a reason for that. Tonight we were going on the block.
(pg. 121)
Our group would be the next into the shoot. We could see it on the other side
of the barred gate, the narrow, wooden ramp, with the low, wooden walls, open
at the top, with the two gates, one for the shoot itself, to control the number
of animals entering it, the other, slanting, behind which men might stand,
which, when closed, given its diagonal, served to guide animals into the shoot,
the shoot’s gate, for such a purpose, then being held back, or, if it were
desired to admit several animals, hooked back, open.
ahead of me, was squatting over the bowl.
We were
still in line, but we were no longer in the two-ringed, leather collars, or
leashed, or manacled. Bars were in front of us, and behind us. This was one of
several holding areas, and the last before the shoot. Two holding areas back we
had been given water, order to drink plentifully. That water, of course, as of
yet, had not had time to pass through our system.
A man
slid the bowl back to me. "Relieve yourself," he said.
squatted over the bowl.
do you feel?" asked the man. I looked up. it was Teibar, he of Market of
Semris. His voice was kindly. He seemed not unconcerned. The last time he had
seen me, I supposed, might have been when I had collapsed, unconscious,
overcome, before him, and the others, in the exposition area, shortly after my
lot number had been written on my breast.
well, Master, I said. "Thank you, Master."
He then
turned away. Like most Gorean men, and unlike Teibar, the Teibar who had
captured me, he seemed to bear me no ill will, or hostility, on the grounds
that I might be from Earth. Perhaps he no more than most others, knew what was
going on there. To him I was doubtless no more than another pretty girl,
another charming female, correctly imbonded.
I was
still squatting over the bowl.
I looked
up and met the eyes of the other fellow, he who had slid the bowl back to me,
he who had ordered me to relieve (pg. 122) myself. They were stern. "Yes,
Master!" I said. Quickly then I relieved myself. I thought to myself with
bitter amusement how Teibar, my Teibar, might have smiled, to see me squatting
here, his "modern woman, now a frightened slave, on his world, relieving
herself at a man’s command. Doubtless he had known full well, he, a native of
this world, that such things would be required of me. The bowl, incidentally,
is not an improper precaution. It is often used before sales. Though there is
usually a liberal sprinkling of sawdust on the block it is usually there less,
I think, for practical purposed than for symbolic ones, for example, making
clear the animal nature of what is vended, reverence for tradition. Still it
could serve. The bowl, however, is better.
I stepped
away from the bowl. The man pushed it with his foot to the side. I looked
toward the front of the holding area. I was startled. Ila, and at least three
of the other girls, had already entered the shoot. They were on all fours,
crawling up the wooden ramp. Two men along the edge of the shoot, standing
outside it, with pointed sticks, spaced them, and informed them, one at a time,
when to move ahead. Then two other girls were sent through the barred gate to
the end of the shoot. There, at its opening, on the wood, they were ordered to
all fours. I suppose this amused the men. Too, it was appropriate, given the
dimensions of the shoot. It was really made, like this facility, as a whole, it
seemed, for the vending of four-footed animals, primarily, I supposed, tarsks.
I then saw little Tutina taken through the gate and put in the shoot. She was
tiny, but dainty, lovely thighed, and very prettily curved. I thought she might
bring a high price. I wondered what I would sell for. I was not even aware,
really, of the monetary system here, or its units, or their worth. Too, I would
not know what the other girls sold for, I supposed. Perhaps I could find out
from my master, whether the price I had gone for was a good one or not. I hoped
he would not whip me for such curiosity. I had been told the "curiosity
was not becoming in a kajira." On the other hand I suspected that the very
existence of such a saying witnessed in its way the widespread nature of
exactly such a charming feature, or weakness. Doubtless females were as curious
here, as elsewhere. I hoped that I would not be sold to a brothel or tavern. I
saw Clarissa put in the shoot. That startled me. How could that be? She was
from Earth! How could that be done to her? She was different! But she was not
different. She was only another female. Gloria was in front of me, standing at
the gate. She, too was from Earth. We (pg. 123) were Earth girls. Surely this
could not be happening to us! I was guided by the arm toward the barred gate. I
saw Clarissa hastened in the shoot by the jab of a pointed stick. The shoot’s
gate was held shut behind her. She moved in the shoot, I noted, like the other
girls, the Gorean girls, no differently. Gloria was thrust through the barred
gate to the shoot gate. I recalled how Clarissa had, one evening at the house
where we had been trained, early in our training, been, or pretended to have
been, refractory, and how the other girls had disciplined her. She had then,
the meaninglessness and absurdity of her little rebellion, or pretended
rebellion, demonstrated to her, accepted, and then rejoiced in, her bondage.
She had now learned that she was a slave, totally, and only, that. I was sure
she would prove a marvelous purchase for a man. Even the guards, not easy to
please, had given her candies. I thought she would be marvelous, lovely Clarissa,
in a man’s domicile, and in his arms. Then I wondered how I could even think
such things. She was from Earth! Then I realized that such considerations were
quite beside the point, quite inconsequential. Clarissa was no longer a free
woman, and of Earth; she was now something quite different; she was now only a
slave girl, and only of Gor.
was thrust through the barred gate, and I was drawn to it.
were sold in this place, I thought. I observed the long, narrow, low-walled
wooden conduit, leading up and forward. I could not see where it led. Tarsks
were herded through it, with pointed sticks. It was a tarsk shoot. Tarsks were
sold in this place.
Gloria, then, with her lovely red hair, was in the shoot, on her hands and
knees. She, too, like Clarissa was from Earth. I was thrust forward, before the
shoot gate. It had been shut behind Gloria. I might not yet go forward. It was
in front of me. It was about waist high to me. I looked at the slanting wooden
ramp, beyond it. I looked at Gloria, crawling now in the shoot. She was a large
girl. She had been able to stand us, even to Ila. To be sure such things were
important only in our small interpersonal relationships, in the wagons, in the
cages. I saw her hurried up the ramp, with the poking of a man’s stick.
The gate
was opened in front of me. It swung back, against the inside of the shoot. A
man controlled it, standing behind the shoot wall, in back of the other gate,
the long diagonal gate which closed the corridor beside the shoot, sloping
toward the shoot. At the gesture of one of the pointed sticks I went to all
fours on the wooden ramp. I cried out, protesting, at the poke of (pg. 124) a
stick. I moved forward. I heard the gate shut behind me. I was in the shoot. I
felt another jab from one of the sticks. Head down, I began the ascent of the
shoot. Then I felt another jab. I must move faster. I did so. In a few moments
I was several yards along the shoot, and approaching a level. There, leaning
over the shoot, his arms on it, was another man. In his right hand, it resting
on the top of the shoot wall to his left, he held a stick. He straightened up
and tapped on the inside wall of the shoot. I hurried ahead to that point.
There he put the stick in front of me, as a barrier, and I stopped.
"Belly," he said. I went to my belly there, in the shoot. I lay there
on the wood. Beyond this point the shoot seemed to be level for a way. On the
ascent portion of the shoot, and where I lay, toward the end of the section,
there were, every two feet or so, small crosspieces, these, I suppose, to aid
tarsks in the climb. One was beneath the palms of my hands and my right cheek.
Another was at my belly, and another was below my knees. I could smell tarsk in
the shoot. I knew the smell from the courtyard, and the narrow cages. The wood,
too, was indented in innumerable places with the marks of their hoofs. I
supposed many tarsks had climbed this shoot, and many women. I remembered the
library, the reference desk, the shelves, the card catalogs, the doors, the
upper level, the carpeting, the periodicals, the return desk, the xerox
machines. Too, I remembered my fellow workers there. I wondered if they ever
wondered what had become of me. My true fate, I conjectured, could not even
begin to enter their speculations. It would simply be incomprehensible to them.
It could not enter their ken. What ever became of Doreen? They would not guess
for an instant that someone had seen values in her that they had not seen, or
suspected, that Doreen, quiet, lovely, timid, shy Doreen, their reliable,
unobtrusive co-worker, whom they had so much taken for granted, had come to the
attention of men quite different from those to whom they were accustomed, or
knew existed, and that now she, quiet, lovely dark-haired Doreen, lovely, shy
Doreen, no longer wore her blouse and dark skirt, her dark stockings, and
low-heeled shoes, but rather lay naked in the keeping of men, a branded slave,
theirs, on a far-off planet, on a world they did not even know existed.
said the man, looking down the shoot.
I rose to
my hands and knees.
right," he said. "Proceed."
I again
addressed myself to this journey on the wooden surface. He tapped me twice,
rather smartly, but not cruelly, not to (pg. 125) hurt me, with the side of the
stick, swinging it to his right, as I passed him. it had been done with a
good-natured, if perhaps somewhat vulgar, familiarity. It was like the
good-natured, possessive slap below the small of the back with which men
sometimes speed slave girls about their business. In his way he was
complimenting me. I must endure such touches, of course. Men owned me, and
could do what they wanted with me. I belonged to them. Actually, of course, I
was pleased that he had done so. In its way it was a kindly act. Indeed, it may
have been intended to hearten and reassure me. Slave girls seldom object to
such treatment, vulgar though it might seem to free women, and even free women,
I think, in spite of the scandal they profess to feel in its wake, do not
really mind it. It is a way in which women are informed that they are of sexual
continued to crawl along the shoot. Here and there there was a man with a
stick. I hoped they would not strike me or jab me with their sticks. I kept my
head down and did not dally. I was frightened as I passed them, one by one,
almost cringing, almost recoiling, from the fear of blows that might alight
upon my body, knowing myself so much exposed, so much at their mercy, at their
whim or caprice. Then I was past them. I was grateful to them for not having
beaten me. There was little left in me now of Teibar’s "modern
woman," I feared.
Then I
was at the end of the shoot, at another gate.
I could
see to my left what looked like a part of a muchly trodden circular dirt area,
within a solid wooden railing. Behind his railing, standing, crowded about,
there seemed to be many men. Directly before me, and to my right, there was a
low, wooden wall, about four feet high. This prevented me from seeing much
ahead or to my right, and would prevent most of the men, assuming they were
crowded about an extension of the circular railing to my right, from seeing me.
The interest of the men who could see me, however, as nearly as I could
determining, was on something to my left, and raised above the dirt surface.
A man
opened the gate and motioned me out, still on all fours, onto a small wooden
platform. I could smell sweat, and hear voices, excited voices. One voice
seemed predominant among them.
He knelt
me back and put manacles on my wrists, joined by about a foot of chain.
I knelt
there, the chain across my thighs.
The gate
was closed behind me. I saw another girl. I did not know her, now behind the gate.
She must wait.
(pg. 126)
Suddenly the nature of the calls and responses from the crowd became clear to
me. There were calls for bids, and there were bids, literally bids, and
something was being sold.
I inched
forward, to see better. I could see the forward edge of a large, rounded block,
about five feet high, set back on the dirt, a few feet within the railing. A
double chain seemed to be extending upward, toward it, on a pulley system. I
moved forward on my knees, nearer the wooden wall in front of it. I saw Gloria
there, on that rounded, raised surface, standing, her wrists over her head, in
manacles much like mine. The chain at her manacles extended upward in an
inverted "V." It was about
two feet in length. The higher hook on the chain had been places over one
strand of the double chain overhead. About Gloria a man walked, with a whip.
I looked
back, trembling, at the girl still on all fours in the shoot. Her face was
frightened, behind the slats of the gate.
The man
who was near me took a short length of chain. It had a hook at each end. It was
about two feet in length. He put one end about the chain on my manacles, and
held the other.
suddenly almost cried out with fear. From my left, from the rounded, wooden
surface, there had come the snap of a whip. I heard the movement of a chain
overhead. I saw Gloria being drawn from the surface by the manacles, doubtless,
by means of them, to be lowered to the ground on the other side.
The man
then slung his end of my short chain, that whose lower hook was about the chain
on my manacles, over the chain extending upwards.
had been sold!
The chain
moved a little, and my wrists were pulled upward.
I cried, in English. "No, please!"
then I
felt the manacles drawn upward and my arms extended. I was pulled to my left
and then, suddenly, my feet were off the platform and I was swinging inches
over the dirt. The sides of the manacles cut into my wrists. I was then being
lifted up, toward the surface of the block. The gate beneath me, and behind me,
was opened. The other girl was now doubtless being brought to the platform,
behind the low wall, out of the sight of most of the crowd, and another was
moving to the gate. I saw, now, being lifted, that there were tiers behind the
standing area, extending back and toward the back of the building. On them,
though I could not see them well, there seemed to be many men, sitting. I could
not see any females. The only females in the building, I supposed, might be
females such as myself, naked (pg. 127) females, up for vending. There must
have been some four or five hundred men in the building, in the tiers alone,
not counting those crowded by the low railing. As I was lifted I could see the
semicircular nature of the dirt flooring. Doubtless, the large platform
removed, tarsks would be sold here. It was a lofty, raftered building. I put my
head up. I saw the chain moving. I saw more rafters, too, high above me, almost
lost in the darkness under the roof. It was a barnlike building. My wrists
hurt. I was then suspended above the platform. The men were looking at me. It
was a sales barn. Then the chain slacked a little and my feet touched the
surface of the platform. I stood, it seemed, in a half inch or so of sawdust.
My wrists were still held high over my head. I heard the crack of the whip and
I jerked, frightened, in the manacles. Some of the men laughed. The whip had
not touched me. My response though, I think, aside from being startled, had
informed the men that I was not totally unfamiliar with the whip. Indeed,
though I had felt it very seldom, I had felt it. Indeed, the first sensation
that I had been aware of on this world had been the stroke of Teibar’s whip,
awakening his "modern woman" to her new reality. He had struck me
three times. I had never forgotten the feel of those informative, salutatory
blows, bidding me welcome to my bondage.
fellow put his left hand on my breast, holding it still, reading it. Then he
nodded to another fellow, behind me and to my left, on the platform.
89," called that fellow.
men at the rail and in the tiers rustled papers, or glanced at notes, held in
their hands. I gathered that many of them might be the sort of men who would
buy more than one woman. That frightened me.
listened to the fellow behind us, scarcely understanding him. it was called to
the attention of the buyers that I was another Earth female. I was
characterized as being intelligent, and as having, for my time on Gor, attained
some skill in comprehending the language. I would be capable, I heard, of
understanding most simple commands put to me. I myself thought my grasp of
Gorean far exceeded such a minimal level but perhaps they wished to be
conservative in their claims on my behalf, if only to protect themselves
against the possible complaints of dissatisfied customers. Too, they probably
weren’t certain, really, how good my Gorean was. I had been here only since
yesterday morning. I then heard my height and weight, in Gorean measurements,
thirty and a quarter Gorean stone and fifty-one horts, or approximately, in
Earth measurements, one hundred and twenty-one (pg. 128) pounds and five foot
three and three quarters inches, and a large number of my other measurements
being similarly, recounted. These would be my "block measurements,"
those which were mine as of now, on the date of my sale. Some masters will hold
a girl to her block measurements, by the whip if necessary. Others will insist
on their improvement, under the penalties of a similar discipline, in one
direction or another, depending on their own preferences. Other masters are
quite lenient, or tolerant, at least within certain limits, pertaining to such
measurements. Clothing sizes were not given, as there is little concern on Gor
with a slave’s exact sizes in such matters. Most Gorean garments for female
slaves are either loose fitting, and drape, or they are pulled tight, sometimes
strapped or tied about her, to reveal her. If it is of interest, however, and
we are speaking of fixed-ring sizes, I would take a number-two wrist ring and a
number-two ankle ring. My collar size is eleven horts. These are average sizes.
Gloria, for example, would have taken larger sizes. Men’s sizes, those of male
slaves, incidentally, though the numbers are similar, are on a different scale.
The buyers were also informed that I was "glana," or a virgin. The
correlated term is "metaglana," used to designate the state to which
the glana state looks forward, or that which it is regarded as anticipating.
Though the word was not used of me I was also ‘profalarina’, which term
designates the state proceeding, and anticipating, that of
"falarina," the state Goreans seem to think of as that of being a
full women, or, at least, as those of Earth might think of it, one who
certainly is no longer a virgin.
In both
terms, ‘glana’ and ‘profarina’, incidentally, it seems that the states they
designate are regarded as immature or transitory, those of ‘metaglana" or
"falarina." Among slaves, not free women, those things are sometimes
spoken of along the lines as to whether or not a girl has been
"opened" for the uses of men. Other common terms, not generally of
slaves, are ‘white silk’ and ‘red silk’, for girls, who have not yet been
opened, or have been opened, for the uses of men, respectively.
suddenly wondered, wildly, my hands held high, held fast in the manacles, if
Teibar, my Teibar, might be out there somewhere among those men, perhaps high
in the tiers, in the darkness, waiting to bid on me! Then I realized how
foolish that would be. He could have bought me at the house, at a discount, if
he had wanted me, not waiting, not following me for great distances, not almost
certainly paying more in an open market, not risking (pg. 129)losing me to a
higher bidder in a place such as Market of Semris. No, Teibar would not be
here. It was I, who was here, alone.
I heard
myself characterized as being "semitrained." Was that all my training
in the house counted for, I wondered, rising so early, retiring so late, the
busy days, the long lessons, their frequency, variety and intensiveness,
administered to us morning, noon and night? I then wondered if this, like the
claims made with respect to my Gorean, were intended to be precautionary, or
conservative, perhaps to avoid possible subsequent difficulties with
disappointed buyers. But this time I did not think so. I had some inkling, by
now, given my training in the house, of the sorts of things which could be
involved in "training," many of which we had not even had time to
touch upon. I was sure that given the possibilities of slave service I was
still very naïve and backward, still muchly uninformed. Indeed, I suspected
that there would always be more to learn about service and love, that such
things were fathomless and limitless, and, thus, in a sense, the notion of
being ""fully trained," or knowing all there was to know, was in
actuality less of a practical goal than a lovely ideal, one which might perhaps
be approached ever more closely, but would never be, and perhaps should never
be, fully attained. Let the girl revel in her growth, and not fear that one day
there will be more to learn, nowhere else to go. There are no summits on the
heights of love. Ulrick, however, had assured me in the house, once, that I had
talent. I hoped so. Such, among the imperious masters of this world, might
improve my chances for survival. I did
have a live body, some understanding of my womanhood, and a desire to please
men. I looked down into some of the faces below me, behind the railing, across
the dirt, across the tarsk run. I had better be pleasing to such men, I
thought, shuddering. Then I moaned to myself. Teibar was not here. I was alone.
What was I doing here? Why was I brought here, to this world? My wrists hurt,
held up so high in the steel. Were the men not being cruel to me? Could they
not see I was naked, and helpless?
I heard, "—Pleasure Slave."
When I
heard this categorization, so matter-of-factly given, concluding the fellow’s
recounting of attributes and features, measurements and such, I was suddenly,
inordinately, startled. I had known, of course, I was not a house slave, or a
tower slave, for I was not permitted to kneel in fashions appropriate to those
varieties of slave. Too, I had understood, of course, that many of the things I
was taught seemed to have direct application to the pleasing of masters, and
even profoundly sensuously so, but I (pg. 130) had not, until now, heard that
exact simple, direct expression. We had never been told, in so many words, that
that was the sort of slave we were. Perhaps the Gorean girls had understood,
clearly enough, but I do not think we girls of Earth had, at least not is so
direct a way, not in the way, certainly, which seemed to be summarized so
clearly and succinctly by that one expression. Ulrick had not even told me the
sort of slave I was. He had laughed, and informed me that I would learn from
men. Now, it seemed, on the sales block, I had done so. I threw back my head,
and moaned. The chain overhead tightened and I was pulled up a little more, so
that only my toes were on the block.
auctioneer lifted his whip, cracked it, and called for the first bid.
My wrists
hurt. He was calling for a bid on an illiterate barbarian. I realized,
suddenly, that that was I.
I was an
educated, civilized, refined woman on my own world. Here I was an illiterate
I heard
someone call out from the floor. I realized, suddenly, I had been bid upon. I
was being sold! Too, he was not bidding on part of me, say, on my body. He was
bidding in the Gorean fashion on all of me, on the whole slave. The bid had
been for twenty copper tarsks. In a moment I had heard twenty-two, and
On my own
world I was a modern woman, of sorts, independent, and free, and with political
power, particularly with fearful, cringing men. But here men were not fearful
and cringing. But then I had been taken from Earth, and my power, to be brought
here to be utterly powerless, to be a slave, to be a pleasure slave! How
reductive, I thought, to be a pleasure slave! Then I knew that that was what,
on a proper, natural world, I would be, that that, on such world, was right for
me. "No, no!" I wept, in English.
I heard
more bids.
auctioneer walked about me. He touched me, here and there, with his whip. He
turned me on the chain, I on my toes, exhibiting me.
Then I
again faced the men. There were more bids
I though how amused Teibar might have been,
to have thought of me, his hated "modern woman," as he thought, being
sold, and being sold in this place, a place fit for her, a sales barn, where
tarsks, four-legged, and two-legged, like herself, were sold. I wondered if
Teibar knew I would be sold in this place. He was doubtless privy to the
records of the house. But he may have left their service before I was consigned
to the wholesaler (pg. 131) outside Brundisium. But it could be this was a
common clearing point for their slaves. It could be, too, he had retained
contacts with the house. He might very well know I was here. He may have even,
for his amusement, arranged that it would be here, or in a similar outlet, that
I was sold, influencing the orders in some fashion. Perhaps that I was here,
naked in a sales barn, my wrists manacled over my head, being bid upon by
strangers, was part of his vengeance on me. At the least he would have known
that this, or something similar, would be done to me! How amused he must be,
when he thought of such things, his haughty, pretentious "modern
woman." as he thought, she whom he held in such contempt, to her dismay
and terror, and miscry, now being sold naked from a slave block, into absolute
Then I
became aware of someone, or one or two men, actually, calling up from the
floor. It was not bids they were calling. I tried to understand them. I did not
know if it were their accents, or I simply, in my confusion, my misery and
distress, had suddenly lost almost all my command of Gorean. I could not really
understand them.
The chain
slackened above me and my arms fell, somewhat. The auctioneer put his whip on
his belt, held me by the left arm in his right hand, and, with his left hand,
reaching up, lifted the chain between my manacles off the lower hook of the
short chain, that attached to the strand of the double chain overhead. His hand
on my arm kept me from collapsing to the sawdust. My hands were down, the chain
on the manacles now against my thighs. He said something to me, but I did not
understand it. Then he reached in front of me and gathered the chain between my
manacles into his hands and lifted my wrists up, bending my arms back. He put
my wrists back, behind my head, and then released the chain on the manacles,
letting it drop behind my neck. "Clasp your hands behind the back of your
head," he said. I understood him now. "Bend back," he said.
"Display yourself." I obeyed, of course. Too, the whip was now again
in his hand. "Flex your knees," he said. "Now, turn," he
said. "Do not forget our friends to the right," he said. I then
displayed myself, again, identically, at the right side of the block. I did not
think the other girls had been removed from the chain, or not many of them,
given the speed with which the line had moved. Why should I be favored in this
respect? The bidding had been interrupted at eighty-eight tarsks, whatever that
meant. I did know that there was apparently something about me, perhaps
unfortunately, which many Gorean men found of interest. (pg. 132) I do not
thing this was simply a matter of figure and face, though I think these
appealed to a Gorean taste, but perhaps something else, something deeper, which
they seemed to sense about me, some sort of possibility, or potentially, or
something which I myself did not fully understand, or yet understand. Sometimes
he touched me with the whip, calling attention to a curve or flank. Teibar’s
"modern woman," I thought, is now displaying herself naked to Gorean
buyers. He then had me kneel and bent me back, painfully, my hair back to the
sawdust, to the center, and then the left, and then the right, before the
buyers. He then had me straighten up and unclasp my hands from behind my head.
He then lifted the chain forward, over my head. It then hung, between my
wrists, a little below my neck. He let me lower my hands. My hands then, and
the chain, were again on my thighs. My hands chained as they were, I could not
both keep them on my thighs and maintain a full, open-kneel position. I looked
up at him, from the sawdust.
Men were
calling out, from behind the railing, and some from the tiers. To my surprise
the auctioneer removed a key from his belt and removed the manacles from me. I
rubbed my wrists. There were marks on them where the manacles had cut into me,
when I was lifted to the block.
auctioneer cracked his whip.
I looked
up at him, from the sawdust. I was to be put through slave paces.
I tried
to put from me what was being done to me.
I wanted
to go back to the library.
sawdust was in my hair, and its particles clung to my sweating body.
I thought, "I can find that book."
I was on
my belly, naked, in the sawdust.
I thought, "there was quiet, shy Doreen in the library, going quietly
about her duties, there, walking about, returning to the reference desk, over
that flat carpet, from the information desk, past the xerox machines." I
rolled in the sawdust.
there she was, there, in that simple sweater, that plain blouse and dark skirt,
the dark stockings, the low-heeled black shoes. Surely no man could find her of
interest. Then she became aware of a man at the reference desk, looking down at
her, one bright afternoon, a man whose look penetrated into her deepest heart
and belly, and stripped her, and saw the slave there. And he had caught her in
her dancer’s costume, that in which no man had ever seen her before, and she
had then, in (pg. 133) swirling skirt and scarlet halter, and bells, danced in
the darkened library, danced before him and his men. I was vaguely aware of a
cry of pleasure from the crowd. I had performed the transition between two of
the moves in the slave paces with the startling, sensuous agility of a dancer.
It then seemed that it was the dancer in the sawdust, on the block, she who had
worn the skirt and halter, and bells. How beautiful they seemed to find her!
How she moved! She heard the exclamations of praise. The auctioneer stood back,
the whip lowered, startled. "No!" I cried. Then again I was awkward
and fearful, and only an Earth girl, miserable, confused and terrified,
cringing in the sawdust of a slave block on an alien world.
is wrong?" asked the auctioneer.
Master," I whispered, cringing before him on all fours.
A gesture
of his whip informed me I should like upon my back. Then I was supine before
him. He turned about. He stood partly over my body. He faced the crowd. He had
one of his legs between mine.
was called to him from the floor. "Two!"
repeated the auctioneer, holding up two fingers. "Two!"
auctioneer did not sound angry at this bid. I myself was startled. The bids had
been in the eighties before. Now, it seemed they were reduced to only two.
I was on
my back, gasping, lying there.
auctioneer stepped a little away from me, and turned to face me.
It was
now as though I could hardly move. I was terrified. I hoped he would not beat
me, because the bids were now down to two.
He looked
down at me, puzzled.
I think I
must then have seemed to him quite otherwise than I had but moments ago. I do
not think he understood this. It was almost, I suppose, as though there were
not one, but two women on the block, almost as though he had two different
women to sell.
I rose up
on my elbows but he, with the heel of his bootlike sandal, thrust me back to
the sawdust. He then, with his bootlike sandal, turned me to my stomach.
"Kneel," he said. I knelt. He then replaced the manacles on my
wrists. He turned me so that I knelt facing the crowd. He pulled down the short
chain from the horizontal chain. "Stand," he said. I obeyed.
"What is wrong with her?" called a man. The chain between my manacles
was (pg. 134) looped over the lower hook on the short chain. I could hardly stand.
I was terrified. I looked out on the men. Any one of them, I realized, could
own me. I was a slave! I could be owned. I could belong to them! They could do
with me what they might please, anything. They would have over me total power.
But I was a woman of Earth! This could not be happening to me! Then, as the
higher chain, the strand of the double chain, took up its slack, my wrists were
again pulled up, high, over my head. Again I could touch the block only with my
toes. I had not been as Ulrick had wanted, not at the end. I had been too much
afraid. I had not been fresh and supple. I had not controlled my breath well. I
feared I had not been beautiful. I had been too afraid, too afraid to be truly
beautiful. I had been too clumsy. I had not down well! Oddly enough I had not
wanted to disappoint Ulrick, who, I think, had liked me. Too, I didn’t want to
be punished for not having done well. Surely they had wanted to make more money
on me than "two," two of whatever it was.
I looked
down into the faces. They were masters, and I was a slave. My eyes met those of
one fellow, a large, corpulent man, stripped to the waist, very hairy, with
crossed belts running across his chest. He had a drooping mustache. He had a
long scar at the left side of his face. He was one of the grossest, most
frightening ugly men I had ever seen. He looked up at me, and grinned. On the
right side of his mouth, a tooth was missing. I looked up, away from him, at
the manacles on my wrists. They again hurt my wrists, my body stretched, and
pulled up, as it was, on my toes. My toes hurt, and the back of my legs. I
looked above the manacles, to the chain. Chains are so strong. We cannot break
auctioneer was now behind me and to my left. "Is there a further
bid?" he asked.
I think
the ambiguities in my performance, if that is what they were, may have puzzles
several in the crowd, as well as the auctioneer.
The house
was quiet.
I looked
down again. Again my eyes met those of the large, corpulent fellow. He grinned.
He did not seem puzzled. I feared he might be a perceptive master, in spite of
his grossness, his ugliness, from whom a girl could not keep secrets. I looked
hastily away, again, from him.
I bid only two," inquired the auctioneer, "for this luscious
I felt
the whip touch my flank and waist, on the left.
(pg. 135)
He then stepped a bit before me, to my left. He turned and touched me twice
with the whip. "Consider this flank, and belly," he said.
I tried
to hold myself perfectly still. The light touches of the whip, though, had made
me terribly uneasy.
He again
moved behind me, and to the left.
have been bid two," he said, "for this lovely barbarian pleasure
slave. Do I hear more? To be sure, she is only semitrained, and perhaps not yet
fully broken to the collar. That I would not gainsay. But surely she has some
promise. Yes, I think so. Some of you, I am sure, suspect that she has
I did not
know what he meant by that.
there a higher bid?" he asked. "Shall I close my hand?"
A wave of
anger suddenly swept over me. I, a pleasure slave! Absurd! How reductive! How
degrading! I wanted suddenly to prove to them that I was no pleasure slave. I
was an educated, refined, civilized woman of Earth! I was a modern woman, at
least of sorts! I was no pleasure slave! But I knew, looking down at those
faces, that if any of them owned me, I would have to be fully pleasing to them.
I would have to bend all of my efforts, and all of my beauty, my charm, my
grace, my knowledge, my intelligence, my tack, everything that I was, and could
hope to be, to that end. I would have to be to them, and perfectly, a pleasure
slave. And what horrified me most, I think, was that I wanted this. I wanted to
serve men, and give them pleasure, to be precious to them, to be loved and
appreciated, to make them happy. What a terrible woman I was, to want to make
men happy. Then again, I strove to be cold and hard, to be cruel like stone and
leather. I must not allow myself to feel! But what, I asked myself, if I were not
allowed to be my own mistress? What if men simple did things to me, forcing me
to feel, as it pleased them, forcing me to yield, and melt, against my will,
forcing me to feel, and experience, things which on Earth I had never even
dreamed of, forcing me to be what I most feared, permitting me nothing else, a
woman in the order of nature? Then I steeled myself again. I was no pleasure
slave. There was no pleasure slave in me! I was above such things. I was my own
mistress. No man could change that!
I cried, suddenly, startled, squirming wildly, leaping in the manacles,
twisting, with a movement of chain, then my weight on them, the chain taut, my
knees lifted, almost to my belly, my eyes shut, my teeth gritted.
There was
much laughter from the house.
When I
opened my eyes again, my body now again stretched (pg. 136) out, standing on
its toes, my wrists high over my head in the manacles. I looked down, across
the dirt area, over the railing. The large, hideous, gross, corpulent fellow
was there, looking up at me, grinning. I blushed hotly. I looked away from him.
I had not
expected the touch.
There was
more laughter.
My body
was crimson with shame.
It had
been revealed to the men that I had a vital, living body.
I held my
ankles, and knees, and legs as closely together as I could. I was terrified. I
was suddenly aware then, dimly, of what men might do to me, how they might take
me out of myself, subjecting me to incredible sensations as they, not I, might
wish, or choose. Too, if I had so reacted to so small and simple a thing, it
was difficult to conjecture how I might behave if subjected to more detailed,
subtle or prolonged attentions. I suddenly felt terribly helpless, and yet,
too, in a way, eager. Too, what if, horrifying enough, I was not permitted
resistance but must, under the sanction of terrible penalties, under the
command of masters, open myself fully to feeling, if I were forced to yield,
and fully, and was forced, thusly, to collaborate in my own conquest? There was
on thing which perhaps, in a way, was in my favor. My entire skin, and body,
tonight, was much less responsive than it would normally have been. I could
tell that, even from this morning. I had known it, too, from my responses on
the platform in the exposition area of the sales barn, at the other end of the
long corridor. This had to do with my disappointment in the matter of Teibar,
that I was still not within his grasp, that he had not brought me here, in some
master’s jest, to reclaim me. I had then understood that, despite all my hopes,
I was really, in the end, nothing to him, only another pretty Earth girl, to be
brought here merely in the lone of his business, to wear the collar and lick
the whip. My sense of abandonment had been acute. How alone I had suddenly realized
I was here, on this strange, beautiful world. I had been almost in shock, and
without feeling. Too, tonight, I had been, particularly in the last few
minutes, almost numbed with misery, and terror, understanding myself being
sold. I had been frightened, constricted and tight. I had been, I feared, not
beautiful. I had been just the opposite, I feared, of what Ulrick would have
wanted. Thus, even though I had been taken unawares by the sudden movement of
the auctioneer’s whip, and had moved suddenly, inadvertently, in a manner which
might have suggested to some that I was a pleasure slave, I knew that the
fullness of what I conjectured would be my typical response to such a touch had
(pg. 137) not even been hinted at. The full range of my responsiveness, thusly,
I congratulated myself, still lay concealed. None could suspect it. I
shuddered, though, to think of what it, so delicate and deep, might be under a
master’s hands. I could suspect, even from the simple touch I had received, how
helpless I might be.
called a fellow from behind the rail, raising his hand. "Two and
and fifty!" called the auctioneer, pleased. "Two and fifty! Do I hear
The house
was quiet.
I looked
down. The fellow who had just made the bid, whatever was its amount, was the
large, gross, corpulent fellow, he who was so ugly, so frightening.
I close my hand?" asked the auctioneer. His hand was open, held out to the
I looked
down at the man.
I twisted
in the manacles. I could not free myself. I was a slave!
I looked
down at him.
I would
wear a collar. I was branded.
I looked
down at him.
I knew
that in time my body would regain its sensitivity levels, that inexorably its
awareness, and helplessness, would return. It would be inevitable, like the
rising of water in a well. I could do nothing about it.
I looked
down at him.
He looked
up at me, and grinned.
barbarian is yours!" said the auctioneer, closing his hand.
I heard a
movement of chain above me and I was then, by the manacles and chain, over the
hook on the short chain, drawn across the block and, suspended, lowered to the
other side. Another girl, then, would be brought to the surface on the block.
In a moment, my knees giving way, I was on another platform, much like the one
on the other side of the block. Here, however, the low wooden wall was to my
left and front. The manacles were removed from me, and I was thrust toward
another gate, and shoot. In a moment I was again crawling on the wood. I strove
to maintain consciousness. I was glad, now, we were to crawl. I do not think I
could have walked. I heard the auctioneer behind me, calling for a bid on a new
girl. It would be she who had come to the gate behind me. I recalled seeing her
face behind the slats of the gate. I did not know her. I passed a man with a
pointed stick. He did not hurt me. I could not throw up. I (pg. 138) had not
been fed enough. I could not soil myself, or the wood. They had prevented that.
too, the greatest danger of those things is during the early moments, or the
final moments, of a sale. I moved down the shoot. My lot number was still on my
left breast. I wondered if I would be picked up tonight. I supposed not, as it
was late. I came to the end of the shoot. There was an opened tarsk cage there.
I crawled into it. I was the first one in this particular cage. I crawled to
the end of it. There would probably be five girls in this cage before it was
locked. In other cages, which had been removed, I supposed, from the shoot’s
exit, I could see other girls. I saw Clarissa and Gloria in the cage to my
right. They had preceded me in the coffle. They looked frightened. I supposed I
did, too. We had been sold. Gloria had her fingers hooked in the heavy mesh of
the cage side. Ah, Teibar, I thought, you would have your vengeance on your
"modern woman" now, indeed! She had been sold like a tarsk, in a
sales barn! Too, you would doubtless much approve of the master in whose hands
she had now come! Did they think, I wondered angrily, that I existed only to
give pleasure to men? But then I thought, wryly, ruefully, that that was
exactly for what Teibar’s "modern woman" now existed. That was now
the whole purpose of her existence, that, and only that. it was that for which
she must now live, only that. I considered my fate. Teibar had known it was to
be mine. Indeed, he had chosen me for it. How amused he must be, then, from
time to time, I thought, if he ever saw fit, perhaps in an idle moment, when
freed of more pressing concerns, to recollect me. To what a delicious and
amusingly appropriate fate he had consigned me! But no longer, now, really, was
I a "modern woman." I was now only a vested slave girl. I thought of
my master, and trembled. I put my fingers in the mesh of the cage, naked, the
number on my breast. I pulled my legs up. Then I lost consciousness.
10 THE
(pg. 139)
My head was down, my hair over his feet. I was naked, frightened. I had been
summoned into his presence, and had performed obeisance at the end of the long
carpet, leading to the dais. I had then, when permitted, approached the dais,
head down, on all fours. I had climbed, on all fours, up the broad, carpeted
steps of the dais, and now lay, on my belly, half on its surface, the lower
part of my body, my right knee flexed, across the final two steps before its
like and kiss well," he said.
you, Master," I said.
the other females of Earth," he said.
Master," I said. I gathered I was not the first Earth female who had come
this way.
may continue," he said.
you, Master," I said.
is not unpleasant," he said.
slave is grateful if her master is not displeased with her," I said.
are very pretty," he said.
you, Master," I said.
wear a collar," he said.
Master," I said.
collar is it?" he asked.
Master," I said.
whose is that?" he asked.
collar of my master, Hendow, of Brundisium, master of the tavern of Hendow, on
Dock Street, in Brundisium," I said.
There was
a slave whip across his knees.
His feet
and ankles were large, and the sandals had heavy straps on them. His calves and
thighs, too, were sturdy and powerful. His forearms and arms, too, were
frighteningly thick, and sturdy, like trunks of small trees. They were inches
greater in dimension than my own small limbs. He was of broad girth. His
shoulders, too, were broad, like the beams of a house. (pg. 140) I could not
begin to conjecture the strength of such a man. He could have handled me like a
doll. I felt helpless. It was like a flower before a mace of iron.
I was
terrified. He was my maser. I was eager to please him.
His hand,
reaching down, prevented me from licking higher than midway upon his calves.
already know something of what it is to be a slave, don’t you?" he asked.
Master," I said.
he said.
desisted in my ministrations.
are a virgin, aren’t you?" he asked.
Master," I said. He knew that, of course. It had been in my sales
information. Too, it had been checked by his man the morning following my sale,
before I had been prepared for shipment here.
you risk your virginity here, in this place, at this time?" he asked.
virginity," I said, "belongs to my master. He may do what he wishes
with it."
have plans for it," he said.
I was
silent. It would be as he willed. He was Master.
do your lessons proceed?" he asked.
think well, Master," I said. It seemed to me in my best interests to be
conservative in my estimations. Doubtless he had better information at his
disposal that I could give him, from his dancing slaves, and his whip master.
are a dancer," he said, "and have in you the makings of a superb
pleasure slave."
you, Master," I said.
is interesting that you are from Earth," he said. "One might have
thought that you were Gorean."
am a woman," I whispered.
he said. "That is probably the important thing. In the end it is probably
all pretty much the same. There are men, and there are women."
Master," I said.
you know that many times Earth women turn out to be superb pleasure slaves?"
he asked.
are women," I whispered, shrugging. I saw no reason why we, properly
controlled and disciplined, should not be as perfect for a man as a Gorean
woman. Indeed, considering the social and political deserts in which we were
sexually starved, it would not have surprised me in the least, if we, once it
became (pg. 141) clear to us, to our joy, that we now had no culturally
prescribed alternatives to being women, that we were now no longer subjected to
social pressures to be something else, our womanhood being denied, or demeaned
and despised, to coming home to our sex, and nature, proved to be every bit as
good, if not in some ways better, than our Gorean sisters, or at least some of
them, unaware of such deprivations. But in the end, I suppose, it all depends
on the individual female. In the end, we were all women.
up," he said.
I rose to
my knees, and lifted my head.
have a beautiful face," he said.
you, Master," I said.
you have a luscious form," he said.
you, Master," I said.
the whip," he said.
I did so,
quickly, that I might not seem to dally, or he draw it from me, but then, as he
held it in place, permitting me to continue, more slowly, more lingeringly.
Then he drew it back, and I knelt back, before him.
you going to be any good?" he asked.
I looked
up at him, startled, frightened. He had said I had a beautiful face, and a
luscious form. What more could anyone want? Then I swallowed hard,
understanding him. Of course, of course, I thought. Such things would be only a
beginning, perhaps only a small beginning, and doubtless not even a necessary
beginning, of what men would expect of me. "It is my hope that I will be
pleasing," I said.
have high hopes for you," he said.
I was silent.
think," he said, "that you will be very good."
is my hope that I will be pleasing to my master," I said.
to any to whom, in your master’s service," he said, "you are
explicitly, or implicitly, consigned."
Master," I said.
to men, in general," he said.
Master, of course, Master," I said. I was a female slave. I existed now
for the pleasure of men. It was what I was for.
he said, "one encounters an Earth female who believes, at first, for a
short time, that she may be resistant, in some respect, either secretly or
overtly, to masters. Are you such a female?"
Master," I said.
(pg. 142)
"In any way?" he asked.
Master," I said.
recalcitrance is detectable," he said. "It is betrayed by subtle body
cues, uncontrollable, and unmistakable."
Master," I said, looking down.
are drugs, too," he said, "which are pertinent to such matters."
Master," I said. I had not known that. I had known that. I had known about
the other sorts of things. They had been graphically illustrated to us in the
house of my training. Some had to do with skin blotching and nipple erection.
One simple test had been with five of us, one of us, not known to Ulrick, to
take a ring and hide it. By holding her hands and looking into her eyes it had
almost immediately determined the "guilty girl." He had then, merely
by holding her arm, had her guide him, involuntarily, to where she had hidden
the ring. These things were done primarily by acute observation and
differential muscle tensions, indexed to the girl’s knowledge and inward
states. The meaning of the lessons, however, had been clear. If our slavery did
not go through us, so to speak, if it was not complete, we could not conceal
that from the masters. Our choice then, in effect, was to be complete slaves,
whole slaves, total slaves, or die. I, and I think, my entire class,
interestingly, had rejoiced in this knowledge. We knew we were slaves in our
hearts, as we had learned in our training, and we wanted to be slaves. The
knowledge then that we would be unable to conceal any inauthenticity is our
slavery from the masters, even if we wished to do so, was a liberating insight.
It imposed a welcome, healthful psychological consistency upon us. It deprived
us of even the last excuse which our pride or vanity might have left to us not
to be perfect in our bondage. To be sure, sometimes a master encourages open
defiance or rebellion on the part of a girl, he then enjoying forcing her to
serve, and perfectly, so obviously, so visibly, against her will. Too,
sometimes, he is amused to indulge a girl’s "secret" recalcitrance,
well aware of her games, her transparent reservations, her supposedly so
carefully guarded and secret resistance, letting her think it is unknown, even
unsuspected. When he tires of this sport, however, he reveals to her, to her
horror, that she had been all this time as open to him as a book. She can then make
the decision of the slave girl, to be a true slave, a full slave, or die.
into my eyes," he said.
I did so.
It was not easy.
" he said, "you are a slave."
(pg. 143)
"Yes, Master," I said.
though you might regret your bondage, or rage against it, from time to
time," he said, "yet, in your heart, you now you are a slave."
Master," I said, frightened.
were a slave even on Earth," he said.
a secret slave," I whispered.
he said, "your slavery is patent."
Master," I said.
was wrong with you, at the end of your sale?" he asked. "You seemed
suddenly so awkward, so clumsy, almost as though you were paralyzed."
do not know," I said. "Perhaps I realized, suddenly, what was being
done with me, that I was being sold."
a slave must expect to be sold," he said.
Master," I said.
He looked
down at me.
was frightened, Master," I said.
you frightened now?" he asked.
Master," I said. This was the first time I had been in his presence, to my
knowledge, since my sale in Market of Semris. I kept my eyes from meeting his.
I could see the vast, hairy chest, crossed by the two belts. The large,
drooping mustache suggested a casual, almost indolent power. The scar at the
side of his face had been wrought, I supposed, by some primitive device or
weapon, perhaps even, though it seemed hard to believe for a female of Earth,
in combat. From my point of view, he
seemed clearly a barbarian. He would think nothing of owning women. To be sure,
from his point of view, it was I, though a refined female of Earth, who, on
this world, counted as being the "barbarian." He had been coming back
from some place called Torcadino, or near Torcadino, where he had gone, either
there, or in its vicinity, to purchase cheap girls for his tavern. I gathered
that women, for some reason, were cheap in that vicinity. He had stopped at
Market of Semris on his way back to Brundisium, boarding his girls overnight at
the house of Teibar. He had stopped in that evening at the sales barn. There he
had purchased me. He had not, as far as I knew, made any other purchases here.
he said. "It is well for a slave to fear her master."
Master," I said. I kept my head down. What he said was rue, of course. It
was indeed well for a slave to fear her master. The master can do what he
wished to her. He has absolute and total power over her.
(pg. 144)
I watched his fingers move idly on the butt of the whip and on its single,
thick blade, coiled back, twice, against the butt.
I suppose
I would have feared any Gorean maser, they are so strict with us. But I was
sure, too, I feared this one more than I might have most. He was so large, and
so beastlike, a complex man, I sensed, but one of simplicity in the sense of
undividededness or singleness of purpose. To be sure, this lack of
self-division, of self-conflict, tends to be characteristic of Gorean males.
Their culture does not try to control them by setting them against themselves
when they are too young to understand what is being done to them, in some
cases, by half tearing them apart. To some extent, I suppose, it satisfies
them, and keeps them content, rather as one might throw meat to lions, by
throwing a certain sort of woman in their way, the slave. The man who owned me
might indeed be, as I had first percieved him,in Market of Semris, he free,
looking up at the slave block where I, a naked slave, displayed in high
manacles, was being vended, too corpulent, too broad of girth, too gross, too
scarred, too loathsome, too hideous, but now that I was his, and within reach
of his whip, these initial perceptions were surely expanded or altered by other
more pertinent, more trenchant ones. I was now aware not so much of these
first-glimpsed things, things which might occur to a stranger looking casually
upon him for the first time, from a distance, as other things, things which
become much clearer with closeness, closeness such as when one might be
kneeling, naked before him, so close he could reach out and touch you, a sense
of intelligence, and power, and perception, such that one felt he could look
through you, and see what was within you, anything, and uncompromising mastery,
and perhaps mercilessness. The most obvious thing about him, of course, now,
from my point of view, was that he owned me, that he was my master.
you are not so frightened now," he said.
I said.
he asked.
sale is over," I said. "I know that I am now a sold slave. That is
behind me. I have been summoned into the presence of my master. In this he has
honored me, for he has many girls. He has been kind enough to express his
satisfaction with trivialities of his slave, that she has a beautiful face and
form, and his belief that I may perhaps prove to be pleasing in more
significant manners. Too, he has informed me that my tongue work upon his feet
has not been entirely displeasing."
a slave new to her collar," he said.
(pg. 145)
"Yes, Master," I said. "Of course, Maser. Thank you,
think you were not too pleased to have been purchased by me," he said.
I was
you find me gross," he said, "even hideous?"
I was
women do," he said.
I did not
is amusing then to me, sometimes," he said, "to abuse them, and make
them, despite their will, cry out for my touch."
Master," I said.
pleases me to have them crawling on me on their belly, begging piteously to be
Master," I whispered.
you find me gross and loathsome," he speculated.
trembled, head down.
is doesn’t matter," he said. "You are my slave."
Master," I said.
at so much as the snapping of my fingers, you will bring yourself running to me,
obediently and warmly, desperate to please me."
Master," I said.
there is time enough for such things," he said.
I was
was not displeased that your performance on the block was as ambiguous as it
was, toward the end of your sale," he said.
I asked.
kajira is occasionally entitled to terror," he said.
you, Master," I said, hesitantly.
it perhaps confused certain buyers," he said, "inhibiting them from
submitting higher bids. I turned it thus to my profit."
I kept my
eyes down.
closer," he said.
I did so,
on my knees, "Ohh," I said, touched by him. I leaned forward, tears
in my eyes, pressing myself toward him, gross as he might be, my hands on the
sides of the great chair in which he sat. I put my head down on his left knee.
thought so," he said. "Look up. Look into my eyes."
I did so,
he said, looking into my eyes. "You are a slave. That is all you
Master," I whispered.
back," he said.
(pg. 146)
I knelt then, tears in my eyes.
your knees open," he said.
please, Master!" I begged.
His eyes
were stern.
I open my knees, widely, as was appropriate for the type of slave I was, a
pleasure slave.
might think almost," he said, musingly, "that you are not a virgin.
It is interesting to speculate what you will be like when you have been adequately
opened and regularly utilized."
I kept my
head down.
will probably not even be necessary to encourage you with the whip," he
I did not
dare to speak.
the whip will be always there, should you require refreshening on your status,
or become to any degree less then perfectly pleasing," he said.
Master," I said.
may have fooled others in your terror," he said, "but you did not
fool me."
I asked
the terror," he said, "I saw the beauty, and the slave."
I did not
saw, too," he said, "the dancer, particularly in your transitions
between the attitudes commanded of you in the slave paces. I knew then you were
either a dancer, or had the makings of a dancer. Too, of course, your response
to the slaver’s caress, later, was indicative. That, of course, would have been
obvious even to a tharlarion."
Master," I whispered, head down.
it was, of course," he said, "for you, a very poor, or limited,
response, certainly one far below what might ordinarily have been expected from
one with your sensitivity levels."
I looked
up at him, startled. How could he have known that?
a discerning eye," he smiled, "it was evident, in your subsequent
movements, and certain tiny, fleeting expressions, though these were subtle
things, as you were inwardly relieved, pleased at how well hidden, you thought,
remained the real depth and urgency of your needs."
regarded him with horror.
are not going to have any secrets between us, are we?" he asked.
Master!" I said, frightened. Before him I realized that it might be not
only my body which was naked, but my mind and (pg. 147) heart as well. I felt
utterly exposed before this man, as only a slave can feel exposed to her
not be frightened," he said.
trembled, uncontrollably. Too, I remembered his touch.
a man’s arms," he said, "you are the sort of woman who is so much
alive, that you will be splendidly, utterly helpless."
I sobbed,
shuddering naked, in my collar before him.
you think you will like Brundisium?" he asked.
think so, Master," I whispered. I understood that Brundisium was one of
the largest and busiest ports of this world. It was a commercial metropolis of
sorts. I remembered in the slave wagon that several of the girls had hoped,
desperately, not to be taken from this place. They had hoped fervently, it
seemed, to wear their collars here. Ironically, it had been I, purchased in
Market of Semris, a barbarian, who had been brought back to Brundisium. Many of
my chain sisters, surely, would have envied me my good fortune. I was pleased
enough to be here, from what I knew. Too, the city had seemed colorful and
exciting to me, in my glimpses from the slave wagon. To be sure, at least one
district through which we had passed in the wagon was still black with the
residues of a great fire, one which had reportedly taken place in Se’Kara, some
months ago. If I were never permitted outside the precincts of the tavern, of
course, as I had not yet been, I did not think I would much enjoy the city. I
had hopes, however, that I might, as several of the girls were now, eventually
be granted such a lovely liberty. In such a matter, of course, the masters take
little, if any, risk. The girls are collared and branded so there is never any
doubt about what they are or where they belong. Too, in Brundisium, as with
most Gorean cities, kajirae are not allowed outside the city gates unless in
the keeping of a free person. In these peregrinations about the city, of
course, the girls were sometimes expected to wear their master’s advertising on
their tunics.
you enjoy the trip here?" he asked.
was kind," I said, "to provide us with blankets."
We had
spent the night of our sale in the cages located in the exit corridor. The next
morning, at dawn, the cages had been opened, and we had been ordered forth,
each to our own disposition. My hands had then been manacled behind my back, by
my master’s man. He had then given me a handful of slave gruel, putting it in
my mouth as I knelt before him, my wrists chained behind me. We were not fed by
the house of Teibar, of Market of Semris, that morning, as we were no longer
its responsibility. I was then gagged and hooded, utilizing the devices of the
(pg. 148) ball-gag, the straps, the leather covering, the buckles and lock, as
I had been when first leaving the house of my training. There were very good
reasons for this, as I later learned. I was to be transported by tarn basket.
When a girl cannot see and cannot communicate, it is much easier to manage her.
I was taken out into the courtyard, gagged, hooded and manacled. Then I was put
on my belly in the dirt. I knew nothing about what was going on. Then I heard a
succession of wild, startling sounds, like the snapping of great sheets, and it
seemed I was in the midst of a whirlwind, mad, choking dust swirling up and
about me. I tried to rise, but a man’s foot pressed me back to the dirt. I also
heard a sudden, shrill, terrifying, piercing scream. It was not a human noise,
but the cry of something terribly large and fierce. It could only be, I
conjectured, some sort of giant bird. I lay trembling in the dirt, helpless,
the man’s foot on my back. I would learn it was indeed a large bird, one called
a "tarn." And, I would later learn, it was not even a warrior’s
mount, bred for swiftness and aggressiveness, a war tarn, but a mere draft
tarn. I had been gagged, and hooded and manacled. And put on my belly, because
the first sight of such a beast, at close hand, I was told, not unoften, in its
size and ferocity, and terribleness, produces a miasma of terror in a female,
and she is unwilling even to approach it, whips being often necessary. Happily
I was unaware of the full terror within whose orbit I lay. I was pulled to my
feet by an arm and walked for a few feet and then put down, on my back, on a
blanket on the ground. This blanket was wrapped about me, closely. It was then
secured on my body apparently by ropes, above and below my breasts, about my
waist and below my knees. I was then lifted in it and set down, sitting, on
what seemed to be a heavy wicker surface. A leather collarlike arrangement was
then put about my neck and my head was pulled back, apparently, as I could
tell, pressing back through the hood, against a vertical wicker surface. This
held me in place. I was then pushed back, further, against the vertical wicker
surface. This held me in place. I was then pushed back, further, against the
vertical wicker surface. A broad belt then, perhaps some five or six inches in
width, was put about my waist, drawn snug, and buckled shut. This, too, held in
place. My knees were up slightly. My ankles were done, apparently, by the rope
being threaded once or twice through the wicker flooring and then being
resecured about my ankles. I then heard again, it startling me, terrifying me,
that sudden, loud, shrill, piercing scream, this time, it seemed, from terribly
close, surely no more than a few feet away. I squirmed helplessly in the tight
blanket, in the manacles, in the straps and (pg. 149) ropes. I knew almost
nothing of what was going on. We are so helpless when we are gagged and hooded.
I then was conscious of other weights being placed in the area where I was, and
being cinched in place. I was conscious of their movements, and squirmings,
through the wicker. Then, in a few moments, it seemed a side gate was shut,
near me, and roped shut. I heard the rattle of harness, sensed the attachment
of ropes, the tying of knots, the drawing of them tight, their testing. Then,
in a bit, I heard a cry and the jerking of harness, and that wild scream again,
so piercing, hurting my ears, making me again leap and squirm, terrified,
miserable, in my bonds. I heard great
sounds. Then was a sudden swirling of air. I felt the pitting of dust against
the hood and my feet. I heard the striking of small pebbles against the outside
of the wicker. Then, to my astonishment, the object in which I had been placed
began to slide rapidly along the ground and then, in a moment, it taking my
breath away for an instant, it swung free, and was rising. I was off the
ground! We were climbing. After a few minutes we were moving in a level manner.
I could feel even the blanket, the wind whistling through the wicker walls. I
hoped the object in which I was confined was strong. I sat very still. I did
not want to risk weakening its structure in any way. I had no idea as to how
high we were. It was cold. After a few hours, from the warmth of the hood, on
my right, I conjectured we might be flying west, and perhaps to the north. My
wrists were sore. Earlier, in my fear, I had fought too much with the manacles.
My ankles, too, felt cut and raw. Too much in my earlier terror I had fought
against the close loops, the coarse, narrow, bristly bands that confined them.
My struggles had been futile, of course. Gorean slave girls are tied by men who
know what they are doing in such ways that they cannot even think of escaping
or freeing themselves. My struggles, I now realized, had been foolish, but at
the time I had not seemed able to help myself. They had been the reflexive,
struggles of a bound girl finding herself absolutely helpless in a terrifying
reality. I hoped I had not marked or cut myself in such a way that scar tissue
might form, for I might be beaten for that. Too, I did not want such marks, or
scars, to detract from my appearance. I supposed I had a slave girl’s vanity.
Things had then seemed calm. It seemed the ropes suspending this object would
hold, that the surface on which I was confined was not likely to suddenly give
way. I was then mainly grateful, in the cold, that we had been given blankets.
Then, as my composure grew, I became eager and curious to know more about my
surroundings. (pg. 150) I did not know in what sort of device I was located. I
did not know how high I was. I wondered what the countryside below might look
like. Were there fields down there? Rivers? Forests? Would I be able to see the
shadow of our passage, fleet and rippling, on the terrain below? What was the
nature of the beast, or bird, that drew this carriage so swiftly through the
sky? I wished I could see. That, however, was not now possible. The liberty had
been denied to me by my master.
was nothing," he said.
I lowered
my head humbly before him, my master. It had not been nothing, of course. At
the height, and in the wind, and the cold, we might have half frozen, had it
not been for the comfort of those blankets. I had not been unhooded, and
ungagged, incidentally, until I had been inside the tavern, in a slave
receiving room. My manacles had not bee removed until I had been taken
downstairs to the basement, and was standing before the gate of a kennel. I had
then been put to my hands and knees, and thrust into the kennel, which had then
been locked behind me. I had, when the man had left, turned about in the kennel
and looked out, through the bars. I could kneel in the kennel, but I could not
stand upright in it. I held the bars, and looked out. It was a dim basement. To
my left and right, though I could not see them well, there were additional
kennels. Several girls might be kept in such places. As nearly as I could tell
they were empty. There was straw in the kennel, and a part of a blanket, a pan
of water, and a pail for wastes. The next morning I was fed, pellets and gruel,
in a pan thrust under the kennel gate and then, later, when I had relieved
myself, brought forth the first of my lessons in dance.
I whispered.
he said.
I speak?" I asked.
he said.
understand that you are satisfied with the price for which you purchased
me," I whispered.
he said.
is seemed a fine buy to you," I said. It seemed strange to me, then, that
I, the former Doreen Williamson, the timid, shy reference librarian, from
Earth, should now be inquiring into matters such as my price. As a free woman I
had been priceless, and thus, in a sense, without value, or worthless. As a
slave, on the other hand, I did have a value, a specific value, depending on
what men were willing to pay for me.
(pg. 151)
"It was," he said.
did you pay for me?" I asked.
you recall," he said.
was two and fifty," I said, "but I do not know, really, what that
silver tarsks," he said, "and fifty copper tarsks, not tarsk bits,
but tarsks, whole tarsks."
I looked
up at him.
he said, "you vain little she-tarsk, you want to know if that is much
money, don’t you? You want to know how much you brought, really, on the block,
as a stripped slave. You want to form an estimate as to your value. You want to
know what you are worth. You are curious to know what you might bring in an
open market."
Master," I whispered.
is not becoming in a kajira," he said.
me, Master," I said. I quickly put down my head.
he said, "you must understand that women are cheap. It has to do with the
wars. Because of the many dislocations, and the famine in parts of the country,
many women have had to sell themselves into slavery. Too, thousands of females
from Torcadion alone, over the recent months, in virtue of one coup or another,
have been put into the market. Too, mercenaries and raiders abound. Slavers
grow more bold, even in larger cities. Crowding, and the influx of refugees,
too, in such cities as Ar, refugees who are often beautiful and defenseless,
and easily taken, have contributed to the depression of the market.
see, Master," I said.
you would still be curious as to your comparative value," he speculated.
Master," I said looking up.
under normal conditions," he said, "a silver tarsk would be a very
high price to pay for a semitrained girl."
I said softly, mostly to myself. I was very pleased. I, semitrained, and a
barbarian, had gone for more than twice that price!
I did
have value!
me put it in another way," he said, "in one that may be even more
meaningful to you."
Master?" I said.
was the highest price paid for a female that night," he said.
than was paid for Gloria or Clarissa?" I asked.
are they?" he asked.
(pg. 152)
"The two girls who were sold before me, just before me," I said.
sluts, like yourself," he said.
Master," I said.
went for a silver tarsk ten," he said. "Both were superb. I was
tempted to bid on them myself."
I was
stunned that I had sold for more than Gloria and Clarissa. I had regarded them
both as far superior to myself.
are a virgin, of course," he said.
I said.
is of value to me," he said, "for I am a tavern owner. After you had
performed the virgin dance, I will raffle off your virginity."
Master," I said. I did not really understand what he was saying. I did
realize, of course, and had realized this shortly after the beginning of my
training, that my value might depend not simply on what I was, in myself, but
even on the sort of woman I was, say, that I was a barbarian, and the relative
abundance or scarcity of that commodity in the markets. Similar considerations
apparently pertained to such matters as hair colors and body types. If these
things were so, then I supposed that it was natural that my virginity, or lack
of it, might also, at least in some cases, affect my price. My master, I noted,
did not seem to be personally interested in my virginity, only in what it might
mean to him in terms of its possible commercial value.
even if it were not for that," he said, "it is probably that you
would have brought more that your lovely terrestrial compatriots."
I looked
at him.
Gorean men," he said, "would regard you, exhibited on the block,
knowing only that much about you, as superior slave meat."
think," he said, "in that market, that night, even if you had not
been a virgin, you would have brought more than your friends. I would have
thought you might have brought something in the neighborhood of a tarsk eighty
or a tarsk seventy."
there was a bid of two for me," I said, "before your bid."
seems a high bid," he said. "Perhaps it was the bid of someone new to
the markets, perhaps one who had not seen many women vended, who did not
realize how beautiful any woman is when she is put through merciless slave
blushed, naked before him, in his collar.
(pg. 153)
"You bid two and fifty," I whispered.
is because I saw in you what others, at the time, did not," he said.
"I saw in you the dancer, one I can use in the tavern. I saw in you, too,
the helpless pleasure slave, who could be made the prisoner of her own
passions, becoming an obedient, eager, grateful, spasmodic animal in her
master’s arms."
I blushed
think,: he said, "that in time you might become a five-tarsk girl, perhaps
even a ten-tarsk girl."
I looked
up at him, frightened.
want to cover your breasts with your hands, don’t you?" he asked.
"You want to clench your knees tightly together."
Master!" I begged.
kneeling exactly as you are, pleasure slave," he said.
Master," I said.
so," he said, "although the price I paid for you might have seemed
high it was, from my point of view, in virtue of what you are, and will become,
a splendid bargain."
Master," I whispered.
you pleased," he asked, "aside from questions of the price I paid for
you, or my reasons for it, to learn that you are valuable, that you might well
bring a price in the neighborhood of two silver tarsks in an open market?"
I did not
know, precisely, how to respond to this question. It seemed that I was, as I
had hitherto suspected, of genuine interest to Gorean men, or at least so many
of them. Should I find pleasure in this, or a cause for alarm? Gorean men are
generally such as to know how to handle women. They know what to do with them.
Yet I did not think I would really want to be in the arms of other sorts of
have been asked a question," my master reminded me.
me, Master," I whispered. I looked up at him, shyly. "Yes," I
whispered, "I am pleased. I am extremely pleased."
she-tarsk," he said.
Master," I smiled. I was delighted to learn that I had brought a good
price, even if he thought it such a bargain. I was delighted, too, to learn
that I might have, even had he not been there, brought as much as two silver
tarsks. One fellow had bid that much! Too, perhaps most importantly, most
significantly, no other girl had sold for so much that night as I! I had
brought the highest price in the whole market that night! This astonished and
delighted me. To be sure, it was doubtless an isolated (pg. 154) market, and we
were probably all only semitrained girls, or less, girls being sold that night
as little more than "slave meat," it was I who had brought the
highest price! I wished Teibar could have known that, that his catch from the
library on Earth had brought the highest price in the market, and on her first
sale, too! But I supposed that he, the monster, the beast, would have merely
congratulated himself on his taste in selecting captures, turning it all to his
own credit! The buyers would have known very little about me, of course. They
had seen me the way most other Gorean men would see me, at first, or until they
learned more about me, I supposed, as no more than another pretty girl in
bondage, as, in effect, in a sense, no more than another pretty girl in
bondage, as, in effect, in a sense, no more than mere "slave meat." I
was proud, however, to have been regarded as an attractive slave, or, if you
like, as promising slave meat. How strange it then seemed to me that I, the
former Doreen Williamson, of Earth, a shy librarian, should now be elated that
she had some simple, independent value as a female, if only as slave meat! Then
I realized how superficial was my view of this matter, even in so simple a
business as vending a girl from a block. Gloria was larger than I and, in his
sense, would surely have been expected to have brought more if we were really
being considered as "mere slave meat." But she had not brought more.
They had considered us, and, for one reason or another, properly or improperly,
wisely or not, at that particular time, at least, had bid more for me. The men
call us "slave meat," and such, and perhaps this amuses them, and
helps to keep us in our place, at their feet, but only a woman who is a fool
believes them. They want, and own, the whole slave. Even Gorean law makes it
clear that it is the entire slave whi is owned, not merely a part of her. To be
sure, Gorean men do not play the games of some fools of Earth, pretending that
the bodies of women are not of interest to them, but only their minds, or such,
or whatever the currently prescribed cultural values recommend. They relish our
bodies and see that they derive from them, exploiting us, if you will, every
last ounce of pleasure that they can yield to them, but even in these merciless
predations, showing us so little concern, it is the whole woman, the whole of
their property, which they tease, and torment, and relish, and make yield to
there is good discipline kept in this house," he said, lifting the whip.
Master!" I said, quickly. Here, in this house, I then (pg. 155)
understood, though I might have some value in a commercial sense, I was only a
back down the steps, facing me," he said, "and then kneel at the foot
of the dais."
I obeyed.
I now felt very small before him, kneeling there, a slave, he, my master, so
high above me in that great chair.
From a
small sack at his side, walletlike, attached at his belt, he drew forth a tiny
object, made of cloth. He crumpled it easily in the palm of his hand. It was
clearly very compressible. I did not know what it was.
He threw
it to me. It struck my body and fell before me, to the rug, at the foot of the
dais. I looked down at it. I looked up at him.
it on," he said.
Quickly I
reached down and picked up the object, its folds tucked in among themselves. I
opened it, and shook it out. It was a brief slave tunic, slit deeply at the
hips, with narrow shoulder straps, little more than strings. I looked up at
him, gratefully. It was the first garment of my own I had been given on this
world. To be sure, I had been, upon occasion, given blankets or sheets to hold
about myself, usually for warmth, and I had been, in my training, put in
various costumes, mostly, I suppose, for my masters to see what I looked like
in them, such as the common and Turian camisk, and the scandalous garb
prescribed for Tuchuk slave girls. Too, I had been taught the wearing of, and
arrangement of, simple, typical slave garments, such as tunics of various
sorts, and ta-teeras, or slave rage. I had even been taught the tying of slave
girdles, in such a way as to emphasize, and sometimes more than subtly, my
figure. And, indeed, part of my training had not been only to wear, and move in
such garments, but also how to remove them provocatively, and gracefully. Even
the blankets and sheets we had been given, presumably mostly for warmth, we had
to remove in certain fashions that clearly, from a man’s point of view, would
have counted as an extremely sensuous disrobing. Then, recollecting that I had
been ordered to put it on, I pulled it over my head and put my arms through the
straps. In a moment I had drawn it down about me.
he said.
Happily I
stood, pulling the garment down more, hastily, modestly, about my thighs. Then
I realized, blushing, that doing this must have as its consequences the greater
accentuation of my figure.
(pg. 156)
"Turn," he said. "Walk about. Then return and stand before
Happily I
moved about in the garment.
you not know how to walk?" he asked.
me, Master," I said.
I then
walked as a slave, proudly, my shoulders back, gracefully and beautifully, as a
woman owned by men. As an Earth female I would never have dared to walk in such
a way. Such movements are probably indexed, like physical distances between
individuals, to the culture. In Gorean culture, generally, it seemed to me that
people stood closer to one another than I was accustomed to on Earth. In this
way it was natural for men here, for example, to stand much closer to the
scantily clad slave then the average man of, say, northern Europe, on Earth,
would be likely to, to a woman of his area. Indeed, he usually stands up and
draw her to him, taking her in his arms. The dynamic consequences of these
proximities are minimized considerably, of course, by the fact that the slave
often kneels in the presence of the free male. It is customary in the kneeling
position to remain back a few feet from the male. The kneeling position,
itself, expresses the servitude of the slave, and her submission. The distance
serves three major purposes. It symbolizes in the distance, as well as in the
differential in height, the social inferiority of the slave to the master. It
puts the slave in a position where all of her, for the master’s delight, can be
seen. A space between the slave and the free male so that the releasing of his
rapacity is then likely to require a decision, and is less likely to be simply,
reflexively, triggered. This is regarded as being particularly important when
the slave is in the presence of a male who is not her master. The kneeling
position, thus, interestingly, can occasionally provide a measure of security,
if a somewhat tenuous one, for the slave, tending to reduce to some extent the
frequency with which, in a culture with such interpersonal proximities, she
might otherwise be subjected to unauthorized rape. This same tiny measure of
protection, of course, puts her in much greater danger from her real master,
for he, observing her, seeing her kneeling beautifully before him, can also
delay in his considerations as to her suitable exploitations. How shall he use
her? What shall he have her do, and so on. To be sure, sometimes he simply
takes her and when he wants her, and almost by reflexive whim. She is his. The
main reason why a slave kneels, of course, aside from such subtle and complex
(pg. 157) considerations, is simply that she is a slave, and that that
position, accordingly, is appropriate for her.
I loved
the tiny garment! It was the first that I had had since I had come to Gor. In
it much of me was still bared, my legs, my hips to the waist, my shoulders, and
so on, and it left little doubt about the lineaments of my form, but I loved
it. No longer was I absolutely and starkly naked, save for a metal collar. I
adjusted the strap on my right shoulder. The small, soft, rounded shoulders of
a woman, incidentally, like the rest of a female, Gorean men tend to find very
provocative. They seem to relish, and respond to, perhaps to a much greater
extent than many of the men of Earth, the entire woman. they are likely to find
exciting even such small details of a woman as her delicate ear lobes. That
perhaps explains, at least in part, the momentousness of ear piercing to
Goreans, which those of Earth take so much for granted. To the Gorean, the
piercing of the woman’s ear, with its analog of penetration, and the fixing in
it of earrings, chosen by the master, ornamenting her for his pleasure, is an
act of power and claimancy scarcely less significant than her branding and
collaring. Free women, incidentally, seldom, if ever, bare their shoulders.
Doing so is almost like offering themselves for the collar. "If you would
be stripped as a slave, then be a slave," it is said. Similarly free women
on Gor seldom, if ever, wear earrings, either of the natural or of any other
variety, such as the clip variety. Earrings are regarded as being fit, rather,
for slaves, and usually the lowest of slaves. Nose rings, interestingly, are
not regarded in the same light. They are worn even by some free women, I
understand, in the far south, the women of the Wagon Peoples there, as well as,
generally, by the female slaves of such peoples. In short, Gorean men seem to
find the whole woman exciting. To be sure, the shoulders, for example, lead to
the delicious curvatures of the breasts, those, too, the property of the
master, and thence to the waist and belly, and thighs, and the slave’s
helpless, delicate intimacies. The ear lobes, too, lead to the throat, and
thence, beneath the collar, to the shoulders, and so on. Similarly, the foot
leads to the ankle, and that to the lusciously rounded calf, and that upward to
the thighs, and those, again, in their lovely softness, to the girl’s exposed,
hot, open, helpless, delicate intimacies. It is not unusual for a Gorean male,
in his zest for females, to cover her entire body, bit by bit, with kisses and
caresses, moving toward her helplessness. It is not easy to prevent these
attentions, either, as you may well imagine, when you have been simply chained
down for his pleasure. Sometimes you scream for him to hasten, begging him (pg.
158) with every bit of your female helplessness to do so, but he, of course,
will do as he pleases, for you belong to him or he has your use, and he is a
free male, the master.
returned then to the foot of the dais, to stand there before Hendow, of the
tavern of Hendow, on Dock Street, in Brundisium.
are very beautiful," he said.
you, Master," I said. I was elated that he had see fit to give me a
garment. Too, he had said that I was beautiful. I wondered if he liked me. I
wondered if I could use that, and possible manipulate him in some way. I
decided I had better not try. He was not a man of Earth. He was a Gorean male.
he said, "you are very beautiful."
I felt
radiant. I did not think he would hurt me now. I did not know, though. The
garment I wore, incidentally, was more modest, in its way, than the garment of
red silk I had made for myself on Earth, that which Teibar had thrust in my
mouth in the library, showing me that I was forbidden to speak. He had
withdrawn it from my mouth only on the library table, when I had lain there
before him on my back, before he had put the conical rubberized mask over my
face, introducing the chemicals into it which had forced me to lose
consciousness, a consciousness I had regained only on Gor, awakening to the
blows of his whip.
you like the garment?" he asked.
Maser!" I said. "Yes, Master!"
it off," he said.
Master," I said, tears in my eyes. I stood then before him again,
absolutely and starkly naked, except for a metal collar. I clutched the tiny
garment in my hand. He could give me such a garment. He could take it away. I
must put it on at his command. I must remove it at his command. I was his.
of the Tavern of Hendow, on Dock Street, in Brundisium, rose from the great
chair. He stood on the dais, looming over me. In his hand he held the whip. I
looked at the instrument of discipline, frightened.
He then
descended from the dais, and stood near me. I looked straight ahead, clutching
the tiny garment. He was huge, next to me. I felt very tiny. He put the coils
of the whip under my chin, and pressed up a little. I held my chin up. the
nearness of his presence, and his virile, brutish masculinity made me terribly
is your name," he asked.
Master pleases," I said, quickly.
I had not
yet been named in this house. The words ‘slut’ or (pg. 159) ‘slave’ served well
enough to summon me. I trembled. I realized I might, in a moment, be named.
They that would be who I would be, as simply are that, like any animal.
here," he said, "and lie down, on your back, on this step."
He had
indicated the second step leading to the height of the dais. I complied.
your left foot on the first step," he said, "and put your right foot
her, on the third step."
I did so.
This opened my legs.
he said, "put your arms back, over your head."
Master," I said.
exposes your armpits," he said.
Master," I said, puzzled.
He looked
down at me. "What were you called in the house of your training?" he
I said.
well," he said, "you are Doreen."
you, Master," I said, named. This had been my name on Earth. I wore it now,
of course, only as a slave name. It could have been anything.
he said.
Maser," I said, responding to my name.
are now to lie as you are," he said, "until you receive permission to
change your position. You are to lie in this position, and very quietly. If you
do not, it will be extremely dangerous for you. In particular, make no sudden
Master," I said, puzzled.
He then
went to the side of the room, where there dangled three or four cords. I lifted
my head a little to watch him. he drew on one of these cords. I saw a panel
lift in the wall. It exposed a low opening, only about a yard in height. It was
dark within this portal, but I saw, it stretching backwards, what appeared to
be a low, dark tunnel. He then came back, and crouched down, near me, above me,
on the third step.
He put
his whip aside, near him. He put his hand gently on my collar.
I asked.
quiet," he said.
I lay
there, quietly. Then, suddenly, I felt hair on the back of my neck rising.
I said.
quietly," he said.
I could
now hear, from some distance down the tunnel, the (pg. 160) sound of something
approaching. It was coming rapidly. I heard snuffling noise. I heard panting. I
could hear claws on the floor of the tunnel.
quietly," cautioned my master, literally holding me in place, his hand
gripping my collar.
something burst into the room.
choking, my head was forced back down, by the collar.
you want, keep your eyes closed," he said.
it was had apparently stopped just within the room.
will take a moment for its eyes to adjust to the light," he said.
"But it is done very quickly."
The room
was not brightly lit.
think you will like Borko," he said.
is it?" I whispered. My head was held down, back on the second step.
you legs apart," he said. "It is a gray sleen. I raised it from a
whelp. Ah, greetings, Borko! How are you, old fellow?"
I would
have screamed and reared up, but I was thrust back, helpless, half strangled,
scarcely able to utter a sound, to the step. So our masters can control us by
our collars. To my terror, then, pushing over my body, to thrust its great jaws
and head, so large I could scarcely have put my arms around them, into the
hands and arms of my master, was an incredible beast. It had an extremely
again, active, sinuous body, as thick as a drum, and perhaps fourteen or
fifteen feet long. It might have weighed a thousand pounds. Its broad head was
triangular, almost viperlike, but it was furred. This thing was a mammal, or
mamalian. Its eyes now had pupils like slits, like those of a cat in sunlight.
So quickly then might its adaptive mechanisms have functioned. About its muzzle
were gray hairs, grayer than the silvered gray of its fur. It had six legs.
lad!" said my master, roughly fondling that great fierce head.
have been through much together, Borko and I," said my master. "He
has even, twice, saved my life. Once when I was struck, unexpectedly, by one
foolishly thought to be a friend, the origin of this scar," he said,
indicating good-humoredly the hideous, jagged tissue at the left side of his
face, "I told Borko to hunt. The fellow did not escape. Borko brought part
of him back to me, in his jaws."
I watched
in terror as my master, over my body, scratched and pulled, and shoved, at that
great head. Clearly he was inordinately fond of that terrible beast, and
perhaps it of him. I saw his eyes. He lavished affection upon it. He cared more
for it than his (pg. 161) girls, I was certain. Perhaps it was the only thing
he trusted, other than himself, the only thing he knew that he could rely upon,
other than himself, the only thing, of all creatures he knew, who had proved
its love and loyalty to him. If this were so, then perhaps it was not
incredible that he might bestow upon it a fondness, or love, which he, betrayed
perhaps by men, might withhold from others, from men, and slaves.
you know what you and Borko have in common?" he asked me.
are both your animals, Master," I said.
he said. "And do you know who is most valuable?"
Master," I said.
he said, "is a seasoned hunting sleen. Even to strangers he would bring a
hundred times what you would bring in the market."
I was
silent. I was frightened with those huge jaws, the two rings of fangs, the
long, dark tongue, over me.
I would not sell him for anything," he said. "He is worth more to me
than ten thousand of you."
Master," I whispered.
he said, sternly. "Borko."
The beast
pulled back its head, observing him.
slave," he said. "Learn slave."
I then
began to whimper. "Hold still," said my master.
The beast
then began to push its nose and muzzle about me, thrusting it here and there,
about me. I now understood why I had been spread as I had, on the steps.
sleen," he said, "and especially the gray sleen, is Gor’s finest
tracker. It is a relentless, tenacious tracker. It can follow a scent that is
weeks old, for a thousand pasangs."
whimpered, the beast’s snout thrust between my things, sniffing.
Master," I whimpered.
I felt it
nuzzling then at my waist and breasts. It was learning me.
you know what the sleen hunts?" he asked.
Master," I whimpered.
the wild it commonly hunts tabuk and wild tarsk," he said, "but it is
an intelligent beast, and it can be trained to hunt anything."
Master," I whimpered.
He held
back my right arm, further, exposing more the armpit.
you know what Borko is trained to hunt?" he asked.
Master," I said.
(pg. 162)
I felt the snout of the beast then poking about my throat and under my chin, to
the side, and then at the side of my neck. My maser then held my left arm
further, exposing the armpit to the beast.
is trained to hunt men, and slaves," he said.
I wept.
squirmed, but my master held me steady, by the collar and my left wrist, held
back. the beast thrust its snout against me, there, in the armpit, and then
sniffed along the interior of my left arm, and then along the left side of my
whimpered in terror.
not to be afraid," he said. "That might excite Borka"
Master," I whimpered.
Then the
beast drew back its head.
said my master to the beast, slowly, clearly. "Doreen. Doreen."
The beast
again sniffed me.
said my master, grinning to the beast. "Doreen."
The beast
then drew back its head again.
Borko," said my master, and the beast inched back, its eyes on me.
I was
shuddering. I dared not move.
is trained to respond to a variety of signals," he said.
Master," I whispered.
now knows you," he said.
Master," I said.
are you?" he asked.
"I am
yours, Master," I said, quickly.
not try to escape," he said.
Master!" I said. "I will not try to escape!"
go back to your kennel," he said. "Go, now!"
The beast
then backed off a few feet, and turned. In a moment, it had withdrawn through
the low portal. My master went to the cord which controlled the panel, and
closed it. I was shuddering on the step. I did not move. I was almost too
afraid to do so. Too, I had not been given permission to break position.
at the foot of the dais," he said. Swiftly I did so. I found I was still
clutching the tiny garment I had been given. It had been clutched in the palm
of my right hand, all the time. It was now wet with sweat. The prints of my
nails were deep in it.
retrieved the whip and ascended to the height of the dais, where he took his
place in the great chair.
