Romulan D'Vas Class BCH
RSN S'T'Latas
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V-33 D'Vas Class Heavy Battlecruiser
During the restructuring of the Romulan fleet during the 2270's it was realized that an interim fleet would be needed to fill in while the new D'Deridex class was being built. Along with ships like the Z-1 Morlasasi Stelam BB and the V-7 Aye Mosaram CA, the V-33 D'Vas BCH was designed to fill the roughly twenty year void before the Type-A Warbirds could be put into full service in the late 2290's.
Although considered to be a great gamble, there was no other alternative but to produce dilithium expensive ships to maintain the security of the Empire. Once the D'Deridex's were deployed the smaller classes of ships, including the V-33, were relegated to support roles, and were eventually phased out by 2319.
"D'Vas" is a Romulan word meaning "Great Bird". "S'T'Latas" is the name of a legendary Romulan commander who served during the Terran/Romulan War, of whom was instrumental in securing a number of victories.
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