Early Emily Edits #1-5, Early Emily Edit #6, Emily's Blackmailed, Dead Ted Edits, Emily & Zander #1, Emily & Zander #2, Emily & Zander #3 and Interviews

Early Emily Edits #1-4
I have Emily's 2 1/2 years of of storyline edited from January, 1995 - June, 1997 edited. The first two edits cover her first 10 months of storyline. I continued Emily's storyline on the Emily #3 and #4 and added all of her scenes as this was when they went on the run together and this covers the next couple of months. Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Emily Edit #6 November 20, 1996 - June 20, 1997: 8 hour original edit
This edit covers the entire drug storyline. It picks up from where Emily #5 ended and goes through her entire period of drug use. Every Emily scene is included. It also contains her heroin use, trying to fly off the roof, her recovery in the hospital and Dr. Dorman's murder. It also contains the Thanksgiving dream episode and Em's performances at the Nurse's Ball.
Note: my original episodes from the end of April through June have a slight buzzing sound in the background otherwise good video and sound. This occurs from around 4 1/2 hrs to 7 hours into this edit. I did have a set of back up episode tapes to edit from and while sound was better, sometimes video quality wasn't as strong. I wound up alternating between the two sets of original episode tapes. It took an enormous amount of time not only to do the editing on these tape but to juggle back and forth between the two sets of tapes to find the best quality for each episode. For the most part the quality should be similar to the earlier Em dvds, and many scenes will be better quality. This edit is highly watchable, and a great compilation of Em's scenes during one of her most popular storylines. Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily's Blackmailed  June 9 - November 10, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains every Emily scene during this time frame. I began with the Nurse's Ball as Nik & Em have a confrontation with Liz & Lucky and that sets up the conflict that is later resolved when they work together during the blackmail storyline and shows how far the Nik & Lucky relationship has come, and how much animosity the two have to get over in order to work together. I included all of the Nik and Emily scenes at the Nurse's Ball, including Emily's performances, and the LIz & Lucky number. I then included all of Emily's scenes over the summer as she is offered a modeling job, does a test shoot, and begins working as a model.

Over the summer months, Nik's storyline is mostly involved with Stefan/Laura and is on the Spencer vs. Cassidine #10 so I didn't duplicate that storyline on this edit though I did include all of his scenes with Emily are included but not his separate storyline with the Cassidines. Around mid September or so, I began including all of his scenes as he began entering Emily's storyline more and more and this continues through the end of the edit. Click here to read the full edit description.

Dead Ted Edit  Summer, 2000
The description below is for a combination of the Liz and Lucky edits #8 and #9. There is a LOT of Emily in this storyline and the first Zander's scenes are included during the Dead Ted Storyline. The Liz and Lucky #8 from the time of the first rave which is begins about 7 hours 4 mins into the Liz & Lucky #8. So I combined the last :55 minutes of the Liz & Lucky #8 and adding the next 7 hours from the Liz & Lucky #9. This edit includes the aftermath of the first rave, the confrontation with Juan, her leaving with Ted, waking up in the hotel room, later that night alone wondering if she had been raped. I can offer on this edit from the first rave up to the point where the Zem #1 starts with this storyline. with the rave practice. Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #1 September 1, 2000 - January 4, 2001: 8 hr original edit
Note: There is also have a lot of Emily on the last 4 hours of the Liz and Lucky #3 as she was heavily involved with them in her first blackmail storyline. Again, most of her scenes were with either LIz or Lucky during that time frame and so are included, from when she asks Nik for money and tells him about the blackmail till they tell Liz and Lucky and begin the search for the blackmailer. Of course there is a lot of Liz and Lucky on the first 4 hours of the edit that doesn't involve Emily but that storyline begins around 4 hrs into it. I do include all of Em's scenes with Nik when she models, they go undercover, the whole storyline through the conclusion. Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #2 January 5 - April 30, 2001: 8 hr original edit
Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #3 May 1 - December 3 , 2001: 8 hr original edit
There is a lot covered on this edit! Zander has run away, Emily finds Zander at the Canadian bridge and tells him how Edward set them up. Zander returns to PC, Zem reunite. This tape also contains the Prom, Zem making love for the first time, the bus accident, Emily being paralyzed, Sorel trying to kill them, Em’s departure to rehab, Zander is shot while trying to rescue Carly & Alexis as they are held captive by Sorel, Sonny’s bomb, Sorel’s death and murder investigation.  Click here to read the full edit description.

This is the list of all the events that Amber has appeared at. Note: The GH Luncheons from 1996-1999 are copies and will not be as good in quality as my later original edits. My original edits begin in 2000. I do not have Amber at SSW.

