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Starfleet Command

USS Leviathan


Approaching Vulcan

The Hellcat left the quantum slipstream and re-entered normal space.

"Wow." Captain Taybar exclaimed. "Three hours from Earth to Vulcan, that's fast. It would have taken nearly a day normally."

"It's just a shame the Hellcat can't endure much longer periods in the slipstream, but the deflector dish and the integrity fields just can't stand up to the stresses travelling within the slipstream puts on them." Chu replied. "The Leviathan was built to withstand those kinds of stresses, but the Hellcat wasn't. Which means we have to make regular stops to let things 'calm down', we should be ready to make our next 'jump' in about an hour."

"Approaching Vulcan Commander." Shale remarked.

"Open a channel." Chu ordered. "This is Lieutenant Commander Chu Barker of the USS Hellcat."

[Hellcat, this is Starfleet Command, Vulcan.] A mono-toned voice replied. [Your passengers are awaiting your arrival.]

"Thank you Command. We should be entering orbit within the next five minutes. We'll contact you then, Hellcat out."

[Understood Commander. Vulcan out.] The voice replied.

"Mister Shale, take us into orbit." Chu ordered.

Fifteen minutes later, Captain Taybar, Lt. Commander Barker and Lieutenant Katts were all in the small transporter room. Chu was at the console, checking the transporter system. The room was indeed small, in one corner were the twin transporter pads, beside which was the console. The two sidewalls were plain and the door wall was just that, a wall with a door in the middle.

"Hellcat to Starfleet Command, Vulcan. We are ready for you to transport our passengers." Chu remarked.

[Understood. Transport in progress.] The voice on the other end replied.

The familiar sound of a transporter filled the small room and a figure appeared on the transporter pad. Along side him was a single Starfleet issue cargo container. The Vulcan was in a Blue Starfleet uniform and took in the small room before speaking.

"Captain." He remarked, looking towards Aki. "Ensign Talken, Science officer, assigned to the USS Leviathan-A, reporting for duty."

"Welcome aboard Ensign." Aki replied again.

[Starfleet Command, Vulcan to USS Hellcat. We are ready to make the second transport.]

"Understood." Chu responded.

Ensign Talken picked up the cargo container and moved off the transporter pads.

"Ready to transport." Chu announced.

For the second time the air was filled with the sound of the transporter and a second figure appeared on the pad, this one dressed in gold. Beside him was a pile of boxes, bags, 'reels' of thick ropes and pieces of equipment that none of the crew had seen before.

"Great. My 'stuff'." Ensign Homatopoulos replied enthusiastically. "Where can we put it all ?"

Ensign Talken 'coughed' politely as if to alert the Ensign to the presence of the Captain.

"Oh sorry." He apologised, realising that it was his turn to speak. "Martyn Homatopoulos, Ensign, assigned to the USS Leviathan-A as tactical officer."

"Welcome aboard the Hellcat Ensign." Captain Taybar replied. "Please let me introduce Lieutenant Commander Barker, our chief science officer and Lieutenant Katts, our CMO."

"You can stow it in the cargo bay for now." Chu replied. "Then we'd like you both to visit our infirmary and see Doctor Katts. She has a couple of test which we need to perform."

Ensign Homatopoulos was already picking up his luggage as the Commander was speaking. "Lead the way sir."

Ensign Talken waited until Homatopoulos had picked up all his 'stuff' and was heading out of the door before picking up his single cargo container and following.

Barker led the new crewmembers to the cargo area and waited for them to stow their luggage. He then showed them their assigned quarters, before taking them to the infirmary, where Doctor Katts and Captain Taybar were waiting.

"Captain, I'd like to get back to the Bridge and get us underway again." Chu requested. "We've still got another five days until we reach the Leviathan."

"Continue Commander." Aki replied. "I'm sure our passengers will be well cared for."

With that, Lt. Commander Barker headed back to the command deck.

Captain Taybar left the infirmary and decided to return to her quarters and look over the two new arrivals service records. She had a feeling that Ensign Homatopoulos was going to be an especially interesting character. She just hoped that Ensign Oakenshield could keep him in check.