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The Charmed Art Gallery

Come on in! We are glad to have you!

Safe Searching
Included in the Safe Searching Index

Charmed Quote-

Jan-What do you look for in a women?
Dan- What do I look for? I don't know, I'm old
fashioned I guess. I look for the girl next door.
Someone with a good heart, good personality, and looks
to match. The kind of girl that when I leave for work
in the morning I wait, just a little but, 'til she
leaves for work, too. Just to catch a glimpse of
that long dark hair and great smile. Hoping that
she'll one day notice that I'm watching and smile back
at me.

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Proud Member of the Charmed Webmaster's Guild

This is just a fan page, made
in dedication to a wonderful show and it's talented
actresses. I in no way am affiliated with the show or
it's owners or producers. The pictures that have been
used are copyrighted by Spelling Entertainment and the