Megan's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Web Site

Angel's Sunnydale Residents Book
-the character guide section
-this section includes who played who in seasons 1 and 2
-every character should be listed soon...hopefully

Buffy's Hangouts
-the link section
-you can add your site URL
-you can any site URL(within reason)
-you can add as many links as you want

Cordelia's Popular List
-the poll section
-this section includes different polls
-vote for your fave Buffy Character
-vote for your fave Slayer
-vote for your fave Witch
-vote for your fave Vampire
-vote for your fave Angel Character
-vote for how much, or little you miss Doyle

Giles's Books
-the book summary section
-this section includes summaries of the Buffy novels
-it also has the author(s) of who wrote the book listed

Oz's Calendar
-the episode guide(complete)
-this section includes all the episodes from Buffy listed in the order that they aired in a season

Willow's Spell Book
-the spell and chant section
-this section includes spells said by different people in the 1st and 2nd season
-if there are any spells/chants that you want in here just e-mail them to me, and include who said it and the episode
-I'll try to have more in soon

Xander's Grades
-the quiz awards section
-this section includes the awards that I won from different Buffy quizes
-you can take any award(quiz) you want
-you can put the same award on your site
-you can do anything with this section

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Quotes
-this section includes single quotes and scene quotes
-the quote section
-this section needs major work, and will hopefully be all the way done by the end of the summer

Bronze Events
-the promo section
-this section includes episode promos for the 3rd and 4th season
-I only have 1 promo for the 2nd season...i need all the other promos for the 1st and 2nd seasons
-if anyone knows where I can download them from please let me know so I can add them in...thanx
-I'll try to have more promos in soon

Dingoes Ate My Baby Music Live
-this section includes songs from Buffy that you can download into your computer
-you'll be able to hear songs from every season
-I'll put in a few songs to start out with, and will gradually add more
-feel free to e-mail me with any song from Buffy that you want in here...if you do, I'll need the song title, and the band/singer
Dingoes Ate My Baby Music Lyrics Season1
-this section includes songs from all different Buffy episodes from Season1
Dingoes Ate My Baby Music Lyrics Season2
-this section includes songs from all different Buffy episodes from Season2
Dingoes Ate My Baby Music Lyrics Season3
-this section includes songs from all different Buffy episodes from Season3
Dingoes Ate My Baby Music Lyrics Season4
-this section includes songs from all different Buffy episodes from Season4

What's My Line Again?/When Was This?
-in this section you have to guess who said the given quote and who said it
-the quiz section
-this section will hopefully be done by the end of the summer

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~*~Where Would We Be Without Buffy?~*~
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Disclaimer: This site is in no way offical. I do not have any contact with the cast of BtVS, I don't own any part of it, etc.
This is just for a non-profit purpose: to entertain and inform fellow fans.
So, in short: PLEASE DON'T SUE ME! ^_^
This site was last updated on: 7/28/00