He looked
down at me, the whip across his knees.
(pg. 163)
Perhaps now, Earth woman," he said, "you understand more clearly what
your situation is on this world?"
you understand, girl?" he asked.
Master," I said.
he said.
I stood.
may put on your garment," he said.
Quickly I
donned the tiny garment, and drew it down, as I could, about me.
I stood
he said, "you are beautiful."
you, Master," I said. I flushed with pleasure. I was valuable. Doubtless I
would be a high slave.
He stood.
"Mirus!" he called. Mirus was one of his men. I knew him from the
house. He had brought me to this chamber. In a moment, Mirus appeared through
the door, that at the end of the carpet, that leading into this chamber. He
approached, and took up a position a bit behind me and to my left."
is lovely, isn’t she?" my master asked Mirus.
he said.
you like your garment?" my master asked me.
Master," I said. I recalled the last time he had asked this I had been
shortly thereafter ordered to remove it. He could do that again, and I would
again be forced to disrobe, and instantly. Too, this time it would also be
before Mirus. It is one thing to come naked before a man, and another to strip
yourself, or be stripped, before him. too, it is something else again, to do
this, or have it done to you, before others. Mirus was not my master, but only
my master’s man. To be sure, I was a slave, and would have to obey. Coming nude
before men, and stripping herself, or being stripped, befoe them are things
such as a slave girl must expect. After all, what else could she expect? She
is, after all, a slave. Indeed, sometimes girls are stripped in public, even in
the squares, because masters are so pleased to show them off. Sometimes this
occurs in heated discussions of the relative merits of different master’s
girls, and the girls are ordered to disrobe on the spot, sometimes then being
put through slave paces, there, on the very tiles of the squares and plazas,
the matter being left to the acclamations or votes of the spectators, and woe
to the girl who comes out second best in such a contest! Too, it is not
uncommon, as a discipline, to send a girl out naked on errands. In such a case
she is often locked in an iron belt. Too, it is not unusual, in taverns,
particularly lower taverns, as I (pg. 164) would learn, for girls to be
publicly naked. I was diffident though, at this time, to remove my clothing
before Minus. I would have been embarrassed, or humiliated, to do so. I was not
yet a brazen slut. I had not yet even been on the floor of the tavern. My
attitude, of course, I understood, was undoubtedly a bit irrational. Minus,
after all, had seen me naked. Indeed, he had never, really, seen me clothed. He
as the one, incidentally, who had unhooded and ungagged me in this house. He
had been pleased with my face. He had then unroped the blanket which had been
tied about me, and opened it, folding it back, almost as though I might have
been a present. "Superb," he had said, this pleasing me. "Are
you white silk?" he had asked. "Yes, Master," I had said,
shrinking back from him in the manacles. He had then taken me down to the
basement, removed the manacles, put me on my hands and knees, and thrust me
into my kennel, locking it behind me. Why, then, was I embarrassed, or
humiliated, at the thought that I might now be ordered to disrobe in his
presence? I was not sure. I supposed it was because I was not yet fully
adjusted to my slavery. I was not yet a brazen slave. I had not yet, at that
time, even been put out on the floor of the tavern. Perhaps I still thought, at
that time, that the fullness of my beauty was, particularly, for my master, and
not for others. I did not really stop to think, at that time, however, that
Hendow was a tavern owner, and that, thus, the fullness of my beauty was not
only for him, but, as he saw fit, or as it might please him, also for his
looks lovely in the garment, doesn’t she?" asked Hendow. I gathered he was
proud of me.
said Mirus.
I again
felt the suffusion of pleasure in my body. I looked down, shyly, smiling. My
master, I was sure, liked me. I did not think, now, he would order me to remove
the garment before Mirus. I recalled that he had paid the highest price for me
of any girl at the market. I was valuable. I would be a high slave!
you know, Doreen," asked my master, "what sort of tunic it is?"
Master," I said.
is a kitchen tunic," he said.
I looked
at him, startled.
her to the kitchen," he said to Mirus. "Teach her to clean pots and
Hendow," said Mirus. Then he turned about. "Come, slave," he
Quickly I
fell to my knees before Hendow, he in the great (pg. 165) chair on the dais,
and put my head to the carpet, the palms of my hands, too, on the carpet,
beside my head, performing slave obeisance. I then leaped up, turned, and
hurried after Mirus, who, now, at the end of the carpet, was near the exit.
called Hendow.
looked back to the dais.
that her dance lessons continue," he said.
will be so, Hendow," said Mirus.
double them," said Hendow.
Hendow," said Mirus. He then turned about and left. I fell again to my
knees at the far end of the carpet, and again performed slave obeisance. I then
leaped up, again, and hurried after Mirus.
He would
take me to the kitchen, where I would be put to work.
11 THE
I waited,
frightened, within the threshold, clutching the sheet about me. I leaned back
against the wall, my eyes closed for a moment. Beyond the threshold I could
hear the conversation of men, sitting, cross-legged, at the low tables.
library seemed faraway now.
There was
a beaded curtain hung in the threshold.
listened to the sounds of the men.
I had heard, before nights such as this, a girl is kept in close chains,
sitting or lying, scarcely able to move. Too, sometimes, for days before a
night like this she wears the sirik. I had very seldom been in sirik, though I
had worn one in my training once or twice, so that I might be instructed in the
strict limitations it would impose on me, and how I might, nonetheless, move in
it, if it were set to suitable widths, in a way pleasing to masters. The full
sirik consists of a collar an three chains. One of these chains, a long,
vertical chain, attached to the collar, dangles downward. To it are fastened
two horizontal chains, one, from its attachment point near the lower belly,
terminating in slave bracelets, wrist-rings, or manacles, and the (pg. 166)
other, from its attachment point at the end of the dangling chain, usually
lying on the floor, or ground, terminating in shackles or ankle-rings. Parts of
this arrangement may function separately, of course, for example, the long
chain as a leash, the horizontal attachments as, say, slave bracelets or ankle
shackles. Too, in many siriks, the chain widths are adjustable. In that way the
latitudes of movement accorded to the slave may be enlarged or reduced, as the
master pleases. They are, as many other things in the slave’s life, under his
exact governance. In the harshest adjustments, she may move with considerable
grace and beauty; indeed, in some siriks, it is possible for her to dance. In
the sirik adjustments often prescribed for a girl before a night like this she
can scarcely walk, the vertical chain’s lower attachment point being drawn up
between her ankles, which are then, separated by as little as three or four
inches, and her wrists, too, before her body, are even more closely confined.
My master, however, had not seen fit to exercise such precautions in my case.
He knew, and I knew, they were unnecessary. I leaned back more against the
wall, my eyes closed. I clutched the sheet more closely about me. There was
nowhere to run, nowhere to go. I was branded and collared. I would be naked or
scantily clad. There was no one to rescue me, or free me. I would be bond, and
a property, to any who might come upon me, like a dog or horse. The entire
legal resources of this world would be marshaled toward returning me to my
master. Too, I thought, shuddering, as if such things were not enough, my body,
and its odors, with my name, such that it might be included with appropriate
triggering signals, had been imprinted on the dark, eager brain of a massive
hunting sleen. No, I would not run away. When my master came for me, to take me
by the arms and lead me to the floor, I would be here, in the only way I could
be here, waiting, and docile.
listened again to the murmur of the men outside, the small sounds of their
goblets and plates.
considered again the sleen. "I think you will like Borko," had said
my master, before I had seen the beast, when I had only heard him in the
tunnel, and then entering the room. I recalled the huge head, the two rows of
fangs, the dark tongue, the widely set eyes, the thrusting, prowling snout, the
claws. It had been trained, I had learned, to hunt men, and slaves. Obediently
it had withdrawn to its kennel at the word of my master. But just as swiftly, I
was sure, it could be summoned forth again, and set about its master’s bidding,
implacably, unquestioningly, innocently, (pg. 167) mercilessly, eagerly. I
shuddered. That beast, I thought, if nothing else, would serve to keep good order
among the women of Hendow, a taverner on Dock Street, in Brundisium. I smiled
to myself. Sometimes women, either free or slave, are called she-sleen." I
had not known, until a few days ago, what a sleen was. I now knew. I might be a
"she-urt," or a she-tarsk," I thought, but I certainly was not a
"she-sleen," even figuratively. To be sure, at that time, I did not
know about the miniature, silken sleen that are sometimes kept as sinuous pets.
Perhaps it is that sort of she-sleen, which, if not properly controlled, tends
to be sly, nasty and dangerous, that men have in mind when they sometimes apply
that expression to a woman. I do not know. To be sure, as the men say, it seems
that even the woman who is a "she-sleen" needs only a strong master,
one who brings her swiftly to her knees and teaches her that she is a female.
The husk of the she-sleen, as it is said, can be torn away, never to grow
again, leaving behind only the soft flesh of another slave.
I opened
my eyes. I heard bells outside the threshold, from the floor.
I inched
to my right, and turned, looking out through the beaded curtain. I could see
the men there, at the tables. It was a broad, low-ceilinged room, with pillars.
It was dimly lit, mostly with tharlarion-oil lamps, hung on chains from the
ceiling. There were some fifty tables in the room, tables at which, if not
placed adjacently to one another, generally four men might sit. Some men, too,
were sitting about the walls, leaning against them. There was a crowd in the
tavern tonight. I had heard the eighteenth bar struck some time ago. It would
soon be the height of the evening, the time ore the special entertainment, an
entertainment in which I had a prominent role. There had even been some
handbills distributed by boys about the city, and others, I had heard, had been
tacked up on public boards. There had been signs painted too, I gathered, here
and there among similar signs, usually on poorer streets, or in alleys, where
magistrates, less inclined to object, were also less prone to patrol. To be
sure, most of my master’s clientele came from such areas.
I looked
out. The bells I had heard were apparently on Tupita.
wondered how many of the men out there had come for the special entertainment
this evening. Some, I was sure.
I did not
care much for Tupita, and she did not care much for me. I saw her kneeling
beside a man, pouring him paga. She was naked, like the other girls on the
floor. Hendow liked his women, or at least his paga slaves, on the floor, that
way. Too, in the (pg. 168) lower paga taverns it is not uncommon. Tupita knelt
back from him. I think she was afraid of him. I hoped he would take he in an
alcove and put her through her paces! I heard the sound of a blow, probably
with the back of a hand, and a cry of pain and saw, to one side, to the right,
Ilene, struck back to her left thigh, looking up, frightened, at one of the
men, now on his feet. He took her by the arm, pulling her to her feet,
conducting her then, she stumbling, hurried, to one of the alcoves. Perhaps she
would be further punished there. Though "Ilene" is an Earth-girl
name, Ilene was Gorean. Such names are sometimes given to Gorean girls,
sometimes to inform them, to their horror, that they are not to be as low and
succulent, and helpless, and luscious as Earth females in Gorean bondage. I
was, incidentally, the only Earth girl in the house. I drew back my head and
leaned back again, breathing deeply, against the wall, to the left of the
threshold, as one would enter it. I was afraid of such men!
I again
closed my eyes.
I could
hardly stand. Tonight I was to dance before me, such men! I felt ill. I had
danced hitherto only before Teibar, and his men, at the library, and once or
twice before the men in the house of my training, and, of course, here, in my
lessons, before some men, in particular, the musicians, and some men from the
house, who, from time to time, would pause to watch me. But I had never danced
before Hendow, my own master. Mirus had seen me several times, though, and he,
I am sure, had conveyed reports to my master. Mirus, when I had knelt before
him at the end of my lessons, seemed generally, on the whole, and particularly
lately, quite pleased with my progress. I received such intelligences with
extreme relief, kneeling before him, for I did not wish to be whipped.
Sometimes, in my lessons, as I danced, I could see Mirus, and other men of the
house, watching me, their eyes alight. Sometimes they licked their lips, almost
as though I might be food. Yesterday, at the conclusion of my last lesson, when
in a swirl of music, I had lowered myself to the floor, in a dancer’s posture
of abject submission before men, I had heard several of them cry out with
approval, and strike their left shoulders repeatedly, fiercely, with the palms
of their hands. They had then crowded about me. On my knees, rising, I had been
conscious of their legs, and whips, about me. What whips I could I seized to me
and kissed, hastily, in fear. I had been afraid they would beat me. But
"Marvelous!" and "Superb!" I heard. Mirus was then, almost
by force, pushing them away (pg. 169) from me, and ordering them to return to
their duties. Grumbling they disbanded, leaving the room. When we were alone,
after even the musicians had left, and I was still at his feet, I looked up at
him. it was he, first among these men, second only to Hendow, my master, whom I
must most strive to please. "Master?’ I asked. "You have
talent," he said, dryly. "Thank you, Master," I said. I put down
my head and kissed his feet, delicately, in deference and gratitude. He then
turned away from me, rather suddenly I thought.
I called to him.
stopped, and looked back.
he said.
I speak?" I asked.
he said.
am I to be put forth upon the floor?" I asked.
have not been told?" he asked.
Master," I said.
night," he said. He then left.
remained kneeling there for a long time, in the practice room. Tomorrow night I
would go forth upon the floor. I trembled. Surely I was not yet ready! Yet that
judgment, one as to my readiness, was not mine to make. It lay rather in the
province of masters. They had judged me "ready." To be sure, I would
be ready only as a "new girl" is ready. I would be ready, in effect,
simply to begin, to begin to become a female slave. Could I truly be ready to
begin, I wondered. I recalled the faces of the men from a few minutes ago. Yes,
I thought, perhaps the masters are right. Perhaps I am ready for that
beginning. I trembled, looking down at the floor. How they had looked at me, so
eagerly, so excitedly, relishing me, reveling in what they saw, and knowing
that I, the dancer, was collared, that I could be owned. Mirus, I recalled, had
almost had to drive them away from me, almost as one might force lions from meat.
Mirus, too, I recalled, had himself turned away from me, at the end, when we
were alone, with a sudden abruptness. I now thought I understood that. He, too,
I suspected, like the others, had found me not without interest. Indeed, the
first question he had addressed to me in this house, when he had unroped the
blanket from about me, and I was before him, naked, my wrists manacled behind
my back, was whether or not I was "white silk." Had I not been I
think he might then, even as I was, manacled and on the blanket, have put me to
his purposes. Now, this evening, he had abruptly turned from me, with
surprising abruptness I had thought. I smiled, looking down (pg. 170) at the
boards of the floor. I do not think he trusted himself to be alone with me. I
sensed then that I had great power over men, and that there was much I could do
to them, simply by being a female, and myself, and beautiful. And I had this
power even in my collar, and perhaps especially in my collar, for this seemed
to make me a thousand times more beautiful to them. But then I realized that,
ultimately, I had no power, for I was a slave. I could be brought to my knees
at a word, and to my back at a gesture. I was afraid to go on the floor. I was
afraid to begin the life of the slave. I hoped I would be found pleasing. I
hoped I would not be too much beaten.
I opened
my eyes, standing there, leaning back against the wall, within the threshold
leading out to the floor.
was approaching me.
I knelt.
you all right?" asked Mirus.
Master," I said. "Thank you, Master."
looks like a good house tonight," he said, looking out through the
I was
is nearly the Nineteenth Ahn," he said.
Master," I said.
will not begin precisely at the Nineteenth Ahn," he said. "We will
let them grow a bit restless."
Master," I whispered, holding the sheet about me, looking up at him. I a
slave in his presence of a free man. He then left. I did not rise to my feet. I
did not even know if I could stand.
there were men, Gorean men. I was to dance this night before them. I did not
even know if I could get to my feet.
I heard
the approach of slave bells, coming from the outer room. I wanted to rise but
the strings of the beaded curtain were too quickly flung aside.
said Sita, "that is where you belong, Earth slut, on your knees."
Mistress," I said to her. I must address all female slaves in the house of
Hendow as "Mistress." That order would be in effect until it was
explicitly rescinded, probably, depending on my behavior and progress, in a few
weeks. This is sometimes done with new girls. It helps to keep discipline among
us. I would then, when the order was rescinded, be able to call the girls, with
the exception of the "first girl," by their own names. I would be one
of them. Tupita was "first girl." We must all call her
"Mistress." I was pleased it had not been Tupita who (pg. 171) had
come through the curtain and discovered me on my knees, thought, to be sure,
had she done so, I would have had to kneel before her. Sita did not like me
either. She was an ally of Tupita, and often informed on the other girls.
will learn tonight what it is to be a slave, Earth Slut," hissed Sita.
Mistress," I said. Sita then, with a sound of bells, went down a corridor,
toward the kitchen.
I looked
after her, angrily, from my knees. She, too, was only a slave! I hoped that
tonight some man would not be satisfied with her and would whip her well. Last
night, a customer had put Tupita at a whipping ring and expressed his
displeasure with her attitudes. She had then begged to please him in an alcove.
He had left her only this morning. Mirus had unchained her later, sometime
around noon.
I inched
over and, on my knees, looked out through the curtain. There were more men in
the tavern now. It must be near the Nineteenth Ahn! Again I hid back,
frightened, and sick, behind the wall, away from the curtain. Out there, among
the tables, I had seen the dancing floor. It was there I would be placed. The
space for the musicians was to the left, as I had looked out. The form of dance
to which I had been drawn on Earth, for whatever reason or reasons, whether
because of some sort of feared innate, ungovernable sensuousness, or extreme
deep-seated feminine dispositions or needs, or perhaps even, simply, a sense of
what was appropriate for me, whether I wished it or not, considering the
realities of my ultimate nature, I had preferred to think of as "ethnic
dance." I had been secretly thrilled, of course, but had scarcely dared,
even to myself, to think of it as "belly dance," or, as the French
have it, "danse du ventre," a term popular with some, with some
perhaps as a euphemism, and with others as a sensuous way of expressing the
matter, one with the same objective meaning as "belly dancing" but
which, for them, perhaps, has rich and special connotations. To be sure, both
terms are in a sense reductive misnomers, for in this form of dance, as in
other forms of dance, the dancer dances with her entire body and beauty. I had
never cared too much for the term "exotic dance" as that term seems
to me too broad, in that it covers not only "ethnic dance," if,
indeed, it really covers that, but many other forms of dance as well, which
seem to have little in common other than their capacity to be sexually
stimulatory. But then, to a discerning eye, most, of all, dance, and certainly
ballet, for example, is sexually stimulatory. Those who fear and hate sex have,
I think, understood these things (pg. 172) better than many others, for
example, low-drive individuals and the sexually inert. On Gor, dance of the
sort in which I was expected to perform, is called, simply, "slave
dance." This is presumably because it is a form of dance which, for the
most part, is thought to be fit only for slaves, and would be performed only by
slaves. The thought crossed my mind that the lovely woman who had been my
teacher on Earth had once remarked to me, "We are all slaves." I
think that is true. Certainly, however, not all women are legal slaves. Many
women are free, legally, whether it is in their best interests or not. Such
dances, then, "slave dances," at least on Gor, are not for such
women. If a "free woman," that is, one legally, free, were to publicly
perform such a dance on Gor she would probably find herself in a master’s
chains by morning. Her "legal freedom," we may speculate, would prove
quite fleeting. It would soon be replaced, we may suppose, with a new and more
appropriate status, that of being a slave legally, a status fixed on her then
with all the clarity and obduracy of Gorean law, and fixed oh her plainly as
the collar on her neck and the mark on her thigh. "Slave dance," on
Gor, incidentally, is a very rich and varied dance form. It covers a great deal
more than simple "ethnic dance." For example, it includes dances such
as hunt dances, capture dances, submission dances, chain dances, whip dances,
and such. Perhaps what is done in slave dance on Gor would count as "exotic
dance" on Earth, but, if we are thinking of the actual kinds of dances
performed, then there is much in slave dance, for example, story dances, which
are seldom, if ever, included in "erotic dance" which, on Earth, and
there are forms of dance in "erotic dance" which, for one reason or
another, are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, for example, certain forms of
carnival dancing, such as bubble dancing or fan dancing. Perhaps the reason
such dances are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, is that Goreans would not be
likely to regard them as being "real dance." They would be regarded,
I think, as little more than culturally idiosyncratic forms of commercial
teasing. They are, at any rate, not the sort of dance, or the
"danse-du-venre" sort, so pleasing to strong
which a slave on Gor, fearing the whip, must often learn to perform.
I heard
bells coming, from down the corridor, from within. I was still on my knees.
Sita hove into sight, returning to the floor. She paused, looking down at me,
kneeling there, clutching the sheet about me, frightened. She was naked, except
for her collar, and some beads, colorful, cheap wooden beads, slave beads, and
her bells, on her left ankle. she regarded me, at her (pg. 173) feet,
contemptuously. I looked up at her, angrily. Why should she regard me so
contemptuously? I was clothed. I had a sheet about me! She wore only her
collar, and a few beads, and slave bells! "You’re naked!" I said to
her, angrily.
she crouched down before me, and, with two hands, angrily, there in the hall,
near the curtain, tore the sheet back, away from me, thrusting it back, and
down, over my calves. "So, too, are you!" she hissed. About my neck
had been slung several strands of beads, large, colorful wooden beads, slave
beads, of different lengths. To some extent they concealed me, but they, other
than my collar, were all I wore.
Then, it
startling us both, we heard the ringing of the nineteenth bar.
smiled at me.
Hastily I
pulled the sheet up and put it about me as closely as I could, holding it even,
in my two fists, high, about my neck.
I looked
at her, frightened.
a bit," she said, "Tupita and I will put the leash cuffs on
She then
rose up, quickly. Perhaps she had been away from the floor too long. She
hurried through the beaded curtain.
I heard a
man outside strike the table with his goblet. "The nineteenth bar! The
nineteenth bar!" he called. "The nineteenth bar has struck!"
forth the slave!" called another.
her forth!" called another.
man or two added to this din, by pounding their goblets on the tables.
I knelt
back, out of sight, near the curtain, frightened, clutching the sheet about me.
I was not to be brought forth immediately at the Nineteenth Ahn, Mirus had told
me. It seemed that it was their intention that the men should wait, at least
for a time. They wanted them, apparently, to be kept in suspense, to become
eager and restless, perhaps even impatient. I was certainly in no hurry to be
conducted onto the floor. On the other hand, I was frightened, too, if the men
were too long kept waiting. Perhaps then they would expect too much. What if
there were disappointed? I was a new slave, really. How could I please them,
truly? I moaned softly to myself. I did not want to feel the lash.
The men
seemed not to be fairly quiet outside. Perhaps most of them did not expect me,
really, to be brought out on the stroke of the nineteenth bar. Perhaps those
who had smote their goblets on the tables and called for me, had, as much as
anything, (pg. 174) been voicing a natural disgruntlement at the unwritten
customs, which seemed to govern such affairs, at the institution of a time to
be set aside for the whetting of appetites. I supposed that there would have to
be a judicious sense of timing involved in such matters, that the time must be
long enough to bring the audience to a point of eager readiness, perhaps even
impatience, without, on the other hand, dallying so long that they became
unruly or hostile. I assumed that the house must know what it was doing in
these matters. Doubtless I was not the first girl to be conducted out onto the
floor, and probably not even the first Earth girl.
are you, Doreen?" asked small Ina, crouching down, solicitously, beside
I looked
at her, gratefully. "All right, Mistress," I whispered.
she smiled, reassuringly.
Ina did
not care in the least, really, I was sure, whether I called her
"mistress" or not, but we had both agreed, two weeks ago, when we had
become friends, both of us in the kitchen, that it would be better for me to do
so, as I was the newest girl. We were both afraid that if I called her by her
name, and someone heard, I, and Ina, too, if she had not imposed discipline,
would have been punished. For example, we would not have wanted to let either
Tupita or Sita catch us in such a negligence.
you had your slave wine?" asked Ina.
I said. This is not really a wine, or an alcoholic beverage. It is called
"slave wine," I think, for the amusement of the masters. It is
extremely bitter. One draught of the substance is reputed to last until the administration
of an appropriate "releaser." In spite of this belief, however, or
perhaps in deference to tradition, lingering from earlier times, in which, it
seems, less reliable "Slave wines" were available, doses of this foul
stuff are usually administered to female slaves at regular intervals, usually
once or twice a year. Some girls, rather cynical ones, I suspect, speculate
that the masters give it to them more often than necessary just because they
enjoy watching them down the terrible stuff. This is unlikely, however. There
are cheaper and more easily available ingredients for such a mode of discipline
than slave wine.
said Ina. "There is then nothing to worry about."
I looked
at her. It had not occurred to me, really, that I had "nothing to worry
time to worry," said Ina, "is if they decide to make you a breeding
(pg. 175)
I nodded.
must then drink the releaser," she said.
I nodded
have been told it is quite good," she said.
I looked
at her, with horror.
she said.
wine makes sense in a slave-holding culture, such as Gor. The breeding of
slaves, like any sort of domestic animals, and particularly valuable ones, is
carefully controlled. As a slave, of course, I could be bred, or crossed, when,
and however, my master might see fit. It is the same as with other animals.
I lifted
my head a little.
the men were becoming impatient. I could hear the striking of goblets more
often now on tables. I heard some shouting.
When the
girl is taken to the breeding cell or breeding stall, she is normally hooded.
Her selected mate is also hooded. In this fashion personal attachments are
precluded. She is not there to know in whose arms she lies, or piteously, and
in misery, to fall in love, but to be impregnated. And in accord with the
prescribed anonymity of the breeding, as would be expected, the slaved do not
speak to one another. They may be slain if they do. Their coupling is public,
of course, in the sense that the master, or usually, masters, and sometimes
others, whether in an official capacity or not, are present, to make any
pertinent payments or determinations.
The men
outside, it now seemed to me, were becoming unruly.
be afraid," said Ina.
are men like?" I asked Ina.
are glorious, and our masters," said Ina.
is not what I mean," I protested.
do you mean?" she asked.
will it be like?" I asked. "Will they hurt me?"
suppose some of them may hurt you," she said. "And I suppose any of
them would hurt you sometimes. But you must expect that. You are only a
do not mean that," I said. I knew, after all, I was a slave. I knew that I
must strive to be pleasing to masters, and perfectly so. I knew that I was
subject to discipline. I knew I might be, and would be likely to be, punished
for the least infraction in my discipline, the least imperfection in my service
and the least failure in my pleasingness. Indeed, I knew that, as a slave, my
(pg. 176) master did not even need a reason for punishing me. He could punish
me for no reason at all, unless perhaps it might simply be that it pleased him
to do so then, or, say, it occurred to him to do so then.
do you mean?" she asked.
out the virgin!" cried a man.
the white-silker out here," called another. "Let us see her!"
mean will they hurt me!" I moaned.
mean when they open you?" she asked.
I said.
not," she said. "But you may be sore."
see," I said.
smiled Ina. "You really mean, in general, don’t you? What it’s like?"
I put
down my head.
silly virgin," said Ina. "You really don’t know, do you?"
I said.
she said, "will doubtless be hard. Do not worry about tonight. It is the
first time. Just try to survive. Tonight it will doubtless be like when a city
falls, or one is used for a sex feast."
I looked
at her, not even understanding her.
wait, slave," she laughed. "Later it will be quite different."
I looked
at her.
Doreen," said Ina, smiling, "you will beg and scratch for it."
I heard
the men shouting outside now. They seemed angry. Then I saw Tupita and Sita
coming through the beaded curtain. They carried certain objects.
your wrists out, said Tupita.
The sheet
fell a little. Tupita fasted a leather cuff on my right wrist. It was not a
lock cuff. It buckled shut. It did have a snap ring on it. Sita fastened a
similar cuff on my left wrist. Both of them carried long leather leashes.
Tupita, with the snap ring on the leash, fastened the leash on my right cuff,
and Sita fastened the other leash on my left cuff. The snap rings on the cuffs
themselves, of course, make it possible, if one wishes, for the cuffs to be
linked together.
I saw the
legs of a man. I looked up, and then, swiftly, the palms of my hands on the
floor, the cuffs on my wrists, put my (pg. 177) head to the floor before him.
Tupita and Sita, similarly, rendered immediate, fearful obeisance.
said the man, "all of you." We then stood before Hendow, our master.
Behind him was Mirus. Mirus had a canvas sack slung over at his belt. Two of
Hendow’s girls, Aynur and Tula, were behind Mirus. Each of them carried a deep
copper bowl. Aynur’s bowl was empty. Tula’s was filled with oval, narrowly
slotted ostraka.
the sheet more closely about you," said Tupita.
I needed
no urging to comply with this request.
regarded me, possessively. He owned me. Tonight, too, he planned on making
money on me.
have pretty feet, and ankles, and calves, Doreen," he said.
you, Master," I said.
The sheet
I clutched about me so desperately, came a little below my knees. It was of
white silk.
My master
stood near me. I trembled.
and Sita, holding the leashes to my cuffs, stood nearby. Ina, too, was there.
My master
took the edges of the sheet I held about myself and pulled it a little to the
side, and down, revealing my shoulders. He took from his wallet a ribbon. It
was about a foot long, and an inch and a half in width. He looped it about my
collar, and jerked it down, snug. The ribbon, like the sheet, was of white
I heard
the men clamoring outside.
not be afraid," he said.
Master," I said.
He nodded
to Mirus.
followed by Aynur and Tual, made his way through the beaded curtain. In a
moment I heard him quieting the crowd, which was becoming unruly.
musicians, now, five of them, came from down the corridor. They waited within
the curtain.
unseen," called Mirus to the crowd, "who will try the luck of the
first ostrakon? Only a tarsk bit each! Who is first? Who is for the first
ostrakon? You, sir! Yes! And you the second! The third! Yes. And you! And
listened to him selling the ostraka.
men," said Hendow, "think the first ostraka are luckiest."
called Mirus. "Yes! And you, yes! Yes!"
In a
little bit the first flurry of sales had lessened.
(pg. 178)
"Now," said Hendow, "we come to the more cautious buyers, those
who would like to purchase early ostraka, but will appreciate a bit of
reassurance. Too, we have now done, presumably, with the fellows who would buy
a chance on anything, as long as it is a chance, and, too, those fellows to
whom a virginity itself, regardless of whose it is, is of great interest. They
would take a chance on the virginity of a tharlarion."
Master," I whispered.
have not seen this slave," said a man. "Is she any good?"
us of her," called another man.
is described in the handbills," said Mirus.
she any good?" called the first man, again.
us of her," called the second man, again.
hair and eye coloring, and complexion, and height and weight, are as mentioned
in the handbills," said Mirus. "Other pertinent measurements, too, as
you may recall, are specified in the same bills."
blushed, looking down.
she any good?" repeated the first fellow, insistently.
has a lovely face and form," said Mirus.
is she any good!" laughed the man.
you may determine promptly and firsthand, if you win," called Mirus.
There was
said Mirus, "understand that this is only a virgin slave. In that sense,
she will not be much good, probably not for a few weeks. Remember it is only
her virginity we are raffling off tonight."
yes," agreed several fellows.
called the first man.
she is beautiful, and unusually desirable," said Mirus. "Surely it
would be a triumph to open her."
clutched the sheet more closely about me.
is a treasure," said Mirus, "and, in time, we expect her to become
exceptionally good."
is an Earth slut," called a man. "It says so on the handbills. They
are all frigid."
you know as well as I," called Mirus, "that they do not stay that
laughed the fellow.
There was
general laughter.
clutched the sheet more closely about my neck.
(pg 179)
"We know you, Mirus," said a man. "What do you think of
was purchased by my employer, your host, master of this tavern, Hendow,"
said Mirus. "I think you know well his taste and expertise in selecting
point seemed to have its effect with the crowd.
of you, Mirus?" pressed the fellow who had asked the original question.
"What do you think of her?"
would purchase an ostrakon, myself, or several," said Mirus, "but if
I, an employee of the tavern, were to win, you would all, would you not, every
one of you, suspect collusion and duplicity?"
said a fellow. There was laughter.
So, I
thought to myself, it was not my imagination. Mirus did desire me. That,
doubtless, was why he had so suddenly turned away from me last night.
so," said Mirus, "I can wait."
shuddered. I had not thought of it much, but it was true. After tonight, I
would be only another of Hendow’s girls. I would not only have been
"opened" for his customers, but I would be available as well, as a
matter of course, to his men. The use of a tavern’s girls is one of the
perquisites of employment in such a place. After tonight, I would have to serve
Mirus, and the others, as they might want me. I recalled that in the house of
my training the "opened" girls had been available to the guards. The
kitchen master, too, I knew had had his eye on me. Usually, laboring there, on
our knees, bending over the low, steaming tubs, our arms immersed in the suds
to our elbows, cleaning pots and pans, he had had Ina and I remove our kitchen
tunics. He had used Ina several times. I swallowed hard. Doubtless I would be
put back in the kitchen from time to time. He was probably waiting for me.
will take an ostrakon!" called a fellow, he, I think, who had asked Mirus
his opinion of me.
I!" said another. "And I," called several others.
astute sirs," said Mirus. "Come, sluts," said he, doubtless to
Aynur and Tula, carrying their bowls.
In a bit,
then, these sales had been made.
gestured with his head to the musicians, and they made there way, one by one,
through the beaded curtain. There were five of them, a czehar player, two
kalika players, a flautist and a drummer. In a moment or two, as Mirus
solicited further interest among the customers, I heard the sounds of the instruments,
the czehar and kalikas being tuned, the flautist trying (pg. 180) passages, the
drummer’s fingers light on the taut skin of his instrument, the kaska, then
adjusting it, then trying it again, then tapping lightly, then more vigorously,
with swift, brief rhythm, limbering his wrists, fingers and hands. The music of
Gor, or much of it, is very melodious and sensuous. Much of it seems made for
the display of slaves before free men, but then I suppose, that is exactly what
it is made for.
Then the
musicians were silent.
us see her," called a man.
her out!" called another.
her out!" called yet another.
I heard
the pounding of goblets on the tables.
her out!" called another man. "Bring her out!" called another.
"Bring her forth!" they cried.
you ready?" asked Hendow.
Master," I said.
I felt
his massive hand moving the sheet as it closed itself, like a vise, about my
upper left arm. I was almost lifted from my feet. It was like being a doll in
his grasp. I looked up at him. I was absolutely helpless. My fists still
clutched the sheet high about my neck. The leashes on the cuffs went behind me,
slack, on each side, and then looped up to the keeping of Tupita and Sita.
Tupita on my right, Sita on my left, Hendow drew me beside him through the
beaded curtain. Tupita and Sita followed, and, too, small Ina. These, slaves
themselves, would present me, a new slave, to the men. But it was in the grip
of my master, this perhaps symbolizing his ownership of me, and his authority
over me, that I would be brought to the floor.
said a man.
said a man. "Superb!" said another. I heard the intake of breaths.
did I tell you?" asked Mirus.
I heard
sounds of relish and anticipation. I began to tremble. I looked up at my
master. He was proud of me! Too, there were conventionized sounds, indicative
of interest and approval, the intake of breath through saliva, certain sounds
made with the tongue and lips, certain clickings and smackings, and such, of
the sort that might cause a free woman to swoon with dismay, but are addressed
appropriately enough, and usually to her pleasure, to slaves. Too, I heard
whistles and sex calls. Some men, by such noises, summon a girl, running, to
their feet. If she is close enough, of course, noises of the preceding sort may
also be used for this purpose.
(pg. 181)
"Please, please sirs," said Mirus, in mock protest. "Desist!
This is a virgin! You will embarrass her!"
There was
much laughter. This was a splendid joke, I gathered. Who, after all, cares for
the feelings of a slave?
woman like that," said a man, "with a collar on her neck, is a
There was
more laughter.
gathered that that was supposed to be a compliment. I glanced up at Hendow. How
pleased he seemed to be to own me. How proud he seemed to be! I was afraid, but
I was pleased, too, and grateful, that he was pleased with me. I wanted to be
pleasing to him. He was my master.
she is a virgin!" laughed Mirus.
cares?" called a man.
There was
more laughter.
our guests this evening," said Mirus, gesturing, "is one well known
to you all, Tamirus," He indicated a good-natured-looking fellow, sitting
to one side in green robes. This fellow lifted his hand, in good humor, to the
crowd. "later," said Mirus, "when our lovely chain-daughters in
attendance, Tupita, Sita and Ina, whom some of you well know, and intimately,
and whom I recommend to you all, as I also do my lovely assistants, Aynur and
Tula, have presented to you another chain-daughter, this lovely slut, their
sister in bondage, we shall call upon Tamirus for his attestation."
There was
a good-humored cheer, acknowledging which Tamirus, grinning, once more lifted
his hand. The attestation, I gathered, was little more than a formality, but, I
supposed, some of the fellows would want it.
I stood
toward the center and about a third forward from the rear of the floor, my arm
still in the grip of Hendow, my master.
will buy another ostrakon!" called a man. I saw Aynur and Tula glance at
one another. Aynur’s bowl was no longer empty. Tula’s now held less.
shall reopen the sale of ostraka presently," called Mirus.
musicians were on my left.
called Mirus, dramatically, "my employer, and dear friend, Hendow, are you
not the master of this tavern?"
am," grinned Hendow.
There was
I was
afraid my arm would be bruised where Hendow held it. His grip was like iron.
you own many women?"
said Hendow.
(pg. 182)
"We see you have a slave in hand."
said Hendow.
you own her, as well?" asked Mirus.
said Hendow.
it is your intention to keep her all for yourself?" said Mirus.
said Hendow, grinning.
There was
a cheer.
is then to have the same status as your other women, and to be available to
your customers, and such?" asked Mirus.
said Hendow.
There was
another cheer.
is then to be not a private slave, but a public slave?" inquired Mirus.
said Hendow.
announcement was greeted with another cheer.
she is a treasured private slave, noble Hendow," said Mirus, "take
her swiftly to your chambers. If she is not, but is as your other women, then,
noble friend, we pray you, step back from her, leaving her upon the floor
before us."
I felt
Hendow’s hand release my arm. He stepped back. there was a cheer. I did not
know where he was. I supposed he might be somewhere behind me, and to my left.
I felt very much alone. To be sure, the other girls were still near me. But we
were all slaves, before men.
forward, come forward," said Mirus, coaxingly, beckoning to me.
I came
forward, in the cuffs and leashes, clutching the sheet, the girls with me. I
now stood back about a third from the front edge of the dancing floor. The men
could see me very well now. The musicians were now back, and to the left.
will buy an ostrakon!" called a man.
I!" called another.
I!" said another.
I watched
Mirus take tarsk bits from these men. He dropped the coins into the sack at his
belt. From the distention and apparent weight of the sack I gathered he had
already taken in several tarsk bits. I supposed that I should feel flattered. I
clutched the sheet up higher about my neck. I wondered where Hendow was,
somewhere behind me, I thought. When a fellow had paid his tarsk bit Miris
would reach into the copper bowl carried by Tula and draw forth from it one of
the small, glazed three inches long and an inch wide, thin, flat, brittle,
glazed, baked-clay ostraka. They were oval and, along the long axis, (pg. 183) slotted. The ostraka are lovely and
fragile. A number, the same number, was written at the bottom and top of each
item. I winced as Mirus snapped one of the ostraka in two, giving half to the
purchaser and throwing the other half into Aynur’s bowl. "Good luck!"
he said.
is her name?" called a man.
said Miris. "At least that is the name by which she is known to
shuddered, and the men laughed, seeing my fear. I did not think the nature of
Hendow’s Borko, that massive hunting sleen, was unknown to them.
I heard
the snappings of ostraka.
her over here, so we can see her better, " said a man.
over here," said another, on the other side.
frightened urt," said Tupita. She guided me to the right, where I must
stand at the edge of the floor, there, and then further to the right, and back.
I then saw Hendow, my master. He was standing back, near the wall at the back
of the tavern, near the threshold with the beaded curtain, that through which I
had entered.
I was
then moved further to the right, in a circular pattern, and I then stood at the
back, right corner of the dancing floor, as one would see it from the front. I
was then a moment later, conducted again to my right, and I now stood in the
vicinity of what would be the front, right corner of the floor, as one would
see it from the front. I was near the edge. Tupita apparently wanted me to be
close to the men, that my proximity, I suppose, might stimulate them.
I heard
the snappings of more ostraka.
I cried. I was frightened. I could not pull away. "Stand as you are,"
said Tupita. "Yes, Mistress," I said. A man, sitting near the edge of
the floor, had put out his hand and held my left ankle. he then, with his
thumb, rubbed slowly below and behind the anklebone, and then, with his
fingers, up, just below the calf. I shuddered at his touc. I went up an inch or
two on the toes of my foot.
at that," called a man.
is no virgin," said another.
is a virgin," averred Mirus, snapping another ostrakon, not even looking
about. "You will shortly have the attestation," he said.
will take another ostrakon," said the fellow who had touched me.
too," said another.
(pg. 184)
My ankles released, Tupita, aided by Sita, again put me toward the center of
the floor, near the front, much where I had stood before.
I was
trembling. I could not help how I had moved under his touch.
The men
looked at me. I heard laughter. I blushed.
There was
more laughter.
time, however," said Mirus, continuing his transactions, "we expect
her to feel at least some minimal slave heat."
There was
I must
have turned red, all of me that was not covered by the sheet, my face and neck,
and my calves, ankles and feet. There was then more laughter. Suddenly I wished
I was one of those women like leather who hated men but then in a moment I did
not really want to be like that either. I was too soft, too lovely, and too
feminine for that. I was not that sort of woman. I was a different sort. I was
afraid then, very afraid. I sensed vaguely, in my virgin’s belly, the thought
terrifying me, what men, such men, might do to me. These intimations, however,
did not serve to prepare me even for what, as a matter of course, in even a few
weeks, I could be forced to feel, or for what it would be to be made the
helpless victim of "slave needs."
called a man. "Five!"
here!" said another.
I looked
about, from face to face, and then I looked away, not daring to meet such eyes,
those of masters.
faraway seemed the library.
here, on this world. I was owned.
is lovely," said a man.
said another.
were sexual noises, and calls. I could not object to these. I was a slave.
powerful seemed these men. I think any of them could have broken me in pieces,
like the lovely ostraka. And how fierce they seemed. How they would make a
woman obey them! And how they looked upon me, with such eagerness and interest,
seeing me as what I was, a slave!
clenched my fists on the sheet. Beneath it, save for a steel collar and some
beads, I was naked.
us have the drawing," urged a fellow.
I felt
inordinately helpless, so small and weak, and desired, among such men.
I heard
the snappings of the ostraka.
absurd then, and artificial, and unreal, suddenly, seemed (pg. 185) Earth, with
all its preposterous political myths, its subversion of nature, its insidious
conditioning programs, its pretendings to deny the simple, obvious truths of
aristocracy, its contrived trammelings of right and power, its desperate
attempts to destroy the natural relationships between men and women, to level
and mediocratize the diversity and glory of nature, its corrupt machineries of
falsification and repression. Men can do with us as they wish, I thought, and
Gorean men, at least if the woman is a slave, will. I was not on Earth. I was
on a different world. I stood now on a dancing floor in a tavern, in a complex,
beautiful civilization, one quite different from my own, one in which strong,
proud men had refused to relinquish their natural sovereignty. I did not stand
before them as a primitive. I did stand before them, however, in a collar, and
in the order of nature.
I felt
tension in the leashes attached to the rings of the cuffs I wore. Tupita and
Sita, on my right and left, respectively, stood near to me. They had muchly
coiled the leashes and their two hands, each on their own leash, and turned in
the leash, and gripping it tightly, were about a foot from the rings on the
cuffs. I sensed Ina behind me. She took hold of the sheet, at the shoulders,
from behind, that it might be lifted gracefully from me.
Hendow had brought me to the floor, helpless, like a doll, in his grip. He had
then, in response to the ritualistic petition of Mirus, removed his hand from
my arm, stepped back from me and left me there. The symbolic meaning of this
was clear. He was not reserving me for himself. I was also for his customers. I
was a new girl in his tavern. I was a public slave.
I felt
tension through the cuffs, I heard the tiny noises of the joined rings, those
on the cuffs and leashes. I felt the pulling of the leash rings against the
rings on the cuffs. My wrists were slowly being drawn to the sides. The men
leaned forward. I could not keep my hands on the sheet without opening the
sheet myself. Tears in my eyes I released the sheet. Ina then, gracefully, drew
the sheet away and, carrying it, withdrew from the floor.
I stood
there, my wrists at my shoulders. I could not draw my hands together to cover
myself. The cuffs I wore, buckled tightly on me, and the taut leashes attached
to them, in the keeping of Tupita and Sita, saw to it. I stood there, then, in
collar and beads, displayed, a tavern slave, a paga slave, a public slave,
naked on a Gorean dancing floor.
The hands
of men smote repeatedly on their left shoulders.
(pg. 186)
"Yes!" cried several. "Yes! Yes!" "Marvelous!"
breathed some. "Superb!" cried others, pounding with their goblets on
the tables. I gathered that Teibar, who had picked me for the collar, had known
his business.
There was
then slackness in the leashes. My arms went to my sides.
There was
a white ribbon looped on my collar, and drawn down about it, snugly.
are naked before me," whispered Tupita. "Obeisance!"
I quickly
knelt before the men and put my head to the floor, the palms of my hands, too,
on the floor. I heard several of the beads touch the wood.
I was
then jerked to my feet by the leashes, and drawn about the floor, being shown
to the men on all sides.
swarmed about Mirus, who was hard put to satisfy their demands for ostraka.
I was
then knelt near the center of the floor, and a little toward its front. I knelt
as I had been taught, and as the sort of slave I was, the sort of slave I had
first learned I was in Market of Semris, a pleasure slave. My hands, my wrists
buckled in the leather cuffs, were on my thighs. Tupita and Sita stood near me,
and a little behind me. The leashes were slack.
generous sirs!" cried Mirus. "The ostraka grow few in number!"
I saw men
rise hurriedly to move toward him.
shall take ten," said a man.
cried another.
us have the attestation!" cried Mirus, forcing the two fellows apart.
approached me. He wore green robes. I did not know at that time but this
indicated he was of the caste of
physicians. That is a high caste. If I had known he was of high caste I
might have been a great deal more frightened than I was. Most Gorean take caste
very seriously. It is apparently one of the socially stabilizing forces on Gor.
It tends to reduce the dislocations, disappointments and tragedies inherent in
more mobile structures, in which men are taught that they are failures if they
do not manage to make large amounts of money or excel in one of a small number
of prestigious professions. The system also helps to help men of energy and high
intelligence in a wide variety of occupations, this preventing the drain of
such men into a small number of often artificially desiderated occupations,
this tending then to leave lesser men, or frustrated men, to practice other
hundreds of arts the survival and maintenance of which are (pg. 187) important
to a superior civilization. Provisions for changing caste exist on Gor, but
they are seldom utilized. Most Goreans are proud of their castes and the skills
appropriate to them. Such skills, too, tend to be appreciated by other Goreans,
and are not looked down on. My virginity had been checked at various times.
Teibar had done it on Earth, in the library; it had been done in the house of
my training, shortly after I had arrived there; it had been done outside
Brundisium, by the wholesaler there, and in Market of Semris twice, once when I
had arrived there, by the men of Teibar of Market of Semris, and once before I
had left, by Hendow’s man. It had also been checked when I had arrived here,
and again, this afternoon, before I had been bedecked in these beads I wore,
slave beads.
are you, my dear?" asked Tamirus.
good, Master," I said. "Thank you, Master."
you back, idiot," said Tupita.
I looked
at her, angrily.
By the
leashes, pulling up and twisting, to my surprise, handling me quite easily,
with surprising expertness, she and Sita pulled me up, half on my feet, and
then brought me back, gasping, off balance, and lowered me to my back. I had
not realized their skill, nor how easily I could be controlled by the two
leashes. There are many tricks, of course, with leashes, in the management of
slaves. Tupita held down my right wrist, and Sita my left wrist. "Throw
your legs apart or we will do this differently," said Tupita. I obeyed, on
my back, on the dancing floor. There are various attitudes in which the
virginity of a girl may be checked. The least embarrassing to her is probably
this one.
was careful with me, and gentle. He checked twice, delicately.
you, Master," I said to him, gratefully.
He stood
up. "It is certified by the house of Hendow," he said, "The
slave is a virgin."
for long!" called a fellow.
you for your public confirmation in this matter," called Mirus.
lifted his hand good-humoredly, graciously, to Mirus, and then, too, to the
others in the tavern, and returned to his table. There, waiting for him, was a
goblet of paga, doubtless a gratuity for the loan of his expertise. Too, he
would doubtless have his choice of Hendow’s women this night, with the probably
exception of myself, for we went with the paga. Indeed, I thought he might
easily already have made his choice. Near his table, (pg. 188) but back a bit
from it, discretely, at slave’s distance, knelt luscious Inger, blond and
voluptuous, from the north, from Skjern, who had come to Brundisium in the
heavy shackles of Torvaldslanders. It was she who had brought his paga. It
would doubtless be she who would serve him this night, with the fullness of the
Gorean slave. With pen dipped into an inkhorn at his belt Tamirus was signing a
paper. He replaced the pen in the inkhorn, which closed the horn, shook the
paper a bit and held it up. a fellow near him handed it obligingly to Mirus. I
saw Inge inch a little closer to Tamirus, on her knees. Doubtless she had
served him before. Perhaps she wished him to purchase her.
is the signed attestation," said Mirus, handing it to one of the fellows
near the floor. They began to pass it about.
seven ostraka are left," called Mirus. "Who would like them? Only
one, regretfully, I fear, may be now allowed to a customer."
I watched
the attestation being handed about the tables.
crowded about Mirus.
I no
longer had the sheet of white silk about me. It had been taken from me.
then cried Mirus. "The ostraka are gone!"
were cries of anger.
not be dismayed, noble patrons of the tavern of Hendow," he called,
"for the number of ostraka was determined in advance. If too many were
sold, the chances of any particular one winning would be too few. Surely those
of you who have already purchased one or more ostraka can appreciate the weight
of this consideration."
men seemed to offer assent to this.
do not forget, noble patrons," he continued, "that although only one
may be the first to open this lovely slave, she is now one of Hendow’s women.
Accordingly you may all return, time and time again, over the next weeks, and
months, to sip her pleasures at your leisure."
said a man.
I think I can guarantee," said Mirus, "by all the whips in the house
of Hendow, that she will do her best to please you."
There was
shuddered. Of course I would do my best to please them. I would have no choice.
I was a slave. Too, these were not the men of Earth, so tolerant, so
understanding, so considerate, so forgiving, so easily put off, so weak. These
were Gorean men. If I was not perfect for them, and whenever, and however, they
(pg. 189) wished, they would make me pay, and well. On Gor there are many
sayings about masters and slaves. One is in the form of a question and an
answer. The question is, "What does a slave owe a Master?" The answer
is, "Everything, and then a thousand times more."
of you have apparently found this slave of some interest," said Mirus,
"for although she has not yet even danced, already are the ostraka
said a fellow.
girls, I had gathered, do not dance before their virginity, in such contests,
is disposed of. Not all girls are skillful dancers, particularly at first,
before they have had slave sexual experience. I was to be danced, however, I
had gathered, not only because I could, at least to some extent, dance, but
also as a form of advertising. Hendow taking this occasion to introduce me to
his patrons. He had hopes for me, I had gathered, as a dancer. He hoped, I
think, through me, to bring new and additional business to his tavern. I hoped
he would not be disappointed in me, as I did not want to be punished.
I have the attestation paper?" asked Mirus. He retrieved it from a fellow
over to the right. "Thank you," he said. He then waved the paper over
his head. "Here is the signed attestation of the noble Tamirus," he
said. "She is a virgin!" he then rolled the paper and pointed to me
with it. I looked at him. "Behold her," he said, "kneeling there
before you, a beautiful slave awaiting her first use master."
I put my
head down, trembling. I knelt there, my knees wide, awaiting my first use
more ostraka!" called a man.
cried others.
of you hold the winning ostrakon?" inquired Mirus.
it you, sir? You? Or, you?"
hope it is me," called a fellow.
There was
said Mirus.
Master," I said, looking up, startled. I had not expected him to speak to
will win, Doreen?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said, weakly.
up, Slave," said he.
do not know, Master," I cried, in misery.
will you," he said.
I looked
at him, in consternation.
There was
laughter. I did not understand this.
(pg. 190)
"Do you beg now to dance before your first use master?" asked Mirus.
Master," I said.
before the guests of Hendow?" he asked.
Master," I said.
before all present?" he inquired.
Master!" I said.
her," said Mirus.
called Tupita. "Sit," she said then to me, "with your hands on
the floor beside you, leaning forward, your right leg advanced."
Ina came
forward from the back, through the beaded curtain, with a flat, shallow box.
Tupita and Sita removed the leather cuffs from my wrists.
There are
some three senses of the expression "virgin dance" on Gor. There is a
sense in which it is a kind of dance, rather than a particular dance, which is
deemed appropriate for virgins. In that sense I was not expected to perform a
"virgin dance." One would seldom see such dances in taverns. The
second sense is the obvious one in which it is a dance danced by a virgin, and
usually just prior to the loss of her virginity. In that sense it could be
almost any dance which serves the purpose of displaying the girl before her
initial ravishing. The third sense of the term is that of a specific dance, or
type of dance, most often, interestingly, not even danced by a virgin., but
usually by an experienced slave. It is not exactly a story dance, but more of a
"role dance," a dance in which the slave dances as though she might
be a virgin, but knows she is to be ravished, and that she is expected to be
pleasing. The dance I was expected to perform was, I suppose, a "virgin
dance" in both the second and third senses of the term. Mirus,
paradoxically, speaking obviously in the third sense of the term, had told me
that I would do better at this sort of dance when I was no longer a virgin.
I felt
metal anklets being thrust on my ankles by Tupita and Sita. They put several on
each ankle. they then, similarly, placed narrow bracelets on both my wrists,
several on each wrists. A long belt of cord, to which were attached numerous
metal disks, suspended and shimmering, was then looped twice about me, the first loop secured high,
and tight, at my waist, and the second loop, a larger loop, a framing loop, was
secured in such a way, in the back, that it would hang quite low on my belly,
well below my navel. The purpose of this belt was to call attention to, and
enhance, by sound and sight, the movements of the hips and abdomen. With the
slave beads I already wore I felt inutterably displayed, and barbaric. I could
not move now without the sounds of the beads, the anklets and bracelets, the
shimmering belt with its two loops.
said Tupita.
I did.
The men
gasped with pleasure. I was frightened.
to dance, slave," said Tupita.
said a man.
I stood
before them with my hands lifted over my head, the backs of my hands facing one
another, my knees flexed. It is a common beginning position in slave dance.
musicians readied themselves.
I looked
out on the men. These were not men of Earth, defeated and tamed by propaganda
and lies. These were Gorean men, men like lions. I stood before them, weak and
helpless, a woman from Earth, now a collared slave, who must dance for their
czehar player, sitting cross-legged, now had his instrument across his lap. He
was the leader of the musicians. He had his horn pick in hand.
I stood
barefoot, naked, save for collar and adornments, on the dancing floor of a
low-ceilinged Gorean tavern. I must prepare to please masters. I wondered what
the men who had worked at the library would think if they could see me now,
their so-much-taken-for-granted Doreen, her beauty now at the disposal of
masters, men who could break them in pieces. I wondered if they would lament my
plight, deploring it with typical, whining, hypocritical cant, or if they ,
too, would sit there, at those low tables, their blood racing, their eyes
alight, becoming men.
Aynur and
Tula were now behind me, kneeling at the back of the floor, with their bowls.
Tula’s was empty. Aynur held the house’s halves of the divided ostraka. One of
them would prove to be the lucky ostrakan." Ina, the flat, shallow box of
adornments beside her, was back with them. So, too, with the cuffs and leashes,
were Tupita and Sita. Mirus, too, had now withdrawn to the back.
If I did
not dance well I did not doubt but what I would be whipped.
I looked
out on the men.
One of
them would be my first use master. In a special sense my "virgin
dance" must be dedicated to him. But, in general, I must dance, too,
before the guests of Hendow’s tavern, and, too, before all who were present. This included Mirus, who, I think,
had often wanted me. Too, I could see others of Hendow’s men about, come to see
the dance, and now, too, to one side, the kitchen master. After tonight, at the
tubs, I would doubtless be no safer from him than Ina.
if I danced poorly? But I did not want to be whipped!
Then I
knew I did not want to dance poorly. Out there there were men, real men, many
of whom excited and stirred me, even in my virgin’s belly. I could scarcely
imagine what it might be to be helpless in their arms, and at their power, as a
slave. I was desperately eager to please such men. I wanted to be marvelously exciting
and beautiful before them. I wanted them to desire me. I wanted them to want
me! Too, I knew many of the girls despised me as a woman of Earth. I wanted to
show them, too, women such as Tupita and Sita, what a woman of Earth could do
to their Gorean masters, how, she, too, could excite them, and twist them with
torments of desire, and make them gasp and scream with pleasure! Too, in my
anger at having been abandoned by Teibar, who had been my capture master on
Earth, I wanted to dance well. He had let me go! But I had sold for two and a
half silver tarsks, on my first sale! I had been purchased by Hendow, of
Brundisium, who, I had gathered, was noted in this city for having an excellent
eye for the selection of slave meat! Certainly the girls in his tavern, Inger,
and Tupita, and Ina, and the others, were superb! Perhaps, I, too, then, was
attractive! I saw the men, even now, looking at me! I could sense the heat and
desire in them. They would not compromise with a woman like me. They would want
her too much. They would throw her to their feet. They would dominate and
master me, mercilessly! I was a female. In the arms of no other sort of man
could I be fulfilled. Too, let Teibar cry out with anguish if he could find out
how desired I would be, and what an excellent slut, what superb slave meat. I,
his despised "modern woman," proved to be! I would become a high
slave! I would cost a great deal of money! He would not even be able to afford
me! Let him scream with the wanting of me, but it would be at the feet of
others, in their collars, that I would kneel!
you ready?" asked the leader of the musicians, the czehar player.
Master!" I said, eagerly.
cried a fellow, pleased, as I began to dance.
The music
was rich about me.
told you that was no virgin," said a man.
cares?" asked another.
(pg. 193)
In the dance I had power. In the dance I was beautiful. I saw delight in the
eyes of men. I heard gasps of admiration. To be sure I was of a body type, that
of the natural woman, short-legged and well-curved, that tends to be attractive
to Gorean men, and I think my face, which some had told me was delicate and sensitive, and lovely and intelligent,
which so easily betrayed my emotions, may have been pleasing to them, but I
think there was more to it than these things. Had it been merely a matter of
face and figure I do not think the effect would have been the same. Many things
were doubtless involved. One, of course, was that it was a slave who danced.
The dancing of a slave is a thousand times more sensuous than that of a free
woman because of the incredible meanings involved, the additional richness
which this furnishes, the explosive significance of this comprehension, that
she who dances is owned, and, theoretically, could be owned by you. Too, she is
naked, or scantily clad, and is bedecked in a barbaric manner. This speaks of
reality and savagery, of ferocity, and
beauty, of dominator to dominated, of master to slave. The dancing of the
female before the male, that she be found pleasing and he be pleased, is one of
the most profound lessons in all of human biology. Others are when she kneels
before him, when she kisses his feet, when she performs obeisance, when she
know herself subject, truly, to his whip. Another is when she is seized in his
arms, imperiously, and crushed to him. too, I think in this dance I was also as
successful as I was because of the sort of woman I was, one who possessed deep
female needs, and profound passions. I was ready, even at that time, as I now realize, to have the relentless torches
of men set to the tinder in my belly, that slave fires might be lit there,
thence by service, submission and love, my condition as slave, and the commands
and touches of men, to be fanned, whether I willed it or not, to my dismay and
joy, into open conflagrations. But I think, too, more simply, that there are
skills involved, and that I was an excellent dancer, even at that time.
I danced,
as the slave I was.
slut, here!" called more than one man.
I teased
them, dancing close to them, swaying, my belly alive for them, with the
jangling metal pieces, the anklets clashing on my ankles, the bracelets sliding
and ringing on my wrists, and then, as they attempted to seize me, drew back,
backing away, or whirled, with a swirl of beads, away from them. I picked one
(pg. 194) man after another out of the audience, seeming to dance my beauty
most meaningfully to him. Perhaps he would be my use master. I did not know.
began to keep the time with their hands, clapping them together.
is not a virgin," said a man.
said another.
I came
about then to the back of the dancing floor. Tupita, and the others were there.
"You are good," said Tupita to me, grudgingly.
am superb," I said to her, angrily. Then I added, hastily,
I looked
to the back of the tavern, where, near the beaded curtain, stood Hendow, my
Master, his arms folded. I swayed before him. I wanted to convince him that he
had not made a mistake in purchasing me. I saw in his eyes that I had much to
learn. I moved a little to my left, dancing before Mirus, who crouched there at
the back of the floor, the sack of tarsk bits heavy at his belt.
not change anything," he said to me, "but I would have thought you
would dance rather more like a virgin."
I whirled
away from him, to my right. Yes, I thought to myself, what are you doing,
Doreen? What has gotten into you? Why are you doing this? Why is your belly so
alive? Why are you so excited? Why is your body so hot? Why is it moving like
this? You are dancing more like a purchasable slut, a common girl from a
market, a girl who has been well taught by men and the whip the meaning of her
collar, one who has already learned to whimper behind the bars of her kennel
and scratch at its walls, than a virgin, fearing, but curious about, her first
said a man.
said another.
I did not
think Mirus would mind if I changed my performance in this fashion,
particularly, as I would, later, return to the taunting, sensate splendors of
the aroused woman, and then, at the end, to the helpless pleading of the
begging female, she who knows herself, ultimately, at the mercy of masters.
need only be actresses. They need not be dancers. But she who is a dancer must
be more than a dancer. She must be an actress, as well.
yes," said a man.
in my dance it seemed I was a virgin, reluctant and fearful, terrified in the
reality on which she found herself, but knowing she must respond to the music,
to those heady, sensuous rhythms, to the wild cries of the flute, to the
beating of the drum. I then danced timidly, and reluctance and inhibition, but
yet reflecting, as one would, in such a situation, the commands of the music. I
examined in dismay the beads about my neck, the cords at my waist, my
barbarically adorned ankles and wrists. I touched my thighs, and lifted my arms,
looking at them, and put my hands upon my body, as though I could not believe
that it was unclothed. I pretended to shrink down within myself, to desire to
crouch down, and conceal and cover my nudity, but then I straightened up,
fearfully, as though I had heard commands to desist in such absurdities, and
then I extended my hands to the sides, to various sides, as though pleading for
mercy, to be released from the imperatives of the music, but then reacted,
drawing back, as though I had seen the sight of whips or weapons. The kaska
player, alert to this, reduced the volume of his drumming, and the, five times,
smote hard upon the taut skin, almost like the crackling of a whip, to which I
reacted, turning to one side and another, as though such a disciplinary device
had been sounded menacingly, on all sides, in my vicinity, and then I continued
to dance, helpless before the will of masters. Then, as the dance continued, I
signified my expression and movement my curiosity and fascination with what I
was being forced to do, and the responses of my body, reconciled now to its
reality, helplessly obedient now to the music.
I am a
basically shy person. But now I was dancing such things as shyness, and
timidity, and fear, and curiosity, and fascination, as roles. Like many shy
persons I can find myself in roles, and blossom forth in them.
suddenly by expression and movement, an almost involuntary contortion of my
belly, seemingly startling me, and frightening me, appeared to suddenly sense,
or glimpse, my sexuality.
said a man, appreciatively.
approached him in the dance, and then others, my belly seeming to register,
with its jangling accouterments, their presence. Each time I would draw back
from them, but my belly, my hips, would seem to propel me again toward them, or
toward yet another. I then felt my hips, and thighs, and breasts, and belly, as
these seemed to come alive in the music. And then, throwing my head back, I
danced unabashedly as an acknowledged, aroused slave, much as I had before, taunting
them, teasing them, delighting in my power, but then, suddenly, as though I
sensed my ultimate helplessness, my ultimate inability to achieve total
fulfillment without the wholeness of sexuality, without the master and the
yielding, which gave meaning to the incipient passions (pg. 196) within me. I
danced the aroused slave who is the property of the master and begs his touch.
said a fellow.
slut is excellent," said another.
Then I
realized suddenly that I was actually aroused. The interior of my thighs were
hot. My belly, hot and burning, seemed to beg to be touched. I do not know,
really, whether I had done this to myself in the dance, which is possible, or
if my arousal had merely came upon me in the course of the dance, but I was aroused.
I was a helpless, aroused slave! This now was no role. It was what I was.
returned to the back of the dancing floor, piteously, that I might sway before
my master, he in the back, by the beaded curtain, gross, loathsome Hendow. He,
I felt, of all those in the tavern, would understand what was now within me. I
felt I could keep no secrets from him. it seemed he had a way of looking
through me, and seeing whatever was within me, no matter how I might try to
hide it. But I did not want to hide this from him. Rather I wanted his
understanding. I wanted him to offer me comfort, or perhaps even rescue me from
the floor. In my fears it was natural that I should seek him out, gross and
loathsome though he might be. He was the one who owned me. He was my master.
nodded to me, almost imperceptibly. Then, pointing to me, and lifting his
finger twice, he indicated I should turn away, and return to my dance, in the
center of the floor, facing the crowd.
I knew
the music was approaching its climax, and the dance must be concluded.
I then,
in the coda of my performance, danced helplessness and beauty, and submission,
surrendering myself as I, in my collar, must, into the hands and mercies of
As the
music concluded I performed floor movements, and the eyes of the men blazed,
and fists pounded on the tables, and then the music was done and I lay before
them on my back, my breasts rising and fallling as I fought for breath, my body
sheened with sweat, my hands beside me, palms up, my knees lifted slightly, my
right knee highest, a slave before masters. I heard the roars of triumph,
shouts of pleasure. I was frightened. The men were on their feet. There was a
thunder of applause, the striking of the shoulders in the Gorean fashion, and,
too, the crashing of goblets on the tables. I crept to my knees in the bedlam.
I became aware of Hendow standing near me now, and Mirus was to one side.
"Back," called Hendow. "Back!" I felt small (pg. 197) among
the legs of the men. Mirus and Hendow, gently, were forcing men back, away from
the floor. Then I was kneeling there, small, between them.
looked down upon me. Swiftly I pressed my lips fervently, placatingly, to his
sandals. "Look up," said he. I looked up, frightened. Would I be
punished for altering the dance?
did not think you could do better," he said. "I was wrong."
regarded him, frightened. Would he then be angry? Would I be cuffed, or kicked?
did well," he said. "I am pleased."
I almost
fainted with relief, and, gratefully, pressed my lips to his sandals. But then
a girl is seldom punished for improving her service. Indeed, as I would later
learn, girls are encouraged to be rich and creative in such matters.
I looked
up from my knees at my master. "Is your belly still hot?" he asked.
I looked
down, blushing. He had known, of course. "Not now, Master," I said.
he said, "you had better start heating it up again."
I turned
crimson, my head down, kneeling there, scarcely able to believe what I had
heard. To be sure, he was the proprietor of the tavern, and I was his.
I felt my
head pulled up by the hair, a double handful of it grasped in Hendow’s fist. I
was almost pulled up, from my knees. "Did you like her?" he called to
the crowd. Most of the men were still standing. There were no women in that
crowd other than slaves. Women are on the whole not permitted in paga taverns,
unless, of course, they wear collars.
Yes!" cried several of the men.
will be a dancer in my tavern," said Hendow.
intelligence was greeted with raucous enthusiasm, shouts, and the pounding of
see her often!" invited Hendow.
no fear," called a fellow. There was laughter.
she is only one of several lovely dancers," said Hendow, "any one of
whom is her superior or equal!"
I doubted
that that was true.
of whom have been chosen to please your senses!"
I would
grant the beast, my master, that.
often to the tavern of Hendow," said Hendow, "for the finest paga in
Brundisium, and the most beautiful paga slaves, wenches chosen for their
luscious beauty and steaming bellies!"
(pg. 198)
I trembled. Not all paga slaves are tavern dancers, but all tavern dancers are
paga slaves.
There was
another round of cheering.
drawing!" called a man. "Let us have the drawing!"
nodded to Mirus, and Mirus summoned Aynur to the center of the floor, and near
the front, with her copper bowl, laden with the halves of broken ostraka.
to your seats!" called Hendow.
As the
men sought their places, Tupita, Sita and Ina came forward. Ina brought with
her not only the flat, shallow box but a large towel as well. "Sit as you
were before," ordered Tupita. I did so, leaning forward, my hands on the
floor, my knees up, my right leg advanced. Sita removed the belt from me, with
its double loop. Tupita began to take the anklets and bracelets from me,
putting them in the box. "Treasure your silly virginity," said
Tupita, "for you will not have it long." "Red-silk slut!" I
said to her, angrily, adding, "Mistress." "By tomorrow,"
said Tupita, " you, too, will be only a red-silk slut."
were beautiful tonight," said Ina.
you," I said, "Mistress."
With a
jangle and shimmering of metal pieces the cord belt, in its length, was dropped
by Sita into the box.
shook the bowl of ostraka. She stirred the contents with her two hands. Delving
deeply into the bowl she lifted up handfuls of ostraka again and again, each
time letting them fall like showers back into the bowl.
Mirus and
Hendow observed her doing this.
The last
bracelet was deposited in the box. Sita was lifting the strands of slave beads
from my neck, placing them, too, in the box.
is enough," said Hendow.
Master," said Aynur, desisting mixing ostraka.
trembled, for the moment of the drawing drew near. Sita lifted the last strand
of slave beads from about my neck and put it in the box. Ina, then, began to
dry my body, from the sweat of the dance.
I felt
very naked then, without even the beads to cover me. "Will I not be given
the white sheet again," I asked Ina.
she said, "the time of the white sheet for you is over."
me keep a strand of beads," I begged.
said Ina. "Your use master, in handling you, might break them."
I said, frightened.
(pg. 199)
"Too," she said, "we would not want anything to stand between
you and your use master when he presses you in his arms."
I whispered, frightened.
you are as nude as any slut," said Tupita, jerking down on the ribbon on
my collar, ascertaining that its fixture there was suitably snug.
I saw
Mirus, near the front of the floor, draw a red ribbon from his wallet. It was
identical in size and shape to the white ribbon I wore on my collar. My use
master, I gathered, when he was finished with me, would change the ribbons.
This would be significatory of the alteration of my status, informing anyone
who might look upon it that I had not been "opened." He also had in
one hand the attestation paper. There was a place at the bottom of the paper where
a streak of blood, mine, might be smeared.
shall choose the lucky ostrakon?" called Hendow.
slave!" cried a man.
slave!" "The slave!" cried others.
well!" said Hendow.
I moaned.
approached me.
Master," I begged him.
But I saw
him draw forth from his belt a half hood. This covers the head to the upper
It was
put over my head and drawn back, tightly, and buckled shut. I then heard a lock
snapped through rings. It was locked on me, in place. I could not see under the
device, at all. In this respect it differed from imperfect blindfolds and
resembled the full slave hood. Similarly, although it is usually regarded as
inferior to the full slave hood in its security, it tends to be more secure
than many blindfolds, particularly makeshift ones, seized up from materials at
hand. For example, unlike many blindfolds, it, and in this respect it is
similar to the full slave hood, is not likely to become dislodged or loose, even
if the girl is handled with great roughness. It does, however, of course,
possess certain of the rich and attractive advantages of the blindfold, such as
allowing its fair captive to speak, to use her tongue, to lick, to kiss, and so
Master," I begged. "Do not make me choose!"
you question me?" he inquired.
Master!" I said, I moaned. I must choose my own rapist.
I felt
myself drawn to my feet, and, by the upper left arm, (pg. 200) pulled forward,
half dragged, to the copper bowl. There I was knelt, and my hands were placed
on the ostraka.
them further, slut," said Hendow.
doubtless as the men watched intently, I stirred them about. I felt them in my
hands. They had numbers on them, I knew.
about," said Hendow. "Sift through them. Pick some up, then let them
fall through your fingers."
I obeyed.
said he, "choose one."
I lifted
my head in half hood to him, piteously, my lip trembling.
I heard
nothing, no reprieve, no rescue. This was not such a world. Here I was a slave,
ineradicably, and truly.
I held my
head level, although I could see nothing. I thrust my hand into the ostraka,
and closed my fingers on one. I lifted it before me. I felt someone, doubtless
Hendow, pull it from my hand.
hundred and seventy-seven!" he called.
were cries of good-natured protest, sounds of disappointment. "No!"
cried more than one man.
hundred and seventy-seven," he repeated.
called Mirus. "There!"
must have been getting up.
up the ostrakon!" called Mirus. "Let us all see it!"
has it, all right!" called a man, from somewhere out there in the front.
There were groans of mock anguish in the house, and laughter, and applause.
forward, Sir," invited Mirus. "Claim your prize."
her well, for me!" called a fellow several yards away.
her jump, for me!" laughed another, closer.
I sensed
someone coming forward, others perhaps about him, slapping him about the
shoulders and back.
There was
Sir," said Mirus, at my side, "is your prize."
In the
hood I could see nothing. I was frightened.
I then
gasped, surprised. I felt myself being lifted to the shoulder of a man. He was
very strong.
the Ubar’s alcove," said Mirus. "I will bring the attestation and
I was
helpless on his shoulder.
sleen!" called a man.
Ubar’s alcove, I knew, was well fitted with a variety of chains and whips.
(pg. 201)
I felt myself being carried toward it.
her squeak and yell!" called a man.
I was
being carried as a slave is often carried, my head to the rear.
is only one who is first," called Hendow,
"but we will draw forth fourteen more ostraka!"
There was
a cheer.
I did not
understand this. I was helpless on the man’s shoulder.
there will be a free round of paga for all!" he said.
generosity was greeted with another cheer.
I felt
the man step up, over the high threshold of the alcove. He, then put me down on
soft furs, on my back, within the alcove.
is the paper, and the ribbon," said Mirus.
I heard
the movement of paper. Then Mirus, I gathered, withdrew. I heard a paper being
put to one side. I then heard the leather curtains of the alcove being drawn
closed, and buckled shut. Within the alcove I supposed there would be some
light, probably from the small, tharlarion-oil lamp on its bracketed shelf, on
the wall to the left, as one enters. I heard his garment being cast aside. I
supposed the lamp would be lit, that there would be light for him. Men usually
like to have some light in such a place, that in its soft glow they may see how
beautiful are the slaves. Such alcoves, incidentally, are quite comfortable.
They are not close, or stuffy. In them there is a subtle but efficient
circulation of air. Air, for example, can enter at the threshold, in the
vicinity of the curtain, rise, and exit through various inconspicuous vent
holes, generally high in the walls. I wondered, if there were light, if I
looked pleasing to him, lying on the furs. I gasped, as he knelt across my
body. I had never had a man do this before. I could not move. I felt my hands
pulled up and snapped into manacles, apart, at the sides of my head. His knees
were on either side of my body. I pulled a little at the manacles and chains. I
was chained! I felt terrified, and trapped, as indeed I was. I had been chained
before, many times, of course, in my training. But this was not training! Then
to my surprise he drew back from me, crouching then, or kneeling, I think,
beside me. He was on my right. I shuddered. I had felt his body. I turned to my
left side, away from him, as I could, and drew my knees up, as closely as I
could, to my belly. I whimpered, as I understood that this, too, exposed me as
a slave to him, but I did not know what to do! It seemed, suddenly, that all my
training had fled from me, that it had gone from me, that I could remember (pg.
202) nothing. I felt his hands take my ankles, one in each hand, and, by means
of them, not gently, he turned me again to my back, and then flung apart my
legs. I lay there then, in this attitude before him, helpless in the chains,
and the darkness of the hood. He had not spoken to me, not I to him. I did not
realize this at the time but he would not do so either, nor would the others,
unsuspected by me at this time, who would him this night. By custom my initial
ravishings as a paga slave in Brundisium would be performed in anonymity. This
custom is dictated by considerations similar to those involved in the hooding
of mating slaves, considerations having to do with the preclusion of
interpersonal complications. I heard a whip being removed from the wall. I lay
there, trembling. I grasped the chains, above the manacles. I did not want to
be lashed! But the whip was thrust to my lips. Eagerly, lifting my head, I
licked and kissed the whip. I did not want it used on me. My ardor in this
matter, and this may, I suspect, have mollified him to some extent. For he
then, delicately, gently, tested me. He grunted, surprised.
Master," I said. "I am a virgin!"
he then
seemed to have drawn back for a time, perhaps kneeling there, thinking. I do
not think, now, he had believed that I was really a virgin, in spite of the
attestation, and such, and I do not think either that my virginity had really
been of great interest to him, whether or not it was actual. He had been angry,
I now think, that I had been behaving in a timid, or virginal, fashion with
him, perhaps to secure some gentleness of treatment, when I was not really a
virgin at all. Perhaps mollified then to some extent by my placatory behavior
in kissing the whip he had decided to take the time to make test of my
virginity rather than simply and with terrible force utilizing me, moving aside
whatever obstacle, if any, might have attempted to impede the progression of
his mastery.
I asked.
To my
surprise, then, I felt a shackle put on my left ankle. he then removed the
manacles which had been on my wrists. I heard the whip cast to the side.
I asked. I knelt, rubbing my wrists.
He then,
apparently crouching near me, took me with extreme gentleness into his arms. I
began to tremble. I felt his lips at the left side of my neck, above the steel
collar locked there. "I am afraid, Master," I whispered.
soothed me with a kiss on the shoulder. I was grateful, but, too, I could feel
the heat of his breath there, it making me (pg. 203) uneasy, and disturbing me,
and I could sense the strength of his arms.
master," I sobbed. "Master!"
One of
his hands was behind my back. With the other hand he indicated I should rise up
a bit, and I did so, and he placed the hand then behind my knees. He then,
lifting me, and gently inclining me backwards, supporting me with his hand
behind my back, lowered me gently to the furs. I then lay there, on my back, in
the hood, before him.
I felt
his hands lift up my right ankle, that which did not wear the shackle. I felt
his lips on my ankle. his hands were very strong. I tried to pull back a bit,
uneasily, but could not do so. He continued to hold my ankle, and kiss my leg.
I moved my left ankle, in its shackle. I heard the tiny sounds of the links of
the chain, running between the shackle and its ring. I pulled back my left
ankle, and lifted it, frightened, alarmed by the sensations I was beginning to
feel, and learned what limitations had been placed on its movements, imposed by
the metal impedimenta whose prisoner I was. I could not leave the alcove of
course, but I had been permitted slack, enough to kick, it seems, as in the
throes of passion or, helplessly, as though to hold on for dear life, to clench
my legs about a master’s legs or, if I were pulled down, closer to the ring,
his body. His touches and kisses were now disturbing me, but he was very
Master!" I said.
The flesh
behind the knee and above it was very sensitive.
He was
you, Maser," I said, gratefully.
Over the
next quarter of an hour or so he also addressed his attentions to my other leg,
but desisted in his ministrations when he had come midway up the interior of my
I breathed.
Then he
was kissing my hands, their backs, and kissing and licking the palms, and then
moving up the interiors of the wrists, and forearms. In another quarter of an
hour or so, he had come again to my neck, near the collar, where he had first
kissed me, and then, slowly, kissed my shoulders. I lay there, frightened,
wanting to respond. I sensed his lips near mine, by the feel of his breath. I
lifted my head a little, and kissed him, timidly, gratefully. Then I felt his
head, and hair, below my chin. "Ohh," I said. Then he kissed and
licked, and caressed me about the sides, and back. "Ah," he said,
appreciatively was not really responding to him, or at least in no overt way I
was really aware of, but I think he did not really mind this, or, at the time,
expecting anything much (pg. 204) different. I think he did find me beautiful.
And I think he took pride in the simple handling of such a slave.
Then he
was kissing me about my hips and belly, and then, much lower, above the
midpoint of the interior of my thighs.
I said.
I said. "Oh!"
hands, and his tongue, and his kisses, were unbelievable! Suddenly I lifted my
hips to him. "Master!" I begged. "Master!"
His large
hands were on me, gripping me, holding me an inch to two above the furs. I felt
his thumbs. They pressed deeply into me, at the sides of my belly, but did not
hurt me. They only held me fixed in place. I could feel the strength of him. I
could not even think of escaping that grip.
I begged.
I knew
then that I belonged in a collar, and so, too doubtless, did he.
he said, frightened. I was tense, waiting. "Oh," I said, softly,
He was so
I said, softly.
He kissed
me, gently, holding me.
done," I whispered. "It’s done!"
He kissed
me again.
What a
fool I am, I thought to myself, and what a fool he must think me. Of course, it
has been done!
I had
sensed the parting of that tissue, its giving way, but it had not hurt. I had
expected it to hurt. It had not hurt!
am longer special," I said. "I am now only another girl."
What a
small thing it had been! There had been nothing to it! What an absurdity to be
concerned over so small a thing, so trivial a thing, I thought. I knew that in
some women, of course, the matter was not so simple. I was pleased, and
relieved, accordingly, that in my case it had all happened so quickly, so
simply, so painlessly.
He kissed
me again.
I had
been opened, I though. I was now "red silk!"
I was
still, of course, locked in his arms. I felt his power and surgency.
He then
began to make use of me.
