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It's a bright and sunny day on a tropical island near Key West, Florida. MTV News Reporter, Kurt Loder, is here on this island with a camera crew looking for Tupac Shakur. There was a call that people spotted the hip hop artist on this secluded island, and the MTV News Reporter jumped at the chance of a live search for Tupac. Right now Kurt Loder is just getting out of the helicopter and is waiting for his camera crew to get out of the helicopter as well. As soon as do this they can start the live search that will broadcasted on MTV. After about 5-10 more minutes The crew is ready and Kurt Loder notifies MTV of this. After 5 more minutes the search begins and it is aired on MTV. Kurt Loder starts walking into the tropical forest as he talks to the camera.

Kurt Loder: Ladies and gentlemen I am on a secluded island off the coast of Key West, Florida. Of course if you're watching then you know that I am in search of Tupac Shakur. A lot of rumors have been going around that the rap superstar faked his death in '95, and is living on a tropical island. Well, I am on a tropical island that, we were told here at MTV, Tupac Shakur was spotted living on. Now I wouldn't be out here just because of a call. The source also gave us evidence such as photos of a man that looked like he could be Shakur. Hopefully we will find Shakur, and he will give us a few words on why he decided to fake his death. Wait look at that. We're definitely going to have to check that out.

Kurt Loder and the camera crew walk over to the hut that Loder spotted. Smoke can be seen coming from the chimney of the hut. Kurt Loder starts to jog as they get closer to the hut. Finally Loder reaches the door and starts talking before entering it.

Kurt Loder: This house is definitely inhabited by somebody, because there's smoke coming from the chimney. Hopefully it's Shakur, let's check it out

Kurt Loder knocks on the door. After there isn't response for a couple of seconds, Loder knocks again. This time the door opens and a man answeers the knocks.

Man: Yes?

Kurt Loder: Hello sir I am Kurt Loder from MTV News. I am looking for the rap superstar Tupac Shakur, and...

Man: I'm not sure but isn't Tupac dead?

Kurt Loder: We 9don't know sir. That's why we're here. We're trying to find out if Mr. Shakur is dead or alive. He doesn't happen to be in there with you does he?

Man: No sir

Kurt Loder: You don't happen to know where he is do you?

Man: No sir

Kurt Loder: Would you happen to know where he is if I gave you a pretty fair amount of money?

Man: matters how fair of an amount of money

Kurt Loder hands the man One thousand dollars.

Kurt Loder: Is that fair enough?

Man: I reckon it is. Now what did you need again?

Kurt Loder: I need to know where Tupac Shakur is at right now

Man: Yes sir. I know where he lives. Mr. Shakur lives up that hill over yonder in that big mansion. You can't miss it.

Kurt Loder: Mansion? That sounds like big news. Thank you very much sir.

Man: You're welcome nice doing buisness with you. But can you do me a favor and don't tell Tupac, that I told you where he lives?

Kurt Loder: Sure

Kurt Loder and the crew march away from the hut and towards the mansion that the man spoke of. The walk up the hill seems long because the sight of this "mansion" is eagerly awaited. Finally they reach the top of the hill and Kurt Loder and the crew just stop. When they reach the top of the hill they can see the mansion that the man was talking about this sight is amazing. Kurt Loder and the camera crew start walking towards the entrance of this mansion. As he is doing this, Kurt Loder talks.

Kurt Loder: Wow, what an amazing thing we are witnessing here ladies and gentlemen. This is what we were told the mansion of Tupac Shakur. We at MTV could have very well made the discovery of the answer to that question everybody's been asking. Is Tupac Shakur dead or alive?

