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Janeway Freak Quiz

You see a Voyager novel in the library, you:
a) Read it! Janeway's in it!
b) Read the back then put it back on the shelf
c) Wonder what the heck it's doing in the Seventeen magazine section

You turn on the TV and the image of an Intrepid-Class starship apperes on the screen, you:
a) Watch it and cheer when Janeway comes on the screen
b) Watch it until the next commertial then move on
c) Watch it to see who that cute blond-haired guy is, then move on quickly when you realize it's Star Trek

Before you go to bed at night you read:
a) "Mosaic"
b) New Voyager novel
c) Book about Britney Spears

At night you dream about:
a) Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager
b) Voyager
c) *Nsync

You are a member of:
a) The J Team
b) The local Star Trek fan club
c) P.O.D.'s Offical Fan Club

For last Halloween, you were:
a) Janeway, of course!
b) A Starfleet officer.
c) Dressing up for Halloween? Puh-lease! That's so lame! (Fine, fine. I was Jessica Simpson)

Q appears and grants you a wish. That would be:
a) I want to serve on Voyager under Captain Janeway!
b) I want to join Starfleet!
c) I want (name of LFO or Destiny's Child member) to ask me out!

Your bumper sticker on your car reads (or would read):
a) Janeway or no way!
b) Warp 10 or bust!
c) I am a Loyal Member of the Backstreet Boys Official Fan Club

What are you?
Mostly A's: You are a true Janeway Freak! Congratulations!
Mostly B's: Well, at least you like Star Trek. Not quite a Janeway Freak yet, though.
Mostly C's: Why are you even on this site? Do you even know who Janeway is?
Tied, A and B: You're on your way to becoming a Janeway Freak. Now, go memorize "Mosaic" and polish your uniform boots.

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