Amber Event Appearences

  • 1996 GH Luncheon- 1:55 - Copy - Ingo, Maurice Benard,  John Ingle, Mary Beth Evans, Jon Lindstrom, Rena Sofer,  Ron Hale, Stuart Damon, Wendy Riche, Susan Brown, George Alvarez, Matthew Ashford, Norma Connolly, Amber. Leslie Charleson, Brad Maule, Anna Lee, John J. York, Stephen Nichols, Sarah Brown, Wally Kurth, Sean Kanaan (?), Wendy Riche, Rachel Ames, "Reggie". Q&A hosted by Brad & Sarah.
  • 1997 GH Luncheon- 1:52 - Copy - Jonathan Jackson, Rebecca Herbst, Ingo, Maurice Benard,  John Ingle, Mary Beth Evans, Jon Lindstrom,  Ron Hale, Stuart Damon, Wendy Riche, Susan Brown, George Alvarez,  Amber, Leslie Charleson, Vanessa Marcil, Tyler, Brad Maule, Anna Lee, John J. York, Stephen Nichols, Sarah Brown, Senait,  Jackie Zeman,  Billy Warlock, Lisa Cerasoli, Nancy Lee Grahn, Wally Kurth, Kin Shriner, John Carlos "Tinman", Jennifer Skye "Sarah Webber", Peter Hanson, Carly "Serena", Nolan North, Julie Pinson, Debbie Morgan.  Also   other PC people:  Julie, Frank, original Joe, Karen. Q&A hosted by Billy Warlock.
  • 1998 GH Luncheon- 1 hr 32 mins - Copy - Jonathan Jackson, Rebecca Herbst, Ingo,  John Ingle, Mary Beth Evans,   Ron Hale, Stuart Damon, Wendy Riche, Susan Brown, George Alvarez,  Amber, Leslie Charleson, Vanessa Marcil, Tyler, Brad Maule,  John J. York,  Billy Warlock, Lisa Cerasoli, Nancy Lee Grahn, Julian Stone, Real Andrews. Q&A hosted by JJY.  No awards given out.
  • 1999 GH Luncheon - 1 hr 43 mins - Note reduced sound on this tape - Brad Maule hosts - Copy
    Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Ann Jeffries, Real Andrews, Lisa Cerasoli, Amber Tamblyn, Billy Warlock, Vanita Harbor, John Lindstrom, Colton Shore, Michael Saucedo, Stephen Nichols, Tava Smiley, Wendy Riche, Steve Burton, Julian Stone, Mary Beth Evans, Rebecca Herbst, Shell Kepler, Ron Hale, Wally Kurth, Nancy Lee Grahn, Leslie Charleson, Patricia Healy, Jackie Zeman, Lisa Vultaggio, Maurice Benard, Sarah Brown, and "Garcia", "Maxie", "Reggie", "Helena". No awards given out.
  • GH event tape 2000 - about 5 hrs 40 mins - Original  - Quartermaine Brunch Q&A - 20 mins, only the Q&A (raffle not included) - attended by John Ingle, Leslie Charleson, Jeffry Byron, Anna Lee, Tava Smiley, Michael Saucedo, Amber Tamblyn, Billy Warlock, Stephen Kay (this video taken from the table directly next to the actors so good vantage point).
    GH luncheon - 1 hr 10 mins - (this shot from the first row of tables).  John Ingle introduces the following cast members: Anna Lee, Leslie Charleson, Rachel Ames, Real Andrews, Maurice Benard, Denise Alexander, Scott Connell (Agent Larkin), Scott Egen (Johnny), Vanita Harbor, Becky Herbst, Shell Kepler, Wally Kurth, Jon Lindstrom, Stephen Nichols, Marisa Ramirez (Gia), Robyn Richards, Michael Saucedo, Coltin Scott, Tava Smiley, Amber Tambyn, Constance Towers, Lisa Vultaggio, Kristina Wagner, Billy Warlock, Landon Wine (Andreas), John J. York, Jacob Young, Jackie Zeman, Wendy Riche, Ingo Rademacher.  Maurice's Event, Wally's concert - 1 hr 20 mins, Stephen's event - 55 minutes  - Coltin stops by.  Nancy Lee's event - guest Constance Towers - 1 hr
  • Tape #1 - GH Luncheon Tape 2001 - 2 hrs 17 mins - Original - SP Press Room Coverage
    This is the first Official GH Luncheon edit that I've done with the press room interviews.
    Interviews with Loren Freeman, Leslie Charleson, Real Andrews, Angel Boris, Landon Wine, Jacob Young, Amber & Chad were asked about when Zander fell in love with Emily (they debated this for a moment), shots of Chad interviewing on behalf of soapcenter, interview with soapcenter interviewer, John Ingle getting everyone's attention and getting them all to line up to get ready to go into the ballroom, all the actor's entrances into the ballroom, the Q&A.  