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Sorry guys. For now, Hay's Charmed Fan Fiction Site is closed.
But not for long!
Sadly, Hay is retiring the management of the site. It was a great 2 years.
One of the best 2 years in Charmed Fan Fiction assemblage history!!

But like many good things, they come to an end. 
But like some many other good things, someone leaps at the opportunity to
take over such a well founded establishment!

That someone, is me!

So while I settle in (which includes the rather strenuous job of moving to a server with more space)
the site will not be updated for a while. You can still get in. Read to your hearts content. But otherwise, no surprises.

I'll try and do all this really soon so you can start submitting again.
Well, I'll see you all soon!

Chowder dudeys!