I gasped.
his patience was then at the end, or perhaps he felt he (pg. 205) had waited
long enough, or perhaps he found me, suddenly, too beautiful to resist. I did
not know, but he then began, with apparently little regard for me, to content
I clung
to him, startled.
It may
be, of course, that this was merely another kindness on his part, that I be now
reminded of my status, that I wore a collar, that I was naught but a slave, I
did not know.
Master!" I whispered.
I suspect
I was not the first girl he had opened. He realized, I think, as I did not, at
that time, that at this time there would be severe limitations on my capacity
to respond to him, limitations finding herself the victim of helpless slave
I cried.
I clung
to him. I jerked my legs. I felt the chain on my left ankle. What can we be but
vessels of pleasure to such brutes, I thought. To be sure, the slave must
sometimes expect to be used with complete unilaterally. This feature is
attendant on her condition. She is, after all, only a slave. Most slaves,
incidentally, welcome this, for they treasure their bondage, many of them
dearly than their life, and they know that without it, and such things, they
cannot be true slaves. Even such a service, perhaps paradoxically, they find exciting
and fulfilling. Too, after one has been a slave for a time, it is difficult to
be touched by a man without becoming responsive, and extremely so. Thus a girl
is often grateful for her master’s touch, and weeps with pleasure in her usage,
even when he is not concerned in the least with her. This is a part of her
helplessness, and having been made the prisoner of her slave needs.
he said, as though interested.
Could I
actually be responding to him, this brute who had opened me in a Gorean tavern,
this monster who had but a moment ago red-silked me!
Master!" I whispered, startled.
Oh, he
had been patient, he had been kind, I knew. He could have cuffed me and torn me
open in an instant but he had not done so. I was grateful. But now what was he
doing to me? What were the sorts of things I was beginning to feel? To be sure,
as I would later understand, these were, in their depth, only incipient
sensations, little more than the hints of sensations, but even so I did not
know now, how to cope with them. Something here seemed to be different now from
the simple, intimate, unbelievable, unspeakable deliciousness of his earlier
attentions. Something within me that I now sensed, something deep in my (pg.
206) belly but which seemed to radiate out through my whole body, now hinted
obscurely of something different, of sensations and feelings, of yieldings and
submissions such that I hastily attempted to drive even the thought of them
from my mind.
he said again.
I could
not help how my body had moved, or how it had gripped him!
We are
the submitted and the conquered, I thought. Otherwise we cannot be ourselves!
I tried
to push hum away, sobbing. But he pressed me the more closely to him.
My hips
I hated
are men going to do to me?" I asked. "What are they going to make
He tapped
with his finger on my collar. He put his hand on my left thigh. I realized,
suddenly, that was where my brand was.
am already a slave," I sobbed, " totally a slave!"
laughed, softly. I shuddered. I gathered I had not yet begun to learn my
Then he
began again, having granted me this respite, to make use of me.
I said, softly. "Oh!"
It is
difficult to make clear the wholeness of this experience, even within its
limitations, for as I now understand, and I am sure he understood at the time,
it provided me with little more than an inchoate intimation of how I might be
subdued and owned in the arms of men. But even so, even at that time, the
experience was a startling, astonishing whole. That is something I think many
men do not grasp, the wholeness of the sexual experience for the woman, its
enhancement and deepening by the beautiful and intricate context, that it is
not simply a matter of skillful epidermic stimulations. If it were, for
example, I would never have been drawn to the beauties of ethnic dance. Here,
of course, in a Gorean alcove, and given our condition, he free, I a collared
slave, who must submit and obey, there was just such a totalistic context.
Indeed, the situation of bondage itself is such a context.
I cried, softly. And then I could not believe, suddenly, how tightly I was
held. How helpless we are! "Oh," I said, then, and for the first time
felt the imperious casting forth within me, seeming to fill my helplessly held
body, of a man’s triumph. How precious suddenly seemed such stuff to me. We
could not (pg. 207) make it. We could get it only from men. I had little doubt
that in the arms of such a man, had I not had "slave wine," I would
have been impregnated. How could my body have resisted such floods of seed? But
I knew I had little to fear, or hope for, in such matters. My breeding was not
under my own will. It was under the will of masters. It would be controlled, and
supervised, and regulated, as carefully as that of any other domestic animal. I
needed not fear pregnancy until the matter had been decided otherwise by
I clung
to my use master. I did not want him to let me go, not yet.
Then I
was afraid and angry. With what insolence, with what arrogance, he had cast his
seed within me! And I must endure such things, as it pleased him! how he had
held me, and then loosed himself within me! What arrogance, what insolence! He
had not asked my permission. He had simply taken me, as a slave might be taken!
Did he not know I was from Earth? Did he think I was only another Gorean girl?
But I realized, then, that here I was perhaps even less than a Gorean girl,
and, at best, only another slut in a collar.
do not let me go, Master," I begged. "Hold me, please."
He then
for a time kept me in his arms.
I was not
displeased to be a woman.
It was
what I wanted to be, if there were such men.
I clung
to him. He kissed me. "Thank you, Master," I whispered. It was lonely
and dark inside the hood, but his body was warm. In a way I was pleased to be
hooded. Otherwise I might have fallen in love with him. As it was, and this was
according to the will of masters, I could not relate to him as a woman to a man,
but only as a woman to any man, or men.
I heard
sounds in the tavern outside.
I knew I
was now a red-silk paga slave. I heard slave bells outside, the sort sometimes
fastened on slaves, on their ankles, their wrists, their collars. Perhaps those
I heard were bound on Tupita’s or Sita’s well-turned ankle.
I clung
yet more closely to him.
I was
He had
made me begin to feel sensations, though doubtless I was now ready for them,
which had alarmed me, sensations which spoke to me of female helplessness, and
of female helplessnesses beyond them, and perhaps even beyond them, intriguing,
fascinating helplessnesses, helplessnesses dimly sensed (pg. 208) and terribly
feared, yet somehow desperately longed for, of which I could scarcely
He then
thrust me away.
I lay there, in the darkness of the hood. I
felt a coolness on my left thigh, like a thread. I had not noticed it before. I
knew what it must be. I did not touch it.
I heard
him dress.
He came
back and, I think, crouched beside me. I felt his thumb rubbing on the interior
of my left thigh. I then heard him pick up a sheet of paper and, seemingly,
clean his thumb on the paper. He then rubbed his fingers on my thigh and lifted
them gently to my mouth. "Yes, Master," I said. Obediently I licked
his fingers, finding on them, sweet with sweat and oil, the dampness of my
virgin blood. I thus, being granted the permission of my use master, tasted the
fruits of my own first ravishment. The paper on which he had smeared blood was
doubtless the attestation paper, the blood being presumably put at the bottom,
in the place for it.
I sensed him stand.
I knelt
before my use master. I put out my hand to him.
He had
been kind to me. He had been patient with me. He had been gently, even in the
rupturing of that fragile tissue, my sundering. I sought his legs, and, finding
them, groping, put down my head, kissing his feet. "Thank you,
Maser," I said.
I heard a
slave girl crying out with pleasure outside. I shuddered. She must be being
used so simply as having been flung across one of the tables, perhaps her hair
and back in spilled paga.
I lifted
my head, in its hood, to him. "Do not leave me," I begged. "Stay
with me!"
He said
nothing. This was in accordance, of course, with the custom in Brundisium, and
in certain other cities, that in the light of which I had been given my first
I then
heard the snap of a slave whip outside the leather curtain, rather close to it,
and a girl’s cry of pain. "We are going to the alcove, slave!" I
heard. "Yes, Master!" she cried. It was Sita. I heard her then,
probably, judging by the jangling of slave bells, being conducted, stumbling,
to an alcove. Probably he had her had at his hip, held by her hair. "Yes,
Master!" she was weeping, her voice fading. "Yes, Master!"
I begged, frightened. "Please!"
He was
Master," I wheedled.
(pg. 209)
He had been kind. It seemed possible to me then, that he might be weak, like
the men of Earth, that perhaps I could manipulate him. What a fool I was! Did I
not understand he was a Gorean male?
Master!" I begged, prettily.
His only
answer was a cuff that threw me to one side, startled, where I crouched,
disbelievingly, at the end of the chain. Then he took me and thrust me on my
back on the furs and, as he had before, when we had first come to the alcove,
manacled my hands at the sides of my head. He then removed the shackle from my
left ankle.
My lip
had been cut by his blow. I could taste blood there. "Master?" I
Then I
felt him, and I could not have stopped him, had I wished to do so, as I was
chained, remove the white-silk ribbon from my collar. In a moment he had
fastened something else there, in its place, doubtless another ribbon,
doubtless the red-silk ribbon which had been given to him earlier by Mirus. He
jerked it down on the collar, snugly.
He was
then, I think, crouching near me. I pulled at the manacles. I was helpless.
There was another trickle of blood on my leg. He put his thumb in this and
scrawled a "Kef" on my belly, the first letter of "Kajira."
Then I felt the whip thrown beside me. "Master!" I wept.
"Forgive me, if I have been displeasing, Master! Please, forgive me!"
I recoiled, whimpering, from a kick from the side of his foot. Then I heard him
unbuckling the leather curtain, and leaving. I was helpless in the alcove.
"Master!" I called after him. "Master!" I tried to rise
but, by the chains, was prevented from doing so. I sand back, miserable, on the
furs. He had been kind to me, and the first thing I had tried to do was to take
advantage of him, to bend him to my will. I had then been cuffed. Then he had
chained me. Too, he had thrown the whip against me, and had kicked me, showing
his contempt for me, a caught, would-be manipulative slave. Then he had left. I
moaned. What a fool I had been! he was Gorean! Had I not understood that it was
I who was the slave, and he the master? Perhaps the whip had been flung against
me to remind me of my subjectability to it. Or perhaps he had flung it there that
my master, or his man, might understand, when he came to unchain me, that at
the least failure in my pleasingness I was due for a whipping. Yet he himself
had not used it on me. That was perhaps yet another evidence of his kindness,
or of his understanding and patience with me, his recognition that I was still
naught but an ignorant and naïve novice with respect to the (pg. 210) rigors of
my bondage. Had I irritated him further, however, I do not doubt but what he
himself would have used it on me. As it was, he had not been pleased when he
had left me. If he were to use me again, in the future, I feared he would be
merciless with me, treating me as the foolish, and errant Earth woman I had
I asked. I had heard the curtain being parted. "Master!" I said,
elatedly. "Master?"
but then
I felt my ankles flung apart.
I said, suddenly and smoothly penetrated, deeply.
I lay
there, absolutely still.
This was
not the same man!
I did not
dare to move, so penetrated.
He made
an animal noise.
I asked.
I was
very alive to him, so much so that I was unwilling to move.
said Tupita, apparently from the opening of the alcove. There was laughter
there, too, mostly that of men. The curtain I realized had not been drawn!
"He wants
you to dance, slave," laughed Tupita. "You are a dancer. Go ahead,
I moaned.
you see the "Kef" on her belly?" asked Tupita.
said a man.
belongs there," she said.
agreed another fellow.
is now a red-silk ribbon on your collar, Doreen," said Tupita. "What
is the meaning of that?"
I have been red-silked, Mistress," I said.
said Tupita.
the curtain, Mistress!" I begged.
asked Tupita. "Are you modest?"
Mistress," I sobbed. Slaves are not permitted modesty.
are now only a red-silk slut, Doreen," she said, "no different from
the rest of us!"
Mistress," I said.
do not forget it," she said.
Mistress," I said.
There was
you hear pounding?" asked Tupita.
has already been pounded," said a man.
There was
said Tupita.
(pg. 211)
I could then hear pounding. It was far off, somewhere perhaps in the front of
the tavern.
you hear it?" she asked.
Mistress," I said.
you know what it is?" she asked.
Mistress," I said.
is your attestation paper, together with your white ribbon, being nailed to the
wall in the vestibule of the tavern," she said. "It is there now with
mine, and Sita’s, and those of some of the other girls."
I did not
not with Inger’s," said a fellow.
laughed Tupita.
of the fellows laughed. Inger, from distant Skjern, had been taken by
Torvaldslanders. She was voluptuous. Too, Torvaldslanders seldom deliver
virgins to the slave markets.
are fortunate that I am not a man?" laughed Tupita.
I asked, puzzled.
the case of a man, the repetition of a command is commonly a cause for
command, Mistress?" I asked, frightened.
she said.
I knew
that Tupita was having her sport with me, but, too, I knew that she might beat
me tomorrow, in the slave area. As first girl she had that privilege. I did not
want her to whip me, or switch me, or have the other girls put my ankles over
the low bar and tie them there, and then have her spank the soles of my bare
feet with the springy, flat board. It is very painful, and it is hard to walk
after it.
command?" I asked, frightened.
laughed Tupita.
I am chained!" I said. "I am held!"
said a man, from the entryway, and a grunt of pleasure from him in whose arms I
lay slave captive.
I had
been commanded by a man. I obeyed immediately, or did my best to obey. If a
command needs to be repeated, as the saying goes, the girl needs to be
punished. If the girl thinks, however, that the command may have been, say, an
inadvertence, or mistake, or that the master might relent, or something along
these lines, she might, say , beg or inquire. She is reassured of the intent
and seriousness of the command if, for example, she is asked if the command
need be repeated, which (pg. 212) eventuality she will presumably be anxious to
avoid. If she has, sincerely, and not as a girl’s trick, not understood the
command, or has not heard it, or fears she may not have heard it correctly, she
may also inquire into the matter, of course, and normally without penalty. In
such cases the repetition of a command is not regarded as cause for discipline.
A girl is seldom punished for trying to be pleasing, at least at first. If her
efforts continue to fail, however, that is a different matter. The whip is an
absolutely marvelous instructional device for improving female conduct.
I had not
even wanted to move, him so within me!
But I was
a slave. I must obey.
wriggle well, Doreen," called Tupita.
I cried
out with misery.
see the slave dance!" called a man from the entryway.
not stop, slut," warned Tupita.
I moaned.
I had not
wanted to move, him so within me! But now, choicelessly, I moved. He was mostly
quiet within me. It was I, the slave, who must move! I twisted and writhed. I
then became aware, to my horror, that I was being forced to arouse myself upon
whimpered in protest.
look," called a fellow. "She is getting hot!"
I sensed
men crowding about the entryway.
I sobbed. I was a woman of Earth. I must remain frigid! I must not be
"hot!" But then I realized I was no longer a woman of Earth. I was
now only a Gorean slave.
him," said Tupita.
Mistress!" I sobbed. "Yes, Mistress!"
growled the brute who held me like chains.
techniques of ethnic dance, as is perhaps no well-kept secret, because of the
movements of the hips, the control of the muscles of the abdomen, and such,
have delicious applications in the making of love. It is no wonder that this
form of dance, for centuries, was commanded by emirs, pashas and caliphs of
their concubines and slaves. Too, of course, it is initially arousing to the
woman, for she understands that she is dressed as a slave, is displayed as a
slave and must dance as a slave. And later, of course, if she is truly a slave,
she must satisfy, and with dividends, the passions she has aroused in her
dance. If a woman could be a dream of pleasure to men, let her learn this form
of dance.
Ai!" said the fellow.
(pg. 213)
I then begun to feel incredible sensations, sensations I did not fully
But then
he gripped my hips so I could scarcely move, and pulled me tight to him, and
was eager, surgent and eruptive within me! Then he withdrew, with something like
a snarl and a smacking of his lips. I feared I had been bruised.
"Master?" I asked. Would he leave me, so soon?
am next!" said a fellow.
I then
again felt my ankles flung apart. I heard Tupita laughing.
I said, forcibly entered.
called Tupita.
recalled, suddenly, what I had heard, from back on the floor, behind us, when I
was being carried on the shoulder of my first use master to the alcove, that
fourteen more ostraka would be chosen!
laughed Tupita.
Again I
It must
have been near morning, I lay alone now in the alcove, now on my belly, my
hands manacled apart, at the sides of my head. One of the men, earlier, when I
was on my back, had put me in left-ankle shackle, had freed me of the manacles,
had tied my hands behind my back, and had then had me please him, astride him.
he had then, afterwards, left me lying on my side in the alcove. The next
fellow had freed my hands of the thongs, put me on my stomach, and chained my wrists apart, at the sides of my head,
much as I had been before, for much of the evening, but now turned, now on my
stomach, and had then freed me of the ankle shackle.
I had
lost count of the men, but there had
doubtless been, counting my first use master, the full fifteen who had purchased
winning ostraka.
It was
quiet outside in the tavern.
I did not
remember if the curtain had been drawn shut by my last use visitor, when he had
left, or if he had left it open.
I lay
there alone, on my belly, chained.
former Doreen Williamson’s virginity had been raffled off. And so too, had her
first uses. I supposed that Teibar, who had been my capture master, who had
caught me on Earth, and brought me here to be a slave, would have found that
amusing, his "modern woman" being taught her sex on Gor.
I rubbed
my belly a little on the furs. I held the chains above the manacles close about
my wrists.
(pg. 214)
Yes, I thought, I had been taught something about my sex tonight.
supposed I stank of the uses of men.
near the front of the tavern, indeed, in its vestibule, I gathered, nailed to a
wall there, with other such objects, was my attestation paper, with its smear
of my virginal blood upon it, and the white ribbon which had been on my collar.
There was
now another ribbon, I gathered, tied on my collar, one of red silk.
I was
now, at any rate, "red silk."
wondered what the men who had worked at the library would have thought. I
wondered if they, too, would have crawled to me, and put me to their purposes.
It would
be their right, of course. I was now a slave.
I lay
there, troubled.
I wanted
to cope with my feelings. I was confused. The first fellow had been, on the
whole, very gentle and understanding with me. I thought I would always be
grateful to him for that. he could have been quite otherwise, for I was only a
collar-slut whose virginity he had won in a raffle. After he had removed my
virginity he had treated me with much less courtesy and patience. In his arms,
after my virginity had been taken, I had had the first genuine intimations of
what it might be to be a slave in the arms of a man. In the arms of the second
fellow I had begun to feel incredible sensations but he had then, eager in his
own pleasures, seized me helplessly to him, and, as I was held, startled, the helpless
vessel of his pleasure, used me, and left. In such a usage, and public as it
was, before Tupita, and others, I was well reminded that there was a steel
collar on my neck. But I was then, too, to my transitory shame, until I
recalled I was a slave, and such feelings were required of me, more than ready
for the next man, and then, more eagerly then I perhaps now cared to recall, I
"danced" for him. Helpless, and in chains, hooded, almost alone with
my sensations, I was discovering my sexuality, the root sexuality of the used
female. To be sure, as I would later discover, I was only doing something like
beginning to respond to them. When the fourth man had entered the alcove, and
he seemed to be just standing there, not yet touching me, I had actually lifted
my belly to him, begging. He had laughed. I had then sunk back in a paroxysm of
humiliation and embarrassment on the furs, overcome with shame, from my
grotesque anti-sexual Earth conditioning in which female merit is regarded as
being threatened or diminished by any sign of truly deep sexual needs, or any
evidence of intense, genuine (pg. 215) interest in the opposite sex. But if I
wanted their touch why should I not ask for it, or beg for it? As a slave what
else could I do? Too, even if my needs and my interests, and the incredible
depth and intensity of my desires proved that I was "worthless" and
without "merit," I did not care! Of course I was worthless, though,
to be sure, men would pay hard cash for me! I was worthless because I was only
a property! I was worthless because I was bond! I was worthless because I was
the sort of woman who could be put upon a slave block and be sold! I was
worthless because I was only an owned animal! Of course I did not have
"merit"! I was beyond "worth" and "merit," of
those sorts. I was only a slave! But thus I could be as free, and piteous, and
begging, and lewd, and loving, and sexual as I wished! I had nothing to
conceal, nothing to keep secret. I belonged to my master, all of me, my
thoughts, my love, my body, everything I was and could be! I lay there for a
moment moaning in shame. But then he had crouched near me and, with a few deft,
unbelievable touches, had me, in spite of myself, leaping and squirming before
him. Then I realized he had laughed at me not so much to humiliate me, thought
perhaps he had enjoyed doing so, as I was an Earth woman, but because he was
amused at my obvious readiness, unusual in so new a slave. I gathered that this
vitality, or responsivenesss, coming from so new a branded slut, must be
surprising. Then he entered me, and I think I pleased him.
I lay
there, trying to cope with my feelings.
To some
extent, doubtless, the conditioning to which I had been subjected on Earth was
attempting to war with the liberties of my bondage. Indeed, some women try to
carry the frigidities of their freedom into their bondage, but these are soon
whipped out of them. They are swiftly taught that they are now a different sort
of woman. then, choicelessly, gratefully, they yield eagerly to their slavery.
You see, some of the "liberties of bondage" are also, in a sense,
"necessities of bondage." For example, not only is a woman free then
to open herself fully to the ravishings of masters, to be participatory, to
feel as deeply, and profoundly and excitingly as she can, to be as responsive
and orgasmic as possible, but she must do so. Such things are commanded of her.
Similarly the authenticity of her responses can be recognized and tested. And
failure to obey, and be pleasing, can be cause not only for grievous
punishment, but death. Accordingly, my Earth conditioning could do little more
now than attempt to war with my needs and urges. In each hour on Gor it seemed
to be becoming less and less effective. My needs, and my reality, (pg. 216)
were now revealing its lack of soundness, its historical eccentricity, indexed
to outmoded ideologies and conditions, its idisyncrasy, its absurdity, making
it obsolete, and overthrowing it. In a natural world it was, without its
constant reinforcements, crumbling. Too, as a slave, I must, whether I wished
to or not, ignore it. To be sure, I think, in the final analysis, it was being
primarily undermined by so simple and profound a thing as my own womanhood. Its
poverty, vacuity and falsity I think I had recognized long ago, even on Earth.
I lay
there on the furs, wondering about my feelings and responses. I wondered almost
who the girl was, who lay there. She seemed very different from the former
Doreen Williamson, who had worked in the library, so long ago, now, it seemed.
To be sure, she still had the name ‘Doreen’, but that now was her only name,
and she had it only as a slave name, a name given to her as an animal is given
a name, a name put on her, like a collar, by the will of a master, a name to
which she must then, like any other named animal, respond, and in all ways.
I was
still hooded.
I lay
there, and thought about the feelings I had experienced. Putting aside
occasional episodes of chagrin or shame, understandably contingent on my Earth
conditioning, as I was faced with various indisputable evidences of my vitality
and responsiveness, I had found myself subjected to an astonishing variety of
mixed emotions and feelings. Sometimes I had been confused by the
unfamiliarity of these feelings, and
sometimes delighted, and intrigued. Too, sometimes I had felt a desperate
longing for them to continue, and had been eager for them, and others, some
charming, and subtle, and some almost overpowering, making me feel weak, and
held, to surface in me, like wonders, some bursting up, some rising slowly, in
my depths. Too, sometimes I had felt genuine fear, as I seemed to sense, far off,
feelings and emotions so incredible and overwhelming that I knew I would be
helpless in their grasp, feelings that would be as commanding and irresistible
to me as the movements of the earth and the tides of the sea. In short, I was on the brink of learning my
femaleness. To be sure, nothing had been done to me at that time, I had not
realized something of great importance, namely, how my body and nervous system
could change under its uses, how my helplessness and needs could deepen,
increase and intensify, how they could grow upon me and make me their prisoner.
Although I was now almost ready, as Ina had put it, shocking me (pg. 217) at
the time "to beg and scratch for it," I still had no clear idea as to
the extent to which my belly and body could be gripped by "slave
need." I still had no clear understanding as to how it was that a girl
could bruise herself against the bars of her cage, trying to touch a guard, or
crawl naked on her belly to a hated master, if only to feel the blow of his hand
or foot. In short, though I had come a thousand miles from the naïve girl in
the library, I still had no understanding, really, of slave sex. I had not yet
experienced even a small slave orgasm. But in the context of these reflections,
seemingly focused primarily on simple feelings and sensations, let me
reemphasize the wholeness of the context. It is in the slave’s life as a whole
that these things, so overwhelmingly, find their place. The life of the slave
is an entire modality of being, and this modality of being enhances the
feelings and sensations just as, in turn, the feelings and sensations enhance
and enrich the modality of being. The life of the female slave is a consistent,
totalistic and indissoluble whole.
I heard
someone part the curtains.
I was
was there.
I pressed
down into the furs, on my belly. Then, it frightening me, and embarrassing me
at the time, I felt an involuntary movement, the subtle lifting, just a tiny
bit, of my behind, in the furs. Then, swiftly, I lay even lower, more
frightened, more closely, in the furs. I had once at a zoo, I recalled, seen a
female animal, a female baboon, actually, frightened at the stalking, menacing,
meaningful approach of a stern, dominant male, turn about and timidly offer
herself to him. I had seen the same sort of behavior among chimpanzees. It is a
form of placatory, female-submission behavior.
A man
knelt or crouched near me. He felt my flanks. He had very strong hands. Again
my body lifted itself, but this time, not so much in fear as in response to his
said Hendow, my master.
whimpered and tried to hide lower in the furs.
not be upset, slave," he said. "It is for just such things that I
bought you."
I felt
the key thrust into the locks on the manacles, and they were removed from me. I
was then turned to my back. the only bond I wore now was the half hood.
you sore?’ he asked.
little," I said.
(pg. 218)
"Inside," he said.
little," I said.
My body,
otherwise, though I would not feel it so much for a few hours, would be stiff
here and there, and sore in places. I would discover, too, I had some bruises.
Some of the men had treated me with great roughness. That was permissible. I
was a slave.
I felt a
chain belt put about my waist and padlocked shut at my navel. At the back of
the belt, attached to it, was a pair of light manacles of the sort suitable for
females, which I would learn are called "slave bracelets."
I asked.
I did not
understand why I was being braceleted, now.
will wear these at night," he said, "for three nights."
Master," I said.
will not be put out on the floor again," he said, "for three
you, Master," I said. I supposed that was what I should be saying.
will give you a chance to heal, if you need it, and, too, it will give you a
chance to gather your thoughts together and to reflect upon your
Master," I said, puzzled.
will spend your time during the day," he said, "as before, in the
Master," I said, apprehensively.
not be afraid," he said. "You will be in the iron belt."
I asked. I was now, after all, red silk.
he said.
Master," I said.
he said, " in the iron belt, and braceleted at night, and working in the
kitchen, you will have a chance to simmer."
simmer, Master?" I asked.
he said.
I did not
understand him.
Then he
picked me up, very gently, and carried me downstairs, to the basement, and my
kennel. There, before my kennel, he put me in the iron belt. He then removed my
hood. It seemed light there, even in the dimness of the basement. I saw that
there was now a whole blanket, not just a part of one, in my kennel.
you for the blanket, Master," I said.
into the kennel," he said. "And lie down."
(pg. 210)
I did so, and he covered me with the blanket, rather gently, I thought.
"Good night , Doreen," he said.
night, Master," I said.
He then
closed and locked the kennel door. I watched him through the bars as he went
across the room, and blew out the small tharlarion-oil lamp there. He then went
upstairs. Again I wore an iron belt. I did not understand why until I had slept
and, well before dawn, awakened in the darkness. I squirmed. Then I pulled at
the bracelets, futilely. I realized then, suddenly, feeling helpless, I would
have to wait three days for a man’s touch.
12 THE
I knelt
at the feet of the handsome fellow and kissed and licked about his ankles. I
looked up at him. He was large and strong. "I would be pleased," I
whispered, "if master would see fit to take me to an alcove."
am here," said Tupita, squirming on her knees, nearby. "Go
He looked
down at me.
use is included already, in the price of master’s drink," I said. "I
cost you nothing more."
away," said Tupita.
are Doreen, who dances, aren’t you?" he said.
Master," I said.
away!" said Tupita.
silent," said the man to her.
Master," she said. "Forgive me, Master."
you do not dance tonight?" he asked.
Master," I said. "Tonight I am only a paga slave."
red-silk ribbon was no longer on my collar. The girl wears it for only a week.
have seen you dance," he said. "You are quite good."
you, Master," I said.
good, indeed," he mused.
me dance for you, alone, in the alcove," I whispered.
(pg. 220)
he smiled. I saw that this thought intrigued him, to have a private performance
by a dancing slave, that she would dance her beauty for him alone.
Master," I begged.
want to go to the alcove, don’t you?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you would dance and beg for it?" he asked.
love to dance, Master," I said, "but even if it did not, yes, I would
dance and beg for it!"
you any good at bringing the whip to a man in your teeth?" he asked.
Master," I said.
are you not a woman of Earth?" he asked.
I was a woman of Earth," I said. "Now I am only a Gorean slave."
the baths," he said, "I have seen the names of slaves and taverns
scrawled on the walls."
I said, uneasily.
sometimes they are ranked in order of someone’s opinion as to their
desirability," he said.
see," I said.
I speak, Master?" asked Tupita, with an almost catlike movement of her
body. I thought I must learn to do that.
he said.
slaves in the tavern of Hendow so ranked?" she asked.
he smiled.
did the name of Tupita not head the list?" she asked, glancing
meaningfully at me.
he said.
was first?" she asked.
he said.
name then was second," she said.
said he, "it was third."
who was second?" she asked, angrily.
he smiled.
fellow who wrote the names up was surely mistaken," she said, angrily.
can give you my opinion on that," he said, "at some later date. I
have used you before. You’re quite good. Even excellent. There is no doubt
about it. But tonight I shall try something different. I shall try the dancer,
you, Master!" I breathed, happily. Tonight I had searched hard for a use
master. It was the middle of the week, when business is slower. Many men
receive their hiring fees at the end of the week. Too, tonight, it seemed that
many of the men had come to the tavern only to drink and talk, and some, too,
near the walls, where it was quieter, to play kaissa, a Gorean board game. I
did not care for kaissa. Men grew so absorbed in it, it seemed, that they could
be totally oblivious even to a beautiful slave whimpering on her belly near
them. Because of kaissa we had to sometimes wait hours for attentions! Too, I
had come to the floor late, Tupita having assigned me cleaning duties in the
slave area. This had happened before.
be sure, Tupita," he said, giving her head a shake, "such estimations
are often quote subjective. It is wise not to take them seriously. The woman
who is one’s man pudding may, for one reason or another, having sometimes
little to do with her, be only another man’s porridge."
This I
had learned was true. Slaves, and even some whom I regarded as objectively
beautiful, even marvelous, were sometimes rated very differently by different
men. Why, for example, does one man bid gold for a girl that another man would
not buy for a copper? Perhaps because one man sees that the girl is worth gold,
and the other does not. Who knows?
I have been waiting for you this evening!" said Tupita.
to another tonight," he said, "slave."
Master," she said, angrily, and rose up, and, with an angry look at me,
hurried away, in a jangle of bells.
I looked
up at him, gratefully. He was very strong and handsome, and I was a slave. I
wanted his touch.
is angry," he said, looking after Tupita.
Master," I said.
I call her back to be whipped?" he asked.
No, Master,’ I said. "It is only that she desires you."
is first girl, is she not?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you not afraid?" he asked.
shrugged. "Many time," I
said, "particularly in my first weeks here, she took men away from
He looked
down at me. "I do not think she can do that so easily any more," he
I looked
down. "Perhaps not, Master," I said. "I do not know." To be
sure, this was not the first man I had taken from Tupita. Normally, however, to
be perfectly honest, she still took them from me. It is not unknown, of course,
for slaves to compete for the attentions of masters.
you not afraid?" he asked.
I said, "not really. If she hurts me too much, or makes it so I cannot
dance, or go out on the floor, our master would not be pleased."
see," he said.
though I did not think it would have been appropriate to say so, I thought that I was becoming more
popular with the customers. Too, I knew I was popular with several of my
master’s men, such as Mirus, and I thought too, sometimes, that even my master
might like me, a little. That, of course, frightened me, for he was large, and
gross and loathsome. These things, I thought, would give Tupita at least a bit
of pause when she might be tempted to use the switch or bastinado on me.
you must be apprehensive," he asked. "She is first girl."
Master," I said. "I am a little afraid."
then have you approached me?" he asked. "Why have you undertaken
these risks? Why have you rendered obeisance? Why have you rendered slave
ministrations, with your lips and tongue, to my feet and ankles? Why have you
knelt here? Why do you look up at me, as you do? Why do you tremble?"
I want your touch," I said.
He looked
down at me.
cannot help myself," I said.
he asked.
I am a woman, and a slave," I whispered.
me to the alcove," he said.
Master," I said eagerly, gratefully. I then rose up and preceded him to
the alcove, the slave bells jangling on my ankle.
13 THE
I hurried
back, elatedly, through the beaded curtain, fleeing, laughing, from the dancing
floor. I had scrambled on my knees for the coins flung to the floor, seizing
them, thrusting them hastily, so many of them, with one hand, into the lifted,
bunched portion, held by my other hand, of the dancing skirt, a lovely,
swirling skirt, scarlet, open on the right, of diaphanous dancing (pg. 223)
silk. I had been permitted a scarlet halter of the same material. My midriff,
like my right thigh, was bared. The skirt was low on my hips. I wore a double
belt of threaded, jangling coins, one strand high, one low, as with the corded
belt of metal pieces I had worn in my virgin dance, weeks ago. I also wore a
triple necklace of coins, together with necklaces of slave beads, of both glass
and wood. These coins, all of them, would be counted by Mirus when I disrobed.
On my left ankle were bound slave bells. My right ankle wore several anklets. I
was barefoot. On my wrists were bracelets. On my upper left arm was a coiled
armlet. A ruby, held by a chain, was at my forehead. Wound in and about my hair
were strands of pearls.
is a good house tonight," said Mirus, who was waiting for me.
Master!" I said, happily. I could hear the men still calling out and
pounding at their shoulders with appreciation. I looked at Mirus. Should I
hurry back through the curtain?
he said. "Stay here."
Master," I said.
he said, holding open the sack. I emptied the coins from the dancing silk into
the sack, and smoothed the skirt.
dance well," he said.
you, Master!" I said, happily. On Earth I had never dreamed that I would
dance as a slave before masters.
have done much for the tavern of Hendow," he said.
am pleased, if I have been found pleasing," I said. I gave the ruby on its
chain, from my forehead, to Mirus. He put it in his wallet. I then began to
unwind the strands of pearls from my hair.
are up twenty percent from a month ago," he said.
am pleased," I said. I handed the pearls to Mirus, who put them, as he had
the chain and ruby, in his wallet.
are finding yourself now as a dancer," he said.
have been in the arms of men," I laughed, "men such as you, Master,
who know how to turn a girl into a woman, and a woman into a slave."
think," he said, "you may be one of the finest dancers in
startled me.
are really quite good," he said.
you, Master," I said.
investment in you was a sound one," he said. "You are paying off well
for him."
am pleased to hear that," I said. I was also relieved to hear (pg. 224)
it. I did not know what would have been done to me, had it been otherwise. I
supposed I might have been muchly whipped.
you still have many things to learn," he said.
is my hope that master will consent to teach me some of them," I said.
she-tarsk," he said.
laughed, but I was not altogether joking. Mirus was one of those men of a sort
to whom, when my needs were enough on me, I could crawl, pleading. And he knew
that, the brute. Certainly I had crawled to him enough! and, when my needs were
enough upon me, of course, I was ready to crawl to any man, pleading, perhaps
even to one of Earth, but they, probably, to my frustration, disappointment,
and agony, would not know what to do with a slave. I was pleased to be on Gor, where men well understood the
handling of imbonded females. I lifted the necklaces from my neck. I gave that
of coins to Mirus, which he put on top of the coins in the sack, and I put the
others in the box which was on the floor, just within the curtain.
are coming along well in your slavery, Doreen," he said.
you, Master," I said. I looked at him. he made me feel hot between the
thighs. I was only a slave.
were beautiful tonight, Doreen," said Ina, hurrying by in slave bells.
you," I said.
Too, Ina
wore a snatch of diaphanous yellow silk. The girls in Hendow’s tavern now often
went silked on the floor, not naked, as before. "We are becoming quite
fashionable," had said Sita, reaching eagerly for her tiny bit of silk.
Tupita, had, however, only cast me a glance of hatred. To be sure, she did not
refuse her own bit of silk. In most paga taverns, of course, the girls are
silked. Usually it is only in the meanest, the cheapest and lowest of taverns
that the girls serve naked, much as would the females of a conquered city at
the victory feast of their conquerors, now, or soon to be, their masters. Slave
silk, and certainly that sort which is commonly worn in paga taverns and upon
occasion in brothels, when the girls are permitted clothing there, is generally
diaphanous. It leaves little doubt as to the beauty of the slave. Some girls
claim they would rather be naked, claiming that such silk makes them "more
naked than naked," but most girls, and I think, even those, too, who speak
in such a way, are grateful for even the wisp of gossamer shielding it provides
against the imperious appraisals of masters, even though it must be pulled away
or discarded instantly at a man’s whim. Too, I think most (pg. 225) girls know
that they are very beautiful in such silk, and this, I suspect, is why they
love it, and treasure it. Free women, on Gor, it seems, are frightened even to
look upon such material, apparently finding it scandalously offensive, or
somehow profoundly disturbing to them, let alone let it touch their body. Some
free women, captured, when such stuff is thrown to them, profess to prefer
death to putting it on, but when the choice is that which is acturally offered
to them they put it on quickly enough. too, such women, it si said, make
excellent slaves. But Goreans believe, of course, that any woman, properly
handled, becomes an excellent slave. I think this may be true. It is true, at
any rate, in my case. There are a large
number of ways in which slave silk is worn. It can be worn, for example, on the
shoulder or off the shoulder, with high necklines or plunging necklines, in
open or closed garments, tightly or flowingly, and in various lengths.
Sometimes it is put on the girl only in halters and G-strings, or mere
G-strings. Sometimes it is done, too, in strips wound about her body. The tying
of slave girdles, with such silk, and otherwise, to emphasize the girl’s figure
and make clear her bondage, is an art in itself. Often, too, and as usually in
paga taverns, it is worn in brief tunics. Most of these are partable or
wraparound tunics. Such may be removed gracefully. Some tunics, however, like
some regular slave tunics, have a disrobing loop, usually at the left shoulder,
where it may easily be reached by both a right-handed master and a right-handed
slave. A tug on the disrobing loop drops the tunic to the girl’s ankles, also
I sat
down on the tiles there within the hall, near the beaded curtain, at the feet
of Mirus, easily, as a slave girl, thinking nothing of it, sits at the feet of
a man, and slipped the anklets from my right ankles, putting them in the box to
my left.
I decide
to pretend not to notice how he was looking at me.
I felt
briefly like a pet at his feet, and there I supposed that a sense that I was
pet, and that all we girls were, at least in a sense, pets, slave pets.
But we
were a thousand times more than mere pets, we were slaves, total slaves.
I put my
bracelets in the box, and then the armlet from my upper left arm.
I tried
to undo the thong on the bells on my left ankle. the knows were tight, drawn by
a man’s hand. I fought with them. My fingers were small and weal.
(pg. 226)
"Let me help you," said Mirus, and crouched down, near me.
He had
put the bells on me. It is often men who put slave bells on their girls. Such
bells are indicative of bondage. Accordingly I suppose it makes sense that they
might enjoy putting them on us, like brands and collars. Some men even dress
their girls, us, and, always, the girl’s choices of such things as garb,
cosmetics, perfume, jewelry, and such, and, indeed, her entire ensemble, are
subject to the master’s approval. Indeed, most often, whether it only a simple
tunic, before she hurries forth to shop, or in luscious slave silk and exciting
adornments, before she is to welcome and serve her master’s guests, displaying
herself as one of his treasures, she is expected to present herself before him,
for his inspection. She is owned.
He held
my ankle. his hands were very strong. I put down my head, so that he might not
see my eyes.
He then,
in a moment or two, had the thong loose, and, its loops unwound, five of them,
dropped it, with its strung bells, in the box.
But his
hands then were on my ankles.
I looked
at him.
you naked beneath the silk?" he asked.
Master," I smiled. He knew that. Indeed, as the silk was diaphanous, he
could, for most practical purposes, see that.
naked?" he asked.
Master," I said. This, somehow, is a far more disturbing, or meaningful,
admission than the first. Somehow the nakedness of a slave seems far more naked
that the nakedness of a free woman.
doubtless this has to do with her being a property, and owned. Too,
‘slave naked’ suggests being naked naked, so to speak, being helplessly naked,
as a slave is helplessly naked. It has, sometimes, too, the connotation of
being vulnerably, and arousably, naked, as a slave is helplessly, vulnerably,
and arousably naked.
He looked
at me.
Master," I whispered. "Beneath the silk that is the way I am naked,
slave naked."
I felt
slave arousal. I could not help myself. Long ago, now, weeks ago, men had lit
slave fires in my belly.
I was
aroused, and as a slave.
To be
sure, I had no understanding, at that time, of what could become the fuller
impact of these things. I was still, at that time, in effect, a new slave.
Then he
removed his hands from my ankles.
I asked.
(pg. 227)
"Stand," he said. We both stood. "Belt," he said.
I reached
behind me and undo the double belt of coins, with its two loops, one high one
low. The coins on the belt, as well as those on the necklace, would be counted
by Mirus.
look well with your hands behind your back," he said.
I looked
hands are now bound behind your back," he said.
Master," I said. I must now keep my hands or wrists in contact with one
another, and behind my back. I was now "bound by the master’s will."
I could not separate my hands or wrists from one another now without
permission. There are many ways, of course, of "binding by the master’s
will." The behind-the-back position is one of the simplest and loveliest.
This exposes the girl, frames the beauty of her breasts and makes her helpless.
That the bond is a "will bond," too, makes clear to her the power of
the master over her. Another common bond of this sort is when the girl must
kneel, grasping her ankles. another is when she is forced to sit and reach
forward between her legs, passing the right arm from inside the right thigh to
outside and beneath the right calf, to grasp the right ankle between her legs,
passing the right arm from inside the right ankle from the outside, the left
arm from inside the left thigh to outside and beneath the left calf, to grasp
the left ankle in the same way. In this position she is helpless and cannot
rise. Too, after a time, it becomes apparent to her that she also cannot close
her legs. A girl may be kept in such bonds for hours. Too, of course, she may
be tied in such a position. There are also, of course, different ways of
decreeing such bonds. For example, with the behind-the-back-hands-tied bond in
which I had been placed I could have been informed, but had not been, that my
shoulders were pulled tightly back, which, of course, forces the breasts
forward for the pleasure, or attentions, of the master.
think I shall find it difficult to remove the belt," I smiled, "bound
as I am."
He stood
close to me, and put his arms about me. "I shall remove it," he said.
came then through the beaded curtain. She glanced at me. She was not pleased to
see me in the arms of Mirus, who was a desirable male, and first among my
master’s men. She looked at me in hatred. She did not think twice about the position
of my hands. She could see I had been "bound by the master’s will."
It could have been done as easily to her, at a word.
She came
close to Mirus. She licked at his shoulder. "Will you call for me
tonight?" she asked.
(pg. 228)
"No," he said. "Return to the floor."
Master," she said, and, with a look of fury, cast at me, slipped back
through the curtain.
are good for Tupita," he told me. "Because of you she is becoming
more attentive and more desperate to please."
am attentive and desperate to please," I said.
he said, "but not because of her."
Master," I said.
you are a slave," he said.
Master," I said. How I loved his arms about me!
are a splendid natural slave," he said.
knew it even on Earth," I whispered to him. Indeed, I had even wondered,
strangely, at times, I supposed, if I might not have been a slave in former
lives, in other eras, perhaps in the Ancient World or in the Medieval Middle
East, in times more in tune with the true matters of human beings, natures as
they really were, in themselves, and not as they might be when denied,
thwarted, twisted and perverted by ideological insanities. And, at times,
recollecting, or seeming to recollect, such times and places, and their
naturalness, and rightness, and their fulfillments and ecstasies. I, lonely and
yearning, seemingly an exile in the sexual deserts of my own world and time,
had wept. But regardless of the truth or falsity of such things, and regardless
of the explanations or reasons for the things which lay so deep within me,
whether they were recollective or merely the irrepressible fruits of genetic
truths, so anomalous in my own time, so uncharacteristic of everything I had
been taught. I had known they had lain within me. That was incontrovertible. I
knew that I, who was then Doreen Williamson, had been born for the collar. I
had never expected then, however, to wear it. I had never even suspected there
was such a world as Gor where, as my capture master Teibar, had put it,
"women such as I were bought and sold."
course," he said.
Master," I said.
was you master like on Earth?" he asked.
did not have a master on Earth," I said.
a woman like you, so obviously a natural slave, did not have a master?" he
asked, interested.
Master," I said.
were not a legal slave on Earth?" he asked.
Master," I smiled. "I did not become a legal slave until I was
brought to Gor."
(pg. 229)
"Surely the men of Earth are somewhat imperceptive," he said.
of them, perhaps, Master," I smiled.
he said, "we have made good their oversight."
is true," I smiled.
He looked
down, into my eyes. "You should have been a legal slave on Earth," he
Master," I said. I supposed that was true. But then, too, I supposed that
many women on Earth should be made slaves. Certainly I had known many women who
might have profited, and considerably, in one way or another, from bondage.
Certainly I had sometimes speculated what one or another of them might have
looked like, as a slave. Also, of course, I had often considered what I myself
might have looked like, as a slave. It was for such a reason, I suppose, at
least in part, as well as for the stimulation and truth, and fittingness, of
it, that I had made the tiny garment of red silk I had had on Earth.
doubtless," he said, "even if you somehow managed to escape the
collar on your own world, to be caught and rightfully wear it here, women such
as you are almost universally held in bondage on Earth."
Master," I said.
not?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said.
they should be," he said.
Master," I said, humbly. It was true.
he said, "they would wear their collars."
Master," I said. I did not doubt that that was true. Here, on Gor, women
such as I, surely, would be swiftly sorted out, taken in hand, prepared for
sale, and sold.
at least, you were a collar now, as you should," he said.
Master," I said.
are now, at last, a legal slave."
Master," I said, frightened. I was now, truly, here on this world, as I might have been in Ur, or Sumer, or
Babylon, or Assyria, or Chaldea, or Egypt, or Greece, or Rome, or Persia, or
Barbary, a legal slave, a slave held in full legality.
it frighten you," he asked, "to find that you are a legal
I said.
it terrify you?" he asked.
I said.
makes no difference, of course," he said.
(pg. 230)
"I know," I said.
are a slave," he said, "whether you like it or not. That is simply
what you are, that and only that. you are absolutely helpless to alter or
change your condition in any way, as much as a vulo or a tarsk."
know," I said.
I felt
his hands on my hips.
I was terrified by the collar on my neck, knowing its meaning, knowing that it,
like my brand, marked me slave, knowing how it put me at the mercy of masters,
knowing that anything could be done to me.
His grip
was bold. He was a master. I was a slave.
I tried
to press my belly against him. His hands prevented this.
belong in a collar," he said.
know! I know!" I whispered.
are a superb collar-slut," he whispered.
is your favorite," I whispered, frightened.
he said.
then?" I gasped, his grip tight on me, but holding me from him.
he whispered.
I whispered.
you afraid of Tupita?" he asked. "She is only a slave."
too, am only a slave," I said, "and she is first girl!"
is losing her grip on the girls," he said. "She may not be first girl
for long."
I asked. That interested me, that Tupita might be reduced in rank, to being
then only one slut among others, she herself then having to kneel to another
girl, be subject to her disciplines, and address her as "Mistress."
would be first girl?" I asked.
would not be you," he said. "You are from Earth."
do not want to be first girl," I said.
he said, "you are not the sort of woman who should be giving orders, but
taking them."
am ready to take your orders now," I said.
you no longer afraid of Tupita?" he asked.
"I am
a slave," I said, lightly. "I must obey."
think it would probably be Aynur," he said, "Who would be the new
first girl."
Sita?" I asked.
has been too closely allied with Tupita," he said. "Do you think
Aynur would make a good first girl?" he asked.
(pg. 231)
"I think so," I said. "She would be strict, but, I think, she
would be fair."
too, is the estimation of Hendow," he said.
think it is true," I said.
have great respect, it seems," he said, "for the judgment of Hendow."
is my master," I said, guardedly. I did, in fact, have great respect for
the judgment and intelligence of Hendow. Gross and loathsome as he might be, I
had never, after our first interview, doubted his probity and acumen, nor, more
significantly, from my point of view, his insight and native shrewdness. My
most secret thoughts seemed to be open to him. He could read me like a book, or
a naked, frightened slave.
he purchased you," said Mirus.
I laughed.
I felt
his thumbs at the sides of my belly.
like these rounded bellies on women," he said. "In them a man may
lose himself with pleasure. I do not like those firm, flat bellies on
I said
nothing. I felt his thumbs. They were not hurting me. I was pleased, of course,
that Mirus, such a man, and such a master, found my sort of woman, one running
more to the statistical norms of the human female, pleasing, as I wanted him to
find me pleasing. Firm, flat bellies are less popular in women with Gorean men
than among the men of Earth. Perhaps the Goreans find such bellies rather too
much like those of boys, or young men. I do not know. Before her sale a girl is
sometimes even forced to drink a liter or so of water, to round her belly more.
I had had to do this in Market of Semris. Similarly, and perhaps for similar
reasons, Gorean men tend, on the whole, it seems, to prefer normal-sized,
lovely breasted, sweetly thighed women, with broad love cradles, as opposed to
unusually tall, breastless, narrow-thighed women with narrow hips. Accordingly,
such women, regarding themselves as unusually desirable by Earth standards,
probably have little to fear from the slaver’s noose, unless they can
compensate in other ways, as by an unusual beauty of features or an extremely
high intelligence. A woman who regards herself as a beauty on Earth might,
accordingly, find herself laboring in the public kitchens or laundries on Gor.
She would then have to learn, from the beginning, so to speak, and perhaps
lengthily and painfully, how to please men as best she can, within her imposed
physic limitations. And some of these girls, I understand, eventually, in spite
of those limitations, become jewels and treasures to their masters. The most
(pg. 232) important criteria for slave selection, however, I suspect, are such
things as having extremely strong female urges and incredible profound
emotional depths.
Master desires to remove the belt from me," I said. "As I am bound, I
cannot do so."
you know that you are beautiful?" he asked.
men have been kind enough to tell me so," I said. "I do not know, of
course, if they are correct or not."
are correct," he said.
you, Master," I said. It pleased me if Mirus should find me beautiful. He
was a strong and handsome master. I wanted to serve him.
you familiar with the ratings posted in the baths?" he asked.
have heard of such things," I said, reddening.
several of them," said he, "you now hold highest ranking in the
tavern of Hendow."
than Inger?" I asked. "Then Aynur, than Tupita?"
he said. "In some of them, at least."
am not better than them, really," I said. "I am sure of that."
is for men to decide," he said.
Master," I said, frightened.
said he, grinning, "you are probably right. You are all, doubtless,
ultimately, very similar. You are all marvelous slaves. Such ratings are
notoriously subjective. Some women will appeal more to one man, and some to
another. Too, you are newer, and thus fresher to the tastes, and this perhaps
accounts at least in part for your position in the rankings. When your
popularity has crested you will perhaps subside to being merely another
luscious and marvelous slave."
I looked
at him.
you are a dancer," he said, "and this has undoubtedly improved your
position. Many dancers, even plainer ones, hold high rankings."
Master," I said.
one thing is certain," he said, "suck rankings, even granting their
subjectivity, and their silliness, and all the nonsense and absurdity
associated with them, point to something, and that is your beauty and
I looked
at him, frightened.
are one of the most beautiful and desirable slaves in Brundisium," he
am in your grasp," I whispered.
(pg. 233)
I would have pressed my belly against him but I could not do so. He held me
from him. I would have reached forth to touch him, but I could not do so. My
hands had been bound behind my back, by his will.
has received several offers for you," he said, "excellent ones, but
he has not sold you."
I was
startled. So simply I could change masters!
you wish to know their nature?" he asked.
I said, humbly, "is not becoming in a kajira."
well," he said.
Please!" I begged.
of them were from other tavern owners," he said. "But several have
been from private individuals."
wondered what it would be like to have a private master. I would surely try to
serve such a one well. Almost all girls hope, someday, to have a private
were the amounts?" I asked, eagerly.
are a slave, aren’t you?" he asked.
I said.
was for seven tarsks," he said.
I cried. "I am not worth so much."
he said. "I myself only offered five."
I cried.
he admitted.
made an offer on me?" I asked, delighted.
he said.
wondered what it would be like to be owned by Mirus. Slaves often wonder what
it would be to be owned by this man, or that. I found him extremely attractive.
If he purchased me, I would certainly try to serve him well. Of course, too,
any man who purchased me I would have to serve well, and, indeed, as I was a
Gorean slave girl, in so far as I could, perfectly.
am not worth five tarsks," I laughed.
he said.
then, did you offer so much?" I asked.
was drunk," he said.
I said, "I am not scheduled to return to the floor."
know," he said.
prepared the schedules," I laughed.
he said.
me to your quarters," I whispered. "I will show you that maybe I am
worth five tarsks after all!"
I will summon Tupita," he said.
(pg. 234)
"No, Doreen," I said.
you know that Hendow is thinking of placing restrictions on your use?" he
would he do that?" I asked.
think he is fond of you," he said.
am pleased, if my master finds me pleasing," I said.
he never ordered you to him?" asked Mirus.
I said.
said Mirus. "Normally he disciplines new girls well."
shuddered. I had no doubt that Hendow, my master, could discipline a woman
well. He seemed remote, and mighty. He was the master of the entire tavern, and
of all the girls. There were twenty-seven of us. I was terrified of him.
I do not think he will really put restrictions on your us," he said.
not?" I asked.
do not think it would be good for your discipline," he said.
understand," I said. In relationships between men and women, it is a
common observation that the relationship tends to be improved considerably when
the woman is subject to his usage. When she knows that that a fellow may, if he
wishes, simply hurl her to his feet and put her to woman uses, she is likely to
behave rather differently toward him than toward one who does not have this
power over her.
have not displeased him lately, have you?" asked Mirus.
to my knowledge," I said. "I hope not."
is going to be done to you," he said.
I asked, apprehensively.
if you have not displeased him lately," he said, "I gather that it is
not being inflicted as a punishment."
I asked.
haven’t heard?" he asked.
I said.
leather worker is coming to the tavern tomorrow, with his kit," he said.
I asked.
sorry," he said. "I thought someone would have told you."
I asked.
is nothing to fear," he said.
I said.
is done to many slaves," he said.
I looked
at him, frightened.
(pg. 235)
"You have not displeased Hendow?" he asked.
do not think so," I said.
is what I thought," he said. "Then it is being done merely to improve
you, to make you even more desirable."
Master," I said, "I am a helpless slave. What is to be done to
is going to have your ears pierced," he said.
I looked
at him, disbelievingly.
is true," he said, gravely.
I tried
not to laugh.
is wrong?" he said.
laughed, out loud in his grasp.
do not understand," he said,
is all?" I asked.
he asked. "Do you not understand the gravity of this?"
always wanted to have my ears pierced," I said. "Only I never had the
wanted it?" he asked, startled.
I said.
a slave!" he breathed.
I asked. To be sure, I was a slave, in my heart, as well as now, on this world,
whether I wished it or not, and helplessly, in all public legality.
you know that if such a thing were done to you," he said, "no man
thereafter could look you except as a slave."
laughed. "I am a slave," I said.
is so barbaric," he said.
I said.
exciting you will be with your ears pierced," he said.
I smiled.
do not mind?" he asked.
I said.
enough," he said, "once it is done, afterwards, few girls mind.
Indeed, many are thrilled with what has been done to them, and are eager to
display themselves to men in their new condition, and delight and revel in the
new ornaments which they may then wear, so excitingly enhancing their
can understand that," I said.
see," he said, "it makes available to them a diverse and fantastic
array of new adornments."
Master," I said.
(pg. 236)
"How beautiful yo will be in such adornments!"
is my hope I will be pleasing to Masters," I said.
must understand, of course," he said, "that there are dangers
inherent in having your ears pierced."
dangers, Master?" I asked.
attendant on having been made additionally desirable to strong men," he
understand," I said. I had recognized, of course, that such things as my
garb, or lack of it, my brand, burned into my body, my collar, which I could
not remove, placed on me by men, and such, and, above all, my condition, that
of slave, had made me far more sexually stimulatory to men than I would
otherwise have been but I had never, along the same lines, given much thought,
or at least in detail, to the idea that, in this culture, similar effects might
be consequent on things which, from the point of view of a girl from Earth,
were as simple and familiar as having pierced ears or wearing earrings. To be
sure, pierced ears, and wearing earrings, were stimulatory, too, I was sure,
even to men of Earth, or, at least, to those who were capable of responding to
such things, the piercings of the woman’s flesh, with its allegory of
penetration, of her appropriate submission to the mastery, and the use of these
piercings, making and recollecting them, to mount upon her beautiful
adornments. I had sensed the barbaric and sexual connotations of these sorts of
things on Earth, and, perhaps because of them, had always feared to have my
ears pierced there. Here, of course, it was going to be done to me, whether I
wished it or not. I was not discontented. I was, indeed, extremely pleased.
am eager to see you in such ornaments," he whispered.
me," I whispered.
My hands
were together behind my back. I could not part them without permission.
if your ears were pierced," he said, "I should find your request
I hope, Master," I said, "that they shall soon be pierced."
will be," he said.
trembled, then, a bit, understanding then, a little more than before, what it
might be, on this world, to have pierced ears.
He took
his hands from my hips and put them further above me, to remove from my waist
the double belt of coins.
I pressed
my body against his.
you given permission to approach me?" he asked.
Master," I said. "Forgive me, Master." Swiftly I drew (pg. 237)
back, so that our bodies were not touching. But my breasts were but an ince
from his broad, strong chest. And they were bound, and covered, in only
tissures of slave silk. I felt much alive, and frustrated, and hot, and
charged, and helpless. I was under his control, totally, I was even "bound
by his will." My midriff was bared. This too, excited me, its exposure,
and its nearness to him. I wanted to thrust my belly, in its low-hanging drape
of delicate silk, against him.
I felt
his hands behind me, beneath mine, where I had them together, bound by his
I begged.
I felt
him disengage the large clasp at the back of the belt, to which both strands of
coins, on each side, were fastened.
I said.
He took
the belt and dropped it into the nearby sack, with the coined necklace and the
coins I had picked up and brought back from the dancing floor, weighty in my
lifted silk.
He looked
down at me. My head came only to his shoulders.
you beg?" he asked.
I said.
begs?" he asked.
begs," I said.
what?" he asked.
the slave, begs!" I said.
my lips, slave," he said.
eagerly, I pressed forward, rising on my toes, he half lifting me, his hands
under my arms, holding me.
I melted
to him.
me!" I begged. I wanted to put my arms about him.
you wish to be beaten?" he asked.
Master!" I said.
kissed, so together, the two of us, as to be almost one thing, and I almost
swooned in his power. I fought, seemingly only half conscious for a moment, to
keep my hands together behind my back. then he put me down and back a little.
"I am still bound!" I moaned.
you may stay that way," he said, huskily.
Master pleases!" I said, sensing the urgency in him.
He then
held me from him, by the arms.
have the ruby on its chain, which was on my forehead, and the pearls which were
in my hair," is aid. "You have the coins cast by masters on the
dancing floor, which I gathered for you. You have the necklace, the belt! The
other things, the (pg. 238) ornaments, the slave beads, the bells, are in the
box. Surely now, you wish to store my silk!"
He smiled.
off my silk," I begged. "Take me here, on the tiles, in the
passageway! I am ready! I beg for it!"
check," he said.
course, Master!" I wept. How well he reminded me I was a slave!
your mouth," he said. I felt his finger run about within my mouth.
Mirus was
efficient. He would not forget to subject me to coin check.
still," he said.
Master," I said.
He was
girls, I had been told, sometimes try to swallow small coins but this is
foolish. The coin can be produced swiftly enough in such cases by emetics and
laxatives. Similarly, her wastes my be subjected to unscheduled examinations.
Too, even if she is successful in recovering the coin herself, there is usually
little she can do with it. There are few places to conceal such objects in a
cell or kennel. Similarly, she is often under surveillance, of one sort or
another, by other slaves or free persons. Also, if she should be found to be in
possession of a coin or coins, for example, by a tradesmen, guardsmen, or any
free person, she will be expected to have an excellent explanation for this
anomaly, which is then likely to be checked with her master. In most cities,
even the touching of money, unless in an authorized situation, is prohibited to
slaves. They cannot, of course, own money, any more than any other form of
I looked
at Mirus, tears in my eyes.
is going on here?" asked Hendow, who had approached down the passageway.
Swiftly I
knelt, and put my head to the floor before my master. My hands were still held
behind me, as I had been bound by a man’s will.
has danced," said Mirus. :We have just completed coin check."
your head," said Hendow.
I did so, and then knelt there, in the dancing silk, my knees wide, my hands
behind my back, a woman before men, a slave before masters.
trust all the coins are accounted for," he said.
have not yet counted," said Mirus.
(pg. 239)
"Should she not be back on the floor by now?" asked Hendow.
does not return to the floor tonight," said Mirus, "unless you wish
to send her forth there."
is so on the schedule?" asked Hendow.
said Mirus.
well," said Hendow, and then continued on his way, through the curtain,
out to the public area.
I looked
up at Mirus.
he said.
I did so.
Then I was before him, again. My hands were still behind my back.
He looked
at me.
I lifted
my rib cage a little. I pulled my arms back a bit, further accentuating my
I whimpered.
should be returned to the slave area," he said, "or put in your
kennel, where you belong."
do not belong in my kennel now," I pouted.
do you belong now?" he asked.
your arms," I said.
do not think Hendow is pleased that I should hold you," he said.
am free to all his men," I said, "and you are one of his men."
he said.
you not summon me to your quarters tonight?" I asked, plaintively.
is perhaps better that I not do so," he mused.
Master pleases," I said, indifferently, shrugging. I did not dare, of
course, take my hands from behind my back.
He looked
at me, and I tossed my head, haughtily, and looked away from him. I had not
been dismissed yet, of course. I could not see his eyes, but I supposed he was
considering whether or not I should be whipped. It could be done to me as
simply as by his whim.
you think you are a free woman?" he asked.
Master," I said.
thought you might," he said.
Master," I said. "I am under no delusion on that score."
He must
have been looking at me. I had the feeling I was being looked at, as a slave.
I dismissed?" I asked.
he said.
(pg. 240)
"Perhaps I have concealed a coin in my halter," I said, "or in a
fold of my slave silk."
you?" he asked, amused.
will not know, will you," I asked, "unless you have checked?"
look well in slave silk," he said.
you, Master," I said.
would look better without it," he said.
Master," I said. He then unknotted the silk of the halter, from about my
neck, and behind my back, and drew it away from me. I stood as close to him as
I could, without actually daring to touch him.
I saw him
lean forward and, his eyes briefly closed, revel in the scent of my perfume. It
was perfume of a sort not worn by free women on Gor. It was slave perfume. Such
perfume says to men, in effect, "This is a slave. Use her as you
you haughty now?" he asked.
I said.
are tears in your eyes," he said.
need is on me," I said, "and I am helpless."
dropped the silk to the floor, beside him.
may kneel," he said.
Swiftly I
knelt, and then looked up at him.
he said.
Doreen, the slave, beg use," I said.
He looked
down upon me.
squirmed on my knees before him, in misery and frustration, my hands behind my
are ready, aren’t you?" he asked.
Master!" I said.
touch me!" I wept.
beg it?" he said.
Master!" I wept. "I beg it!"
first I saw you, when I had unroped the shipping blanket, and put its folds to
the sides, revealing you, helplessly manacled, when you first came to the house
from Market of Semris," he said, "I dreamed that you would one day be
so hot and needful before me, and would beg me for my touch."
I was
astonished and delighted to hear this, that so mighty a man as this Gorean master,
second in this house to Hendow, my master, might have found me attractive, and
from so long ago. But this did not, of course, relieve in the least the
desperate needs (pg. 241) I felt. It did not reduce my tensions. It did not
diminish or assuage my sufferings. I still knelt helpless before him.
is interesting," he said, "what can be done with a woman."
Master!" I wept. I who had once been Doreen Williamson, a shy, lovely
librarian on Earth, had now begun to feel slave needs. To be sure, at that
time, kneeling before Mirus, I had no idea how acute such things could become.
He looked
down at me, amused.
me as a needful slave," I said, "but I beg of you, touch me!"
He was
am a naked slave," I said. "I kneel before you! I beg use!"
savored my desperation. I wished for a foolish moment that I might be again
like a woman of Earth, one without needs, or with such low need levels as to be
for most practical purposes inert, or with need so rigidly and effectively
suppressed as to provide a functional surrogate for such inertness, or,
perhaps, even one who might, with some convincingness, pretend to such things.
To have no needs, if, indeed, there were women truly without them, would be a
tragedy, and if one had any need at all, then it would be only a matter of time
until under Gorean tutelage they were revealed, deepened and enlarged; until
they were imperiously summoned forth into the open for inspection and
encouragement; they would then be cultivated; they would be forced to grow, in
both size and intensity; they would soon become such that they would begin to
surface periodically and irresistibly within her, like forces of nature, she is
powerless to alter or effect them as she would be to alter or effect the tides,
the rotation of the earth, the risings and settings of the sun. Too, they would
always be with her, ready and meaningful, never far beneath the surface. This
would constitute a condition of her existence. She would come to realize hat,
as the Goreans say, "slave fires had been lit in her belly." She
would learn, too, that these fires, even when they seemed most inert, could be
suddenly fanned into raging, consuming flames by as little as a command, a
glance or touch. Such things the girl must learn to cope with. It does not
matter, of course, for she is only a slave. I myself, of course, do not object
to such things. I have learned on this world that the insensitivity of tissue
is not an indication of virtue but of physiological inferiority.
I looked
up at Mirus, tears in my eyes. I was now without pride. I was now only a naked,
needful slave. I squirmed before (pg. 242) him. I could not attempt to relieve
my own tensions, as my hands, by his will, had been bound behind me. Yet for
all my anguish I would not have wanted to be other than I was. I had not known
such needs, such feelings, such emotions could exist. I was a thousand times
more alive than I had ever been on Earth. And complementary, of course, to the pain
of such deep needs, the other side of the coin, so to speak, are the incredible
fulfillments of having them satisfied, fulfillments in the light of which the
anguish of the needs, terrible though it was, then seems negligible. We may be
totally at the mercy of masters, and as mere animals, and even to our lives,
but just as it is within the power of these uncompromising brutes who own us to
do as they wish with us, so, too, it is within their power, when it pleases
them, to grant us transport to ineffable raptures, to fling us ecstasies of
which the free woman can not begin to conceive.
woman of Earth begs use?" he said.
I said. "She begs use!"
is not typical for a woman of Earth, is it?" he asked.
do not know!" I could certainly imagine myself kneeling before a Greek or
Roman master, or a harnessmaker in Damascus, his Christian slave, in the 14th
Century, or a Barbary prince, a captured, harem-silked English lady who had not
had time to learn something of the touch of men, in the 19th, and doing so.
Indeed, I had wondered sometime if, in a former life, or lives, I might not
have done so. The thought of this sort of thing, oddly enough, did not seem
unfamiliar to me. To be sure, I have deep and urgent female needs, and had had
them, even on Earth. To be sure, they had not been ignited on Earth as they
were ignited now, and, too, at this time, of course, I did not have any idea as
to how deep and urgent and progressively overwhelming, they could become later.
I was still only, in effect, a new slave, and new to the rigors of my
condition. I had not yet begun to learn my collar.
He looked
at me.
I am not the first woman from Earth whom you have had at your feet,
begging," I said.
he admitted.
I asked.
he repeated.
than one?" I asked.
course," he said.
I said. Immediately I felt a wave of jealousy for those other girls.
(pg. 243)
"We learn quickly enough to beg on Gor, do we not?" I asked.
he said.
am here," I said. "I am at your feet. I am naked, collared and owned.
I beg use. I can do nothing more." I looked up at him. I must now wait. He
would do with me as he saw fit.
I should send you out on the floor," he said.
tonight," I begged. "Use me yourself!"
schedules could be rearranged," he mused.
Master wills," I said, bitterly. I was, of course, at the mercy of his
I could warm you for Hendow’s customers," he speculated.
me?" I laughed, bitterly. "I am already flaming!"
I sent you forth on the floor in your present condition," he said,
"you would probably belly to the first male whose sandals you saw."
Master," I said, bitterly. If he was so cruel as to deny me his touch, of
course, I would, driven by my needs, have to made do elsewhere. It was Mirus,
of course, who had not lit these flames in my belly. It was for him that they
burned. The particular man is terribly important to the woman. He is a part of
the whole that enflames her. To be sure, the slave is so needful and alive that
it is not hard for her to see the beauty in any man. If I were sent forth upon
the floor, however, in my condition, as it was, I do not think I would have
bellied to the first man I saw. I would still have been able to look about, and
select one out, one suitable incendiary to the wholeness of my need, and then
prostrate myself before him. no, I was not so desperate that I would have
bellied to the first man I saw. At that time, I did not even realize I could
ever be so desperate as to do that. I would learn later, however, that I was
if you were to do that," he said, "it might not fit in as well as one
might wish with the new image of the tavern, as we have now upgraded our décor,
slave silk for the girls, and such, and service."
I asked.
would not want them thinking the paga slaves of the tavern of Hendow were too
easy," he said.
course not," I said, puzzled.
must play hard to get," he said.
slave?" I asked. I could imagine being punished terribly for such a thing.
We must run to a man eagerly, at his least (pg. 244) summons. We could be
"gotten" as easily as by a snapping of the fingers.
fellows would like to think that the girls had at least taken a look at him
before they flung themselves to their belly at his feet."
understand," I said.
course he may simply pick out one that pleases his fancy, and summon her to his
table, and command her.
course, Master," I said.
seem puzzled," he said.
really," I asked, "are we to play hard to get?"
must make certain he has paid for his drink first," he said.
I see," I smiled. "Master sports with the slave." I had thought
that perhaps he had been referring to something I had heard about in training,
the dangerous, "pretended disinterest" sometimes commanded by masters
of their girls, usually with respect to supper guests to whom he intends to
lend her for the night. She must then,
even if her belly is raging for the touch of the guest, attempt to pretend to
disinterest in him, and even loathing, if the master wishes, though she must,
of course, serve him with perfection. She then, gradually, permits herself to
let her true feelings appear, thus attempting to give the impression of having
been seduced by him, and then, later, after a suitable time, she is honestly
piteous, kneeling beside him, licking and kissing. He then sends her to his
room, that she may prepare it, and herself, for him. most masters, however, do
not do this sort of thing for it is meretricious, and, at best, a joke. Too, it
can be dangerous to the girl, as she is usually under the obligation, at least
by the seventh Ahn, if he has not penetrated to the heart of the matter by
then, which is usually the case to inform the use master of her master’s jest,
which intelligence he might or might not appreciate. Many girls have been
whipped for such things, which are not really their fault. They are only
obeying, as they must. But then a girl must sometimes expect the whip, I
suppose. She is, after all, a slave. On the other hand, few men will whip a
girl for having pretended not to be attracted to him, if she is actually
attracted to him, particularly if she has done so under her master’s orders. Such
devices, of course, but without the authenticity and ultimate surrender, are
often resorted to by "lure girls," slaves who serve as bait for
captains who need crewmen, masters of work gangs, and such. Such work can be
very dangerous, given the astuteness of many Gorean masters. Such a pretense,
however, can be maintained with many men for (pg. 245) at least a few minutes,
and with some men for an hour or so, which is generally more than enough time
for the purposes of the master, and the master’s men, unobtrusively, are
usually near at hand. It is not unknown, of course, for a girl who serves at
such a supper, and is genuinely disinterested, or repulsed, by a given guest,
to be given to him for the night. Such things can amuse the master and the
guest. Too, they tend to be good for the girl’s discipline.
I looked
up at him.
he said.
are to remain, then, full paga slaves," I said.
though now, at least occasionally, silked," he said.
understand, Master," I said.
only difference," he said, "is that such silk may now be pulled away
by the master, or discarded instantly, upon command, by the slave."
Master," I smiled. We were still to be hot, and ready, paga slaves, eager
to serve, and fully, the silk no more than an invitation to its removal. This
was not much different, incidentally, than what was the case in even the most
prestigious paga taverns. In such places free women were generally not
permitted. In them, usually, the only women to be found would be collared
slaves, generally belonging either to the tavern keeper or the guests, who may
have brought them in, to avail themselves of the facilities of the alcoves. In
such places, the mastery was practiced. Such places, regardless of their cost,
their location, their appointments, the excellence of their food and drink, the
beauty of their slaves, the quality of their music, existed, as did the tavern
of Hendow, for the pleasures of men. That was the purpose of such places,
whether they were within lofty towers, reached by graceful bridges, or near the
wharves, close enough to hear the tide lapping at the pilings, whether they had
a dozen musicians or only a single, dissolute czehar player, alone with his
music, whether the girls were richly silked or stark naked, save for brands and
collars, whether there were chains of gold and luxurious furs in the alcoves or
only wire and straw mats. They were paga slaves.
perhaps we should make an exception in your case," he said.
I asked.
it is better if we do not let them know that Doreen, the dancer, is such a hot
I looked
at him, frightened.
she seems more prideful, colder, more haughty and aloof, (pg. 246) perhaps it
will be better for the tavern, as the fellows may look forward them to
commanding her in an alcove, melting her defenses, and then, she now abjectly
tamed, turning her into only another squeaking, writhing paga slut."
will be done with me as Masters please," I said. "But am I commanded
to attempt to conceal my passion?"
he said. "You are not that kind of dancer. You are too beautiful, and
needful. You must be as you are, vulnerable, hot and marvelous."
you, Master," I said. "Once more you sport with a slave."
you mind?" he asked.
Master," I said. As if it mattered what a slave might mind!
is only another way in which you toy with me," I said.
you still hot?" he inquired.
I said.
you still beg?" he inquired.
yes yes!" I said.
said he, "I think we may now send you to your kennel, in a belly chain,
its lock at your navel, your hands braceleted closely behind you, to the
no, Master!" I wept.
But he
was then crouching before me, and had swept me into his arms. My head was back,
my eyes closed. His strength was overwhelming. I felt my softness lost somehow
within that embrace. "Unbind me," I begged. "Let me hold
he muttered, his voice thick with the wanting of me.
I must
try to keep my hands together behind my back!
Then he
put me to my back, and not gently, on the tiles in the passageway, near the
beaded curtain. My body leapt to him and closed gratefully about him. I was
joyful, held. I was collared. Tomorrow my back would be bruised from the tiles.
I cried out, knowing the bliss of bondage.
is time you were taught submission," he said.
submit!" I said. "I submit!"
are unbound," he said.
Swiftly I
pulled my hands free and grasped him.
are an incredible pleasure slave," he said.
I wept.
need only this world, and the collar to bring it out," he said.
I whispered to him. "Please, please."
(pg. 247)
I was enraptured, as a female, and a slave.
I cried, softly.
the female of Earth now calls men Master," he said.
Master! Yes, Master!" I said.
Of course
I would call me "Master!" They were my masters, and not only in the
order of nature, but here, too, in the order of law.
I felt
overwhelmed in his arms, and could not believe the feelings I felt.
I uttered
a tiny, plaintive cry, asking for a little respite, for a moment of mercy.
It was
granted to me.
I looked
at Mirus. I had always wanted, even on Earth, thought I had feared it, too, to
be at the mercy of men so powerful, so magnificent and commanding, that in
relation to them I could, in all right, justice and propriety, be only a slave.
Then I had been brought to Gor, where I had found such me, and, too, had found
myself in a collar, theirs.
I moaned
softly. Then I said, "Oh," startled.
you are ready, Earth woman," he said, "for a slave orgasm."
I asked.
have a responsive body," he said. "Thus, even thought you have not
been a slave long, it is possible you are ready for such an orgasm."
Master," I said.
I was
trying, wildly, to recollect that feeling, that hint of feeling, which I had
just felt.
How could
he have done that to me? How could anyone have done that to me?
you listening?" he asked.
Master," I said. I tried to pry myself loose from my sensations, but it
was not easy, locked as I was in his arms.
think you might be ready for your first slave orgasm," he said.
do not understand, Master," I said.
is time, I think, that you made a beginning in such things."
Master," I whimpered. "Ai!" I suddenly said. "Oh!"
It had
been done again to me.
I looked
at him, wildly.
he said. "You will not be shown mercy."
I moaned.
is pleasant to hold you in my arms," he said.
(pg 248)
"Find me pleasing," I begged. "Please, find me pleasing!" I
did not want him to stop, for anything.
are not without interest," he said.
I cried
out, softly. I began to whimper.
anything wrong?" he asked.
no!" I said.
you want me to stop?" he asked.
I said.
what?" he inquired, politely.
Master, Master, Master!" I sobbed. "Forgive me, Master!"
I cried
out, startled. I began to make soft, helpless noises.
As I had
noted before, as early as the house of my training, women of diverse
backgrounds, for example, those of Earth and Gor, make much the same noises
while being ravished. These noises are to be distinguished from conventional
exclamations, which do tend to be culture bound. I had discovered, too, that I
made such noises.
I said, softly.
I clutched him. I had again felt the sensation. Then I was afraid.
I said.
not be afraid," he said. "Your body is being honed, and
clutched him again, and gasped.
he said, "you will give masters much pleasure."
I thought? Does he not know what he is doing to me! Can he be ignorant of the
thinks I myself was feeling?
will do well," he said. "You are a deliciously servile little
is my hope that I will be pleasing to masters," I said. Did he not know
what he was making me feel?
think you are now ready for the first of your slave orgasms," he said.
I asked.
them in a slave is one of the pleasures of the mastery," he said.
me, Master," I said. "You are giving me great pleasure. But I do not
even know what you are talking about."
first," he said, "you will be capable of only small ones, but do not
fear, you will grow in such things."
do not understand," I said.
are very beautiful, and soft, and are in my arms," he said.
(Pg. 249)
"Yes, Master," I said. I was grateful that he should speak in so
kindly a fashion to me.
you are naked, and collared, and owned," he said.
Master," I whispered.
are you?" he asked.
am a slave, Master," I said, puzzled.
do you surrender wholly to your masters, and yield totally to them?" he
Master," I whispered. I knew that I could not lie in things of this sort.
Gorean masters, or many of them, were skilled in reading women. My Master,
Hendow, was frightening adept at this. Too, I did not think that I could fool
Mirus either in such matters. When a girl’s more secret thoughts can be read as
easily as slave numbers written on her breast her only viable option is total
honesty, and as complete submission was required of Gorean slave girls her only
practical recourse under such stringent circumstances is either to choose death
or become in true reality a full slave, in her heart, in her mind and in her
behavior. In short, as deception is impossible, the girl must either choose
death or the reality of true bondage.
will now prepare to yield," he said.
Master," I said, suddenly, startled, then beginning to understand the
orgasm in the natural matrix of male dominance, and intensified by the fixing,
enhancement and intensification of this within the institution of total female
slavery. When I yielded it would not only as a female to a male, but as slave
to a master!
No longer
then could I even hear the noises of the tavern beyond the curtain. There was
now only myself and Mirus.
me yield!" I begged.
he said.
I was
I wept.
I was
naked, and in the arms of a man whose sandals I was not fit to lick.
I begged.
Must not
what might remain in me of the proud Earth woman attempt to resist this?
I cried.
he said, sternly.
But what
might remain in me of the Earth woman was utterly powerless!
please!" I whispered.
he said.
(pg. 250)
Then what might have remained in me of the Earth woman was gone and in her
place there was now only a terrified Gorean slave on the brink of she knew not
I was not
simply going to be fondled or kissed, with attentions appropriate to the bland
etiquettes of Earth. I was to be conquered!
I wept.
he said.
I would
not be permitted to retain a shred of dignity or pride. My yielding would not
be of the sort of yieldings approved of on Earth, those mild, meaningless
ripples of sensation, indicative of acceptable congenialities, the most that
many of Earth, it seems, could manage, but would be rather the result of his
will and power, of his enforcements and determination, the exercise over me of
his strength, making me helpless, having me as he wanted me, owning me. It
would not be a compromised act. It would be a complete act, a fulfillment, for
him and also for me. It would manifest his power, and my weakness, his triumph
and my shattering, and overwhelming. It would be an act of his uncompromising
power, imposed upon me, which I, the female could not resist.
me yield!" I begged.
he said.
I moaned. I did not want polite love. I
wanted to know that I was in the hands of a man who was capable of being
excited, and whom I excited, who found me truly marvelous, to whose fury of
power I appeared whose fierce and voracious appetites I triggered. I wanted to
be in the arms of a true man. I did not want to be possibly mistaken about
whether I had been had or not. I did not want to be touched as though I might
break. I did not wish to be in danger of drowsing off during the making of
love. I wanted his to own and master me, and whip me if I was not pleasing.
am ready!" I said. "I beg to submit, and as slave!"
yet," he said.
I began
to weep with wanting to yield.
He was
not simply going to enjoy me, or pleasure himself with me. He was asserting the
mastery upon me. I was not merely to be used even used as a mere slave, as it
sometimes amuses Gorean masters to do with us. I was going to yield, and fully.
I was not simply having love made to me. The experience was far more meaningful
and devastating than simply that. I was being dominated, and mastered. I was to
yield, and I had to, as a slave, totally!
