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The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Volume 0442
Another in our series of spotlights on writers influenced by ERB
Otis Adelbert Kline (1891-1946)
Pt. 4:
Call of the Savage Movie Adaptation ~ Bio Article ~
Art Galleries: covers, interiors and J. Allen St. John art ~
Fanzines ~ OAK Stories on the Net ~ Web References


Otis Adelbert Kline (Film Writer Filmography)
Call of the Savage (1935) (Based on the Otis Adelbert Kline novel: Jan of the Jungle)
 ... aka Savage Fury (1935) (USA: recut version)
(A recut, reissued version was released as Savage Fury in 1956)
Directed by Lew Landers
Writing credits: Basil Dickey, Nate Gatzert, and George H. Plympton
            Based on the novel, Jan of the Jungle by Otis Adelbert Kline
Genre: Jungle Adventure Serial
Tagline: Animals battling each other for jungle supremacy! Attacking man for survival!
Runtime: USA (13 episodes) ~ Black and White

Noah Beery Jr. ~ Jan
Dorothy Short ~ Mona Andrews
Harry Woods ~ Borno
Bryant Washburn ~ Dr. Harry Trevor
Walter Miller ~ Dr. Frank Bracken
Fred MacKaye ~ Dr. Charles Phillips
Russ Powell ~ Andrews
John Davidson ~ Prince Samu
Eddie Kane ~ Gen. Tichak
Stanley Andrews ~ Emperor Mena
J. Frank Glendon ~
Viva Tattersall ~ Georgia Trevor
Gwendolyn Logan ~ Mrs. Henry Andrews
William Desmond  ~ Allen
Grace Cunard ~ Mrs. Camerford Amster
H. Burroughs ~
Dickie Jones ~  Jan Trevor as a Boy
Produced by Carl Laemmle 
     (Associate Producer: Henry MacRae)
Original music: David Broekman ~ David Klatzkin ~
        Sam Perry ~ Heinz Roemheld
Cinematography: Richard Fryer & William A. Sickner
Film Editing: Irving Applebaum ~ Saul A. Goodkind Alvin Todd ~ Edward Todd
Production Management: Ansel Friedberger
Plot Outline: Two scientific teams go up against each other in a race to find a secret formula in the African jungle. The search leads them to the lost city of Mu where they face a ruled by a bad-guy priest.who owns a death-ray. The scientists have to overcome this mad priest and his dungeons of fire and dangerous electrical rays. Noah Beery, Jr. played Jan the feral orphan raised by monkeys. Jan, along with his faithful chimpanzee companion "Chicma," joined in the quest for the lost kingdom of Mu. Assisted by Princess Mona (Dorothy Short) they overcome the evil scientists (Walter Miller, Frederic Mackaye), the priest, and many cliffhanging pitfalls, including a mechanized room with a ceiling full of spikes heading straight for the good guys. The serial was cut down for a feature film-length version called Savage Fury. likewise available on video.

Otis Adelbert Kline
Canadian Writer & Editor Magazine ~ July, 1946

Born in Chicago in the "Gay Nineties", Otis Adelbert Kline manifested an early interest in literary material. His grandmother taught him to read and write at the age of four.

This opened for him a field of interest  and imagination which fired him with the urge to learn more about exotic places and peoples, as he eagerly devoured the juvenile periodicals of that day.

During his high school days he began writing serial stories with suspenseful breaks which kept the class guessing, each week, as to what would happen to his characters in the next installment. Music then claimed him for a while, and he served an apprenticeship in Chicago's Tin Pan Alley. Next, he turned to writing motion picture originals for the companies of those days, Essenay, Biograph, etc., and from that to fiction.

His short stories, novelettes and serials have appeared in more than fifty U.S. and Canadian periodicals, as well as in four hundred U.S. newspapers. Many of them have been translated and syndicated in foreign countries, and published there in book form. Universal filmed his "Call of the Savage", and his novels were published in many editions.

Some years ago he became interested in the peoples of the Near East. He did extensive research and visited Arabian, Turkish and Armenian restaurants, conversing with the patrons and owners, swapping stories, and learning at first hand, more about their manners, customs and religions. This research soon led to his writing a number of Oriental stories, a few of which will soon appear in a reprint under the title, "The Man Who Limped and Other Stories." Like Hamed the Dragoman of these yarns, he, himself, has spent many pleasant hours in a coffee shop, surrounded by Arab friends, puffing a bubbling shisha and sipping Arabian coffee, while listening to , or relating tales from ALIF LAYAL WA LAYLA, (THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT), ANTAR, and other Arab classics.

For many years he has been an international literary agent as well as a writer, and although he is now so engaged, with an office in New York, he lives in Connecticut in a shore cottage of literary tradition, since it once belonged to the late Ella Wheeler Wilcox, where he has a pleasant study overlooking Long Island Sound, and his own private beach and boat. His favorite diversions in season are swimming, fishing, hunting, cruising, hiking in the woods, and at times presiding in the kitchen over a Hindu curry, or one of the other exotic dishes he likes to prepare.

which reprints the first 12 issues is, alas, sold out.
But, still available are:

#13 - "Vision of Venus" illustrated comic by Tim Conrad, of Marvel's CONAN fame. "Otis Adelbert Kline: A Memoir" by pulp legend Arthur J Burks. "OAK: An Overview" by ERB scholar Paul C Allen. 

#14 - Two by Otis Adelbert Kline: "Three Minutes Dead," which tells the tale of writing TAM, SON OF THE TIGER for Weird Tales from his deathbed, and a complete reprint of a short detective story, "Murder Is A Pipe," from 1939.

#15 - "What Is The Source of Prophecy?" by OAK, an issue- length reprint from 1939.

