Game Number: A0301
Steve Parrish (Worb) vs Hugh Bishop (Drex)
<---Click on image for full view --->
Steve Parrish in the Worb
Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop in the Drex
Unity Battle Destroyer
Moderated by "Midnite"
Game Over
The Drex was destroyed by Worb phaser fire on impulse 5 of turn 3.
Congratulations to Steve Parrish for a decisive victory.
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Latest Map
A0301.1.32.EOT SITREP:
Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn
Turn : 1
Impulse: 32
Units appearing in this game:
Start Start Turn/Impulse
Unit Hex Speed Launched
------------------------- ------ ------ -----------------
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1701D 5 Turn: 1, Imp: 1
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2530A 7 Turn: 1, Imp: 1
1 1701D* 2530A*
2 ----- -----
3 ----- -----
4 ----- -----
5 ----- 2529A
6 ----- -----
7 1702D -----
8 ----- -----
9 ----- -----
10 ----- 2428A
11 ----- -----
12 ----- -----
13 1703D -----
14 ----- 2427A
15 ----- -----
16 ----- -----
17 ----- -----
18 ----- -----
19 ----- 2327F
20 1704D -----
21 ----- -----
22 ----- -----
23 ----- 2226F
24 ----- -----
25 ----- -----
26 1705D -----
27 ----- -----
28 ----- 2126F
29 ----- -----
30 ----- -----
31 ----- -----
32 1706D 2025F
* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.
Final unit positions & speeds
Unit Hex Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1706D 5
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2025F 7
A0301.2.32.EOT SITREP
Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn
End of turn 2
EAFs for turn 3 due from both players by 12pm ET Friday, March 18th.
If you need an extension, let me know.
Turn : 2
Impulse: 32
Position & speeds at start of turn:
Start Start
Unit Hex Speed
------------------------- ------ -----
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1706D 10
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2025F 16
1 ----- -----
2 ----- 1925F
3 ----- -----
4 1707D 1824F
5 ----- -----
6 ----- 1724F
7 1708D -----
8 ----- 1723A
9 ----- -----
10 1709D 1722A
11 ----- -----
12 ----- 1721A
13 1710D -----
14 ----- 1720A
15 ----- -----
16 1711D 1719A
17 ----- -----
18 ----- 1618A
19 ----- -----
20 1611D 1718B
21 ----- -----
22 ----- 1817B
23 1612D -----
24 ----- 1917B
25 ----- -----
26 1713D 2016B
27 ----- -----
28 ----- 2015A
29 1714D -----
30 ----- 2014A
31 ----- -----
32 1814D 2114A
* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.
Impulse activity this turn
Imp Activity
--- --------------------------------------------------
1 Worb Heavy Destroyer (W) changed speed to 10.
Drex Unity Battle Destroyer (D) changed speed to 16.
10 Drex fires the center HCH and 2xHCL at the Worb.
Note: dice roll results shown are after -1 applied for crew quality according to G21.211
Weapon Roll DAMAGE
HCH 5 0
HCL 1 3
HCL 4 0
WORB: 24,24,24,20,24,24
DREX: 20,20,18,16,18,20
18 Drex announces the adoption of erratic maneuvers.
28 The Worb increases ECCM to 3.
The Worb fires SSR's A,B,C.
Energy=6 each.
29 Drex increases ECM by 2 points. Drex ECM, including EM and oustanding crew modifiers is now 9.
Worb SSRs arrive at target
Worb fires phasers (AP-1) 3, 4, 5, and 6
Range = 3
ECM differential = 6 (9-3) so there is a 2 shift
Weapon Dice Roll Result/damage
SSR-A 5+2 = 7 Hit/15 points
SSR-B 8+2 = 10 Hit/15 points
SSR-C 9+2 = 11 Hit/15 points
Ph #3 4+2 = 6 Hit/03 points
Ph #4 2+2 = 4 Hit/05 points
Ph #5 4+2 = 6 Hit/03 points
Ph #6 4+2 = 6 Hit/03 points
Total damage: 59 points to #6 shield.
