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SmackDown was geat! First Mick came out and announced the match for SummerSlam, Rock, HHH, and Kurt in a triple threat for the title. He then announced that tonight there would be a tag team match between HHH & Kurt vs Rock & Undertaker.

Later on the Rock cut a great and hilarious promo. He called Kevn Kelly a Hermaphodite and said that he and the Undertaker would kick both HHH and Kurt's asses.

The Match: The Rock pulled HHH into the ring while Undertaker did the same to Kurt. The Rock punched HHH four times then knocked him out of the ring under the third rope. Undertaker gave Kurt a big right hand then hit his head into the turnbuckle. Then he threw him into the other turnbuckle and ran into him with a right hand. Then UT threw Kurt into the ropes and gave him a boot to the face. Undertaker then gave him an elbow of the ropes and a cover for a two count. UT threw Kurt into the ropes again and gave him a clothesline followed by a side walk slam. Then he pinned for another two when Triple H came in and saved Kurt. Kurt then got a rink to the eyes to UT, three big punches and tagged in HHH. UT caught HHH and threw him into the turnbuckle and UT tagged in the Rock! They both beat up HHH with NINE right hands and then turned around just to do the same to Kurt. Then HHH gave Rock a right hand and threw him into the ropes, Rock then reversed it and gave HHH aa arm-drag take down. Then the Rock delivered the DDT and the cover to two. Rock then threw triple H into the ropes when HHH reversed it and got the facebuster on the Rock. Then Triple H got a right hand on the rock and tagged in Kurt. Rock was pretending to be hurt but sprang up and got a clothesline on Kurt. Rock ran over and hit HHH but when he turned around Kurt got a suplex on the Rock. Then Kurt gave the Rock four kicks to the stomach and hit his head on the turnbuckle. Then as he was giving the Rock more punches to the gut Stephanie came down to the ring, and Kurt tagged in HHH. HHH then hit Rocks head into a diffrent turnbuckle and was choking the Rock with his boot. HHH went for a punch but the Rock blocked it and the Rock gave him four right hands and threw HHH into the ropes. HHH reversed it and Rock went into the ropes when Stephanie grabbed his foot, and Rock turned around and grabbed her by the hair when HHH made the save. Rock then gave HHH some punches and they threw each other into the ropes twice. And as they were meeting each other HHH came up with a high knee to the face. HHH got the cover for two and tagged in Kurt. Kurt came in and gave the Rock five kicks and a massive suplex. Then Kurt got the pin to two but Rock kicked out, so Kurt choked the Rock right infont of the ref. The Rock and Kurt then exchaned many blows and Rock got Kurt into the RockBottom but he countered and Kurt got Rock into a belly to belly suplex. Kurt tagged in HHH and HHH got a few kicks but the Rock countered and hit HHH and Kurt with ght hands. As he was punching HHH he countered and HHH got the neckbraker on the Rock. HHH then threw Rock into the ropes who came back with a swinging neckbraker and a pin to two as Kurt came in with the intention to hit Rock but instead hit HHH. HH got up and was mad so, he pushed Kurt and left the ing down the ramp. UT then hit urt with two blows and threw him into the ropes and caught him with a monsterous right hand! He threw him into the ropes again and gave him a big back body drop and hit him over the top rope. Stephanie came back down to the ring to be greeted by the Rock as UT gave Kurt The Last Ride and the pin to three! WINNERS: Undertaker and The Rock. Then Stephanie cam back into the ring to help Kut but was grabbed by the UT and threw her to the Rock. Then she almost got the RockBottom but HHH came back to save her. But then HHH got the hoke Slam and the Peoples Elbow as Steph stood on the ramp whining!

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