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Why Should You Trust Our Research?

Let's get one thing straight right now--Our results have not been peer reviewed and because of that, would not be considered valid in the scientific community. If you would like to read the peer-reviewed scientific papers about tests done on the steri-pen, you need to go to where you can access the research done to satisfy EPA standards. Our research is meant to be understandable to a lay person with little or no science training, so we have not done a lot of statistical analysis, nor laced our samples with extremely large amounts of bacteria. But you can still trust us, and here's why:

Vin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology. He works full time in a University lab doing microbiology and molecular biology experiments. He is a stickler for sterile technique which means that contamination from outside sources is avoided as much as can be expected.

Gwen has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. She also works full time in a University lab doing microbiology and molecular biology experiments. In her work, sterile technique is absolutely necessary and she has become adept at avoiding contamination of her samples.

Vin and Gwen will be doing each step of this experiment together. Everything that is done will be seen by both of us and documented with a digital camera. ALL of our results will be posted here, even if they end up being contradictory or inconclusive. This will allow you to draw your own conclusions about the Steri-Pen's effectiveness.