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Author: Melinda Halliwell Wyatt
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Valentine's Day
Teaser (short summary of fic): A short Valentine's Day story about loving and losing
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Was a little bored, so I decided to write a story in honour of Valentine's Day! I didn't specifically choose two lovers so that YOU could choose. You know, Piper and Leo, Phoebe and Cole, Prue and Andy, Patty and Sam, whatever.

Disclaimer: You know the drill

My eyes filled with tears as I saw his grave. The memory of meeting flashed through my mind again.

It was Valentine's Day when we met. The same day he died. But I knew that we loved each other in that split second. I knew that he loved me and I loved him. It was love at first sight.

But then everything was ruined. He died. For me. Why did this have to happen to me? Everything bad always does.

I read the epitaph on his grave again, and a lone tear slid down my cheek.

<i>He was loving person
He was kind to his family
He was kind to his friends
What has happened will never change,
But he will be remembered for all the thing he has done</i>

I dropped the flowers onto his grave and ran away, I couldn't stand it anymore. I loved him. I loved him more than anything in the world.

But that was taken away from me.

Valentine's Day was a day for love for people all over the world, but it was a time of grief for me.

And I can't change that.