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First, Kurt Angle comes out to ring and asks 'Why Me' to Triple H. He said he and Steph were just friends, and this was weird, when he said friends, he made quotation marks with his fingers. What's up with that? Kurt then said that Angle knows why Hunter's acting this way around Kurt. Kurt said Triple H was Jealous. Angle said that in the 9 months he's been with the federation, that he has accomplished way more and better things than Triple H has in his whole career. He was still insulting Triple H and calling him a loser which prompts Triple H to come out followed by Shane who tried break up what would have been a fight right there and talked some sense into them saying that they need to join forces against the Rock. Then Commissioner Mick Foley came out and said that Shane was right and they need to join forces. Therefore, Triple H and Kurt will team up against the Rock and the Dudley Boys in a 5 Man tag team match that night, 3 on 2. Shane says that this is unfair. Foley tells him that he wasn't finished and that he needs someone on Kurt & Hunter's team, someone who can keep them together, Shane of course. The commissioner also noted that if they didn't fight or walked out on the match, they would lose their number one contendership.

Before the match, Kurt Angle thanked Steph for SmackDown and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which made Hunter furious, which made Steph cry, which made VINCE return! He didn't do much but we might see him again on SmackDown, maybe he will announce a SummerSlam Stipulation or something.

Triple H, Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon took on The Rock and The Dudleys. The Rock comes out to a huge ovation. Rock and the Dudleys worked on Shane and then on Kurt. D-Von gets thrown to the outside and gets attacked by Kurt. He is thrown in the ring and gets worked on by Triple H. HHH tagged Shane. D-Von managed to clothesline Shane and tag the Rock in who cleaned house on all three. He went for a pin on Angle, but Triple H broke it up. Buh Buh slammed Triple H and accidentally knocked the ref down. D-Von ran to the top and Buh Buh held Triple H down as he got hit in the crotch. They went to the outside to setup a table. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Rock was working on Kurt and Shane tried to attack him. Rock threw Shane outside. The Dudleys grabbed him. Buh Buh was about to powerbomb him when Edge and Christian came in and hit both men with chairs. Rock came out and attacked both wrestlers. He thre Shane in and was about to Rock Bottom Shane when Triple H broke it up. Angle Olympic slammed Rock, and that was followed by a Pedigree. Shane raises both men's hands. RAW ended, but with no winner...

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