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Tributes to M.A.Jinnah Part 1

Mr.Muhammad Ali Jinnah commanded universal respect amongst World Leaders, and his vision continues to be emphasized as way to take Pakistan out of its current turmoil. Here are a few tributes by famous World Leaders.

Harry S Truman, US President

"[He was] the originator of the dream that became Pakistan, architect of the State and father of the world's largest Muslim nation. Mr. Jinnah was the recipient of a devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man."

Nelson Mandela, Ex-South African President

'Ali Jinnah is a constant source of inspiration for all those who are fighting against racial or group discrimination.' (Nelson Mandela had come to Islamabad in 1995 and had insisted on including Karachi as a destination to visit Jinnah's Grave and his house in Karachi where upon reaching he drove straight to the Quaid's Mazar) At another occasion while addressing the ANC Mandela mentioned three names Ali Jinnah, Gandhi and Nehru as sources of inspiration for the movement against apartheid.

Bill Clinton, US President

(I am) A committed friend who will stand with the people of Pakistan as long as you seek the stable, prosperous, democratic nation of your founder's dreams. More than half a century ago, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, shared that vision as he addressed Pakistan's constituent assembly. "If you work together", he said, "in a spirit that everyone of you is first, second and last a citizen with equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make." Pakistan can have a future worthy of the dreams of the Quaid-e-Azam. If you choose that future, the United States will walk with you. I hope you will make that choice. And I pray for our continued friendship, for peace, for Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.