I wept.
(pg. 251)
"No," he said.
I was to
be vanquished, utterly.
I said.
it be necessary to gag you?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you ready?" he asked.
yes, Master!" I wept.
may then yield," he said, "—as a slave."
I then
yielded to him, and wholly, and without compromises, as slave girl to a master.
I then
looked up at him, wildly, disbelievingly.
I whispered, acknowledging that it was right that I belonged to men. I then lay
in his arms, an incredulous, frightened slave girl. The experience had been a
whole, the context conditioned by my abject surrender, by our relationship,
that of master and slave.
Gently he
kissed me.
I had not
known on Earth that such men could exist. I had only dreamed of them, men to
whom I could be rightfully only on abject slave. But now on Gor I was subject
to such men. And now, naked and collared, I lay in the arms of one.
was it?" I begged. "What was it you did to me?"
he said.
I protested.
was a slave orgasm," he said.
trembled in his arms.
such would be appropriate enough for you," he said.
Master!" I said.
I have
had a slave orgasm, I thought, wonderingly.
was a small one," he said, "to be sure."
I said. "Take pity, I beg you, Master, on a poor slave. Do not mock her
I had
never experienced anything of that power, of that nature, before. I was still
shaken from it. In its grip, I had been overwhelmed, utterly helpless.
will grow in such things," he said. "They are small in the
can be more?" I asked.
are only at the beginning of what men can make you feel, Doreen, slave
girl," he said.
shuddered. I had never hitherto guessed that the power of men over me could be so
you wish to feel such things again and more?" he asked.
(pg. 252)
"Yes," I whispered. "Yes!" How much we were at their mercy!
They held over us not only the power of pain but also that of pleasure. They
had now, in the person of Mirus, let me have a taste of incredible pleasure,
perhaps that I might then have some inkling as to what such things could be.
Now they could either grant me such pleasures, or withhold them from me, as
they wished. I would obey with perfection, trying to please them!
is it that you would wish to have again?" he asked.
do not make me say it, Master," I begged.
is going on here?" asked a voice.
Mirus and I drew apart. I knelt, my head to the tiles. He stood.
took her here, in the passageway?" asked Hendow, my master.
said Mirus.
I could
not see the face of Hendow, but I sensed that he was not pleased. Mirus seemed
uneasy before him. I was frightened.
are training her?" asked Hendow.
said Mirus.
asked Hendow.
also enjoyed her," said Mirus, angrily.
is she?" asked Hendow.
is good, for a new slave," said Mirus.
performance, the responses, and such, of slaves, may be discussed openly, as
those of other animals.
she yield?" asked Hendow.
said Mirus.
asked Hendow.
said Mirus, angrily.
up, slave," said Hendow.
I obeyed,
you yield?" asked Hendow.
Master," I said.
asked Hendow.
Master," I whispered.
him?" he asked.
Master," I said, frightened.
she attain slave orgasm?" asked Hendow.
said Mirus.
he asked.
(pg. 253)
"Yes, Master," I said.
is your first, is it not?" asked Hendow.
Master," I whispered.
you would have preferred to have brought her to this point yourself," said
Mirus. "If so, I did not know. In such a case, had you made your wishes
known to me, I would surely have respected them."
difference does it make," asked Hendow, "who induces the first slave
orgasm in a slave?"
difference, of course," said Mirus. He shrugged.
you like it, slave?" asked Hendow. I had never seen him like this.
Master," I whispered.
that all?" he asked.
loved it," I whispered, terrified.
was it you loved?" asked Hendow, angrily.
I looked
at him, aghast. I was bashful, and shy. I was timid. I was from Earth. I did
not want to say such words.
is a new slave," said Mirus. "Perhaps—"
silent!" said Hendow.
stiffened, as though he had been slapped. I was startled. How could Hendow have
spoken to a free person in this fashion? Never had I seen him as he was.
your leave," said Mirus, coldly.
said Hendow.
did not know the slave was of interest to you," said Mirus.
is meaningless, as is any other slave," said Hendow.
course," said Mirus.
Hendow looked at me, again. His eyes were fierce. I must answer. It was painful
for me. On Earth I had even been reluctant even to describe the liberating sort
of dance I loved so much by such an expression as ‘belly dance’. I quailed
before that gaze. It was the gaze of my master.
slave orgasm," I whispered.
up, slave," said Hendow.
slave orgasm," I said. I shuddered to hear such words coming from me.
you want more of them, don’t you?" he asked.
Master," I said, my eyes suddenly filling with tears. How helpless I was
before such men.
desperately so?" he said.
Master!" I wept.
perhaps understand now," he said, "that there is more to slavery than
collars and chains."
(pg. 254)
"Yes, Master," I said.
are more thoroughly imbonded now than ever before," he said.
Master," I said. It was true. I wanted such incredible sensations. I would
do anything for them. To be granted them I would strive to be a perfect slave.
I suddenly put my head in my hands, weeping.
protested Mirus.
you counted the coins?" asked Hendow.
yet," said Mirus, angrily.
you should consider doing so, when you can find the time," said Hendow.
course," said Mirus, angrily. "Do you want the slave send out on the
floor, or to your quarters?"
was my understanding that in the schedules she was not to go on the floor this
said Mirus. "I shall have her cleaned and sent to your quarters."
said Hendow. "She is to be put in her kennel, belly chained and
braceleted, hands behind her back."
will see to it," said Mirus.
will see to it," said Hendow.
course," said Mirus.
then turned about, and left. I put my head quickly to the tiles, as he left,
and then raised it. I looked, then, at Mirus.
do not understand," said Mirus, looking after Hendow. "I do not understand."
I asked.
is my friend," said Mirus. "We would die for one another."
I said, lifting my hand to Mirus.
he said, angrily. He stepped back. I gasped. His attitude was now so different
than it had been. he looked at me. "But you are beautiful, aren’t you,
Doreen?" he said.
do not know, Master," I whispered.
is true enough," he said, bitterly. "Perhaps you are even too
I put my
head down.
you are only a slave," he said.
Master," I said.
He then
turned away from me, and went through the curtain. "Tupita!" I heard
him call. "Tupita!"
But it
was not Tupita, at first, who came into the passageway. (pg. 255) It was Sita,
in her silk. She knelt down beside me. "What is wrong?" she whispered
to me.
do not know," I said.
there trouble with Mirus?" she asked.
is angry, I think," I said.
has to do with you," she said.
think so," I said.
may have favor with Hendow," she whispered.
do not think so," I said.
are rumors about," whispered Sita. "Have you hear them, that there
may be a new first girl?"
have heard something about it," I said. "I do not know if it is
well for Sita," she whispered.
you are the friend of Tupita," I said.
has no friends," she said.
I looked
at Sita, puzzled.
well for Sita, with the masters," she said. "If I am first girl, you
will be second."
is thought that Tupita is losing her control of the girls," I said. There
were twenty-seven of us.
is," said Sita. "I have seen to it. Who do you think has undermined
how many of us have you offered the post of second girl?" I asked.
to you," she said.
I smiled.
is true," she whispered. "With the others I needed only rely on
Tupita’s unpopularity, her arbitrariness, her favoritisms, and, naturally, the
promise of an easier time under me."
am I so special?" I asked.
of Hendow," she whispered.
do not understand," I said.
likes you," she whispered. "I am sure of it."
I said. "I am only a meaningless slave to him."
kill for slaves," said Sita.
well for Sita," she whispered.
beaded curtain parted and Tupita entered the passageway.
sprang to her feet. "You are a stupid slave," she cried to me.
"You must learn to better please men!"
Mistress," I said.
is wrong with Mirus?" asked Tupita. "I have never seem him so
256) "It has to do with
Hendow," said Sita. "He is angry with Mirus."
has to do with this slave?" asked Tupita.
said Sita. "I have made her confess. Look at her. You can see she has been
recently used."
said Tupita.
said Sita.
to the floor," she said.
protested Sita.
is a fellow at table fifteen. He is depressed. He is having problems with his
companion at home. Belly to him. Console him."
Mistress," said Sita, and went back to the floor.
there is trouble between Mirus and Hendow?" she asked.
Mistress," I said. "I do not know."
it is over you?"
Mistress," I said. "I do not know."
wonder how that could be," she said. Then she walked about me, looking at
me. "Yes," she said. "I suppose it is possible." She
stopped in front of me. "Do you know what is to be done with you?"
am to be kenneled, belly chained and back-braceleted," I said.
you were used here?" she said, looking about.
Mistress," I said.
is my impetuous Mirus," she said.
I was
you yield well to him?" she asked.
Mistress," I whispered.
teaches us our slavery well, doesn’t he?" she asked.
Mistress," I whispered. "Please do not whip me, Mistress."
would I do that?" she asked, lightly.
thought you might be angry," I said, "about Mirus."
are all free to the men of the house," she said. "And you are
are not angry with me?" I asked.
course not," she said. "What were you to do? You are only a
you, Mistress," I said.
me to the kennels," she said. "I will chain and bracelet you there.
Too, I will not make the belly chain any tighter than necessary."
you, Mistress," I said.
(pg. 257)
"And I will bring you a pastry later from the kitchen," she said,
"and put it on the floor of your kennel. Though you will not be able to
use your hands I expect that you will enjoy it, just the same.
you, Mistress," I said.
well of me to Hendow," she said.
Mistress," I said.
I am kept on as first girl," she said, "I will make you third girl,
second only to myself and Sita."
you, Mistress," I said.
I then
rose to my feet and followed here down the passageway, to the stairs leading to
the basement, where most of the kennels were. She was as good as her word, and
did not make the belly chain tighter then necessary, and, too, she brought me a
pastry later from the kitchen."
well of me to Hendow," she said.
Mistress," I said.
I then,
lying on my side, and turning my head, ate the pastry. Afterwards, as I could,
with my teeth, I pulled the blanket up about me. I then lay there in the darkness,
in the kennel. I pulled a little at the slave bracelets. They were not too
tight, but they were on me snugly and well. They would hold me, perfectly. I
remembered what a man had done to me, and how much of a slave he had made me.
Hendow had told me later that I was never so thoroughly imbonded as now. I
remembered the sensations. It was true. I did not know whether to weep with the
power of men over me, or cry out with joy. I did not know. I was a slave, and,
in spite of its vulnerabilities and terrors, loved it. I would try to serve
I was
frightened by the intrigues of the slaves, Tupita and Sita, and the other
girls. I did not really want to be involved in them.
I lay
there then and loved the men of Gor. I had not really, in spite of strong feelings
and intuitions on Earth, begun to understand my sex until I was imbonded, until
I found myself in my place in nature, subservient to men. I now loved my sex. I
now loved being a woman. It was marvelous, and wonderful!
I knelt
on the rug at the foot of the dais, that surmounted by the curule chair of my
master, Hendow, of Brundisium. My head was to the rug, the palms of my hands on
the floor. I had been summoned into his presence.
trembled, kneeling before him, my head down.
I was
afraid in this room. I had been here, before. It was the receiving chamber of
my master, Hendow. Too, to one side was the panel which opened, admitted the
gray hunting sleen, Borko. Somewhere in the dark, simple, terrible brain of
that beast my name and scent had been imprinted. It could now be commanded with
respect to me, even in my absence.
I did not
know why I had been summoned into the presence of my master.
your head," said Hendow, of Brundisium, "stand."
I obeyed.
me," he said, "and kneel there, before the chair.
I climbed
the broad, carpeted steps of the dais, and knelt before him. He leaned forward.
"Turn your head to the left," he said. "Now, turn it to the
he said.
My ears
had been pierced. It had been done yesterday morning. The metal worker had put
tiny, circular training pins in them, to keep the wounds from closing.
I was
relieved. It seemed my master had only wished to inspect the results of the
metal worker’s work. Too, I was pleased to note that he seemed pleased with the
may now return to the foot of the dais, and stand," he said.
I backed
down, my head down, to the foot of the dais, and then stood there, erect and
graceful before my master, as would be expected of a female slave.
expected to be dismissed.
But I was
not dismissed.
(pg. 259)
I became afraid, again. "May I kneel, Master?" I asked.
I would
feel more comfortable kneeling in the presence of Hendow, such a man. Too, as I
was frightened, it would be easier, in a kneeling position, not to falter, or
he said.
remained standing. I trembled. Standing as I was, and at the foot of the dais,
I feared he would have little difficulty in reading my body. My slightest
tremor, or the slightest weakness in my legs would be visible to him.
metal worker did his work well," he said. "Your ears are excellently
Master," I said. "Thank you, Master." I was pleased, too, of
course, that the work had been well done. Indeed, I was eager to adorn myself
with such devices, that I might be rendered even more attractive to men. Too, I
had some understanding of the meaning of earrings to Gorean males, and the
effects upon them of such things.
your garment," he said.
I reached
to the disrobing loop at the left shoulder of the brief silken tunic I wore. It
was opaque silk, for it was morning, and not the diaphanous silk we customarily
wore in the evening, when on the floor, when serving our master’s customers.
Silk such as this we might even wear outside the tavern. To be sure, it was
silk such as would be worn only by a pleasure slave. We are dressed according
to the preferences of men. I had never, incidentally, been allowed outside the
tavern grounds. I did have the liberty, at certain times, of walking in, and
exercising in, a small, enclosed back court of the tavern.
Then I
was naked before him, the garment at my feet.
regarded me.
I was now
more sure than ever that he wanted to read my body. I trembled. Sometimes it
seemed to me that he could look upon me, and know my most secret thoughts. I
caught myself, my knees weak. I regained my balance.
you afraid?" he asked.
Master," I said.
he asked.
am in the presence of my master," I said.
continued to look upon me.
I then
breathed more confidently. It seemed to me then that perhaps he only wished,
really, to look upon my beauty, if beauty it were. Such things are not unusual
with Gorean masters. It is not uncommon with them to have their girls strip,
and turn before them, and assume attitudes and poses, and move in (pg. 260)
certain ways, and such. Gorean men, like lusty males generally, have an
incredible appreciation of female beauty. Too, in the case of the slave, they
own the girl. Thus they may command her, and have her perform, and precisely,
as it pleases them, and she must, of course, obey with perfection. She is their
slave. I suppose this is in part, at least, the result of an understandable
desire to appreciate and take pleasure in one’s possessions, or what one might
regard as one’s precious objects, or treasures. For example, we would not think
it strange if a fellow of Earth, once in a while, drew forth his coin or stamp
collection and spent some time lovingly pouring over it, scrutinizing and
inspecting its items and such. He is very fond of them. Similarly, if it seems
understandable that, say, a high magistrate, a general, a Ubar, or such, might
enjoy sitting in his pleasure gardens and inspecting his women, having them
before him naked, or clothed according to his preferences, it is just as
understandable that a less rich or well-fixed person might, similarly, on a
more modest level, enjoy the sight of his girl, or girls, indeed, the fewer he
has, perhaps the more he will relish the one, or ones, he had. If one is a
male, and has, occasionally, perhaps on the street, or, say, on a bus or in a
subway, seen a woman whom one found attractive, perhaps one has considered,
with pleasure, what might be within the power of a master, an owner of the
female in question, what it might be to be able to say, simply, perhaps giving
her a name that pleases you, "Remove your garments, and perform."
Those to whom such considerations are not incomprehensible, because they have
low-level sexual drives will not be able to make much sense of it. When one has
ordered the girl stripped, and perhaps required performances of her, and such,
it is then not unusual that one would make use of her. On the other hand, it is
not always done. Sometimes the master, having relished her beauty, merely had
her reclothe herself and return to her labors. This sort of thing, needless to
say, can be arousing, and frustrating, to the female slave. It is hard to
remove your clothing before a man, and perhaps be forced to perform before him,
naked, and not be sensible of the keenly disturbing stirrings of one’s own
is interesting," he said.
I asked.
are quite beautiful," he said.
you, Master," I said.
(pg. 261)
"But surely there are many women as beautiful," he said.
I asked, puzzled.
then, is different about you?" he asked.
do not understand, Master," I said.
you an Earth woman?" he asked.
a sense, Master," I said, "the sense in which I am a woman from
Earth. In another sense I am not an Earth woman. I am now only a Gorean slave
have you learned on Gor?" he asked.
have leaned to call men ‘Master’, I said.
that well put?" he asked.
I asked.
do you call men ‘Master’, he asked.
understand, Master," I said. "Forgive me, Master. I spoke
imprecisely. I should have expressed myself more clearly."
regarded me.
have learned on Gor that men are my masters," I said. It was true.
is then suitable that you call them ‘Master’, he said.
Master," I said.
have had your ears pierced," he said.
it pleased you, Master," I said.
are now only a pierced-ear girl," he said.
Master," I said, puzzled.
you know what that means?" he asked.
am not sure," I said.
hope, now, to be out of a collar," he said.
Master," I said. I had gathered that he had, for some reason, or reasons,
perhaps to make me more exciting to his customers, and men, in general, had my
ears pierced. Too, in some way, I gathered, this had confirmed my slavery upon
me, and made it a much more profound thing. But I did not care. I was a slave!
you know why I had your ears pierced?" he asked.
Master," I said.
are various reasons for doing such a thing to a female slave," he said.
I asked.
improves her as a slave," he said. "It makes her more stimulatory,
and more seductive. Too, it makes her more arousable, more excitable."
Master," I said, blushing from head to toe.
this, too, there is an economic consideration. Such things improve her
(pg. 262)
"Of course, Master," I said.
are many reasons," he said. "Those are just a few."
understand, Master," I said.
he said, "in your case, I thought it particularly fitting."
I asked.
are a pierced-ear girl," he said, "and were, even before your ears
were pierced."
Master," I said, puzzled.
despise you," he said.
I put my
head down. I did not doubt but what he might despise me. But, too, I suspected
his feelings toward me were more complicated. I was sure they exceeded a simple
contempt for a bond wench.
so," he said, "I have had your ears pierced."
Master," I said.
belong in a collar," he said. "Now it has been seen to that you will
remain in it."
Master," I said.
you not distressed, ashamed?" he asked.
Master," I said.
a brazen, shameless slave," he said.
Master," I said.
like being a slave," he said.
am a slave," I said. "Thus I must acknowledge what is in my secret
heart, confessing it openly, then finding my happiness and fulfillment in
slit," he said. "You like being a slave."
Master," I said. I supposed that I needed not tell him that I loved it!
are thinking of appointing a new first girl," he said.
have heard rumors to that effect,"
I admitted.
do you think of Tupita?" he asked.
speak for her," I said.
smiled. I supposed he knew how cruel Tupita had been to me, how we were
enemies. On the other hand, I had told Tupita I would speak for her. Too, she
had not belly chained and braceleted me as tightly as she might have, the night
before last.
she offer you the position of second girl for your support?" he asked.
girl," I said.
would be second girl?" he asked.
I said.
(pg. 263)
"Doubtless Tupita believes Sita to be her ally," he said.
Master," I said.
do you think of Sita, for first girl?" he asked.
would not decline the post," I said.
you speak for her?" he said.
I said. "I speak for Sita." I kept my head down. I did not really
want to be involved in these intrigues.
did she promise you?" he asked.
position of second girl," I said.
then," he said, "you would wish to support Sita over Tupita."
Master," I said.
favor Tupita then," he said.
speak in support for both," I said.
can only be one first girl," he said.
Master," I said.
do you favor?" he asked.
the two, Tupita," I said.
he asked.
is disloyal to Tupita," I said.
"She betrays her. She pretends to be her friend, but is not."
you think that Tupita, were their positions exchanged, would behave
differently?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said.
not because Tupita gave you a pastry?" he asked.
I looked
at him, startled.
have had her whipped for it," he said. "She must want the position of
first girl very badly, to risk stealing a pastry. To be sure, she doubtless did
not expect to be found out."
I asked.
missing pastry was noted by the kitchen master," he said. "Only
Tupita, first girl, other than staff, and assigned kitchen slaves, had had
access to the area before it had been seen to be missing. Her fingers, licked,
had sugar on them. Crumbs were found the next morning in your kennel."
see," I said.
was given only five lashes," he said.
is generous," I said. It could have been a thousand, or she could have
been slain. She was only a slave.
do you think of Aynur?" he asked.
think she would be a good first girl," I said.
you think of any better?" he asked.
Master," I said.
(pg. 264)
"Apparently both Tupita and Sita wished to enlist your support in their
cause," he said.
think each tried to speak to several of the girls," I said.
some extent," he said, "but not as much as you might think."
I asked. That surprised me.
apparently thought you might have influence with me," he said. "Do
you think you have influence with me?" he asked.
Master," I said hastily. I had hardly even seen Hendow, except here and
there in the tavern. He had never even put me to intimate uses, suitable for
slaves. Indeed, this had puzzled me a little, and made me wonder about my
attractiveness, at least to him. Surely he made use often enough of other
girls. Indeed, it seemed they much feared the call to his chamber, because of
his ugliness and grossness. Too, I gathered, he was not gentle with them, and,
in spite of their distress, misery and loathing, forced them to serve with
uncompromising perfection. Indeed, in the slave areas, it seemed that most of
them envied me my apparent immunity from his attentions. Interestingly enough,
and perhaps paradoxically, I did not regard him with the same repulsion as many
of my slave sisters. I feared him as my master, of course, but I also had a
considerable respect for him, for the strength, the shrewdness, and
intelligence I sensed in him. Also, I sometimes felt sorry for him. I thought
that his life must have been very hard. He had once been betrayed, it seemed,
and left for dead, by his best friend. Borko had avenged him. had I been
summoned to his chamber I would have tried to serve him as well as I could.
Too, though I was not eager to serve him, I was not really afraid to do so.
Indeed, I had been sometimes curious about him, wondering what it might be like
to serve him. Men are so different, one from another. Perhaps it was my
willingness to be summoned to his chamber which had, paradoxically, effectuated
my security in this matter. I did not know. Perhaps for some reason, known only
to himself, he took delight in forcing frightened, unwilling women to his
pleasure, and, if I am not mistaken, particularly women who found him dismaying
or sickening, who might even loathe him. he would take such a woman, and then
turn her inside out, with yielding to him. to be sure, when they returned,
bruised and shuddering, scarcely able to walk, to the slave quarters, they had
little doubt as to their femaleness or the power of their master. I did not
think, however, that I had been summoned here for typical slave purposes. Surely
nothing had suggested that to me. Too, he usually (pg. 265) had women sent to
him in the evening. I was not exactly sure why I had been summoned here.
Perhaps it had been simply to inspect the piercing of my ears. He had done
that. Perhaps, too, he had wanted to look upon me, naked, as his property. He
had various girls, for it seemed that, truly, he was thinking about a change in
"first girl." He had done that, too.
I stood
before him, at the foot of the carpeted dais, naked, in my collar.
He looked
down upon me. He seemed heavy in the chair. Almost somnolent. Yet I knew he was
a creature of great energy, and vitality.
are you frightened?" he asked.
am in the presence of my master," I said.
I was
apprehensive. I had not been dismissed. I had not been permitted to kneel.
scrutinized me, not speaking.
I was
very conscious of my brand and collar.
regarded my master.
I was
conscious, too, now, oddly, of the tiny, circular training pins in my ears by
the metal worker yesterday morning. I stood before my master, I was now a
pierced-ear girl. To an Earth girl, on Earth, at least, this might not seem to
be a matter of great import, but I was not on Earth, and here, I knew, much
things, somehow, rationally or not, had great import. In some way, they
confirmed my slavery upon me, perhaps even more, here, than the brand and
are an excellent and valuable slave," he said.
you, Master," I said, relieved. Perhaps I had been brought here to be
are a superb dancer," he said, "perhaps one of the best in
you, Master," I said.
name is written high in the lists at the baths," he said.
you, Master," I said.
business of the tavern has increased considerably since your acquisition,"
he said.
am pleased if I have been of value to my master," I said.
Mirus tell you things of this sort two nights ago?" he asked.
some extent, yes, Master," I said. I had not seen Mirus since the day
before yesterday.
are true," he said.
I am pleased, Master," I said.
(pg. 266)
"Do you think you are a high slave?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you grow proud?" he asked.
do not think so, Master," I said. "I hope not, Master."
your right," he said, "against the wall, there is a box. Open it, and
bring me its contents."
I turned
about and went to the side of the room. There, against the wall, as he had
said, there was a box, a heavy coffer, with iron bands, with a curved lid. I
knelt before the box. I lifted the lid. In the box there was but one object, a
slave whip.
I removed
the whip from the box and rose to my feet, and returned to the dais, where I
climbed the stairs and knelt before Hendow. I kissed the whip, and holding it
with both hands, my arms extended, my head down, between my arms, proffered it
to him. I then rose to my feet and withdrew to the foot of the dais, where I stood.
I looked
up at Hendow.
My bit of
silk, on the rug, was at my feet, on the right.
He stood
up. He was a very large man. On the dais, standing, he loomed over me. In his
right hand was the whip. He shook out the coils. I was naked. I was small, and
weak. I was collared.
you were first in this room, several weeks ago," he said, "you may
remember that I said you were beautiful."
Master," I said, warily.
I saw the
blade of the whip swing a bit, almost indolently.
regarded the instrument of discipline, frightened.
suddenly cracked the whip in the air. It made a report like a rifle shot. I
could not help but move, and cry out with misery.
carefully," he said. "When I said that you were very beautiful,
several weeks ago, the first time that I said it, you considered whether or not
that might indicate an interest, or weakness on my part, and whether or not you
might be able to exploit it."
Master!" I cried, frightened. "No, Master!"
then I
saw him approaching me suddenly, descending the steps, swiftly for so large a
man, his arm drawn back.
no, Master!" I wept. Then I felt the lash. I stumbled back in agony,
turned about, and fell to the carpet. There the leather once more informed me
of the displeasure of my master. I screamed, miserable. Then another blow like
lightning was on my back and I sobbed at his feet, on my belly on the rug.
"Yes, Master!" I wept. "Yes, Master!" I thought such a
thing, but I could not help it. I am only human. I am only a female! Do not
(pg. 267) punish me for what I could not help! I put the thought from me!"
I lay
there on my belly at his feet. I did not care for the whip. I did not want it.
I feared it, terribly. It hurt so. It is a quite effective instrument of
discipline for females. It is no wonder the masters use it on us. It, and
numerous other disciplines and devices, we so helpless, serve to keep us well
in line.
have not been struck for that," he said.
do not understand, Master," I sobbed.
have not chosen to beat you for what you cannot help," he said. "It
is clear to me that you had thought the better of your girlish vagary."
then?" I asked.
I need a reason?" he asked.
Master!" I cried. "No, Master!" the girl belongs to the master.
He can do what he wishes with her.
do not know why you were struck?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you are stupid," he mused.
Master," I said.
were struck," he said, "because you lied."
Master," I said. I lay there, startled, terrified now. How perceptive was
this man! Earlier, weeks ago, once, and only briefly, I had considered, swiftly
in fear putting the thought from me, that I might be able to use his interest
in my favor, perhaps manipulating him, or, in virtue of it, somehow improving
my lot. He had, it seems, sensed or understood, this transitory, swiftly
rejected consideration, probably from some fleeting expression, or movement of
my body, one I had scarcely been aware of. He had not chosen to punish me for
that, a thing I could hardly help. For that I was grateful. To be sure, had I
continued to consider such matters, I supposed he might have instructed me,
sooner or later, with the whip or some other means, as to the unacceptability
of such considerations. What he had whipped me for was something else, for now,
just now, having lied to him.
He then
gave me another blow and I scratched at the carpet in agony.
slut!" he said.
Master!" I wept.
He then
struck me again, and tears burst from my eyes anew. I lay helpless before him,
a punished slave.
he said, "swiftly, facing away from me."
I obeyed,
in terror, almost frenziedly. I now faced the door.
(pg. 268)
"To all fours," he commanded.
I obeyed,
more then he struck me, and the second blow, as I cried out with misery,
sobbing, flung me again to the carpet on my belly.
as you were before," he said.
I obeyed.
fours," he said.
I went
again to all fours.
He then,
crouching near me, reaching about me, put the whip to my lips. I kissed it,
frightened, again and again.
now, in the following fashion," he said. "Do not waste time."
he then
had me kneel with my head to the floor, my hands clasped tightly behind the
back of my neck, I cried out, grasped, fixedly held, put to his fierce,
disciplinary purposes.
He then
drew back from me.
I was now
on my belly on the rug, gasping in disbelief. I understood more of my slavery
then than I had before.
I think
he may then have ascended the dais, and perhaps resumed his place in the curule
chair. I did not really know. I did not dare look back.
I lay
there, disciplined, punished, half shattered. I had never doubted that he would
be strong, but I had never expected such power. I had not understood that he
was such a man. I could hardly believe what he had done to me, and the force
and peremptoriness with which it had been done.
to the kitchen," he said.
Master," I sobbed.
voice, indeed, had come from above and behind me. He was on the dais then,
certainly. I did not know if he were seated or not.
I reached
for the silk beside me.
he said.
I drew
back my hand.
are denied clothing until further notice," he said.
Master," I said.
have the kitchen master put you at the tubs," he said.
Master," I said.
struggled to my feet. I think I understood, then, how it was that girls came
back to the slave quarters scarcely able to move.
I speak, Master?" I asked.
he said.
I to be put in the iron belt?" I asked.
(pg. 269)
"No," he said.
when at the tubs, kneeling there, working beside Ina, our arms immersed to the
elbows in the hot water and suds, I had been protected by my virginity. Now,
however, I would be as exposed and helpless there as Ina.
I made my
way down the long rug, toward the door.
I was
under no delusion now that I might be in the favor of my master. I was under no
delusion now that there might be something special about me, that I might even
be a preferred slave or a high slave. I knew now, and knew it well, that I was
only another girl, no different from any other in the house.
he said.
Master?" I said. I, addressed, knelt, but I did not turn about. I did not
know whether it would please him or not. If he wanted me to turn about, I would
doubtless be informed of that fact.
you recall one named Mirus?" he asked.
Master," I said.
is no longer in my employ," he said.
Master," I said.
are dismissed," he said.
Master," I said. "Thank you, Master."
I then
rose to my feet, and withdrew from the presence of my master, Hendow, of
15 THE
I heard, "hist," a tiny soft noise.
is there?" I asked, frightened. I pulled the blanked up, about me, inside
my kennel, in the basement of the tavern of Hendow. It was dark.
is I, first girl, Tupita," I heard, a whisper.
I asked. I quickly knelt in the small kennel, in the darkness. It was the voice
of Tupita, of that I was certain. I clutched the blanket about me. She struck
no light.
I heard a
key fitted into the two locks, one after the other, on the gate of the kennel,
and the gate was opened.
(pg. 270)
"Mistress?" I asked.
are on secret business for our Master," she said. "You are to come
with me."
do not understand," I whispered.
you question me?" she asked.
Mistress," I said.
out," she said. "Be silent. Few must know of this."
I crawled
from the kennel. The blanket remains behind. I was naked. I had been naked for
several days, even since I had been punished in the chamber of my master, for
having lied to him. Beyond such things, however, it was not at all unusual that
I should be naked. Girls are often kept naked in their kennels. Too, even if
not caged or kenneled, they often sleep naked, that they may be the more
accessible to the master. At the least they sleep scantily clad or in garments
that may be swiftly drawn, aside, revealing them. Some men, to be sure, enjoy
having at least a bit of cloth or a slave rag on their girl, so that she will
understand, even if she is awakened rudely, that there is some veil which is being
removed from her.
is going on?" I asked.
will soon learn," she said. "Kneel."
I knelt.
I felt my hands being drawn behind me. I then felt steel touch my wrists, and
heard the tiny sounds of the ratchets and pawls. I was braceleted.
are we going to do?" I asked.
are going into the city," she said.
do not understand," I said. Then I was leashed.
you want to spend longer in the kitchen?" she asked.
I whispered. "No."
are going to be cloaked, and hooded," she whispered.
am not allowed out of the house," I said.
is different," she said.
I felt a
warm, long cloak put about me. When I stood, It might come even to my ankles.
she tied it under my chin.
tell me what is going on," I said.
am first girl," said Tupita. "Do you question me?"
I whispered, swiftly.
told you that we are on the secret business of our master," she said.
"Shall I inform him that you are recalcitrant?"
Mistress!" I said. "Forgive me, Mistress!"
am acting under the orders of Hendow," she said. "Trust me."
Mistress," I said. How bold she was, I thought, to have used our master’s
name in that fashion, speaking it unnecessarily, (pg. 271) not referring to him
in terms such as "the master" or "our master."
your mouth," she said.
I did so,
and felt a heavy, rolled-leather wadding thrust back, behind my teeth, over my
tongue, so that I could scarcely move my tongue. This device would be secured
in place by a broad, mouth-covering strap, with three smaller straps attached
to it, across the mouth, pulling it back between the teeth, and one to secure
it at the chin. These straps were then pulled back tightly, and fastened, to
the top strap above my ears, behind the back of my head, and the two lower
straps behind the back of my neck. The roll in my mouth then loosened a little,
as I could not help struggling with it, and this, by design, caused it to
expand and, secured in place, pack my entire oral orifice.
you well gagged?’ she asked.
I made a
very tiny, pathetic, affirmative whimper. I could do little more.
She then
pulled the hood of the cloak up and put it about my head, and pulled it down
before me, fully over my head, and tied it, as she had the strings, earlier,
about my neck. I was now effectively hooded, as well as gagged.
along, my dear," she said.
She then
drew me to my feet by the leash, which was now doubtless coiled. She apparently
held it only a few inches from my neck. In this fashion she could help me up
the stairs.
us see her," said a voice.
I was on
my back on a wooden table. My feet had been tied down, and apart. The cloak, in
so far as it continued to conceal me, was thrown back.
said a man’s voice.
The strings
on the cloak, which were still fastened about my neck, were then undone. I then
felt hands working at the second (pg. 272) set of strings, those by means of
which the cloak’s hood, it still enveloping my entire head was tied about my
neck. In a moment they, too, were undone. I felt the hood brushed back.
said a man.
I blinked
against the torchlight.
kajira brand," commented a man.
said one of the fellows.
is Doreen, Hendow’s slut, all right," said a man. "I have seen her
I half
sat up, wildly, startled, but, by a hand in my hair, from behind, was drawn
down again to my back. My hands were still braceleted behind me. In the moment
I had sat up I had seen there were five men in the room, and Tupita, to one
side, smiling, modestly cloaked.
are pleased?" she asked the men.
said a fellow. "We are pleased."
In the
instant, too, I had been up I had seen there had been two rings, at the bottom
of the table, one on each side. A single narrow strand of coarse rope ran
between these two rings. By means of this single strand of rope, and two simple
knots, my left ankle had been tied just inside the left ring and my right ankle
just inside the right ring.
is beautiful," said a man.
said a man. "And see those delicious slave curves."
I squirmed, frightened.
not be afraid, my lovely, curvy, brunet Kajira," said a fellow, leaning
over me.
ears are pierced, too," said a man.
said another.
wonder if she is vital," said a man.
ears are pierced," a fellow reminded him.
shall see," said another.
writhed, whimpering, squirming. My ankles jerked, burned, in their rope loops.
There was a sudden metallic sound as the linkage on the bracelets snapped taut.
There was a scraping of metal on the table. My fingers twisted helplessly. My
wrists, hurt, pulling against the steel of the bracelets. I was absolutely at
their mercy. I was absolutely helpless.
is vital," commented a fellow.
glorious that there are slaves," said another.
me," said Tupita.
collar will not do, my dear," said one of the fellows, leaning over me.
"We shall have to remove it."
(pg. 273)
I could not, myself, remove my collar, of course. Gorean slave collars are not
made for the girl to remove it. It would have to be done with tools.
have no fear, my dear," said the man, patting my brand, "this will
I looked
up at him, wildly, tears in my eyes.
not fret," he said. "You will not have a naked neck for long. We do
not like naked necks on kajirae. It will soon be in another collar."
pushed between the men. She stood at my right. She spit in my face.
"Now," she said, "I have my vengeance on you! You think you are
more beautiful than I, but you are not! You thought you would have an easy
life, and be most desired among the girls of Hendow, but you will not be! I
have seen to it! You thought to take Mirus from me, too, but soon I could have
won him back! it is I whom he loves, not you! Because of you he is no longer in
the house of Hendow! Too, it was you who undermined me with the girls and the
masters, and it is because of you that Aynur, stupid Aynur, was made first girl
this afternoon! I hate you all, except Sita, who alone remained loyal to me!
But I will not stay in the house of Hendow without Mirus or as second girl! I
have escaped, and, in one stroke, too, taken my vengeance on you."
I shook
my head, no, no, no!
even informed on me when I was so kind as to bring you a pastry," she
said, "for which I was beaten!"
I shook
my head wildly, no!
I have made it now so that you no longer have the protection and favor of
Hendow, whom you have bewitched," she said.
regarded her, startled.
you, too, will know the whip when men please!"
you remain a slave, Earth slut," she said, "I will be free! And it is
you, my pretty enemy, who will have bought me my freedom! Consider it, slut!
Such vengeance is sweet!"
whimpered, piteously, looking up at Tupita.
easily you were tricked, stupid slave," she laughed.
Tears sprang
to my eyes.
She then
again spit in my face, and then turned away from me.
me," she demanded of he who seemed to be the leader of the men. "I
must secure tarn passage from Brundisium before morning.
He looked
at her.
(pg. 274)
"Pay me," she demanded, putting out her hand. "I have fulfilled
my part of the bargain. I have completed my portion of the arrangements. I have
delivered the merchandise to you."
fellow opened his wallet.
she said. "We agreed on five silver tarsks, five!"
he held a
single silver tarsk.
arrangement was for five," she said, "five!"
you truly think she is worth five?" asked the fellow.
regarded him, angrily. Clearly she did not wish to acknowledge that I might,
objectively, be of value, particularly of a value so high as five silver
tarsks. She herself, perhaps, might not bring so much. "What she is truly
worth, or what I might think she is truly worth," said Tupita, "is of
no importance. Perhaps she is not worth even a tarsk bit. How would I know? I
am not a man. But we agreed on the price of five silver tarsks, five!"
thought it was one," grinned a fellow.
you have it in writing," said another fellow, as though helpfully.
of course, like many slaves, and like myself, could not read or write. Too,
even if she could, she, a highly intelligent woman, and a slave, would never
have dared to agree to anything in writing pertaining to such clandestine
she said, suddenly, with a glance at me. "I remember now. It was
one." I saw that she wanted to save face, before me. Too, a silver tarsk
is, after all, when all is said and done, a coin of considerable value.
Although this varies from city to city, it is not unusual for a silver tarsk to
be exchangeable for a hundred copper tarsks, each one of which can be wroth
anywhere from tent o four tarsks bits, usually eight. The only golden Gorean
coins I had even seen were the tiny ones, almost droplets, which had figured in
the decorative jewelries of dancers costumes. Brundisium was noted for its
golden staters, but I had never seen one.
took the silver tarsk from the fellow, and clutched it triumphantly, tightly,
in her fist. It would be more than enough to purchase her passage from
Brundisium. She then came again to the side of the table. "Thank you,
lovely Doreen,: she said. "I am very grateful. Not only do I have my
vengeance upon you, delivering you to new slaveries and degradations, as it
pleased me, but you have also the means of my own escape and freedom." She
showed me the silver tarsk. "Pretty, isn’t it?" she asked.
I pulled
weakly against the bracelets. The men laughed.
(pg. 275)
"I am only sorry that you are not worth more," she said.
welled up in my eyes.
will leave you now, slave, roped and braceleted, and in the power of men,"
she said. She turned away.
But the
door was blocked by a fellow, leaning against it, his arms folded.
aside!" she said, angrily.
He did
not move, nor did he respond to her.
She spun
to face the leader of the men.
do you have there, in your hand?" he asked.
clutched the tarsk more tightly.
your hand," said the leader.
is the meaning of this?" she cried.
a command be repeated?" he inquired.
opened her hand, revealing the silver tarsk. He walked to her, and removed it
from her hand. "Have you been permitted to touch money?" he asked.
she said.
could always check with her master," suggested a fellow.
is mine!" said Tupita.
asked the leader, smiling.
she said.
you know that animals are not allowed to own money," he said.
turned white.
leader dropped the coin into his wallet.
me go," she said. "I will not bother you no longer!"
your cloak," said the leader.
thrust it back, over her shoulders, untied the strings and let it fall to the
floor, behind her.
She then
stood there among them, in a brief tunic of opaque slave silk, such as might be
worn during the day. She was a very lovely, and very frightened woman. The
cloak removed, the collar could be seen on her neck. If he from whom she had
intended to purchase tarn passage had not seen the collar, nor, of course, her
brand, not her tunic, or such, and, theoretically, at least, did not know she
was a slave, he would not be held legally responsible for having sold her
passage. Tupita had excellent legs.
the tunic," said the leader.
reached to the disrobing loop, and dropped the tunic to the floor, about her
ankles. Tupita was too good a slave, and too wise a slave, to dally before a
Gorean male, having received such a command.
(pg. 276)
"What is the meaning of this?" she said, naked.
Her hands
were then drawn behind her, and, in an instant, she was braceleted, as securely
as I.
we are in the hire of Hendow, your master," said the leader of the men.
cried Tupita. "No!" she flung herself to her knees before the leader,
and the others. "No, please, Masters!" she cried. "Take pity on
we are not in his hire," said the leader.
sobbed with relief.
her," said the leader, curtly. I rolled to the right side of the table,
and twisted about, a little. Then, frightened, I rolled again to my back.
had this," said one of the men, holding up a small, damp leather sack by
its strings.
I turned
a little and saw some of the tiny golden coins, such as adorned the dancer’s
costumes, spilled into the hand of the leader. I heard Tupita, on the floor, sobbing.
It was a good deal more than a silver tarsk that she had thought to garner from
her venture this night in Brundisium. No wonder she had been willing to leave,
even without the tarsk. Had Mirus still been with the tavern, I do not think
she would have been able to secure the tiny coins. He had been careful about
such things.
if she is vital," said the leader.
I heard
Tupita suddenly cry out and, startled, gasp, and then whimper.
is vital," said a man.
I then
saw Tupita pulled to her feet. She seemed half in shock. Her hair was down
about her face. A man held her from behind, keeping her from falling, by the
upper arms. Her wrists were braceleted behind her. Held as she was, and with
her hands braceleted behind her, the beauty of her bared bosom was accentuated.
Sometimes slavers present prospective buyers with girls held in this fashion.
This time, of course, it was a mere convenience that she was held so. I
regarded her. Tupita was quite beautiful. There was no doubt about it.
would not mind owning either of them," said fellow.
said Tupita.
in Brundisium, you wouldn’t," laughed one of the men.
said another. "They must be sold out of Brundisium."
begged Tupita.
silent," snapped the leader. "Apparently you have not felt the whip
(pg. 277)
Immediately Tupita silent.
are not now with soft masters," he said. "You are not now in the
house of Hendow, where, it would seem, the girls do not know the whip."
put her head down, not daring to meet his eyes.
leader was mistaken, of course. The girls in the house of Hendow knew the whip,
and knew it well. Indeed, it was not unusual for them to experience it if they
had been even in the least bit displeasing. To be sure, this very
understanding, in itself, knowing the discipline under which they served, its
consistency and reality, encouraged them to attempt to achieve perfect
pleasingness, with the result that the whip was seldom called for, unless perhaps
for the amusement of the master.
must get these slaves out of Brundisium soon," said a man, nervously.
light," said another.
sleen are put on their trail," said another.
said another.
I thought
of Borko, the gray sleen. When it was discovered that we were missing, he, or
other such beasts, might be set upon our trail. My blanket, of course, had been
left behind in the kennel. That would suffice for any hunting sleen. Borko, of
course, did not need so typical a stimulus. He, knowing my name and scent,
could be set on my train by a mere verbal command. I shuddered. Through no
fault of my own I feared I might be torn to pieces. A similar fate, of course,
might befall Tupita. She had been quite anxious, I recalled, to be swiftly out
of Brundisium.
your head," said the leader to Tupita.
will not even have to pay for your tarn passage out of Brundisium," he
Master," she said.
tools," said the leader.
collars, which identified us as the girls of Hendow, were to be removed. It is
customary to change a girl’s collar shortly after she has been stolen. This
makes it harder to trace her.
are you going to take us, Master?" asked Tupita.
The leader
went to her and, with the back of his hand, lashed her across the mouth.
he said, "is not becoming in a kajira."
Master," she said. Her lip was cut.
her," he said.
I watched
while a gag, not unlike mine, was fastened in (pg. 278) Tupita’s mouth. She did
not look at me, while it was being put on her. I did not think, however, that
the gag was really necessary. Was she really going to cry out, and perhaps then
be "rescued," only to be subsequently returned to Hendow, for his
mercy? I did not think there would be even a tiny sound out of her. She would
doubtless go quietly. On the other hand, the choice had not been left to her.
Men had decided the matter. The gag was now packed well in her mouth, and
secured tightly in place, by three sets of laces, however, rather than three
straps, like mine. She looked suddenly at me, wildly, then looked away. She now
was no more than me, only another slave, being stolen.
their collars are off," said the leader, "put the other collars on them,
those we prepared for them."
looked at the leader. Two collars had been prepared. They had planned, then,
from the beginning, to take her along. That was not hard to understand, of
course. She was very beautiful.
said the leader, "hood them. Then put them with the others."
17 THE
along," he said.
I cried
out softly, stumbling forward, barefoot on the dirt street, the steel of the
collar pulled hard against the back of my neck.
he said.
Master!" I said.
must be on the square by the tenth Ahn," he said.
Master," I said.
I was
leashed. The leash was of light chain.
The tenth
Ahn was the Gorean noon. The square would be crowded at that time. to be sure,
it is crowded in different ways at different times, during the day. In the
morning the peasants arrange their baskets of produce. Much shopping is done in
the early morning. Later the stalls and shops around the square roll (pg. 279)
back their screens and shutters and open for business. Later men come for
gossiping and the exchange of news. Some visit the temples, paying coins,
buying incense and burning it, petitioning Priest-Kings for favors, such things
as better crops and success in ventures, such thins as luck for themselves and
calamities for their enemies. Gorean petitions to the Priest-Kings seem on the
whole to be very specific, and very practical. Most Goreans seem skeptical of
an afterlife, or, at least, seem content to wait and see. The only Gorean caste
which, as far as I know, officially believes in an afterlife is that of the
Initiates, and they believe in it, it seems, only for themselves, and seem to believe
it is connected with such things as the performance of secret rites, the
acquisition of secret knowledges, mostly mathematical, and the avoidance of
certain foods. Initiates commonly wear white and have their heads shaved. They
also, supposedly, and perhaps actually, on the whole, abstain from alcohol and
women. They count as one of the five high castes, the others being the
Physicians, Scribes, Builders and Warriors. In some cities they are quite
powerful, in others it seems they are largely peripheral to the life of the
community. I have never been in one of these temples. Slaves, like other
animals, are not allowed within. It is felt they would defile such places. They
may wait, however, in special, small, walled areas outside the temples, usually
at the back or sides, where their presence will not prove distractive or
offensive to free persons. I have looked within some of these temples, from the
street, through great opened doors, or through the open colonnades, such
temples being roofed, but not walled, upon occasion. Some are lavishly
decorated, even ornately; others seem very austere. It depends on the city, I
suppose, or the tastes of the community of Initiates, those who care for the
temples, in a given place. The Chief Initiate of Ar claims to be chief of all
the Initiates of all the cities, but the other Chief Initiates, in the other
cities, do not, it seems, at least on the whole, acknowledge this claim. I have
gathered that in these temples there are no chairs or pews, or such, unless for
Initiates near the altars. Goreans perform their rites, recite their prayers,
and such, standing. The Gorean tends to regard Priest-Kings not so much as his
masters as his potential allies, who might, if he is lucky, be flattered, wooed
with gifts, and such. On the high altar in each temple there is supposedly a
large, golden circle, the symbol of Priest-Kings, a symbol of eternity, of a
thing without beginning or end. The "sign of the Priest-Kings,"
similarly, is made with a closed, circular motion. The teachings of the
Initiates, their recommendations, exhortations, and such, seem to be (pg. 280)
taken most seriously by the lower castes. Many men also, incidentally, enjoy
sitting in on the courts, listening to the disputes and suits. Some serve on
juries. Others merely enjoy the interplay and logic, often applauding an
excellent point when scored by one of the advocates. Later in the afternoon,
many men congregate in the baths. The baths in many Gorean towns are important
social centers. Some are private, for a reserved clientele, but most are
public, and their facilities, for a fee, are available to all free persons.
They tend to be segregated, of course. Free persons of different sexes do not
bathe together publicly. This reservation, of course, does not preclude the
presence of female bath attendants in the mens’ baths or of silk slaves in
those for the women. In the late afternoon, after the baths, the men tend to
wend their way home, looking forward to their evening meal. Sometimes rich men
are followed
home by
their "clients." These, too, often meet them outside the house in the
morning, and sometimes accompany them about, during the day. Goreans are fond
of giving dinners and having parties. They are a sociable folk. If one does not
own one’s own slave, or enough of them, it is also possible to rent them for
such occasions. The arrangements for those rentals are usually made during the
day, conveniently in the square, or in its vicinity. In the neighborhood of
holidays it is wise to make the arrangements days in advance. Sometimes in the
evenings, and toward the end of the week there are entertainments, such as
plays and concerts. Things such as races, and games, for the cities who can
support them, particularly on a regular, or seasonal basis, usually occur in
the afternoon, under natural light.
he said.
Again I
stumbled forward, drawn by the chain leash. I could not remove the leash even
though my hands were free. Its snap was a lock snap, and it had been closed
about the collar. It was thus secured on me. I was well leashed.
he said, moving quickly before me.
Master!" I said.
I was
clad in a ta-teera, or slave rag, a brief bit of rep cloth, torn here and
there, well revealing me. We were in the streets of Market of Semris. I had
been sold here once. We had come from Samnium, which lies south and east of
Brundisium. I had come into the possession of my current master there. I had
cost him only fifty copper tarsks, half a silver tarsk. The men who had sold me
had not chosen to long haggle. I had cost them nothing. They did not have to
make much on me. Too, it seemed they wished to dispose of their girls, and
there were several of us, (pg. 281) brought by tarn basket to Samnium, quickly.
I did not know to whom Tupita was sold, but doubtless, too, would have gone
into a cheaper slavery than she had known. On my back, tied there, was a rolled
pallet, filled with straw. About my neck hung a copper bowl. It was suspended
by a thong, threaded through a small hole in the bowl. My master had a double
flute slung on his back. He was Gordon, an itinerant musician.
she any good?" called a lad, as we hurried through the dusty street.
and see," said my master.
We must
now be closer to the square, as it seemed there were more people in the street.
Too, the street, now, was paved. Buildings were on both sides of us. The street
was about ten feet in width. It had stepping stones at the corners, for rainy
weather. These stones are placed in such a way that the wheels of a cart may
traverse the street. When we came to the square there would probably be
barriers set up against such traffic. The square was for pedestrians. Porters
there, slave, could, for a fee, transport goods, if it was desired, within, or
across the square. The gutter on the street was a long, narrow trough. It ran
down the center of the street.
A free
woman, throwing me a look of disgust, drew to one side, that her ornate robes
not brush against me as I passed. "Oh!" I said, startled. A man had
patted me as I had passed him.
said my master, with satisfaction.
I blinked
against the light of the open square. Market of Semris is not a large town, and
it is mostly famed, as I have earlier noted, for its markets for tarsks,
"four-legged" and "two-legged," as it is said, but like
most Gorean towns, its square, even as small as it was, was a matter of civic
pride. It was set with flat stones, intricately fitted together. At its edges,
in several places, were shops. It contained four fountains, one at each corner.
The temple was impressive, a closed temple, with columns, a pediment and a
frieze. The public buildings, the law court and the ‘house of the
Administrator," the locus of public offices, were similarly structured and
adorned. Commemorative columns stood here and there about the edges of the
square. We entered through the vertical posts, passing the porters’ station
there. An open barbers’ shop, with five stools, was to one side. The stools
were all occupied. Three fellows were having their hair cut’ one was being
shaved, with a shaving knife; another was having his beard trimmed. Other folk
were standing about, waiting. I followed my master, on my leash. I was
incredibly (pg. 282) thrilled to walk upon these stones. I looked about myself
with wonder. I had only dreamed of such things. It was like being transported
magically into the past, only here, in this place, it was the present, and I
was actually here, truly, though in a collar. I knew I must obey well in such a
place, in this place, among such people. I was a slave, and uncompromisingly at
their mercy. Yet in spite of such things, I would not have traded the beautiful
world of Gor for anything, even though on such a world I was only the lowliest
and most meaningless of its animals. To one side there was a sculptured group,
perhaps celebrating some triumph or victory, of five heroic male figures, with
shields, helmets and spears, and at their feet, amidst apparent spoils, perhaps
captives, or slaves, kneeling, two nude female figures. I saw, too, about its
base, an encircling, illustratory frieze. "Please, Master!" I begged.
"Please let me look. Let me look!" he glanced back, shrewdly at me.
My eyes were piteous. I knew, whatever he decided, I must abide by his
decision. He was not an indulgent master, but he was an intelligent one, and he
could see that I was excited. I was vitally aroused in such a place. He then
let me, he behind me, with the leash, look at the encircling, narrative frieze.
It was in five main divisions. In the first it seemed that angry heralds or
ambassadors were before a throne, on which reposed a serene Tatrix, and that
perhaps an insult had been given. In the second armies were drawn up upon a
plain before a city. In the third a fearful battle was in progress. In the
fourth it seemed that humbled representatives of the vanquished now appeared
before the camp throne of a victorious general. To him they brought, it seemed,
a suit for peace, and offerings of conciliation. Among these offerings were
unusual beasts, sheaves of grain, vessels and coffers filled with precious
goods, and women, naked, and in chains. Too, it seemed they had brought
something else. Before the throne of the victorious general, kneeling, in her
tiara, fully clothed, but chained, had been placed the Tatrix. In the fifth,
and last division, we saw a victory feast. Naked maidens, doubtless of the
vanquished, served at the low tables, and, in the open space between these
tables, and among them, danced. At the side of the victorious general, his
guest, sat the Tatrix, still in her tiara, but stripped to the waist, doubtless
at the next feast her tiara would be removed from her. Slave girls have no need
for such things. Doubtless, at the next feast, she, too, naked, would serve and
dance, hoping then like any other slave to be found pleasing by her masters.
said my master, "this monument celebrates a victory in which Market of
Semris was only indirectly involved. (pg. 283) It tells the story of a war
which took place far to the north and west, on the Olni, between Port Olni and
Ti, two hundred years before the formation of the Salarian Confederation. Ti
was victorious. There is a larger original of this in Ti. This is a copy. It is
here because, at the time of that war, Market of Semris had been of great
service to Ti as a supply ally."
Master," I said.
of what I have told you is on that plaque to the right," he said.
Master," I said. I could not read.
along," he said, with a sound of chain giving me a tug on the leash.
is a curvy slave," said a man, approvingly.
I did not
know if he had referred to me or not. Perhaps he had. A ta-teera leaves few of
a girl’s charms to the imagination. I quickly followed my master, taking care
not to let the leash grow taut. I may have been mistaken, but I felt that men
were looking at me. Perhaps they had noticed, too, the double flute on my
master’s back. if so, they may have taken an additionally close look at me, more
than the usual Gorean master’s appraisal of delectable slave meat, deciding
then whether or not it might be of interest to follow us.
said my master, stopping in a shady corner of the square.
Master," I said.
There was
a building there. In the wall of it, about a foot from the ground, there were
four or five slave rings. Such things are common in Gorean public places. They
provide masters with a convenience for the tethering of their slaves.
Some men
gathered around.
loosened the cords which kept the pallet on my back. I removed the pallet from
my back and put it on the ground. I undid the strings which kept it rolled, and
spread it. It was to the left of the nearest slave ring. I took the copper bowl
from about my neck and put it beside the pallet. My master then put his end of
the least twice about the slave ring and, with a heavy padlock, passed through
two leash rings, secured it there. I was now chained to the slave ring.
I knelt
beside the bowl. I kept my head down.
My master
removed his long double flute from his back.
I braced
myself for an instant.
I think
that anyone in the square must have heard those sounds. He then, for two or
three minutes, played soft, full, (pg. 284) melodious tunes, sensuous, inviting
tunes. Men began to gather around, in greater numbers. There was soon a small
crowd there.
I kept my
head down.
My master
would decide when the crowd was sufficient. I recollected the monument in the
square, the heroic figures, and the women, doubtless booty, at their feet. I
recollected, too, in particular, the frieze encircling the base of the
monument. I recalled in particular, the lofty Tatrix on her throne, in the
beginning of the frieze, and later, the procession of those who came suing for
peace, bearing conciliatory gifts, animals, riches, women and such. I recalled
the Tatrix, fully clothed, in chains, placed on her knees before the victor. I
recalled, too, the last portion of the frieze, where she sat beside the victor,
in her tiara, gracing his victory feast, half stripped, while women of her
city, totally naked, served and danced. I was excited by the frieze. I was
excited, too, as a slave, by the men about. In the presence of men, sometimes
to my dismay and embarrassment, I would feel warm and wonderful between my
legs. This was permissible, of course, for I was only a slave. Those women in
the frieze had probably been free women, at least at the time. their freedom,
however, I did not doubt, would have proved fleeting, and soon they would have
been distributed among the victors, or disposed of, for profit, in various
slave markets. I wondered if the general would have had the Tatrix, sold in a
cheap market or if he would have kept her for himself, perhaps as the least of
his own slaves. But I, myself, was not a free woman. I was only a slave. I
loved the freedom, and liberation this gave me, to be a full woman. I then
heard the soft swirl of music which I well recognized.
I rose
gracefully to my feet, and stood before the men. I heard the soft intaking of
breath in several of them, in anticipation. How powerful I felt then, thought I
was only a slave, chained at a ring.
With the
music of the double flute in the background I modestly removed the Ta-Teera,
putting it to the side.
said a man.
said another.
adjusted the chain, placing it between my breasts. It went to the ground where
it lay in a coil, then moved back to the ring. By intent it was of a generous
length. I pulled it down a bit, at the collar. I did this in such a way that
the men could tell it was well locked there. I knew this would excite them, as
it excited me. Too, of course, as a practical matter, this further assured that
the draw would be at the front of the collar. I flexed my (pg. 285) knees. I
lifted my hands over my head, gracefully, their wrists back to back.
My master
let me dance for four or five minutes, until the men were in a frenzy of need.
I performed even what are called "floor movements" for them. I saw
their eyes blazing. Such is the power of the dancer.
I then,
at the finish of the music, knelt before them, submitting, as a female slave,
and then, still kneeling, lifted my head. "May I speak, Masters?" I
asked. "Yes," cried several of the men. "I have need of the
touch of a man," I said. "I beg the touch of a man. Who will touch
me?" these were words I had been taught to say, even, of course, the
appropriate petition, that of a slave girl, to speak before masters. But, too,
I had been excited. They were men, and I was a slave. I did want their touch,
and desperately. The only sexual attention my master gave me, wanting to keep
me in need for customers, was an occasional raping.
I felt
myself seized by the upper arms, half lifted from my knees, and flung back on
the pallet. I heard a small coin, a tarsk bit, ring in the copper bowl. I
seized the lustful brute to me, desperately, thankfully! I was hot and open,
and slave needful! In an instant he was finished with me. I half sat up, but
was caught, and thrust back to the pallet. I heard another coin strike in the
bowl. I closed my eyes, gratefully.
I served
muchly that afternoon, and five times did I dance. Sometimes in my dance I made
use of the chain, sometimes pretending, to the music, to fight it, a fight
which I had to lose, or not to understand it, looking to the men then, as
though they might explain its meaning to me; they did, with raucous cries;
sometimes I used it to caress me, with the soft, lovely chain caresses of
bondage, to which I, whimpering, responded; sometimes I seemed to confine
myself variously, seemingly sometimes more strictly, more helplessly, more
mercilessly, with it; sometimes I kissed it and caressed it, gratefully and
lovingly expressing therein the welling up within me of my joy at finding
myself at last in my rightful place in nature; there is much that one can do
with a chain. Once a free woman came to watch, for a moment, I dared not meet
her eyes, but, too, I did not falter in my dance, or beauty; indeed, I tried to
show her, lovingly, as one woman to another, what a woman could be, even a
lowly slave, especially a lowly slave. She hurried away, trembling with her
robes. I wondered if sometimes she, too, would care to wear a collar, and move
so before men.
I then,
late in the afternoon, lay upon the pallet. I could hear, (pg. 286) beneath its
narrow, sewn canvas surface, the crinkling of the straw within. There were
several coins in the copper bowl. My master had taken some out, from time to
time, during the afternoon. One normally leaves enough in the bowl to act as an
invitation to others, but not so much as to suggest that there is no need of
more, if only to keep the others company.
got into you today?" asked my master.
I asked, lying on my side on the pallet, the chain on my neck.
think I have never seen you so needful and hot," he said.
"My needs
grow upon me, Master," I said. It was true. But, also today I was charged
with seeing the square, the buildings and the people of Market of Semris. It
was as though I had suddenly found myself marvelously transported to the past,
and one in which I must helplessly meet its conditions, and obey it, and on its
own terms, and perfectly, not mine. Market of Semris might have been a town in
Hellas or Latium. I was thrilled to be there, if only as a slave. I would not
have traded the beautiful, marvelous world of Gor, even with its perils, for
anything. Too, I had not forgotten the monument and the frieze. I would never
forget it. It had much excited me, in its style, beauty and graphicness, and in
its simple, unquestioned, unevasive public representation, albeit in a
political and commemorative context, of natural biological relationships.
said my master.
I asked. I turned on my back. I saw that his needs were upon him. I smiled at
him, eager to please him. I lifted my arms to him.
"To your
stomach," he said.
I obeyed.
He would keep me well in my place.
My master
was Gordon, an itinerant musician. I was a street dancer.
When he
had finished he stood up.
slave," said a man, a tall fellow, in swirling robes, "is not without
I, of
course, knelt immediately, being the subject of attention, of a free man.
fellow had been here for much of the afternoon, watching us. He had not,
however, used me.
are an Earth slut, are you not?" he asked.
Master," I said.
ears are pierced," he observed.
said my master.
(pg. 287)
"She is an excellent dancer, for a street dancer," said the man.
My master
she did not always dance in the streets," he speculated.
said my master, putting his flute again on his back.
the progression is such matters, of course, is from the street to the tavern,
not from the tavern to the street. When the street dancer becomes goof enough,
she may aspire, of course, to be purchased by a taverner. Many of the finest
tavern dancers, it is said, began on the back streets, on a leash.
she once dance in a tavern?" said the man.
said my master. "I do not know." He made as though to go.
think she is a stolen tavern dancer," said the man.
bought her properly," said the master.
have papers on her?" asked the man.
said my master.
received stolen goods," said the man.
to my knowledge," said my master.
investigation might nonetheless prove you have no legal hold on her."
you a magistrate, or a praetor’s agent?" inquired my master, narrowly.
said the fellow.
My master
relaxed, visibly.
I could always lodge a citizen’s inquiry, and have the matter looked
into," he said.
do you want?" asked my master.
is a hot slave, and is curvy, and beautiful," he said.
asked my master.
she dances well, and her ears are pierced," said the man.
inquired my master.
did you pay for her?" he asked.
is my business," said my master.
much, I would suppose," said the man. "Stolen slaves seldom bring
high prices, unless delivered to private dealers on contract, or to slavers,
who know what to do with them, and where to sell them."
(pg. 288)
"She is mine," said my master. "I have held her in my collar for
a sufficient time."
am prepared to accept that she is now yours," said the fellow. "For
example, she seems clearly accommodated to your collar. The official recovery
period is doubtless now passed."
our conversation is at an end," said my master, angrily.
it seems you might still count, officially, as a fellow who had received stolen
goods," said the man.
to my knowledge, if at all," said my master.
of the origin of the goods," said the man, "might indeed exonerate
you from personal guilt in the matter."
My master
said the man, "it might be of some interest to a praetor to hear you
protest your innocence in the matter. He would be likely to be interested, too,
in whom you bought the slave from, and such, and perhaps even where they
obtained her."
do you want?" asked my master, angrily.
am prepared to be generous," said the man.
is not for sale," said my master.
have come from Argentum," he said. "I have come to Market of Semris
looking for a certain type of slave. I think that your girl might be what I
you a slaver?" asked my master.
he said. He looked down at me. "You are an exciting slut," he said.
I put my
head down.
I did not
want to be involved in this. In Gorean courts the testimony of slaves is
commonly taken under torture.
is not for sale," said my master.
will give you five silver tarsks for her," said the man.
My master
seemed stunned. I myself could scarcely believe what I had heard. Such prices
are not paid for street dancers.
said my master.
I looked
up, startled. I had been sold.
I saw the
coins, my price, exchange hands.
is your name, my dear?" inquired my new master.
master pleases," I said.
were you called?’ he asked me.
I said. That was the name my former master, the itinerant musician, had given
are now Tuka," he said, naming me,
Master?" I said.
is your name?" he inquired.
(pg. 289)
Tuka, Master," I said. I was now Tuka.
slave are you?" he asked.
slave, Master," I said.
pointed to his feet. I bent down and licked and kissed them.
all fours, Tuka," he said.
I rose
up, to all fours.
Tula and
Tuka were extremely common slave names on Gor. in this respect they are like
Lita and Dina. Indeed, there is even a brand called the "dina," which
resembles the Dina, or slave flower, a tiny, roselike flower. Girls, who bear
this brand are often called Dinas, and often, too, have that name. Names such
as Tula and Tuka are sometimes used for a brace of female slaves, as the names
go well together. Another such pair is Sipa and Sita. Such names, too, of
course, may be used individually, and often are. I did not doubt that the name
of Tuka may have been suggested by its resemblance to Tula, my former name.
This suggested that my new master was perhaps not really much interested in
what he named me. He may have just wanted something to call me. On the other
hand, it was a good slave name. Too, I supposed he liked it, or he would not
have given it to me. Perhaps he had once known a girl named Tuka, probably a
slave, but possible a free woman, of whom he had been fond.
My former
master thrust his collar, the chain attached, higher on my neck, closer to the
chin. He had its key in hand. My new master then, below the former collar,
closed his own about my neck. I was now double collared. My former master then
removed his collar, with the chain, from my neck. I had not been without a
collar, even for an instant.
My new
master then turned about, with a swirl of those long robes, and began to make
his way across the square. I hurried after him, heeling him. I was naked, of
course. I had removed the ta-teera for my dance, and had not put it back on. My
new master had bought me, not the ta-teera. That belonged to the musician, my
former master. A new girl would presumably wear it soon, as some, it seemed,
had before me. I hoped that my new master would permit me clothing, at least in
public. Even the tiny slave tunics and the scandalous ta-teerae are precious to
a girl. Too, she is not insensible of how they show off her charms.
I speak, Master?" I called after him, hurrying behind him.
he said.
I inquire the name of my master?" I asked.
will learn it soon enough," he said.
Master," I said. It was doubtless on my collar, but, (pg. 290) obviously,
without a mirror, I could not read the collar where it was locked on my neck.
Too, even had I had a mirror, I could not read.
He walked
rapidly, purposefully.
He had
paid five silver tarsks for me. That was a great deal of money. My former
master would have no difficulty getting another girl, or more than one, for
such an amount.
paid a great deal of money for me," I said.
he said.
I worth so much?" I asked.
think so," he said.
I inquire for what purpose Master has purchased me," I asked.
will learn soon enough," he said.
Master," I said.
is not becoming in a kajira," he reminded me.
Master," I said, frightened. But he did not turn about to strike me, or
discipline me.
I hurried
along behind him. it was now late in the afternoon. The square was not crowded
now. The public places and baths would soon be closed. I saw more men, some
with clients in their train, leaving the square. I turned about, briefly. The
square was very beautiful, even at this time of day. I did not see my former
master. He had apparently left the square. I then turned about, again, and
hurried even more rapidly after my new master. I did not want to lag too far
behind, outside the normal heeling distance.
18 THE
the grating, on the walkway," said the man.
I dreaded
leaving the tavern in this fashion.
One of
the men patted me on the behind. "Do not be afraid," he said.
"They will soon be shipped out, to make room for others."
sunken, iron-walled pits were below the level of the basement, in which my own
cell was. They were covered with (pg. 291) locked gratings. My cell was not a
kennel, but a cell. It was very well appointed, as cells for slave girls go. I
could not stand fully upright in it, and I must leave it through a small gate,
on my hands and knees, or belly, but it was large enough to move about in, and
it was floored with carpet. In it, too, were furs. I had water and wastes’
bucket. Cushions had been permitted me, an incredible luxury. To be sure, I was
sometimes ordered to kneel upon one, or another of them, usually while
receiving instructions. In this cell, too, there was a mirror. Too, there were
various tiny boxes, containing jewelry and cosmetics. There was also a trunk,
for silks. I might prepare myself here for the floor, or for the dance. There
was even a lamp outside the cell, affording light, when the men saw fit to have
it lit. sometimes, before fellows were brought past the cell, bound or chained,
thence to be incarcerated in one of the pits, I would be instructed to lie
seductively on the furs and cushions. At such times I was sometimes given chocolates
to eat. "Let them have something pleasant to remember," had said one
of the fellows, at one of these times. "We would not want them to forget
you," had said another.
hastened across the grating. I heard howls of rage from beneath me. A hand reached
up, grasping for me, through the grating. One of the men with me kicked it away
from me. Its fist clenched, helplessly, in fury. I was then over the grating.
garments for the afternoon," said one of the fellows behind me, "are
in the back hall, near the back entrance."
When I
was ready to leave the tavern one of the men would check the alley, to make
certain that my departure would be unnoticed.
19 THE
I said, "forgive me for daring to speak to you, but only the kindness of
your countenance encourages my audacity."
he inquired.
am in desperate straits," I whispered piteously.
are a beggar?" he asked.
I put
down my head, as though in shame.
me, Lady," he said. "These are hard times."
I looked
up, my eyes over the veil. "You are understanding," I whispered.
was rude," he said. "I am sorry."
such as you could not be rude," I said, half weeping. "Clearly, too,
you are kind, and noble." He was also large and strong.
I be of aid to you?" he asked.
I turned
half away from him, as though in confusion and shame. I had been taught to do
such things. The men of my master had rehearsed them muchly with me.
he said.
should not have bothered you," I whispered.
you need money," he said. "I am not a rich man but I have a
death in the streets, or a collar, than that I should so demean myself, and my
station, as to avail myself of your generosity."
you hungry?" he asked.
I said.
robes, though worn and shabby, are well kept," he said.
am of humble caste," I said. It made me nervous, of course, to say such
things. For a slave to claim caste is a serious matter. Similarly, it would not
be wise for her to be caught in the garments of a free woman. That, too, is a
terribly serious offense.
(pg. 293)
"What is your caste?" he asked.
caste, as I could see from his garments, was that of the metal workers.
I said, "That of the metal workers."
share caste," he said. "Too," he laughed, "I may remind you
that that is my humble caste. Where would the dwellers of the cities be without
us?" this was a way of saying, in the parlance of the caste, that the
utilities and workings of metal were essential for a high civilization. Then he
looked at me kindly, and spoke seriously. "You should not have hesitated
for a moment to speak to me."
are kind," I said. To be sure, much charity, and fraternal organizations,
and evening outings, and such, are organized on caste lines. Caste is extremely
important to most Goreans, even when they do not all practice the traditional
crafts of their caste. It is one of the "nationalities" of the
Gorean, so to speak. Other common "nationalities," so to speak, are
membership in a kinship organization, such as a clan, or phratry, a group of
clans, or a larger grouping yet, a tribe or analogous to a tribe, a group of
phratries, and a pledged allegiance to a Home Stone, usually that of a village,
town or city. It seems that in the distant past of Gor, these kinship
allegiances were, in effect, political allegiances, as life became more
complex, and populations more mobile, became separated. Kinship structures do
not now figure strongly in Gorean public life, although in some cities
divisions of the electorate, those free citizens entitled to participate in
referenda, and such, remain based on them.
have six tarsk bits with me," he said. "I will give you three."
recalled my training. I recalled, too, in my training, how one of my master’s
men had shoved the point of a dagger to a quarter of an inch into my belly,
below the navel, and informed me how he could spill my guts into his hand.
would be more than enough," I said. "Honor could not permit me taking
two, then," he said.
I tool
the two tarsk bits. I slipped them, as though thankfully, into the purse, on
its two strings, dangling from my belt, handing at my side. My master’s men, of
course, would gather them out later.
wish you well," he said, and began to turn away.
My hand
stayed him.
He looked
at me, puzzled.
(pg. 294)
"Please permit me to thank you," I said.
is not necessary," he said.
want to thank you," I said, "in the way of the female."
is not necessary," he said.
have been told, by others," I said, "that I am beautiful enough,
even, to be a slave."
would not doubt it," he said.
am prepared to serve you," I said, "even as a slave."
can find that in a tavern," he said. "You are a free woman, and are
of my own caste."
I said. "I am prepared to so serve you."
have made you serve as much, for their coins, haven’t they?" he asked.
I put my
head down, as though ashamed. "Yes," I whispered.
am sorry," he said. "I should not have asked."
I kept my
head down.
poor thing," he said. "What beasts, what scoundrels, they were."
are men," I said, shrugging, ‘and I am a woman."
no fear," he said. "I shall not abuse you."
I want to serve you," I said.
He looked
at me, puzzled.
was not for nothing that I selected you our from the others," I said.
he said, softly. This pleased him. Actually I had selected him out because my
master’s men had, when he had passed, indicated that I should do so. The choice
had been theirs, not mine.
I said.
He was a
Gorean male. I did not doubt but what he would want me. It was a question of
overcoming his inhibitions, connected with my supposed station, that of the
free woman, my caste, his own, and perhaps some reservations about seeming to take
advantage of my presumed straits.
I backed
a little into the alleyway, between the two buildings.
he said, softly. But he did not stop me as I then, gracefully, but with a
certain seeming timidity, in the shelter between the walls, brushed back my
hood, and lowered my veil.
are beautiful," he said.
My hair
was combed back, and down, over my ears. It was tied in the back.
He looked
at me.
For a
moment I was afraid he knew.
He lifted
his hand a bit toward my throat, but then lowered it.
(pg. 295)
I sensed what he had wished to do. I then drew away the robing, at my throat.
he said, softly. There was no collar there. My throat was bare of a collar!
I stood
before him. I think that he found me beautiful. I was face-stripped before him.
This is very meaningful to Goreans. His eyes shone.
me loosed my hair before you," I whispered.
here," he whispered, suddenly, hoarsely. "Back. Further back."
I backed
down the alleyway, before him, watching him. He was now excited.
Then my
back was at the end of the alleyway, a closed alleyway, a cul-de-sac, against a
he said, suddenly. "I must not take advantage of you."
it be the tiniest of kisses then," I said, softly, "once only, and
only the merest touch, my lips and yours, that, so little, or all of me, and as
you want me, whatever you wish."
He placed
his hands, the palms of them, fiercely on the wall, one on each side of me, at
my shoulders. He put down his head for a moment, fighting with himself. He then
lifted his head, and looked into my eyes.
I was
small before him, and weak, and female.
I felt
him loosen my belt, and then it, with the attached purse, fell to the stones of
the alleyway.
reached then to the opened collar of my robing.
Of the
usual garments of the free female I wore only the outer robe, the street robe.
That had been decided by my master. If I were inclined to attempt an escape,
even clad merely in such a way, I presumably would not get far. I would not
even have been able to disrobe, among free women, to an underrobe, or sliplike
robe. Beneath the street robe there would have been only a female, and a brand.
The man’s
eyes blazed with the wanting of me.
To be
sure, my master, even so, had taken an additional precaution with me.
driven in his need, impassioned, he tore open my robe.
wear the belly chain of a slave!" he cried.
Almost at
the same time he was struck heavily from behind by my master’s men. He was
terribly strong. They had to strike him five times before he went down.
I stood
back against the wall, frightened.
(pg. 296)
One of my master’s men, from a skin, poured paga on the fallen figure. He would
be transported from the alley, his arms over their shoulders. Few in the
streets, given his apparent condition, and his smell, the paga souses on his
garment, would think much of this. He would be taken to the back entrance of
the tavern.
the robe off," said the other of my master’s men.
He had
already picked up the belt and purse, and thrust it in a sack. I removed the
robe and he thrust if, too, with its hood, and veil, into the sack.
I was
then naked, except for the belly chain. Its links were heavy. Whereas it is
sometimes possible for a male to slip such a chain, because of his straight
hips, they stay well on females. About our waists, between the flaring of our
hips and the swelling of our bosoms, they find a natural, lovely and secure
mounting. This chain was locked on me with a heavy padlock, from the back. in
the front, linked to the chain, and dangling down from it, over my lower belly,
was a heavy, medallionlike metal disk. On this disk, so that it could be read
from the front, was a large, cursive "Kef," for "Kajira," a
larger version of the same letter adorning my thigh.
The fellow
with the sack put it down and took the disk in his hand. He jerked on it, so
that I felt the pull on the chain, and then let it drop back on my belly. He
fours," he said.
I went to
all fours in the alley. The metal disk hung down now, swinging, below my belly.
master’s collar, taken from the sack, was put on my neck. The belly chain was
then removed from me and placed in the sack. The fellow, too, held a tunic to
my mouth, and I took it in my teeth. When I left the alley there would be
little that would be unusual about me. I would be just another girl, well
exposed in her skimpy tunic, snugly locked in her collar, nothing unusual.
20 THE
Master," I said, swiftly kneeling near the entrance to the alleyway,
"my master is much occupied with his business, and neglects me."
The tall,
strong fellow stopped to regard me. I was the sort of woman apparently not
without interest to Gorean males.
Master," I begged, "have pity on a female slave, desperate in her
are naked," he observed.
master punishes me," I said, "for he grew weary of my bellyings and
my importunings for love."
do not think I would send a slave like you into the streets naked," he
I asked.
might be molested," he said.
Master," I said.
I looked
down, as though confused, and embarrassed.
long has it been since you have been touched?" he asked.
weeks," I said.
he said.
you, Master," I whispered.
he has many women," the fellow speculated.
I said, "only me."
said he, "it is indeed incredible."
you, Master," I said, shyly.
afford a slave such as you," he said, "he must be well off."
is rich," I said.
why would he not have many women?" asked the fellow.
cares more for his business than for women," I said.
are quite beautiful," he said, admiring me with the openness and candor of
a Gorean master.
(pg. 298)
"Thank you, Master," I said, even as a slave reddening under that
you truly in desperate need?" he asked.
Master," I said. That was true. My master kept me starved for sex. It
seemed to be his belief that my needs, if painful, would improve me in this
sort of performance. Perhaps he was right. Surely if a Gorean master were
skillful in reading a woman’s body, as many are, there would be little there,
now, at least in this one respect, to suggest deception. I squirmed naked
before him, on my knees.
am sorry," he said.
I put
down my head. I wished he was not truly concerned with me. Gorean masters, incidentally,
almost never deprive a girl of sex, though it can, of course, be done with an
end in view, for such purposes as punishment, increasing her need for a later
time, or bringing her to a good, hot ready point for, say, her sale from a
slave block. The deliberate starving of a woman of sex is almost unheard of on
Gor. that sort of thing is, I think, more likely to be done on Earth, than Gor,
and, on Earth, it seems to be practiced more frequently, interestingly enough,
not on slaves, but free women. Indeed, one of the major differences between the
slave and her free sister. This is not to say that a slave may not occasionally
be made to beg for sex, or that she may not, upon occasion, have to beg for it.
These things help her to understand that she has sexual needs, and that whether
or not these needs are to be satisfied, is at the option of the master. A
formula sometimes used is: "I acknowledge unequivocally and without
reservation that I have sexual needs. Similarly I inform you that I want them
satisfied. I beg you, Master, to satisfy them." It might be noted in this,
of course, that a slave may beg for sexual satisfaction. She is free to do so,
and it is quite acceptable for her to do so. Such a liberty, of course, would
be unthinkable in the case of a free woman. Needless to say, the master
commonly accedes to the pleas of the slave. When he himself desires sex, of
course, he simply takes it, or imposes it on the slave. Her will is nothing.
And she must strive to be fully pleasing. He is master; she is slave.
am lonely, I am neglected, I am in need," I said. "My master cares
more for his business than for his slave."
am sorry," he said.
are strong, and a male," I said, looking up, "and I am small, and
weak, and a female, and am in need."
He said
(pg. 299)
"I would tie the bondage knot in my hair for you," I said.
you soliciting the touch of a man who is not your master?" he asked.
no Master!" I said, quickly.
you scorn me for my helplessness?" I asked.
he said.
are kind to a slave," I whispered.
any event," he said, "you wear the iron belt."
I said, quickly, quietly. "It is for such a reason that I have knelt
before you. My master, in his anger, and in his preoccupation with his
business, when he put the belt on me, neglected to remove the key for the lock.
It is still there. I have felt it from behind my back."
he said, interested.
