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Reunion Photo taken June 22, 1997 in Stockton, California
{Names listed below by row}
Family Reunion.  Stockton, CA   June 22, 1997

Front Row, left to right - Brandon Paolinetti (son of Robert Paolinetti, Jr.), Justin Spicer, Trevor Paolinetti, Lloyd F. Tennison, Gail M. Tennison, Monica Tennison-Luthy, Beverly K. Tennison Guevara, Selina S. Guevara, Enrique Guevara, Pamela J. Tennison, Ken (Pam's friend),

2nd Row - Janice M. McDonald, James L. McDonald, Anna Paolinetti (wife of Rodney Paolinetti), Christen Paolinetti (baby), Ellinor B. Meierding McDonald, Thomas Leon (Jim) McDonald, Joy Welsh Tennison, Raymond Tennison, Barbara Steele (Dick's friend), Richard (Dick) A. McDonald

3rd Row - Robert J. Paolinetti, Jr., Lorie Paolinetti, Marc R.McDonald (little boy), Valerie McDonald, Kevin E. McDonald, Liam K. McDonald (baby), Nicholas K. Lindo (baby), Katherine A. Robertson Lindo, Bonnie L. Trago Koreski, Frank J. Koreski

4th Row - Patricia J. Trago Paolinetti, Robert J. Paolinetti, Sr., Ronald D. McDuffee, Patricia A. McDuffee, Diane R. McDonald Robertson, Rudy Torcuato (Diane's husband), Robin L. Koreski Harrigan, Kelsey Harrigan (baby), Thomas Harrigan

5th Row - Richelle L. Koreski Spicer, Todd Spicer, Cheryl Koreski, Richard L. Koreski, Leslie Olives (Ron McDuffee's stepdaughter), Joel Olives (Ron McDufee's stepson), Carol Diane Robertson May, Paul May

6th Row - Vanessa K. McDonald (daughter of Kevin & Valerie McDonald), Sean M. McDonald (son of Kevin & Valerie McDonald), Adam Olives (Ron McDuffee's stepson & twin to Leslie Olives), Pamela J. Guillory (daughter of Carol May), Jason M. Guillory (son of Carol May)
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