Complete GH Episodes,
Thanks to
my good friend Joan has original GH episodes from 1981 through current
time, and has been very generous in loaning me these classic GH epsiodes,
we have been working on getting them transfered to dvd and described. Most
of these episodes do not have commericals. I don't have expanded
descriptions for this time frame yet (we will be working on this time
frame and anyone who would like to help with episode write ups please
email me). For additional
classic GH epsiode information check out the Scorpio
Files Episode Guide section to find write ups for 1985-1991.
1985 - July 3, 1986
July 4-10, 1986: 7/4, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10 [Episode
July 11-17, 1986: 7/11 Robin leaves for Australia, Duke & Anna
grow closer, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17 Lucy released from probation, Bobbie
makes a fool of herself [Episode Descriptions]
July 18-24, 1986: 7/18 Duke wins the election, Duke & Anna make
love, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24 [Episode
July 25-31, 1986: 7/25 Alan fakes his death in a plane crash, 7/28,
7/29, 7/30 Tiffany returns, Edward & Tiffany plot to break up Sean &
Monica, Edward hires her to seduce Sean, 7/31 [Episode
August 1-7, 1986: 8/1, 8/4, 8/5 Tiff reunited with Frisco, she meets
Felicia, 8/6, 8/7 Glitch [Episode Descriptions]
August 8-15,
1986: 8/8 Tiffany arranges for Sean to rescue her, (8/11 no show
golf), 8/12, 8/13 Duke & Anna declare their love for each other, 8/14
Frisco rehearses at Duke's club and Felicia joins him, 8/15 Anna & Duke
Tango at his club [Episode Descriptions]
August 18-22,
1986: 8/18, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21 Tiffany interviews Sean on her new show,
invites him for lunch, Monica pours a pitcher of water over both of them
when she sees them together, bad spot on epi, 8/22 [Episode
August 25-29,
1986: 8/25, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29 [Episode
September 1-8, 1986: 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5 (:20 pre-emption deleted)
Burt Ramsey revealed to be Mr. Big, 9/8 [Episode
September 9-15, 1986: 9/9, 9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/15 [Episode
September 16-22, 1986: 9/16, 9/17 Robin calls Robert and tells
him someone wants to kill Anna, 9/18 Duke & Anna, 9/19 Duke & Anna,
9/22 Robert Returns, Robert & Anna [Episode
September 23-29, 1986: 9/23, 9/24 Robert & Anna, 9/25, 9/26 Robert
& Anna, Jade returns, 9/29 [Episode
September 30 - October 6, 1986: 9/30, 10/1, 10/2 Robert & Anna,
10/3 Robert & Anna, 10/6 Robert & Anna [Episode
October 7-17, 1986: 10/7, (no show 10/8), 10/9,
10/10 glitch, 10/16, 10/17 cm, *Baseball Playoffs no show 10/13, 10/14, 10/15
[Episode Descriptions]
October 20-24, 1986: 10/20 cm, 10/21 (missed 1st 10 mins), 10/22 cm, 10/23 cm, 10/24 cm
[Episode Descriptions]
October 27-30, 1986: 10/27 cm, 10/28 cm, 10/29 cm, 10/30 [Episode
October 31 - November 6, 1986: 10/31, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5 bad spots,
glitchy, Duke accidentally shoots Burt Ramsey, 11/6 cm Stan Ivar (no end
credits) [Episode
November 7-12, 1986: 11/7 (6 mins bad section) Robert & Anna,
11/10 cm, 11/11 cm, 11/12 [Episode
November 13-19, 1986: 11/13, 11/14 (glitchy spot near end), 11/17
(glitchy spot), 11/18, 11/19 [Episode
November 20-26, 1986: 11/20, 11/21 (glitchy last minute), 11/24 (bad
spot first 2 mins), 11/25 Bobbie & Jake's wedding, 11/26 [Episode
November 27 - December 3, 1986: 11/27 cm Thanksgiving, 11/28 John
Ingle, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3 [Episode
December 4-11, 1986: 12/4 Robert & Anna make their move on the mob
& Burt, Duke shot saving Robert, 12/5, 12/9, 12/10, 12/11 [Episode
December 12-18, 1986: 12/12, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17, 12/18 [Episode
December 19-25, 1986: 12/19, 12/22, 12/23, 12/24, 12/25 [Episode
December 26,
1986 - January 2, 1987: 12/26, 12/29, 12/30, 12/31, (no show 1/1), 1/2
[Episode Descriptions]
4-10, 1986: 7/4, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10
July 4, 1986 -
Felicia wakes a groggy Frisco. It's July 4th time for the annual PC picnic
in the park! (whatever happened to those?) Sean reports the scuttlebutt on
the waterfront concerning Duke to Anna. It seems that Duke is going to set
up Tom Greene with new place to run his bait shop. Duke later arrives
to pick Anna and Robin up. Jimmy Lee and Sandy escort Buzz to his new
quarters at the rehab hospital. Buzz asks Jimmy Lee to take Sandy to
the PC picnic. When the two leave, Buzz goes through withdrawal pains.
Bobbie shows off her engagement ring at the park picnic. Bobbie and
Jake notice the closeness with Patrick and Terry. Angel reports to
Duke he has a plan to get Frisco off their tail. Alan tells Lila that
he's going to be taking flying lessons. It's all part of his plans to frame
Sean and Monica. (But Lila doesn't know this) Anna visits Buzz at the rehab. Buzz
tries to apologize for his behavior the other day. He realizes that she had
to expose him as a druggie. Buzz starts getting withdrawal pains and
hustles Anna out. Everyone at the park enjoying the festivities. Alan is
furious to see Sean with Monica, and Edward has to hold him back from
throttling Donnelly. At the Picnic, Tom Greene stands up and announces
that he fully supports Duke and he thinks that everyone should vote for him
as president of the Dockworkers union. Anna tells Frisco that Duke is using
Tom as a cover to gain support. Filomena tries to convince Anna that
she's wrong about Duke, he reminds he of Robert. Jimmy Lee and Duke get into
a tug of war at the picnic, but in it's a draw when the rope breaks and both
teams are evenly matched. Bobbie and Jake next pay a call on Buzz. All
through the conversation, Buzz is sweating and shaking up a storm.Robin
holds an after picnic party back at Anna's for some her her friends and
godfathers. She announces Duke as her mommy's new best friend.
July 7, 1986 - Burt tells Anna that so far everything is on the up and up
with Duke Lavery. He tries to tell her nicely to stop investigating Duke. Duke
tells Angel that he's going to win the election, his future depends on it.
Frisco and Vince patrolling the docks. Burt meets up with them. Burt pulls
out a tape recorder to remind himself of a meeting. Frisco comments on the
tape recorder and gets and idea. Buzz is going through severe withdrawal
pains when Anna drops by to visit him with some new drawings Robin made for
him. He inquires about her new friend, Duke Lavery. Felicia helps
Duke with a slogan for his campaign. She comes up with THE DOCK NEEDS DUKE!
Duke loves it. Angel tells Duke that Stan is getting nervous because of
his constant run ins with Frisco. Anna tells Sean what she thinks about the
upcoming election, she's all for Jimmy Lee. Sean notices that Anna is trying
to hide her feelings for Duke. On the docks, Frisco notices a guy that
looks like Stan and stops him. Vince assures Frisco that he's getting too
preoccupied with busting that hood Stan. Sean and Tony stop by and
visit Buzz. Felicia attends another one of those cops/wives meetings.