#16 - "A Letter from Otis Adelbert Kline" - a classic, according to E Hoffmann Price! This letter, longer than many short stories, goes into fascinating detail on the pulp era during Depression days, and is required reading for any fan or researcher interested in the forgotten facts of the fictioneer days.

These are all in short supply. 


The only hobby periodical devoted to the life and works of fantasy author OTIS ADELBERT KLINE! A must for serious students of the pulp fiction field as well as enthusiasts who have enjoyed the many short stories and interplanetary novels of this exciting author. "The only author to be compared with ERB, but whose work is as original as Burroughs' own!"

Upcoming OAK Leaves contents include a special CALL OF THE SAVAGE movie serial issue. Reprints of rare and obscure short stories, pulp covers and book jackets--as well as more new and previously unpublished original material by OAK! Photos and behind-the-scenes inside info on the early days of the pulps! 

The Official Journal of 
Otis Adelbert Kline
and his works

Numbers 13-16
are available for $5 each, 
$20 postpaid for the four.
The next eight issues are lurking in the wings.
David Anthony Kraft
52 Trillium Lane
Screamer Mountain
Clayton, GA   30525

Visit our ERBzin-e OAK pages at:
ERBzine 0036: Bibliography
ERBzine 0037: Bio & Sample Story
ERBzine 0054: OAK Art Gallery

David Anthony Kraft reports:
An OAK book "of sorts" just came out from University Press of America. Actually a hardcover anthology, titled TECHNOLOGY IN AMERICAN LITERATURE by Monahan and Nolan, it includes a chapter from OAK's MAZA. He's in good company, among Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, Henry Adams, e e cummings, Gore Vidal and John Updike, among others.

The Conan Connection:
Robert E. Howard retained Kline as his agent from the spring of 1933 through his death in June 1936, and Kline continued as the agent for REH's work until his own death.

The Weird Tales Connection:
Otis Adelbert Kline (1891-1946), was a member of the original Weird Tales editorial staff and appeared frequently in the magazine's early issues with such tales as "The Thing of a Thousand Shapes" (in the magazine's first issue) and "The Cup of Blood."  Kline was a robust outdoorsman with a predeliction for good food and good wine.  In later life, he became a literary agent, representing some of Weird Tales' more successful authors.

Read Stolen Centuries by Otis Adelbert Kline

Read Man From The Moon by Otis Adelbert Kline (from Amazing Stories, October 1930)

Pulp Covers and Interiors
Cover from The Argosy magazine, February 34, 1934, gouache 17 x 17
ROBERT A. GRAEF (ca. 1878-1951) Ref: Artists Bios

 Robert A. Graef has come to be remembered as one of the more important artists specializing in the science fiction genre from its early days. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Graef studied at Pratt Institute in 1896, then did freelance illustration for Boy's Life and Delineator magazines, among others. He began working for the Munsey magazines, especially The Argosy, in the late 1920s. By the 1930s he had developed his mature artistic style and was capable of great design, subtle modelling and robust anatomy on deadline. Graef generally preferred to work in watercolor - gouache and dry-brush rather than in oil.

For The Argosy, Graef painted covers for Murray Leinster's and Otis Adelbert Kline's memorable stories, including the latter's "Maza of the Moon" (1929) and "Planet of Peril" (1929), which featured a terrific dinosaur - like creature. Animals were a specialty of Graef's, which made him popular with his editors for the depiction of aliens. Other notable covers include "Jan of
the Jungle" (1931), "The Princess of the Atom" (1928), and "The War of the Purple Gas" (1934).

Thirst Blades by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffman Price
Thirst Blades 
by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffman Price
Mundos Desconocidos de la Ciencia Ficción
Vision of Venus by Otis Adelbert Kline
originally published in Amazing, Dec. 1933, 
Copyright 1933 by Teck Publications, Inc.
Reprinted in ERBzine 0037 

Argosy March 9, 1935: OAK's Fang of Amm Jemel
The Fang of Amm Jemel
Argosy March 9, 1935

A novelette of Oriental treachery and torture 
by Otis Adelbert Kline

September 1953
Stolen Centuries
Otis Adelbert Kline

February 1939 ~ Vol. 1, No. 1
Servant of Satan
Otis Adelbert Kline

Argosy Magazine: Seven Part Serial Running From
November 25, 1933 through January 6, 1934
J. Allen St. John Gallery of Interior Art
J. Allen St. John: Argosy November 25, 1933J. Allen St. John: Argosy December 9, 1933J. Allen St. John: Argosy December 30, 1933J. Allen St. John: Argosy December 16, 1933J. Allen St. John: Argosy December 16, 1933J. Allen St. John: Argosy January 6, 1934


Book Safari: OAK Stories
Fantastic Fiction Biblio: OAK
Fantastic Fiction Biblio: E. Hoffmann Price
Bibliography Summary: E. Hoffmann Price
Edmond Hamilton: In Memoriam by E. Hoffmann Price
A Working Bibliography of E. Hoffmann Price
Russian Site with OAK References
Lost Races in the Cinema
Weird Tales Authors
Literary Estates
Pulp Downloads
Playboy 62.09 Article - The Bloody Pulps

Navigation Chart For Our Otis Adelbert Kline Sites
ERBzin-e 36: Bios & Biblio
ERBzin-e 37: Articles & Story
ERBzin-e 54: Illustrated Biblio
ERBzin-e 442: Bio ~ Film

Volume 0442

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 ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2004 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.
Tarzan® is the property of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Tarzana CA
Copyright (c) the Literary Estate of Otis Adelbert Kline where applicable.
Inquiries for all rights and permissions should be directed to OAK agent David Anthony Kraft
Reproduction of any OAK material without permission and appropriate copyright notice is a violation.