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    Joy & Ray    October 1997
    We enjoyed square dancing in the San Francisco Bay Area to Kip Garvey and on weekends to various other callers for the twenty years we lived in Lafayette, California.  Now that we are on the road, we know we should change the title of our page, but it is already in search engines this way, so I am reticent to do so.  We're happy our Web Page reaches so many old and new friends.   Be sure to check Mike Sikorsky's page, as I do that for him, too. 

    Dancing in 2003

  • McCloud, California -  August 2003Mt. Shasta while dancing at McCloud    August 2003

  • Since we were trekking around in the Northwest following our Yellowstone visit, we thought we could do with a bit of dancing and arrived in McCloud in time to catch Bob Baier's A2 week.  Bob kept us all entertained and dancing happily for five days at the foot of Mount Shasta, with marshmallow roasts, pot lucks, dinners and the ever-popular skits to add to the fun.  As always, we enjoyed dancing and visiting with old friends and making new ones.  Unfortunately, this was Bob's final week calling at McCloud, so we were happy to participate in this "last hurrah!"
  • Plymouth, California -  April  2003

  • Bronc Wise called a great A2-C1 weekend in the Gold Country.  A Canadian caller whose name escapes me was the second caller at this dance where we were able to see lots of old friends.
  • Mesa, Arizona  -  January - March  2003

  • We are enjoying our fourth visit to the square dancing mecca of Mesa.  Although we attend some A2 dances, we have confined most of our floor time to C1 workshops and dances because we have embarked on the adventure of C2 lessons.  We feel we should be able to do C1 in our sleep in order to justify taking C2 lessons.  We are once again enjoying  workshops and dances given by Randy Dougherty, Bill Haynes, John Steckman and Mike Sikorsky.  And the dancers are great--old friends and new friends--all enjoyable to be with.

    Dancing in 2002

  • Newark, California  -  December  2002

  • Bob Baier blew into town for his now annual Christmas Dance at the Pavilion.  A great caller who always sees that you get your money's worth, Bob is also a really nice guy and good friend.
  • Casa de Fruta, California  - November 2002

  • Bronc Wise and Jet Roberts put on a great A2 weekend with Gary Carnes at this mini-resort near Hollister on the weekend following Thanksgiving.  The dancing was very good, and the dancers were mostly old friends.  Harlen Bowen handled the details for the package and did a bang-up job. 
  • Newark, California  -  November 2002

  • Bronc Wise called a great A2 dance at the Pavilion for what used to be the Showcase night.  Daughter Renee joined him, and we can't get over how grown up she is.  We remember her when she danced in a backpack carrier on her mother's back when we were learning C1.   We got to dance with lots of old friends and had a great time.
  • Mesa, Arizona  - February 2002

  • We pulled into Mesa on the third of the month with the season in full swing.  We are attending A2 Dances and C1 workshops and dances given by Randy Dougherty, Bill Haynes, John Steckman and Mike Sikorsky.  We are enjoying the dancing and visiting with square dance friends from California and Oregon and making new acquaintances from all over.
  • Winter Festival - King City, California - January 18-20, 2002

  • This annual event with callers, Bob Baier, Kip Garvey, Tony Oxendine and Jerry Story, was well attended with over 100 RV's parking around the halls at the fairgrounds.  Jet Roberts was the guest caller again this year and was well liked by all.  We danced in the C1 and A2 halls and enjoyed visiting with friends from all over and had a great time, even though the temperature dipped into the 20's at night. 

    Dancing in 2001

  • Newark, California - December 14, 2001

  • Bob Baier called the Christmas dance for a full floor of A2 dancers.  We had a great time, as expected.  Wish Bob were returning next year for this dance, but it isn't going to happen.
  • Newark, California - November 16, 2001

  • Bronc Wise called a rousing A2 night for all who attended.  We thoroughly enjoyed the dancing and greeting all of our friends there.
  • Mesa, Arizona - November 1 - 8, 2001

  • We thought we had timed our visit here for the beginning of the season, but it turned out to be a little earlier than we had hoped, as several events were still dark.  Nevertheless, we danced A2 with Mike Sikorsky and Randy Dougherty and C1 with Bill Haynes and Randy Dougherty.  We had heard lots of good things about Bill Haynes, but this was our first opportunity to dance to him.  It was very enjoyable.  Hopefully we can return here after the holidays for some additional dance time. 
  • Mike Sikorsky's A2 DBD Week at McCloud Dance Country. McCloud, CA  -July 28-August 2, 2001.      We arrived on Saturday as square dancers were checking into the RV park.  We settled in time to attend an evening A2 dance at the dance hall and to say hello to Mike Sikorsky and fellow square dancers.  Sunday afternoon activities for the square dance week began in earnest with a dance and buffet dinner.  So we settled into the routine of it all and just enjoyed the dancing, campfires, and camaraderie of old friends and acquaintances and meeting new ones.  It was an enjoyable week, as are most square dance times. 

  • National Square Dance Convention.  Anaheim, CA - June 27-30, 2001.  The convention had an attendance of just over 13,000 folks from all over.  We danced with people from Japan, Korea, England, New Zealand, Sweden, and, of course, from all over the U.S.  Concrete floors are killers on the legs, feet and back, but we chose when to dance and when to rest, so it wasn't as bad as when we used to feel we had to dance every dance.  We enjoyed dancing to some new callers and to all time favorites like Bob Baier, Daryl Clendenin, Randy Dougherty, Mike Jacobs, Tom Miller, Gary Shoemake, Mike Seastrom, Mike Sikorsky and Buddy Weaver.  Our former club caller, Bob Elling, was there and some new favorites like George Monaghan and Cliff Simpson. A few thousand brave dancers went to Disneyland next door and did some outdoor dancing for the crowds there.  We stayed in the air conditioned halls.   Exhausting but enjoyable. 

  • Randy Dougherty at the Newark Pavilion.  Newark, CA - June 15, 2001.  We managed to make it to the third Friday dance at the Pavilion for an evening of A2 dancing when Randy was in town.  Good fun with friends at a nice level.

  • Bakersfield Fiesta,  Bakersfield, CA - March 16-18, 2001.  The Bakersfield folks host one of the largest festivals on the west coast.  Almost three thousand dancers and three hundred RVs attended this dancing at levels MS through C1.  Darryl Lipscom, Mike Seastrom, Mike Sikorsky, Gary Shoemake, and Bronc Wise kept us all busy dancing.  It was great.

  • Los Banos Blast.  Los Banos, CA  - March 9-11, 2001.  This great A2 weekend had Jerry Story and Kip Garvey calling to a great group of dancers. 

  • CONVENTIONS and  FESTIVALS - Click here  for a comprehensive listing 
  • 52nd National Square Dance Convention - Oklahoma City, OK  June 25, 26, 27 & 28, 2003
  • McCloud Dance Country - McCloud, California
  • American Square Dance Magazine

  • Diablo Singles 
  • Martinez Swingers
  • More Bay Area Dancing
  •  PACE Nor-Cal


  • National Square Dance Conventions, Festivals 
  • Square
  • Western Square Dancing
  • Dance for the Health of  it!
  • Dancing will add 10 years to your life!
  • Callers and Cuers
  • Lists and Definitions - Basics through C4 

  • Last Updated September 27, 2003

    by the Tennison Family Webmaster

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