Felicia daydreams about Frisco being the Police commissioner. Frisco is
getting tired of walking the beat. He wants to move up and do something
more. Frisco daydreams about busting the mob in a Bogart/Casablanca type
setting. Later, Frisco buys a tape recorder and starts reporting his
activities. Anna is getting really tired of Robin and Duke's closeness. But
when Duke calls her "love" like Robert does, Anna forbids him to
ever say that again.
July 8, 1986 - Edward decorates Kelly's with posters for Jimmy Lee's
campaign. He even goes so far as to remove Duke's posters. Sean drops in on
Anna to take her to lunch on the waterfront. Duke is making friends on the
docks. Duke and Jimmy Lee get into a contest on the docks. A match to see
who can load the most crates. Duke wins the macho contest, unloading crates
off the ledgers and onto the pallets faster than Holt, fueled in the last
few minutes by Anna's arrival. Duke charms Anna enough to ask her back to
his office to lunch. Angel overhears Frisco and Burt talking at
Kelly's. Angel assigns Toughie to keep an eye on Frisco and distract him
from Stan so the next "shipment" can come in. Frisco's
desire to be promoted his getting him into hot water. When he spots Stan, he
gives chase and an old waterfront gal named Tessie, who is transporting
laundered money in a picnic cooler for Duke, trips Frisco who crashes into a
lever of a large crane which drops all of Donely's cargo into the harbor. Burt
chews Frisco out and when they look in the cooler, find it's filled with
nothing but beer. Not only did Frisco drop Donely's cargo, but he
knocked over a man's peanut vendor's cart as well. Sean and the peanut
vendor are about the pull Frisco's head off when Anna intervenes. Anna
tells Frisco that he might be better off working for the WSB. Frisco
decides to stick it out with the PCPD. Frisco meets Toughie on the
docks. Toughie wants to "help" Frisco out. He invites him to a
poker game on the docks which will help him break the ice with the
dockworkers. Jimmy Lee happens by when a Postal worker tries to drop by
a letter. Holt notices that the letter is from a Swiss PO box. When the
man shoves the letter in the drop box, Holt puts on gloves and picks the
lock. Frisco drops by and spots Jimmy Lee and nabs him! Frisco is interested
when he learns that Sean has stolen the Q fortune and it sits in a Swiss
bank. When the alarm is tripped Frisco covers for Jimmy Lee and hustles him
out. Frisco bluntly comes out and asks Sean if he stole the Q fortune.
Donely is upset that Frisco has broken into his warehouse and is going
through his mail. He can't believe that he would take the word of the Q's
over him. He threatens to report him to Anna unless he backs off.
July 9, 1986 - Duke enlists Felicia to help with his rally at the end of the
week. Anna and Guy discuss Frisco's future with the PD. On the docks,
Frisco daydreams about being a cop hero. Jimmy Lee informs Edward of
his discovery of the Swiss bank letter with the code name HEATHER in
Sean's warehouse.An awkward situation at Kelly's when Jake and Terry bump
into Lucy and Patrick on a lunch date. Alan comes out and asks Monica
where Sean stashed hid the Q money. Monica thinks she's crazy. Monica
slaps Alan when he tells her she's desperate to be sleeping with a man who's
laughing at her behind her back. Frisco notices Duke's sharp looking
computer in his office. Later, Frisco sneaks into Anna's office and has
Felicia help him use the computer to check up on Jimmy Lee's charge
that Donely swindled the family fortune and put it in a Swiss bank account.
Anna catches him and threatens suspension without pay if he keeps it up. Alan
comes through, he gets the number of Donely's Swiss bank account and Edward
phones the bank. Posing as Sean Donely he gives them the account with the
code name Heather. But Edward is in shock when he finds out there is no such
account. Sean's once again one step ahead of them. Jake tells Monica
that her reputation must be immaculate if she is to have the best chance of
winning custody of her son. Frisco and Felicia entertain Vince and his
wife at dinner. Jake and Bobbie discuss the upcoming wedding plans with
Ruby. Terry goes off the deep end when she reads the latest
developments on Lucy's book on Kevin. Felcia daydreams about Frisco
becoming Police commissioner.
July 10, 1986 - Patrick makes a date with Lucy for a meeting and interview
on Kevin's book only. Monica is staving off advances from Sean on Jake's
advice. Amy wonders why Monica is so annoyed with Sean. Lucy prefers to stay
out of it. Duke gives Billy the peanut vendor a loan so it will take
the heat off of Frisco for destroying his peanut cart. But Anna arrives and
intervenes. She offers Billy the same offer of payment. Billy offers to take
half of Anna and Duke's payment. Patrick and Yank visiting Buzz at the
rehab. Buzz introduces Sandy to Patrick and Yank. Sean shows the
postermaster the letter that was given to him by mistake. The same letter
that Jimmy Lee thought was the Swiss bank account Sean stashed the Q money.
Anna is witness to Duke's heroics on the docks, when he saves the life of a
worker when a heavy crate falls on top of him. Lucy meets with Brian. Her
probation is nearing an end. Sean can't understand why Monica is
avoiding his phone calls. Patrick and Lucy caught up in the moment share a
kiss. Patrick says she's one of the most sexiest women he's ever met. The
two start to make out on the Webber couch, but stops and leave when trust
starts to set in. Duke appears to be opening up to Anna. He tells her
of his poor childhood, and how he saw his father die the same way. Finally
moved by his apparent sincerity, Anna relaxes long enough to have dinner and
accept his surprise kiss.
July 11-17, 1986: 7/11 Robin leaves
for Australia, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17
July 11, 1986
- Robin's delighted when she learns Anna had dinner with "Uncle"
Duke. Angel and Duke stash the laundered cash behind Duke's private safe.
Jimmy Lee offers free food at a BBQ to drum up support for his campaign.
Frisco meets Tessie at Kelly's. Frisco asks Tessie's help on the
waterfront. But she clams up when Burt comes by. Sean brings by the local
paper. Duke's heroism makes the front page. Edward and Sandy help Jimmy
Lee with his speech during the BBQ. During his speech things go bad
when the food turns out to be garbage. Duke shows up with Robin playing
the bagpipes, and all the men head over to Kelly's when Duke offers up a
feast. Robin decides to go visit Robert and Holly in Australia. Frisco
tells Anna and Burt that Toughie Richards has invited him to a poker game on
the waterfront. Since they both know it's illegal for him to do this, Anna
tells Frisco to inform them when the game will start so they can substitute
an experienced player. Frisco says he will obey the order, but now that he
knows that Donely doesn't have a Swiss bank account and that someone else on
the waterfront does. Duke and Anna growing closer. They kiss on the
waterfront. Later, Toughie reports to Duke about the poker game with Frisco.
Duke looks at Anna's picture in the paper. Anna has flashbacks of her
wedding to Robert when she finds some material that she wore during that
Greek ceremony.
July 14, 1986 - Filomena continues telling Anna that Duke is the next best
thing since Roberto. Toughie prepares the poker game with Frisco. Duke
Lavery challenges rival Jimmy Lee to a debate. Sean sneaks into Monica's
room at the mansion. Monica can't resist Donely's clutches and the two end
up in bed. Alan surprises his estranged wife with a visit and is announced
by Jennnigs the butler. Stashing her lover in the closet, Monica throws on a
robe and opens the door. Spotting Sean's shoes next to her bed, Jennings
later tells Alan, Madam has company. Alan asks the servant to testify for
his side in the divorce trial. Jennings agrees. At the Poker game,
Frisco is aware that Toughie and company are letting him win big at these
after hours poker games. Felicia is aware that her husband is lying when he
says that he is on a special assignment. Anna is aware (via Felicia) that
Frisco is diobeying orders. Later, Frisco sneaks into bed with Felicia but
she finds the wad of bills that Frisco brought home from the poker game.
