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Bill Hillman's

Volume 491

Lord Greystoke's Gallery of Art From:
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

VII. The Belgian's Spoor (continued)
Let the priceless gems filter through his fingersTarzan leaped straight into the airSaw him circle, stiff-legged, about the circling apeShe fingered her knife and looked down upon her captive
VIII. Escape?
The lion dragged the Arab from his saddleThe lion dragged the helpless Arab from his saddle
The arrow, aimed with care, lodged in the lion's spineTarzan fitted an arrow to his bow
IX. Three Beasts
Behind him crept Chulk and TaglatFirst came the giant ape-manJohn! she cried
X. Abducted Again
XI. The Pouch of Jewels
The ape, fretting under the restraints of the unaccustomed garments, tore the burnoose from him...
Stealthily they approached
XII. Taglat and the Lion
XIII. Out of the Frying Pan ---
Pausing beside the man, the ape bent over and examined his belongings
He swung nimbly into the lower branchesProtect her, cried Tarzan
XIV. --- Into the Fire
XV. Memories
There was a sharp report, and Mohammed Beyd rolled over and over upon the floor.
Strong fingers were at his throat, fingers of steel.
XVI. Again the Jewels
XVII. Reunion
His yellow eyes fastened themselves balefully upon the figure of the girl.

John Clayton, Lord Greystoke
Munroe DJ: later Grosset and Dunlap
American Paperback Covers
Frank Frazetta art: Ace 1963Richard Powers art: Ballantine 1963Robert Abbett art: Ballantine 1969Robert Abbett art: Ballantine 1972J. Allen St. John adapted cover: Del Rey 1997
Neal Adams art: Ballantine 1980Neal Adams art: Ballantine 1984Barclay Shaw art: Del Rey 1991Casper van Diem photo: Del Rey 1998
British Paperback Covers
Goulden 1951 edition UKEdward Mortelmans art: Four Square 1962Edward Mortelmans art: Four Square 1964 UK editionNew English Library UK edition 1968
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