Shield strength 20
Reinforcement: 0
Internals: 39
Drex fires HCH-A (explosive), pw-1, pw-3, and pp-1
ECM differential = 4 (for EM) - 1 (outstanding crew) = 3,
offset by 3 ECCM so 0 shift.
Weapon Dice Roll Result/damage
HCH-A 5 Hit/12 points
PW-1 5 Hit/03 points
PW-3 4 Hit/01 points
PP-1 3 Hit/05 points
Total damage: 21 points to #6 shield.
Shield strength 24
Reinforcement: 0
Internals: 0
39 Internals to Drex
Roll System destroyed Roll System destroyed
---- ---------------- ---- ----------------
1 6 F. HULL 21 4 R. WARP
2 2 BRIDGE (CPU) 22 5 R. WARP
3 11 TORP (HCH-A) 23 3 IMPULSE
4 9 L. WARP 24 2 DAM. CON.
5 10 PHASER (PW-3 #5) 25 2 A. HULL
6 7 F. HULL 26 4 R. WARP
7 2 SENSOR 27 10 L. WARP
8 3 DRONE (HCL-D) 28 8 A. HULL
9 10 TRACTOR 29 7 BTTY
10 9 F. HULL 30 10 L. WARP
11 6 F. HULL* 31 12 PROBE*
12 3 PHASER (PP-1 #3) 32 10 L. WARP*
13 10 L. WARP 33 3 IMPULSE
14 6 IMPULSE 34 8 A. HULL
15 12 AUX CON (CPU) 35 12 R. WARP
16 11 PHASER (PW-1 #1) 36 3 IMPULSE*
17 4 PHASER* (PW-2 #2) 37 4 R. WARP*
18 7 BTTY 38 11 TRACTOR*
19 4 TRANS 39 6 LAB
* denotes last hit of that type available
WORB: 24,24,24,20,24,3
DREX: 20,20,18,16,18,0
Final unit positions & speeds
Unit Hex Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1814D 10 ECM/ECCM: 0/3
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2114A 16 ECM/ECCM: 9/3 (includes EM)
Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn
Turn : 3
Impulse: 5
The Drex ship is destroyed by Worb phaser fire.
Congratulations to Steve Parrish on a decisive victory.
Units appearing in this game:
Start Start Turn/Impulse
Unit Hex Speed Launched
------------------------- ------ ------ -----------------
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1701D 0 Turn: 1, Imp: 1
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2530A 0 Turn: 1, Imp: 1 (destroyed 3.5)
d1 - Drex Shuttle #1 2114D 6 Turn: 3, Imp: 2
Position & speeds at start of turn:
Start Start
Unit Hex Speed
------------------------- ------ -----
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1814D 16
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2114A 8
IMP W D d1
1 ----- -----
2 1915C ----- 2114D*
3 ----- ----- -----
4 2015C 2113A -----
5 ----- ----- -----
* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.
Impulse activity this turn
Imp Activity
--- --------------------------------------------------
1 Worb Heavy Destroyer (W) changed speed to 16.
Drex Unity Battle Destroyer (D) changed speed to 8.
2 Worb pivots both turrets to the left.
Drex Unity Battle Destroyer launched shuttle #1 (d1) in 2114 facing D, speed 6.
4 Worb fires SSR D at Drex, range=3, rocket is enroute to the target.
5 Worb SSR arrives at target. Roll=8. Hit for 20 points of damage to Drex #4 shield.
4 Internals to Drex
Roll System destroyed
---- ----------------
1 9 Lab (last one)
2 6 Sensor
3 9 Hcl (E)
4 8 Aft Hull (last one)
1 Internal assessed to Drex for late penalty.
Roll=12, System destroyed=CPU (last one)
Drex ship is now uncontrolled.
Worb fires phasers #3-8 at the Drex.
Range = 3
Roll Dmg
---- ---
3 6
4 5
6 3
2 7
5 4
5 4
Total 29
29 points of damage through the Drex #4 shield.
29 Internals - BOOM!
The Drex ship is destroyed.
Final unit positions & speeds
Unit Hex Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W - Worb Heavy Destroyer 2015C 16
D - Drex Unity Battle De 2113A 8
d1 - Drex Shuttle #1 2114D 6
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