July 15, 1986 - Duke arrives to see Robin off to Australia. Next
morning, Frisco can't find the money he won in the poker game but finds
instead that Felicia has found out everything. A female tug of war is Lucy's
favorite game, when Bobbie and Rick discuss her recent pattern of mistakes
in the OR. Lucy leaks the scoop to Steve Hardy. It doesn't take long for Ms
SPencer lto figure out who did this and she corners Lucy in the elevator
promising to destroy her. Derek arrives back in town to pick Mike up
for a return trip back to Omaha. Anna chastises Frisco for wandering off to
the poker game without letting her know. Felicia confides to Tony that
Frisco is lying to her. Later, Duke arrives at Anna's for a romantic dinner.
Anna dances with Duke. She has a mixture of feelings. Desire, Arousal,
Hesitancy. Desire and arousal win as she almost let's her enigmatic lover
take her to bed, but Duke leaves quite suddenly, causing much confusion with
July 16, 1986 - Duke Lavery challenges his rival Jimmy Lee to a debate at
the Pub. When the Scotsman tells the dock workers about his humble working
class background, they are impressed and see him as a harbinger of
prosperity. Jimmy Lee's salt of the earth approach proves lackluster and he
loses the debate. Ginny's TV crew arrives for the taping. Alan arrives
at Jimmy Lee's debate wearing a pilot outfit. Jake comforts Bobbie in her
war with Lucy. Anna tells Duke that she's aware of criminal activity in the
dockworkers union. Duke and Anna share a kiss.
July 17, 1986 - The morning paper flashes the front page headline,
"Anna Devane endorsing Duke Lavery in his election". Lavery is
incensed and calls the paper to complain. Buzz sees the cozy picture of Anna
and Duke on the front page and tears it to shreds. Patrick brings Lucy
over to the Brownstone to meet with Jake. Lucy overhears an argument with
Bobbie and Jake. Jimmy Lee is furious at Sandy when she enlists the wives of
the dockworkers to support equal rights for woman. During Duke's
therapy he goes ballistic when he brings up his betrayal by the woman he
loves, Anna. Sandy reports to Anna who heads over to the rehab and
tries to convince him there was nothing to the picture of her and Duke in
the paper. Anna says she needs him, and Buzz grabs her hand and kisses
it. Later, Buzz is happier and even starts joking with Sandy and Jimmy
Lee. Bobbie maligns Lucy at her probation hearing. Bobbie clearly in the
minority on this score as Ted Holmes, The Webbers and Steve Hardy bolster
Lucy's reputation in the eyes of the law. When the judge rules that Lucy is
a free woman, she is relieved but privately tells Bobbie Spencer that she
has bought herself an enemy for life.
July 18-24, 1986: 7/18 Duke wins the
election, Duke & Anna make love, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24
July 18, 1986
- Burt and Anna wonder where Frisco was the other night. The renegade cop is
acting on his own. Toughie tells Frisco that he expects to see him tonight
at the poker game. Frisco will be there. Felicia is put off by Frisco's
attitude. Damon Grenville arrives to meet Duke. (Damon is Mr. B's right hand
man) Damon brings up Duke's burgeoning friendship with Ms Davane. Mr. B
is worried. Duke tells him there is nothing to worry about. Burt
questions Tessie about the new dockworkers that have shown up in town. Frisco
meets Toughie and the gang and begins the game. Frisco excuses himself to
get some beer. Alan, Edward and Jimmy Lee prepare for the Election
returns. Will Jimmy Lee or Duke win the Dockworker's Union president?
Alan details his plan: He will fake his death during the election and frame
Monica and Sean for it. Alan decides to hangout in a little town in upstate
NY till Monica and Sean go to jail. Duke tosses out the PC Herald
reporter that put the gossipy article on he and Anna in the paper. Burt
can't find Tessie anywhere. He later finds her outside and asks her to keep
her eyes open for trouble. One of Mr. B's men overhears....The Election
returns are in and Duke wins by a landslide. In Duke's speech he pledges
that there will be plenty of jobs for everyone on the docks. Toughie
and the gang are allowing Frisco to win, a plan that Frisco is all to aware. Frisco
overhears Toughie meet a colleague on the phone. He later excuses himself
from the game to "get some air". Anna meets Damon and Duke
introduces him as a financial advisor. On the dock's Frisco looking for
Toughie, spots the thug that he had a run in with at the park. Frisco tails
the thug to Tessie's boat. There he witnesses the exchange of money between
Stan and Tessie. Before he can report to Anna, he finds himself locked on
board with the boat setting sail. Stan drops the money off with Angel.
Anna dances with Duke back at her place. Desire, arousal, hesitancy, Desire
and arousal win, as she lets Duke take her to bed.
July 21, 1986 - Bobbie can't sleep. She is still worried about the fight she
had with Jake over Lucy Coe. Jake tells her she's wrong for trying to
disrupt her hearing. Jake admits to Bobbie that he loves her. He kisses
her passionately. Anna in Duke's arms tells him that she never thought she
would be attracted to another man after Robert. Frisco soaking wet arrives
home after jumping Tessie's ship he swam back to shore. Felicia really wants
to help Frisco in his investigation. She sketches the man that he saw on
Tessie's boat. The thrill of winning the union presidency wears off
very fast for Duke when Damon communicates the newest plan for Mr. B. Not
only does Mr Big want Duke to launder his cash through the union pension
fund, he also wants him to make sure that his construction firm wins the bid
to build the Fisherman's Village on the waterfront. Duke complains to Angel
that he expected some control out of his association with Mr B. Frisco
and Felica take the sketch to Ruby's and she posts it as Kelly's. Sandy has
just come from seeing Buzz. He's making great progress. She excitedly drops
by on Anna with the news, who agrees to visit Buzz. Anna visits Buzz who's
delighted at the prospect of a future "date" with her on an outing
on the grounds. Sandy is trying to play matchmaker. Anna drops in on a
meeting with Damon and Duke. She sneaks his watch to him while Damon is not
looking. Felicia offers to Duke that he update his entertainment at the
club. Something to attract the younger crowd. She recommends Terry for a
singing position. Burt and Frisco are on the beat. Burt tells Frisco that
Tessie was at one time more than a friend to him. Duke wants Angel to
arrange another game with Frisco so they can make a pass of more laundered
July 22, 1986 - Lucy asks Patrick out to dinner but he postpones it because
he's having dinner with a "friend". Ruby tells Felicia her
sketch of the man Frisco's been tailing looks familiar. Angel reports news
to Duke about Frisco. He left the poker game early and may have seen money
passed between Stan and Tessie. Felicia tells Terry she's arranged for her
to sing at the benefit for the Policeman's ball at Duke's. Terry
hesitatingly accepts. Lucy tells Ginny that she and Rick have the most
perfect marriage. The phone rings and it's Amy calling to say that Rick's
surgery was postponed so he will be home for dinner. Lucy tells Ginny it was
a wrong number. Ginny leaves the house to do an in depth interview with
Duke. Rick is surprised to come home and find veal roast dinner cooked by
Lucy. Lucy lies to Rick had already left when his message came in.
Rick loves Lucy's cooking. Ginny interviews Duke and later Felicia at
Kelly's. Felicia spots Stan outside the window disrupting the interview and
stopping tape. Later, when Ginny comes home, Lucy tells the same lies
she told to Rick. That's 3 lies for Lucy. Tessie calls Stan from
Atlantic City. She tells him that she knows someone was stowed away on her
boat. They believe it's Frisco. Felicia interrupts an argument with Duke and
Angel. Duke is upset that his world is crashing down due to Frisco Jones. He
prays that Frisco was not on Tessie's boat. He's beginning to like the young
July 23, 1986 - Alan asks Jennings, Monica's butler to plant a bug on the
back of her headboard. Felicia asks Frisco to sing at Duke's benefit. Anna
lectures Frisco on his gung ho activates as rookie cop. Toughie reports to
Duke that a poker chip with the initials TJ was found on Tessie's boat.