I whispered.
must, indeed, have been preoccupied," he said.
was angry, too," I said. "He stripped me, put the belt on me and sent
me on an errand, from the house. I do not think he was much paying attention to
what he was doing." This seemed to me the weakest part of the story, that
a Gorean master might neglect to remove a key from a lock. Such things are
commonly done by habit, if nothing else. I did have an errand capsule, a capped,
narrow leather cylinder, such as may be used for carrying notes, messages, and
such, on a string about my neck, the string over my collar.
belt then could be easily removed from you," said the fellow, "and
later replaced."
I said.
I could
see that he was interested in me. I had been found desirable, apparently
extremely so. To be sure, a key could be left in a lock. Such things could
happen. Should a fellow question such luck?
" I
do not own you," he said.
so," I said, "for an Ahn."
is no place," he said.
me into the alleyway," I said. "Spill garbage, or refuse, upon the
stones, for I am a slave and am worth less than even it, and have no value lest
it be to serve a master, and put me upon it. Make that my bed."
cloak, doubled, will do," he smiled.
me then within it," I said, "as though within your arms, that I may
then within its enclosing warmth, as though (pg. 300) within the confines of a
cell, tender my woman’s submission to your maleness."
I then,
slowly, gracefully, kneeling before him, looking up at him, tied the bondage
know in my hair, it then hanging beside my right cheek.
me into the alley," he said, kindly.
I rose,
gracefully, and did so. I would rather he had not been so concerned for me. I
remembered he knife of my master’s man, the point entered ever so slightly into
my belly, the edge of the knife turned in such a way that I knew it could open
me like a larma.
He spread
the cloak, doubled, on the stones of the alleyway. I knelt upon it, and put my
hands, clasped, behind the back of my head. I hoped that my master’s men had
gone elsewhere. He reached about me, as I pressed myself against him, troubled,
and I felt him turn the key in the lock. In a moment, the belt was laid aside.
are open," he announced.
Master," I said.
are very beautiful," he said.
you, Master," I said.
anything wrong?" he asked.
Master," I said.
we have much time?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said.
long is your errand?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said.
is its nature?" he asked.
do not know," I said.
is doubtless written on a paper, inside the errand capsule," he said.
Master," I said.
whom were you to report, for the conduct of the errand?" he asked.
"Who was to read the message?"
who was designated by my master’s men," I said.
you know his name?" he asked.
I said.
you do know to whom you were supposed to deliver it?" he asked.
Master," I said.
do you expect to deliver it?" he asked.
have already done so," I said.
are returning from your errand?" he said.
am in the midst of it, Maser," I said.
(pg. 301)
"I do not understand," he said.
message is for you," I said.
He looked
at me, puzzled. He then uncapped the errand capsule, and took out the bit of
rolled paper. He unrolled it, and read it. He leaped to his feet, turning, but
already they were upon him. They pummeled him savagely. Then he lay crumpled at
their feet.
me, Master," I said.
the belt back on," said one of my master’s men.
Master," I said. The key was again left in the lock. The paper which had
been extracted from the errand capsule was then rerolled, and thrust in the
capsule, and the capsule again capped. The message read, I have been told,
"You have been captured."
for the black chain of Ionicus," said one of my master’s men,. Ionicus was
a master of work chains. He ahd several, the "red chain," the
"green china," "the yellow chain," and so on, each of which
boasted several hundred men. Supposedly these were free work chains,
"free" in the sense of not utilizing slaves. Goreans generally do not
employ slaves for such labors as road construction, siege works, raising walls,
and so on. Similarly they generally would not use them for the construction of
temples and public buildings. Most such work is generally done by the free
labor of a given community, though this "free labor" may, upon occasion,
particularly in emergencies, be "levied," the laborers then
contributing their labor as a form of special tax, or, if you like,
"conscripted" or "drafted," rather as if for military
service. Usually, of course, the free labor is paid, and with more than
provisions and shelter, either from public or private funds. Any city in which
free laborers tended to be systematically robbed of their employments in virtue
of imbonded competition would doubtless be inviting discontent, and perhaps,
eventually, revolution. Besides, the free laborers share a Home Stone with the
aristocracies of these cities, the upper castes, the higher families, the
richer families, and so on. Accordingly, because of this commonality of the
Home Stone, love of their city, the sharing of citizenship, and such, there is
generally a harmonious set of economic compromises obtaining the labor force,
in general. Happily, most of these compromises are unquestioned matters of
cultural tradition. They are taken for granted, usually, by all the citizens,
and their remote origins, sometimes doubtless the outcome of internecine
strife, of class war, of street fighting and riots, of bloody, house-to-house
(pg. 302) determinations in the past, and such, are seldom investigated, save
perhaps by historians, scribes of the past, some seeking, it seems, to know the
truth, for its own sake, others seemingly seeking lessons in the rich
labyrinths of history, in previous human experience, what is to be emulated,
and what is to be avoided. Some think that out of such crises came the
invention of the Home Stone. There are, of course, several mythical accounts of
the origin of the Home Stone. One popular account has it that an ancient hero,
Hesius, once performed great labors for Priest-Kings, and was promised a reward
greater than gold and silver. He was given, however, only a flat piece of rock
with a single character inscribed on it, the first letter in the name of his
native village. He reproached the Priest-Kings with their niggardliness, and
what he regarded as their breach of faith. He was told, however, that what they
gave him was indeed worth far more than gold and silver, that it was a
"Home Stone." He returned to his native village, which was torn with
war and strife. He told the story there, and put the stone in the market place.
"Of the Priest-Kings say this is worth more than gold and silver,"
said a wise man, "it must be true." "Yes," said the people.
"Ours," responded Hesius. Weapons were then laid aside, and peace
pledged. The name of the village was "Ar." It is generally accepted
in Gorean tradition that the Home Stone of Ar is the oldest Home Stone on Gor.
said the other of my master’s men. My master was Tyrrhenius of Argentum, who
owned the tavern. To be sure, I had not been allowed to dance there. He did not
want me to be well known as one of his girls. He had surreptitious dealings
with various masters of work chains, among them he called Ionicus. My master
had once, while I was licking his feet,
congratulated me on being an excellent Lure Girl. "Thank you,
Master," I had said. I was a slave girl. We must obey our masters.
the cart," said the first of my master’s men.
Master," I said, and hurried out to the street, where we had left the
hand-drawn cart.
in the cities, where the rights of citizenship are clearest, where the sways of
custom and tradition tend to be jealously guarded, where the influence of Home
Stones is likely to be most keenly felt, free labor was generally held its own,
the same cannot be said for all rural areas of Gor, particularly areas which
fall outside the obvious jurisdiction or sphere of influence of nearby cities.
Too, it is difficult to be a citizen of a city if one cannot reach it within a
day’s march. Citizenship, or its (pg. 303) retention, on other than a nominal
basis, in some cities, is contingent on such things as attending public
ceremonies, such as an official semi-annual taking of auspices, and
participating in numerous public assemblies, some of which are called on short
notice. Accordingly, for various reasons, such as lack of citizenship, an
inability to properly exercise it, resulting in effective disenfranchisement,
or, most often, a fierce independence, repudiating allegiance to anything save
one’s own village, the farmers, or peasantry, are more likely to suffer from
the results of cheap competition than their own urban brethren. In the last
several years, the institution of the "great farm," with its
projected contracts, its organization and planning, its agricultural expertise,
and its imbonded labor force has become more common on Gor. Some Gorean farmers
own their own land, and some share in land owned by a village. It is not
unknown for both sorts to receive offers from agents of the "great
Farms," sometimes owned by individuals, and sometimes by companies, whose
capital has been generated by the investments of individuals who are, in
effect, stockholders. Many times these offers, which are usually generous, are
accepted, with the result that the amount of area under cultivation by the
great farms tends to increase. Sometimes, it is said, that cruel and unfair
pressure is applied to farmers, or villages, such as threats, or the burning of
crops, and such, but I would think that this would surely be the exception
rather than the rule. When the great farms can usually achieve their aims,
statistically, by legitimate business measures there would be little point in
having recourse to irregular inducements. Too, the Gorean peasant tends to be a
master of the "peasant bow," a weapon of unusual accuracy, rapidity
of fire, and striking force. Usually, as it is their caste policy, the farmers
or villagers seek new land, usually farther away, to start again. They seldom
attempt to enter the cities, where they might eventually contribute to the
formation of a discontented urban proletariat. Their caste codes discourage it.
Also, of course, they would generally not be citizens of the city and in the
city there would be little opportunity for them to practice their caste crafts.
Also, may cities, save those interested, for one reason or another, in
increasing their population, for better or for worse, tend not be enthusiastic
about accepting influxes of the indigent. Such have contributed, through
economic hardship, or treachery, to the diminishment, and even fall, of more
than one city. I think that the cities, on the whole, have mixed feelings about
the great farms. Whereas they welcome currently lower prices on produce and
greater assurances of its variety and quantities, they also tend (304) to
regret the withdrawal or loss of the local peasantry, which provided them not
only with a plethora of individual suppliers, tending to generate a free
market, complex and competitive, but also with a sphere of intelligence and
even defense about the city. An organization of great farms, acting in concert,
of course, could reduce competition, and eventually regulate prices rather as
they pleased, particularly with regard to staples such as Sa-Tarna and Suls.
Accordingly some cities have been willing to offer inducements to farmers to
remain in their vicinity, such as a liberalization of the requirements of
citizenship, the performance of rural sacrifices, the holding of games in rural
areas, subsidizing the touring of theatrical
musical troupes in the countryside, special holidays honoring the agricultural
caste, which may be celebrated in the city, and so on. In many cases these
inducements appear to have been effective. The farmer likes to be appreciated,
and to have the importance and value of his work recognized. He thinks of his
caste as "the ox on which the Home Stone rests." Too, of course, he
generally prefers to stay where he is. He is fond of the land he knows.
I put
myself between the handles of the cart and, drawing it, returned into the
alleyway. The fellow was now bound and gagged. He was tied as helplessly as
though he might have been a woman, and a woman who was only a slave. He was
still unconscious.
watch," said one of my master’s men.
I quickly
turned about and ran to the end of the alleyway, where I could see the street,
both ways.
Two forms
of work groups not localized to individual cites are the "free gang"
and the "free" chain. These differ both from the free laborers
indigenous to a given city and from work groups of slaves, such as those which
are commonly used on the great farms. The "free gang" consists of
free men who are in the hire of a contractor who rents their services, and his
own, say, to various cities, organizations, and groups. They are, in effect,
something like traveling construction crews. Many of them are skilled, or
semiskilled, workers, and they can come and go as they please. They travel
about in wagons. Many of them are rough, but good-hearted men. They enjoy
drinking, brawling and mastering slaves. I had been in the arms of some such
men in Brundisium. They made me serve well. The "free " chain, on the
other hand, consists usually, I had been told, of condemned criminals. Rather
than bother with housing these fellows, many of whom are supposedly dangerous,
putting them up at public expense, and so on, many cities, for a nominal fee,
turn them (pg. 305) over to a work master who accepts charge of them,
theoretically for the duration of time remaining in their sentences. For
example, if a fellow has been sentenced, say, to two years of hard labor by a
praetor, he might be turned over, for a small fee, to the master of a work gang
who will see to it, theatrically, that he performs these two years of hard
labor. The work master of course, profits from the services of his gang, which
he rents out to various individuals, or groups, and so on, rather as the
managers or captains, of the "free" gangs can rent out their own
crews. The "free" chain, of course, can be hired more cheaply. On the
other hand, it usually tends to have a far more limited pool of skills than
that of the "free gangs" and, accordingly, it is usually employed in
ruder, less demanding labors, or even in labors which, because of their
arduousness, or their onerous nature, would be distasteful to free gangs.
Supposedly when the criminal’s sentence has been served, he is to be released
by the work master, usually then far from the city where he committed his crime
or was apprehended. On the other hand, it is suspected that work masters tend
to be somewhat reluctant to free the fellows on their chains. They would then,
it seems, have to pay a new fee to replace him. It seems certain that more than
one fellow has been kept on the chain far longer than his sentence would seem
to require. For example, it seems certain that small infractions, invented or
discovered, of regulations, or discipline, are utilized by work masters, at
least from time to time, to "extend" the sentence, or de-facto
servitude, of the worker in question. The hope of being freed, of course,
generally keeps the chain "tame." Occasionally perhaps, a fellow is
released. This is supposed to encourage docility in the others. These fellows,
incidentally, are in effect under "slave discipline" which means, on
Gor, that they are as much at the mercy of the work master as if they were his
slaves. He may kill them, for example, if he wishes. My master, Tyrrhenius of
Argentum, at whose mercy I was, and similarly at the mercy of those whom he had
appointed to supervise my work, had dealings with various work masters,
prominent among them Ionicus, Ionicus of Cos. The fellow behind me, whom my
master’s men had bound, and whom they were doubtless placing on the cart, was
destined, I head heard, for the "black chain" of Ionicus. That
particular chain, I had heard, was employed in the north, currently digging
siege trenches for the Cosians who had invested Torcadino. The fellow whom they
had bound, of course, and the others in whose capture I had been implicated,
were not, as far as I knew, criminals. My master, Tyrrhenius, spoke of his work
as "recruitment." (pg. 306) He was "recruiting" for the
chains of work masters. To be sure, he must do this work surreptitiously. It would
be quite unfortunate for him, I gathered, if he were to be discovered to have
been involved in such work. Judges, magistrates, and
would not be likely to look indulgently on these activities. To be sure, he was
not taking risks as great as it might seem. For example, he was not directly,
personally involved in these things. The fellows captured would not know where
they were being held, nor, hooded and chained, from what place they were taken
forth later. Also, I supposed, later on, after he had some more use out of me,
he would sell me off in some market or another. He could find himself a new
lure girl. Indeed, for all I knew, he might be using others of his girls in
these same cruel and delusory labors. I did not much fear another sale. I had already
been sold a number of times. A girl’s first sale, at least her first public
one, as mine was at Market of Semris, when she is exposed on a block naked to
buyers, and such, is probably the hardest for her. After that she has some
sense of what it is to be vended merchandise. Indeed, I was excited at the
thought of being sold again. I wanted to be beautiful, to please men, and to
bring the highest price in the market. The chances of my encountering any of
the fellows in whose captures I had been implicated, incidentally, were not
high. They had, it seemed, all been shipped north of Torcadino. I thought of
Tyrrhenius. He was not, truly, as I again thought of it, taking such great
risks. Who could prove that he had been involved in these things? My own testimony,
even if it were dragged out of me on the rack, would be only that of a slave;
his men would presumably not betray
him; and he could always claim that his tavern, the basement, and such, had
been used without his knowledge. He could feign dismay. He was respected in
Argentum. He did not even reside on the premises.
is coming!" I called back, softly, to my master’s men. They were placing
the bound, gagged fellow in the cart. They would tie him there. Then they would
cover him with a tarpaulin.
asked the first of my master’s men.
I nodded.
him," called the fellow, a fierce, projected whisper.
approaching fellow was some ten to fifteen yards away, to my left. He wore a
short cloak, fastened by a large bronze pin at the right shoulder, high,
bootlike sandals, and a broad-rimmed hat. A sack was slung on a stick, the
stick resting over his shoulder. He carried, on a strap over his left shoulder,
the strap (pg. 307) under his cloak, a sword. I supposed that he might be able to
use it. The hat, with its broad brim pulled down against the sun, with its
attendant shadow, muchly concealed his features. I took him for a traveler. It
is a not unusual traveling costume for males on Gor. such a costume, too, it
might be mentioned, is often worn for hunting. Head down, I hurried forth, and
knelt before him, blocking his way. I
put my had down to his feet. This is a suitable deference in a female slave
before a free male. I tensed, for I expected, having so blocked his path, to be
kicked, or struck. I must then try to seize an ankle, or knee, pleading
desperate need. I knew I might risk a thrashing with his stick. But I had been
ordered to delay him, and delay him I would, if I could. "A needful slave
begs master to take pity upon her," I said. I trembled. But I did not feel
the scorn of his foot, thrusting me to the side, toward the central gutter in
the street, nor did I feel his hand in my hair, yanking my head up, to lash my
face back and forth with what would undoubtedly have been a well-deserved
cuffing. He did not even spit upon me, or cry out in anger, or deride me, or
even order me from his path. Swiftly I began kissing, and licking, at his feet,
performing appropriate obesiances before him, a male. I was puzzled. Then I was
afraid. Gorean masters are often kind to needful slaves, acceding to their
pleas for sex. Though I was eager to be touched, and Tyrrhenius of Argentum, my
master, had, as a matter of policy, kept me in a torment of sexual deprivation.
I did not want this fellow, a stranger accosted on the street, to use me. My
master’s men were nearby.
kiss and lick as well as ever, perhaps even better, Doreen," he said.
"Or is it still ‘Doreen’? he asked.
I looked
up, startled.
am now Tuka, Master," I said.
excellent name for a slave slut such as you," he said.
you, Master," I said.
know me, do you not?" he asked, smiling.
Master," I whispered, frightened.
was because of you," he laughed, "curvy little she-urt, that I lost
my post in Brundisium."
me, Master," I said. I feared that he might whip me.
do not blame Hendow for being jealous," he said. "A man might be
driven to distraction by a face and curves like yours."
you, Master," I whispered.
I taught you something of what it is to be a slave, did I not?" he asked.
(pg. 308)
"Yes, Master," I said. It was very true.
were stolen, weren’t you?" he asked.
Master," I said.
is what I heard in Brundisium," he said. "I did not think Hendow
would have let you go."
not, Master," I said. I did not really know. It seemed to me implausible
that Hendow could have cared for me. He had used me only once, and then
ruthlessly. On Earth weaklings who wish to rid themselves of women sometimes
take refuge in the comforting rationalization that they "love them enough
to let them go." That position, whatever may be its moral or psychological
merits, does not represent a typical Gorean response, at least where slaves are
concerned. Most Gorean would regard it as absurd to let a woman go for whom one
truly cared. One shows caring by keeping. And, if necessary, by fighting. What
woman, I wondered, could not see through such cant? Most women, it seemed to
me, would prefer a man who cared enough for her to keep her, one who was
willing, even, to fight for her, rather than one who was willing to "let
her go."
Tupita was stolen at the same time," he said.
Master," I said. It did not seem to me important to tell him that Tupita
had been attempting to escape, using my sales price to purchase passage from
Brundisium. "You did not come to Argentum searching for me, did you?"
I asked.
he laughed.
I said. I had thought he might have done so. I was a bit miffed by this.
is far from Brundisium," I observed.
have come to Argentum seeking my fortune," he said. "I will seek
service with some mercenary captain."
It seemed
to me certainly that one might find such service closer to Brundisium.
happened to Tupita?" he asked. "Do you know what became of her?"
were both sold in Samnium," I said. "I do not know who purchased her.
I do not know where she went."
was pretty," he said.
Master," I agreed.
recovery period is passed, long ago," he said. "You are both the full
legal properties of your new masters."
Master," I said. I heard the wheels of the cart trundling from the
alleyway now. The fellow who had been bound (pg. 309) and gagged was doubtless
now tied down in the cart, hand and foot, belly and neck, and covered by the
is wrong?" he asked.
Master," I said.
you hips still loose?" he asked. "Do you still sway well?"
I cast a
frightened glance back toward the opening of the alleyway. "My current
master does not use me as a dancer," I said.
master’s men, with the cart, one of them drawing the car, the other thrusting
it from behind, emerged from the alleyway. "Greetings, Citizen," said
the first of my master’s men, he between the handles of the cart.
said the fellow before whom I knelt. He was not, of course, a citizen of
out for her," grinned the first of my master’s men. "She hangs out
around here from time to time, begging to be touched."
you for the warning," laughed the fellow before whom I knelt.
I put my
head down, so spoken of. Yet truly I was needful. It seemed my sexual needs had
increased a thousand times on Gor. I could not help myself.
you contented her?" asked he before whom I knelt.
I," laughed the fellow. "She is in a collar. She is nothing. Let her
grovel, and scream with need. It amuses us."
see," said the fellow before whom I knelt. He did not seem too pleased
with what he had heard.
said the first of master’s men, "as you can see, her pretty, little body
is snugly enclosed in the iron belt."
it might seem," said the fellow before whom I knelt.
then, to my relief, seemingly continued on their way, albeit slowly, one
drawing the cart, the other pushing it. Perhaps the cart was heavy.
must go now, Master," I said. I wished to leap up, and be on my way.
I given you permission to rise?" he asked.
Master," I said. "Forgive me, Master."
I could
see, behind him, that the two men of my master had stopped, apparently
adjusting the tarpaulin in the cart.
key has been left in the belt," he said. "Did you know that?" he
had had no difficulty in making this determination, as I had knelt before him,
earlier, my head down to his feet.
Master," I said.
(pg. 310)
"That would seem very careless of your master," he said.
Master," I said.
he does not pay as close attention to you as he might," speculated the
Master," I whispered.
I looked
beyond the man, to my master’s men. The cart was now a few yards down the
street. The first of my master’s men was looking at me. The second was
pretending to be inspecting the wheel of the cart.
Master has pressing concerns," I said. "He must doubtless soon be on
his way."
said the fellow. "What is the matter with you?"
Master," I said.
think you are needful," he said.
I looked
beyond the fellow. I saw the first of my master’s men make the sign, the signal
of designation.
is wrong," said the fellow before whom I knelt, "I can tell."
Master," I whispered.
The first
of my master’s men then, unpleasantly, severely, impatiently. Abruptly, as
though he could not understand my dalliance, made an angry gesture across his
lower belly. I put my head down, in my hands. I sobbed.
are in need," said the fellow before whom I knelt.
I lifted
my head. I lowered my hands from before my face. "My master," I said,
"is much preoccupied with his business, and neglects me."
21 THE
I knelt
in the alcove, naked, on the furs. A heavy metal collar, and chain, was on my
neck. It fastened me to the back wall of the alcove.
I saw the
leather curtains part. The fellow was drunk, and stinking of drink. He did not
even close the curtains behind him. but they were closed. Perhaps by my
master’s men. I had not been put into the streets for the last five days. I had
spent much (pg. 311) time in my cell, in the basement. Twice I had been brought
up from the basement, ostensibly to serve on the floor, but actually to
interest one fellow or another in me. These were invariably strangers, and
alone, in Argentum on business. Too, they were large, strong fellows. I would
moan, and lick, about them, arousing their interest. If I failed, I had been
told that I would be whipped or slain.
My master’s men would tell him, too, that I was an excellent slave lay. I hoped
that this was true. I do not know, however, how they would have known this, as
none of them had ever used me. Part of my master’s policy with respect to me
was to systematically deny my needs. When the fellow would express interest in
me I would be taken to an alcove, Alcove Two, and chained there, to await him.
meanwhile my master’s men would ply him with drink, sometimes even mixed with
sedating drugs. This made their work easier. Some of these fellows were very strong.
is the little honey cake?" asked the fellow, looking about, squinting. He
then fell forward, on his hands and knees, on the furs. He slipped to his
stomach. His head lifted. His eyes were bleary with drink.
am here, Master," I said, shrinking back against the wall.
were side panels on each side of the entrance to the alcove. Such panels, where
they exist, are normally kept locked on the inside. These, however, were not
locked. Such passages are rare in alcoves, and from alcoves to the rear of the
tavern, without reentering the main floor area. Such exits have various
utilities, such as making it unnecessary for a fellow on the way out to
encounter another on the way in, and permitting a fellow to withdraw from the
area unnoticed, perhaps thereby avoiding an enemy or enemies, and gaining time
on them, perhaps two or three hours, while they wait for him to emerge. Too, as
a general policy, many Goreans prefer rooms with at least two exits.
asked the fellow, thickly.
I whispered.
panels were well greased. They would be moved back quietly, behind the fellow
on the furs.
fellow moved himself to a sitting position, and sat there, half asleep, on the
I whispered, again.
blinked, sleepily, in my direction. He then went to all fours, to crawl toward
I did not
know if he could reach me.
(pg. 312)
"Open your arms," he said, slowly.
I could
smell his breath, heavy with drink, and garlic, and herbs, across the furs. I
opened my arms, obediently, to him. Slave girls are not permitted to be
fastidious. We must take what comes. What matters is that these fellows have
paid their fees to out masters. Accordingly we must serve them with enthusiasm,
skill and passion. They have paid their money. We must thus see to tit that we
are marvels to them, that we serve them with eagerness and perfection. This is
not a matter, incidentally, of serving regardless of our will and possible
desires, or in spite of them, but of actually adjusting our will and desires,
in such service. To be sure, some men enjoy taking a woman who hates them, and
whom they hate, and reducing her to a panting, pleading slave, begging for a
continuation of their touch, which they may then either grant or deny her, as
it pleases them.
crawled toward me, and then crouched, unsteadily, before me. I quickly took him
in my arms, pressing myself gratefully against him. I hoped, even in this time,
even in these circumstances, that I might gain from him a moment or two of
relief. Perhaps my master’s men would not soon enter the alcove. Perhaps, best,
they could decide they did not want this man. He was too heavy to hold. I
lowered him to the furs. He was asleep. The two panels slid noiselessly open.
slut," said the first of my master’s men.
I crept
back against the wall.
I watched
the other of my master’s men drag the
fellow from the alcove by an arm.
see that your hands will have to be fastened behind you again tonight,"
said the first of my master’s men.
I put
down my head.
about, kneeling," he said.
I did so.
I expected him to put a belly chain on me, padlocked in front, with slave
bracelets attached in the back. I had worn it the last eleven nights. But he
did not do so. Instead I felt binding fiber cinched about my waist, and then my
hands, wrists crossed, were, to this same fiber, tied behind my back. I did not
understand this. He open the heavy collar, attached to the wall chain, which
had been closed about my neck. He then drew me to my feet by an arm. "The
Master wants to see you," he said.
I asked.
silent," he said.
Master," I said.
your knees more widely, Tuka," said my master, Tyrrhenius of Argentum.
I obeyed.
regarded me, not speaking.
I knelt
before him on a circular scarlet rug, he in a curule chair looking down at me.
My hands were tied behind my back, to a length of binding fiber cinched snugly
about my waist. His men were near him, the two who had been as my masters in my
are an Earth slut, are you not?" he asked.
Master," I said. "That is, I am a woman from Earth, who was brought
here and enslaved."
slut," he said.
Master," I said. "I am a slut from Earth, who was brought here and
enslaved." I supposed, in a sense, I had been a slut on Earth. Certainly I
had been interested in men, and in sexual experience, even then, though I had
been shy, and afraid of both. Here, of course, on Gor, there was no question
about the matter. I had learned that here I was a slave slut, and an exciting
and attractive one.
is the history of your bondage?" he asked.
I did not
understand his interest in this matter. On the other hand, I supposed he had
his reasons. He did not seem idly curious. Besides, he was a free man, and I, a
female slave, had been asked a question.
was captured on Earth," I said, "and brought to your beautiful world,
where I was imbonded. I do not know the place to which I was brought, where I
was branded and collared. It was, it seems, across a sea."
probably," said one of my master’s men.
he said.
was sold outside Brundisium, in a sales camp," I said.
said one of my master’s men. "It would doubtless, then, have been
(pg. 314)
"Perhaps," said my master.
first public sale took place in Market of Semris," I said, "at the
sales barn of Teibar, of that town. I was purchased there by Hendow, a taverner
of Brundisium. I was stolen from Brundisium, and sold in Samnium. There I was
purchased by Gordon, an itinerant musician. It was from him, in Market of
Semris, that I was purchased by you, my master."
did you do in the tavern of Hendow," asked my master.
worked in the kitchen," I said.
one with your beauty served also in the alcoves," he said.
Master," I said.
you also dance?" he asked.
Master," I said.
The men
exchanged glances. I pulled at the binding fiber a little, confining my wrists.
I was well tied. It had been done by a Gorean master.
I looked
at the men. I did not understand their interest in these things.
you care to be fed to sleen?" he asked.
Master!" I cried. Quickly I put my head down to the floor.
is my understanding that six days ago, on the streets," he said, "you
exhibited a momentary hesitancy in carrying out a capture."
I flung
myself to my belly, my hands tied behind me, before his chair. I was terrified.
"Forgive me, Master!" I cried. "Forgive me!"
you know the individual?" he asked.
Master!" I cried. I had known him. he had been kind to me!"
whom does a girl own absolute and perfect obedience?" he asked.
her master! To her master!" I wept.
her, and beat her," he said, dispassionately.
I was
then spurned and abused with the feet of his men, and I was then pulled up to
my knees and cuffed several times before my master. Then they stepped back. I
was then again on my knees, my lips now bleeding, before my master. I tasted
"You are contrite now, are you not, Tuka?"
he asked.
Master," I said, frightened. I knew I should not have hesitated. I was a
(pg. 315)
"But you have been on the whole an excellent lure girl," he said,
"one of he best I have ever had."
you, Master," I whispered.
are extremely intelligent," he said, "as well as extremely
you, Master," I whispered. I felt that my intelligence was small compared
to that of most Gorean males, but I did not fell intelligently inferior, at
least generally, to the women I had met on Gor, either girls from Earth, such
as Gloria and Clarissa, who had been with me at Market of Semris, or those
native to Gor, women such as Tula and Ina, and Sita and Aynur, whom I had known
at the tavern of Hendow, on Dock Street, in Brundisium. I did not know if the
high intelligence of Gorean men was a function of those men who had been brought
to Gor in the distant past, perhaps chosen for intelligence, as well as other
qualities, or if it had to do rather, for the most part, with the exhilarating,
liberating Gorean cultural milieu, one alien to negativity, inhibition and
frustration, one perhaps, in virtue of permitting an open, honest and freed
manhood, more conducive to emotional and mental growth.
these qualities have contributed to your effectiveness as a lure girl," he
Master," I said, uneasily.
even so," he said, "the effectiveness of a lure girl is usually
I asked, apprehensively.
too," he said, "I think that your utility as such, even with your
intelligence and beauty, at least in this area, may be coming to an end."
I did not
say anything. I was helpless.
he said, "there is a question as to how much risk it is rational to
I did not
what it is worth," he said, "you have served longer than any other
lure girl I have used in this area."
I nodded,
swallowing hard.
have made more captures than any other," he said.
you, Master," I said.
are now, however, I think," he said, "becoming a bit too well known
in Argentum."
master say," I said. I had no idea, of course, as to whether or not such a
thing was true. I did suppose I had been seen about the streets, here and
there. This may have raised suspicions.
he said, "there have been inquiries."
I looked
at him, apprehensively.
he said, "I think a lure girl should be less beautiful, less striking,
perhaps, than you. you are perhaps the sort who is too easily remembered."
I said
he said, "I think it is now time to dispose of you."
I asked, frightened.
not fear," he said, smiling. "I have no intention of losing my
investment in you."
Master will sell me?" I begged.
have already been sold," he said.
I looked
at him, astonished.
have received for you five silver tarsks, and one tarsk bit," he smiled.
"I paid five silver tarsks for you, as you may recall. Thus I have made a
profit on you."
Master," I said.
her," he said.
One of
his men then put a gag in my mouth, attached to a slave hood, fastened it in
place, and then pulled the hood down over my head, and buckled it shut about my
neck. I felt a collar put about my neck and locked. The collar I had originally
worn then, that of Tyrrhenius of Argentum, was removed from my neck. I then
knelt there, gagged and hooded, my hands bound behind me. I was trembling.
her to her new master," he said.
23 THE
cried a fellow, elatedly. "look!"
fifth slut!" cried another. "Look!"
is she!" cried another. "Look!"
you know her?" asked another fellow.
know here well," said another fellow, with grim satisfaction.
(pg. 317)
I half stumbled in the chains. My feet hurt on the hot gravel. The sun was hot
on my bare arms and legs. I could take only short steps for my ankles were
shackled, the run of chain between them only some eight to ten inches. Iron,
too, adorned my wrists. I wore manacles. With expert blows, on an anvil, these
had been hammered shut, leaving only a fine line where the edges met. The
manacles were joined by some seven or eight inches of chain. Another chain,
some three feet in length, ran from the center of an ankle chain to the center
of the chain joining the wrist rings. Standing upright, then, I could not lift
my hands, even to feed myself. I was also in neck coffle, the fifth girl in the
coffle. A chain ran from a ring on the back of the collar of the chain ran from
the ring on the back of my collar to the ring on the front of the collar of the
girl who followed me. Thusly we were fastened together.
is she," announced another fellow.
kajirae," said a fellow with a whip.
said another man.
I looked
about myself, wildly, in terror.
I heard
the snap of the whip and, together, we hurried forward, within the fence,
toward the square tent, the overseer’s tent, on a rise in the distance.
fellows along our route, sweating, half-stripped, in their ankle chains, paused
in their labors, resting on their implements, to watch us pass.
is you, is it not," asked the girl before me, whispering over her
shoulder, "to whom these beasts refer?"
fear so," I moaned.
is it they know you?" asked the girl behind me.
Argentum," I said.
is us," said the girl before me. "These brutes are criminals,
murderers, cutthroats, brigands, dangerous men, held in penal servitude. We
shall be fortunate if we are not killed!"
guards must protect us," said the third girl.
how can we garner such shelter?" wept the second girl.
you had been a slave longer, you would know the answer to that question,"
said the third girl.
second girl moaned. She was naïve. Her brand had not been on her long.
We were
female work slaves. Such are used among the chains largely for carrying water.
Other purposes, too, as might be expected, may be found for them.
am afraid," said the second girl.
(pg. 318)
"Look!" cried a man, as we passed. "She! It is she, I am sure of
said another. "You are right! I, too, am sure of it!"
shuddered. "Not all of these men are criminals," I said to the second
is that?" asked the girl behind me.
are honest fellows," I said, "caught, impressed into labor."
things are not done," said the girl before me.
are mistaken," I told her.
are many ways," said the girl behind me. "Some times lure girls are
used." Then she said, "Perhaps Tuka knows about that."
I was
are very pretty, Tuka," said the girl behind me.
I was
are probably pretty enough to be a lure girl," she added.
I was
would not wish to be a lure girl who came within their reach," she
remarked. "I might be torn to pieces. It would doubtless be far worse, of
course, if I were the actual girl who had been involved in their capture."
is wrong, Tuka?" she asked.
I said.
suppose that these fellows out here, with the digging, the labor and the whip,
have little to live for," she remarked, "except perhaps
trembled in the chains.
not be frightened, Tuka," she said. "You have nothing to fear, for
you were surely never a lure girl."
Over the
fence, in the distance, I could see the walls of a city. I had been told it was
Venna. I had been told this by the girl who was now first on the chain. She had
seen it once, long ago, when she had been a rich, spoiled, beautiful free
woman, in her robes of concealment, from her palanquin. Then she had fallen to
slavers. She was no longer spoiled or rich. No longer did she wear ornate robes
of concealment. She wore now only the same sleeveless, brief, clinging work
tunic as we. To be sure, she was doubtless much more exciting and beautiful now
than she had been when she was free. This sort of thing would not be merely a
matter of the brand and collar, of course, significant though (pg. 319) they
might be, but of the entire radiant transformation of her womanhood as it
blossomed in bondage, she now in her place in nature.
I called to the guard. "Master, may I speak?"
do you want?" he asked, walking beside me now, coiling the whip.
that Venna?" I asked.
said he.
I was
have been sold to a chain of Ionicus," I said.
he said.
When I
had learned, days ago, outside Argentum, that I had been sold to a chain of
Ionicus, I had almost collapsed in fear. "Which chain, Masters?" I
had begged. "Which chain? Please, Masters, which chain?" But my
importunities had earned me then only a cuffing. It had not been until they
were loading me, and four of the other girls, each of us tied within a tall,
narrow leather sack, our heads exposed, the sack locked shut beneath our chins,
into the cargo net, to be slung beneath a draft tarn, that I found out my
specific information pertinent to my fate. "Whither are we bound,
Master?" I had asked of the fellow who would fly the lead tarn, the others
in a roped coffle behind him. "To the loading docks of Aristodemus,"
he had said, "outside the defense perimeter of Venna." "Thank
you, Master!" I had cried, elated. Venna is a small, lovely city, largely
a resort city, north of Ar, on the Viktel Aria. It is know for its tharlarion
races. It is also a common locale, it and its vicinity, for villas of the rich,
usually from Ar. I had feared that we might be bound for Torcadino, a city
currently under siege by Cosians, and their allies, where, employed in the
siegeworks, digging investing trenches, raising earth walls, and such, labored
the "black chain of Ionicus," that chain for which I had aided in the
"enlistment" or "recruitment" of several of its members.
Two days ago we had arrived at the "docks of Aristodemus." Tarn
traffic, because of the conditions of war, and alarms of war, was currently
extremely restricted in the vicinity of Venna, as I took it, it also was in the
vicinity of Ar. The point of this was apparently to render aerial
reconnaissance more difficult and to subject the environing skies to at least
partial control. An unauthorized flight into the area, particularly a day
flight, would thus be easier to detect. Tarnsmen, too, frequently aflight,
conducted patrols. Measures of this sort not only improve the probabilities of
detecting raiders. Or other invaders of airspace, spies, for example, but also,
of course, facilitate the deployment of defensive (pg. 320) forces. Raiders
afoot, of course, move much more slowly, and may find themselves at the mercy
of the skies. At the "docks of Aristodemus" we were put in work
tunics. We were also put in the chains we now wore, with the exception of the
coffle chain. We were then put in slave wagons, with other girls, who had
apparently been awaiting our arrival, to be taken to the work camp. In these
wagons our chained ankles were threaded about the central bar, which was then
locked in place. In this way we are kept in the wagon until masters might be
pleased to release us. Once within the wire of the work camp we were taken from
the wagon, one by one, and put in coffle. We were now making our way through the
camp to the tent of the overseer, near which, for his convenience, would be our
I looked
about myself, and back, at the long chain of me. Some of them were still
looking after our coffle. I was frightened. "What chain is this,
Master?" I asked.
is the black chain," he said.
I cried
out in fear.
is wrong?" he grinned. I am sure he knew.
black chain," I said, "is at Torcadino. It is at Torcadino!"
was at Torcadino," he said. "It is not there any longer. It was
moved. It is here, now, at Venna."
I reeled
in the chains. Things seemed suddenly to move about me, dizzily, and blackness
seemed to leap about me. The chain pulling at the collar ring, in front, kept
me moving.
siegeworks at Torcadino," he said, "or most of the heavy work there,
at any rate, was completed months ago."
I felt
sick, but I must move in the chains.
you are the slut Tuka," said the guard.
I looked
at him, in misery. He had heard my name. I still bore the name which had been
put on me by former master, Tyrrhenius of Argentum. It had been kept on me. I
now, frightened, began to suspect why.
He looked
at me.
Master," I said. "I am the slut Tuka."
thought so," he said. "You have many friends on the chain."
me," I begged. "Protect me!"
he smiled.
will serve you as abjectly as the lowest slut on Gor," I wept.
must so serve anyway," he laughed. "You are a slave."
Master," I moaned.
guards have heard that you were an excellent lure girl," (pg. 321) he
said. "They suspect, thusly, that you might be rather good. They are
looking forward to trying you out."
Master," I said. I would try to serve with perfection.
We were
now ascending the rise toward the square tent, the overseer’s tent. Behind it,
and to the left, at the foot of the hill, on the low ground, in a soft area,
were the pens for the female work slaves. I could see a corner of them as we
climbed the hill.
was told, Master," I said, "that I was sold to my master, Ionicus,
for five silver tarsks and a tarsk bit."
have heard that," he said.
that not a high price to pay for a female work slave?" I asked.
would be quite high, under normal circumstances, for a normal work slave,"
he said, amused. "But my employer, Ionicus, enjoys a good joke. He is the
sort of man who will pay high, to be amused."
see," I whispered.
here," he called to the coffle. We had now ascended the rise, and were on
a flat, open space, before the tent.
ladies," said he, "is the tent of the overseer. Much may depend on
how you please him."
of fear coursed through the chain.
will be removed from the coffle, and taken before him, one by one," he
said. "It is my advice that you open your tunics."
One by
one, beginning with the first girl, we were removed from the coffle. As each of
us was removed from the coffle, we briefly crouched down, so that we might
reach the upper part of our tunics with our chained hands, the chain joining
our hands chained, in turn, to our ankle chain. We then pulled open our tunics.
"Let me help you," said the guard. I stood up, before him, the collar
gone now from my neck. He jerked the sides of the tunic apart, and then pulled
it down, back over my shoulders. "Excellent!" he said.
24 IN
me carry water to them," she said. Her legs were excellent. She had a long
mane of dark hair. it was no wonder she had once served in a tavern. The brief,
clinging work tunic well revealed her. Our feet were covered to the ankles in
the sand.
I stepped
back. I would not dispute the labor with her. I feared to approach this group
of fifty men.
said the guard, grinning. "Tuka."
Ten days
now I had been with the "black chain of Ionicus." Never before,
however, had I been assigned to this crew. Two girls, commonly, are assigned to
each crew. The "black chain," as a whole, consisted of several such
groups, most of some fifty men. The other chains of Ionicus, the "red
chain," the "yellow chain," and so on, were at other locations,
not in the neighborhood of Venna. Ionicus was on of the major masters of work
chains. He himself resided, I understood, in Telenus, the capital of Cos, where
his company had its headquarters. His work chains, however, were politically
neutral, understood under merchant law as hirable instruments. They might,
accordingly, and sometimes did, work for both sides in given conflicts. The
tarsk of gold is the symbol of such men.
I looked
down into the area where the men labored. The men were bagging sand, later to
be used in the making of mortar. The Vennans were concerned to repair and
heighten their walls.
you hesitate?" asked the guard.
Master, of course not, Master!" I said.
said the other girl.
My body,
and even my legs, ached from the weight of the water bag, slung on its strap
over my shoulder. I was pleased when the contents were depleted, for the weight
was less, but then, soon, I must hurry back to the wooden tank, to submerge the
bag again and, as the bubbles streamed up to the surface, and broke there,
refill it. During the day I was not allowed to drink from the bag, but only
from the tank. Usually while one girl returned to the tank, the other would
remain with the crew. In (pg. 323) this way, there was generally water
available, except when the guards wished to punish the men. We might then be
made to kneel or sit in the sight of them, the damp, bulging water bags beside
us, which we were not permitted to bring to them. Sometimes the guards, during
such times of denying the men drink, would help themselves to the water before
them, sometimes spitting it out, or pouring it over their heads and bodies.
Sometimes they would even empty the bag out before them, into the dirt or sand.
About my neck, on a long string, threaded through the handle, hung a metal cup.
This metal cup hung a few inches below my navel. It was a joke of masters. My
chaining was now different from what it had been when I had been brought into
the camp, that I might serve more efficiently. The vertical chain joining my
wrist and ankle chains had been removed. Additional links had been interpolated
into my wrist chain and my ankle chain. My ankles were now separated by some
two feet of chain. There was apparently a rationale to the distance. The
guards, at any rate, had taken measurements. The distance, seemingly rather
small, on the one hand, and rather large, on the other, was seemingly dictated
by a twofold consideration, the preclusion of my capacity to run and the convenience
of the guards, particularly when I was supine, a position in which they
sometimes placed me. My wrists were separated also by a similar, but somewhat
shorter, length of chain. This, in its normal placement, allowed me to use my
hands fairly well. This usage was restricted, of course, if the chains were
thrown behind me, which tends to hold the hands, as they might twist or
struggle back, near my waist or hips. These chaining arrangements were fairly
normal with the female work slaves in the "black chain of Ionicus."
The only differences between our chainings were usually the numbers of links
separating our ankles, this being a function of the length of our legs.
know that he is down there, among the others," said the girl, near me,
she, too, chained, standing in the sand, on the top of the small hill, her own
water bag on its strap over her shoulder.
I whispered, frightened. It was he I feared most, of all of them.
said the girl, again.
I nodded,
not fear," said the guard. "It is unlikely that they will attempt to
kill you while they are in their chains. How could they (324) escape? Too, if
they do attempt to kill you, I might attempt to intervene. I might even be in
Master," I whispered, fearfully. If they did wish to kill me, I knew,
however, they could do so quite quickly. The guard, if he remained at the top
of the rise, as he apparently intended, of this low, sloping sandy hill, could
never reach in time. I could be strangled in an instant, the cartilage in my
throat broken, ruptured, by strong hands. Similarly, in an instant, my neck, or
my back, thrown over their knees, could be broken. I cast a frightened glance
at the other girl. She, like myself, had been sold in Samnium. She, however,
had been sold directly to an agent of Ionicus, and sent to the black chain,
which, at that time, had been at Torcadino. She had come with the chain east to
Venna. The agent in Samnium had purchased her. I had been told by another girl,
one apparently sold at about the same time and also purchased by the agent of
Ionicus, for seventy copper tarsks. I had brought fifty. The other girl, she
who had told me this, by her own account, had brought only forty. It seemed we
had all been sold very cheaply. To be sure, we had all been stolen slaves. The
recovery period having passed, of course, we were now the legal properties,
fully, and in all senses, of out current master, Ionicus of Cos. I was angry
that I had sold for twenty copper tarsks less than she. Surely I was as beautiful
as she, or perhaps even more so. At any rate, we were both, I was sure, lovely
female slaves. Perhaps much depends on the individual man, and how much we
interest him? Perhaps I had been sold before the agent had come to the market?
Too, my former master, Gordon, had paid fifty copper tarsks for me, and this
was undoubtedly a great deal of money for him. Surely that should count for
something. He was only an impoverished itinerant musician. He was not the agent
of what was, in effect, an international company, with considerable funds,
those of his employer, not his own, to expend! I was sure that I was more
beautiful than she, or that at least some men, nay, many men, would regard me
as so! Surely I had stood higher in several of the lists at the baths than she!
I made my
way slowly down the hill, through the sand. I went slowly not only because I
was afraid but also because I did not want, because of the steepness, or my
chains, to fall. It was shortly after the tenth Ahn, the Gorean noon. My shadow
was small on the hot, sloping sand in front of me. Here and there a hardy,
rough grass, or a patch of weeds, thrust up from the sand.
I looked
back, once, at the guard, and the girl, another work slave, at the top of the
tiny hill.
(pg. 325)
I approached the work group. It was in a shallow trough among the small hills,
working at the sand in the trough. It was, by the hills about it, in its sandy
valley, screened from the other groups in the area. At the time I did not give
this any thought. My main concern was that the guard could see what was going
I was
then on the level, moving through the heavy sand, it deeper, though affording
better footing, than the sand on the incline.
stopped. The men in the group, fifty of them, half-stripped, sweating, brawny,
chained together in ankle coffle, turned to regard me. I had feared muchly,
since coming to the chain, that I might have to serve this crew. I had not,
however, been assigned to it until last night. I had hoped on being presented,
days ago, to the overseer, that he might find me of interest and keep me in his
tent, as a personal slut. But it was not I who was to be chosen. When I had
been put before him, kneeling in my chains, my tunic pulled back and down,
behind my shoulders, already a girl was at the side of his chair. It was she
who had been first in the coffle, she who had once been the spoiled, rich
woman. she was on all fours, still chained. Her work tunic, however, had been
removed and a narrow rectangle of silk, thrust in a leather thong knotted about
her waist, hung down before her. Our eyes met. She looked down. The overseer
had already made his choice. To be sure, I, too, once or twice, as had other
girls, had worn the rectangle of silk in his tent. He had the call of all of
I would
approach the men, head down. I would ask, "Water, Master?" of each.
Before those who wished water, I would kneel and pour them a cup. It was
appropriate that I knelt, as I was a slave, and they were free, though
currently bound, justly or unjustly, in servitude. It is common, incidentally,
for a slave to kneel before free men in serving them drink. "Wine,
Master?’ is a common expression. In it the slave usually offers the master, not
only drink, say, the wine in the cup, but also, implicitly, the wine of her love,
body and beauty.
I had
begged not to serve this chain. My pleas had been ignored, or mocked. If they
had no concern for my feelings, had they, too, no concern with their employer’s
property, that they would subject it to such risk? Then I recalled that Ionicus
of Cos had paid more for me, a great deal more, than is common for a female
work slave, and that this had to do with his "amusement."
I looked
at the chain, and shuddered. There were fifty men on the chain. Twenty-three of
them I had helped to entrap in Argentum.
I moved
slowly through the sand, toward them. Then I stopped (pg. 326) and looked
wildly back, upward, toward the top of the rise. Could I not be given a gesture
of mercy, that I might turn about and flee back, scrambling up that loose sand
to the comparative safety of the ridge, to seek shelter within the compass of
the guard’s whip and sword? The guard, however, made no motion. The girl,
standing beside him, seemed very frightened. "Will I never see the last of
you?" she had exclaimed, angrily, when I had fist been thrust into the
pen, then still wearing the chaining in which I had been brought to the camp. I
had avoided her as much as possible. Now, however, I could not well do so. We
were assigned to the same crew. I think she did not care for the idea any more
than I. She was frightened. I think her fear, thought, was not primarily for
me. Perhaps she most feared what might be the action of one of the men below,
an action for which he might well be punished, or even killed. Whereas I had
begged not to be assigned to this group, she had, weeks ago. I had learned,
begged to serve with it. To be sure she had no more to fear from it than would
any other girl. I, on the other hand, had a very great deal to fear from it.
The guards had acceded to her pleas. She apparently worked very hard to keep
her position with this chain, carrying water, sometimes double bags, frequently
and uncomplainingly, and, in the evening, zealously, and desperately, and with
subtle and delicious skills, well pleasing the guards. It was whispered about
in the pens, seeing the frequency with which she was summoned forth, that she
had not always been a common work slave. It was speculated that she had once
been a pleasure slave, that she had once been in a tavern, and had even, once,
been first girl.
I was now
within a few feet of the first man. I remembered him from Argentum. He had been
a metal worker and I had lied, pretending to be of his own caste. He whom I
most feared, however, was at the end of the chain. I considered the tools in
the grip of these men. One of those shovels could with a single blow cut my
head from my body. I knew I could be killed quickly, very quickly. I looked
from face to face. I realized then that these men would probably not wish to
kill me quickly, not at all. If they wished to kill me, they would presumably
prefer to do so slowly. I did not want to serve this crew. For days I had been
left free of it. Then, last night, a girl had been transferred very sudden. I
suspected that the girl had been transferred from it in order to make a place
for me on it. I did not know, however, why, only now, this had taken place.
Master?" I asked.
(pg. 327)
These men were chained together only by an ankle. Their hands were free. They
had implements.
he said.
I knelt
down in the sand, before him, my head down. I removed the metal cup on its
string from about my neck. My neck was exposed to him. I attended to the
filling of the cup,, and capped the spout of the bag. I feared I would be
struck with the shove, it cutting down at me. He did not raise it, however, I
kissed the cup and, holding it with both hands, my arms extended toward him, my
head down between them, proffered it to him. He took it, and drank, and handed
the cup back to me. "Thank you, Master," I whispered. I was alive!
I then
went to the next man, and the next. As I moved down the line I grew gradually
more grateful, and elated. Each accepted water from me. It seemed I might have
been any water girl serving them. It was impossible to describe my relief. It
seemed they did not hold it against me, that I had been utilized in their
entrapment. Perhaps they understood something of my helplessness, and that I,
only a Gorean kajira, had had no choice but to obey. How astonishing it was
that they bore me no ill will! How grateful I was to them for their
understanding! Then I knelt before he who was last on the chain, he whom I most
feared, and yet best knew, he who had been many times kind to me in Brundisium,
and whom I had cleverly tricked in Argentum, bringing him to his current
Master?" I asked.
he said.
I poured
him the water and in that same fashion in which I had served the others
proffered him the cup. He took it, and then, before my eyes, he did not drink,
but regarded me, with hatred, and turned the cup, pouring the contents slowly,
meaningfully, into the sand. I was terrified. This action on his part seemed
some sort of signal to the others. I then found myself in the midst of them,
kneeling, trembling, small, in the center of that grim circle.
I asked, frightened. Surely the guard must come down the incline now, to
threaten them, to whip them back. But, kneeling as I was, in the midst of them,
I could not even see the guard. "Masters?" I asked, terrified.
They said
nothing. Where was the guard!
Masters," I said. "I am only a slave. Please be kind to a
feigns terror well," said one of the fellows.
is an excellent actress," commented another.
328)"Please, Masters!" I pleaded.
He before
whom I knelt threw the cup to the side, in the sand. The water bag was removed
from me. It was put a few feet from me, by the cup.
I did not
dare rise from my knees. I was a slave. I had not been given permission.
were an excellent lure girl," said one of the fellows.
you, Master," I whispered.
Even had
I dared to rise, as I did not, I did not know if I, in my terror, could even
have found the strength to do so. Too, even if I had dared to leap up, and had
found the strength to do so, I could not have escaped them. They were all about
me. Too, I could not run, chained as I was.
deceived me well," said a fellow.
me," said another.
me," said another.
me, Masters!" I begged.
The guard
did not appear.
I screamed. "Help! Help, Master! Please, help! Help, Master!"
But only
silence greeted my cries for assistance.
you given permission to speak?" asked a fellow.
Master," I whispered. "Forgive me, Master!"
fellow before whom I knelt and one of the men, a brawny fellow, lifted me up
from the back, by the upper arms. Another fellow then, as I was held, cuffed
me, twice. I was then dropped back into the sand, on all fours, a punished
her try to run," said the fellow before whom I had knelt.
I looked
about, wildly. I tasted blood in my mouth.
The men
behind me moved to one side, opening a place between them, leading back toward
the top of the ridge.
My eyes
fixed on him before whom I had knelt. I rose to my feet, half crouching, and
backed warily away from him, until I was beyond the line of the chain, and
then, wildly, I turned about, and tried to run. I fell, again and again, and
then, clawing and scrambling, I began to ascend the sandy slope. Again and
again, I slipped back, inhibited in my chains. Then I had attained the summit
of that ridge. I stood there, wildly. There, now, on the summit, was not only
the guard and the other work slave, now kneeling, with her head down to the
sand, but the overseer, and a palanquin, with eight bearers, and a man in
silken robes, fat and bald, who reclined upon it, holding a short-stemmed
lorgnon, in his right hand. Swiftly I knelt, covered (pg. 329) with sand, in my
chains, before the palanquin, doing obeisance. "Look up," said the
overseer. The fellow regarded me through the lorgnon. "This," said
the overseer, "is the girl, Tuka, who served your supplier, Tyrrhenius, in
Argentum. We had her purchased, following your policy, for a tarsk bit over her
former selling price. We had her brought here, as we thought would please you,
to the black chain. We are gratified that this should have coincided with your
tour of inspection." The overseer gestured to the guard and he open my
tunic, and pulled it back. I saw the lorgnon lift a little. "As you might
surmise," said the overseer, "she was an excellent lure girl. She
figured in the entrapment of twenty-three of the prisoners below."
trembled, kneeling in the soft, warm sand, it up about my thighs.
may greet your master," said the overseer to me.
Master," I said.
The man
in the palanquin made a small gesture with the lorgnon, hardly a movement.
The guard
seized me by the upper arms, from behind, and flung me back over the ridge, and
I tumbled, sprawling, rolling, sliding, down the sandy slope, until once again
I was at its foot. There two of the brawny fellows seized me by the arms and,
dragging me through the sand, put me again to my knees before he whom I most
feared. I looked wildly up, behind me, but there I saw naught but the unmoving,
observing group. I understood now why the guard had not come to my assistance.
I understood, too, now, I though, why this group was in its present place,
screened by the hills from the sight of the other groups.
I flung
myself to my belly in the sand before he whom I most feared, he whose shackle
was the last on the chain of fifty strong men.
I would
have crawled to his feet, to press my bloody lips to them, but my ankles were
I wept, "forgive me!"
looking up from my belly, covered with sand, sand in my hair, I saw no
forgiveness in his eyes.
At a
gesture from him, he who seemed to be their leader. I was drawn to my knees. I
tried to pull together my tunic, but one of the men pulled it open again,
us kill her," said one of the men.
her," said another.
her," said yet another.
330)"Yes," said another.
said yet another.
But a
small gesture from their leader, he before whom I knelt, silenced them.
you hips still loose?" he asked. "Do you still sway well?"
I looked
at him, wildly. He had asked me this in Argentum, before I had deceived him,
before he had carried me, trustingly, lovingly, in his arms, back into the
I asked.
I tried
to read his intent, but could not.
regarded me.
current master does not use me as a dancer," I said. It was in this
fashion, too, that I had responded in Argentum.
gestured that I should be drawn to my feet.
he said.
I asked, disbelievingly.
a command be repeated, slave girl?" he asked.
Master!" I cried. I wound the chain a bit about my wrists, taking up its
slack. I could use it, in its different lengths, , later, in the dance. I
lifted my hands above my head, the backs of my hands facing one another. I
flexed my knees. Sometimes a woman is permitted, even a free woman, among the
fires of a burning city, the glare of the flames red upon her flesh, to dance
before masters as a naked slave. She must hope to be found pleasing, and that
her fate will be only the brand, chains and the collar. She dances helplessly,
desperately. She hopes to be found pleasing. She dances for her life. He was
giving me the chance! He must sill care for me! "Thank you, Master,"
I cried. It had been long, I knew, since these men had had a woman, and they
were Goreans. They would be half mad with desire. Too, many of them had found
me exciting, and had wanted me earlier, else I could not have lured them. Too,
I was a skilled dancer. Too, I was beautiful, or had been told so. Certainly
many men of this world have found me attractive, and desirable, and have not
hesitated to put me to their services, and fully, as may be down with a slave.
I danced.
I looked
at their faces.
Many of
these men, I knew, would feel they had a score to settle with me. It was my
hope that they might be persuaded to accept in settlement of these accounts, if
accounts they were, not my blood but so small and innocent a thing as my
mastering, my total ravishing and subjugation. That would be vengeance (pg.
331) enough, I hoped, for such men. Certainly I had lured them. But I had not
truly chosen to do so. Surely they would understand that! Of my own will I
would never have dared to do such a thing! And now I danced before them, for my
life, helpless, desperate to please them, in terror. What more then could they
want, saving my zealous services, those commonly to be surrendered by a slave
dancer to masters.
I danced.
I saw
anger, and hatred, turn to desire.
I did
many cunning things with the chains.
I began
to sense, with timidity, and hope, and then a growing confidence, and with an
increasing sense of elation, that many of them, perhaps even most, might be
encouraged to find me of at least minimal interest.
cried one of them, smiting his thigh.
I called to him, gratefully, then dancing back from him, in the sand. Others
restrained him from following me and seizing me. Then I was too near the other
side of the circle, and returned, quickly, gracefully, to its center, dancing to
first one man and then another. More than one reached out for me. Their
grasping hands were but a yard or two from me.
were surely never of the metal workers!" laughed the fellow who had been
of that caste.
Master," I assured him.
woman of my caste could move like that!" he cried.
not be too sure, Master," I cautioned him.
I saw
sweat upon his forehead, and his fists clench as he perhaps recalled some women
he had known, of that caste. Surely the women of his caste, too, could be
taught to dance, and to lick and kiss, and serve, and even superbly, such that
they might drive a man wild with desire. Were they not, too, in the final
analysis, only females? I had known two slaves who had once been of his caste,
Corinne, in the house of my training, and Laura, in Hendow’s tavern. Both had
been superb slaves. To be sure, being slaves, they were no longer in his caste.
Animals do not have caste.
I danced
before another.
It was my
desperate hope to turn their wrath, and their desire for vengeance, seemingly
at the beginning so adamant, so fierce and unrelenting, to interest, and
desire, and passion. "Do not kill me, Master," I begged another,
"but let me live, I beg you, to serve and please you, and with all the
fullness of the female!"
he said, licking his lips.
continued to dance.
(pg. 332)
There are many forms of placatory dances which are performed by female slaves.
Some of these tend to have rather fixed forms, sanctioned by custom and
tradition, such as the stately "Contrition Dace" of Turia. Some form
of placatory dance is usually taught to the girl in slave training. There is no
telling when it might be needed. Though I had had, because of the relatively
advanced state of my dancing skills, for a new slave, very little instruction
in dance in the house of my first training. I had been taught at least that
much. The form of placatory dance taught to a girl usually depends on the girl
in question. For example, I had not been taught the stately "Contrition
Dance" of Turia. It has been felt that the nature of my body lent itself
to a more desperate, needful, lascivious form of dance. I had been taught how
to dance on my knees, for example, and, supplicatingly, on my back, and belly.
Most placatory dances, however, are not fixed-form dances, but are
"free" dances, in which the slave, exquisitely alert to the nuances
of the situation, the particular master, the nature of his displeasure, the
gravity of her offense, and such, improvises, doing her best to assuage his
anger and beg his forgiveness, to reassure him of the authenticity of her
contrition and the genuineness of her desire to do better.
is no garbage here, on which to make your bed," said one of the men,
"and I have learned that, indeed, in any event, you are worth less than
Master," I said.
do I have a cloak now, doubled, to soften the cruelty of the cobblestones to
your back," he said.
sand will do, Master," I said, "and chains in which my limbs are
he said.
I saw I
did not need to fear him, save in the ways any slave must fear a master.
I danced
then to those whose eyes were hardest. Some of them were not even men I had
trapped, but only men who knew what I had done. Some may have been as innocent
as those I had lured, others might have been murderers and brigands, suitably
enchained for the expiation of sentences, their custody having been legally
transferred to Ionicus, my master, at the payment of a prisoner’s fee, by the
writ of a praetor or, in more desperate cases, by the order of a quaestor. I
danced abjectly. I danced piteously. I danced beggingly. I danced as well as I
could. I could not do more. They would either be pleased or not. My fate was in
their hands.
is pretty," said one of them.
(pg. 333)
"Yes," said another.
sprang again high within me. I sought then to move another, with my
helplessness, and the pleas of my body.
you a good slave lay?" asked a man.
is my hope that I am pleasing, Master," I said. "Surely I shall
endeavor to be so."
has the look of a wench who would be good in the furs," laughed a man. I
heard the chain move in the heavy staple on his shackle.
are no furs here," laughed another man.
I had not
had furs touch my body since a cool evening, five nights ago, in the overseer’s
tent. I had then worn the rectangle of red silk, that in which he was
accustomed to put his use slaves. It is such, it thrust over a leather thong
knotted above the girl’s belly, that it may be easily brushed aside, or pulled
away. It was my hope that I had pleased him well. Toward morning he had chained
me, hand and foot, to a stake near his feet, where I could not reach him. I
moaned for a time, but the kick of his foot had taught me that I must then be
is an excellent dancer," commented a man, another whom I had lured in
said another fellow, another of those who owed his chaining to me.
I began
to be conscious then, as I sometimes was, of the incredible power of the female
slave, of how helpless men could be before her, and of what she could do to
said one of the men, softly, watching.
repeated the movement.
said another man. "Yes!" said another.
paradoxical I thought, that she who is branded, and collared, and owned, and is
nothing, should have such power!
slut, dance!" said a man.
And then
again I danced, helplessly, piteously, suing for their favor, striving
desperately to be found pleasing. In the end the power belongs to the master,
totally, and not to the slave. She is his.
said a man. "Excellent."
I danced.
I danced
in such a way that a free woman might only dream of, awakening, sweating, in
the night, clutching her covers, in terror, then feeling her throat with
trepidation, with the tips of frightened fingers, to ascertain that no cpollar
has been locked on it in the night. How could she, a free woman, have such a
(pg. 334) dream? What could it mean? And what would the men do to her when they
came to take her in their arms? She awakened, in terror. Perhaps she hurries to
strike a light in her room. The familiar surroundings reassure her. She has had
such dreams before. What could they mean? Nothing, of course. Nothing! Such
dreams must be meaningless! They must be! But what if they were not? She
shudders. Perhaps she then, in her long silken gown, curls up, frightened, at
the foot of her bed. What, too, could that mean? She does not know. Surely
that, too, means nothing. But what if it did? She lies there, troubled, but
somehow comforted, somehow secure, in that position. It seems to her, somehow,
that that is where she belongs.
said a man.
I saw now
that they, or most of them, were pleased. I sensed now that I might be spared,
at least if I pleased them, too, well enough in the sand. I had lured many of
them, but now I danced for before them, to please them, begging for my life,
danced before them helplessly, at their mercy, submitted and dependent on their
favor, for my very life, as much as though I might be their own slave. I saw to
my joy, coming gradually to understand it, that they, or surely most of them,
would accept this, my beauty, my submission and service, abject and total, in
lieu of my blood. It would be vengeance enough for them. How mighty they were,
and kind! To be sure, I would have to continue to show them perfections of
slave service and total deference. How grateful I was to he whom I had most
feared, he who was last upon the chain, he who had given me this eagerly
embraced opportunity to save my slave’s hide! But it was he, of all of them,
who had refused to watch me dance. He stood with his back turned to me, his
back straight, his arms folded, looking away. Many times I had danced to him,
moving behind him in the sand, but he did not turn. He did not deign to glance
upon me. Then, near the end of my dance, as it approached its climax, I was on
my knees in the sand, writhing, bending forward until my hair was in the sand,
bending back then, exposing the bow of my body, my thighs, my belly, my breasts
and throat to them, my hands inviting attention to them, my hair back in the
sand, and then I straightened, and then was on my back, and belly, twisting and
moving, lifting my hands to them, begging for favor, piteously suing for mercy.
Such things I had been taught as long ago as the house of my first training,
but I think, truly, even had I not had such training, I would, in the
circumstances, have done much the same. Perhaps it is instinctual in a woman. I
had, when owned by Gordon, the musician, once seen a former free woman, new
(pg. 335) to her collar, in an alley in Samnium, performing so for a master, he
with whip in hand, encouraging her to adequacy. She did well. She, shuddering,
half in shock, learned that she would be spared, at least for the time. he then
began to instruct her in how to give pleasure to a man. She attended fearfully,
and well, to her lessons.
At the end
of the dance, I was on my knees again, behind him. I lifted my hands to him.
"Master, please!" I begged. "Look upon me!" But he did not
a cry of joy the men surged about me. I
was lifted by my upper arms and flung back in the sand. My legs were lifted up,
my kneed bent. My wrist chain was pulled forward and thrust over and behind my
feet. It was then jerked up, behind me. I could now not move my hands from my
sides. I was helpless. My ankles, each in the grip of one man, were pulled
apart, until my ankle chain, its links straightened, permitted no further
extension. My opened tunic was thrust back on both sides. I, half submerged in
the sand, put my head back, looking up and back. I could see the figures, and
the palanquin, seemingly small, seemingly far above me, seemingly far away from
me on the ridge. I thought my master, Ionicus, of Cos, might be looking at me,
through the lorgnon. "Oh!" I cried, suddenly, as the first of them
put me to his pleasure.
you alright?" asked Tupita.
I said, lying in the sand.
chain is gone," she said. "It has been taken elsewhere."
I nodded,
stiff, aching. I had known that it had gone. A little later Tupita had come
down the slope.
on your side," she said. "Pull your legs up. get your knees as close
to your belly as you can."
She drew
the chain down, from behind me, and, pushing back my ankles, I winced, put it
over my feet and ankles. it was then again before me.
up," she said.
Mistress," I said. She was not the "first girl" of the work
slaves, not even the first girl in our pen. Of the two of us assigned to this
chain, however, she was surely "first girl."
are sure you are all right?" she asked.
Mistress," I said.
I turned
and looked up to the height of the ridge.
are gone," she said.
I whispered.
you walk?" she asked.
336)"I think so," I said.
think we should follow the chain now," she said.
saved my life," I said.
She was
is wrong?" I asked.
think we should follow the chain," she said.
is wrong?" I asked.
is lonely here," she said.
do not understand," I said.
heard them talking, up on the ridge," she said. "Something has
I asked.
The sun
was still bright. It was in the late afternoon. The sky was very blue. A soft
wind moved between the dunelike hills, stirring the rough grass.
happened only a pasang or so from the walls of Venna," she said,
"closer to Venna than our camp."
I asked, uneasily.
body was found, that of an official of Venna, an aedile, I think."
am sorry to hear that," I said. "I gather that he was robbed?"
he was robbed," she said, "either by the assailant, or another. His
purse was gone."
am sorry," I said.
body," she said, "was half eaten."
was torn to pieces," she said. "The visera were gone. Bones were
bitten through."
I winced.
is frightening," she said, "to consider the force, the power of such
jaws, which could do such things."
is a sleen in the vicinity," I said. I remembered Borko, the hunting sleen
of my former master, Hendow, of Brundisium,
tracks were not those of a sleen," she said.
are panthers," I said, "and beasts called larls. Such animals are
very dangerous."
far as I know, there has not been a panther or larl in the vicinity of Venna in
more than a hundred years," she said.
could have been wandering far outside its customary range," I said,
"perhaps driven by hunger, or thirst."
were not the tracks of a panther or larl," she said.
it must have been a sleen," I said.
(pg. 337)
"Sleen have no use for gold," she said, uneasily.
someone could have found the body and taken the purse," I said.
she granted me.
must then have been a sleen," I said. "There is no other
tracks," she reminded me, "were not those of a sleen."
of what beast were they the tacks?" I asked.
is the frightening thing," she said. "They do not know. Hunters were
called in. Even they could not identify them."
regarded her.
could tell very little about the tracks," she said. "One thing,
however, was clear."
I asked.
walked upright," she said.
is unnatural," I said.
it so surprising," she asked, "that a beast might walk upright?"
I looked
at her.
even that they should walk in power and pride?"
do not understand," I said.
masters, the beasts, the brutes, those who put us in collars, and make us
kneel, those from whose largess we must hope they will grant us a rag, those
whose whips we must fear, do so," she said.
I breathed. "They do!" Our masters, the magnificent beasts, so
powerful, so free, so liberated and masculine, so glorious in their untrammeled
manhood, so uncompromising with us, did so.
this thing, I think," she said, "is not such a beast, not a human
beast, not a man in the full power of his intelligence, vitality and animality,
but some other sort of beast, something perhaps similar somehow, but very
different, too."
would be afraid of it," I said.
doubt that you could placate it with your beauty," she said.
I beautiful?" I asked.
she said. "I who was, and perhaps am, your rival, grant you that. You are
very beautiful."
too, are beautiful," I said, and then I added, suddenly, "and
doubtless much more beautiful than I!"
think that is not true," she said. "But it is kind of you to say
am sure it is true," I said.
are both beautiful slaves," she said. "I think we are (338)
equivalently beautiful, in different ways. I think we would both bring a high
price, stripped naked on a sales block. Beyond that it is doubtless a matter of
the preferences of a given man."
are kind," I said.
you betray me in the matter of the pastry?" she asked.
I said. "Its absence was noted. Your presence in the vicinity was
recalled. You were apprehended. In the lick of your fingers was revealed the
taste of sugar."
was whipped well for that," she said, shuddering.
am sorry," I said.
I hated you," she said.
am sorry," I said.
was first girl, and you were last kennel," she said. "Now we are both
mere work slaves, both of us only common sluts on the black chain of
are still first girl, of the two of us," I said.
is true," she smiled.
may I call you by your name?" I asked.
not do so within the hearing of masters," she said, "for I did not
wish to have to sleep on my belly for a week."
I laughed. She could not read or write, but she was a beautiful, highly
intelligent woman. too, since I had known her in Brundisium, and Samnium, I
felt that a great change had come over her. I felt, too, that she had, in the
last few days, come to have some concern for me. I was not altogether clear how
that had come about. Perhaps it had to do with her pity for me, only a slave, one
as helpless as she, but one in much greater danger here, because of her work
for her former master, Tyrrhenius of Argentum. But it had to do even more, I
think, with he who had been last on the chain, he who had once been second to
my former master, Hendow, in Brundisium, Mirus.
we should rejoin the chain," I said, uneasily.
looked about herself. "Yes," she said. "It is too lonely
I arose
with difficulty and retrieved the cup, on its string which I put about my neck.
I would wash it at the tank. Too, I again put the water bag on its strap, on my
is something else," she said.
is that?" I asked.
girls, too, have been stolen," she said.
such as we?" I asked.
she said.
slaves?" I asked.
she said.
(pg. 339)
"But not eaten?" I asked.
as far as I know," she said.
could steal us," I said.
shrugged. "I suppose so," she said, "except in so far as our
masters protect their property."
events are doubtless not connected," I said.
not," she said.
us be on our way," I said.
in Venna," she said, "as I understand it, are alarmed at the killing,
and the mysterious footprints. Some think it is an omen or warning. The archon
is consulting augurs, to take the signs."
I stood
in the sand, waiting for her.
will concern themselves, surely, too, with legalities, and such," she
said. "For example, those in the black chain who are not criminals, and
for whom Ionicus does not have prisoner papers, will presumably be at least
temporarily removed from the vicinity. That would mean many of the masters on
our chain."
I nodded.
This seemed understandable. The archon in Venna would be interested in putting
his house in order before the taking of the auspices. He would doubtless regard
it as politic, at least from the point of view of soothing possible
apprehensions in his constituency, to become a bit more scrupulous about
proprieties, at least in so serious a situation.
will we go?" I asked.
not far, and only a week or so, until
the signs are taken," she said. "Our chain will probably be used for
clearing and deepening ditches at the side of the Viktel Aria south of Venna.
We can return later. Things then will doubtless be the same as before."
far south?" I asked.
not far," she said.
the defense perimeter?" I asked.
not," she said. "Why? Are you afraid of being stolen?"
really," I said.
I were you," she said, "I would want to be stolen. You do not belong
in a work tunic. You should wear a string of silk and be kissing and licking at
a man’s feet."
I smiled.
"Do you not want to be stolen?" I asked.
she said. "I would prefer, at least for the time, to remain with the
see," I smiled.
(pg. 340)
She adjusted the water bag on her shoulder. It would be a steep climb out of
the trough.
we are outside the defense perimeter or near its edge," I said, "is
there not a danger that the chain might find itself under attack?"
what?" she asked. "For deepening ditches?"
suppose it is silly," I said.
seldom make war on work chains," she said.
am glad to hear that," I said.
is not like we were working on siege trenches or repairing the walls of a
beleaguered city," she said.
I suppose not," I said.
am ready," she said. "Let us go."
difficulty, carrying the water bags, in our chains, we made our way up the sandy
slope. I reached the top first and extended my hand to Tupita, who took it,
and, with its help, pulled herself up, until she stood beside me."
are bruised," she said.
is nothing," I said.
will be stiffer, and sorer, tomorrow than today," she said.
where we were we could see men, and the tank, and the overseer’s tent, on its
hill, and our pens, at its foot, and the wire around the camp. I think we were
both glad to see these familiar sights.
is your back," she asked.
is all right," I said.
sand stanched the wounds," she said.
chain, when it had been behind me, had cut at my back a little, sawing there,
when I had struggled, grasping and crying out. When I had felt the wetness of
blood there, I had tried to keep my hands low at my sides, in the sand,
scratching and clutching at it, but then, almost as though unable to help
myself, I had again tried to reach for their bodies. This had pulled the chain
tight again against me. In the throes of my submission, however, as I, a slave,
gave myself from the deepest depths of my belly to masters, I think I was
unaware of the pain. If I had been aware of, dimly and fare off, I think I
must, in my frustration and joy, trying to reach them, and yet helpless in their
hands, have accepted it willingly. I could not even remember, clearly, what had
is a little blood at the back of your tunic," she said.
regarded her.
(pg. 341)
"Do not fear," she said. "I think it will wash out, at the tank.
Besides, it is not your fault."
will not be permanently marked, will I?" I asked.
vain slave," she smiled.
marks, of course, if permanent, might reduce a girl’s value on the slave block.
I looked
down into the sandy trough. "Do you think I will often be put to the
pleasure of the chain?" I asked.
she said. "Our master, Ionicus, has had his sport. You will now,
presumably, be used more to frustrate them than to please them. To be sure, the
guard has seen you move, and please them.
To be sure, the guard has seen you move, and please them. This will get
around camp. Do not be surprised, accordingly, if they now choose to avail
themselves of you more frequently. I would not even be surprised if, say, in an
evening or two, you found yourself again in the thong and silk, in the
overseer’s tent.
I looked
over to the overseer’s tent. It was about a half pasang away. He had the call
of any of the slave females in the camp. Too, of course, he could assign us
however he wished, and for as long as he wished, to others.
be sure," said Tupita, "we might be thrown to the chains, from time
to time, as bonuses or rewards."
I nodded.
Much as men might throw us pastries or candies, so, too, we ourselves, in turn,
or our uses, might be given to others.
you know anything more of the beast who slew the aedile?" I asked.
she said.
anything further of the two slaves who were stolen?"
said Tupita.
they ran away," I said. I shuddered. Even the thought of the possible
penalties for such an action struck terror into my heart. Too, given the
culture, her marking, the closely knit nature of the society, and such, there
was, for all practical purposes, no escape for the Gorean slave girl.
"In work tunics, through the wire, laden
with chains?" she asked.
I was
work slaves outside the wire, not in the vicinity of a work chain, not in the
keeping of a guard, they would provoke immediate suspicion."
I nodded.
would be in punishment yokes, on their bellies before the overseer, within an
Ahn," she said.
(pg. 342)
I nodded. "Who, then, do you think stole them?" I asked.
do not know," said Tupita.
animal?" I asked.
"I would
not think so," she said, "but who knows?"
is getting darker," I said.
said Tupita, "I will be glad to be locked behind the bars of our
too," I said, shuddering.
along," she said.
I said.
she said.
me by my name," I said.
is your name?" she asked.
I said. That was the name masters had given me. It was my name, as a dog has a
name, or a slave.
she said.
love Mirus," I said.
would beg to lick his whip," she said.
he love you?" I asked.
do not think he knows I exist—in that way," she said.
is a kindly and marvelous man," I said.
found you pleasing," she said.
caught his fancy in Brundisium, a new girl in the tavern, one not yet fully accustomed
to her collar," I said. "He enjoyed teaching me, and putting me
through my paces. He enjoyed using me, as have many men. He gave me great
pleasure, and I hope, too, that I gave him great pleasure."
regarded me.
I think he was fond of me," I said.
she said.
I do not believe I was ever more to him, really," I said, "than
another girl at his feet."
She did
not speak.
am sure he never thought of me as a possible love slave," I said.
She did not
am not even Gorean," I said. "I am only a slut who was brought here
from Earth, to wear a collar and serve my betters, the masters."
you truly think he is kind?" she asked.
I said.
do you think he is so marvelous?" she asked.
course," I said.
do you think he is still fond of you?" she asked.
(pg. 343)
"I know he is," I said. I looked back, down into the sandy trough.
"I lured him in Argentum," I said, my voice suddenly breaking, as I
considered the enormity of it, "I lured him whom I knew, he who had been
kind to me, he who trusted me, and brought him to chains and servitude, and
yet, this afternoon, he saved my life."
She was
shall be forever grateful to him for that," I said. "Had it not been
for him, I would have been killed."
of him," she said.
I asked.
do you think he saved your life?" she asked.
caring for me," I said.
she said.
for pity," I said.
she said.
desire?" I asked.
she said.
do not understand," I said.
did not want the others to kill you," she said.
course not," I said.
is Gorean," she said. "I do not know if you truly understand such
men. Too, he has a long memory. Too, where you are concerned, he is not
himself. Where you are concerned I think he is half crazy."
do not understand," I whispered.
away from him," she said.
would not try to take him from you," I said.
is a determined, intelligent man," she said. "He is biding his
not fear," I said.
speak to you for your own sake," she said, "not mine."
did not let them kill me," I said.
not?" she asked.
do not know," I said.
do," she said.
I asked.
is his intention to kill you himself," she said.
you are mistaken," I whispered.
he accept water from you?" she asked.
I said. "He poured it out, on the ground."
you not see that he would not even look upon you as you danced?" she
asked. "Did you not note that he, of all of them, did not put you to
344)"Why?" I asked.
did not wish to risk being softened, or mollified."
I looked
at her, frightened.
is why he did not want others to kill you," she said, "because it is
his intention to do so himself."
I nearly
collapsed in the sand.
his is in chains," she said. "I do not think you really have anything
to fear. Just do not fall into his hands."
I nodded,
do not really understand what you have done to him," she said, "how
you have changed him so. He is very different from Brundisium."
I said, "if what you say is true."
loved him in Brundisium," she said, "but I did not know how much I
moved him until we were separated."
are slaves," I said. "We can be bought and sold, and taken, and done
with, as masters please. Our disposition need not be in accord with our own
wills. Our desires, our feelings, matter not."
I found he was on the black chain," she said. "How pained I was to
discover his fate! Yes, too, how my heart leapt to know him near! He was so
close, and yet so far! I love him so. Yet I can do little but bring him water.
I cannot so much as kiss his feet without the permission of a guard. If I were
to put myself within his grasp, he might be whipped, or slain. Too, I now find
him to my sorrow other than he was. He is now a bitter man, one so driven with
the desire for vengeance, his thirst for the blood of the girl who betrayed
him, that he has little time to consider another, one who would gladly die for
regarded her.
she said. "He is my love master."
he know that?" I asked.
she said.
the guard is not looking," I said, "you must tell him. Throw yourself
on your belly before him, where we belong before such men. Lick and kiss his
feet, with tears in your eyes. Confess that you have acknowledged him in your
heart as your love master. He can do little more than kick you from his
sprang to her eyes.
so," I urged.
she whispered. "He is now in chains. He cannot now own me. He is not now
free. It is not as though he could take me in his arms, if he were so inclined,
and claim me by his rape. He is a prisoner of the black chain. He might even
think it a trick of (pg. 345) the guards. Perhaps in rage he would break my
neck with his foot. Perhaps he would understand the whole matter as no more
than some deliberate insult or mockery."
would do so, if I were you," I said.
are not Gorean," she said.
would risk all, for a love master," I said.
are crying," she said.