Constance & Landon present Debbie Morris and Debby O'Connor with a "Heart Award" as a thank you for all their efforts for the GH and PC Fan Clubs (55 minutes to this point). Each of the following actors received one question during Q&A -Denise Alexander, Real Andrews, Maurice Benard, Angel Boris, Chad Brannon, Tamara Braun, Jensen Buchanan, Breck Burns (Georgie), Leslie Charleson, Stuart Damon, Scott Egan, (Kimberly McCullough arrives), Loren Freeman, Nancy Lee Grahn, Ron Hale, Vanita Harbor, John Ingle, Anna Lee, Shell Kepler, Kimberly McCullough, Robert Kelker Kelly, Wally Kurth, Brad Maule, A. Martinez, Logan (Lucas), Marisa Ramirez, Coltin Scott, Tava Smiley,  Amber Tamblyn, Constance Towers, Landon Wine, Billy Warlock, John J. York, Jacob Young. (1 hr 50 mins to the end of the Q&A). Actors not in attendance - Ingo, Jackie Zeman, Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Kristina, Stephen Nichols, Stephen Kay. I went around interviewing the actors, videotaping the actors meeting with the fans, and added some fan interviews. Actors interviewed are:  Kimberly McCullough, Rebecca Herbst, (camerawoman from soapnet - Kary), John J. York, Robert Kelker Kelly, Scott Egan, Billy Warlock, Jensen Buchanan, Brad Maule, Coltin Scott, Logan, Denise Alexander, A. Martinez. At the end of this I added the 3 minute Soap Center clip of Chad interviewing filming the event as their correspondent. Note: I interviewed Tamara, Lisa V.,  Marisa, Tava, and Erin Hershey at the Ladies of PC event. At the Q event, I interviewed Stuart Damon, Amber Tamblyn, and John Ingle
  • Tape #2 - Q Brunch & Nancy Lee's event 2001- 2 hrs 41 mins - Original - SP
    Quartermaine Brunch - 1 hr  attended by: Jeffry Byron, Susan Brown, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Anna Lee, John Ingle, Stephen Kaye, Wally Kurth, Billy Warlock, Amber Tamblyn
    Nancy Lee's Event - SP - 1 hr 40 mins Constance Towers & Nancy Lee do a Q&A for about an hour.  Wally enters and does a Q&A for about another 40 minutes.
  • Quartermaine Brunch Tape 2002 - 2:05 minutes - Original -SP
    Q Brunch - The brunch is about 1 hr 10 minutes, includes press room interviews with Leslie, Amber, John Ingle, Billy, Susan, Robin, the Q&A, presentation of the 25th Annniversary cake to Leslie, and a beautiful crystal award, the raffle, and later the actors interacting with the fans. I then added an episode from Dec 1, 1978  (which is surprisingly good quality). I thought since they were celebrating 25 years that to include such a great quality episode from the early years would be fun. This is followed by a 1978 classic episode of GH (email for full description of this episode).
  • Official Quartermaine Brunch Tape, August, 2003 - 1 hr 56 mins
    This was a wonderful event with a heartfelt tribute to Anna Lee on her 90th birthday by several of her cast members. She was unable to attend due to a  hip injury and they had one of the cameramen, Dale, come and tape it just for her and he was wonderful. I had the chance to interview him backstage and he was an absolute sweetheart, I think I had as much fun talking to him as to any actor that weekend! He talked about doing the large cast tapings like the Nurse's Ball, on set antics, his experience working for ABC for 40 years! I also was able to include a backstage interview with Stuart, Leslie & Amber together and they talked about the current breast cancer storyline, Monica's breast cancer storyline, and then did a separate interview with Amber about "Joan of Arcadia".  Included is the room setup, raffle tables, Q pictures, fans saying "Happy Birthday" wishes to Anna Lee, the cast is introduced, Amber speaks about her new show before having to leave for a CBS function, then the raffle, the cake is brought out, the cast cuts the cake and sings "Happy Birthday" to Anna Lee. Then several of the cast pay tribute to Anna Lee: Susan Brown, Denise Alexander, John Ingle, Stuart Damon, Wally Kurth, Leslie Charleson. I did get a brief interview with Scott just before the fan autograph session began. I included shots of the actors meeting with fans, autographs and pictures with the fans.  Also in attendance were Robyn Christopher and Bergen William though I didn't get a chance to include interviews with them.
    1983 GH 20th Anniversary Promo- Stuart Damon.  Classic GH episode, 1982- episode featuring Jason's custody hearing with Heather, Scotty, Alan, Monica, Lila - Alan wins and ends with a love scene. This is a copy of an original episode (though no begining or ending credits), and does have a few glitches but overall fairly good quality considering the age.  Soap Pads III- tour of Leslie's home, aired on HGTV, edited to Leslie.

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