Frisco's been snooping around, Duke's in a panic. Toughie calls Frisco
for another round of poker. Frisco postpones it. Duke hires Terry to sing at
his victory celebration at the club. Duke and Anna find time for a
little romance when he pays a call on her at the office. Later Duke and Anna
resume snuggling at her place. Felicia tells Frisco of her spotting
Stan by Kelly's during the taping. Frisco thinks Stan's image could be on
the tape that Ginny shot.
July 24, 1986 - Ginny and Frisco pour over the tape shot at Kelly's. The air
is out at the Brownstone. The repair man recognizes Terry from her picture
in the paper and starts to comment on the Kevin case. Patrick and Jake
almost deck the guy! Terry wants to move away from PC, but Bobbie talks
her out of it. Derek talking with Anna and Sean tells Anna that Frisco has
been taking a lot of time at the studio studying tapes. Anna's intrigued
what Frisco might be up to? Patrick notices that Lucy is giving him the cold
shoulder. Frisco finds Stan in the window of Kelly's just as Anna
walks in. Burt and Anna are furious at Jones's taking the law into his
own hands. But Anna does agree to bring in a police artist to get a better
description of the man. Alan plays for his estranged wife a tape of her most
recent lovemaking session with Sean. If she doesn't give him custody of Alan
Jr, he'll play it for their son says that revenge minded doc. Monica
threatens to kill Alan and knocking him to the ground tries to strangle him.
Their divorce lawyers Jake and Brett walk in on this spat, Alan's attempt to
portray Monica as a maniac succeeds. Later, Jake hears Terry singing her old
gospel songs and drinking like the old days. But Jake makes a horrible
mistake. Terry was only drinking iced tea. Bobbie and Terry trade insults
and threats at Lucy. Anna and Burt are pleased that Frisco was able to get a
clear sketch of Stan, the thug he's trying to capture. One minute Lucy
is coming on to Patrick and the next she's cold. Patrick can't understand
her ways. Amy spies on Lucy and is on to her game. Edward and Jimmy Lee put
on a show for Brett. With Edwards urging, Alan makes Edward his beneficiary
if anything happens to him. With Bobbie studying 12 hours a day, Jake
is having fun and developing an eye for Terry.
July 25-31, 1986: 7/25 Alan fakes
his death in a plane crash, 7/28, 7/29, 7/30 Tiffany returns, Edward hires
her to seduce Sean, 7/31
July 25, 1986
- last part of episode jumpy - Alan, Edward and Jimmy Lee prepare for Alan's
"death". Duke's victory celebration is in full force. Brian, Rick
and Dan head an organization to help Buzz out of his doldrums. Claudia tells
Ruby that things are getting worse for she and Brian. Alan stages his plane
crash. Jimmy Lee rescues him from the lake after he jumps out of the plane.
Alan changes into drag as Mary Lou Blaine! He then leaves town as arranged.
Hours later, his plane operating on automatic pilot crashes and Anna reports
to the Q's about Alan's plane and they all feign shock, even Lila even
though she never wanted to go along with the plan. Anna next tells Sean the
grim news that no body was found. Monica who's hiding in Sean's bedroom
slumps against the wall. At the PAL benefit Duke is staging to keep Frisco
busy singing while Tessie and Stan deliver new money, the former rock star
switches schedules with Terry, who's making a new career with her music.
Frisco heads out to the waterfront to catch Toughie and Stan in with the
laundered loot! Suddenly a poker chip falls to the floor as Stan's goons
surround Jones preparing to attack!
July 28, 1986 - Jimmy Lee informs Stella and Ruby of Alan's
"death". Sean and Anna come to Monica's aid after hearing the
news of Alan. Before the thugs can serve Frisco a knuckle sandwich, Anna's
back up team of Burt Ramsey, and Chief Lewis save him. The thugs scram and
Frisco faces the music. He evades Ramsey's questions as to just what he was
doing on the waterfront. But Anna is having none of his secrecy or
disobedience. She pulls him from the beat to stand guard in front of the
precinct house! Frisco shocks Burt with news that his old friend
Tessie is passing something illegal to Stan every time her ship comes into
port. Damon reports to Duke that Frisco is getting too close to the
operation and he must be silenced but Duke tries to call off the heat.
Monica still in shock swallows her pride and comforts the Q's on Alan's
passing. Burt and Anna trace the license of the car the thugs were
driving. The Q's move back into the mansion on Monica's request.
Brett tells Jimmy Lee and Edward that he never got to draw up the change in
his will to make Edward his beneficiary. Reluctantly, Burt questions Tessie
about her business, why has she been checking into town so often? She
doesn't recognize the picture of Stan. Frisco and Felicia snuggling discuss
his future with the force.
July 29, 1986 - Edward and Jimmy Lee still faking the grief for Alan. They
tell Jake that they blame Monica for everything. Although they can't
understand why the other evidence they planted around the crash site have
not been found yet. Jimmy Lee decides to light a fire under Anna hoping
she will arrest Monica. News of Alan's plane missing in action hits GH hard
with Steve, Patrick, Amy and Audrey. Felicia visits Frisco who's on his
first day of guard duty. Audrey and Bobbie visit a "bereaved"
Lila. Alan still dressed in drag and posing as Celia, returns his
rental car and head for the small town in upstate NY. The search party
reports to Anna and Sean that so far no trace of Alan can be found. The
current would have washed his body out to shore. Frisco sneaks into
Anna's office to use the computer. He's checking up on the license of the
car with the thugs. It's an abandoned car found on the waterfront. Frisco
and Felicia offer their support to Monica. The boys are away at camp. They
offer to go to the boy's camp to inform Alan jr and Jason in place of
Monica. Alan takes off his disguise and casually walks out of the bus
depot. He deposits his female disguise in a trash can. Sean finds
Monica drinking her troubles away at the gatehouse. She calls her self a
lousy mother and blames herself for Alan's death. Frisco and Felicia
discuss the possibility of having children.
July 30, 1986 - Alan arrives in Pawtuck and at the General store run by
Charity Gatlin and her 8 year old boy. He goes by the name of Simon
Alexander. Brett tells Anna and Burt that Alan died with Monica as his soul
beneficiary. A mystery lady in black arrives in town for Edward and meets
him at ELQ. The mystery lady is none other than TIFFANY HILL! Pawning
her last diamond to get to America and help Edward in his battle with Sean
and Monica, Tiffany, ever so ultra theatrical, is horrified to find Edward
broke and she is most uncomfortable and grungy in the Q boathouse. Edward
wants Tiffany to get close to Sean. News of Alan's death is all the
Brownstoner's Jake, Tony a very pregnant Tanya and Bobbie can talk about.
Anna tells Brett and Jimmy Lee that a substance was found in the fuel line
of Alan's plane. This resulted in the crash. Alan (Simon) takes a
liking to Charity and visa versa. Charity hires Simon to work at the store.
July 31, 1986 - Frisco disappointed is starting his first day as
guard duty. Felicia has another lunch meeting with the cops wives.
