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Teacher Wants To Buy Home!


Hi!  I am a math teacher in the State of Nebraska.  Our students rank 5th in the nation for overall success on Math tests.  These are great statistics.  But, teacher pay in Nebraska compared to the U.S. ranks 45th in the nation.  That statistic is not good.

Why Tell You This?

Over the past year I have tried to qualify for a home loan and cannot.  My income is too low and my student loan balance is too high.  I even applied for a Habitat for Humanity Home and found I earned approximately $80 per month too much to qualify.

Asking For Your Help

Instead of giving up the dream of owning my own home to retire to after teaching for 14 more years, I decided to ask the general public for their assistance.  If everyone who visits this home page sent $1, I would qualify to purchase a modest home.  Would you like to give a gift of $1 for me to purchase a home?

Send your gift to:



PO Box 2253

Fremont, NE 68026-2253


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What If I Collect More Money Than Needed?

I will establish a fund for others who are in the same position that I am facing now.  The fund would provide money for working individuals to receive down payment funds that will allow them to purchase a home to accomplish their dreams.  These funds would be placed in an account that would accumulate interest and be managed by myself to insure that funds would not be inappropriately distributed.

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Thank You For Your Consideration