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To Steer a Clear Course

A Sulu/Chekov archive for non-explicit slash fanfiction

You have found your way to To Steer A Clear Course a non-explicit slash archive of the pairing Sulu/Chekov from the TV series Star Trek. The stories on this site all have either a G,PG, or PG-13 rating. The stories you'll find here are SLASH meaning they describe or mention relationships of a homosexual nature. If that's suits your fancy, come have a look around. This site is still under construction, so please be patient with me. Enjoy!


Update 11/12/03

Well, the site is still coming along. I lied last time, I wasn't finished coding the story, so I just now got it up. Sorry for the delay. Midterms were crazy and now I am in the final push of the semester. I swear over winter break this site will finally be completed and get a makeover as well. Thank you for being patient. And as always, if you have a story, please send it my way!


This is probably what you're looking for. Here you will find our wonderful stories.


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Some greats links for you to peruse.


Contact me with suggestions or submissions.

Disclaimer: Star Trek and its characters are owned by Paramount. No money is being made off this site.

All graphics on this site are used courtesy of Trek Connection unless otherwise noted.

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