Frisco wants Felicia to snoop around and see if they know anything about
Stan. Jimmy Lee tells Monica that Anna's starting to wonder about her,
especially why she gave Alan flying lessons on his birthday. Anna meanwhile
is visited by her knight in shining armor Duke at the station. Anna
refuses to call off the search for Alan and Guy brings in the latest
developments. Alan's wallet was found near the crash. and the police lab
finds sugar in the plane's fuel line. Brett Madison tells Anna of Jimmy
Lee's acquisitions toward Monica. Tiffany is miserable at the Q hideout
eating food from a can. Monica consults with Jake in case she needs a
lawyer. Alan is doing quite a good job since taking over the General Store.
Business is up. When Alan's scarf, helmet and wallet show up, Anna
calls off the search for him. She calls Monica and asks her to come in for
questioning. Monica with Jake present identifies the items as Alan's. Monica
is terrified that the tape of she and Sean making love will turn up and
become public domain. Monica is now the prime suspect. Duke and Anna
snuggling. Jimmy Lee demands answers from Anna but so far Anna has no proof
to charge Monica with Alan's death. Frisco and Felicia walking the
docks spot Toughie, but Frisco wants to stay hidden. Damon is watching
1-7, 1986: 8/1, 8/4, 8/5 Tiff reunited with Frisco, she meets
Felicia, 8/6, 8/7 Glitch
August 1, 1986
- Guy shows Anna the headlines. Even though there is a blackout on Alan's
death, the press is having a field day accusing Monica of murder. Damon
tells DUke that he spotted a nosy Frisco and Felicia observing Toughie
sneaking in the back door of the club. Damon wants Frisco silenced
immediately! Sean argues with Anna that Monica wouldn't have the technical
know how to sabotage a plane, Anna says to Sean that he does! He is
familiar with the way Alan's plane crashed, a cup of sugar breaking in the
gas tank on take off and Anna remembers such a cup belonging to the set that
Sean has on display in his penthouse! At GH both Yank and Bobbie try
to keep Monica from seeing her name splattered in the headlines, but to no
avail. Edward consults with Tiffany on the first plan in her seduction of
Sean. Tiffany warns Edward not to double cross her! Duke realizes that
Anna's under tremendous pressure so he picks her up for some relaxation to
her bed. Robin calls Anna from Australia. Felicia visits Frisco on his
day job of guarding the Police house. Frisco is approached by a thug wanting
to get him in a waterfront poker game. Frisco gets Eric to cover for him
(reluctantly) while he goes off to bust a crime ring. But Guy spots Frisco
gone from his post and Eric confesses all. Guy and Anna head to the
waterfront and find Frisco caught on a wild goose chase. (Frisco was set up)
August 4, 1986 - Jake and Bobbie getting romantic at the Brownstone. Ted
returns to the Brownstone on Laurelton business. Frisco is severely punished
by Anna. He's suspended for 3 weeks without pay. Damon tells Duke that Mr B
is bringing in a huge amount of cash from Monte Carlo on Tessie's boat and
it will need laundering right away. Duke has a message for Mr B., PC can't
handle that much cash, but Damon tells Duke that he needs to shut up and
follow orders. Tiffany surprises Jake who is delighted to see her back in
town. Bobbie is "thrilled" and tries to contain her enthusiasm.
Anna and Tony try to tell Buzz not to rush going back to work but Buzz takes
it as a warning that he's not wanted in town and storms off. Anna's worried
that Robin will return to find her Godfathers all going through personal
demons. Frisco's suspended, Sean's facing a murder charge and Buzz is a
neurotic mess! Guy confirms Alan did not have a parachute when the plane
went down. Frisco's intrigued when he hears from Tom Green on the waterfront
that Tessie's due in port tomorrow. Frisco suspects Tessie's involved in
organized crime. Frisco tells Felicia that Anna may have done him a favor
with the suspension, now he can roam the waterfront undercover. Damon
tells Duke that a new phase of the operation will begin with Tessie's dock
into port: Operation Tumble Dry! Duke and Anna getting romantic on the
dock's playing their song. Anna tells Duke she's so fortunate to have him in
her life. She and Robin feel so safe when he's around. Duke tries to hide
his concerned smile.
August 5, 1986
- Damon tells Duke that Mr B has appointed two new men on the money
laundering team. Phillip and David. The laundering will enter the computer
age as Damon introduces a computer file named 'Tumble dry' to replace the
tugboat method of smuggling. To find the file on the computer in Duke's
office, all you have to do is type the word "laundry" on the
computer screen. This rinse/spin theme is continued when laundered money
begins to arrive in PC in the guise of washing machines. Frisco overhears
Toughie telling Tessie the new code Tumble dry....Frisco wonders what that
is. Felicia interrupts a meeting with Damon, Duke and Philip and David. She
enters just as Damon says the word Tumble dry! The mobsters are
all worried that Felicia heard too much. Tiffany blows into the Brownstone
with her steamer trunk. And Jake is left with the unpleasant task of
carrying it upstairs. Unfortunately he throws his back out in the process.
Tiffany later meets Ted and Patrick. Tiff then walks into WLPC announcing
she's leasing the station from Derek. Tiffany suggest putting Ted on the air
with Lucy so that Ginny gets a better interview and hopefully a better
station rating. The interview is a rebuttal on the gossipy newspaper
ads proclaiming Lucy's torrid sex life with Kevin. Patrick is not happy by
the ads, and even more so with Lucy following her interview. Patrick doesn't
know that Lucy placed the ads herself!!
August 6, 1986 - Monica tells Bobbie she may need Jake's services if the
heat on Alan's death doesn't quiet down. But the cops want to question
Monica. Guy arranges a meeting at the Q mansion for some questioning. Alan
is enjoying his life in Pawtuck. Passing himself off as an amnesiac and
living at the General Store with Charity and her son. She thinks she might
have found a clue to "Simon"s past when he administers expert
medical treatment after she accidentally splits her hand open. Anna
arrives at Sean's with a search warrant. She finds the matching cup that was
found in Alan's plane. Later she finds Alan's parachute stored in Donely's
warehouse. Planted there of course by Jimmy Lee who's been spying on the
whole thing. Sean is flabbergasted and tells Anna he's being framed! Bobbie,
Terry Yank and Patrick all visit Buzz to cheer him up. It's time for Buzz to
get that old plate off his brain and Buzz fears that if he's sent to another
hospital, it will cause him to get back on the drugs. Jake is upset
with Monica for answering questions of the police without his being present.
August 7, 1986 - Tiffany brings in an interior decorator to redow Kevin and
Terry's old apartment. Frisco still ponders the word Tumble Dry. He asks
Felicia if she's ever heard the word. It doesn't register with her.....yet. Duke
and Angel go over the Tumble dry business on the computer. Angel
accidentally prints a copy of the money laundering file. Toughie tears
the printout in half and tosses it in the trash. Later, Felicia using
Duke's office gets a call from one of her Policeman's wives friends wanting
to share a new cooking recipe with her. Not finding any scratch paper,
Felicia uses a section of the printout from Duke's computer she lifts from
the trash. Bobbie flunks her oral exam...No way she'll be head O R
nurse now! Lucy plants more slanderous information about the book
she's writing about Kevin to get Patrick's sympathy. It works. Patrick buys
her scheme hook line and sinker. Frisco continue reporting his activities in
his portable cassette recorder. Later, he finds the printout from Duke's
computer that has the word Tumble Dry on it. Felicia had used it to light
the oven! Frisco heads to the waterfront and to the ADZ warehouse. (a tip
off from his waterfront friend) Felicia foolishly uses Frisco's tape
recorder to record him a message---thus erasing all his information on the
operation. Frisco and Felicia argue and later make up. Duke takes the first
shipment of the washing machines with the laundered money at the ADZ
August 8-15, 1986: 8/8, (8/11
no show golf), 8/12, 8/13, 8/14, 8/15
August 8, 1986 Jake comforts Bobbie who's still reeling from flunking her
oral exam to be head nurse. Duke and Anna welcome Robin and Filomena home at
the airport. Robin wonders where her godfathers are. Sean gives his
buddy Frisco some WSB advice that might help him in his investigation. Tom
later tells Frisco of the newest delivery at the ADZ warehouse. Snooping
around the warehouse, Frisco finds a warehouse full of washing machines
crates. Agitated at finding all the boxes are empty, Frisco is then
convinced he is on the right trail when he sees the words "Tumble
Dry" written on the boxes. Duke takes Robin and Anna to the zoo.
