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So Ya Wanna Be
Like Jake?

Jake's Friends

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So Ya Wanna Be Like Jake?
Jake was a very quick learner. Maybe just because he's smart, or maybe I'm a good teacher (I think more of he is smart), so here I am going to tell you the tricks I taught him and how to teach your pooch to be just like Jake.

Good Ole Sit
Here we are...the trick every dog knows, and is the easiest by far. All you have to do is take a peice of food and say sit. You pup will either automatically sit on his own of stand there staring at the food. If he does this push his butt down so that he is sitting. Now repeat as many times as it takes.

Lay Down
Ok, this one is just like sit, but instead push your pooch all the way down so that he is laying and say down and put your hand there. Jake didn't like it at first, but I kept doing it and he got used to it.

Roll Over
This was a tricky one. Unlike all the rest this one took about a week to learn. I'm not sure how he finally got it, but what you do is make your pooch laydown. Then figure out what you want the hand signal to be for this trick and put your hand there, next, push puppy over so he rolls over. I think Jake hated doing this. Also take breaks every once in a while.

This is a pretty eay one if you know how to do it. When your dog is barking a lot say speak right before each bark and open and close your hand to make it look like a dog barking. This was a fairly simple one to do. Sometimes though Jake doesn't bark, but opens and closes his mouth.

I didn't really teach Jake this trick fully, he just sorta got it on his own. But, if your dog doesn't here is what you do: make Fido sit the pick up his paw and say shake (or paw). Praise him and give him a treat. Keep doing this until he gets it on his own.

Everyone likes this trick. I'm not sure if you can do it with bigger dogs...but you might. When Jake "dances" he is only walking on his hind legs, sorta jumping here and there. He also can dance in circles. To get Fifi to dance you want to take a piece of food and hold it over their head. Note: OVER their head, not in front so they think you are telling them to sit. Bob your hand up and down so they stand up. Next, say dance and move your hand forward so he follows. This is a little complicated if your doggy doesn't stand on his/her own, but try it anyways.

Play Dead
Well, Jake REALLY didn't get the fact her had to lay on his side to do this, he'd just lay on his back or whatever position he was in and put his head to the side. Solution: I picked him up on his back then told him to play dead and he'd do it. Here's how it works. When puppy is in your arms, you turn his head to the side away from your body. Then say play dead and praise him. Do it over and over again. I didn't even need treats!
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