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Welcome to the Leonard Nimoy Estrogen Brigade Webpage!

This is a group for women age 18 and over who are devoted to the actor Leonard Nimoy; best known for his role as Mr. Spock on Star Trek.

Please take note!!
Disclaimer: Leonard Nimoy belongs to himself. Star Trek belongs to Paramount. No infringement is meant.
We are just a fan-club. We do not forward mail to Leonard, nor are we in contact with him directly. If you wish to contact him, or his fan club, please go to his official website. See link below.

***Things are being moved around--bear with us!!***

Leonard Nimoy Info

Unfortunately, the Official Leonard Nimoy Webpage is no longer with us. I hope someone can bring it back to life someday.
Be sure to visit Leonard's Photography Site!
Read a Biography written by LNEB Moderator Helen.
**Note that this paper was written in 1997 and is currently being updated.
It was once linked to on Leonard Nimoy's Biography page.

To visit the LNEB Picture Album, including pictures of Leonard in various roles,some Convention photos, and some great Fan Art, click the picture album!

Thanks to Member Beth for the new album icon!

Go to the "Fun with Spock" page!!
See a list of Member's Links!!
See our Favorite Links!

So how do I join? There are several ways:

1. Just enter your email address in the space to the right!
Please, only women over 18 can join, so if you
aren't both of those (female and over 18),
don't bother trying!
Subscribe to NewLNEB
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2. Email the ListMom at

Rings and Awards

Check out the Leonard Nimoy Ring from directory