Felicia finds Toughie on the Duke's computer. Doing what she wonders?
Toughie nicely tells her to not be so nozy. Monica updates Jake on the
latest with Alan's supposed murder. All evidence points to her and Sean.
What's she going to do? Tiffany finally catches up with Sean at the
Pub. Playing the victim of stray lust on the waterfront, Tiff hires someone
to ruff her up and Sean comes to the rescue. Donely and Hill flirt. Damon,
Phillip and David find Felicia on Duke's computer. She's looking for the
Tumble Dry file. Later, Duke and Damon spot Frisco (from Duke's window)
leaving the ADZ warehouse.
No Show for August 11, 1986
August 12, 1986 - Ginny and Rick watch Derek announce his departure on
the WLPC news and Tiffany's take over in his place. Derek is moving to
Omaha with Lorena. Edward gets an earful from Tiffany on her meeting with
Sean. Monica is informed that she won't be collecting anything on her late
husband's insurance policy. The insurance company has backed off from the
policy because of the bad press that Monica is getting. Sean comforts Monica
who is convinced that Alan committed suicide to frame both of them.
"Simon" (Alan) tends to Charity's cut hand. And she and Alan
grow closer and fonder of each other. Ginny and Derek argue over
Derek's departure. She's upset that Mike will be so far away from her. Derek
and Ginny go to meet Rick at GH. Derek admits he wants Mike to live
with him in Omaha. But Rick threatens him with a court battle if he does so.
Burt gives Edward and Jimmy Lee the news that Alan might have committed
suicide. Edward playing it to the hilt denies that his son would have taken
his life...and makes sure to point the blame on Sean. Unfortunately the
police think that Monica is more guilty. Lila overhearing is furious that
Edward is taking this scheme so far. Mike tells Ginny and Rick that he loves
both of them, but he wants to decide who he wants to live with. Rick agrees
to give him 2 weeks to think about it. Mike later takes Derek's offer of
using the Barrington fishing cabin in the country to get his head together.
With his dainty Aunt Amanda looking after his son, Derek is convinced the
boy will be just fine and decide to live with him for good. Edward bribes
Jennings to deliver the tape of Sean and Monica's romantic affair straight
to Ramsey. Upon hearing the tape, Ramsey calls Anna with news that he's
got the evidence they need.
August 13,
1986 - Damon shows Duke the new code for the Tumble Dry file. Even if
Felicia was to get a copy of it, she wouldn't understand it. Tired of seeing
Frisco on their trail, Damon decides it's high time for the rookie cop to be
killed! Duke is violently opposed to rubbing out anybody. Murder will focus
unwelcome attention to the waterfront. Damon disregards DUke and hires a hit
man named Bud Price to pose as a waiter and kill Frisco on the night he
sings at Duke's. Burt and Anna discuss the tape that Jennings presented
them about Sean and Monica's affair. Bobbie is still down in the dumps and
gets a pep talk from her old pal Rick. Felicia is still trying to access
Tumble Dry on Duke's computer. She finds the file is protected by a secret
password. Derek doesn't tell Rick and Ginny that Mike is staying at his
cabin and the two run themselves ragged trying to find the boy. WHen the
truth does come out, Derek and Ginny get into a furious argument.
Anna and Duke walk the waterfront. (location footage) Duke tells Anna he
loves her for the first time. Anna melts in his arms.
August 14, 1986 - The hitman tells Damon he's been unable to make the hit on
Frisco. Frisco gets more advice from Sean. Damon gets Duke to hire
Frisco at DUke's. The perfect time to make the hit! Felicia asks Frisco
and he accepts! Derek continues to hold back on Rick and Ginny on
Mike's wherabouts. Rick is all for calling the cops. Robin blabs to
Sean and Frisco that her mommy is going to marry Duke! But Anna and
Duke argue because he's been ignoring her calls. Ginny and Rick inform
Anna that Mike's missing. Anna's really overworked now! Guy has
pictures of missing Mike plastered all over Kelly's. Derek continues to play
with Rick and Ginny's emotions and not tell them where Mike is. Sean
continues to plead his innocence in ALan's death. Anna and Sean call a truce
when she unloads her problems with Duke on him. Frisco is practicing his
songs at Duke's. While the hitman/waiter watches. Duke and Anna make up with
a little romance on the waterfront. Frisco and Felicia sing a rock song at
August 15, 1986 - Bobbie tells Jake she can't marry him. She can't be his
wife until she passes that oral exam. Stupefied, Jake goes out to Duke's
with Terry. Bobbie sulks at home, feeling so low she actually is taken in by
an apology from Lucy. Lucy's sorry for the way she's treated her and Terry. She
just had low self asteem. The former hooker from elm street knows what that
is all about. Patrick is so smitten with Lucy he drags her in the linen
closet for some hanky panky. Bobbie gets some advice on self esteem
from Yank. Patrick however is caught with his hand in the "cookie
jar" so to speak, when Jake and Terry find them coming out of the
closet! Terry is depressed. Patrick and Lucy prepare to join everyone
else at DUke's but find a better time at Lucy's by making love for the first
time. It's the big night at Duke's. Frisco is singing and everyone is
in a great mood. Duke and Anna do their famous Tango dance at the club. The
hitman prepares his gun aimed at Frisco. Damon interrupts a kiss with Anna
and Duke in his office. Duke and Angel come up with a plan to make it look
like Felicia stole and ermine fur coat and a lot of money. It is hoped this
will get F and F off their backs without resorting to murder. However, Damon
still orders the hit. Frisco sings his song as the hit man readies his
18-22, 1986: 8/18, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21 Tiffany interviews Sean on her
new show, invites him for lunch, Monica pours a pitcher of water over both
of them when she sees them together, bad spot on epi, 8/22
August 18, 1986 - Duke and Angel spot the gunman and take him out. They
hassle him upstairs without anyone noticing. Duke is furious at Damon
for a foolish stunt like that. Duke tells him they can forget the
entire plan, he's through! Patrick and Lucy are still making out in
bed. Lucy suddenly stops and puts on the shy innocent act. She thinks
that she and Patrick should try to cheer Bobbie up. Later, Jake yells at
Bobbie for making his life miserable just because she failed the exam. Her
depression and lack of pride is dragging him down too. Bobbie doesn't
want to hear it. Later, she comes to her senses and they make up. She
decides to study and take the test again. Duke and Angel step up their
plan to frame Felicia. Anna tells Duke she's hopelessly devoted to him.
Frisco and Felicia in bed.
August 19, 1986 - Guy meets with Monica and Sean and plays the lovemaking
tape of their liaison turned over to them by Jennnings. Jake
councils his client. The tape's useless, it will never hold up in
court. Missing Mike Webber calls Derek from the Adirondack's. Not to worry,
he tells his natural daddy. He's really getting his hed together. Derek
tells him to call Rick and Ginny because they are frantic to his
whereabouts. Later that day Rick tells Derek he is prepared to take legal
action if Mike decides to move to Omaha with him. Monica is convinced she
and her lover Sean were set up. But before she can prove it, Tiffany Hill
does a number on her honey. At Edward's insistence, Tiffany has Ginny read a
news report of a convicted felon who bilked millions of dollars from a
wealthy Philadelphia family and died alone in jail before new evidence came
out to free him. As planned, the news bulletin upsets Sean.