I said. "No."
have a love master!" she said.
I said. "No! No!" I had recalled Teibar, who long ago, had brought me
into bondage. I had never forgotten him.
piteous we are, so helpless, only slaves!" wept Tupita.
you be other than you are?" I asked.
looked at me, startled. "No," she said. "And you?"
I said.
is getting dark," said Tupita, smiling through her tears. "We do not
wish to miss our gruel."
But I
stood quietly on the ridge, looking down into the trough. I was barefoot. There
were shackles on my ankles. They were joined by chain, the chain half submerged
in the sand. There were manacles on my wrists, hammered shut about them. These,
too, were joined with chain. I wore a parted work tunic. I carried a metal cup
on a string about my neck, and the water bag, on its strap, over my shoulder.
It was half full. I could feel the water move in it, shifting, and shaping
itself to my back. I looked up into the sky, and saw the three Gorean moons.
are a very beautiful, and desirable, slave, Tuka," said Tupita.
I did not
if you had been less beautiful, and desirable," she said, "you would
not have been brought to this world."
I said.
you wish then," she said, "that you had been less beautiful, or
I said.
is getting late," she said. "Let us return to the tank, and then to
the pens."
I said.
you should close your tunic," she said.
I said. "Let the men see."
are a slave," she said.
I said.
all the women of your world slaves?" she asked.
do not know," I said.
(pg. 346)
She parted her own tunic.
see that you, too, are a slave," I said.
she said.
you are Gorean," I said.
am a woman," she said.
are both women," I said.
slaves," said Tupita.
I said, "we are both women, and slaves."
25 IN
It was
near sunset now, some five days later after I had served in the trough, between
the sandy hills. That very night my chains had been removed, and I had been
scrubbed clean. My hair had been washed twice, and combed with care. I had been
perfumed. I had then been wrapped in a red sheet and carried to the tent of the
I heard
guards calling the watch.
All was
well, it seemed, in the camp of the black chain of Ionicus. Ionicus himself had
left the area of the camp the same afternoon in which I had served in the
trough, returning, it was said, to Cos.
It was
very beautiful this time of the evening. I stood in the entrance to the
overseer’s tent, alone, looking out, to the southwest. I wore only my collar,
that of Ionicus, and, about my waist, a knotted thong, in which was thrust a
narrow rectangle of red silk. I, like Tela, it seemed, who had once been the
beautiful, spoiled, rich woman, Liera Didiramache of Lydius, in the north, on
the Laurius, who had been first in the coffle, when I was fifth, had been found
pleasing by Aulus, overseer of the black chain of Ionicus.
The sun’s
light, like a soft, diaphanous, golden mantle, spread over the hills and
countryside. I could not see the pens from where I stood, neither those of the
women, nor those of the men. Had I gone about the tent I could have seen the
walls of Venna. I looked out to the southwest, over the camp area. I could see
from this rise, on which was located the overseer’s tent, the low (pg. 347)
hills among which I had served chained masters. I still bore the marks of their
bruisings. I did not thing they had wanted to hurt me, but they had not had a
woman in a long time. in their haste, and their strength, and considering I had
been a lure girl, they had not chosen to be gentle. It did not displease me to
be forced to recognize, and incontrovertibly, and with my whole body, that I
was in a man’s arms, those of a true man, and was a slave. Sometimes, I
confess, I even wanted the whip, not for its pain, which I feared, but for its
proof of my domination, that I was owned, and wholly, and was going to be
mastered. But, sometimes, too, I wanted gentleness, and, in a slave’s
helplessness, begged for it. But even when Gorean men use you with gentleness,
and great gentleness, I am pleased to report that they do so with authority.
There is never any doubt, even then, as to the fact that you are in their arms,
and who is in command. I could see, too, though it was harder now, the posts in
the distance, between which the wire was strung. The wire was slave wire, with
its closely interwoven latticework of sharp, swaying strands, and, numerous and
closely set, at intervals of less than a hort, its barbs and knifelike prongs.
I shuddered. A slave could be cut to pieces on such wire.
I left
the entrance of the tent and walked about the tent, to my left. I wanted to see
Venna, and the Vitkel Aria. I hoped not to be seen by one of the guards.
Sometimes I was more modest than at other times. Perhaps this was a lingering
reminiscence of my Earth conditioning. I do not know. Certainly slaves,
officially, supposedly, are not permitted modesty. That is for free women. On
the other hand, I have never known a slave who was not, at one time or another,
or in one way or another, particularly in public, outside the privacy of her
master’s domicile, concerned about her modesty. In a slave, too, modesty has a
very special nature and "feel," for she knows, of course, that she is
vulnerable to men, and that she may not be permitted clothing at all, unless it
pleases them. Too, it is one thing to return at dusk to the pens with one’s
tunic parted a bit, perhaps even by inadvertence, after one has been treated
like a stormed and sacked citadel, proud in one’s desirability and bondage, and
quite another to be simply out in public, wearing only a collar, a thong and a
bit of silk. Too, of course, there are objective reasons for permitting a bit
of modesty to a slave girl from time to time. For example, her beauty can
excite and stimulate men, and not just her master. Putting her naked into the
streets can be an invitation to her theft. She is, after all, goods. Most
importantly, (pg. 348) however, perhaps, is the fact that she belongs to the
master. Her total beauty and most intimate services, thus, are perhaps most
appropriately his, and not others’, to command. Perhaps it is connected with
the female’s desire to pair bond, may be the same girl who, without another
thought, at home, naked in her collar, gives all of herself, shamelessly,
unstintingly, joyfully, to her master.
is there?" called a guard, a few feet away.
I had not
seen him.
the slave," I said, swiftly, kneeling.
are you doing here?" he asked.
came out for air," I said, "and to see the land. It is so
is not only the land which is beautiful," he said.
you, Master," I said. Even in the half darkness I blushed. "I shall
return instantly to the tent, if master wishes," I said.
may remain for a few moments," he said.
you, Master," I said.
may stand there," he said, "where I can see you, and stand
Master," I said.
I went
toward the back edge of the tent. I stood where the guard had indicated. I
stood straight. From where I was, happily, I could see the walls of Venna, and,
before them, the Vitkel Aria. I thin the guard had understood that I might wish
to see the city, and its lights, in the distance. I was grateful to him, for
letting me stand there. The beacon fires had not yet been lit on the walls.
These serve as guides to tarnsmen aflight, and, too, may be used to signal
their recall, and such. Between some of them tarn wire would not be stretched;
between others it would, which would be known to the tarnsmen. It is
changed nightly. It had been to the
Vitkel Aria, though not to this precise part of it, that before Venna, that,
four days ago, five chains of the black chain, or "links" if it, as
they are sometimes called, had been marched. Among them had been the chain on
which I had served with Tupita. These chains, or "links," of some
fifty men each, had left the camp to the southwest and would, by a roundabout
route, join the Vitkel Aria some pasangs to the south, toward Ar. In this way
the exit of the links was not conspicuous. The auspices had been taken yesterday.
Apparently, as the guards had conjectured, (pg. 349) they had adjudged
"favorable." That being the case it seemed likely the links would
soon be returning to the camp. The masters, incidentally, had no bothered to
separate out the illicit prisoners from the genuine prisoners, rearranging the
chains, as Tupita had expected, but had simply sent those links which contained
any illicit prisoners from the camp. This decision was motivated, it seemed, by
an understanding that the auspices were to be soon taken, and would be likely
to be "favorable," as the councils in Venna were eager to get on with
the repair of the walls. Shackling which is closed by hammers, as was that of
most of the black chain, is not as easily changed as lock shackling, responsive
to keys. Two days ago, aediles had come to the camp to inspect the chains. They
found none which contained illicit prisoners. No mention was made of the fact
that a third of the chains was absent. The next day the auspices had been
taken, and, seemingly, all had gone well. The chains in camp were already back
at work. Preceding the time of taking the auspices, of course, and until they
had been taken, things are very quiet. For example, the shops and baths are
closed, the courts do not hear cases, and so on. Tupita, of course, had gone
with the chain, south. I had not gone with it because I had been brought to the
tent of the overseer. He had seen me from the ridge, and found me of interest.
Certainly I had muchly served him the last few evenings. Too, to my irritation,
he made me work hard during the day, precisely as though I might have been a
house slave.
said the guard, coming up behind me.
Master?" I whispered. His hands on my arms did not permit me to kneel. I
realized then he must have been watching me stand there, Venna, and her lights,
in the background. I recalled that he had told me to stand straightly. I had
done so, of course.
city and the night are beautiful, are they not?" he asked.
Master," I whispered.
you have business in the tent." He said.
I said. "I should hurry back to polish boots. I thank master for letting
me stay here for a few moments, master has been kind."
I made as
though to move away, to return to the tent, but his hands, from behind, on my
upper arms, held me where I was.
can polish boots," he said.
is polishing the shield of Aulus," I said.
you received permission to leave?" he asked.
Master," I said. "Forgive me, Master."
(pg. 350)
"Do not make noise," he said.
Master," I said.
He lifted
me, lightly, in his arms. I felt slightly giddy for a moment, held off my feet
by a man. One has no contact with the ground. One is so much in their power.
your arms about my neck," he said. "Kiss me,"
I obeyed.
Then suddenly I kissed him again, this time as a slave.
laughed softly.
I moaned
inwardly. How had I changed? What had men done to me?
He put me
gently to my back, beside the tent, perhaps not feet from Aulus, the overseer,
within, working on papers.
My body
leaped to his touch.
I looked
up at him, wildly.
Men had
done much to me on Gor. they had imperiously, for their amusement and pleasure,
summoned forth from me my latent slavery, a slavery which on Earth I had hardly
dared acknowledge. They had taken a woman of Earth and lit slave fires in her
belly. They had taught me how to feel. They had required that I show my
slavery, and yield to it, wholly and honestly. They would let me be the slave I
was, lovingly and helplessly. I loved them for it! I kissed the master eagerly.
He drew
aside that bit of silk, that slender mockery of a shield.
Master," I whispered.
He then
used me, as a slave.
must polish boots," I said, at last, frightened. "I must polish
about your chores, girl," he said.
Master," I whispered. He then left me. I readjusted the bit of silk. I
tried to wipe dirt from my back with my hands. I did not Aulus to know. Perhaps
I, a slave, should not have gone out of the tent, clad as I was. There were
tears in my eyes. How helpless the touch of men made us!
I hurried
back about the tent and reentered it. Aulus glanced up, from the small, low
table, behind which he sat, cross-legged, working. I performed obeisance, and
then made as though to rise, to hurry to the rear portions of the tent, where
my mat was near Tela’s.
have you been?" he asked.
remained on my knees, addressed. Indeed, from performing obeisance I was on all
fours. "Outside," I said. "I went out for air. The night is very
(pg. 351)
"Do you expect Tela to do your work?" he asked.
I said. "No, Master!"
nipples," he said, "are swollen. Your skin is like a field of scarlet
I did not
respond. I was terrified.
you well warmed?" he asked.
I flung
myself, in terror, to my belly before him. I did not want to be punished.
he said, "I am going out of the camp, to the Vitkel Aria, and south. There
is trouble with the chains. It has to do with the mercenary companies now
roving the countryside. They do so with impunity. It seems they think that whatever
land the tread of their tharlarion can shake, whatever soil they choose to mark
with the imprint of their beasts’ claws, is theirs. Venna keeps her forces in
the vicinity of the city. The patrols of Ar are irregular. The forces of Ar,
almost entirely, have marched north, towards Ar’s Station, on the Vosk, there
to meet with an expeditionary force of Cos. It seems madness, with an army of
Cosians, and mercenaries, at Torcadino, but I am not a general, not the regent
of Ar. In short, as Ionicus, and others, including myself, have feared there
might be, there has been trouble. It is nothing, however, happily, as we are
dealing with mercenaries, that some gold, some fees for their clamorous
brigades, cannot straighten out. Such things have happened before."
understood very little of what he was saying. I did know that the main body of
the forces of Ar had marched north. Indeed, they had done so on the Vitkel Aria
itself, which, in effect, is a military road.
I asked.
am going to take you with me," he said.
Master," I said.
you ever been chained by the neck to a stirrup?" he asked.
Master," I said.
will have the experience tomorrow," he said.
Master," I said.
you finished polishing my boots?" he asked.
Master," I said. "With master’s permission, I will do so now."
He lifted
a finger, dismissing me. Quickly I rose to my knees and performed obeisance. I
then rose to my feet, and, head down, humbly, frightened, hurried to the back
portions of the tent.
There I
saw the shield which Tela had been polishing, a small, (pg. 352) round shield,
more of a buckler, really, than a shield. It was ornamented with bosses, and
engraved with mythological scenes, the conquest, and the rape and enslavement
of Amazons by satyrs. In Gorean mythology, it is said that there was once a war
between men and women and that the women lost, and that the Priest-Kings, not
wishing the women to be killed, made them beautiful, but as the price of this
gift decreed that they, and their daughters, to the end of time, would be the
slaves of men. The shield, so small, so beautiful, was perhaps more for
display, I think, then an implement of war. Still I did not doubt that Aulus
could handle weapons. He seemed to me that sort of man. Perhaps at one time he
had been in service, to some city or another. Her rag, and the polish, in its
flat metal container, were near the shield. Near it, too, were the boots of
Aulus, and the rags and polish I would use for them. There were many domestic
labors I did not care for, but, oddly enough, I did not mind polishing the
boots of men. It seemed somehow fitting for me. I knelt down and put one of the
heavy boots of Aulus between my thighs. Then, carefully, bending over, in the
light of a hanging lamp, doing only a tiny spot at a time, rubbing with
circular motions, I addressed myself to the leather. I did not want to be
punished for having been outside the tent, with the guard. I had not intended
to seduce him. it was not my fault, unless it was somehow my fault to be such
that men so desired me. He had taken advantage of me, even warning me to
silence! Was it not my master’s fault, for letting me go out of the tent in
what was little more, in effect, than a collar and a G-string? To be sure, I
did yield well, but what was I to have done? What did Aulus expect? I was a
slave! Surely in his own tent I had given him enough evidence of that! I wished
I had been given clothing. Then I might have been able to better conceal what
had been done to me. I wondered if I would be punished. I wondered if things,
over a period of hours, build up a great deal of pain in a girl's body. But he
had not seemed particularly angry with me. I did not think he intended to
punish me. I hoped not. Too, if I were punished, I might not look too well at
his stirrup tomorrow. I had never been chained by the neck to a man’s stirrup.
I wondered what it would be like. I supposed the matter had to do with the
effect he hoped to achieve, perhaps like the silver shield. I gathered I would
be a display slave at his stirrup, something like a golden saddle and a purple
cloak, something for show. I worked hard on the boots. Too, at his stirrup he
could keep his eye on me, not leaving me behind. Perhaps that would (pg. 353)
amuse him. I glanced over at the shield. It had not been finished. I hoped that
Tela did not expect me to finish it. The shield was hers to do! I had been
assigned, perhaps because Aulus thought it more fitting for me, to do the
I called softly. "Tela!"
continued to work on the boots.
Where was
lazy Tela? If she wanted to court the wrist rings and chains, to be fastened on
her knees to the center post of the tent, and whipped, that was her business,
not mine! To be sure, this was not like Tela. If anything, Tela was a hard
worker. She was, certainly, generally, at least, not the sort who would shirk
her work. I wondered if she wer trying to get even with me, for the time I had
had her iron the tunics? But I had paid her back for that later, surely, when
I, too, had done them all! I liked Tela, and she had been very kind to me, even
though I think she liked Aulus, and might have preferred to be the only slave
in the tent.
I called, somewhat more loudly. "Tela!"
I was not
really angry with Tela. I did wonder where she was. It was not like her to
leave off in the midst of a task. I rose up, putting to one side the boot on
which I was workings, and went to the side, brushing back the curtain, to where
our mats were.
I called. She was not there.
is wrong?" asked Aulus, having come from the front portion of the tent.
Master," I said, quickly.
is Tela?" he asked.
do not know," I said.
shield has not been finished," he said.
she is outside," I said.
He went
to the front of the tent, and stepped outside, underneath the sort of awning
there, over the threshold, supported on two poles.
he called. I heard him question guards, too.
returned to the tent.
do not know where she is, Master," I said, kneeling before him.
Vacchi!" exclaimed Aulus, drawing back his tharlarion. "I should have
known it would have been you!" I was terrified at his stirrup, the chain
on my neck. It was like being tethered at the side of a mountain of scales and
muscle. These beasts are unexpectedly agile for their size. Very little I would
think could stand against their charge, lest it be a terrain of pits, a forest
of peeled, inclined, sharpened stakes. The handful of riders had approached us
on the Viktel Aria, they moving north. Only a few yards from us had they
halted, wheeling their mounts. The very earth on which we stood had shaken. It
had been, I suppose, a joke, that we must wait to see if we were to be struck,
trampled, or impaled on their spears. Aulus had retained his composure well, I
though, considering the provocation. Actually we were not far at all from
Venna, only a few pasangs. They had ridden north, it seems, to meet us.
old friend, Aulus!" called the fellow. He held his seat well on the
gigantic, impatient, hissing beast. He had bright, dark eyes, and curly black
hair. in his ears were rings. His beard, too, was curly and black, even
ringleted. In it ribbons were tied. Across his back was slung a shield. Beside
him, in a saddle sheath, reposed the butt of a lance. His hand was on the
seems you have been recruiting again," said Aulus.
recruiting is no activity unfamiliar to your employer, the good Ionicus of
Cos," he said.
have you against Ionicus of Cos," asked Aulus.
said the fellow. "Indeed, I remember him with fondness, for I once labored
on one of his chains."
tharlarion was now quiet. I therefore knelt beside it , on the stones of the
Vitkel Aria, the chain lopping up from my neck to his stirrup. I was naked.
I recruit come willingly to my service," said the fellow. "Doubtless
those you recruit can say the same."
I looked
up at the bearded fellow. He was a man of incredible vitality. Accordingly I
spread my knees more widely before him.
(pg. 355)
"Doubtless," grinned Aulus.
it not been for a captain recruiting, long ago, like myself," said the
fellow, "I might still be on his chain."
am empowered to negotiate on behalf of my employer, Ionicus," said Aulus.
"It is for that reason that I have brought coins with me, those in the
wagon behind, under his guard of twenty men."
I will take the coins, and be on my way, keeping the chains," said the
may do so, of course," said Aulus, "but I think that that would not
do your reputation, even such as it is, my friend, much good, nor, more
importantly, would it be likely to be likely to expedite any future dealings
with Ionicus of Cos, or others like him."
are a clever fellow, Aulus," he said. "You could ride with me."
have taken fee," said Aulus.
with Ionicus of Cos!" cried the fellow, suddenly, angrily. The knuckles of
his hand were white on the shaft of the lance.
fee has been taken," said Aulus, quietly.
I saw the
fellow’s hand relax. He leaned back. He grinned, his teeth very white in the
curly, ringleted blackness of that beribboned beard. "You are more of a
mercenary than I," he laughed.
he said, "you could have ridden with me."
have all five chains," asked Aulus.
is a pretty slave at your stirrup," said the fellow.
I quickly
put my head down.
up, child," he said.
I did so.
straight," he said. "Put your head back."
I obeyed.
he said, "she is pretty."
said Aulus.
has her knees nicely placed, too," he said.
is that sort of slave," said Aulus.
blushed, but I knew that before a man such as that before me now, on the
tharlarion, my knees belonged apart, widely apart.
is a three-tarsk girl," said the fellow.
cost Ionicus five, and a tarsk bit," said Aulus.
a tarsk bit?" asked the fellow.
said Aulus.
she was a lure girl," he said.
(pg. 356)
"Yes," said Aulus.
she negotiable?" asked the fellow.
slaves are negotiable," said Aulus.
of my men are not too fond of lure girls," he said. "I think that I
would let you keep her. They might kill her."
I had to
keep my head back. I was very frightened.
would be a tragic waste of slave meat," he said.
would think so," said Aulus.
do you call her?" asked the fellow.
said Aulus.
have taken five chains," said the fellow. "I spared the guards. You
may have them back, if you wish. There were two hundred and fifty men, exactly
on the chains. I am recruiting one hundred and seventy-seven of them. Some I am
freeing, because they are from Brundisium, whose Home Stone, before my outlawry,
was mine. The rest I will sell back to you for, I think, something in the
neighborhood of what you paid for them."
are turning back the genuine prisoners, of course," said Aulus.
all of them," said the fellow. "Some of them can handle weapons. They
will stay with me."
what numbers are we speaking?" said Aulus.
were from Brundisium," said the fellow.
said Aulus, "if you are recruiting one hundred and seventy-seven, and
releasing five, from Brundisium, who may, or may not take service with you,
then we are talking about less than seventy men."
to be exact," said the fellow.
said Aulus. "You have been very zealous in your recruiting, it seems. Can
we not do a little better than that?"
one hundred and seventy-seven have already taken the campaign oath," he
that is that," said Aulus. "What about the five from
are from Brundisium," he said.
course," said Aulus.
silver tarsk apiece," said the fellow.
seems high," said Aulus.
is an average praetor’s price," he said. To be sure, some serving shorter
sentences, would presumably go for less, and some, more dangerous fellows,
perhaps, serving longer sentences, might go for more. "Too," he said,
"I expect you pay to much, or more, for the fellows you get from illicit
said Aulus. This was the first inkling I had had of (pg. 357) what the fellows
I had helped to entrap in Argentum might have brought Tyrrhenius. I, twice, had
gone for at least five times as much. To be sure, once was because Tyrrhenius
had wanted to pick up a good lure girl and once was because Ionicus, or perhaps
his agent, acting on a standing policy, had wanted, as a joke, to put me at the
service of men I had trapped. If it were not for such things I did not know
what I would be likely to sell for, perhaps two silver tarsks. I did not know.
Still I was a dancer, and we tend to bring higher prices. We are useful not
only in brothels, cabarets, taverns, public pleasure gardens, and such, but
wherever there are strong men, wherever there are men who enjoy seeing a woman
move before them excitingly, and beautifully, and as a total female. Indeed, it
is said some of the finest and most sensuous dancers are private slaves who
perform in delicious secrecy, and totally, for a single master. We, and our
uses, of course, may also be rented out for private dinner parties, for
banquets and feasts, and such. Some of us, too, serve as imbonded camp
followers, and will count as part of the loot should the camp fall into enemy
hands. Some of us serve, too, in remote army posts, where we are kept to
relieve the tedium of the troops. Some, too, of course, as would be expected,
serve in the houses of rich men and even in the palaces of the Ubars, where we
commonly dance for them at their suppers, entertaining them and their guests.
Dancers have many uses on Gor, both public and private. I suppose this is only
to be expected, given the vitality, the masculinity, the strength of Gorean
males. Any female taken to Gor, I suppose, must expect to learn at least the
rudiments of slave dance.
well," said Aulus, "sixty-eight silver tarsks. That is cheaper than
going about, trying to replace these fellows in other ways. Too, the Vennans
are eager to get on with their work."
I had not
heard them say anything about the female work slaves. Surely Tupita, too, for
example, would have fallen into the hands of this fellow, this mercenary
captain, Pietro Vacchi. As a slave, of course, I did not dare speak. What if
they saw fit to have me trampled by one of the tharlarions?
It was
getting darker now. I wanted to go back to the camp. I felt very helpless,
kneeling there, naked, chained to the stirrup.
shall return with you to your camp, to pick up the sixty-eight men," said
said Pietro Vacchi, turning his tharlarion.
I was
suddenly plunged into terror.
(pg. 358)
"You may break position, Tuka," said Aulus. "What is
Master," I said, in terror.
I did not
want to go to the mercenaries’ camp. It was not merely that I feared such men
but that Mirus, I knew, was from Brundisium. Indeed, he and Hendow, my former
master, had grown up together there. They had known one another since
childhood. On the last night I had seen him in the tavern Mirus had told me
that he and Hendow would die for one another.
I rose to
my feet. Only too clearly was Aulus going to accompany the captain to his camp.
I begged, pressing myself against the side of Aulus’s tharlarion, looking up at
him, "please do not take me to the camp of the mercenaries, please!
he asked.
fear one who may be in the camp," I said.
he asked.
from Brundisium," I wept.
he is from Brundisium," he said, "he is probably on his way back
there now."
I looked
up at him, tears in my eyes. What he said, of course, might be true. I did not
not be afraid," he said.
Master," I said. "Do not take me to the camp!"
he on your chain?" he asked.
Master," I said.
it were his intention to hurt you," he said, "he could have done it
do not take me to the camp!" I begged.
you really think I am going to send you back to Venna?" he asked.
please!" I begged.
and many others, Vacchi, will be there to protect you," he said.
Master!" I begged.
not embarrass me," he said.
along, Aulus!" called Pietro Vacchi, looking back over his should.
"Bring you men, and do not neglect, too, to bring the wagon, with the
are coming," called Aulus.
(pg. 359)
"Please, Master!" I wept, putting my hands to his boot, "Please,
Then I
saw him draw forth a tharlarion whip. "No," I begged,
"please!" the lash cut down at me! I felt its blow. I had been
whipped! I covered my head and eyes and, terrified, turning about, rushed to
the end of the chain, but there, caught by the collar, pulling against the
stirrup. I was brought up short, half choked, terrified. Then he reeled me in,
gathering lengths of the chain in his hand. He then, as I stood there, naked,
trembling, put the whip again to me, three times, and then another lash, for
good measure. I was then sobbing, and weeping, wildly. He then cast loose the
chain and moved his tharlarion forward, to ride with Pietro Vacchi. I hastily,
whipped, stumbled after him.
said Pietro Vacchi, as though he might not have noted my beating, "you
will be entertained as though you might be a Ubar!"
hospitality of Pietro Vacchi is well known," said Aulus.
I hoped,
wildly, that Mirus would not be in the camp of Pietro Vacchi. I hoped he would
have already set out for Brundisium. Surely he would not be expecting me to be
brought to the camp.
"I have
picked up a gentlewoman from Ar," said Pietro Vacchi. "Perhaps you
would enjoy enlightening her on what it is to be a female."
I may be of service," said Aulus.
your little Tuka is a pretty one," said Vacchi.
is only a slave," said Aulus, "but she is, of course, yours for the
said Pietro Vacchi.
I hurried
along beside the tharlarion of Aulus, his stirrup chain on my neck.
Lad!" called Vacchi, holding in his tharlarion. "This is not the way
to Brundisium!" he addressed a tall fellow in the shadows, making his way
northward on the Viktel Aria.
figure in the shadows lifted his head.
I had
quickly knelt, as soon as the progress of the tharlarion had been arrested,
with my head down to the stones of the Vitkel Aria. I did not want to be
recognized. The figure in the shadows had been one I could not mistake.
tharlarion began their trek again, southward, toward the camp of Vacchi, the
men of Aulus, and the wagon, with its box of coins, following.
There had
been no mistaking the figure in the shadows. Too, it had been going north, not
west, or northwest, toward Brundisium. It had been going north on the Vitkel
Aria, toward (pg. 360) Venna, in the vicinity of which lay the camp of the
black chain of Ionicus.
I grasped
the chain with two hands. I could not get it off my neck.
Surely in
the darkness I had not been recognized. Surely I would have seemed then only
another slave, only another soft, pretty thing, of no account, kneeling on the
road, kneeling in the darkness, its head down, its neck chained to a master’s
I dared
not look back.
formidable the figure had seemed, so tall, so broad-shouldered, so purposeful,
so menacing, in its remnants of a work tunic. But, now, too, I was sure it was
armed. Over its left shoulder, there had been slung a strap, from which had
hung a scabbard, the attitude of which had suggested only too clearly that it
was weighted with a blade.
earlier in the evening," Aulus was saying, "before you are ready for
her in your tent, you might put her before your men."
is that?" asked Vacchi.
is not unskilled in the movements of slave dance," said Aulus.
lads could use a treat," said Vacchi. "Too, I could use ostraka in a
helmet for her, with five granting her use. What think you?"
said Aulus. "Your men will be pleased."
I looked
back. I almost cried out with fear. The fellow who had been going north was no
longer going north. He had changed his direction. He had been moving toward
Venna, and the camp of the black chain of Ionicus. But he was now coming south.
He was behind the wagon, rather to its right, as I looked back. Indeed, he was
only twenty yards, or so, now, behind me.
said Aulus, "by the time she is brought to your tent she should then be
nicely ready."
laughed Vacchi.
followed the men, on my chain tether. So I might dance? So soldiers might draw
lots for my use? So I might serve Pietro Vacchi? But what then? Would the man
following not "bide his time" as Tupita had said? Would there not
come a time, sooner or later, if he were patient, when he could find me alone?
I might even be staked out, my hands and legs widely separated. I had heard
mercenaries sometimes enjoyed fastening women down in such a way. But I would
be scarcely less helpless if I were in a tiny slave cage, through the bars of
which he might thrust with his (pg. 361) sword, perhaps a hundred short, sharp
times, or, similarly available to him, for whatever he might choose to do to
me, chained with my belly to a tree, my ankles and wrists fastened about it.
I looked
back in fear.
He was
still following!
stroke of his sword, I knew, if it were his decision to be swift with me, could
remove my head.
am looking forward to seeing her dance," said Vacchi.
But I did
not even know if he would be swift with me.
you used her?" asked Vacchi.
times," said Aulus.
is she?" asked Vacchi.
is a slave," laughed Aulus.
you recommend her?" asked Vacchi.
said Aulus.
is a slave?" said Vacchi.
is a superb slave," said Aulus.
said Vacchi.
I hoped
tat when the men were through with me, the others, and the master, Pietro
Vacchi, that they would put me in a slave pen, preferably with other girls.
Surely in a camp of mercenaries they would have other girls. Such should be
common in such a camp. They would presumably pick them up here and there,
perhaps selling some, and adding others. Perhaps some, more beautiful, or
popular, might be kept more or less permanently with the troops. Perhaps some
of the soldiers, officers probably, even had their own girls, taken here or
there, their own property. They had spoken of a "gentlewoman,"
though, I suppose, if she were free, she would not be put with slaves, but
might sleep chained at the feet of her captor, at least until her thigh made
the acquaintance of the brand and her neck of the collar. Hopefully the bars
would be sturdy, and closely set. I would want to sleep near the center of the
pen. It would be safer there. Perhaps such things, the presence of other
slaves, and of bars of iron, could protect me.
I looked
back again. Quietly, implacably, he was following.
I had
little doubt he would await his chance.
Tuka," said Aulus, looking down at me. "You are not dallying
Master," I said.
might almost think you were anxious to reach the camp," he said.
Master," I said.
27 THE
(pg. 362)
I lay in the center of the pen.
I was
trembling, but here I think I was safe.
I had
feared they might not have a pen here, but only a chain, perhaps stretched
between trees, that we might be attached to, by the ankle or neck. Such a
thing, though it might have its guard, might be more easily approached. The pen
was some forty feet square, and some seven feet in height. It had an open
roofing of bars, supported by hollow metal posts, and bars, too, covered now
with sand, floored it. It could be assembled, fastened together with plates,
bolts and chains, and similarly disassembled, and transported in wagons.
Mercenaries, following the demands of their business, the exigencies of their
trade, frequently move their camps. Though the wagons could doubtless be drawn
by tharlarion, if speed were necessary, the harnesses I had seen on the covered
harness racks, near the wagons, were not made for tharlarion. They were made
for women. Girls, thus, and perhaps some stripped free women among them, would
draw the wagons. Doubtless drovers would be with them on the road, with their
whips, should they be tempted to lag in their zeal. There were only some twenty
or so women penned with me now. Many, perhaps a hundred or more, were doubtless
spending the night in the tents of soldiers, signed out to them for the night.
There was one gate to our pen. It was secured with two locks, padlocks, and
chains. It was guarded by two men.
I rolled
over, in the soft sand, lying within the dark blanket.
pleased I was that there was such a pen.
Here I
was safe, I was sure.
I had no
doubt of the menace and intent of he who had followed us back to the camp of
Pietro Vacchi. He had been making his way, meaningfully, the blade in its
sheath, toward Venna, and the black chain. It had been his intent, sooner or
later, in one way or another, to renew his acquaintance with a certain slave,
one who had once betrayed him. then he had recognized her on the road. He had
then immediately changed his route. Did they really think he had not known his
way to (pg. 363) Brundisium, a native of Brundisium, and such a man? Did they
really think he had returned to the camp only to make a fresh start in the
morning? No, he had been following us for a purpose, and it had to do with a
slave, one he was determined to bring within the reach of his hand, and blade.
Had I had any doubt he had recognized me on the road, and that that had been
responsible for his change of direction, that doubt had been dispelled in the
camp. When I had knelt before a post, my hands behind me, chained back about
the post, a helmet beside me, set in the sand, like a vessel, into which
ostraka would be placed, men had come to look upon me. They had come to see if
they thought it worth their while, in the spending of their evening, to wait
about for a time, to see me dance, and then, perhaps, if they were pleased, to
drop an ostrakan into the helmet. Among them came he whom I most feared. I
strained forward, trying to kiss at his legs, but the chain on my wrists,
pulling against the back of the post, held me back. I then realized that he had
selected the place where he had stood with care. He had judged the distance
with cruel exactness. It was such that I would try to reach him, desperately,
to kiss him, to placate him. It was also such that I would be unable to do so.
I had looked up into his eyes, and then, in terror, had put down my head. He
had then left me, and another man had come to look upon me. I had danced that
night between campfires, for the mercenaries. He had not chosen to watch. It
seems, once again, that he would take suitable precautions, not be softened,
that the iron of his intent be neither diminished nor imperiled, that there be
no possible weakening of his terrible resolve.
I turned
to my back, within the blanket. It was a very dark night. I could scarcely see
the bars, it was so dark.
I think
the mercenaries had found me pleasing. Surely they had responded well to the
dance, and the helmet had been filled with ostraka. It had not started well,
for I had been hampered by terror, but soon, as I recalled my earlier beating
by Aulus, and knew I might be again whipped if I did not do well, and as I
reassured myself that within the camp I would presumably be safe, and as I saw
the men, and I knew they wished pleasure, and that it was within my power to
give it to them, and abundantly, and must do so, to the best of my power. I
began to lose my terror and then, at last, I think. I danced well.
"Superb!" I heard cry. Far then I was from the shy, introverted girl
of the library, she who had scarcely dared to admit, even to herself, even in
the concealments of her most secret heart, that in her belly lurked (pg. 364)
the dispositions and nature of a pleasure slave! But now, openly, and whether
she willed it or not, she was that very slave. "Superb!" cried
another man. I danced, barefoot in the sand, naked, in my collar, my body
illuminated redly in the light of the fires. I was joyful, a woman! How
powerful, and grand, were the men! How I wanted to please them, and knew that I
must. They did not fear, or object to, masculine power. They delighted in it,
reveled in it. It ennobled and exalted them. It made them great! It made them
glorious! And had they not been such men, how could I have been such a woman?
It was
very dark out.
when the five ostraka had been drawn something of my fears had returned. I had
even begged two of the fellows not to take me far from the fires, but, dragged
by the hair, bent over, I had followed them. Then I had served them in the
darkness, between tents. Once, my hands over my head, I had felt the tent
ropes. Once, when I had bent over one fellow, I had lifted my head, in terror,
thinking I might have heard a sound, but, it seems, I had not. I had then again
addressed myself to my labors. After I had served five men I had been conducted
to the tent of Pietro Vacchi. He, among the others, had watched me dance.
Indeed, I had danced my beauty particularly to him, more than once, as he was
the captain of these men, and his ruggedness and strength, his entire demeanor,
that of a master, stirred my belly. I could not flee from him. But in a moment
I would not have wanted to. He was a true master, and, in moments, licking and
kissing, squirming, moaning, crying out with gratitude, I was helpless in his
grasp. When he had left me I had lain on the rug, looking after him in disbelief.
What a slave such men made us! I had lain on my back, the chain on my neck, my
fingernails scratching at the rug. When I had seen him standing near me again I
had gone to my belly and pressed my lips fervently to his feet.
"Master!" I had wept. He then took me by the upper arms and, with a
sound of chain, lifted me, and flung me back, again to the rug. "Oh yes,
Master!" I had cried out, again, in gratitude.
One of
the girls near me stirred in her sleep. "Let me serve you, let me serve
you," she was moaning, in her dreams.
however, for one, was now pleased to be behind the bars of the pen. Something
of my original terror had returned when Pietro Vacchi had led me to the exit of
his tent and pointed the way, through the darkness, to the pen. I had bellied,
and begged, for a guard. "Do you wish another whipping?" he had
inquired. (pg. 365) "No, Master!" I said. He had, it seems, taken
note of my beating on the Vitkel Aria. Too, I was sure the marks on me attested
to it. I rose to my feet, to creep, frightened, in the direction he had
indicated. "Wait," he said, as an afterthought. "Wait." I
was only too willing to dally. "You have heard of the other girl?" he
asked. "Master?" I asked. "Guard," he called, "escort
this young lady to her quarters." "Yes, Captain," he said.
Pietro Vacchi then returned to his tent. The guard was behind me.
"Lesha!" he said. Immediately, responsive to this command, I flung my
wrists behind me, separated by some two inches, and lifted my chin, my head turned
to the left. I felt slave bracelets flung, snapping shut, on my wrists. I was
braceleted. In another moment I was leashed. "Precede me," said the
guard. I went before him. In a moment we were among the trees, on a path.
"Oh!" I said, softly. The guard had begun to caress me. In another
moment or two he stopped me with the leash, in the darkness. "May I speak,
Master?" I asked. "No," he said. He was through with me quickly.
Then I was dragged to my feet and conducted, again, toward the pens. I though I
saw a movement in the darkness, but I was not certain. "What is it?"
asked the guard, uneasily. "Nothing, Master," I said. If I had truly
detected something, as perhaps I had between the tents, the tiny sound, or now,
perhaps, a movement in the darkness, subtle, almost unnoticeable, I had little
doubt as to what might be its source. But he had not, in either case, struck in
the darkness. He had had no interest, it seemed, in killing the soldier, or the
guard. It was not him he wanted. He would continue, it seemed, to bide his
time. in a few moments, however, happily, I was released into the pen.
"Blankets are at the side," he said. "You may take only
one." Yes, Master," I said. "May I speak?" "No,"
he said.
I sat up
in the blanket. I thought something had been standing on the other side of the
bars, toward the back of the pen, away from the guards. I strained my eyes,
peering into the darkness. I could see nothing. If something had been there it
was now apparently gone. I was frightened. I looked about myself. I pulled the blanket
up, tightly, around my chin. I was being stalked. I was sure of it! The I
realized with misgivings, a sinking feeling, that it was unlikely I would have
heard the tiny sound, seen the movement, been aware of a presence beyond the
bars, so subtle a presence, in the darkness, unless it had been intended that
I, if only subliminally, take note of them. It was perhaps his intention to
remind me, from time to time, particularly if I should grow hopeful, that I had
not been forgotten. (pg. 366) But perhaps in was all my imagination! Perhaps he
had changed his mind. Perhaps he had taken his way, by now, to Brundisium! Then
I was again frightened. Could an arrow, or the quarrel of a crossbow, not be
sped between the bars, into my heart, even here in the pen? I lay back,
frightened, holding the blanket about me. Such a missile, of course, might be
as easily launched from the brush at the side of a road, as I might be walking
beside a tharlarion, my neck in a chain, running to a master’s stirrup. But I
wondered if such things would suffice for his vengeance. Perhaps they would be
too distant, too abstract, for him. I dug down a little more into the sand,
until I could feel the bars of the cage floor.
I thought
of Petro Vacchi. How well he handled a woman! How well he had mastered me! I
remembered that on the road a "gentlewoman," one from Ar, had been
mentioned. She, as I understood it, was to have been given to Aulus for the
evening, that he might help her learn what it was to be a female. Aulus, as I
well knew, from when I had worn the rectangle of silk in his tent, was a strong
master. I had little doubt but what the "gentlewoman," lying at his
feet in the morning, wide-eyed and sleepless, would recollect in chagrin and
horror her responses of the preceding night. Could she believe what she had
done, and said? How she had begged and squirmed, and acted not at all like a
free woman, but like a slave? How she had behaved in his arms? How could she, a
free woman, have acted like that? But perhaps she had not truly, ultimately, a
free woman, as she had hitherto supposed but really, truly, like so many women,
those she had pretended not to really understand, and had held in such
contempt, until now, only a slave? Could that be? And could they teach her
things, if she begged hard enough, that she might be more pleasing to such men,
that they might find her of interest and deign again to notice her? Regardless
of such considerations how could she now, after what had been done to her, and
how she had acted, go back to being a free woman? Could she pretend nothing had
happened? How could she hold her head up, again, now, among free women? Would
she not now cringe before them, and be unable to meet their eyes, like a
runaway slave, thence to be seized by them and remanded to a praetor? Now that
she had known the touch of a man, such a man, how could she return, as though
nothing had happened, to her former self, with its haughty, barren pretenses of
freedom? What authority or right had she any longer, given what she had learned
about herself last night, to claim that she was "free," except
perhaps in virtue of the accident of an undeserved legal technicality? (pg.
367) How could she ever again, given what she now knew about herself, consider
herself free? No longer had she a right to such a claim. She now knew, in her
heart, that she was not truly free, but, truly free, but, truly, a slave. That
was what she was, and right that she be. No longer could she find it in her
heart to pretend to be free, to play again the role of a free woman, to enact
once again what, in her case, could now be only a hollow mockery, an empty
farce of freedom. Too, could she any longer even dare to do so? Suppose others
came to suspect, or even to know! What if they could read it somehow in her
eyes, or body? It is a great crime for a slave to pretend to be a free woman.
Would they not simply take off her clothes and punish her, and then hand her
over to a praetor, for her proper disposition? Too, what could such a pretense
gain her but the closing of doors on the truth of her being? But even if these
things were not true, she feared they were, she did not wish to perish of
shame. No longer now, knowing what she now knew about herself, could she live
as a free woman. She must beg Aulus, when he awakened, for she did not dare
awaken him for fear she might be whipped, for the brand and collar. No longer
could she be a free woman. It was now right that she be kept as a slave, and
made a slave.
As the
night was cloudy, and dark, I could not see the stars, or moons.
I felt
the collar on my throat. Ti was the collar of Ionicus, I was a work slave. Yet,
tonight, I had not served as a work slave, but a pleasure slave. Too, Aulus had
chained me at his stirrup. He had used me as a display slave, to enhance his
appearance, to add to the effect he might make when he came into the presence
of Pietro Vacchi. It is a use for slaves. I was proud that I had been put at
his stirrup. In such small ways a slave may gather that she is exciting and
beautiful. To be sure, he may not have wanted to leave me behind with the
guards. Also, he may have had in mind that I might dance for the mercenaries
and serve some of them, and their captain. Thus I might, in my humble way, like
a gift, or a token of good will, make my small contribution to the success of
his visit. Perhaps a tribute, or, more carefully put, a friendship fee, might
even be arranged, such that the chains of Ionicus might, at least for a given
time, enjoy immunity from the depredations of the mercenaries. If I had been
used for such a purpose I hoped that I had done well, and that Aulus would be
satisfied. I recalled Vacchi. I hoped that I had pleased him. I smiled to
myself. That I had pleased him? Rather it seemed he had used me, imperiously,
as a master, for his pleasure! In his arms, I, helpless, moaning, crying out,
sometimes (pg. 368) even begging for mercy, had been forced to endure lengthy
slave ecstasies. I squirmed in the sand, digging into it until I again felt the
bars of iron, of the pen floor, beneath me, remembering what it had been to be
in his arms.
I would presumably return to the black chain of Ionicus, though perhaps to be
kept in Aulus’s tent in a rectangle of silk. Surely that was preferable to
wearing chains and carrying water, struggling against its bulging, shifting
weight, bend over, going back and forth, back and forth, wading in sand to the
recalled, oddly, when I had knelt before Tyrrhenius, weeks before, when I had
learned that he was going to sell me, he had spoken of "inquiries." I
had not much thought of it at the time, but now, in the darkness, lying in the
sand of the pen, I wondered what he had meant. What sort of inquiries had he in
mind, and to whom did they pertain? Did they pertain to him? Did they pertain
to me? Or perhaps he feared that they might pertain to me? Was that why he had
sold me, rather abruptly, as it seemed, now that I thought about it? And who
was making such inquiries? I thought that perhaps it might have been a
praetor’s agent, or agents, or perhaps fellows suspected of being such agents,
that might have been making such inquiries in Argentum. I did not know. News of
their questioning could have been brought to Tyrrhenius by his spies, or men.
Whatever might be the case, it seemed that he had regarded it judicious to
terminate my services as a lure girl. I had then been sold to the black chain
of Ionicus.
dismissed such thoughts from my mind.
I lay in
the darkness. I wanted to return to the work camp. There, I thought, there,
behind the wire, in the midst of guards, I should be safe, or at least as safe
as any of the other girls. Certainly he whose vengeance quarry I might be would not wish to simply enter
the camp. He might be seized and returned to the chain. Yes, I thought, I want
to get back to the work camp. If I can get back to the work camp, I should be
safe, at least as safe as the other girls. That is important, I thought, to get
back to the camp.
have heard of the other girl?" had asked Pietro Vacchi of me, after I had
risen to my feet, after I had bellied to him, in the entrance of his tent,
begging a guard, fearing to go out into the darkness, to find my own way to the
pen, there to report myself in to the guards, to be incarcerated within it.
"Master?" I had asked, puzzled. He had then, in a moment, put me in
the custody of a guard. I was somewhat puzzled by this. For a moment I had
feared Vacchi was going to put me under the (pg. 369) whip, for my
importunities. Certainly I did not want to be whipped twice in one day. Then he
had asked me that question. Then, after a moment, it seemed he had, for some
reason, relented, or changed his mind. The guard had then braceleted and
leashed me, and I had proceeded him toward the pen. I had expected to be taken
directly to the pen but the guard, once we were in the darkness, had pulled me
up shortly by the leash, and then, I perforce keeping silent, had put me to his
purposes. It was shortly after that, when we were again on our way to the pen,
that I had thought I might have detected a movement among the trees. This fear,
or start, had doubtless been reflected in my entire body, perhaps even in the
movement of the leash. "What is it?" had asked the guard, uneasily.
"Nothing, Master," I had said. It had not been difficult to detect
the uneasiness, or even alarm, in the guard’s voice. I did not understand his
apprehension. We were in the midst of the mercenaries camp. If there had been
something there, presumably it would be only another of his fellows, perhaps
relieving himself in the darkness, not wanting to seek out the latrines. If
anyone had something to fear it was presumably I, and not he. Yet Vacchi had
put a guard with me. It had something to do, perhaps, with the "other
girl." Something, it seems, may have recently happened to another girl. I
had tried, twice, to inquire about this, but, each time, had not been given
permission to speak. I must then be silent. Whether or not we may speak is not
at our will, but at the will of our masters. I shivered. Still, I was safe now,
lying close to the ground, in the darkness, among the other girls, locked in
the pen.
I thought
about the morrow. Presumably I would be again at the stirrup of Aulus. I was
pleased that there was not too much brush along the side of the road. I feel
stirred, uneasily. My nose wrinkled a little. There was some sort of strong
smell. I did not care for it. I did not know what it was. It seemed very close,
terribly close. I opened my eyes, suddenly. I could not see anything in the
darkness. Perhaps I had been asleep for only a few moments. Perhaps I had slept
for an hour. I did not know. Then it seemed that I was paralyzed with fear. I
had vaguely discerned, or thought I had, a deeper darkness in the darkness.
Then I felt something on each side of me, like barriers, a wall, but parts of
something alive. I wanted to scream, but was so terrified I could not make the
least sound. I was on my back, trapped in the blanket. Its body was above my
lower body, close. Its legs, or hind legs, were on either side of (pg. 370) me.
I was held in place. It seemed enormous. It leaned forward. I almost choked,
from the fetid breath. A drop of liquid fell to my face, salivation from its
jaws. It seemed excited. Doubtless I was meat. I felt the heat and volume of
its breath on my face. Its lungs must be huge. Its oral orifice might well be
as large as my head. I could not understand why it did not move. I now realized
it was waiting for me to try to scream. This thing over me was not human, but,
too, it was no sleen, or larl. It was a beast, and a terrible one, that much I
could tell even in the terror of the darkness, but, too, I sensed, from its
control, and patience, and the way it had rendered me helpless, it was in some
indefinable way, some terrifying way, other than a beast, too, or more than a
beast. It was a beast which, like men, I feared, could consider alternatives,
envisage possible futures, choose courses of action. It could think, and plan.
I lay there. It did not begin to lacerate me. It did not tear at my flesh. It
did not begin to feed. It was waiting, waiting patiently. It was waiting for me
to try to scream. At the time, of course, I did not know that. I moved a
little. There was an almost inaudible growl. Immediately I was again perfectly
still. I did not understand why it had not killed me. It was, somehow, however,
within the pen. Had it been admitted? Perhaps it was uneasy in such a
situation? Perhaps it wanted to carry me to its den, there to feed on me. But
why then, would it not have killed me first, and then dragged me away, like a
leopard? I did not think this thing would want me as a slave. I was not of its
species. Its lusts, and I did not doubt but what such a vital, powerful
creature had them, would presumably be triggered by configurations and natures quite other than mine. Indeed, I
shuddered to consider what might be the rituals and habits, the courtships and
matings, of such a thing. Too, it was not behaving toward me, as might have a
master, say, fondling me with possessive audacity or throwing my legs apart, to
see how I might look with them spread, or to let me know what my relationship
was to be to him. For what, then, could it want me? Doubtless food. But then
why had it not killed me? Perhaps it wanted to get me somehow to its den and
there make its kill, that the meat might be fresh? Or, perhaps, as it might be
a rational beast, with an eye to the future, until it was hungry? It then,
slowly, one by one, put the digits of its left hand, or paw, on my cheek. I
suddenly shuddered. There had been five, and then, when I had thought them
done, terrifying me, there had been another! The thing had six digits! It was
then alien, as far as I knew, not only to Earth but Gor. It was from (pg. 371)
somewhere else! I was suddenly wild with terror, not the numbing paralyzing
terror, which I now understand the thing was waiting to pass, but a different
sort of terror, now a wild, helpless terror. I put back my head, wildly. I
opened my mouth, widely. I took a breath to scream. But no sooner had I opened
my mouth, widely, widely, and took in breath to scream, than the creature, with
his right hand, or pay, from beside him, took what must have been a small bag,
filled with rags, and thrust it expertly, deeply into my oral orifice. He then,
as I looked up in
darkness, in disbelief, in consternation, tied it back in my mouth with cord,
pulled back deeply between my teeth wrapped twice about my head, fastened under
my left ear. He was apparently right-handed, or right-pawed. He then drew back
the blanket from about me, and turned me to my stomach. He then drew my wrists
behind my back and tied them. In another moment he had similarly fastened my
ankles together. He had bound me, hand and foot. I lay there bewildered,
terrified. He had handled me with the dexterity of a human slaver, surprising a
woman in her bed. Not only had he seemed apprised of the human female’s
reflexive scream reaction, her tendency to cry out with fear, but he had taken
advantage of it, exploiting it expertly, using it for the convenient
opportunity it afforded for her effective gagging. I could now, the rags in my
mouth, utter only tiny, helpless sounds. These were perhaps not greatly
different from the small cries a woman might utter in her sleep. How expertly
he had taken advantage of my female reflexes! He had also, in his way, tricked
me. He had provoked my scream reflex by silently informing me, unexpectedly,
and to my terror, of the alien nature of his hand, or paw. He had then gagged
me, and, then, without further ado, put back the blanket, turned me to my belly
and bound me, helplessly.
I lay on
my stomach, on the blanket, it in the soft sand, bound and gagged. I had been
quickly and efficiently rendered helpless. I suspected then that this may not
have been done entirely by feel. I had the distinct feeling that the thing,
even in this darkness, might be able to see. Even to me the darkness was not
absolute. I could tell something of its outline in the night. There must
therefore, somehow, be some light, perhaps a tiny bit of light from the moons,
or even the stars, filtered through the cover of the clouds. Whereas this might
be so small that it was scarcely detectable by a human, it might be more than
adequate for a different, more efficient nocturnal adaptations. Humans even
illuminated the streets of their cities, at least in (pg. 372) certain areas.
In venturing out into the night they were not unaccustomed to carrying lanterns
with them, or touches, and that for so simple a purpose as merely to see their
way. This thing near me I suspected had no need of such artifices. I heard, and
felt it, its snout at my back, touching me once or twice, with its tiny intakes
of air, sniffling me. Then, as I stiffened in terror, I felt digits of its
hand, or paw, on my back. It was feeling some of the welts on my back. These
were from my beating by Aulus, on the Vitkel Aria. I had deserved that beating.
I had not been pleasing to a master. Then it put its head down, close to me. I
then felt its tongue, curiously, exploratory, a rough tongue, like a cat’s,
lick slowly at one or two of the welts. I heard a small noise from its throat.
I feared it might be becoming excited. Then it straightened up. I was relieved.
I was pleased that there was no blood on my back. It then turned about, its
huge form crouched down. It was still for a moment, very still, perhaps looking
about, perhaps reconnoitering. It then took one of my bound ankles in its paw.
It them dragged me by the ankle from the blanket, between the other girls, on
my side, through the sand, toward the bars. In so small a thing as this I
sensed its alieness. No human, I think, would have drawn me along like this. It
was more like some shambling predator pulling a four-footed animal behind it,
by a leg. In a moment it was at the bars, on the far side, away from the gate.
Then to my amazement it drew me between the bars which, literally, it seemed,
had been bent apart. Apparently it had not been admitted. It had admitted
itself. It had apparently taken the bars in its paws, those bars which might
well have confined men, let alone women, and bent them apart. Outside the bars,
on the dirt, it lifted me in its arms and, half crouching, carried me into some
trees. There in the darkness, alone with it, I began to whimper and struggle. I
did not want to be taken from the camp, not now, not this way! It then put me
down, on the dirt. I struggled at its feet, bound. I feared it would now, in
this isolated place, eat me. But it lifted me up, by the back of the neck, to a
kneeling position. Did I know what it was doing? I was not kneeling before it,
a position appropriate for a slave! It then lifted me up again, a foot or so,
such that I seemed really to be neither kneeling or standing. I was held by the
back of the neck again, its grip, that of only one hand or paw, easily
supporting my weight. I felt the dirt on the tops of my toes, as my feet now
were, their soles exposed. i having been lifted up from a kneeling position. My
knees were bent. It then, with its right paw, struck me. My head was flung to
the side. I lost consciousness.
28 THE
you all right?" asked Tupita.
I said.
she whispered, touching my forehead, soothingly. "Rest. Do not try to
rise. You were cruelly struck."
am I?" I asked.
up," she said.
I looked
up, blinking against the light. Far above me, as at the end of some off,
vertical tunnel, I could see a circular opening, perhaps some seven or eight
feet across, and, across this, in open sockets, there was a peeled, rounded
timber, about which a rope was wound. A few feet below this timber, attached to
the rope, there dangled a bucket. Over the opening, too, there were the
remains, mostly a frame, of what was once apparently a small arched roof.
Through the remains of this roof I could see, framed in the wreckage, the blue
sky, and, interestingly, in it, like tiny points, stars. The light of the sun
not obliterating them from this perspective, one could see them, even now, in
the daylight.
I rose to
my knees, in the dried leaves and gravel. "Tela!" I said.
she whispered. Tela was kneeling a few feet from me. She still wore, soiled
now, the tiny, thin rectangle of red silk she had worn in the tent of Aulus. It
was all that Aulus, by custom, permitted women to wear in his tent, saving
their collars.
you all right?" I asked.
she whispered.
I kissed
Tupita, and Tela.
said Tupita, indicating two other girls, sitting to one side, "are Mina
and Cara." They wore the shreds of work tunics. On their ankles were
shackles, separated by lengths of chain such that they might not run, but such
that they also would constitute no inconvenience for guards. Iron, too, was
hammered shut about their wrists, these bands linked by some eighteen inches of
are the girls who were first stolen?" I said to Tupita.
(pg. 374)
"Yes," she said.
is Tuka," said Tupita to the two girls.
nodded, hardly moving their heads. They were very quiet. Both seemed
frightened, almost in shock.
her," said Tupita.
Tuka," whispered one. "Greetings, Tuka," whispered the other.
They moved slightly. There was a small sound of chain.
I said.
looked up.
you see what took you?" I asked.
She shook
her head.
"Cara?" I asked.
said Cara, shuddering.
was probably the beast, or beasts," said Tupita. "They do not know.
They were struck unconscious, from behind, probably within moments of one
another. I do not even know if they believe me when I tell them of the beast.
Tela saw it though, at the tent of Aulus, after it had gagged her, before it
put her to her belly and bound her. I, too, saw it, two days ago, but briefly
in the darkness, when I was returning from the tent of Pietro Vacchi to the
girl pen. It leaped out and seized me. Before I could cry out I was gagged. In
another instant I was secured."
were used in the tent of Pietro Vacchi?" I asked.
days ago," she said.
were freed from the chain," I said.
men, or most of them, were freed," she said. "I, of course, and the
girls with the other chains, must simply wait to see who our new masters will
course," I said, "we are kijirae."
there a beast?" asked Mina, of me.
I said.
you see it?" she asked.
I said.
food, loaves of bread, and fruit, is thrown down to us, at night," said
Tupita. "Water, too, in the darkness, is lowered in the bucket. It is then
are permitted to drink but once a day?" I said.
she said, "so drink your fill."
came I here?" I asked.
wrists were bound together before you," she said, "and a doubled rope
put through them. When you were within our reach, and we could hold you, the
other end of the rope was dropped, and it was then withdrawn. We removed your
(pg. 373)
what nature was the bond?" I asked.
fiber," said Tupita.
it not strange that a beast would have such fiber?’ I asked.
would seem so," said Tupita.
what nature is this place?" I asked, looking up.
is apparently an abandoned well," said Tupita, "but it had been
changed in some respects."
is that?" I asked.
bottom of the shaft, below us, is not open to the ground, to sand, or soft
dirt, but filled, apparently for several feet, with large boulders. We cannot
lift them. Even if we could there is no place to put them. The floor, in
effect, is made of rock."
I nodded.
This place was no longer a simple well, even an abandoned one. It had now, for
most practical purposes, been converted into a holding hole."
there is such a beast," said Mina, "what does it want of us?"
is such a thing, doubtless," said Tupita, "which fed upon the aedile,
outside Venna."
it may be saving us, to eat us," whispered Mina.
said Tupita.
shuddered. Clearly it was possible we were being kept for such a purpose.
Indeed, this place might be, in effect, its larder.
as far as we know," said Tupita, "no one has been taken from this
place to be eaten."
could be saving us for later," said Mina.
and Cara were caught days ago," said Tupita. "Indeed, the recovery
period is over where they are concerned. Anyone who came on them could now
claim them." To be sure, they remained, even now, the slaves of Ionicus,
but this proprietorship was now such that, if the case arose, it must yield to
a new claimancy. This point in Gorean law is apparently motivated by the
consideration that a slave always have some master. In the case of a master’s
death the slave, like other property, passes to the heirs, or, if there are no
heirs, to the state. "They have not been eaten."
yet," pointed out Mina.
said Tupita. "All of us here are female."
said Mina.
seems to me of interest," said Tupita.
I said. "It may well be it which, too, robbed the aedile."
is surely possible," said Tupita.
(pg. 376)
"It has some sense of the value of money then," I said, "and
perhaps some way of utilizing it."
said Tupita.
I am told I was bound with binding fiber when I was lowered into the pit."
were," said Tupita. "It is over there."
are you both saying?" asked Mina.
are thinking," said Tupita, "if I am not mistaken, that although this
thing might eat humans, and might eat us, it may not be that we have been
brought here, really, for food."
do not understand," said Mina.
:It may
be working with men," said Tupita. "If so, they might be
you do not know that!" said Mina.
admitted Tupita. "But look about yourself. Do you not note something else
of interest here? Do you not think we might not, all, be of interest to
I looked
down, embarrassed. I, of all of the girls in the pit, was naked. Mina and Cara
had the shreds of work tunics, and Tupita, too, still had much of her tunic, it
ripped only a bit, perhaps when the beast had seized her. Tela had the soiled
narrow rectangle of silk.
seems likely to me," said Tupita, "that we are being kept not for
food, though such a thing, or things, might eat us, but to be turned over to
our kind, to slavers."
remember now," I said, "in the darkness, before I was cuffed
unconscious, it put me to my knees before it!"
said Tupita. "Then I suggest we kneel before these beasts, and behave with
them much as we might with men. They may well regard us, and correctly, as
female slaves. Thus they may expect suitable subserviences."
We kissed
one another, then, in hope.
is there to do now?" asked Mina.
wear a collar and chains," said Tupita. "You are kajira. What do you
think you will do?"
looked at her.
will wait," said Tupita.
could the thing come into the work camp?" I asked.
dug under the fence," said Tela. "It did not strike me unconscious in
the tent, perhaps for fear of the master or you hearing. I was dragged under
the side of the tent and into the night. After a time it moved aside a bush,
concealing a tunnel and then dragged me after it, through it. On the other side
of the (pg. 377) wire fence, ascertaining no one was about, it struck me
is it that you are hear?" asked Tupita of me.
came with Aulus to the camp of Pietro Vacchi," I said, "where he
wished to conclude negotiations pertaining to the purloined chains. I was
chained at his stirrup."
explains why you are naked," she said.
I said.
would look very beautiful chained to a stirrup," said Tupita.
too, would you," I said.
beasts they are, to so display us for their pleasure," she said.
are the masters," I said.
wager you were proud at the stirrup," she said.
course," I laughed.
said Tupita.
course, I am a slave," I said. "Are you not a slave, and a total
she smiled. "I, too, am a slave, and, like you, my dear Tuka, a total
said that you served in the tent of Pietro Vacchi," I said.
she said.
must have been very beautiful," I said, "to have been selected for
his tent."
you came to the camp with Aulus, at his stirrup," she said, "I wager
you, too, are not unfamiliar with the neck chain of Pietro Vacchi."
I looked
down. "No," I smiled. "I am not unfamiliar with it."
made me scream with pleasure," said Tupita.
"I, too,"
I smiled.
have I been in the arms of such a man," she said.
I," I said.
is a soldier, and a captain," she said. "He knows well how to teach a
woman her collar."
I said.
was on my return to the girl pen that I was captured by the beast," she
it was because of you that he permitted me a guard, to conduct me to the
pen," I said. "I gathered, or had intimations, that something might
have happened to a girl shortly before me, perhaps within even a few days, that
she might have (pg. 378) disappeared, or have been mysteriously stolen, perhaps
even on the route from his tent to the pen."
was probably I," she said.
I said.
is interesting that both of us served in the tent of Vacchi, and that we are
both here now," she said.
do you mean?" I asked. "Do you think Vacchi is implicated in our
not," she said. "He could have put either of us in his collar, at his
whim. Who is going to gainsay him with his company of mercenaries?"
I said.
she said, "there may be more than a coincidence here. Might it not be that
the beast, not of our kind, was, in effect, utilizing the choices of Vacchi, as
guaranteeing that his pickups would presumably be such that they would be
attractive to human males?"
I said. "That is possibly it! And Tela was first on the chain, and serving
in the tent of the overseer! That, too, might have convinced the beast that she
was a suitable acquisition!"
of me, and Cara?" asked Mina.
you serving near the fence?" I asked. "Was your chain there shortly
before your capture?"
said Mina.
you were pointed out, by men, to the beast," I said, "in effect
designated as suitable quarry."
the aedile came on the beast unawares," said Tupita.
I said. "But, too, it may have merely been hungry."
it not have killed for gold?" asked Mina.
I said. "But it could have killed for both, for gold, and food."
said Mina, shuddering.
said Tela.
I said.
is the master?" she asked.
master?" I asked.
she said.
is all right, as far as I know," I said.
she said, relieved, kneeling back.
I looked
at her, sharply, and she put down her head. I suspected then that her belly had
found its love master. To be sure, we slaves must leap to the touch of any man.
I did not see any need to tell her of the "gentlewoman," to whose
female training Aulus had been asked to contribute.
(pg. 379)
"You know that most of the men with the chains were freed?" said
I said.
went toward Venna," she said.
know," I said.
made no attempt to negotiate for me, or secure me," she said.
"I am
sorry," I said.
your blood is of more interest to him than my love," she said.
think he still desires to kill me?’ I asked.
know he does," she said.
shuddered. I was helpless at the bottom of the shaft. Were he to come upon me here
how could I escape? Perhaps he would lower the rope and bucket for the others,
and not me? Perhaps he would throw great stones down upon me? Perhaps he would
lower poisonous insects or snakes into the pit? Perhaps he would leave me here
to starve?
then began to tear her tunic, about the hem.
are you doing?" I asked.
am going to give you some clothing," she said, "if you want it."
tunic barely covers you," I said.
She had
then torn a narrow strip from about the hem of the garment, and where the strip
parted, tied the lengths together. "This will give you a belt," she
said. She then tore down a part of her bodice.
I protested.
will both be bare-breasted slaves," she said. "Are you former Earth
women, ashamed of the beauty of your breasts?"
I said.
she said, handing me the narrow strips, knotted together, taken from the hem of
her skirt. "Roll it. Twist it in your hands. It will be stronger. That is
it. Good. Now tie it about your waist."
fastened this fragile, narrow, improvised cordlike belt of twisted and rolled
cloth about me, knotting it at the left hip. It was a slip knot, such that
masters might remove it at a tug.
she said, handing me the strip of cloth she had torn from her bodice.
I placed
it carefully, gratefully, the loose end inside, next to my belly, over the
rolled cloth. I smoothed it out.
see that you know how to insert a slave strip in a belly cord," she said.
(pg. 380)
"Of course," I said.
us see you now," she said, "in your collar and cloth." She
inspected me. "I gather you are a low slave," she said, "from
the exposure of your bosom and the poor quality of the belt and cloth you
Mistress," I smiled.
you are pretty," she mused.
you, Mistress," I smiled.
the cloth you wear, aside from questions of its quality, is suitable," she
said, "It is such that it may be easily pulled aside."
Mistress," I said. The wearing of such cloths, and tunics, that may be
removed with ease, and such, serves various purposes. For example, obviously it
provides her some shielding. On the other hand, because of its precarious
nature, and its dependence on a man’s permissions and indulgence, it also
acutely increases her sense of possible exposure and vulnerability. Such
clothing, then, tends to help remind her, and quite clearly, that she is a
female slave. It also, of course, because of its nature, and in spite of what
might be her wishes or desires in the matter, tends, on a deep psychological
and physiological level, to be erotically arousing to her. It puts her more at
the mercy of men. It is difficult to be dressed as a slave and not, in time,
even if one is a free woman, come to feel, and desire, as a slave. Indeed, it
is a not uncommon first step in the enslavement of a free woman merely to dress
her as a slave.
I ready to go out on the floor now?" I asked. The "first girl"
in a tavern often inspects her inferiors, before she permits them on the floor.
think now," she smiled. "But you would perhaps do in the hay for the
rough pleasures of a drover."
laughed, and so, too, did Tupita, but then we looked about ourselves, at the
sheer walls of the shaft about us, and up at the opening, doubtless wide
enough, but from here, seemingly so small, seemingly so far above. I noticed
again, oddly enough, yet interestingly, how one could see the stars from this
place even during the afternoon.
We then
sat down in the pit, on the dried leaves, on the gravel, quiet, subdued, our
backs against the sides of the shaft.
We did
not know what our fate would be.
there one beast, or more?" asked Tela.
do not know," said Tupita.
are kept in ignorance!" cried Tela. "They do not let us know
anything! We do not know where we are! We do not know (pg. 381) the nature of
our captors, or even their number! We do not know what they intend to do with
us! They treat us like—like—"
slave girls?" asked Tupita.
looked at her, and struck her small fists on her bared thighs in frustration.
she wept.
are no longer the free woman, Lady Liera Didiramache of Lydius," said
Tupita. "You are now Tela, a slave."
treat us as they wish!" she cried.
so, too, do they with their tharlarion, their tarsks, and their other
she whispered, and I saw her draw back, frightened. But, too, in a moment, I
saw her shudder, suddenly thrilled to the quick. Then she lay down, in her
collar, and her bit of silk, at the side of the shaft, trembling, not meeting
our eyes.
We were
then very quiet, all of us.
We did
not know what our fate would be.
We were
slaves. We must wait to learn.
29 THE
enough! Not enough!" cried the small, twisted fellow, with the yellowish,
sallow complexion, crouching down, his back to us, pointing to the blanket
spread there on the ground. The entire right side of his face was a whitened
mass of ancient scar tissue. The ear on the right side of his head had been
half torn away. It was almost as thought the right side of his face had been
abraided by some terrifying, fierce passage, by some swift, lengthy, terrible
friction., as of being dragged over rock. So disfigured one might doubt if he
dared consort with his own kind. He seemed obviously to be held in contempt by
the five men who squatted near him, on the other side of the blanket. To the
right of the blanket, on the ground, there was a pack, filled, it seemed, with
trinkets, a peddler’s pack. The small man was, it seemed, a peddler, or one who
was concerned, at least, to give that impression.
you disapprove of our offer," said the leader of the five (382) men, a
bearded fellow, "return to Tharna, and there mine the difference."
The small
fellow sat back on his heels, angrily. "Too, there was to be meat, much
meat!" he said.
not be stupid," said one of the men squatting across from him. "We
have brought you a quarter of a dried tarsk. That is enough for you to chew on
for a month."
is not enough!" said the small fellow. "We need more!"
Do you
have a pen of sleen?" asked one of the men.
The small
fellow did not answer. But then, after a time, he repeated, guardedly, "We
need more."
can buy more with the silver," said the man across from him, the leader of
the five men.
The small
fellow had two cohorts with him, who, like the others, were squatting down, but
to our left. These felloes looked uneasily at one another.
are offering fifteen pieces of silver, fifteen solid, sound, unclipped silver
tarsks," said the leader. "That is enough."
was to have been twenty-five!" said the small man. "Five for
will give you three for each," said the leader, putting his finger on his
helmet, which was beside him, upturned, in the grass.
said the small fellow, and leaped up, angrily, and limping, approached us.
"See them!" he said. :There is not one there who, stripped, would not
bring high bids on the block! Is there one there whom a man would not dream of
marching home naked before him, to fasten her to his slave ring! See those
faces, those slave curves! There is not one of them who is not worth five
tarsks for each," said the leader. "Good tarsks."
two," said the small fellow, indicating Tupita and myself, "served in
the tent of Pietro Vacchi. I know! I was in the camp!" he, then, I
assumed, must be the human contact, or one of them, of the beasts. "And
this one," he said, pointing to Tela, "was an overseer’s choice, a
man who could pick from almost a hundred women, all slaves!"
slaves," said the leader.
stiffened in her bonds. To be sure, she had been brought to the camp of the
black chain as a work slave. So had we all, for that matter.
was a rich woman from Lydius!" said the small fellow.
now wears a brand," pointed out the leader.
(pg. 383)
"And this one," said the small fellow, returning his attention to me,
"is a dancer!"
are nothing," he said. "They go ten for a tarsk."
tightened, angrily. Men in Brundisium had been willing to pay much for me. I
had been supposedly, one of the finest dancers in that city.
these two," said the small fellow, indicating Mina and Cara, "are
obviously beauties."
slaves," grinned the leader.
was to my right. Tela was to my left. Then came Mina, and Cara. We were
kneeling. We had been backed on our knees to a railing, until the backs of our
necks were in contact with it. This railing, is front of the remains of what
had apparently once been a long low building, perhaps a stable, or bunk house,
or ranch house of sorts, was a hitching device, for beasts, probably
tharlarion. At one time, I supposed, this might have been a ranch for
tharlarion, or perhaps a boarding or training facility for racing tharlarion.
Venna was not far away. It was now abandoned. Once we were in contact with the
railing, once we could feel it hard against the back of our neck, we were roped
to it, by the neck. Our hands were tied behind us. That had been done as soon
as we had been brought up from the pit. That had been a frightening ascent,
crouching in the bucket, supported by it, swaying back and forth, clinging to
the rope, while being drawn upward. We made little noise during this ascent,
terrifying though it might have been, for we had coiled and placed binding
fiber in our mouths, this in accordance with instructions called down to us
from above. Lengths for Tela, Tupita and myself had already been in the pit, it
apparently having figured, with a long rope, in our descent. Lengths had been dropped down for Mina and
Cara. The long, doubled rope used in lowering us had, in their cases,
apparently simply been put under their wrist chaining. In this way, at least
with Tela, Tupita and myself, they recovered their fiber, which would be used,
in any case, again, and, in this particular mode of transporting it, prevented
us from communicating, at least by explicit utterances, our terror to the others
still below. By this device, too, of course, with the lengths dropped to them,
Mina and Cara were kept quiet in their ascent. I was only too pleased when the
hooked stick reached out and drew the bucket and rope to where a man could
reach me. I was then knelt on the grass by the well. The binding fiber I must
quickly force from my mouth with my tongue into a man’s hand. It was then,
still wet, used to secure my hands behind me. I did not mind this, though, so
pleased I was to be once more on the
(pg. 384) ground. I had then been taken to the railing, knelt, backed
against it, and roped to it. Then my ankles, too, had been crossed, and tied.
Tupita had already been so secured. After me had come Tela, and then Mina and
Cara. In the case of Mina and Cara the binding fiber had been simply threaded
through links close to their manacles and shackles. These links had then, with
the fiber, been drawn close to one another and then tied there, closely
together. Thus, in our various ways, all of us, the five of us, had been made
absolutely helpless, exactly where and as we had been placed. We had been all,
in our various ways, secured with typical Gorean efficiency. From where we
knelt we could see the remains of the well, about forty yards away. It seemed
to rise up from a small meadow, rather behind us, and to the left, trees across
from us, smaller and wilder, had probably been abandoned for years.
I noted
the eyes of one of the men across the way on me. I had inadvertently, it seems,
let my knees draw a bit too closely together. I immediately spread my knees
much more widely, as I could, as was compatible with the binding on my ankles.
This was appropriate for one such as I, a kajira, before a free male. He
smiled. I put my head down.
The small
fellow returned, angrily, to squat behind the blanket, across from the leader
of the five men.
he said. "And meat, much more meat!"
he had
been very angry, almost from the moment these five fellows had appeared, coming
through the trees, for they had not simply completed the transaction, according
to the terms, which, I took it, had been previously agreed upon, but, it seems,
had even seen fit, as, under the circumstances, would have seemed superfluous,
to conduct, or seem to conduct, critical examinations of the merchandise.
fellow across the way grinned at me. I put my head down again. How I had
squirmed, bound kneeling and helpless, the rail tight behind the back of my
neck, my neck roped to it, under his touch! The work tunics of Mina and Cara
had been thrust back, over their arms and torn down. The remains of the (pg.
385) bodices of these tunics now hung back about their wrists. The remainder of
the garments, in front, torn apart, hung low on their bellies, below their
navels. Their breasts were very beautiful, and the line of their waists, and
the beginning of the flare of their hips. Too, their skirts, and Tupita’s too,
and the slave strips, or G-strings, of Tela and myself had been lifted up, or
aside, and let fall again, perhaps to see if we were depilated, or shaved, or
if such cloth might conceal some defect. All in all, we had been handled
intimately, and with authority. We were slaves.
said the small fellow.
The small
fellow, I had gathered, might have once been from Tharna. That is a city far to
the north and east of Venna. It is well know for its silver mines. So, too,
incidentally, is the city of Argentum, where I had been owned by Tyrrhenius of
Argentum, and had served him as a lure girl. One can usually recognize a man of
Tharna by two yellow cords, each about eighteen inches long, thrust over the
belt. Such cords are suitable for binding a female, hand and foot. In seeing
such cords the woman understands that it is possible for them to be used to put
her at a man’s mercy. The meaning of these cords has something to do,
apparently, with the history of the polis of Tharna. Interestingly there are
supposedly almost no free woman in Tharna. Further, it is said that the slavery
of a woman in Tharna seldom brings slaves into the city or, indeed, sell them
out of the city. It is their own women, it seems, whom they keep in bondage,
and a bondage of a very severe sort. Even when a slave begs to be sold out of
the city, this is usually denied her. One might almost think that the slavery
of the women in Tharna was not an ordinary slavery but in some sense rather
different. It is almost as though it had been imposed upon them as a
punishment; it is almost as if they had been sentenced to it. Surprisingly,
however, and scarcely to be expected in such a stern polity, the city itself is
ruled by a Tatrix. Her name, it is said, is Lara. Also, paradoxically, Tharna’s
first minister, who stands second only to the Tatrix, is not of high caste but
of lowly origin, only of the metal workers. His name, it is said, is Kron. Such
things, I think, make Tharna an unusual city. She defends herself well,
incidentally, and some, though perhaps they jest, speculate that her silver may
be safer even than that of Argentum, which is an ally of Ar. One man of Tharna,
it is said, is a match fro ten from most cities. Whereas that is doubtless not
true, it is not disputed that Tharnan warriors (pg. 386) are among themost
dangerous on Gor. it is indicative of this sort of thing that Tharnan
mercenaries usually command high fees. Many mercenary companies use them as
cadre and officers.
said the bearded man, squatting across the blanket from the small fellow.
The small
fellow, however, did not wear in his belt the two cords of Tharna. This
suggested to me that if he had ever been of Tharna he now, at any rate, was no
longer of Tharna. Perhaps he had been cast out of the city. Perhaps he had been
banished or sent into exile. The bearded fellow had jested to him, somewhat
cruelly, I thought, about the mines. Perhaps he had once served in them? If so,
that suggested he might have once been a slave or criminal. In such a case
then, surely he would not be anxious to return to them. Perhaps it had been in
the mines that he had been injured, in them that he had been so disfigured, in
them that perhaps he had acquired even the impediment of his gait.
cried the small fellow.
do not want to stay long in this vicinity," said the bearded fellow.
"We were in the camp of Pietro Vacchi this morning. There is much concern
there over this second disappearance of a wench from the camp. There may be a
search. There is even a fellow in the camp now who has a sleen. He came in from
the Vitkel Aria, from around Venna, last night."
sleen does not exist who could follow the trail," said the small fellow.
are not afraid of sleen?" asked the bearded fellow, skeptically.
said the small fellow.
is more to be feared than sleen," he asked, "saving perhaps a
are things," said the small fellow.
grinned the bearded fellow.
said the small fellow, uneasily.
girls are pot girls," said the bearded man, "kettle-and mat girls,
laundresses, stable sluts."
I heard
Tupita gasp in anger, tied to my right. She had been the "first girl"
in a much-frequented tavern in Brundisium. Then she shrank back, very quiet.
She was afraid she might have attracted their attention. Sometimes a slave
wants very much to attract the attention of a man, but sometimes, too, she does
not. Sometimes she hopes that he, at least officially, will not take notice of
her. It is not pleasant to be cuffed. Too, the whip hurts. I myself, too,
however, though I was more restrained than Tupita, was not much pleased either.
I had been first, at least for (pg. 387) a time, on at least some of the lists
at the baths in Brundisium. Too, I had been a fine dancer, one of the finest, I
suspect, in Brundisium! If they could have seen me curling about a man’s feet
in an alcove, licking and kissing them, then inching upward, piteously,
hopefully, then kneeling beside him, looking up, kissing, licking, pleading, I
do not think they would have been so quick to dismiss me as a mere "pot
girl." Tela, too, I am sure, was angry. After all, not only had she once
been a rich free woman, of high family and significant station, of a fine city,
Lydius, but even after her capture, and her prompt reduction to total and
absolute bondage, she had been found so beautiful, so luscious and desirable,
that she had been chosen over many women for the rectangle of red silk in the
tent of Aulus. Mina and Cara, too, I think, were not too pleased. Certainly the
beauty of neither was negligible, and I am sure they were both well aware of
this. Both, and I am sure they understood this, would be likely to bring a high
price on the slave block. Had there been originally any doubt in the minds of
these fellows as to our desirability, or potential, those doubts, surely should
have been dispelled earlier, in the authoritative, intimate examinations to
which we had all been helplessly subjected. What more would they have wished to
do, put us to their full pleasure? Perhaps they could take us home for a week
on a trial basis!
well," said the little fellow. "Consider them pot girls, cleaning
slaves, laundresses, what have you, it matters not to me. Put them to your
lowest servile tasks. Whip them back when they would crawl pleading on their
bellies to your couches! What does it matter to me!"
