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Bug Nest!
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These crazy guys were my travel bug guinea pigs. So far they seem to have been fairly successful! Check them out here.

These monkeys aren't just any monkeys. They travel as a family protected by each others bravery and their trusty blue barrel! And there goal...return to their home land! No more captivity for these creatures of mother nature. So if you can, every one mile closer to the rainforest brings one more smile to their adorable blushing faces. Their hopes are to one day reach the jungle, specifically Congo. Good luck my fun-loving friends!

Karni grew for years here in the hurley house. However, she became my second travel bug one day this year, 2002. Karni wishes only for love and care as she travels the states. She's a very open minded kangaroo who looks forward to every new adventure. See where she is now and where she's been.

Today, the 4th of September 2002, I realized that Karni Kangaroo's life would never be complete until she experienced the circus life. Here in cohasset there are no circuses. In order to fulfill Karni's dreams I had to part with my favorite marsupial, wish her luck and send her on her way. I hope that all fellow geocachers aid in making Karni's dream come visit the circuses of America. I would greatly appreciate if you could post a photo of Karni at the circuses she visits throughout her traveling days. Good luck Karni!

Unfortunately there isn't a picture of Lighty McLight. However, hopefully some of our fellow cachers will be kind enough to upload some images. here.

Lighty McLight loves to light the way for his freinds. His dream is to travel from cache to cache, lighting the path for geocachers! His very first trip to a cache was at night and he hopes that from then on, he will always locate a cache at night.

There he is, cute as ever!

This crazy-critter started in my first cache, Harbor Hunt. To continue with the theme of the ocean, I thought Mertle would fit in perfectly. Where's it at now?

"Mertle just came to me from the deep depths of the Atlantic Ocean. He hopes to travel down to Florida and back up to Maine before returning to lil' o Cohasset. Help him see the full stretch of the wide blue wonder."

In order to complete the travel bug, I ask every finder to include the find date, deposit date and deposit cache name on a new sheet of paper. Also, very important, include their favorite and most abused word (or words if you can't decide.) When the notepad is finished.....rush him home to Hurley's Harbor Hunt. Check his current status here.

In the midst of New York I a friend and I were working on a 25-part multi cache that inspired me to create my new travel bug - words. Every one communicates and usually in the fashion of words. By the time one reaches adulthood the recognize and utilize thousands of words. However, it seems that from day to day there are a select few words that either pop up frequently or bring a smile to our face. I place these into two categories: favorite and abused words. Sit back and think. Then add your words to my travel bug and pass him on! Enjoy