August 20 1986 - A letter arrives for Monica. A letter from Alan to be given
to her at the time of his death. The letter states that if he dies, he
blames Sean, who has the Q fortune hidden in a Swiss bank account.
Monica consults her old beau Rick for advice and help. Tiffany bails Sean
out who's drinking his troubles away at the Bucket of Blood. Alan and
Charity growing closer. Monica is in a panic! Duke and Angel begin to
frame Felicia. They send a delivery boy to drop off a package for Tiffany
Hill. Felicia takes charge of the package. Later, Duke asks Felicia to
sign a deposit slip for 50,000 and only deposits five thousand. Anna
tells Frisco that she is ending his sentence early. He's back on the force!
She knows he's still the same hot headed cop, but warns him to watch his
back and be careful. She doesn't mind his enthusiasm and investigating, but
he needs to report to her if he finds out anything. Duke, after hearing
Terry's warbling of an old ballad, hires her as a permanent attraction at
Duke's. Delighted to be back on the force, Frisco buys Felicia a sexy
new nightie, which naturally she has to try out! Duke and Anna getting
closer as the two of them promise to not have secrets with each other.
August 21, 1986 - Bobbie tells Jake she took the test again and passed!
She's now head OR nurse! Tiffany putting more screws to Sean, brings
over a caged bird and Sean flips out. He can't stand to see any creature in
a cage. Next Tiff invites Donely on her new talk show called "The Men
in Her Life". Sean tells all those television viewers out there (which
include the livid and nauseated Monica) that luck helped him recover his
lost fortune and that he's never married because he doesn't believe in
forever. Monica, furious leaves a message for her lover at the station.
Tiff puts the message in the garbage. She takes Sean to the Floating Rib for
lunch. Funny this is the same place that Monica and Amy were going. Upon
seeing Tiff and Sean together, Monica tosses their drinks in their face!!
Derek tells Rick and Ginny that he has made a decision to leave town till
Mike makes up his mind. Little do they know that he's actually staying with
Mike at the cabin. Derek calls Amanda from the cabin on a cell phone. (a
very HUGE PHONE! lol!) to report he thinks Mike is going to stay with him.
August 22,
1986 - Jake and Bobbie have resolved their differences. Bobbie accepts
Jake's offer of marriage now that she's a happy woman again. Damon tells
Duke he's under orders to take Frisco out, Mr B's orders! A big
shipment of Monte Carlo money is coming in tonight and they are worried the
super cop will get in the way. Duke steps up his plan to get Frisco out of
town with Felicia. When the bank discovers that almost 40,000 is missing
from Duke's account, Felicia becomes the prime suspect. Duke tells Anna who
smells grand larceny. Sam overhears Duke and Anna talking about Felicia's
possible crime and alerts the recently reinstated Jones. Frisco rushes home
to tell his wife about the plot. Felicia is excited because she has gotten
her hands on a TUMBLE DRY printout when Toughie forgot to turn off the
computer. Before they can decipher the secret code, Frisoc opens Tiff's
"birthday present" and fins one of the stolen furs and 50,000 in
cash. Then Tessie calls to warn them about the set up. When they leave to
meet her on the waterfront, they get a note from her to meet her on the pier
in NYC. Anna puts out a police call for F&F, but the two of them take
off on a motorcycle with the cash flying everywhere, and on the run and
trying to decipher the Tumble Dry code. (Shades of Luke and Laura on
the run from the Left Handed boy!)
August 25-29, 1986: 8/25, 8/26,
8/27, 8/28, 8/29
August 25, 1986 - Damon, Duke and Angel await the huge amount of cash from
Tessie's boat. It finally arrives in the washing machine boxes. Anna and Guy
find Frisco and Felicia's apt deserted. Tanya is alerted but Anna doesn't
tell them why they are looking for them. But later Jake figures out what is
going on when Burt and crew show up. But mounting evidence point to their
guilt. The man who's bike they stole identifies them from a picture. F and F
are on the run via motorcycle, stop on the outskirts of PC. They decide to
lay low for awhile. Using what little stolen money they have left. They
check into a hotel. Anna won't make an arrest due to circumstantial
evidence. Frisco and Feclia try to decipher the Tumble Dry code. When Anna
is questioning Duke, Angel shows up with news the Fur coat is missing. (Part
of their frame up) F&F check into a motel. Duke tells Angel in
order to keep &FF safe, he will instruct Tessie to lead them on a wild
goose chase. It's the only way to keep Damon away from the
duo. Meanwhile, Felicia gets a good nights sleep while Frisco tries to
decode Tumble Dry.
August 26, 1986 - The local paper of course slanders Frisco and Feclia into
commiting the theft. Jake is furious but today is the day Bobbie takes
over as head of OR nursing. While Monica wonders what is going on inside
Sean's mind, she asks Rick for help with the true meaning of the letter
written by Alan before he died. Alan states if she is reading this
letter, she knows that Alan killed him. Sean meanwhile transfers all his
money, (plus the Q fortune) into another Swiss account with the code name
Monica. Alan is enjoying his life as Simon in Pawtuck. He and Charity become
even closer when he performs an emergency tracheotomy on her son Jonah
saving his life. Back at revenge headquarters, Edward and Jimmy Lee are
satisfied with the framing of Sean. But wonder what became of Alan?
They haven't heard from him since his "crash". Chuck Morrison
acting on orders from Edward plants the bug in Monica's mind about Sean's
secret Swiss bank account. Monica demands to see Sean's secret safe
which contains the Swiss bank account that proofs once and for all he stole
the Q fortune. Happy to oblige, Sean gives her the combination and Monica
finds the safe empty. (Sean burned the copy before she arrived) Monica
apologizes for even thinking that Sean might have killed Alan. Although
she's still not convinced he didn't fleece the family some way. In Pawtuck,
a grateful Charity kisses Alan.
August 27, 1986 - Anna and Guy trying to come up with some reason for Frisco
and Feclia running from the law. They don't believe they are guilty. More
troubles for Duke. Angel and Toughie discover that a copy of the Tumble Dry
program was printed and the only one that could have stolen it was Felicia.
Duke is upset. He's trying to protect them, but nosy Felicia ruined
everything. Toughie reports to Damon who naturally is not happy. Damon hires
another hit man to eliminate F&F. Duke tries to cover for Felicia. Ginny
interviews Anna on the F&F case. Is her friendship with F and F clouding
her judgment? Anna denies it. Buzz returns to GH after his successful
surgery. Anna is there to great him. Frisco and Feclia meet Martha (a
bum) with a message from Tessie. Before she can give it however, she
runs away. At a local diner, Felicia who's still dragging around the fur
coat, are spotted by a pair of thieves who resemble F&F. The
crooked duo steal the coat when Frisco's back is turned. Frisco is knocked
out by a bottle, but Felicia is able to get the coat back. However the
money is gone. F&F run out without paying the tab. Damon charges Duke
with all their problems so far. Mr. B is not happy.
August 28 1986 - Guy reports to Anna and Jake that a couple resembling
Frisco and Feclia were arrested in NYC carrying a bundle of cash. Bobbie
now head nurse, puts Lucy in her place. She better be on the straight and
narrow from now on! Alan and Charity discuss the kiss they had. Charity
doesn't want Alan to get the wrong idea. She's fond of him but that's all.