I think
we were all startled to hear him exclaim in this fashion. Certainly we were
exquisite slave flesh, all of us! I doubted that there were many slave bars on
Gor to which five women such as we were fastened. To be sure, almost all female
slaves on Gor must expect to be put to domestic labors, cooking, sewing,
cleaning, washing, ironing, and such. We were women. Even free women, in
households without slaves, perform such labors. How, then, could we expect to
be exempt from them? Sometimes even high pleasure slaves in the palaces of
Ubars must, if only to remind them that they are slaves, on their hands and
knees, stripped and chained, scrub floors. Still, surely we were good for far
more than such things. Did the beauty of our faces, and our slave curves, not
suggest that? Surely the first and most essential office of the female slave,
and, indeed, of any sort of female slave, is to be pleasing to the master.
said the small fellow, "whatever you choose to call (pg. 388) them, or
however you choose to think of them, we made a bargain!"
have no Home Stone," said the bearded man.
shuddered. In such a fashion he had informed the small fellow that he was not
such that one need keep faith with him. There is a Gorean saying that only
Priest-Kings, outlaws and slaves lack Home Stones. Strictly, of course, that is
an oversimplification. For example, animals of all sorts, such as tarsks and
verr, as well as slaves, do not have Home Stones. Too, anyone whose
citizenship, for whatever reason, is rescinded or revoked, with due process of
law, is no longer entitled to the protections and rights of that polity’s Home
Stone. That Home Stone is then no longer his. This suggested to me, again, that
the small fellow might have been cast out of Tharna, perhaps exiled or
banished. He did not seem to me a likely candidate for an outlaw, at least in
the fullest sense of the word. Indeed, the fellows with whom he was dealing,
such rough, dangerous, unkempt brutes, seemed to me much more likely candidates
for such an appellation.
said the small fellow.
leader of the five men regarded him, puzzled. "What then is your Home
Stone?" he asked.
The small
fellow looked down, angrily. He pulled up a handful of grass.
do not have a Home Stone," announced the leader, with a grin.
silver tarsks for the women," said the small fellow. "And meat, much
do not have a Home Stone," grinned the leader.
for each," said the small fellow, "not three!"
well," said the leader.
said the small fellow.
three," said the leader, "but two."
cried the small fellow.
one for each," said the leader.
cried the small fellow.
inquired the leader. "Are you mad? To whom will you sell these pot girls,
if not to us? Will you take these two back to Vacchi, to see if he will buy
them back? Will you take the other three back to Venna?"
with us fairly," said the small man.
are five of us here," said the leader, indicating himself with a jerk of
his thumb, and then the others, behind him. "I have three more waiting
with a closed slave wagon on the other side of the trees. That is eight. There
are three of you."
(pg. 389)
"There was to have been more meat," said the small fellow.
leader laughed. "Apparently you are reluctant to sell these women to us,
in spite of your agreement to do so. Very well. The decision is yours. We shall
not buy them. We shall simply take them with us."
and I, and the others, shrank back in our bonds, then, in terror, pushing back
against the rail to which our necks were tied. If we could have we would have
forced it from its posts.
The leader
of the five men looked at us, and laughed. But did he think our terror was
motivated by the fear of coming into the clutches of such masters, distressing
though such a disposition might be? The small fellow, and his two cohorts,
squatting behind him, to his left, did not move. They were all very still.
is wrong?" asked the leader.
suddenly one of his men screamed weirdly, lifted up, his legs jerking wildly.
We screamed. The thing must have been eight feet tall. We had seen it lift its
head, in the tall grass, some seven or eight yards behind the five men, and to
their left. It had perhaps been hidden in a pit, or burrow. Its ears had been
upright. It bit through the back of the neck of the man and cast the body down,
with the quarter of the dried tarsk which they had brought.
instantly another of the men had begun to draw his sword, but the beast, before
the blade was half from the sheath, on all fours, scrambling, tearing the grass
behind it, moving with incredible swiftness, not like anything on two legs,
seized him and tore open his throat with a single slash of those terrible
screamed in terror, bound, twisting at the railing, half choked.
not draw your swords!" cried the small fellow. "Do not draw your
swords! It is harmless! It is harmless!"
The beast
then regarded the men, who shrank back from it, their hands at the hilts of
their swords but not daring to draw them. The beast then took the second body
and threw it with the first, together with the quarter of a dried tarsk.
not run," said the small fellow, quickly. "It will pursue you then.
Stay here. Do not move. Do not draw your weapons. It is friendly. It will not
hurt you."
The beast
now crouched near the two bodies. Its mouth was red, and the fur about its jaw
and snout. It looked up at the men, balefully, and a deep growl warned them
not approach it closely," said the small fellow.
That I
surmised was the last intent of the three men.
(pg. 390)
The beast then lowered its head, but its ears remained up. I think even a tiny
sound, perhaps a movement of grass, might have been audible to it, certainly
the slipping of steel from a scabbard.
I looked
away, sick.
is little to fear," said the small fellow. "It prefers tarsk."
is not eating tarsk," said one of the men.
is hungry," said the small fellow. "Do not be harsh with it. The
tarsk is dried. The other is fresh. You should have brought more meat."
The beats
looked up at them, feeding.
the hand," said one of the men.
The paw,
or hand, had long, powerful, thick, multiply jointed digits. Such hands, those
of this creature, or of one like it, had held the bars of the girl pen, and
thrust them apart, admitting its bulk.
are six fingers," whispered another man.
is it?" asked the leader of the men.
beast," said the small, lame man, noncommittally. "I do not really
know what it is called. I met them outside of Corcyrus, last year."
asked the leader.
said the small fellow. "There are two more, somewhere about."
The men
looked about, frightened. Even the two cohorts of the small fellow, who had
remained much in their places, seemed uneasy. This thing had arisen as though
by magic from the grass. As large as these things were they were apparently not
unskilled at concealment, and perhaps stalking.
do you mean, you ‘met them outside Corcyrus?" said the leader.
Corcyrus fell to Argentum, in the Silver War," said the small fellow,
"when proud Sheila, the ruthless Tatrix of Corcyrus, was deposed, they
apparently fled the city."
I had
heard something of the Silver War when I was in Argentum. Sheila, the Tatrix,
said to be as beautiful as she was proud and ruthless, had apparently escaped for
a time but, later, had been caught in Ar, actually, and amusingly, and
doubtless to her shame and humiliation, by a professional slave hunter. She had
been put in a golden sack and taken back to Corcyrus to stand trial. Her final
disposition was as follows: she became the property of the man who had taken
her, the professional slave hunter.
(pg. 391)
"They broke from their confinements in the confusion, in the taking of the
city?" said the leader.
" I
do not think they were confined," said the small fellow.
were kept as pets?" said the leader, awed.
said the small fellow.
did not understand," said the leader.
was encamped not far from Corcyrus," said the small fellow. "I had
come there hoping to make cheap purchase of valuable loot, from the soldiers.
These things came to my camp. They had smelled food, I think. I threw them my
food, in terror. That was where I first met them. Before that I had not even
known there were such things."
have been with you since?" asked the leader.
said the small fellow.
said one of the men, pointing to the beast.
At his
exclamation the beast, curious, looked up at him.
stepped back.
The paw
of the beast was wrapped about the strings of one of the fallen men’s wallets.
It then jerked it from the belt, breaking the thongs. Then, watching the men,
it similarly relieved the second body of its wallet.
have trained it to steal," said the leader, startled, awed.
The beast
then opened the wallets and poured the contents into its paw. There it moved
the coins about, in the palm of one broad paw, by means of a digit on the other
paw. It was dexterous, for so large a beast. Those were clearly sophisticated
prehensile appendages.
I watched
this with horror.
The beast
then poured the coins back in one of the wallets, and threw it to the blanket,
before the small fellow.
find me of value," said the small fellow. "As you can imagine it
would be difficult for them to enter a town, go to the market and purchase goods."
do not understand," said the leader, white-faced. "These things are
animals, beasts!"
said the small fellow.
is hard to believe that such things were pets in Corcyrus."
were not pets," said the small fellow.
do not understand," said the man.
were allies," said the small fellow.
is captain here?" asked the leader, frightened.
At his
point the beast rose from behind the bodies. It was some eight feet, or so, in
height. It must have weighed eight or nine hundred pounds. Fangs protruded from
the sides of its jaw. (pg. 392) It had a double ring of teeth. Its mouth, jaws,
now, were red with blood. It wiped them with the back of one of its long arms.
It looked at the leader of the men. "I am captain," it said.
us," begged the leader. "Take our coins! Leave us our lives!" He
then removed his walled and tossed it, hastily, timidly, onto the blanket,
beside the other wallet, that which contained the coins from the two fallen
men. His remaining two men did so, as well.
no," said the small fellow. "You do not understand. We mean you no
harm. It was you who did not intend to deal fairly. We now have the meat which
we needed, though I would surely have preferred another form of it. He took
only what we all knew had been agreed upon. He was merely exacting his due.
Similarly, we want only the five silver tarsks for each of these women."
do not want them," said the leader.
not be silly," said the small fellow. He then, crouching, down by the
blanket, took the leader’s wallet and removed several coins from it. He put
these in small piles on the blanket. There were five such piles. Each contained
five silver tarsks. He then handed the leader back the wallet. The other two
men, too, retrieved their wallets. "The other money, of course, from those
two fellows," said the small fellow, "is forfeit."
course," said the leader.
I think
they all wished to turn and run.
not be afraid," said the small fellow. "He will not hurt you. He is
beast, then lifted its head, its ears erected. Too, very carefully, alertly, it
sniffed the air. Such a thing then, I suspected, had unusually keen senses. I
was aware of the excellence of its night vision. I had more than enough
evidence of its ferocity and strength. Too, I had seen it count money. I had
heard it speak. It could bend bars. It could destroy men. Such a beast, I
feared, was some type of dominant life form. How small and weak humans seemed
compared to such a thing. How I feared then for my species! I now wanted to be sold as quickly as
possible to the brigands, and taken from this place, to be locked in the closed
slave wagon. Would I be safe even there, or could such a thing tear off the plates,
those bolted, iron plates which confined us so well within, in the darkness, to
get at us> I had not been given permission to speak, and dared not ask it.
If I had I would have begged release from the railing and submission to any
bonds my captors might choose, even body cages or wire jackets, simply to be
taken from this place!
is it?" asked the small fellow of the beast.
is said.
you detect men with it?" asked the small fellow, anxiously.
it said.
is then a wild sleen," he said.
is past noon," said the leader of the other men. "It is late in the
day for a sleen to be abroad." The sleen is predominantly nocturnal.
is probably on the trace of tabuk, from last night," said the small man.
I pulled
at the binding fiber which confined my wrists. It was still damp, from having
been in my mouth, when I had been brought up from the well. I squirmed on my
knees, my neck bound at the railing. If there were a sleen about we were
helpless. We could not even run. It was almost as though we were fastened on a
meat rack.
did not even come into the area until it was light," said the one of the
leader’s men.
From the
remark I gathered that it was not likely that the animal, if there were one
about, would be concerned with us. A sleen will usually follow the first scent
it picks up when hunting, and then follow it tenaciously. There are stories of
such beasts on the trail of something actually running between, or among, other
animals, and even men, and paying them no attention.
sleen seldom attack groups," said the leader. "They prefer isolated
I took
some courage from these remarks.
us move the women," said the leader. "We have been too long in this
I was
pleased to hear this resolution. I would have been zealously cooperative even
if I had been a free woman, hodlng forth my limbs to be bound, putting forth my
neck for the coffle collar, and not a mere slave.
their ankles," said the leader of the men.
said one of the small fellow’s two cohorts, pointing across the meadow.
One of
the leader’s two men had scarcely bent to unknot the bonds on Tupita’s crossed
ankles when he stopped, given pause by this utterance. He stood up, shading his
beasts were approaching, doubtless the companions of the one with us. One
thrust a man before it. The other was dragging behind itself, through the
grass, a belt, with an attached scabbard and sword.
cried Tupita, in misery.
(pg. 393)
The fellow, pushed forward by the beast, looked at her, dully, angrily. I
pulled back a little, the railing hard against the back of my neck. I saw him
regard me, with frustration, with hatred.
are you doing here?" asked the small fellow of the prisoner.
He was
There was
a growl from the beast behind him.
came to seek me," said Tupita, boldly.
said the man, looking at her.
then? What then?" asked the small fellow.
followed that thing," he said, rubbing his arm, where the beast had
gripped him.
is from the camp of Pietro Vacchi," said the leader of the men. "I
saw him there, two days ago."
said the small fellow. "I, too, I am sure, saw him there!"
is one of Vacchi’s men," said one of the small fellow’s cohorts.
must be others about, too, then!" said the other, alarmed. :They are
seeking the two women."
am not of the company of Pietro Vacchi," said the man.
came you here?" asked the small fellow.
followed that," he said, indicating the beast, "as I told you."
The beast
growled, menacingly. I take it, it did not care to accept the fact that a man
might be able to follow it.
are a hunter?" asked one of the leader’s men.
a way," he said.
are a brave fellow," said one of the leader’s men, "to pursue such a
was not the beast which I was interested," he said.
many are with you?" asked one of the small fellow’s cohorts.
am alone," he said proudly.
are you doing here?" asked the small fellow. "What is it you
seek the blood of a slave," he said, regarding me.
I put
down my head.
Surely he
had given himself up for lost. It was hard to understand otherwise the pride,
the grandeur, with which he spoke. He had risked all, and lost all. He stood
there with folded arms. For my blood he had dared even to follow so terrible a
beast. This was no small measure of his hatred of me and his (pg. 395)
determination. He looked about himself with scorn. He disdained to conceal his
intent or objective. He had not understood, however, it seemed, in his
single-minded pursuit of his bloody goal, that there might be others of that
kind about. They had taken him. I did not doubt but that they, too, in their
way, were hunters.
it," said the largest of the beasts, their leader.
screamed in protest, but the nearest beast to the captive struck him from the
side with the back of its closed paw. There was a sickening sound, and the
captive’s head snapped to the side. The other beast reached down and lifted up
the figure, and threw it on the store of meat beside the blanket. "No,
no," wept Tupita, "no, no, no!"
may be others about," said the leader of the men. "Let us reconnoiter
the area."
you understand?" asked the small man of the largest beast.
The beast
looked at him, and its long, dark tongue came out of the side of its mouth, and
it licked at the bloody fur at the side of its jaw. Then it looked around, its
ears lifted.
wants to look," said the small fellow, making a large, circular motion
with his hand, encompassing the meadow. "He wants to look. There may be
The beast
then again fixed its gaze on the small fellow, and he stepped back, in
it said. "We will look."
out," said the small fellow to his cohorts, and the others. "We will
return here."
I looked
at Mirus, of Brundisium. The side of his head was bloody.
is your fault!" cried Tupita, turning her head, in her neck ropes, toward
me, Tupita!" I wept.
are safe now!" she wept. "Rejoice! If I could get my hands on you I
would kill you myself!"
Tupita!" I begged. "I, too, am in sorrow! He was kind to me!"
is what you wanted!" she cried.
I said. "Never, never!"
is you who have killed him!" she wept. "It was you who drove him to
madness! It was you who change him, who made him some crazed beast, who made
him thirst for blood! It is you who are responsible! It was you who did this to
I wept. "No!"
(pg. 396)
Then she began to weep uncontrollably, her head back.
me, Tupita," I said. "Forgive me!"
killed him!" she sobbed.
No! I said. Then, I, too, in my sorrow,
wept. We could not, as men had put us, wipe our tears. They coursed down our
cheeks. Their salty flow fell even upon, and ran down, our bodies. I looked
upon the bloody, still figure, cast upon the bodies and the quarter of a tarsk.
"Tupita!" I said.
She did
not respond, so lost in her grief she was.
I whispered. "I do not think he is dead."
cried Tupita.
I said. "He is still bleeding."
Master!" she cried, suddenly, frightened.
is very strong," I said. "I do not think he is dead."
she said. "He is alive! My master is alive! He lives!" she looked at
me, wildly, in her neck ropes. She laughed, sobbing. Her tears now were tears
of joy. Then suddenly she looked at me. She was very frightened. "Oh,
Tuka," she said. "You are in terrible danger."
tightened in the binding fiber, shuddering. "He may not recover
consciousness before we are taken away," I said. "Perhaps the beasts
may not notice he is alive. Perhaps he can make good his escape."
Tela, to my left, made a frightened noise. "There," she said,
suddenly. "There, beside the well!"
is it?" asked Mina.
I could
not see anything. I tried to lift my head but, bound as I was, kneeling, tied
by the neck at the rail, I could do very little. I sobbed with frustration.
is it?" said Mina, insistently.
cannot see it now," said Tela. "I think it is behind the well."
was it?" asked Mina.
cried Tela, frightened. "A sleen!"
coursed through us.
is probably not on our scent," said Tupita. "Do not move!"
We could
see it now, by the well, its head lifted above the grass.
It was
looking at us.
not move," said Tupita.
I did not
know if we could move, we were so frightened even had we desired to do so.
The head
of the sleen remained immobile for more than twenty seconds. Had we not seen
it, had we not known where it (pg. 397) was, we might not have noticed it, even
though it was only a matter of yards away. It is incredible how still such
things can hold themselves. Then, suddenly, it moved. It circled the well.
Then, oddly enough, it put its front
paws, of
its six legs, up on the well, and thrust its head over the upper wall of the
well, and then lowered its head, apparently peering within. It then withdrew
its head from the opening of the well, and slipped back into the grass.
stirred, lying on the two bodies. He groaned.
Master," moaned Tupita, almost silently, "do not awaken now. Do not
make noise!"
has blood on him," said Cara. "It will come this way!"
must not come this way," said Tupita. "It might hurt the
of us!" said Cara. There was a small sound from her wrist chains, where the
links near the manacles had been bound together by the binding fiber.
the animal could hear that!
do not matter," said Tupita. "We are only slaves."
not awaken, Master," whispered Tupita to Mirus. "Lie still."
He, I
think, though, could not hear her, or could not understand her.
though I think such a beast might easily detect the small sounds, even the
whispers, we made, it did not seem to notice them. It seemed, rather, intent
upon some other business.
groaned, and lifted his head. He lifted his body, too, a little. He was a very
strong man.
still, Master," whispered Tupita. "There is a sleen about."
is on a scent," whispered Tela. "Look at it!"
animal now seemed to be very excited. It was near the well, its snout to the
ground. It circled the well twice, and then circled it again, increasing the
size of the circle. I heard it making small, eager noises. Then it hurried in
our direction for a moment, and then stopped, and then, again, began to move
toward us.
Mirus, blood running down the side of his head, crawled toward the scabbard and
blade, taken from him by one of the beasts, which lay near him. The blades,
too, for that matter, of the two slain fellows were also in the vicinity, one
still in its sheath, the other half drawn.
away! Go away!" cried Tela to the sleen.
(pg. 398)
Its eyes were now very bright. It was a gray hunting sleen.
staggered unsteadily to his feet, discarding the scabbard. He nearly fell, but
regained his feet. He held the hilt with two hands.
He came
toward me, reeling, bleeding. I then realized it was his intention to strike
is a sleen behind you!" cried Tupita. "Turn around! Turn
is not a wild sleen!" cried Mina.
It wore a
collar, a large, heavy, spiked collar.
reeled about. He stood then, sword drawn, between the beast and us.
Tela put
her head back and screamed, wildly, shrilly, helplessly/
The beast
regarded us.
is Borko, the sleen of Hendow!" cried Tupita. "It has come to kill
it had
come after us, pursuing us, doubtless, as runaway slaves!
suddenly recalled the reference to an inquiry, or inquiries in Argentum, that
on the part of my former master, Tyrrhenius. I had been sold shortly
thereafter. I also remembered that I had walked barefoot on the Viktel Aria, at
the stirrup of Aulus, and, too, had so trod the camp of Pietro Vacchi.
said Mirus. "It is on one scent. It is after only one quarry."
I saw the
sleen view me.
I called out to Mirus. "Defend me!"
But he,
both hands on the hilt of his sword, holding it at rest now, pointed downward,
backed away. He stood between the beast and Tupita.
looked at him. he remembered him, doubtless, from Brundisium.
taking his eyes off the sleen, by feel, Mirus cut the ropes that tied Tupita to
the railing, and then cut free the binding fiber on her ankles, and
not mind me," wept Tupita. "Do not let him kill Tuka!"
But Mirus
held her by one arm, and backed away.
find this," he said to me, "an acceptable and suitable vengeance,
superior even to the sword, or to the thousand cuts, that you, my dear Doreen
or Tuka, or whatever masters now choose to call you, you stinking, worthless,
curvaceous, treacherous slave slut, should be torn to pieces by a sleen!"
screamed Tupita.
(pg. 399)
"Kill, Borko, kill!" he cried, indicating me with the point of his
I closed
my eyes, sobbing.
I felt
then, however, the huge, cold snout of the beast thrusting itself under my left
arm. I gasped, and cried out, softly. But there had been little, if anything,
of menace in the gesture. Perhaps it was confirming my scent, prior to its
attack. Then, again it rubbed its snout on my body. This seemed clearly an act
of affection. I had seen it act so with Hendow himself. It was nuzzling me.
Then I felt its large tongue lick across my body.
Borko! Good Borko!" cried Tupita.
cried Mirus. "Kill her!"
looked at him, quizzically.
well, then, stupid beast," he said. "I shall do so myself!" he
then raised his blade. Immediately the entire attitude of the sleen altered. It
suddenly became alive with menace and hate. Its fur erected, its eyes blazed,
it snarled viciously.
startled, stepped back.
I think
perhaps if the sleen had not known him from Brundisium, and as the friend of
his master, he might have attacked him. Certainly, it seemed, as it was, he had
no intention of letting him approach me.
is protecting her!" cried Tupita, delightedly. "See! It will kill you
if you try to hurt her! Come away! Let her go! Why fuss with a slave?"
then, in fury, held the blade with one hand. If he raised it, even a little,
Borko growled, watching him.
the other girls, Master," said Tupita. "Then let us away, before the
beasts return!"
regarded her in rage.
one time you used to muchly pleasure yourself with me," said Tupita.
"Am I not still of interest to you? Have I become so unattractive? Have
you forgotten? It is so long ago?"
made a noise, almost like an animal.
Tela there," she said. "She was an overseer’s girl. See Mina, and
Cara! Both are beautiful! You can put sword claim on us all!"
Mirus, in
fury, lashed back with his hand, striking Tupita from him. She fell back, her
mouth bloody, by the post to my right, that supporting the rail on that side.
wavered. Fresh blood shone then at the side of his head. He staggered.
cried Tupita, pointing across the meadow.
(pg. 400)
Mirus sank to one knee. He was weak from the loss of blood. It seemed he could
scarcely hold his sword.
We looked
where Tupita had pointed. Another figure was treading the meadow now, toward
us. I could not mistake him, though he now seemed much different from when I
had remembered him.
is Hendow!" cried Tupita.
I said.
But it
was not the Hendow I remembered from Brundisium. It had the same stature, and
shoulders, and mighty arms, but it was now a bronze, leaner Hendow, one even
more terrible and fierce than I had known, one who held now in his hand a
bloodied sword.
he cried. "Old friend! What are you doing here?"
said Mirus, tears in his eyes. "Beloved friend!"
are hurt," said Hendow.
are welcome here," said Mirus, weakly.
me, old friend, for thrusting you aside in Brundisium," said Hendow.
"I was a fool."
did you find us here?" asked Mirus.
was following Borko," said Hendow. "Then I heard a scream." That
would have been Tela’s scream. Others, too, of course, might have heard that
let us away!" said Tupita.
sword is bloody," observed Mirus.
met one who disputed my passage," said Hendow.
us away, please, Masters!" said Tupita.
said Hendow to her, with terrible, savage authority.
Tupita knelt, and was silent.
came toward me, and crouched down before me. "Good Borko," he said.
"Good Borko!" the sleen pushed his snout against him, and licked his
bared arm. Hendow touched me on the side of the head, with extreme gentleness.
"Are you all right?" he asked.
Master," I said.
have you well secured," he smiled.
befits a slave, Master," I said.
are others about," said Mirus. "There were six men here, and three
strange beasts, not sleen."
said Tupita, "there is a slave wagon. Another three men are said to be
saw no slave wagon," said Hendow.
finished a man?" said Mirus.
would seem so," said Hendow. "His head is gone."
(Pg. 401)
Then there are still five about, at least," said Mirus, "and the
beasts, they are most dangerous."
are side to be three at a slave wagon, Master," said Tupita.
you fight?" asked Hendow. "It would be like old times, before the
can be of no help to you," said Mirus. "It is hard to see. I am weak.
I think I have lost much blood. I can hardly hold my sword. I fight to retain
have no intention of leaving you here to die," said Hendow. "Better
that we would perish together."
said Mirus. "Better that only one die."
will not leave you," said Mirus.
but one thing for me, before your departure," said Mirus.
am not leaving you," said Hendow.
the fangs of Borko to that slave," said Mirus, indicating me, "or, if
you wish, slay her for me, with your sword."
Mirus!" said Hendow.
betrayed me to the chains of Ionicus!" said Mirus.
False!" cried Hendow in fury.
is true," said Mirus. "I swear it by our love,"
this true?" asked Hendow of me, incredulously.
Master," I wept.
was a lure girl!" cried Tupita. "Must we not obey, as we are
seems," said Hendow, "that there is one here whose neck might well be
consigned to the sword."
said Mirus.
you the strength to strike?" asked Hendow.
think so," said Mirus.
would prefer, surely, to do this deed yourself," said Hendow.
said Mirus, rising unsteadily to his feet. He gripped the sword again with two
hands. I did not know if he could stand for more than another moment.
well," said Hendow. "Strike Tupita."
asked Mirus.
shrank back, small, where she was kneeling in the grass.
(pg. 402)
"Yes," said Hendow. "I caught a thief, to whose lair I was led
by Borko. He spoke quickly, after only his legs were broken. Tupita stole
Doreen, duping her into leaving the house, she thinking she was still first
girl, and intended to sell her, using her price to secure tarn passage from
Brundisium in the guise of a free woman. she is, thus, a runaway slave.
Moreover, I now put sword claim upon them both. Dispute it with me, if you
will. I further learned from the thief they were both sold in Samnium. I spared
his life, as he was cooperative. He is now doubtless, with his fellows,
stealing other women. It was in Samnium I again picked up the trail. Borko and
I have followed it for weeks. We lost it many times, but, each time, managed to
find it again. Most recently we found it on the Vitkel Aria, south of Venna.
Thus, you see, had it not been for Tupita, for her running away, for her
betrayal of a sister in bondage, for her willingness to assume the habiliments
of a free woman, in itself a great crime, this slave would not have been in
Argentum, to lure you. if one is covered with guilt here, surely it is Tupita.
Accordingly, I now give you my permission to strike her."
cried Mirus.
both should have their necks to the sword," said Hendow.
cried Mirus. He put himself between Hendow and Tupita. "Run!" he said
to Tupita. "Run!"
on your knees, slave," said Hendow, in a terrible voice. "Before you
could run two steps I would put Borko on you."
remained where she was.
did you feel Hendow?" cried Mirus to Tupita.
were no longer there!" she wept. "You had been sent away. You were
gone! I was consumed by hatred for Doreen, because of whom Hendow dismissed
you. I decided to sell her, and show you all, escaping from Brundisium."
you did not escape, did you?" asked Hendow.
Master!" she wept.
are now obviously a slave, collared, half naked, kneeling in the grass, fearing
for your life!"
Master," she said.
had you made your way from Brundisium, where would you have gone?" he
asked. "In what city or village would you expect your antecedents not to
be inquired into? Where (pg. 403) would you get your collar off? Would you
still not wear a brand?"
She sobbed.
there escape for such as you?" he asked.
Master," she wept. "There is no escape for such as I."
would you have done such a thing?" asked Mirus, not taking his eyes off
Hendow. I did not think Mirus could long remain on his feet.
you not understand?" she wept. "I did it because of you!"
said Mirus.
did not want to be without you," she wept.
fool," he said.
I was jealous of Doreen. O thought you cared for her!"
I found of her of interest," said Mirus, "as I have many slaves, but
she, though, perhaps more beautiful than most, was never more to me, really,
and I know that now, and have for a long time, than another wench whom I might,
from time to time, for an Ahn or so, to the tune of my whip, if I pleased, put
to my pleasure in an alcove."
Master!" she breathed.
what are such things to you?" he asked.
you not understand, Master?" she sobbed. "Though you scarcely know I
exist, though you may despise or hate me, though you might scorn me or laugh at
me, I am your love slave!"
He seemed
she cried. "I am you love slave! I have known this from the first time you
put me to your feet! If you weighted and wrapped me with a thousand chains and
a thousand locks they could not hold me more helplessly than the love I bear
you! Alas, I have confessed! Kill me now, if you will!" she put down her
head, sobbing.
you will not put her to the sword," said Hendow, "it seems, then, I
must do so."
cried Mirus.
you think, in your condition, you can adequately defend her?" asked
will defend her to the death!" cried Mirus.
"Do you
think she is a free woman?" asked Hendow. "She is only a slave."
is worth more to me than ten thousand free women!" cried Mirus.
(pg. 404)
"A slave slut?" asked Hendow, scornfully. "A woman who may be
purchased from a slave block?"
cried Mirus.
aside," said Hendow.
pity on her!" cried Mirus. He could barely hold the sword. I feared he
might collapse at any moment.
mercy, Master!" I begged, Hendow.
are losing blood, old friend," said Hendow. "I do not think you will
long be able to stand. Perhaps then, while you have the strength, you will wish
to attack."
the love you bear me," said Mirus, weakly, "do not kill her."
would kill this slave, would you not?" inquired Hendow.
said Mirus.
you do not wish Tupita to die?" he asked.
said Mirus.
then," said Hendow, smiling, "we might negotiate."
looked at him, unsteadily, wildly.
is too late!" wept Tupita. "Look!"
We looked
up, to see, encircling us now, some yards away, men. There were five of them.
With them, too, were the beasts.
growled, menacingly.
is a sleen," said the bearded man, he who was the leader of the men who
had come to pick us up. "It is unfortunate we do not have spears with
The small
fellow, he who had been dealing with the leader, hung back. His two cohorts
were somewhat in advance of him. Both were rough, grim-looking men, armed with
blades. I thought them, though, perhaps less to be feared than the leader and
the man with him. He had left, I recalled, with two. Two of the beasts came
forward. They snarled, as Borko snarled. I realized, suddenly, they did not
fear even a thing as terrible as a sleen. Armed only with their own teeth and
jaws they regarded themselves as superior to it.
are those things," asked Hendow.
is Licinius?" asked the bearded man.
are certainly big fellows," said Hendow. "I, too, would not mind
having a spear."
sword is bloody," said the bearded man.
then I met Licinius," said Hendow.
should have fled," said Mirus.
said Hendow.
(pg. 405)
"Beware of him," said the bearded man. "I think he may be
closer," said Hendow. "Examine the blood on the blade. Perhaps you
will recognize it."
crouched low, his front shoulders a bit higher than his head. He growled.
free you, Borko, old friend," said Hendow. "Go. Return to the wild.
Go. You are free!"
But the
beast remained where it was, beside its master.
you will," said Hendow. "The choice is yours, my friend."
are lost," said Mirus. "I cannot help you."
near me, behind me," said Hendow.
But Mirus
sank to one knee, where he was. I did not understand how it was that he could
remain even so. He must have been a man of incredible strength.
are surely ugly fellows," said Hendow to the two beasts. They were coming
forward very warily. "Ho, lads," called Hendow. "Do not send
your pet urts before you. Come forth boldly yourselves. Show that you are
not respond to his taunts!" said the bearded man. "The blood of
Licinius warms you to caution!"
lads!" laughed Hendow.
out for the sleen!" cried the small fellow to the beasts. "They are
The lips
of one of the beasts, it very near now, only some fifteen feet away, drew back,
about its fangs. It seemed an expression, oddly enough, of amusement. Then I
recollected these things were rational.
Master! I said. "Run!"
Hendow did not move. His whole body seemed as alert, as alive, as ready and as
vital as that of Borko. He would not, of course, leave Mirus. Too, of course,
he could not outrun the beasts. I had seen them move. I sobbed.
the beasts, Master," I said. "They are rational. They can think. They
can speak!"
said Hendow, "you still have a lying tongue in that pretty little head of
yours. Perhaps you remember the last time you lied to me?"
I moaned.
I had been whipped. Then I must perforce kiss the whip. Then I had been put to
my knees, my head down, my hands clasped behind the back of my neck, and, in
that common slave position, raped. "I am not lying, Master," I said.
(pg. 406)
"You there, you big ugly brute," called Hendow to the leader of the
beasts, which stood back a bit. "She is lying, isn’t she?"
Its lips
drew back. "Of course," it said.
thought so," said Hendow.
I felt
confused and frightened, but, too, elated, for I thought I understood then, by
his response to the beast, that he had believed me, even when I had made what
must have seemed so strange a claim. But then, in a moment, I realized that
their capacity at least to understand human speech had surely been suggested by
the small fellow’s admonition, and by the one beast’s response. I realized then
that Hendow had used me, in his way, to distract the beasts, and to play with
them. He had used me, a slave girl, in his strategy. How superior he was to me!
How right it was that I should in the order of nature be only the slave of such
a man!
fellows are some sort of urts, are you not?" asked Hendow.
leader of the beasts rose up to his full height. The fur seemed to leap up
about its head and shoulders, crackling. Its eyes blazed. Tela screamed. Its
ears, oddly, then, lay back, flattened against the sides of its head. So, too,
were Borko’s. This, I supposed, was a readiness response, making them less vulnerable,
less likely to be torn or bitten.
have never seen urts so large!" called Hendow.
are of the People!" said the leader of the beasts.
said Hendow to the small fellow, whom, he took it, rightly, was in association
with the beasts. "How do you make them talk?"
not let him anger you!" called the small fellow to the beasts. "Can
you not see? He is tricking you!"
But I
think they were not prepared to listen to him. Their attention was on Hendow. I
moaned, bound at the rail, helpless. I moved my wrists. How helplessly they
were held in place, so perfectly behind me, by the binding fiber! I could not
begin to free myself!"
is a marvelous trick," called Hendow to the small fellow. "Do it
again! Make them seem to speak!"
The leader
of the beasts, then, in fury, and in some inhuman, snarling, barbarous, fierce
tongue, something like the roar of a lion, the hiss of a sleen, the snarl of a
panther, yet clearly, frighteningly, an articulated stream of sound, some form
of modulated utterance, communicated with its fellows. He then pointed to
Hendow. In these moments, of course, the sleen was forgotten. It, however, had
never taken its eyes off the nearest of (pg. 407) the beasts. The first beast
charged at Hendow but never reached him. Borko sprang for its throat, seized it
in his jaws, and clung to that great body, his back four legs tearing and
ripping at its belly. The other beast leaped to the aid of its fellow, but
Hendow struck it on the back of its neck with his sword. It did not penetrate.
It was stopped by thick vertebrae, but blood drenched its back. It spun about
to seize Hendow, but he thrust at it with his sword. The blade entered its body
by six inches, but the beast stood there, then, slowed, stopped, regarding him.
It did not fall. Hendow stepped back. I think only then did he fully comprehend
the nature of the beasts, their power, strength, their energy, how difficult it
might be to kill or disable such a thing. The two fellows of the small man
rushed forward. Hendow stepped back to meet their charge. Mirus tried to rise,
but could not. I felt Tupita’s hands at my bonds. She was trying to untie them.
The beast Hendow had struck returned to the fray with Borko. The leader of the
beasts crouched near them, on all fours, circling them, wild-eyed, waiting its
chance. Borko and the two beasts rolled in the grass, snarling, turning and
rolling, tearing, biting in a savage blur. It was hard even to tell them apart,
or where one might be, so swiftly did their positions change. "Sword!
Sword!" said the leader of the beasts, near the fighting beasts. He
himself perhaps knew the danger of entering such a violent, unpredictable
tangle of teeth and claws. With a sword one might perhaps strike from the
outside. The fellow who had been with the bearded man, at the instigation of
his commander, hurried to the fighting animals, to try and strike the sleen. To
be sure, there is not inconsiderable danger even there. Suppose the sleen,
struck, suddenly turns on you. Tupita freed my neck from the railing. Hendow
felled one of the cohorts of the small fellow. Then he turned to engage the
bearded fellow who, after urging his man to the fray of the beasts, not caring
to join it himself, had come cautiously forward. He preferred, it seemed, a
human antagonist. But he had, too, as I realized in a moment, a plan. The other
cohort of the small fellow, frightened, backed away. The bearded fellow
defended himself desperately. He, too, was very skilled. He was protecting
himself. It is difficult to strike a man, I gather, who is primarily concerned
to defend himself. "Fight!" cried Hendow to him. "Strike the
other fellow!" called the bearded man to the cohort of the small fellow.
"Kill him!" Mirus could not defend himself. Tupita screamed in
misery, leaving off in her labor to free me. The cohort of the small fellow
raised his blade and rushed on Mirus. Hendow (pg. 408) turned to defend Mirus,
and did so, stopping the assailant, spitting him on his blade, but, in doing
this, of course, as the bearded man had doubtless hoped, he had opened his own
guard. i screamed, and saw Hendow stiffen, thrust through by the bearded man’s
weapon. The bearded fellow sank to his knees, beside Mirus, then went to all
fours. The bearded man kicked away the weapon. Hendow, of course, had realized
that in defending Mirus he would have exposed himself to the blow of the
antagonist on his left. But he had not hesitated. Tupita had fled from behind
the railing, where she had been attempting to free me and ran to cover the body
of Mirus with her own. The bearded man, however, was not interested in Mirus.
Perhaps, even, he thought him already dead. His sword, still clutched in his
hand, was down. He wiped it on his leg. He then went to where the animals were,
but not too closely.
There, too,
but not too near them either, was the small fellow. The other man, too, who was
the last of those who had come forward with the leader to acquire slaves
earlier, now stood back. He was white-faced. He held his arm. It was lacerated.
His sword was bloodied. I did not even know if he had managed to strike the
sleen. I had been concerned with Hendow and Mirus. One of the beasts in the
tangle, oddly, seemed inert, trapped, dragged about. Its head was loose on its
shoulders, almost like a toy on a string. Then the bulk of the beast, freed,
fell to the side, lifeless in the grass. It had been the first of the beasts to
approach Borko and Hendow, the one which had seemed amused upon hearing the
warning of the small fellow. It had learned, however, and its fellows, as well,
now, I think, the dangerousness of the sleen. The second beast grappled with
Borko, thrusting his head up and back. Such beasts had not only the teeth and
claws of predators, but prehensile appendages of a sort not unlike those
selected for in arboreal or climbing forms of life. Both it and Borko were
covered with blood. I thought it might want to break Borko’s neck, but then I
realized it was only trying to expose the throat. Meanwhile Borko’s hind legs,
the four of them, were tearing at its abdomen. The beast bit at Borko’s throat
but there it encountered the heavy, spiked collar. The spikes cut through the
sides of its face and tongue. Blood gushed from its mouth. It howled in rage.
In this moment, the leader of the beasts, which at times had been sitting back,
almost catlike, observing, and at other times had been crouching, and moving
about the fighting animals, waiting to strike, seeing its opportunity, leapt to
the fray, seizing Borko’s collar from the back, but, I think to its astonishment,
it might as well have tried (pg. 409) to grasp an exploding bomb, for the sleen
spun about, twisting in the collar, biting and tearing. The leader of the
beasts, astonished, fell back. he put his paw to his breast and wiped blood
from his fur. He looked at it, disbelievingly. It was his own blood. Borko
tried to leap at him but one of his hind legs was caught in gut. The other
beast screamed in pain. It seized Borko then by the hind leg, dragging him
back, back from attacking his leader. The leader crouched growling on the
grass, warning Borko away. But he did not seem eager to again enter the range
of the sleen’s jaws. "Kill it!" screamed the small fellow to the
engaged beast. "Kill it!" he screamed to the bearded man, and to the
other fellow, with the torn arm. "Use your sword!" said the bearded
man to his cohort. "Use yours," said the fellow, bitterly. Tupita
wept over Mirus, who had fallen, who was unconscious. With her hands and hair
she tried to stanch the flow of his blood. Hendow, on all fours, lifted his
head. The grass was drenched with blood on his side. His sword was gone. The
engaged beast, now that it was behind Borko, holding him, began to inch up his
body, clinging to the fur with its claws and teeth. Borko’s attention was still
focused on the leader of the beasts, who, warily, bleeding, was beyond his
reach. Hendow groped for the knife at
his belt. I saw the huge, balled fist of the engaged beast lift tand then come
down like a hammer on the back of Borko, again and again. I think such a blow
might have shattered railings. It then loosened the collar from behind, and
cast it aside, and lifting the sleen into the air, bit through the back of its
neck, then dripped it to its feet. The leader of the beasts leaped in its
place, up and down, howling, lifting and raising its arms. The victorious
beast, itself a mass of blood and wounds, stood over Borko. I then, curiously, observed its abdomen.
With one paw it thrust back into its belly the exposed gut. Hendow staggered to
his feet, his knife raised. The victorious beast turned to look at us. Its lips
drew back, over the fangs. Then Hendow drove his knife into its breast, to the
hilt. The bearded man rushed forward and struck Hendow from behind, twice. Then
Hendow fell to the grass, dead.
The beast,
too, a moment later, fell dead. The men were white-faced, and trembling. Even
the leader of the beasts, I think, was shaken.
There had
been five men who had come to acquire slaves. Of these two survived, including
the bearded man, who had been their leader. The other fellow, not the bearded
man, had been lacerated, probably in an attempt to interfere in the tangle of
fighting beasts. Indeed, he may even have struck, perhaps with an uncertain
blow, not Borko, but the other beast, who had (pg. 410) perhaps then, or the
leader, turned on him, biting at him, forcing him back. He had not cared, it
seemed, the unwisdom of such a project perhaps now clearer to him, to approach
the beasts a second time. Three men had been in league with the beasts. Of
these only one survived, the small fellow. There had been three beasts. Of
these two were dead, one by Borko, the other by Hendow. The leader of the
beasts, too, was bloody, but I think his wounds were not grievous. He had been
probably protected by the width of his body, affording little place for the
closing of jaws, and the sturdiness of his ribs.
is a bloody afternoon," said the bearded man.
beautiful friends are dead," said the small man, looking at the beasts.
leader of the beasts growled at him.
were these two?" asked the fellow with the torn arm, indicating Hendow and
one," said the bearded man, indicating Hendow, "was a fine
what was he doing here?" asked the small man.
had a sleen," said the bearded man. "He was doubtless a slave
other one may still be alive," said the fellow with the injured arm. The
blood was slow on it now, as he had his hand clasped over the wound. Blood, as
he held the wound, was between his fingers, and was visible also in rivulets,
running to his wrist and the back of his hand.
looked up, frightened, from where she crouched over Mirus. His eyes were now
open. Her hair and hands were covered with blood. She had stopped the bleeding.
I did not think, however, he could rise.
him," said the bearded man to his cohort.
protested Tupita.
said the man.
is helpless," said the bearded fellow.
it yourself, if you wish," said the wounded man.
well," said the bearded man.
please!" begged Tupita.
bearded man regarded her, amused.
no," she wept.
what is he to you?" he inquired.
am his love slave!" she wept.
yes," he said, amused.
not hurt him," she wept. "I will do anything for you!"
you think you are a free woman," he asked, "bargaining (pg. 411) for
the life of her lover, willing to surrender all her fortune that he might live,
willing perhaps even to strip herself and make herself my slave, to serve me
thenceforth with all perfections, if I will but spare him?"
Master," she wept. "I am not a free woman."
you bargain?" he inquired.
Master," she said.
you have anything with which to bargain?" he asked.
Master," she wept. "But I beg you to spare him!"
you really think I am going to leave an enemy behind me?" he asked.
Master!" she begged.
regarded him, dully, half conscious. He could not rise.
came here," said the bearded fellow, amused, it seems, for the blood of a
slave, and if I recall the intent of his glance, for that slave." He
indicated me. "Is that not so, my dear?" he asked.
Master," I said.
have saved your life, then," he said.
I nodded.
I supposed they had, or the beasts.
we leave this fellow behind us, and he recovers, as he seems a very determined
fellow," he said, "I would expect he would resume your pursuit."
Master," I said. That seemed quite probable.
untied her neck from the railing," said the bearded fellow to Tupita.
"Apparently you wanted her free. Very well, free her, then. Finish freeing
no," said Tupita.
not fear," he said. "She will not be free long."
wept Tupita.
said the bearded man.
weeping, came to where I was, before the railing. Sobbing, fumbling with
difficulty she freed my ankles. it seemed she was loath to free my hands.
approaches," said the fellow holding his arm. He was looking back over the
will be concerned with the delay," said the bearded man to the small
fellow. "We left him with the slave wagon, with Alcinous and Portus."
approaching fellow hesitated, understandably enough, in seeing the beast. Yet,
noting that his fellows stood with it, and that they beckoned him forward, he
continued to advance, though with some caution.
has happened?" asked the newcomer. "What is that?"
(pg. 412)
"Do not mind it," said the bearded fellow, lightly. "It is
has been war here," said the other man.
and Portus are anxious to be on their way," said the newcomer. "It
will soon be dark." He looked at the body of Borko, in the grass. The
collar had been removed by the second beast. "There may be sleen
about," he said.
is a domestic sleen," said the small fellow.
was killed by our friend here," said the wounded man, ironically,
indicating the beast that had slain Borko.
have been well worth waiting for, have they not?" asked the bearded man.
The newcomer’s
eyes glistened. "An excellent bag of slaves," he said.
surely they are worth at least five silver tarsks apiece," said the small
at least," agreed the newcomer.
unclipped silver tarsks," said the small fellow.
said the newcomer.
The small
fellow looked at the bearded man.
had some trouble with these two," said the bearded man, indicating Hendow,
and the prostrate Mirus, "but there is nothing to fear now."
newcomer looked around, apprehensively.
things all right at the wagon?" asked the bearded man.
said the newcomer. "There was a traveler on the road a few Ehn ago, but he
is gone now."
back to the wagon," said the bearded man. "Tell Alcinous and Portus
we will be along in a moment."
He turned
about, and retraced his steps across the meadow. The wagon, I supposed, was
hidden somewhere in the woods, away from the level area, away from the road.
wounded man’s arm had apparently stopped bleeding, or nearly so. With one hand,
and his teeth, he tore his tunic, and bound cloth about his arm. Some blood
came through the cloth, but very little, little more than a sudden, fresh
stain, then nothing.
He looked
down at me. I was still on my knees. Tupita had stopped working at the bonds on
my wrists when the newcomer had appeared. My wrists were still bound behind my
back. He was the fellow who had looked at me, before, during the dealing.
Again, frightened, as before, I opened my knees more widely. My relationship to
him was very clearly defined.
(pg. 413)
He grinned, and I, again, put my head down.
recalled how the eyes of the other man, too, he who had come from the wagon,
had looked upon us, all.
you not finished untying her?" asked the bearded man.
me, Master," said Tupita, and bent again swiftly, to her task. It was hard
for her, for the knots had been tied by a man.
slow slave," said the bearded man, and came behind me. He thrust Tupita to
the side. He then put his blade beside him, on the grass. He then undid the
knots. From the fact that he had not cut the fiber I gathered that I was to be
again confined in it. He retrieved his blade. He then stepped back from me, and
motioned that I should get up. I did so, unsteadily, for I had been closely
bound, hand and foot.
I stood
before the rail. Tupita was back of me, and half under the rail, where she had
been thrust. She, frightened, was partly on her side, and partly on her elbow.
She as very beautiful there, bare-breasted, her neck in the slave collar of
Ionicus, about her hips and thighs the brief shreds of the skirt of her work
tunic, that tunic sacrificed that I might have at least the little I wore, a
slave strip thrust in a narrow belt of rolled cloth. Tela, incredibly luscious,
in the rectangle of red silk, which she had had to wear on the orders of Aulus,
and Mina and Cara, half-stripped, scarcely less beautiful, bound in that order,
still neck-roped to the rail, were to my left.
forward, my half-naked beauty," said the bearded man, coaxingly, gesturing
with his hand.
I came
out a little from the rail.
he said, pointing, grinning, "is the fellow who followed you, who would
have your blood."
I looked
at Mirus.
a fortunate slave you are, to have him so at your mercy," said the fellow.
I looked
at him. I did not really, completely, understand him. Surely they were not
going to let me run away. He had told Tupita I would not be free for long. Too,
they would surely not be concerned for me. Too, they had paid five tarsks for
me, silver tarsks.
you recover, you would follow her again, would you not?" he asked Mirus,
crouching down by him, eagerly.
looked at him weakly, but in fury and pride. "Yes," he said. "I
said the bearded fellow, "id the sword of the slave hunter in the grass.
We give you our permission to go to it, to (pg. 414) pick it up. Yes, you may
touch it. You may hold it for a moment or two. Yes, even though you are a
slave. You may use it to finish this fellow now. Then you will be finished with
him. No longer then do you need to live in terror, shrinking back at every
strange sound, every shadow in the darkness."
not, Tuka, I beg you!" cried Tupita. "He cannot move. He is helpless.
Do not hurt him!"
she will not make a clean job of it, with her girl’s strength," said the
bearded man to Mirus, "but I am sure, in time, she will get the job
burst into tears.
I did not
even want to go near the sword. It was almost as though it radiated out
warnings, and alarms and terrors, and invisible flames that might burn me. It
was a weapon! I dared not even approach it.
not be afraid," said the bearded man.
Too, I did
not want to touch it because it had been the sword of Hendow. Too, he had used
it to save the life of his beloved friend, Mirus, though in doing the deed he
must have understood, opening himself to the blade of his enemy as he had, that
he had made his own life forfeit. How ironic then, how unthinkable, that I
should use that same blade now to kill Mirus.
turned his head toward me. Even in his weakness, his eyes blazed with hatred.
"Pick up the sword," he said. "Use it while you can!"
I looked
at him, in misery.
no mercy from me," he said. "If ever I should be able, I shall seek
you out. I shall hunt you. I shall pursue you with the relentlessness of a
ahead," urged the bearded man, eagerly. "Do not be afraid! Show that
you are brave! Show that you are strong! Show what you are made of! Do it! We
will admire you! We will praise you!"
I fell to
my knees in the grass.
may not touch a weapon!" I said.
have our permission!" said the bearded man.
I shook
my head, frightened.
are afraid," he said.
Master," I said.
are a weakling," he said.
Master," I said. "But even if I were not a coward and a weakling, I
would not do it."
Tuka!" cried Tupita.
am a female slave," I said. "I exist for the pleasure, service and
love of men. I may not hurt them. Too, I do not wish to do so. Kill me if you
will give your freedom, if you do so," said the bearded man.
me, Master. No, Master," I said.
you head down to the grass," he said. "Throw your hair forward,
exposing the back of your neck."
I obeyed.
no, Master!" cried Tupita.
I felt
the edge of the sword at the back of my neck. I felt it above the collar, move
against the small hairs on the back of my neck. The blade seemed very sharp,
for the sturdiness of the weapon.
Master, do not!" cried Tupita.
you have changed your mind," said the bearded man.
Master. Forgive me, Master," I said.
I felt the
blade lift from my neck. I closed my eyes. Then I heard him laugh.
I opened
my eyes, startled.
I heard
the sword thrust into its sheath, its guard halting its further progress.
he snapped.
I flung
myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed,
and crossing my ankles, too.
I lay
there in confusion, in obedience.
He went
to pick up the binding fiber which had been removed from my ankles by Tupita,
from my wrists, a bit before, by himself.
I had
been spared!
returned to crouch over me. Tightly then were my wrists and ankles tied. He
knew well how to tie women. "Oh!" I said, as my ankles were pulled up
and fastened to my wrists. He then pulled me to my knees and I knelt
helplessly, closely and perfectly bound, before him. He seemed amused.
I asked.
are an excellent slave," he said.
I said.
is to that that you owe your life," he said.
do not understand," I said.
your slave intuitions are excellent," he said.
slave intuitions?" I asked.
(pg. 416)
"Yes," he said.
do not understand, Master," I said.
you truly think we would have let you live, if you had slain a free man?"
he asked.
promised me my freedom," I whispered.
you had done the deed," he said, "we would have cut off your hands.
Then we would have cut off your head."
promised me my freedom," I said.
we would given it to you after the deed, have no fear, for a moment, for our
amusement," he said. "Then we would have returned you to bondage for
your punishment."
Master," I said, trembling.
we would have seen to it that you were punished as a slave, and died as a
Master," I said.
that you continue to serve men well," he said.
Master," I said.
Tuka, Tuka!" cried Tupita, softly, in joy.
bearded man turned to look upon her, and she shrank back. "See that you,
too," he said, "continue to serve men well."
Master," she said.
He then
looked at Tela.
Master!" she said.
His gaze
then fell upon Mina and Cara.
Master!" said Mina.
Master!" said Cara.
of him?" asked the man with the bandage on his arm, indicating Mirus.
will kill him," said the bearded man. He drew the sword from his sheath.
cried Tupita, running to Mirus, covering his body with her own.
will kill, her, too," said the bearded man.
please, Master!" I cried.
keep the five tarsks!" cried the small fellow.
Fulvius! Fulvius!" we heard, a man running toward us, across the meadow.
It was Callisthenes, he who had come earlier, from the wagon, who had been
ordered to return to it.
The hugs
beast, that which had survived, who had been the leader of the others, rose up
from where it had been sitting, resting back on its haunches, in the grass,
half crouching now, to (pg. 417) look. It was no longer bleeding but its entire
chest was matted with dried blood.
told you to go back to the wagon," said the bearded man, apparently
Fulvius. "You were to wait with Alcinous and Portus."
are dead!" gasped the man. "I found them dead!"
and the man with the bandaged arm exchanged glances.
I saw
Tupita draw back from Mirus. He rose up, painfully, on one elbow.
did they die?" demanded Fulvius. "What was the nature of their
the sword," said Callisthenes. "The sword!"
were set upon in stealth?"
the nature of their wounds it would seem they were attacked frontally,"
said Callisthenes. "And both their swords were drawn."
many assailed them?" asked Fulvius.
think, one," said Callisthenes.
must be more," said Fulvius. "Alcinous and Portus were not
do not know," said Callisthenes. "Perhaps."
of tracks?" asked Fulvius.
saw those of Alcinous and Portus, and detected only those of one other,"
he said.
was the nature of their wounds?" asked Fulvius.
wound of Alcinous was deft, lateral and to the heart," said Callisthenes.
"Portus was run through."
died second," said Fulvius. "In Alcinous the fellow did not wish to
risk the jamming of his blade."
fellow with the bandaged arm opened and closed his hand, testing its grip.
wagon is gone, the tharlarion?" asked Fulvius.
said Callisthenes.
of the purses of Alcinous and Portus?" asked Fulvius.
said Callisthenes.
said Fulvius. "Then we are dealing with a brigand."
had probably fled by now," said the small fellow, eagerly.
wounds of Alcinous and Portus were frontal wounds," said Callisthenes.
would he not flee?" asked the small fellow.
he had fled," said Fulvius. "We do not know."
may linger in the vicinity," said the fellow with the bandaged arm.
"He may be hungry for more gold."
(pg. 417)
"And there my be several of them, a band!" said the small fellow.
said Fulvius. "But I do not think so."
shall we do?" asked the fellow with the bandaged arm.
you handle your sword?" asked Fulvius.
think so," he said.
asked Fulvius.
he said.
beast is gone," said the man with the bandaged arm, suddenly.
Its departure
had been unnoticed.
is it?" demanded Fulvius of the small fellow.
do not know," he said.
is wounded," said Fulvius. "Too, I suspect it had had its fill of
blood for the day."
The small
fellow looked about, anxiously.
you with us?" asked Fulvius.
am not a fighter," said the small fellow. "I am going to go away,
beast has deserted you," said Fulvius.
did without them before, and can do so again," he said. He hastened to his
pack, near the blanket.
the blanket, and the coins upon it," said Fulvius.
cried the small fellow.
your purse on it, too," advised Fulvius.
cried the small fellow.
so, quickly," said Fulvius, "unless you prefer to put your pack and
clothes upon it as well and take your leave with no more than a length of
binding to your name, that fastening your hands behind you."
the small fellow hurled his purse to the blanket, shouldered his pack, and
hurried from the meadow, going in the direction opposite to that from which
Callisthenes had come.
if the beast returns?" asked the fellow with the bandaged arm.
do not think it will," said Fulvius. "If it does, I do not know where
our small friend went, do you?"
laughed the fellow with the bandage arm.
it is angry, presumably it will be angry with him. Perhaps it will even think
it has been deserted. Perhaps it will even track him down."
such a case, I would not care to be him," said the mane with the bandaged
(pg. 419)
"And if it does return here," said Fulvius, " we may pretend to
deal with it, as he did."
may deal with it," said the man with the bandaged arm. "I want
nothing to do with it."
need only watch our chance, and kill it. It is wounded. There are three of
shrugged the man with the bandaged arm.
I do not think it will return," said Fulvius.
hope not," said the fellow with the bandaged arm.
did not know there were such things," said Callisthenes.
did not either," said the fellow with the bandaged arm.
will kill this fellow," said Fulvius. "Then we will go to the wagon,
and see if we can find the other."
again put her body between those of Fulvius and Mirus. Mirus was now sitting
up, his head in his hands.
him later," said the fellow with the bandaged arm. "It will soon be
well," said Fulvius.
They then
set out in the direction from which Callisthenes had come.
It would
have taken but a moment to thrust Tupita aside and kill Mirus, but I sensed
that the man with the injured arm, again, had little taste for dispatching a
helpless foe. Fulvius, perhaps, more ruthless or practical in such matters, but
a judicious tactician, had, I thin, not wished to proceed at that time with an
action which might bring about a disagreement or confrontation with his
subordinate, one of whose sword he might shortly have need. Too, he could
always kill Mirus later. He did not care, as I recalled, to leave enemies
behind him.
you walk, Master?" begged Tupita, crouching near Mirus. "Can you run?
They are gone! They will be coming back! Get up! Run! Flee!"
looked over at me, his eyes glazed with pain.
up, Master!" begged Tupita. "Lean on me! I will try to help
helped him to his feet. He stood, unsteadily. He looked at me.
Master!" cried Tupita. "Lean on me! I will try to help you!"
strong Mirus must be, I thought, that he could even stand.
Master," said Tupita. "Hurry!"
suddenly he moved his arm and flung her to the side.
she cried.
He bent
down, nearly fell, and picked up the blade which had (pg. 420) fallen from the
hand of the man who had been urged earlier by Fulvius to kill him, he whom
Hendow had dropped, the blade with which he himself had been threatened.
His eyes
wild he staggered toward me, the blade lifted over his head, in two hands.
leaped to her feet and flung herself between us, shielding me with her own
slave!" cried Mirus. "With draw! Get out of the way!"
are out of your head, Mirus!" she cried. "You are not the master I
know. She is only a slave. Do not hurt her!"
betrayed me!" he cried, the blade poised.
your friend, loved her!" she cried. "He cared for her. He sought her!
He saved your life! Will you now kill her with the very blade from which he
saved you?"
betrayed me!" he snarled.
I was
startled to hear her asserveration of Hendow’s affection for me. He was so
terrible, so fierce. Yet it seemed he had not in truth followed me to recapture
me and punish me, visiting upon me the terrible severities to be suitably
visited upon a runaway slave. I remembered how gently he had touched me on the
side of the head. I wept, confused, startled, astonished, in wonder,
considering his love. Had I been so blind to it? Yet I do not doubt that he
would have kept me always, even in his love, as a helpless slave. He was that
sort of man. Indeed, how could I, a woman, truly, fully, love any other sort?
I saw he
did not want to strike Tupita. Her beauty, so wild and pathetic, bare-breasted,
in its collar and shreds of skirt, was between us.
tried to warn you, Master," I wept. "I tried to withdraw! You would
not let me. You would not listen! Masters were watching!"
would you have had her do?" cried Tupita. "Do you no understand? We
are slaves, slaves! What do you think her life would have been worth if she had
not been successful in her work? If she had even been suspected in her work
would this, too, not have been dangerous for her masters?"
out of the way!" he cried.
are not yourself," she cried. "Do not kill her!"
out of the way," he cried, "or you will die first!"
Tupita!" I wept. "Go, run!"
cried Mirus.
(pg. 421)
"No," said Tupita, firmly. "If it is your will, so be it. I will
die first."
I saw the
blade waver.
is my desire to be pleasing to my master," she said.
I saw the
blade lower. Mirus stepped back.
the love I bear you, if not the love you bear me," she said, "spare
I saw
Mirus look at me, with hatred. But he crouched down then, the point of the
blade in the dirt, his hands on the guard, steadying himself with the weapon,
almost as with a staff. "She may live," he said. Then he sobbed.
my master, I love you!" wept Tupita, rushing to him. "I love you! I
love you!"
have followed you, hunting for you, even from Brundisium," said Mirus.
"I traveled from city to city. I took service here and there. But always I
searched for you. I did not wish to live without you. I sought you even in
recalled I had asked Mirus if he had been looking for me in Argentum. He had
not been. he had claimed he was seeking service, and his fortune. I had been
somewhat chagrined by this answer, that he had not been looking for me. I now
realized that he had been seeking Tupita. Many Gorean men, in their vanity,
will not admit to caring for slaves. Even the thought of it, it seems, would
embarrass them. Who would care for a meaningless slut in a collar? Yet too
often, for just such women, luscious and helpless, and in bondage, men are
prepared to kill. Indeed, had I not still found him so attractive, and had I
not, in my own vanity, been so concerned with my own possible beauty and
desirability, rather than that of others, too, might have understood that
immediately. Certainly he had inquired closely after her. I had not been able to help him. Then he had
fallen to the men of Tyrrhenius, later to be sold to the black chain of
cried Tupita, "I love you so! I love you so, my master!"
girls must address all free men as "Master." Commonly, however, the
expression "my Master," when it is used, is reserved for the actual
master of the girl, he who is her literal master, he who literally owns her.
For example, when I was in Argentum it was proper for me to use the expression
"master" to the men of Tyrrhenius, and indeed, to all free men, but
the expression, "my Master," if used, would have been appropriate,
suitably, addressed only to Tyrrhenius. To be sure, sometimes (pg. 422) a girl
will use the expression "my Master" to a man who is not her literal
master, to suggest to him that he is to her even as would be her literal owner.
Sometimes that is done in an attempt to wheedle with the male, or flatter him.
It can be dangerous, however, as it might, say, earn her a cuffing. He knows,
of course, he is not her literal owner. As Tupita used the expression though,
in such a spontaneous, and heartfelt way, it expressed in its way, I think, a
truth of her heart, that she in her heart belonged to him, that she in her
heart was his slave.
to stand, Master," urged Tupita.
But he
crouched where he had, his hands on the guard of the sword, keeping himself
upright with its aid.
up, Master," said Tupita. "Try to stand. Try! Please, Master! We must
hurry away, before the men come back!"
is too late!" cried Tela, fastened at the rail. I squirmed in my bonds, on
the grass. I, too, like Tela, Mina and Cara, though I was not bound at the
rail, was helpless.
could not find him," said Fulvius.
it is just as well," said Callisthenes.
the sluts," said Fulvius to Callisthenes. "We will take them to the
wagon. I will finish this fellow off."
cried Tupita.
is on his feet," said the fellow with the bandaged arm.
Mirus had
struggled to his feet, holding the sword. "Get behind me," he said to
she said.
he said.
Sempronius," said Fulvius to the fellow with the bandaged arm, "look
at this!" This was the first time I had heard the name of the man with the
bandaged arm.
see," said Sempronius.
is no point now in your squeamishness," said Fulvius. "You see? There
he is! He is up and ready, prepared for a fair and proper fight."
can scarcely stand, he can scarcely hold his sword," said Sempronius.
upon occasion are the fortunes of war," said Fulvius.
the women, and let him go," said Sempronius.
may not have this woman," said Mirus, indicating Tupita.
them take me away!" she begged.
he said.
(pg. 423)
"I choose not to leave an enemy behind me," said Fulvius. "Do
you gainsay me in this?"
I suppose, if nothing else, understood that Mirus, if he survived, would be
likely, sometime, to pursue them, perhaps for his honor, perhaps to recover
Tupita, or me, perhaps to avenge Hendow.
shrugged. "You are first here," he said. "Your sword, if nothing
else, makes you so."
guard, my friend," said Fulvius to Mirus.
wept Tupita.
slave!" said Sempronius. "Let him have at least the dignity of dying
on his feet, with a sword in his hand."
struggled to lift the blade. He held the hilt with both hands.
said Tupita, pointing out, over the meadow, behind Fulvius and Sempronius.
Callisthenes was to one side. He had delayed in releasing the girls from the
rail, to coffle them, apparently choosing to postpone his work until the
resolution of the pending affray with Mirus.
stepped back a few steps, and turned to look. Sempronius, half turned, was
watching something. He removed his blade from his sheath. I heard, too, to my
left, and behind me, the blade of Callisthenes leave its sheath.
I tried
to rise up a bit on my knees, but, tied as I was, wrists to ankles, I could not
do so. I could see little more than the high grass from where I was.
could not find him," said Mirus. "But it seems he has found
I could
then see, approaching over the grass, a solitary figure.
is a brigand," said Fulvius. "He is masked."
I gasped.
I feared for a moment I might die. My heart began to beat wildly. I did not
wish to faint. I suddenly felt great heat, helpless heat in my belly. It seemed
my thighs flamed. I was bound helplessly. My responses were suitable for a
slave. I hoped the men could not smell me. Then I was terrified.
features are well concealed," said Callisthenes.
out," said Fulvius. "Callisthenes to my left, Sempronius on my
the stranger moved toward Fulvius with great speed. The suddenness of this
attack took Fulvius by surprise. He had barely time to lift his sword. I could
not even follow the movements of the steel, so swift they were! Both
Callisthenes and Sempronius, after having been arrested for a moment, startled,
almost in shock, at the speed of the stranger’s rush, hurried (pg. 424) toward
the swordsmen, but then they stopped. The stranger had moved swiftly back,
warily. Before him Fulvius had fallen. He was on all fours, with his head down.
He trembled. He spat and coughed blood. Then he sank to the grass. He slowly
rolled to his back. The sword left his hand. Then he stared upward, at the sky,
but did not see it.
screamed, only now seeming to comprehend what had been done.
stranger had not permitted them to take him between them, Fulvius engaging him.
Callisthenes and Sempronius seeking their openings from the sides. He had moved
too quickly, before they could close their simple formation, before they could
join their forces. Even Fulvius, whom I knew from before was a master of
defense, had not been able to stand before him. I do not think steel had
crossed more than three or four times before the stranger had leapt back, and
then backed away.
I felt
terror before this man, this swordsman, this fighter. I had not known one could
handle steel like that. it had been an awesome exhibition of prowess. I was
shaken, even at the thought of it. For a brief moment, I wanted desperately to
run away. But I was bound.
stranger motioned with his sword that Callisthenes and Sempronius should move
together. Reluctantly they did so, carefully keeping blade room between them.
Their leader was gone. They could form no plan, it seemed, between them as to
who should hold, who should seek an opening. Neither cared, it seemed, to
advance. It there was an initiative here, or some advantage, oddly enough it
seemed to lie on the side of the stranger, not the pair of them. They kept
their eyes on him. Fulvius, I suspect, had been a very fine swordsman.
Certainly Sempronius, earlier, had acknowledged his supremacy among them, with
the blade. Yet Fulvius had lasted hardly an exchange with the stranger. This
could not fail but weigh with them. Too, I did not doubt but what in their
minds were the fates of their fellows, Alcinous and Portus, back at the wagon.
I looked
The other
girls, too, were dumbfounded. I think they, even Gorean girls, in a culture
where the knife and sword were familiar, common weapons, had never seen
anything like this. Mirus, even, seemed stunned. He had lowered his own sword.
Tupita, near him, white-faced, held him, supporting him.
regarded the stranger. He was tall, very tall. He was broad-shouldered and
narrow-waisted. He had long, bronzed arms. His (pg. 425) hands were very large.
I trembled. He held a steel sword, where such things made law. He was tall,
fierce and hard. I was very small, and soft and weak. It was only the swords of
Callisthenes and Sempronius which separated him from me. I saw myself then,
noting his eyes in the mask, the subject of his gaze. I saw the point of his
sword. He, looking at me, moved it, slightly. Inwardly I laughed with joy. I
swiftly, in response to his gesture, as I could, spread my knees before him.
Callisthenes, first, then Sempronius, hurled their swords, blade first, into
the earth at their feet. The handles, upright, were visible in the grass. We
belonged to the stranger! I looked wildly at him.
motioned Callisthenes and Sempronius away from their weapons.
I suspect, was not a fine swordsman. He had expressed some relief or
satisfaction at their earlier inability to locate the stranger. I think he had
not really wanted to meet up with him, he who had slain his fellows, Alcinous
and Portus. Sempronius, probably more skilled, had been wounded.
ordered Callisthenes and Sempronius to stand to the side. He then approached
Mirus. Mirus thrust Tupita behind him, and held his sword, ready to defend
himself and his slave. The stranger then, with a decisive movement, sheathed
his sword. It cracked into the sheath. Mirus grinned, and lowered his sword.
Then, overcome with his exhaustion, his weakness, the loss of blood, he sat
down in the grass.
stranger came to the rail and examined Cara, and then Mina, and then Tela.
"You are well curved," he said to Tela. "Thank you,
Master," she said. Instantly I hated Tela. Then he came to stand before
me. "You, too, are well curved," he said. "Thank you,
Master!" I said. I cast a glance at Tela. "And you look well, tied so
helplessly," he said. "Thank you, Master!" I said. I cast
another glance at Tela. He had said two things to me, and only one to her! But
when I looked back he had turned away for me! I squirmed in my bonds. I wanted
to cry out "master!" to him, but I did not dare. I did not want to be
whipped. Did he think I could not recognize him in his mask? Did he not
remember me?
remained bound for several Ahn, until well after dark. In this time he had
walked Callisthenes and Sempronius before him, back toward the trees, in which
direction, it seemed, lay the slave wagon. There they had apparently buried
three bodies, those of Licinius, who had been slain by Hendow, and Alcinous and
Portus, victims, it seems, of his own blade. Too, from the wagon, or its
vicinity, they retrieved supplies. These, however, (pg. 426) were not
immediately fed to us. Sempronius and Callisthenes first busied themselves,
under the stranger’s supervision, with burying what humans lay about. The
strange beasts were left for jards. Borko, however, was buried beside Hendow.
The graves of the men had swords thrust in the earth, that they might thus be
marked. Mirus scratched a board, taken from the ruins of the building about,
which he fixed on the common grave of Borko and Hendow. I cannot read Gorean.
Mirus told Tupita it said, "Borko and Hendow, Hendow was of Brundisium. He
was my friend." Most Gorean graves, incidentally, are not marked even in
so simple a fashion. Most Goreans do not care for such things. They believe
that it is a man’s deeds which truly live after him, and that the difference,
great or small, which they make in the world, the difference which he made, for
having been there, is what is important. No matter how insignificant or tiny
one is, in te Gorean belief, one is an incredible part of history. That can
never be taken from anyone. That is better, they believe, than scratched wood
or marked stone. There would be no pyres. Such might attract the attention of
men about, or perhaps of tarnsmen aflight, even as far away as Venna.
we now dig two more?" asked Sempronius.
whom?" asked the stranger.
ourselves," said Sempronius, indicating himself and Callisthenes.
said the stranger. "Wash. Perform the customary purifications."
and Callisthenes looked at one another. "Very well," said Sempronius.
they had washed and performed the rites we were fed. Of slaves only Tupita was
permitted to feed herself. She also fed Mina and Cara. I was fed by Sempronius.
Tela by Callisthenes. The stranger did this perhaps to torture them, I
supposed, that they might be so close to half-naked female slaves and yet be
forbidden to so much as touch them.
After we
had been fed, and Callisthenes and Sempronius, too, had partaken of food, the
stranger directed them to put us in coffle, with the exception of Tupita. He
also specified the exact positions we would occupy in this coffle. Accordingly,
in a given order, we were roped together by the neck. Mina, Cara and Tela were
freed of the rail, and all our ankles were untied. Mina and Cara, of course,
still wore their shackles. Thought it was with joyful relief that I fel my
ankles at last freed from my wrists and could get up, though in pain, and
stretch my legs, my hands still bound behind me, it was with chagrin that I
(pg. 427) considered my position on the coffle. I was last! Last! Did he think
I did not recognize him in the mask? Did he not remember Tela was before me,
and she had led a much larger coffle entering the work camp of Ionicus near
Venna, that of the black chain. Mina and Cara were ahead of us. And Mina was
first on the coffle! How proud she seemed! Look at her, so beautiful, so proud
to be first!
and Sempronius supported Mirus between them, and helped him toward the woods.
Tupita followed, closely. After them came the stranger. He paused, on his way,
to pick up the swords of Callisthenes and Sempronius. He had also taken the
blanket and the silver, and purses, which had been on it. The bodies, too, I
gathered, of those who had been about had been relieved of what coins or
valuables they might have carried. The coins of Hendow the stranger had given
to Mirus. He was, then, truly a brigand! A masked brigand! But how he could
handle a sword! How he had fought!
The group
now made its way toward the woods. We, Mina, Cara, Tela and I, in coffle,
followed it. Ti did not even seem that they were paying any attention, to see
if we came or not. We followed them, of course, docilely, like tethered
animals! But, of course, we were tethered animals. We were slaves.
I looked
back in the moonlight once, at the grave of Borko and Hendow. I could see the
hilt of Hendow’s sword there, and, behind it, the narrow board fixed in the
earth by Mirus, that simple, crude marker, not bearing much of a message,
really, little more than the data that Hendow had been of Brundisium, and had
had a friend.
I cried
on the way to the woods.
30 THE
I sat up.
I could
not believe what he apparently intended to do to me. Yet I suppose it was not
anything that unusual for a slave.
The three
moons were full. It was late. We were now in the (pg. 428) woods. The slave
wagon was not far away. The tharlarion, unhitched, but tethered, browsed among
the trees, pulling at herbs in the grass, lifting its neck to nibble at wide
encircled my ankles. I could not bring my legs together. My ankles were tied at
the insides of two saplings, about a yard apart. My hands were no longer tied
behind me. They were braceleted there. This was far more comfortable. On the
other hand whereas before I had had only to contend helplessly with simple
binding fiber I was now the prisoner of clasping steel.
Surely he
did not intend to put me through this! Did he not recognize me!
Was I to
be treated only as another slave?
sitting up in this awkward position, jerked at the bracelets, sensed the sudden
straightening of the linkage, heard the small metal noise, and felt the
occasioned cruelty of the bands on my wrists. In struggling I could only hurt
myself. The choice was mine. In the end, whether I struggled or not, whether I
hurt myself or not, I would still be held, and perfectly. I cried out with
is wrong, Tuka?" asked Tela.
She was
secured identically as I was, a few feet to my right, her ankles fastened with
cords, on the insides of two saplings, about a yard apart, her wrists
braceleted behind her. She had risen up on her elbows, her head turned, to look
at me, in the moonlight.
be quiet!" I said.
well," she said.
am sorry, Tela!" I said.
is all right," she said. "What is wrong?"
I said. "Nothing!"
undoubtedly puzzled by what she must take to be my strange behavior, lay back
on the leaves.
sitting up, jerked at the bracelets again. Again I felt pain. Again I had hurt
myself. I sobbed with frustration. Was that all I was to him, only another
I could
see the small campfire by the wagon. Back from it a bit, to the left, Tupita
was tending Mirus. About the fire, were the stranger, still masked, and,
unarmed, Callisthenes and Sempronius. Their blades were hung on the side of the
closed slave wagon. They were talking, and passing a bota about, which probably
contained paga.
Mira and
Cara, still in their shackles and manacles, from the chain of Ionicus, had been
put in the slave wagon, which was locked. The slave wagon was little more in
effect than a large (pg. 429) iron box, secured on a wagon frame. Its door, in
the back, was reached by a short flight of broad, wooden stairs. In the upper
portion of the door there was a small aperture, about a half-inch in height and
six inches long, which was fitted with a sliding panel. It was now shut,
latched. It could not be opened from the inside. In the bottom of the door
there was a larger opening, about three inches in height and a foot in width,
through which pans of water or food could be slipped into the wagon, without
opening the main door. That, too, had its panel which, too, was now latched.
It, too, could not be opened from the inside.
stranger had now screwed shut the lid on the bota.
He had
showed them hospitality. They had, so to speak, "shared his kettle."
They rose
to their feet.
in the evening, the front ward portion of the meadow, near the ruins of the
long, low building, indeed, only a few feet in front of the rail, to which at
that time Tela, Mina and Cara had still been fastened, Sempronius had fed me.
Callisthenes had similarly put nourishment in the mouth of Tela, even as she
was at the rail, neck-roped there. I had wondered if the stranger had permitted
Callisthenes and Sempronius to feed us, half-naked slaves, in order to have
them in proximity to us, whom they might not touch, as a torture for them,
Gorean males.
The men
were coming in this direction.
Now it
seemed, however, that I had misread his intent.
crouched before me. "Lie down," he said.
I obeyed.
tightly my ankles were bound with cord! How closely my wrists were enclosed in
removed the belt and cloth I wore.
He then
began, kneeling beside me, to caress me. I regarded him with dismay, twisting.
It was his intention that I should be hot, and open, to him! I must resist! I
must try to resist! What if the stranger should see! But men had changed my
body. I now needed their touch, more so than I had ever dreamed could be
possible, even in my moments of most frustrated passion on Earth. Let it be
acknowledged straightforwardly and honestly. I had been made a slave.
is wrong?" asked Sempronius, puzzled.
Master," I said, firmly.
had been permitted earlier in the evening to feed the slave Tuka, as
Callisthenes had Tela. Tuka had knelt before him, clad only in a slave strip
and belt of rolled cloth, her wrists crossed and bound behind her back,
fastened closely to her (pg. 430) crossed, bound ankles. He had put food in her
mouth, and she must eat. But, as Tuka understood now, this had not been to
torture him. Rather, if anything, it had been to bring him into her proximity
to excite him, to whet his appetite, to give him a foretaste of the delights
which might, if he wished, await him. and, too, from the woman’s point of view,
she so helpless, so close to him, so much at his mercy, unable to defend
herself, or even to feed herself, dependent on him for her very food, this
produced a sense of distinct unease, and arousal.
I heard
Tela, under the touch of Callisthenes, cry out, softly, to my right.
knew what he as doing. I tried to steel myself, and think of other things. I
turned my head to the side.
I heard
Tela gasp with pleasure.
suddenly hated being a slave! Was this possible? That I should be so casually
put, so cordially put, in the liberality of a Gorean host, at the disposal of
guests? But of course it was possible! I was only a slave! But why would he do
this to me, to me? Was I truly to him only this, only another slave, to be put
without a second thought to the purposes of guests, merely another amenity or
convenience to them, as might be a napkin or finger bowl, or a comfort, such as
a blanket, or an extra cushion for his couch?
I must
not let Tela’s cries arouse me. I must try not to hear them! What pleasure she
must be enduring!
the stranger did not recognize me?
I said, suddenly, softly.
I knew
then, and so did he, that he would conquer me.
she satisfactory?" asked the stranger, standing behind Sempronius.
I looked
up, wildly, at the stranger.
seems she will prove so," said Sempronius.
stranger held, coiled in his right hand, a slave whip. "If you are not
fully satisfied," he said, "let me know."
well," said Sempronius.
I knew
then that the stranger would whip me if I were not pleasing.
But I
began, unable to help myself, to squirm beneath the touch of Sempronius.
are a hot slave," said Sempronius to me.
oh," I moaned, softly.
you not pleased?" he asked.
Master," I sobbed. "Thank you, Master."
(pg. 431)
I heard Tela, in a moment, begging to be freed of the bracelets, that she might
hold Callisthenes. He released her from one of the bracelets. Callisthenes and
Sempronius apparently held the keys to our bracelets! How gracious of the
I reared
up a little, and saw, to my relief, that the stranger was back with Mirus and
I closed
my eyes.
I lay
back on the leaves, gasping, my head turning from side to side.
cannot stand it, Master!" I said. "I cannot stand it! Do not stop! Do
not stop! Oh, please, Master, do not stop!"
I loved
being a slave! I loved it!
I begged
Sempronius to free my hands that I might hold him, clutching my softness to
twisted me a bit on one side and removed one of the bracelets. I then clutched
him eagerly.
Oh, oh, ohhhhh, ohhh!" I said. "Ohhhhh."
yield well, slave," he said.
I looked
up. tears in my eyes. The stranger had returned. He had been watching. In his
hand was still the slave whip. Then he turned away, again. I gathered then it
would not be necessary to whip me.
responded to Sempronius’ lips, and kissed him, too, softly, about the neck and
more that night he used me, and twice more was I reminded of my slavery, and
how total it was.
stranger did not return later to ascertain again for himself the adequacy of my
yieldings. Apparently, on the basis of what he had seen, he assumed they would
be acceptable. Too, of course, if Sempronius had not been satisfied, I could
have been put beneath the whip.
Late that
evening Sempronius and Callisthenes were permitted to leave the camp. Before
they left they replaced the bracelets on the hands of two slaves. Tela and
Tuka, so that their hands were again confined behind their backs. The keys to
those bracelets were given to the stranger. They, too, reclothed us, if, given
the nature of our scanty garmenture, such an expression is appropriate. They
then had their swords returned to them. They were permitted to keep their
Tela and
I watched them withdraw, disappearing into the darkness.
