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The Young Riders Fan Page

Welcome to The Young Riders Fan Page, which is dedicated solely to the television series "The Young Riders" and its fans. If anyone has any suggestions, please leave a message on the messageboard or email the webmistress.

The Young Riders Fan Page is going to be reopened!
Hi everybody. My name is Katie and I'm going to be the new webmistress for this site. I want to thank Lauren for allowing me to take over where she left off and to let all of you know that I would love to hear any ideas you have regarding anything to do with the site. I'm studying in Ireland until the beginning of June, so I'm not going to be able to do much until then, but I would still love to hear from you. Just email me by clicking here.

Remembering Christopher Pettiet

Visit the memorial site for Christopher Pettiet at Riders Coming.


Fan Fiction

Just for Fun

Picture courtesy of Beth.

The Young Riders can be seen on
Odyssey Channel

riders have visited this site since March 19, 2000

The Young Riders The Young Riders Web
The Young Riders Web Ring is moderated by wCw.
This TYR Web site is owned by Katie
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Disclaimer: The Young Riders was created by Ed Spielman and belongs to Ogiens/Kane Productions. This is an unofficial, fan-based website. No profits are being made from this site, and no copyright infringement is intended.

This site is always
Under construction

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