Zane Grey Tribute Site
Grey Gallery A
Our Zane Grey Tribute

King of the Royal Mounted 1 David McKay
Publishing - Feature Book
King of the Royal Mounted 9
Dell Large feature book-1936
Zane Grey's King of the RM 207 - 1940
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 265
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 283 - 1942
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 310 - 1945
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 340 - 1945
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 363 - 1945
/ 46
Zane Grey's King of the RM - 384 -
1945 / 46
King of the Royal Mounted in Castle in the
Forest - 8 - Aug-52
KORM in the Deadly Canyon - 9 - Sep / Nov
KORM Meets Terror in the Wild - 10 - Dec
/ Feb 52 - 53
KORM Beard the Red Lion - 11 - Mar / May
KORM in Trader of Face Mountain - 12 - Jun
/ Aug 53
KORM in Menace of the Mountains - 13 - Sep
/ Nov 53
KORM in the Stolen Secrets - 14 - Dec ./
Feb 53 - 54
KORM in Valley of Fear - 15 - Mar / May
KORM in Trails - 16- Jun / Aug 54
KORM in Caribou Gold - 17 - Sep / Nov 54
KORM in Grumbling Mtn - 18 - Dec / Feb 55
KORM and the Stolen Weapon - 19 -Apr / Jun
KORM in King Brings War Med.- 20 - Mar /
May 56
KORM in Menace of 1/2 Moon - 21 - Jun /
Aug 56
KORM in Survival - 22 - Sep / Nov 56
KORM Faces Bullets at Bad River - 23 - Dec
/ Feb 56 -57
KORM & Wilderness Stallion - 24 - Apr
/ May 57
KORM in the Dead Ringer - 25 - June / Aug
KORM in Adrift - 26 - Sep / Nov 57
KORM in Fugitive in Fur - 27 - Dec / Feb
57 - 58
KORM in the Trail of the Cougar - 28 - Mar
/ May 58
KORM in Trouble at Avalanche - 935 - Sept/Nov
Spirit of the Border - 197 - 1948
West of the Pecos - 222 - 1948
Sunset Pass - 230 - 1949
Heritage of the Desert - 236 - 1949
Thunder Mountain - 249 - 1949
The Ranger - 255 - 1949
Drift Fence - 270 - 1950
The Mysterious Rider - 301 - 1950
Ambush (Western Union) - 314 - 1950
Wilderness Trek - 333 -1951
Hide-out (Wanderer of Wasteland) - 346 -
Comeback (Shepherd of Gaudaloupe.) - 357
- 1951
Riders of the Purple Sage - 372 - 1952
Forlorn River - 395 - 1952
Nevada - 412 - 1952
Wildfire - 433 - 1953
Tappan's Burro - 449 - 1953
Desert Gold - 467 - 1953
River Feud (Rogue) - 484 - 1953
Outlaw Trail (Border Legion) - 511 - 1953
The Rustlers (Raiders of Spanish Peaks)
- 532 - 1954
Range War (Hash Knife Outfit) - 555 - 1954
The Lost Wagon Train - 583 - 1954
Shadow on the Trail - 604 - 1955
To the Last Man - 616 - 1955
Fighting Caravans - 632 - 1955
The Open Range (Roundup) - 27 - 1955
The Gun Fighter - 28 - 1955
Robber's Roost - 29 - 1956
The Dude Rancher - 30 - 1956
The Thundering Herd - 31 - 1956
The Trail Driver - 32 - 1957
Wilderness Ranch (Man of the Forest) - 33
- 1957
30000 on the Hoof - 34 - 1957
Twin Sombreros - 35 - 1957
The Rainbow Trail - 36 - 1957
Knights of the Range - 37 - 1958
Wild Horse Mesa - 38 - 1958
The Return of Nevada - 39 - 1958
Nevada - 1013-411 - Gold Key (1959)
Nevada - 996 - 1959
The Westerner (Arizona Ames) - 16 - Super
Comics (1964)
Zane Grey's Cowboys of the West - Whitman -
Ice Cream Give Away
King of the Royal Mounted - Based on the Famous
Adventure Strip - Whitman - No. 1103
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted and the
Great Jewel Mystery
Based on the Famous Adventure Strip - Whitman
- No. 1486
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted and the
Northern Treasure
Based on the Famous Adventure Strip - Whitman
- No. 1779
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted Gets His
Based on the Famous Adventure Strip - Whitman
- No. 1452
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted Policing
the Frozen North -
A Fast-Action Story - Dell - 1938
Zane Grey's Tex Thorne Comes Out of the West
Based on the Famous Adventure Strip - Whitman
- No. 1440
King of the Royal Mounted - The Long Arm of
the Law
All Pictures Comics - Whitman - No.
Zane Grey's King of the Royal Mounted
in Arctic Law -
Whitman - No. 1010 - 1937
Dust Jackets of Hard Covers

Our Zane Grey Tribute
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