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StarFleet Command

Tony Omega
Operations Officer
USS Leviathan-A
    Real Name
Jesse Turner III
1.73 M
85 Kg


Born on Earth in 2355, Tony Omega had spend most of his early childhood with his parents on a Federation colony near close to the Klingon homeworld. However, during an attack by the Cardassians in 2365, his parents were murdered. Tony however had been at school during the attack and survived the ordeal. He was only ten years old at the time and was now an orphan.

Rescued by the USS Enterprise-D which had responded to the distress signal sent out by the colony, Tony was returned to Earth where he was passed over to his mother's parents.

A very smart student in school, Tony always knew he belonged somewhere other than Earth. But he had to wait until graduating from college before he could pursue his dreams. Completing college was something that his grandparents had always pushed him achieve. Tony graduated in 2373 with a degree in diplomatic and leadership. He always commented that "It was always helpful to know someone in high places".

He immediately joined the Starfleet Academy after graduating and his teachers and instructors at the academy were amazed at how well given his young age, he was performing his duties and how personal he took his studies. Initially wanting to gain a Command position, he later decided that there was a lot he could learn in a Operation position. He knew that if the right events where to present themselves, he could get a chance to show his leadership qualities. And he knew that he could always request a transfer to a Command position at a later time.

With the Dominion war waging, the Federation was very short of both men and equipment. To fill the gap, the academy was asked to 'fast-track' the most promising students and Tony was picked as one of those students. Completing the academy in two and half instead of the usual four years, Tony graduated in early 2376 unfortunately too late to see action, the Dominion war ending six months earlier.

But Starfleet still had a need for good officers which lead to Tony being assigned to the USS Enterprise-E, with the rank of Warrant Officer. Being assigned to the Enterprise allowed him to once more meet many of the crew who had rescue him as a child of ten.

He was assigned to Operation and had a chance to work closely with Commander Data, something that was a great honour to Tony. During one mission, Tony and Data were instrumental in rescuing Captain Picard from a group of renegade So'na, who where seeking the location of the Baku homeworld.

Tony served on the Enterprise-E for just over a year, before being transferred to Starbase 375. Although he had made a lot of friends while serving aboard the Enterprise, he realised that he needed to gain more experience. He was assigned to the Operations deck aboard the Starbase, but also spent three month working with the Engineering Corp. on a Starfleet exchange programme.

Whilst serving aboard the Starbase, he met a young Lieutenant Aki Rozz, a pretty but headstrong Trill. She, like Tony had signed up for the exchange programme and had just spent two months aboard the IKS Kajanpak't, a Klingon 'Bird of Prey' as helm officer. She had just finished her tour aboard the Klingon vessel and was awaiting the arrival of her vessel the USS Destiny.

Tony had always had a fascination with all things Klingon, from his time at the Federation colony as a child and actively sought out the Lieutenant. Although at times, Tony felt that Aki thought he was an annoyance sometimes, she was always fair and was happy to talk to him about her experiences. Even after Aki returned to the Destiny, the two of them stayed in touch throughout both their careers.

He remained aboard Starbase 375 gaining a promotion to Chief Warrant officer in 2380 until in late 2384 when he received new orders from Starfleet Command. He had been reassigned to the USS Leviathan-A, the only Starfleet vessel powered by a Quantum Slipstream drive. The vessel had recently undergone a major refit after suffering heavy damage and was being re-manned This transfer took Tony by surprise, until he read the name of the person who had requested his transfer, Captain Aki Taybar.

Along with the transfer orders was a promotion to Ensign. His orders stated that he should transfer to the Leviathan at Deep Space nine, but the transfer date gave him the chance, if he took all of his accumulated leave to return to Earth to see his grandparents. A week later, he took a transport to DS9 to await his new vessel.


Tony is an easy going man and is very independent and creative. He displaces a lot of diplomatic abilities. He also gets a lot of respect for his Commanding officers who have often commented on his leadership abilities.

If you want something done right, Tony Omega is the man for the job.

He loves life more than anything else, but still misses his mom and dad. And he will do whatever it takes to pay them back.

Special Abilities

Photographic Memory


Service History

2373 - 2376
Starfleet Academy - Fast Track Programme.
Promoted to rank of Warrant Officer.
2376 - 2378
USS Enterprise-E.
2378 - 2384
Starbase 375.
Three months in Engineering as part of Starfleet Exchange Programme.
Promoted to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer.
Promoted to the rank of Ensign.
2384 - Present
Assigned to USS Leviathan-A.