Kurt Loder and the camera crew arrive at the entrance of the mansion. Music can be heard playing in the back yard. Kurt Loder and the camera crew decide to make a trip to the backyard instead of knocking on the front foor. They take the long walk around the big mansion and get there after about 5 minutes. When they get there they make a big discovery. Dancing to the music with a couple of women is Tupac Shakur himself. When Tupac sees the camera crew his smile gets even bigger and turns into a laugh. Kurt Loder's excited face turns into a confused one when he sees this. Loder figured that Tupac would get mad and kick him out but Tupac seems happy that the crew showed up. Kurt Loder walks up to Tupac, who shakes hands with him, and asks him some questions on live tv.

Kurt Loder: Ummm...I don't know what to say. To be honest with you I didn't think that we would really find you.

Tupac Shakur:How about you start with how are you doing Mr. Shakur?

Kurt Loder: Oh where are my manners. How are you doing Mr. Shakur?

Tupac Shakur:Good

Kurt Loder: Alright now can I ask you some questions?

Tupac Shakur:Of course go ahead ask me

Kurt Loder:Tahnk you very much. Fist of all why are you so happy to see us? I thought you would be mad and kick us out. Instead you didn't look surprised at all and greeted us with pleasure

Tupac Shakur:I planned the whole thing out. I'm the annonymous caller that gave you information about my whereabouts. I had one of my girls take the semi blurry picture of me, and I told my man Dexter to help y'all with the directions if you couldn't find me.

Kurt Loder: Are you talking about the man that lives in the hut?

Tupac Shakur:Yea

Kurt Loder: He took one thousand dollars from us to tell where you lived. Anyways at least we found you. Why did you want us to find you?

Tupac Shakur:I thought that this could be the best way for me to announce my return to the entertainment industry.

Kurt Loder: Oh so you couldn't stay away from your true love. The gangsta rap industry

Tupac Shakur:No. I'm not going back to music. I'm going to be in sports entertainment

Kurt Loder: Wrestling?

Tupac Shakur:Yea. I'm joining SWO. That prez there offered me good money so I decided to join. I'm probably gonna make my debut at the pay-per-view

Kurt Loder: That will definitely be a pay-per-view worth paying for. Tupac's first wrestling match that will definitely be big. Well I guess you used MTV so you could make some comments on this wrestling thing, but we don't care because this should be getting us big ratings. Do you have any comments about the SWO or anybody there?

Tupac Shakur:Of course I do. I want everybody in the SWO to know that I'm taking this wrestling thing very seriously. Don't take me lightly. I will try 100%, and when Tupac Shakur tries 100% nobody can stop him. I plan on taking over the organization known as SWO, and do it quickly. This plan will begin on Sunday at J-Day. Blindside is the un-lucky man to be the first victim of my rage, and the first victim of the greatest finisher that wrestling's ever seen, the Chalk Outline. Blindside I am on a mission to get to the top. I plan on achieving gold on my way to the top. As a matter of fact to be on top I must have gold. So on my, well let's call it my road to gold, on my Road to Gold I will beat every man that stands in my way. It doesn't matter who wants to try and stop me, I will defeat them. Blindside you will be the first person to try and stop me, but you know what Blindside? Bot me and you know that you can't stop me. How can you stop the unstoppable? While you try and figure out what that means I will continue this interview. Blindside you are just a speed bump on my Road to Gold, and Tupac likes to go over speed bumps at full speed. I plan on going over you at full speed Blindside so watch out because at J-Day in Stone Mountain, Georgia you will suffer from a Chalk Outline. Now onto another issue. There aren't too mny people that Tupac respects in this world let alone the SWO, but DMX you are one of them. DMX I think you're very good at what you do. You are a great wrestler and your record shows this. DMX if you ever need any help or ever need a teamate then you know who to call. Tupac would be more than happy to help you out, because I have a lot of respect for you. Maybe one day we could main event a pay-per-view here and test our skills against each other. I would love to do that because I love a challenge. Good-bye and maybe later we will have another moment with the great Tupac Shakur. But as for now Kurt, you and your crew needs to leave becasue my ladies are getting impatient.

Kurt Loder and the camera crew leave as the camera fades to black