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Our Grandchildren
Monica Marie

Monica is the daughter of Gail Marie, our second daughter, and of David Luthy.   She is sixteen years old and  is a sophomore in high school.  How time does fly!  Here she is getting ready for her first prom.
Monica   December 2001
Selina Sofia

Selina is our baby girl's baby girl. She is the daughter of Beverly and Rick. She celebrated her sixth birthday in May 2003.  Here she is on her first day of kindergarten in August 2002.

Selina on her first day of kindergarten   August 2002
Rico Joseph

Rico is our new little grandson. He is Selina's little brother and keeps her on her toes all the time.  He was two years old in February 2003.

Rico opening gift before Christmas 2002
Monica, Selina and Rico    Christmas 2001
Here they are all together - Monica, Rico and Selina in their Christmas 2001 photo.

Selina and Monica on Thanksgiving 2000

Riding the carousel together! April 1998

  Monica and Selina   December 1998

Monica and Selina in December 1997
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Joy & Ray Tennison
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 Last Updated June 20, 2003
by the 
Tennison Family Webmaster