Callisthenes and Sempronius had left the camp, Mina and Cara were brought forth
from the slave wagon and knelt down near the fire. They were still in their
chains. Tela was then freed of the cords on her ankles, holding her between the
trees. She was then pulled to her feet, drawn along, and then knelt down, in a
line, with Mina and Cara. I was then freed of the ankle cords which had kept me
in place, between the trees. I was then knelt before the sapling to which my right
ankle had been fastened. One of the bracelets I wore was then removed, and my
wrists dragged back, about the sapling. It was then replaced in such a way that
my hands were now confined behind me, and braceleted about the sapling.
that direction," said the stranger, addressing himself to Mina, Cara and
Tela, Mina and Cara in their chains, Tela with her wrists braceleted behind
her, "lies the Vitkel Aria, and beyond it, continuing in the same
direction, the camp of Pietro Vacchi. If you wish to return to Venna, and the
camp of Ionicus, go right when you come to Viktel Aria."
Cara and Tela looked at one another.
He then
removed the bracelets from Tela.
he said.
They all
he inquired.,
do not wish to return to the black chain," said Mina. "I shall
attempt to fall into the hands of the men of Pietro Vacchi."
too," said Cara.
am sure," said the stranger, "that you will both make lovely camp
will be done with us as masters please," said Mina.
what of you, my dear?" inquired he of Tela.
too," she said, "shall attempt to venture to the camp of Pietro
Vacchi, in the hope that one into whose hands I hope to fall will still be
there. If he is not, I shall beg, then, to be returned to the camp of
have the look of a love slave," he said.
Master," she said, putting down her head in confusion.
How much
I thought must she love Aulus, to be willing to return to the black chain of
Ionicus, if only to carry water in the work pits, her limbs chained, where from
time to time she might look up to the hill, to the overseer’s tent atop it, or
perhaps even to serve in the tent itself, in a rectangle of silk, as before.
do not know what became of the rest of us," said the stranger, warningly.
Master," they said.
(pg. 433)
"Go," he said.
I kiss Tuka?" asked Tela.
well," he said.
Tela came
to kneel beside me. "I wish you well, Tuka," she said. She kissed me.
wish you well, too," I said to her, and kissed her.
She then,
following Mina and Cara, left the camp.
stranger then stood before me.
I looked
up at him, frightened.
He went
to the slave wagon, climbed the steps and swung open the iron door. He then
returned to where I was secured and removed my bracelets. He then put me to all
the slave wagon," he said, "on the right, as you enter, there is a
water bag, which is full, and a food pan, in which there are two rolls. In the
front of the slave wagon, on the left, as you face forward, there is a wastes
Master," I said.
he said.
Master," I said. He had put me to all fours. I had not been given
permission to rise. It was thus clear to me how I was to enter the slave wagon.
When I was inside he shut the door and I heard it secured, with heavy locks.
Then the tiny aperture in the upper part of the door, through which I could see
one of the moons, was slid shut, and latched. I was then in total darkness. I
felt about and discovered that there were some blankets on the iron flooring. I
would be warm tonight. I also felt about the wagon and detected that it
contained various rings and chains, such that girls within it, if masters
wished, could be separately secured. There was also a small water bag, filled
with water, and a pan, with two rolls in it. These were where he had said. The
wastes bucket, too, was where he had said, at the other end of the wagon, near
the front, in the corner opposite the food and water. What luxury, I thought to
myself. What more could a slave girl want, other than perhaps the heat of a
master’s body? I felt about the inside of the slave wagon. The plates were
solid. I was well confined within, in the darkness. My escape would be
impossible, even if I had dared to think of such a thing. He had seen to that.
I wondered if the tharlarion would be hitched up in the morning, and the wagon
would move, or, if, for some reason, he preferred to stay here. I spread two
blankets in the center of the wagon, and put another, loosely, over my
shoulders. I then crawled to the food pan and took one of the rolls. It was
stale, but suitable for a slave. I knelt there, the blanket over (pg. 434) my
shoulders, and ate it in the darkness. I then took some water. I then returned
to the center of the wagon, to the place I had spread the blankets, and knelt
there, the blanket clutched about my shoulders. It would be easy for him to
keep me indefinitely in such a place, I realized, as there, was a wastes
bucket, and food and water could easily be thrust through the narrow, now
closed aperture at the bottom of the door. He would not even have to take me
out on a leash to relieve myself. Indeed, as he could feed me through the
aperture, he did not even have to look at me. I looked about, in the darkness.
It was his will which would determine how long I stayed here. It was up to him.
He was a master. I was a slave. I
supposed, however, that his needs might be upon him sometime and then I might
be summoned forth, as the property I was, to serve them. Or perhaps he thought
to keep me here, for his amusement, until my own needs began to work on me.
Perhaps he wanted to hear me begging and pleading, scratching and whining,
sobbing behind the iron door? I resolved I would not give him such
satisfaction. But I realized that, as I was a Gorean slave girl, if that was
what he wanted, he would probably not have to wait long. I laughed to myself.
He must remember me! Or could it be only that he found me of interest, as he
might have any woman? That was possible, I supposed. Certainly he had given no signs of knowing me. In any event, he
had sent Mina, Cara, and Tela away. It was I who was in the slave wagon! He
must remember me! I lay down then on the blankets, wrapped in another blanket.
I wondered if he were going to leave with the slave wagon in the morning, and I
would be transported helplessly in it, or if he was going to stay here for a
time, in the woods, and, if so, for how long? I wondered, too, for how long,
whether it left the woods or not, I would be kept in the slave wagon. I must
wait to learn the answers to these things. I was a slave girl.
The iron
door opened. "Come out," he said.
I think I
had been in the slave wagon for two days. It was again evening outside. I
hastily adjusted the rolled cloth belt and the slave strip, tucking it in. I
touched my hair, worried about it. Then I rose to my feet and hurried to the
door. There he took me by the arm and conducted me down the stairs. I was
pleased he did this, as I had not walked for a time, and was a little unsteady,
and might have stumbled. A campfire was lit and near it were Mirus, and Tupita.
She seemed radiant. I was startled to look upon Mirus. He seemed much
recovered. When the man, who still wore a mask, removed his hand from my arm, I
went timidly to Mirus, and knelt before him. "A slave is pleased," I
whispered. "Master looks much stronger." Then I put down my head,
frightened. He still looked upon me with severity. It had been only because of
the intercession of Tupita, as I recalled, that I had been spared.
said the man with the mask.
Master," said Tupita, happily. "Come, Tuka, help me!"
Mistress!" I said. I called her "Mistress," because I assumed
she must be first girl. The men did not correct this impression, so she must be
first girl. When not in their presences, whether I called her
"Tupita," or whatever her name might now be, would be up to her. I
did not doubt, however, but what she would let me use her name to her, whatever
it might now be, when we were alone. As she had called me "Tuka," and
had not been corrected, I assumed I still was, for the time being at least, or
until Masters wished otherwise, "Tuka." Together we prepared a meal,
cooked over the campfire. There were supplies and utensils in the wagon box. I
think it gave both Tupita and myself much pleasure, preparing a small amount of
food for particular masters, and hoping to please them by it, is not one paga
slaves, or work slaves, often enjoyed. It is a different (pg. 436) matter
altogether to labor in a tavern kitchen, at a narrow task, or to stir the
cooking pots in a work camp, which must feed perhaps a thousand slaves. Indeed
I had never cooked in the work camp or even in the tavern, though in the latter
place I had labored from time to time with Ina, usually naked, on my knees, at
the washing tubs. Happily, Tupita did most of the real cooking, while I mostly
watched and fetched. I wished I knew more about cooking. I was eager to please
masters in this way, too. Too, I thought it was something I should know how to
do. What if it were to be required of me? I was afraid then that if I did not
do well I might be punished.
Tupita and I busied ourselves in this fashion the men spoke of politics, of
tharlarion, of war, and arms.
When we
were ready we put the food on plates and proffered it to the men, kneeling
before them, lifting the plates to them. Tupita lifted the plate to Mirus. I
lifted the plate to the man who wore the mask. I hoped Tupita had cooked the
food well! "Good," said Mirus, congratulating Tupita.
"Excellent," said the stranger to Tupita. Tupita knelt back, muchly
pleased. I, too, knelt back, pleased, though to be sure little of the credit
was due to me. Tupita and I would wait to see if, and when, we would be fed.
But after the free persons had taken a few bites, eating first, thus ritualistically
in the Gorean fashion expressing the difference between themselves and us, and
their precedence. Mirus shoved a bit of food to one side of his plate, from
which Tupita happily, helped herself. The stranger then picked up a tiny piece
of food from his plate and indicated that I should lean forward. He then put it
in my mouth. He did this at various times throughout the meal. I was being fed
by hand. Once I tried to catch at, and suck and lick at his fingers, eagerly,
surreptitiously, but his eyes warned me to desist. Later he let me finish the
food on his plate. I was famished. He had not chosen fatten me in the
confinements of the slave wagon. I had had only some more bread, and a raw
vegetable. From time to time during the meal Tupita had cast a glance at me,
smiling, as though she had some secret. I did not understand what she might
have in mind, if anything. Once or twice I glanced at Mirus, but his eyes were
I wiped
my hands on my thighs.
was a good cook, indeed!
while the men continued to talk, we attended to domestic tasks, suitable for
us, consequent upon the completion of the meal. I found a kind of fulfillment,
and reassurance, and confirmation of what I was, in doing these things. I was
particularly (pg. 437) pleased to do them before the stranger. I wanted him to
see me performing these tasks. Too, I would have loved to do small tasks for
him, even if he did not see me do them, such things as sewing his tunic or, as
I had for Aulus, polishing his boots.
We were
then finished with the work and came and knelt by the fire, Tupita and I,
I would
soon, I suspected, now that the work was done, be returned to the slave wagon.
I wanted
to hurry about the fire, and throw myself on my belly before the stranger,
tears in my eyes, covering his feet and ankles with kisses, his helpless slave,
begging his touch. Surely he knew me! My belly burned, my thighs flamed. I put
down my head. I hoped he could not smell me.
friend," said the stranger to Mirus.
drew back a little. Only in a moment or two did I understand her action.
said Mirus.
is pretty, isn’t she?" asked the stranger.
is beautiful," said Mirus, regarding Tupita.
mean the other one," said the stranger.
suddenly knelt very straight, back on my heels. I did not understand what was
going on.
asked Mirus.
you shoulders back, thrust out your breasts, girl," said the stranger.
I obeyed.
she," said the stranger.
regarded me. I felt very much a slave. "She is acceptable," he said.
His voice was dry, and cold.
stranger then took a length of binding fiber from his wallet and walked about
the fire. I assumed he was going to bind me for some purpose or other. Perhaps
he was not pleased that I had tried to suck and lick at his fingers when he had
fed me. Perhaps I was to be put back bound, as a punishment, in the slave
wagon. I hoped he did not intend to strangle me, or give the fiber to Mirus,
that he might do so. Certainly it had been a small thing, and I could hardly
have helped myself, with the feelings I had toward him, and being a slave. I
might even have done so if I had been a free woman, in a mute, slave-like plea
for attention! Surely a girl would never be punished for such a thing, or with
little more than an angry, impatient cuff.
But he
went not to me but to Tupita.
are you doing?" asked Mirus.
(pg. 438)
"Binding a slave," he said.
He, as
she knelt, pulled her wrists behind her, crossed them, and bound them together.
He then crossed her ankles and, with the same length of fiber, bound them to
her wrists. Fulvius had earlier tied me in much the same manner. It is a common
slave tie. In it the female is fastened in a position of subservience, cannot
rise to her feet, is well displayed, cannot defend herself, and is utterly
suddenly feared they wanted to tie Tupita in this way so that she would be
unable to interfere in whatever they planned to do to me.
have you bound her?" asked Mirus, puzzled.
puzzlement reassured me. If this were some plan on the part of the stranger and
him presumably he would not have asked this question. Mirus, then, I was
relieved to note, seemed to much in the dark on this matter as I.
may I speak?" I asked the stranger.
he said.
was smiling.
I them
realized that this must be some scheme into which she had entered with the
stranger. She and he seemed to understand what was transpiring, even if Mirus
and I did not.
am well bound, Master," said Tupita to Mirus.
said Mirus. He had watched the stranger place, pull tight, and knot the cords.
I, too, had watched. He had worked unhurriedly, even, I suppose, casually, but
efficiently. I shuddered. He was clearly no stranger to the binding of women.
stranger then returned to his place on the other side of the fire, where he sat
down cross-legged. He picked up a bota, which I had learned contained paga,
took a swig, and passed it to Mirus. Mirus drank, too, and returned the bota to
him. The stranger closed it.
looked at the stranger.
we should be entertained," he said.
said Mirus, puzzled.
can do little, Master," said Tupita. "I am bound."
not underestimate yourself," he said.
Master," she laughed, delightedly. There are many things, of course which
a woman, bound, can do for a man, and, indeed, if she is bound she knows, if
anything, she must strive even more desperately to be pleasing to him.
him," said the stranger to me, indicating Mirus.
said Mirus, coldly.
stranger looked at me.
(pg. 439)
"Please, Master," I said to him. "I think he would prefer to
kill me."
him," urged Tupita.
I looked
at her, wildly. Surely she, of all people, would not desire that!
a command be repeated?" inquired the stranger.
Master!" I said. The tone of such a voice is unmistakable to a slave girl.
She knows she must obey unquestionly, perfectly, immediately. I hastily crawled
to Mirus.
not touch me, slave," he said, with unmistakable menace in his voice.
protested Tupita.
I looked
back, at the stranger, frightened.
well," said the stranger, to Mirus. I knelt back on my heels.
realized now what the plan of Tupita and the stranger must have been. in the
two days or so since he had been with Mirus and her he had doubtless been
informed, or had gathered, what the situation was amongst us. The specific
suggestion I suppose had been Tupita’s. I looked at Mirus. I did not think,
really, now, he still wanted to kill me. I think that had gone from him. On the
other hand he was still, obviously, consumed with hatred for me. Too,
undoubtedly somehow, on some deep level, perhaps something far beneath the
level of discourse, of excuses, of considerations, of reason, he may have felt
that he had been denied or thwarted, that he had been deprived of some dur
satisfaction. Surely his decision to spare me had not come from deeply within him,
spurred by his own misunderstandings, and acceptable to him, but had been the
result of yielding to the unwelcome, perhaps resented intercession of Tupita.
His hand had been stayed not by the merits of my case, if ti had them, or even
by a master’s decision to spare a contrite, errant slave, but by his love for a
woman, and, indeed, one who was only a slave. In this he may even have felt
that he had lost honor. The plan, then, of Tupita and the stranger had been a
simple one, involving the utilization of a common biological universal, the
placatory, behaviors of the errant female before the dominant male. In this
way, it seemed, they hoped that his wrath might be diverted to desire, and that
in place of my blood he might be persuaded to accept in substitution something
as simple as my beauty, and my total subjugation and conquest. This sort of
thing is not unknown. Many times in conquered cities women kneel before
invading warriors, baring their breasts and bodies, begging not to be put to
the sword but rather to be permitted to please them, and (pg. 440) then to be
kept as slaves. It is a well-known fact, too, that it is not easy for a man to
remain angry with a beautiful, contrite female who strips herself before him,
kneels, kisses his feet, begs his forgiveness, and pleads to be ordered to the
furs, that she may there await him in trepidation, and, when he chooses,
attempt to assuage the harshness of his wrath with the softness of her beauty
and love.
do not mind, do you?" asked the stranger, "If she performs for the
rest of us?"
course not," said Mirus.
understand, girl," he said, "that you are a dancer."
Master," I said. "I have danced."
you a dancer?" he asked.
Master," I said. "I am a dancer."
have you danced before men?" he asked.
Master," I said. Surely he knew this. I gathered then that he did not wish
it known that he knew me. This, like his features concealed in the mask, it
seemed, he wished to keep secret, at least from Mirus and Tupita. It was
possible, of course, I suppose, that he really did not remember me from before.
But I knew him, even with the mask. Surely he most know em. I was not even
masked. Indeed, I was hardly clothed. If he did not remember me, then, I
supposed, it was because there had been little about me of interest to him, or
to make me worth remembering. But if he gave me a chance I would try, and
desperately, through sedulous service and unstinting love, to make myself well
worth remembering to him! Perhaps he had known many women, and really did not
remember me?
you feel," he asked, "that you truly know how to dance-before
think so, Master," I said, reddening.
are no free women present," he said. "Therefore your performance need
not be inhibited."
understand, Master," I said. Too, to my pleasure, I gathered that he
himself was not disinterested in seeing me dance, and that I was to dance as
what I was, a slave.
may begin," he said.
dance, Tuka," urged Tupita.
I rose to
my feet. I rubbed my hands on my thighs. I touched myself about the waist,
lifting my hands slightly, calling attention to my bosom. Such things are
subtle. I wanted to so please the stranger. I wanted to show him what I could
do, and now was.
legs are short," said the stranger.
(pg. 441)
"Forgive me, Master," I said.
is not a criticism," he said.
you, Master," I said. Such legs, I knew, were splendid for this form of
dance, in which, from time to time, the woman becomes a writhing, cuddly love
animal, made for a man’s hands and arms.
I saw
from the stranger’s eyes that I was to particularly dance myself to Mirus. I
turned to face him. I lifted my left hand, holding my right low, at my hip. My
head was down, humbly, and turned to the left.
I knew
Mirus would try not to watch me. He would nurse his fury. He would attempt to
resist me. He did not wish to permit me to placate him.
I knew I
must attract his attention.
I cried suddenly, as though in pain, and I reacted as though I had been, from
his quarter, struck with a whip.
looked at me, startled, and I looked at him, reproachfully, and frightened, and
than, as though he had whipped me, and commanded me, I began to dance. There
was no music, of course, and so the dance must content itself largely with the
expression, as it were, of my servitude, and my subjection to his will. I moved
as beautifully as I could, and as though in fear the before him, trying to
please him, begging to placate him. From time to time in the dance I reacted
again as though I had felt the whip, crying out in pain, looking at him in
terror, sometimes struck even to my knees. Sometimes, too, I tried to dance before
the stranger, but his eyes would inform me that it was before Mirus that I was
to dance slave beauty.
at her, Master!" cried Tupita. "See how beautiful she is!"
I wept to Mirus. "I beg forgiveness!"
Then I
reacted again and again, as though he might have been angered by my plea, as
though I were struck with the whip. Then I was on my back, and stomach, even,
reacting as though I was struck, turning, twisting, as though in terror and
pain to fend blows. It was as though he were punishing me.
dances well," said Mirus.
her, Master," begged Tupita. "She is sorry! She begs
I looked
to the stranger, in his mask, from where I lay. His eyes shone. I almost cried
out with pleasure. Had he though that he had known me? Well, perhaps now he was
wondering if he had really, at all, known me!
I leaped
to my feet and moved sensuously but, too, as though (pg. 442) prodded and
shoved, as though driven, herded, to the slave wagon. Tupita gasped. I seized
the slave whip and thrust it between my teeth, harshly, as might have a man,
and then I flung myself to the dirt. Then, bit by bit, sometimes on my knees,
sometimes as though I had tried to rise, and had then again been thrust to my
knees, sometimes on all fours, sometimes as though trying to rise to my knees,
and being forced again to all fours, I made my way to Mirus. As I approached
him it seemed I became more and more terrified, and contrite, and then, at the
conclusion of my dance, I put my head down and placed the whip humbly before
him. I then put my head down again licked and kissed it, and then I put myself
on my belly, prostrated before him, a slave at his mercy. "Forgive me,
Master," I begged.
have placed a whip before me," he observed.
it may be used to punish a slave, Master," I said. How naturally I thought
of myself as a slave! I was a slave.
would seem in your dance," he said, "that you were already much
I said
nothing. In the dance, of course, not a blow had fallen upon me.
it is not my whip to which you are subject," he said. I was startled, and
my heart leapt to hear this. Could he mean that the stranger had put claim upon
me, and that it was to his whip that I was now subject? But, of course, he may
have meant only that I belonged to Ionicus of Cos. That could be read upon my
am at your mercy," I said. "I am yours to punish."
for what," he asked, "would I punish you?"
I asked, lifting my head.
having obeyed your master, or your master’s men?" he asked.
I said, tears in my eyes.
such was your duty," he said.
might have been terribly punished, even slain otherwise!" interpolated
you choose to be a lure girl?" he asked.
Master!" I said.
am sure now," he said, "as I reflect on these things, not in anger,
that you were indeed reluctant to entice me, and might have preferred to be
permitted to withdraw."
Master," I said.
in my pleasure at seeing you again," he said, "such signs, obvious as they might have been, I overlooked.
It did not (pg. 443) even occur to me that you might then be a lure girl. Any
other girl, one unknown, of course, I might have immediately suspected,
particularly under the circumstances, the loneliness of the street, the
absurdity of a key in your belt, and such."
I said
is my fault," he said. "You were beguiled by your affections for me,
by your trust in me."
he said. "I was stupid.
me, Master," I said.
are not stupid, Master," said Tupita. "Look at Tuka. See how well
curved she is, how desirable she is! She could have lured a general!"
said Mirus to me.
Master," I said.
do you think should be the punishment for a free woman who did what you did?"
master pleases," I said, "once she was branded, and put in a
he said.
Master, " I said.
you not somewhat overdressed?" he asked.
Master," I said. I removed the bit of clothing I wore, the belt, the
narrow strip of cloth.
he said, "on your knees."
Master," I said.
He rose
to a crouching position. He put his hands on my upper arms. He was very strong.
are a well-curved slave," he said.
you, Master," I said.
do you think should be the punishment for a slave who did what you did?"
he asked.
masters please," I said.
whip?" he asked.
masters please," I said. I would be more than happy to settle for the
he said, "for the whip of the furs."
yes, Master!" cried Tupita. "Yes! Yes!"
anger with you," said Mirus, "I think was in part motivated by anger
with myself, that I so easily succumbed to your charms."
Master," I said. I had never doubted that.
not entirely blame yourself, Master," called Tupita. "I (pg. 444) am
sure she was a very clever lure girl, a brilliantly lovely and skillful lure
I did not
think this contribution by Tupita was really necessary.
said Mirus, looking at me, "that is true."
He then
lifted me up, and carried me back, away from the fire, into the darkness.
her well!" cried Tupita, "Make her pay! Teach her who is
He then
threw me to my side in the leaves, in the darkness. I lay there, my legs pulled
up, frightened.
am somewhat angry," Mirus informed me.
Master," I said. That was only too obvious.
am first girl, slave," called Tupita to me. "See that you serve him
well! If you do not serve him well, I will beat a bucket of slave oil out of
Mistress!" I called to her.
crouched beside me. He thrust me to my back. He unceremoniously flung my legs
apart. I, serve him well! It seemed clearly his attention, at least at first,
to help himself. I did not expect to be given much more consideration that a
free woman taken in the streets of a burning city, subjected to hasty loot use,
thence to be dragged away stripped after he captor, her hands bound behind her,
a rope on her neck.
you did well," said Mirus, almost a growl.
me, Master!" I said.
I was
then, helpless in his angry grasp, put to his pleasure. It was only when he was
done with me, so abruptly, and I looked up into his eyes that I saw them, to my
relief, cleared of anger. It had not been necessary to slay me. The thing was
done now. Mirus was now again himself, the Mirus I remembered from Brundisium.
The debt, if debt it were, on some deep level, had been paid. Once again I was
only another slave.
may touch me," he said.
Master," I whispered.
again, later, he put me to his use.
she serve well?" called Tupita.
said Mirus. "She served well."
I was
relieved to hear his asservation. I did not doubt but what Tupita, love me
thought she might, would as first girl have put me well and helplessly under
the whip if he had not been satisfied.
(pg. 445)
Mirus looked down at me. "And in the end," he asked, "who is
master, who is slave?"
are the master," I said. "I am the slave."
who is victorious?" he asked.
are, Master," I said, "and totally, and I am nothing." I did not
tell him that, we were both victorious, that he was victorious in his victory,
and I, a woman, was victorious in my utter defeat.
Master," I begged, "touch me more." Mirus was a master in the
handling of women. He well knew how to subdue us, and make us beg for further
is another whom I would touch," he said. "You may crawl back to the
Head down,
still muchly aroused, I crawled back to the fire. He followed me and began to
untie Tupita. "Is Tuka not beautiful?" asked Tupita. "Yes,"
he said, "but you are a thousand times more beautiful." I did not
think that was really true. Certainly at any rate not a thousand times! "I
love you, Master!" she exclaimed, being unbound. "Perhaps you care
for me, a little?" "Yes," he smiled, "a little."
"A slave is pleased," she said. She knelt on the backs of her heels,
her hands on her thighs, looking up, happily, at Mirus. "Kneel
higher," he said, "off your heels." "Master?" she
asked. This had brought her into suitable cuffing position. "Did you not
speak at various times during the evening," he asked, "without having
requested permission?" "Yes, Master," she said. "Forgive
me, Master." She then was flung to the side, cuffed, and lay on the dirt,
to the side. "Return to your former position," he said.
returned, apprehensively, to the high kneeling position, before him. The left
side of her face was a flaming red. He then took up the slave whip which was
there, where I had dropped it before him, earlier, and looped it about her
neck. He then, by this means, pulled her up straighter, and holding her head
up, looked down into her eyes. "Did you think that in my love for
you," he asked, "I would cease to be your master?"
Master," she said, happily, looking up at him.
Even in
the greatness of his love for her he would not cease to be her master. Indeed,
had he done so, how could she have loved him so much?
He then
cast aside the whip and lifted her gently in his arms, and carried her back
into the shadows, away from the fire.
I was on
all fours, by the fire. I looked to the stranger. I was still muchly aroused.
(pg. 446)
"Get dressed," he said.
In chagrin
I found my "garments," the slave strip and belt. I knelt back, and
put them on.
all fours," he said, "return to the slave wagon."
I looked
at him in protest, but did as I was bade. I crawled across the ground to the
slave wagon, and up the steps. I paused at the threshold. "May I
speak?" I asked.
he said.
I then
entered the slave wagon. The door was shut behind me. Inside, in the darkness,
I turned and knelt by the door, putting my fingers against it. I heard the door
being locked, and then heard his steps descending the stairs. I had apparently
served my purpose for the evening! I had now been "kenneled," he had
not even permitted me to speak! He treated me as a slave! Then I drew back from
the door, and found a bit of bread in the pan. I also felt a slice of raw
vegetable. I ate these, and then took some water. I then relieved myself at the
bucket in the other part of the wagon, and then lay down in the center of the
wagon, on the blankets. The wagon was dark, and a firm prison, but it was not
awakened once in the middle of the night. He had treated me as a slave! But
then, of course, that was what I was. I was a slave. Then I returned to sleep.
32 THE
are dressed suitably as a slave," he said.
Master," I said. I was in the belt and cloth. On my neck was still the
collar of Ionicus. I knelt in the camp, at his feet. I was tied much as Fulvius
had tied me earlier, and as he had tied Tupita last night, wrists crossed and
bound behind me, fastened closely to my crossed, bound ankles.
He then
looked after the slave wagon. I could not see it now, but I could hear it, in
the distance, descending toward the road. I could see the narrow print of its
wheels in the leaves. A moment or two ago, drawn by its tharlarion, it had left
camp. Mirus had been on the wagon box, Tupita beside him, in a tunic fashioned
(pg. 447) of one of the blankets which had been inside the wagon. My eyes were
still moist from their departure. Tupita, her hands braceleted behind her, had
knelt and kissed me. "I wish you well, Tuka," she had said. "I
wish you well, too, Tupita," I had said.
Mirus had then crouched near me and kissed me. "I wish you well,
slave," he had said. "I wish you well, Master," I had said. They
had then left. Tupita and I could not wave to one another as our restraints did
not permit it, but we exchanged a common slave girls’ farewell, kissing one
another, tears in our eyes. Most of the coins and valuables which had fallen to
the stranger as sword loot he had divided with Mirus. The wagon and tharlarion,
too, would surely have value. Such things should give Mirus more than enough
means to make Brundisium. Too, it was
good for Mirus to have the wagon, at least for a few days, until his strength
might be fully recovered. "They are gone now," he said. The wagon,
then, I gathered, must be out of sight, even from his vantage, standing.
Doubtless it would soon be on the road.
There was
a soft wind, rustling the leaves.
I looked
up at him. we were alone.
He reached
to his mask. He removed it. Sempronius and Callisthenes had left three days
ago. Mirus and Tupita had now gone. None of these, I supposed, would be able to
recognize him again, unless perhaps by his skill with the sword. He had
concealed his features, and his identity. It would be difficult for anyone, in
the future, if they were so inclined, to connect him with the transactions in
the meadow. To be sure, he might be a simple brigand. If so, he was an
extremely dangerous one.
He looked
down at me, the mask in his hand. "Perhaps you remember," he said,
"that I once told you that there was a world where woman like you were
bought and sold."
Master," I said. He had spoken in English. It had taken me a moment, a
frightened moment, to realize that. then I had made the transition from Gorean
to English.
have you been bought and sold?" he asked.
Master," I said.
how is my modern woman," he asked.
as much is left in me of the modern woman as you might wish," I said,
"only as much as you might wish to recollect, and then, if it pleases you,
to humble or hurt me."
smiled. "I see that you have learned to be concerned to please men,"
he said.
Master," I said.
look well, tied helplessly," he said.
(pg. 448)
"Thank you, Master," I said.
you been taught much on Gor?" he asked.
Master," I said.
have you been taught to throw your legs apart quickly?" he asked.
Master," I said.
danced well last night," he said.
you, Master," I said. I was so pleased that he was pleased!
do you call that sort of dance?" he asked.
dance," I said, in Gorean.
English," he said. "We are speaking English."
dance," I said.
dance," I said.
you a belly dancer?" he asked.
I said.
so," he said.
am a belly dancer," I said.
you love to belly dance?" he asked.
I said.
so," he said.
love to belly dance," I said, reddening. But then I looked at him, gratefully.
I was a belly dancer! I was! And I did love to belly dance! How free I suddenly
felt, and happy, that I had now said these things, that I had confessed them to
myself, honestly, openly, in my native language.
sometime," he said. "I will permit you to dance for me."
slave would be pleased," I said, "if she might so please her
naturally you speak of yourself as a slave," he said,
am a slave, Master," I said.
he said. "You are. I knew that the first moment I had my eyes on
I looked
down, shyly. I remembered the first moment I had seen him, looking up from the
desk, seeing him there, before me, I in the dark sweater and the long-sleeved
blouse, he in the dark suit, with a tie, such things seemingly so ungainly on
him. He had looked at me in a Gorean fashion. I had felt I might have been
stripped naked before him. if I had known then what I knew now I would have
felt slave naked before him, as though I had just been stripped for slave
assessment, that masters might decide what I might realistically be expected to
bring them on (pg. 449) the block. It was shortly after this experience that I
had fearfully enrolled myself in a class in belly dancing. Somehow, probably in
the depths of my subconscious, I wanted to do almost anything I could, to learn
how to please such a man, and surely dancing beautifully before him, vital and
half-clad, might contribute to such an end.
When I
looked up he was still looking down at me. He was looking at me, musingly,
studying me.
I was
silent. I had not been spoken to.
He tossed
the mask he had worn to the side, among his things. He then crouched down
before me.
I whispered, begging, pulling against the ropes.
removed the cloth belt and slave strip from me and tossed them, too, to the
side, among his things. He owned them, even such small things, not I.
He then
moved back a little, and looked at me.
have become very beautiful," he said.
you, Master," I said.
the Gorean diet, the movements of slave dance, the attentions of masters, and
such, have much improved you," he said.
is my hope that I have been improved," I said.
ears have been pierced," he said.
befits me, Master," I said.
I saw
that he was pleased that my ears had been pierced. I rejoiced in his pleasure.
Miss Williamson," he said.
am no longer Miss Williamson," I said, frightened, shrinking back,
"unless master wishes to put such a name on me."
response is acceptable," he said. "What is your name?"
master pleases," I said.
have you most recently been called?" he asked.
I said. He knew that, of course. He wanted to hear the slave name from my own
will do," he said.
Master," I said. In a sense, then, I had the same name, "Tuka,"
but, in another sense, it was a new name, put on me afresh. I now wore it not
by the will of another, but by his own will.
Once I had been Miss Doreen Williamson. Now, again, by a man’s decision,
I, an animal, was simply, "Tuka." It was an exciting name. It made me
flame between my thighs. I squirmed a little.
(pg. 450)
"Do you know what this is," he asked. He had picked up the slave
slave whip," I said.
He held
it before me and I eagerly licked and kissed it.
do that well, slave," he said.
you, Master," I said.
you speak Gorean?" he asked.
little, Master," I said. He knew, of course, I could speak at least a
little Gorean. For example, he had heard me speak with Mirus and Tupita.
"Master would know more of such matters," I said, "had he, when
I requested it upon occasion, given me permission to speak."
He toyed
with the whip. I hoped I had not been too bold.
girl can understand simple commands," I whispered.
by now, she should be better than that," he said.
can speak Gorean," I said, "at least well, I think, for my time here.
I have had to learn it rapidly and efficiently. It is the language of my
nodded. Slave girls from Earth learn Gorean quickly. We are encouraged, of
course, by the switch and whip. They are useful pedagogical devices.
I speak?" I asked. It seemed strange to request permission to speak, in
English. Yet it was fully proper, for I was a slave. That was what was
important, that I was a slave, not the language in which I spoke.
he said.
it to your whip that I am subject?" I asked.
he said.
am yours?" I asked.
he said. "I put sword claim upon you. Let he who will dispute it with
I twisted
in the bonds. I was his, then, girl loot, kajira spoils, as much as a
tharlarion or a crate of jewels, by the right of the sword.
you search for me?" I asked.
he said, "for months, from Market of Semris, to Brundisium, to Samnium, to
Argentum, to Venna."
recalled Tyrrhenius had spoken of "inquiries." I had thought they
might be inquiries being made by praetors’, agents, or something. It had not
been clear, even, whether the "inquiries" were related, or were being
made by one or more parties. It now seemed that at least two parties,
separately, doubtless unknown to one another, each with its individual
motivation, had been (pg. 451) searching for me. No wonder Tyrrhenius had
wanted to sell me out of Argentum as quickly as he could!
I asked. "To free me?"
you think you should be a free woman?" he asked.
Master," I said.
He looked
at me, and he seemed angry, and I was afraid of him.
realized, after I had let you go, that I had really brought you here for
Master!" I cried, joyfully.
I followed you," he said, "fool that I was ever to have let you
did you not buy me from your employers, and put me in your collar, and keep me,
and train me to please you, according to your dictates?"
feared you would drive me mad with passion," he said. "But there is a
way to handle such women, to keep them in collars, and under strict
Master!" I said. "Yes!" He searched for me! He had found me!
He looked
down at me.
had labored long to fine me," I said. "He has risked much for a mere
is my hope that master is not disappointed, now that he has me in his
bonds," I said.
He smiled
gather that master is not disappointed." I said.
shall let you know later," he said.
laughed. But how tightly I was bound! How helpless I was! "It is
surprising, is it not," I asked, "that you should search so long for
a mere slave?"
suppose so," he said.
I not inquire more closely then into master’s motivation?" I said. I so
wanted him to tell me that he found me of interest, that he found me pleasing!
are not an unattractive slave," he said, dryly.
surely there are many attractive slaves," I said.
is true," he said.
(pg. 452)
"Might a slave hope that master might care for her, just a little?" I
let her hope that such an improper, impertinent question does not earn her a
meeting with the whip," he said.
Master," I said.
were desired," he said.
Master," I said. I must then put aside all thoughts of love or affection.
I was unworthy of such, from such a man, I was inutterably beneath him, worth
less than the dust beneath his sandals. How absurd was my question! How shamed
I was at my pride! How bold I had been!
How could I even think of such a thing? Did I not know I was from Earth, and
only a slave! But I loved him, and with the whole heart and body of me! I
tendered to him the wholeness of my helpless slave’s love, worthless though it
might have been. I had love enough in my small, marvelous body for a thousand
of us, a thousand times over! So I was not loved! What did it matter? I was
desired, and this would be enough. Too, I myself felt desire, and profound,
raging slave desire, as he on his part must have felt the passions of the
master. I was inflamed with need and heat before him, my master. Unworthy
though I might be he had clearly wanted me! He had picked me out on Earth, he
had fought with himself on Gor, then he had pursued me like a sleen, threading
patiently through the harrows of time, disregarding the perils of both men and
beasts. Loved or not, I had been for months, unknown to myself, an indisputable
object of Gorean passion. I had been woman prey, a hunter’s curvaceous quarry.
Now the hunt was done, and the lovely beast was taken, and tied naked at the
hunter’s feet. She desired muchly to serve him.
I tried
desperately to conceal my passion. "May I inquire," I asked, as
unconcernedly, as lightly, as I could, "what may be your intentions with
respect to me?"
is my intention," he said, "at least for a time, to keep you as a
slave if you endeavor to prove satisfactory."
an imbonded girl," I said, "I shall, of course, endeavor to prove
let me go again," I wept, suddenly. "Keep me forever!"
He looked
at me.
Swiftly I
spread my knees further apart. I did not wish to be whipped.
smell like an aroused slave," he commented.
am an aroused slave!" I wept.
(pg. 453)
"Are you not a highly intelligent modern woman?" he inquired.
beg permission to kiss the feet of my master," I said.
have come a long way from your library, librarian," he said.
I looked
up at him, tears in my eyes.
have put slave fires in your belly, haven’t they?" he asked.
Master," I said.
cruel of them," he said.
squirmed helplessly.
a girl wishes to serve her master?" he asked.
Master!" I said. "Yes, Master! Please, Master!"
He then
went behind me and untied my ankles. He then put his hands gently on my flanks,
and waist, and body, and I pressed back against him, sobbing, my eyes closed,
moaning, begging to be touched. Then he whipped loose the fiber on my wrists
and, rolling it and putting it in his pouch, went to stand before me. I put my
head down and began to lick and kiss his feet, sobbing.
you are obviously a highly intelligent woman," he said. "You do that
very well."
I sobbed.
look well, modern woman," he said, "at my feet."
Master," I begged. "I am not a modern woman. There is nothing left in
me of the modern woman, really, as you of all men, must know and recognize,
even if ever there was anything of that sort in me to begin with! I am now only
a Gorean slave girl at the feet of her master!"
what is the name of your master?" he inquired.
master is Teibar," I said.
of what city is he?" he asked.
do not know, Master," I said.
is of Ar," he said.
Master," I said.
slave are you, then?" he asked.
am the slave of Teibar of Ar," I said. This was the first time I had ever
spoken these words. I was thrilled to speak them. They gave the name and city of my master. If a guardsman or any
free person, or even a male slave, or a female slave in a position of
authority, were to inquire as to the identity of my master, that was the
information that I would be expected to give them. To be sure, such things may
be read on collars. At this time, however, I still wore the collar of Ionicus.
The recovery period, germane to that collar, expired at midnight tonight. (pg.
454) Sword claim, however, if uncontested, took priority. I knew little of Ar,
but I did not it was a large and powerful city.
are lovely, slave of Teibar of Ar," he said, looking down at me.
you, Master," I said.
think," he said, looking down at me, "that indeed, truly, there is
little of the modern woman left in you."
is nothing of that hateful tragedy of that barreness and lovelessness, left in
me, Master," I said, "if ever there was anything of it in me to begin
with. And I love you. I love you! I love you!"
he said.
not whip me, Master," I said. "I beg you, but I do love you, and from
the depths of my heart! I have loved you and wanted to please you, and be
yours, from the first moment I saw you!"
He looked
at me.
me, Master," I said. I seized up the slave whip and handed it to him.
"Let an unimportant slave be whipped!"
But he
only held the whip to my lips and I kissed it, fervently, gratefully, and then
looked up at him.
He looked
at me, and I squirmed in need.
touched the whip to my shoulder and I moaned, and put my head to the side, and
kissed it.
seem to be in need," he said.
Master!" I said.
you wish to serve your master?" he said.
Master!" I said.
I shall permit you to do so," he said.
you, Master!" I said. He was the most exciting man I had ever known. His
least touch made me want to cry out with passion and surrender myself, totally.
may do so," he said.
you, Master!" I breathed, looking up at him, with tears in my eyes. I was
more than eager to serve him o a thousand intimate and delicious modalities. I
would try to be more marvelous than the most marvelous slave he might ever
dreamt of. "Command me, Master!"
first," he said, "as it is still light, we are going for a short
walk. You will be taken on a leash. We will then return to the camp."
Master," I said, puzzled.
(pg. 455)
In a few minutes we had returned to the camp, I on my leash. Though he had
waited for me, once, to relieve myself, I do not think that that was the
purpose of the walk. That I could have done anywhere outside the camp, chained
to a tree, if necessary. We had gone down by the long building, beyond the
well, in the meadow, where the beasts lay. He unsnapped the leash and I knelt
before him, then, waiting to be commanded.
Master," I said, eagerly.
he said.
I knelt
down, across from the fire from him, in our small camp in the woods, not far
from the meadow. It was dark now. There was a space of some fifty feet of
cleared ground behind him. Closer to me there were some trees and brush.
I was
naked. He had not given me clothing, even the belt of rolled cloth and the
slave strip, which he had earlier removed, when I had been bound, after the
departure of Mirus and Tupita, they with the tharlarion and wagon.
the camp in order? Is your work finished?" he asked.
Master," I said. I had tried to do my best to cook well for him. I hoped
he had not been dissatisfied. He had eaten in silence, but well. I hoped I had
not done too badly. I had not been whipped. The whip is a very tangible symbol
of the relationship between the master and the slave, and if the master is not
satisfied, it can quickly become, as the slave knows well, more than a symbol.
After he had begun to eat he had given me a piece of bread, thrusting it in my
mouth as I was, by his command, on all fours near him. After that he had, from
time to time, thrown me scraps, tossing them to the crushed leaves. These I
must eat without the use of my hands.
As a
female I looked across at him, such a master. To no weaker man would I have
cared to belong. He would command; I would obey. I was his.
Master will not bind his slave," I said.
regarded me.
(pg. 456)
I could not deny that I loved bonds, both of a physical and social sort, those
tangible evidences of my womanhood, and my place in nature. He might bind me, I
supposed, merely to secure me for the night. On the other hand, I hoped that he
might now bind me not for the night but rather for the evening, either in such
a way as merely to make clear to me that I was a slave, little more than a
symbolic binding, or even in such a way that I should be utterly helpless to
resist his attentions, whatever they might be.
are a woman made for bonds," he said.
But he
made no move to secure a neck chain, or physical bonds of any sort, not did he
order me to fetch such, hurrying to him, say, with chains, responsive to his
command, that would be placed on my own body.
love, Master," I said, boldly. "And love!"
me, Master," I said.
To be
sure, I already wore the most marvelous and joyous bonds of all, those of my
womanhood, identical with myself, those of my slavery, natural and legal, and
those of my love.
When I
saw his eyes upon me I moved my knees a tiny bit further apart. I was a subtle
thing. He was not surprised, really, to notice it, or much notice it, at least
on a conscious level.
are a sly slave," he said.
me, Master," I said. I considerably narrowed the gap between my knees.
he said. "Open your knees even more widely than they were before."
Master," I said. Now, of course, I was merely a slave, obeying the orders
of her master. How far away then seemed Earth, and the library.
I speak, Master?" I asked.
he said.
I said, "who was one of the brigands, did not care, it seems, to leave an
enemy behind him."
My master
do not care to do so either," he said.
you released Sempronius and Callisthenes," I said. "You even showed
them hospitality. You even put Tela and myself to their pleasure."
are not enemies," he said.
see," I said.
must beware of enemies," he said, "and the nobler they are, the more
dangerous they are."
(pg. 457)
"I am surprised that you have kept this camp as long as you have," I
said. "I gather this was in deference to Mirus, who was recovering his
he said.
you did not leave with him this afternoon," I said.
he said.
you intend to leave the camp in the morning?" I asked.
he said.
I looked
at my master. He had never used me. On Earth, and in the first house of my
bondage, my virginity, it seemed, had protected me. Such was supposed to
improve my price on the slave block, at least for certain buyers. Certainly it
must have appealed to Hendow, for he had made good money on me, in the selling
of chances, raffling it off. Then I had been lost to him for a long time. Then,
in the meadow, he had found me. I had come again into his power. He had put
sword claim upon me. I was his, his slave! But he had still not used me. He had
put me to the pleasure of Sempronius. Later, by another simple exercise of the
rights of his mastery, I must serve Mirus. Yet he had sought me for months.
Surely that had not been done merely to put me to the purposes of others. I
looked at him. Surely he must desire me. He had said as much. I shuddered. I
was afraid, a little but terribly excited, to be the object of his desire,
Gorean desire. It was so powerful, so ruthless, so absolutely uncompromising.
Yet, too, I though, he must care for me. Surely he must! Indeed, he must care very much for me!
Perhaps he even loves me, I thought, absurd though that might seem. Was that
really so impossible? He must love me, I thought. He must!
is wrong with you?" he asked.
Master," I said.
I looked
at him. I was sure he loved me!
you sure there is nothing wrong?" he asked.
Master," I said. "Master," I said.
he said.
own me," I said. "I am your slave."
he said.
I am curious to know what my status is, Master," I said. I would try,
slyly, to determine his feelings for me.
status?" he asked.
I said. "What sort of slave am I?"
do you mean?" he asked.
I a high slave?" I asked.
you wish to be whipped?" he asked.
(pg. 458)
?No, Master!" I said.
about," he said. "Kneel down. Put your head to the ground, clasp your
hands together, behind the back of your neck."
Master!" I wept. I hastened to obey. This is a common position for slave
I cried. Then I shuddered and gasped, and cried out. Then I gasped, again and
again. Then he spurned me to the dirt, by the fire, with his foot. I turned
about, from my belly, shuddering, to look at him.
is your status, the sort of slave you are," he said.
Master," I said.
your status, the sort of slave you are," he said.
am a low slave!" I said.
you are the lowest of the lowest!" he said.
Master!" I said. There were tears in my eyes. Obviously I was a full slave
to this man. No intention in the least had he of weakening or compromising my
bondage. He had not picked me out on Earth to be a half slave. My feelings were
very mixed. I was wildly grateful to have been taken, but yet he had given me
little time or pleasure. His attentions, and his domination and disciplinary
taking, but still I had wept and reveled in it. It was the first such touch,
even so arrogant and contemptuous, which my master had granted me. Too, I knew
that even though I might be a low slave, as I had little doubt that I was now,
and even among the lowest of the low slaves, I was not disheartened, or indeed,
even disappointed. First, I knew that women who are kept as low slaves, and
even strictly so, are often among the most loved. Many love masters keep their
love slaves, for example, as low slaves. I had little doubt that Mirus would
keep Tupita as such. She was even braceleted when she left the camp. I knew,
too, that even high slaves are occasionally subjected to such imperious uses,
which in their way are delicious, just at they might, to their shame,
frustration and pleasure, find themselves, occasionally clad in rags and put to
disagreeable tasks. Such things remind them that they are slaves, and must obey
their masters. Such enforcements, too, tend to be reassuring, and arousing, to a
woman. Even if I were not loved, I now had no doubt that I was keenly desired,
and that I need not fear that I might not be put to my master’s pleasure and as
a slave. The ruthlessness of his use only doubled my desire, that of a slave,
to (pg. 459) serve and love him. it was clear he had known what he was doing
when he had picked me out on Earth.
may resume your position," he said.
you, Master," I said, returning to my place, kneeling across the fire from
him. I was still shaken and heated from my rape. To some extent I was ashamed
and chagrined, for had I not once been a free woman of Earth, but mostly I was
very pleased, and grateful, and loving. Too, I was in awe of him. he had wanted
me, he had taken me. He would do what he wanted with me. I would be treated as
he pleased. There would be no compromising with me. I was his slave.
I speak?" I asked.
he said.
did you know that you might trust Callisthenes and Sempronius?" I asked.
think I have some skill in reading men," he said.
you read women, as well?" I asked.
he said.
what do you read in me?" I asked.
your body, and spread your knees more widely," he said.
read that you are an exquisite female slave," he said, "who needs
only a strong master to achieve the total perfections of her femininity.
is true, Master," I said, reddening, putting down my head. I was sorry I
had asked. I was so embarrassed! It was as though he could read my innermost
thoughts and needs. Was I truly so open to him? It seemed that my thoughts and
needs were as naked to him as now, by his will, was my body.
He then
fetched a bit of oil and a sharpening stone from his things and, returning to
his place, removed his sword from its scabbard. He then, slowly, patiently,
with great care, addressed himself to the blade. Gorean men usually sharpen
their own swords. They tend to trust the edge on the weapon to no one but
themselves. I regarded the blade with uneasiness, but fascination. I had seen
such things at work.
certain that we speak in English," he said, not looking up.
well, Master," I said. We had been speaking in English. I did not
understand why he should say that now.
must made do, as we can," he said.
I asked.
you oil to pour upon the fire, causing it to blaze up (pg. 460) suddenly, from
the darkness of embers, that might make it difficult to see, for a moment, the
Master?" I said.
it is too early for the fire to have died down as yet," he said.
Master," I said, puzzled.
I watched
the sharpening stone move to the blade, so slowly, so smoothly, so evenly.
someone were to approach," he said, "from behind me, you would
undoubtedly see him almost immediately."
Master," I said. "There is a clearing behind you, for perhaps fifty
feet or more."
His head
was down. He worked with the stone.
he said, "if someone did not wish to be observed in approaching the camp,
he might come from that direction which lies more behind you, where there are
trees and brush."
suppose so, Master," I said.
not look around," he said.
well, Master," I said.
an individual," he said, "might await his opportunity, for example,
for a time when he might approach, unobserved."
I said, frightened.
example," he said, "when someone might be intent upon some other
task, not paying attention to that avenue of approach."
I asked.
you recall this afternoon," he said, "when we went for our
course," I said.
you recall the bodies of the two beasts in the meadow," he asked.
I said. I had not cared to much look at them, but he had drawn me to them, by
the leash, and had had me do so. They had lain contorted in death. The sight
was not pretty. He had then, mercifully, had us return to the camp.
you recall anything unusual about them?" he asked.
I said.
you not recall," he asked, "that on each there was a sprinkling of
I said, puzzled.
do you suppose it got there?" he said.
by the wind," I said.
he said, "not in the meadow."
(pg. 461)
"I do not understand," I said.
do not understand the significance of that dust?" he said.
I said.
too, have their ceremonies, and rites," he said.
I asked.
he said. "The dust is ceremonial."
I said
The tiny
hairs on the back of my neck rose.
would seem," he said, "I am now nearly finished with sharpening the
sword. Shortly, then, I might be expected to look up."
Master," I said, terrified.
you detect anything?" he asked.
I said.
will approach from downwind," he said.
Master," I said.
you have time," he said, "you are not to rise to your feet, but to
throw yourself to the side. You may then rise up and flee." He spoke with
an unnatural calmness. His movements with the stone of the blade were smooth
and unhurried, but I sensed that every nerve and cell in his body was tense and
alive. "I will have the opportunity for only one thrust," he said.
The blade was now oriented toward me. Almost directly toward me. "Do you
remember the direction in which I sent Tela, and Mina and Cara, from the
I said.
that direction lies the camp of Pietro Vacchi," he said. "It will
also, of course, bring you to the Vitkel Aria."
I said.
you understand?" he asked.
I whispered.
that there is no freedom or escape for you on this world. You are merely a
collared slave. It is my advice, accordingly, that you submit yourself as soon
as possible to the first man, or men, you think are capable of defending you.
If you are caught, on the other hand, you might be considered a runaway, and be
forced to bear the grievous consequences of such a foolish indiscretion."
am a slave," I said. "I do not wish to be free."
will not be," he said.
am afraid," I said, "terribly afraid."
not be afraid," he said. "He is not coming."
(pg. 462)
"Oh, Master," I breathed, joyously, "Master!" I felt
incredible relief. My entire body relaxed. I leaned forward, toward him, toward
my master.
Almost at
the same time I heard a sudden, bestial, deafening, screaming roar behind me
and the movement of a huge body and my master was leaping to his feet lunging
over the fire thrusting his sword into the darkness behind me over my head and
I twisted and saw two great, hairy arms outstretched reaching for him, which
closed about him, and I screamed, the body and jaws of the thing over me. I
between it and my master, and I threw myself to the side.
In an
instant I turned, wildly, on all fours, and, in the half darkness, the fire
muchly struck and scattered, tiny flames about, from fiery brands and flaring
leaves, saw two shapes, a gigantic bestial shape, and that of a human being, a
man, locked together, swaying, clawed feet and sandals moving in the dirt,
struggling for leverage and position.
My master
had said it was not coming, but how could he have known that, I now realized,
at that particular time, without even looking up? No, he had know it was coming. When he had said that it had
seemed, in my relief, that the entire physiology to the tone of my body had
changed. Perhaps this had suggested to the beast, by sight, and perhaps even by
smell, that its presence was undetected, unsuspected, that we were unready,
that we thought ourselves safe, that that was the moment of attack. Naturally it
would wish to dispose of the man first. I, a female, unarmed and naked, if it
were interested in me at all, could be left for later. I had even leaned
forward, happily. Clearing the path to him.
The two
forms seemed very still now, near the remains of the fire, standing, hardly
called my master, throatedly.
Master!" I cried.
permission to flee," he said, speaking the words one at a time, slowly,
"is revoked."
Master!" I cried.
I saw the
long, hairy arms of the gigantic beast slowly relaxing their grasp on my
master’s body. The tunic was torn from his back. I did not know if he could
stand without the support of the beast.
up the fire," he said. His voice seemed strangely full and resonant. But,
too, it seemed he could hardly speak.
I hurried
to gather the scattered brands, and other wood, and thrust them to the fire. I
attended also to the few remaining tiny flares of flame about, those left from
the scattering of the fire. It (pg. 463) was not difficult to extinguish these.
I scattered some and heaped dirt on others. Some I stamped out.
the fire with an armful of sticks, from the pile to one side, gathered earlier
in the woods by Tupita and myself. I saw the eyes of the beast turned upon me.
I do not know if it understood what it saw.
They seemed expressionless. It was still on its feet. From its chest
there protruded the handle of a sword. It had been halted from further
penetration by its guard. It had been, the force compounded by its own charge,
driven through the body. My master stood back a bit, his tunic in shreds upon
his back. his arms were bloody. His chest was bloody, too, though I think from
the blood of the beast. He was trembling. The beast then sat down, back on its
haunches, by the now built-up fire. It shook its head and bit at the fur on its
arm, as though grooming itself. It then, slowly, lay down. The handle of the
sword rose an inch or so, then, showing the blade, as the beast lay back. the
point had apparently entered the dirt behind it, but, too, in virtue of this
resistance, the blade itself, pressed up, emerged slightly from the body. The
beast reached to the handle of the sword with its large hands, or paws, with
those six, tentaclelike digits. They touched the handle but could not close
about it. It then put its arms down, to the sides. Blood was at its mouth, and
chest, from around the blade.
My master
looked at me. He was breathing heavily. He was visibly shaken.
across it," he said, on your back, with your head down."
Swiftly I
put the sticks on the fire and lay across the beast, on my back, my head down.
I was terrified. It was still alive. I could feel the heat of its body, its
breathing, its blood on my back. my master’s weapon was still in the beast. It
was near my waist, as I lay, on my left. He was breathing heavily. He looked
down at me. He then suddenly, rudely, fiercely, not sparing me, thrust apart my
knees. We were alive, the two of us! We had survived! "Master!" I cried,
impaled by, and submitting to, the beauty, the glory, the surgency of his
eager, claimant, merciless, rejoicing manhood. And it was thus he took the
slave, who was his, putting her to his pleasure on the body of the beast. This
act, in its emotional power, its significance and complexity, was
indescribable. It was an act of assertive aggressiveness, of vitality, of joy,
of significance. It was a release from the fear of death, it was a thanksgiving
for fate and fortune, it was an affirmation of life, it was the cry of a wild
verr in the mountains, the leaping of a fish in the sea, the roar of the larl,
the hiss of the (pg. 464) sleen, the scream of a tarn in the sky. Only to those
who have been closest to death is the value of life most dear.
He then,
gently, drew me from the beast. He kissed me, and held me to him.
we will leave the camp," he said.
was for this that you were waiting?" I asked.
he said.
is dead," I said.
he said.
He then
drew his sword from the body of the beast, and cleaned it on its fur.
did not choose to leave an enemy behind you," I said.
did he," he said.
it have followed you?" I asked.
he said.
knew that it was about," I said, "because of the dust of the others,
those in the meadow, their burial."
thought it would linger," he said. "The dust, of course, convinced me
that my conjecture was correct."
seem to know something of these things," I said, shuddering.
little," he said.
is to be done now?" I asked.
shall take it to the meadow, and put it with the others," he said,
"burying it, as it did them, with a handful of dust. After that there is
the matter of rites, of suitable ceremonies."
is only a beast," I said to him.
he said, "it is more than a beast."
I looked
at him.
was of the People," he said.
Master," I said.
here," he said.
Master," I said.
well knows how to use a slave," I gasped. "Will he not be merciful
with me? What does he want of me? I am only a slave! Must he drive me mad with
silent," he grumbled.
I twisted
helplessly in the love chains. I jerked helplessly again them, the rings
cutting into my ankles, pulling against my wrists. There are many varieties of
such chains. These were simple and had been earlier taken from the wagoner’s
bench, part of the loot which my master had divided between himself and Mirus.
Each consisted of a wrist ring and an ankle ring, joined by about ten inches of
chain. My left wrist had been attached to my left ankle, my right wrist to my
right ankle. I was on my back. A chain was also on my neck. It fastened me to a
nearby tree, a yard or so from our blankets.
danced well, earlier," he said.
I gasped. "Master!"
tongue was incredible, so gentle, so subtle and yet so persuasive, so forceful,
so irresistible.
are a hot slave," he commented.
I was flaming, and helpless!
He drew
back a bit, amused.
Quickly I
lifted myself piteously, suppliantly to him.
this how the woman of Earth behave?" he asked.
am no longer of Earth," I said. "I am of Gor, and a slave! Be
merciful, I beg it, to a helplessly aroused slave!"
chuckled, the beast, at my discomfiture, and helplessness, and need!
please!" I begged.
are far from Earth now, and your library, slave," he said.
Master! Yes, Master!" I said. "Please, please, Master!" I lifted
myself to him in mute petition.
How he
relished the power he held over me!
(pg. 466)
"Oh, yes!" I cried, as his tongue, again touched me. It had been a
tiny, subtle touch, and yet, as he doubtless knew, from my distraught
condition, it had brought me to the point where my response was totally within
his power and I must beg.
Master," I whimpered.
you beg?" he asked.
Master!" I said.
begs?" he asked.
the slave of Teibar of Ar, begs!" I moaned.
Again his
tongue touched me and I threw back my head and screamed with joy, jerking
against the chains. "Oh!" I cried. "Oh!" I shuddered, and
thrashed and gasped. Then I lay quiet in his chains, looking up at him in
wonder, in gratitude. I was his. My entire body was rich in the memory of what
he had done to me, in one sense what he had made me beg for, in another sense
what he had forced me to endure.
am yours," I said.
is known to me," he said. He then touched me again, this time gently, with
his hand.
Again I
looked up at him, helplessly.
are mine to caress," he said.
my master," I whispered. Then he made me cry out, softly, and then turned
me to my belly on the blankets, and lifted me to him. Then he permitted me to
lie on my side, and I tried to kiss at his body.
are a grateful slave," he said.
Master," I said.
a passionate slave," he said.
Master!" I said.
are the severe garments of the librarian?" he asked. He referred doubtless
to the long-sleeved blouse, the dark sweater, the severe skirt, the low-heeled
shoes, such things.
do not know, Master," I said.
where, too, now, is that librarian?" he asked.
who was that librarian," I said, "is here, but she is now only a
naked slave, and she begs to kiss her master."
may do so," he informed me.
In a
time, then, again, he aroused, he seized me and rose to his knees, and held me,
he kneeling, I kneeling, and then he thrust me back, and my head was down, and
he lifted me up, to him, he kneeling, and he then again, I so helpless, hanging
back and down, put me impersonally to his pleasure.
did well to pick you out on Earth," he cried.
(pg. 467)
"Yes, Master!" I wept, loving and ravished, helpless and yielding, a
slave, in his hands.
He them
put me gently to my back and I looked up at him, in awe and love.
are a treasure," he said.
treasure," I laughed, "that may be purchased for something in the
neighborhood of five silver tarsks!"
from me," he said. "I would not sell you for a thousand."
thought that Tupita was a thousand times more beautiful than I," I said.
was wrong," said my master.
you, Master," I said, pleased.
is no more than nine hundred times more beautiful that you," he said.
I said.
me," he said, "you are a thousand, thousand times more beautiful than
you, Master!" I purred.
he said.
struggled to my knees.
you know what time it is?" he asked.
I said.
you chained?" he asked.
course, Master," I said. I wore his love chains, and the chain on my neck
fastening me to the nearby tree.
chains are they?" he asked.
of course, Master," I said.
is past midnight," he said.
I said. When the recovery period pertinent to the collar of Ionicus had
expired, I had been in the power of Teibar of Ar. Indeed, I had been literally
wearing his chains. The legalities of simple slave claim, based on active
proprietorship, had not superseded, with respect to that collar, the rights
contestable by the sword under which I had hitherto been held, those of sword
I will put love chains on you again," he said. "You serve well in
you, Master," I said. It was indeed my hope that he would do so again,
and, indeed, put me in many different bonds, which, in their various ways, for
various reasons, both physical and psychological, influence and condition the
responses of the female.
He then
removed the love chains from me, and tossed them to the side, among his things.
He then, too, freed the neck chain (pg. 468) from the tree, and then, in a
moment, from my neck as well. He tossed the chain to the side, so that it lay
with the love chains, among his things. He then lay back on the blankets, with
his hands under his head. He looked up, at the moons. I knelt beside him.
am not chained," I said.
He was
you not afraid I will escape?" I asked.
he said.
you want me to promise that I will not run away?" I asked.
he said.
slave may not lie," I said. "She is not a free woman."
interestingly, on Gor, as on Earth, morality, for the most part, was not
required of free women. They might do much what they pleased. On the other
hand, slaves had no such liberties at their disposal. As they are owned, such
things as honesty and truthfulness are required of them. Indeed, it is commonly
expected of the Gorean master that he will take steps to significantly improve
the moral character of his slave.
the blankets," he said. "Pull them up about us. The evening is
I will try to escape," I said.
you think it would be wise to attempt to escape from a Gorean master?" he
Master," I said, frightened.
do you think it would be wise to attempt to escape from Teibar of Ar?"
Master," I said.
down, here," he said.
I asked. "Beside you?"
he said. "Why?"
thought you might chain me at your feet, sleeping me there, like a sleen,"
I said.
later," he said.
snuggled up, against him. how huge and mighty seemed his body, that of this
magnificent, primitive male, on this barbaric, beautiful world, and how small
and soft I seemed next to it.
I said.
he said.
told me earlier, at the fire, that ‘he’ was not coming," I said.
"This relieved my anxieties. It assuaged my fear. I relaxed. I even bent
he said.
(pg. 469)
"You used me to lure the beast in, to the attack," I said. "You
tricked me. You used me without my knowledge. You used me without taking me
into your confidence. You used me as a slave!"
he said.
But, of
course, I thought to myself, he had used me as a slave. I was a slave!
I said.
I said.
would seek out Aulus, overseer of the work camp of Ionicus, near Venna. She is
his love slave. Do you think she found him?"
is possible," he said. "I do not know."
Ionicus owns her," I said.
the fellow Aulus is the overseer," said my master, "he is doubtless
empowered to buy and sell slaves from the chain. Thus, if he wants her, it
would not be difficult for him to purchase her. Probably no more would be
required than the transfer of a sum between accounts.
what if she did not come into his power?" I asked.
he said," she had presumably been transported elsewhere, carried away in
the chains of another, to a different fate, presumably never to see him again.
She is, after all, only a slave."
Master," I said. I was frightened. How much we were at the mercy of our
masters! We were only slaves!
I said.
he said.
am your slave," I said. "I am owned by you. You have total power over
he said.
you be gentle with me, and kind with me?" I asked.
are a slave," he said. "You will be treated precisely as it pleases
me to treat you."
I to be permitted clothing?" I asked.
if it pleases me," he said.
I to be often whipped?" I asked.
may a slave be whipped?" he asked.
a master pleases," I said.
then, he said, "is when you will be whipped, whenever a master
Master," I said. "Forgive me, Master."
are a cuddly slut," he said.
you, Master," I said.
(pg. 470)
"You are very female," he said.
you, Master," I said.
there many women like you on Earth?" he asked.
suppose so, Master," I said. "I do not know."
is incredible that there should be any," he said, "given the depth
and extensiveness of the masculinist conditioning programs to which they are
subjected, the values they are trained to accept, the seeking of which is
reinforced, the models they are encouraged to emulate, the images which are
held forth for them to fulfill, the manifold enticements and rewards offered
for male surrogation, the contempt in which love and service, and biological
womanhood, are held. It is as though all the forces of communication, education
and law had gone insane, with no better objective than to bring the sexes to
ruin, destroy the human gene pool and doom the species.
there, Master," I said. "Not here."
is it that a woman like you should have come from such a place?" he asked.
am sure there are thousands, perhaps millions, like me," I said. I think
it must be the case that all women, at lest when they are alone, know the
truth, if only in their bellies.
he said.
have done slaving on Earth," I said. "Apparently you find us not
he said.
collared, do we not prove satisfactory?" I asked.
would be well whipped, did you not?" he said.
so?" I said.
he said. "It is true."
we will destroy you, and then ourselves," I said. "Kept in collars,
we will worship you, and serve you well."
I will have you write your story, in English," he said.
who could read it, here?" I asked.
have been to Earth," he said. "I have seen works there, dealing with
my world."
I looked
at him, startled.
he said.
how could they know?" I asked. "How could such things get to
am not sure," he said. "I think perhaps they are put on the platforms
outside the palisade of the Sardar Mountains, for Priest-Kings. Then perhaps
the Priest-Kings see that they reach Earth."
(pg. 471)
"I do not think there are such things as Priest-Kings," I said.
people," he said, "do not believe the beasts exist."
such exist on Earth?" I asked.
think some," he said, "probably exiles, and the offspring of exiles,
marooned criminals, beached on a foreign world, degenerate scions of the
People, and such."
I asked.
lonely areas," he said, "the mountains of Asia, the forests of the
Pacific Northwest, and such."
such works exist," I said, "then some women must know that there is
such a world as Gor."
that there might be such a world," he said. "Did you know if
I said. "Do they know that such slaving occurs?"
perhaps," he said. "On the other hand, such books are generally
regarded as fiction. It is better that way, don’t you think?"
don’t know," I said, frightened. I touched my right hand to my breasts, so
soft, and my left hand to my collar. I was now a Gorean slave. Would it have
been better on Earth if I had known such things were possible, or had it been
better if, as in my case, I had not even suspected their possibility? I did not
know. But, in any event, I was now here, and in a collar.
will leave in the morning," he said.
wondered what sort of man he was, this magnificent, formidable brute to whom I
now belonged.
He had
not even given me clothing!
keeps his girl naked," I pouted.
a bit of clothing looks well on a female," he said, "if it is
sufficiently revealing, and can be swiftly removed, or torn away."
I asked.
example," he said, "some of the lingerie, as you call it, with which
you Earth females delight to secretly bedeck yourselves, concealing it beneath
the camouflage of your prescribed habiliments."
am no longer an Earth female," I said, kissing him.
garments," he said, "though perhaps too indecent for the streets or
market place a Gorean master might require of his slave in the privacy of his
own quarters."
Master," I said.
permitted her clothing, at all," he added.
took away my slave strip, and my belt of rolled cloth," (pg. 472) I said.
"They were almost nothing, but they were all I had to cover myself."
was in accord with my decision," he said, "that for the time being,
at least, you will be kept naked."
shall be proud to walk naked behind you, on the road," I said.
pack is not heavy," he said.
shall carry it?" I asked.
he said. "Of course."
I ask where we are going?" I asked.
am going to my small villa, deserted now, in the hills of northeast Ar,"
he said. "You will simply follow, as my draft animal."
master have other slaves?" I asked, apprehensively.
will learn," he said.
I moaned.
he laughed.
I cried
out with pleasure, and kissed him, happily, in relief. "I will be a
thousand slaves to you!" I said.
he said. "You will. I will see to it."
Master," I said, happily. I kissed him, again, delightedly.
my villa, too, " he said, "I will decide whether I will keep you or
sell you."
I protested.
you will endeavor to be such that I will decide to keep you," he said.
may be assured that I will do my best," I said. "I shall earnestly
endeavor to be pleasing to him in all respects!"
think you will like the villa," he said. "It is not large, but it is,
I think, quite lovely. It is white, with a small court, and stuccoed walls.
There is a porch which overlooks a little valley. It is quiet and secluded. It
has a lovely setting, hidden in the hills. I withdraw there, from time to
shall endeavor to serve master well there," I said.
such a place, too," he said, "it might not be inappropriate to have a
slave write her story."
you wish to have me do so, Master?" I asked.
have not decided," he said.
the first house of my slavery," I said, "I was given a series of
injections. I am curious about them. Were they inoculations against
know those you mean," he said. "No, they were the stabilization
serums. We give them even to slaves."
are they?" I asked.
473) "You do not know?" he
I said.
are a discovery of the caste of physicians," he said. "They work
their effects on the body."
is their purpose?" I asked.
there anything in particular which strikes you generally, statically, about the
population of Gor?" he asked.
vitality, their health, their youth," I said.
are consequences of the stabilization serums," he said.
do not understand," I said.
will retain your youth and beauty, curvaceous slave," he said. "That
is the will of masters."
do not understand," I said, frightened.
he said, "is a physical process, like any other. It is, accordingly,
accessible to physical influences. To be sure, it is a subtle and complex
process. It took a thousand years to develop the stabilization serums. Our
physicians regarded ageing as a disease, the drying, withering disease, and so
attacked it as a disease. They did not regard it as, say, a curse, or a
punishment, or something inalterable or inexplicable, say, as some sort of
problem, susceptible to physical approaches. Some five hundred years ago, they
developed the first stabilization serums."
could I ever pay for such a thing!" I gasped.
is no question of payment," he said. "They are given to you as an
animal, a slave."
I whispered, awed.
not fret," he said. "In the case of a woman from Earth, like
yourself, they are not free."
I asked.
He took
my collar in both hands, and moved it in such a way that I could feel how
sturdily, and obdurately, it was locked on my neck. "For a woman such as
you," he said, "their price is the collar."
Master," I said. The serums, in that sense, did indeed have their price.
We paid for them with the collar. It was with a strange feeling that I realized
that even if I did not wish it so, even if I vehemently desired otherwise, my
youth and beauty would continue to remain fresh and lovely for Gorean masters.
Not even for it was there an escape! It, too, was "collared."
shuddered, considering the effects of the stabilization serums.
is wrong?" he asked.
Master," I said. I scarcely dared to cope with even (pg. 474) the thought
of the serums. I had not understood their effects. Perhaps my master was
mistaken! I must think of other things!
I said.
he said.
seemed to be familiar with the beasts," I said. "Were you once
associated with them?"
he said.
you associated with them any longer?" I asked.
he said.
the beasts," I asked, "involved in the slaving?"
a way, yes," he said. "They provide, for the most part, the means for
conducting the trade."
trade?" I asked.
slave trade," he said.
course, Master," I said.
not grow arrogant at the thought of the stabilization serums," he said.
I asked.
he said. "Keep clearly in mind that regardless of their value or benefits
from your point of view, they have other consequences as well. For example, you
will continue to be of interest to masters, you will continue to excite them,
you will continue to be the sort of woman they want for their collars and
chains. As you remain as you are, so soft, so lovely, so attractive and
desirable, you must expect to continue to face the risks and perils attendant
on your beauty, on a world such as this, where it is a common mode of currency,
a familiar means of exchange, where it may be used to bribe traitors, and be
given to heroes as a reward, where it is a prize for courage and audacity,
where it may count as tribute to conquerors, where it can be used to bargain
for cities and states, and where it is bought and sold in markets."
Master," I whispered. Perhaps I was a terrible person, but I did not mind
the thought of being exciting and beautiful. Perhaps it was fitting then that I
be punished with bondage.
are a beautiful slave," he said.
you, Master," I said.
wondered if my master was weak. Some men are very strong with men, and yet weak
with their women. He had just said I was beautiful. That was surely a
compliment. Surely it indicated some interest in me, or approval of me, surely
in at least one respect. He had said I was beautiful. Could I not then, though
it was I who was in a collar, make use of his feelings to own him? (pg. 475)
Too, he had followed me for months, over thousands of pasangs. He must like me
then, at least a little. That seemed likely. Indeed, he must care for me. I
suspected that perhaps he even loved me. Perhaps I could make use of that. I
wondered if he was weak. It would not hurt to test him. I knew that some girls
twisted their masters about their little fingers. I wondered if I could do
that. "Master," I said.
he said.
am not a common Gorean girl," I said. "You know that I am from
He was
are going to leave the camp tomorrow," I said. "I would like to have
some clothing. I could make a tunic from a blanket, as Tupita did."
you not heard my decision, announced to you earlier," he inquired,
"that you were to be kept naked?"
Master," I said. "But I do not wish to be kept so. I would like some
clothing. Perhaps you could change your mind."
He was
would kiss you very well," I said, "if you would give me some
a highly intelligent woman," he said, "you are inutterably
I asked.
it is your femaleness," he said.
I asked.
me now, with perfection, or die," he said.
Master!" I said.
he said.
I did so,
wondered how you might behave," he said, "if I gave you even a hort
of room, even an Ihn of indulgence."
I wept.
But he
had then seized my wrists and, then with a thong, bound them together, before
my body. He then dragged me toward a low-hanging branch and tied my hands, so
bound, over my head to the branch. "No, Master!" I cried.
"Please, Master!" He then whipped me. He then, angrily, released me
from the branch, I blubbering and weeping, half in shock, and dragged me back
to the blankets. Then he threw me to the foot of the blankets and chained me
there, hand and foot. I looked up at him, in terror. Then, angrily, he lay down
on the blankets, drawing them about himself to sleep. "Master," I
begged, "may I speak!"
he said.
(pg. 476)
I lay there in misery until morning. He was my master. I loved him! I loved him
more than anything! But I had failed my first test with him! I had only wanted
to know, foolishly, the nature of my power with him, if any, and the nature of
the discipline to which I might be subject. I had only wanted to know if,
truly, I was his slave or not. Then he had made me serve him, uncompromisingly.
Then he had whipped me and put me chained, at his feet. The library was indeed
faraway, and I was indeed his slave! I had asked earlier if I was not to be
slept at his feet, as might be a sleen, and he had said, "Perhaps
later." Why had I not understood then that my behavior was under scrutiny,
that he was even then inquiring into the qualities and nature of me? I was in
misery, and overcome with contrition. How badly I had behaved! I had failed my
first test with my master, whom I loved! Yet, too, I felt grandly and warmly
reassured as to his strength and dominance. I knew then my master was master,
that he would never relinquish his sovereignty, that he was a true man. I was
content now, and eager, a female, to be his perfect slave. If I had failed his
test, he had passed mine. To be sure, I was aware that there might be
continuing penalties attached to my having displeased him. I wanted so to sleep
next to him, or at his thigh, but instead now, I might indefinitely be slept at
his feet, as a sleen or dog, or as less, as a female slave. But I would rejoice
to be even so near to him! too, perhaps, now, I might be often whipped. I did
not know. Too, perhaps, now, I would be within the will of Teibar of Ar, my
master. A little before morning, I fell asleep. When I awakened I discovered
that a blanket had been put over me.
I said. "I beg for forgiveness."
He bent
over me and removed the chains. Swiftly, tears in my eyes, I knelt before him.
I then, unbidden, contritely, timidly, lovingly, kneeling before him, kissed
him, serving him with all the sweetness, delicacy and perfections I could. I
then swallowed, and looked up at him, hoping to find some particle of
forgiveness or kindness in his eyes.
he said.
Master," I said.
In less
than an Ahn I knelt beside his pack. He looked about the camp, and extinguished
the firs. He kicked dirt over its remains. He then turned about, and looked at
me. To my surprise, he seemed amused. "Did you satisfy your curiosity last
night, Tuka?" he asked.
Master," I said.
(pg. 477)
He had realized then, well enough, what I had been doing! Could I have no
secrets from such a man? Was I so open to him then, in my mind, as well as, by
his decision, in my beauty?"
have you learned your lesson?" he asked.
Master," I said.
he said.
have learned my lesson, Master," I said.
he said, "your ears are pierced, so you are not all bad."
am pleased," I said, "if even by such a small thing I may please my
shall get you some earrings," he said, "but they will not be valuable
ones, for you are a low slave."
Master," I said.
he said, "we would not want you stolen for the value of your
Master," I said, smiling.
are dangerous," he said. "One might grow fond of you."
I breathed.
He then
walked over to where I knelt, crouched down, opened his pack, and reached
within it. He took out a tiny handful of scarlet silk, and opened it.
I cried.
It was
the tiny garment, fit for a muchly displayed slave, which I had made for myself
on Earth, long before I had known there was a Gor, or a Teibar, or the
possibility of a collar.
is perhaps a bit too lengthy," he said, looking at it, "and it could
be slit at the sides, and the neckline could be cut more deeply, and it is not
diaphanous, or is insufficiently diaphanous, but still it is a not unattractive
garment. Perhaps, sometime, if I decide to permit you clothing, at least for an
Ahn or so, I will see again how it looks on you." He had seen me in it
once before, of course, at the library, when I had knelt before captors. The
existence of that tiny garment among my things, in my apartment, of course, had
shown them that I was a slave, though at that time one not yet fittingly
brought it from Earth!" I said. "You did not destroy it there!"
from time to time in the villa," he said, "I will let you wear it, or
less, when you serve me."
love you," I said. "I love you!"
He put
the silk away.
love you!" I said.
(pg. 478)
"There is something else, too," he said.
I said.
reached again into the pack. "Do you recognize these?" he asked.
Master!" I said, delightedly.
are the thong and bells which you wore at the library, when you danced,"
he said.’
Master!" I said.
you remember, too," he said, "that we kept them on you when you were
naked there, in the darkness, to help us keep track of you."
Master!" I said.
things make useful adornments to a female slave," he said, "and help
to mark her movements."
Master!" I said. I remembered that when I had been place on the library
table, long ago, prior to having the rubberized mask placed over my face,
through which the chemicals had been put which had forced me to
unconsciousness, the silk, which had been being used as a gag, a mnemonic
device reminding me I must be silent, had been drawn from my mouth and put to
one side. The bells, too, I recalled, had been placed upon it. He had kept them
both, both the silk and the bells!
from time to time, you shall wear them, too, at the villa," he said.
Master!" I said, delightedly. How rightful it seemed that I should serve
him in such things, here on Gor, even from Earth.
He put
the bells away.
He then
removed the whip from his pack, and held it to my lips, and I kissed it.
He then
put the whip away, inserting it into the pack. He then rose to his feet and
walked a few feet away, to the edge of the camp, and turned and regarded me.
I stood
up, and shouldered his pack. It was not heavy. In it I could feel the chains.
Some of them I had worn. In it, too, was the whip, his, to which I was subject.
I heard, too, within the pack, the tiny sound of the bells, here, on Gor, slave
love you, Master!" I said. "I love you, my Master!"
I said.
he said.
I to be permitted to tell what has happened to me?" I asked. "Am I to
write my story?"
(pg. 479)
"I do not know," he said. "I do not know if it is good for the
women of Earth to know of these things or not."
I was
silent. I did not know either.
would you like to do?" he asked.
I asked, startled.
he said.
think I would like to tell my sisters on Earth," I said.
you think they will believe you?" he asked.
I said.
you, before you learned what you now know, have believed it?"
I said.
will not believe you, certainly not most of them," he said.
is all right," I said. "I do not care. I do not even think that is
really important. Perhaps that is best. I do not know. But what is important, I
think, is to say these things."
he said.
so, Master," I asked, "am I to be permitted to write the story?"
he said. "I am not sure. I have, as yet, no firm thoughts on the
Master," I said.
have not yet decided," he said.
Master," I said.
He then
turned about and walked a few paces from the camp. I stood there, naked, a
brand on my thigh, a collar on my neck, bearing his pack. I wondered if the
women of Earth would believe my story. I supposed not. But then, too, what did
it matter? Perhaps it was better that they not believe it. Their life, then,
would surely be easier, knowing that there was no world such as Gor, no collars
for them, no masters such that they must be uncompromisingly served. But in any
event, dear sisters, whether you long for the collar, or fear it, it is real.
He turned
about. "Follow me," he said in Gorean. It took me a moment to make
the transition from English to Gorean. Then I said, "Yes, my Master,"
in Gorean. And, at a suitable distance, naked, bearing his pack, followed him
from the woods. We would go to the Vitkel Aria and travel south. He had a
villa, northeast of Ar, in the hills.