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Vegeta-2/19/01-Bid For power

Today i will work on changing the format of the web site if you can tell the backround on most pages it still black and it still has the old banner. Next im going to get a pole up about withc you rather have the banner at the top of the page or a pop up one.

Then I will start on a DBZ game section and that will be at The frist section will be all i know about the Quake III mod Bid for power. Ill try to have a bigger update next time. Alwas Reacabul at E-mail= and SN=Aggrorules.

Vegeta-2/18/01-Return of A King

I'm back to rebild my empire starting off with a new domain name and my new layout.


Hey...Wecome Back Vegeta...Heard your website Crashed..too bad..well...Here's the lastest on the Updates.....we go a new layout and stuff..Im going to try to add some Full Epi's and Music Videos and Pics etc,etc, get the point...well..uh..Just e-mail one of us if there are any more questions like I got the other day....I dont know Vegeta's e-mail but here's Yes..JoHn-JoHn..Is my Nickname... SSJ4Goku-2/18/01-JoHnJoHn back...well i have not much to say..but..yea...well..if anyone cares here's a link to my Picture..My PiC ....Bye..Yes im Ugly..but Vegeta has a Pic AlSo?!?!