But Alan wants more. Damon orders Toughie to find out from Angel where
Frisco and Feclia are hiding. With Anna busy on the Frisco case, Duke
takes Robin to the zoo. Robin lets it slip to Uncle Duke that her mommy
is in NYC. Terry figures out that Patrick is sleeping with Lucy. In
NYC, Anna and Jake confront the pair who stole the stolen goods from Frisco
and Felicia. They identify F&F from a picture. Jimmy Lee tries to
get under Sean's skin when he paints life behind bars. Ginny and Rick
tell Lucy they are very grateful that she turned out so well and they are a
part of her reformat. At Kelly's, Monica just happens to be there when
the arranged phone call from Alan comes in on the payphone. Monica answers
when Jimmy Lee steps away. Monica keeps saying hello, hello, but Alan hears
Monica's voice and keeps quiet. The operator comes on and says the call
is from ML Blaine. The jig was almost up! Meanwhile more phone eavesdropping
goes on at Duke's when Tessie reports to Duke that she's going to help
Frisco and Felicia get out of town. But Damon is listening in on the line.
Damon reports they are next going to Cincinnati. Damon orders another hit
August 29 1986 - Alan has now been declared legally dead. Monica
admits she loves Sean and he breaks down and proposes to her, calling her
bluff. Monica however panics. She doesn't think they should jump into
marriage so soon. Charity tells Alan all about her late husband. Buzz shows
off his new hairpiece with help from Claudia and Sandy. Robin thinks it
is cute. With only 1,700 dollars left from the stolen cash. Frisco and
Felicia continue on the lam. Martha arrives with another message from
Tessie. Martha sends the duo to Cincinnati. There they lose the rest of
their money and the fur as Martha's errand boy robs them and leaves them
tied up in the Hotel. The Brownstoners Patrick, Jake, Tony and Tanya
all get dressed to the nines when they turn up at Duke's to hear Terry's
singing torch song debut. Anna and Buzz discuss her love for Duke. Anna
is saddened by Duke's unwilling to open up to her. He promises just give him
three more weeks. Everything will be all right. Damon is wondering if he can
trust Duke's loyalty, as he watches the duo from the shadows.
1-8, 1986: 9/1, 9/2 (glitch in
episode), 9/3, 9/4, 9/5 (:20 pre-emption), 9/8
1, 1986 (Slight jump to picture) - It is Labor Day and in Pawtuk, Alan
continues pretending that he has amnesia . He tells Charity that he loves
being there with her, but she wants him to find out his identity. Edward is
putting pressure on Tiffany to drive a wedge between Sean and Monica. At
General Hospital, Monica tells Steve and Audrey that she is upset that the
police suspect her and Sean in Alan's "death." Rick and Ginny are
upset that Mike has spent time away from home with Derrick. Mike tells Ginny
and Rick that he has decided to move to Omaha with Derrick (his father).
Monica plans on going to Switzerland to inform her sons that Alan is
dead, but Edward is adamently opposed to it. He wants Jimmy Lee to go to
Pawtuk to check up on Alan. Monica becomes suspicious of Sean when she spots
Tiffany coming out of his penthouse and gets angry when Donely lies about
September 2, 1986 (picture jumps and some tracking problems) - Anna tells
Captain Lewis to intensify the search for Frisco and Felicia. Duke tells
Angel he is worried about what has happened to Frisco and Felicia in
Cincinnati. Frisco and Felica manage to untie themselves and escape from the
hotel room and go to the bus depot. They are frustrated that they don't have
money. Frisco tells Felicia that they should go to Atlantic City . Under
orders from Damon, a hitman is trailing after Frisco and Felicia. Knowing
that they don't have money, the hitman offers to take them to his home and
feed them. Frisco is suspicious of him, but Felicia thinks that he is a good
guy . Just before they leave with the hitman, Frisco pretends to
have a leg injury and falls onthe man. Frisco tells Felicia that he felt a
gun on the guy and they both give the hitman the slip. A woman gives Anna a
lead on Frisco and Felicia's whereabouts. The woman found Frisco's police
uniform on her property. Anna tells Sam that she thinks that Felicia has
been set up.
September 3, 1986 - Alan is not pleased to see Jimmy Lee in Pawtuk. Jimmy
Lee and Edward are concerned that Alan likes being in Pawtuk with Charity
too much and is forgetting his part in the plan to get Sean Donely and ,
ultimately, to reclaim the money that he stole from them . Alan tells
Jimmy Lee that getting the Quartermaine fortune back doesn't mean that much
to him, anymore. Because of his past drug problems, Buzz wants Steve to make
sure that he has no access to drugs at General Hospital and the van. Sean
tells Captain Lewis that he is being set up for Alan's "death" and
he tells Jake that he didn't steal the Quartermaine money. Mike comes to the
hospital with Derrick to say good-bye to Rick and then goes to the TV studio
and has a tearfull farewell with Ginny. Bobbie is upset with Lucy Coe for
messing up her OR schedule. Lucy, innocently, claims that it was an accident
and Bobbie doesn't believe her, but Patrick is on Lucy's side.
September 4, 1986 - Duke is concerned that Frisco and Felicia haven't made
it to Chicago, yet, and suspects that Damon has something to do with it.
Having slept the night on a park bench, Felicia and Frisco awake in the
morning to find a wallet on the ground with $ 200 inside it. Damon has sent
a hitwoman , named Edna, to kill Frisco and Felicia. Anna is getting
criticism from all sides ; The Lawyers Association is upset with her for
coddling a criminal (Frisco) and The Police Benevolent Association is filing
charges against Anna for persecuting Frisco. Bobbie asks Jake to elope with
her and he agrees. Lucy asks Patrick if Kevin suffered from multiple
personalities. Ted tells Terry that Purity Water Company is making her a
rich woman. Captain Lewis informs Anna that Frisco was investigating
shipments of washing machines to the ADZ Warehouse. Duke warns Damon not to
harm Frisco and Felicia. Frisco, accidentally, drops the Tumble
Dry printout into a bucket of water and it dissolves.
September 5, 1986 (:20 ABC news pre-emption) - Because they don't have
money, Frisco and Felicia plan on disguising themselves as senior citizens
to sneak onto an excursion bus to Atlantic City. As they board the bus,
Edna, the hitwoman, befriends them. Damon tells Phillip that Frisco
and Felicia won't make it to Atlantic City, alive. Anna is feeling pressured
by reporters to find Frisco and Felicia. Anna tells Sean that the ADZ
Warehouse is the key to Frisco's sudden disappearence from Port Charles.
Duke tells Angel to do what he can to locate Frisco and Felicia. Damon's
plans for the shoddy construction of Fisherman's Village are rejected by the
Building Commissioner , Dan Rooney. Duke is upset that Damon would try to
pull a fast one on Dan. Alan tells Charity that he is ready to make a
committment to her. Edward goes to Pawtuk and tells Alan he will blow his
cover unless he returns to Port Charles. Edward thinks that Alan is
getting too attached to Charity and has forgotten his role in the plan to
get Donely. Damon introduces David and Phillip to Mr. B, it is Bert
September 8, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia arrive in Atlantic City with Edna,
unaware that she is a hitwoman assigned to kill them. Bert tells Damon to
hold off on the hit on Frisco and Felicia, until the printout is retrieved
from them. Ramsey orders David and Phillip to make sure that Purity Water
Company is used by them to launder money. Upset that Dan Rooney rejected his
company's construction plans for the shoddy development of Fisherman's
Village, Bert arranges for Dan to have an " accident " to remove
him from his position as the Commissioner of Waterfront Development. Tom
Green informs Sean that he saw a shipment go from the ADZ Warehouse directly
to Duke's Club. Duke is upset when Tom Green admits that he told Sean about
the shipment going to his place, but Duke covers his agitation infront of
Tom. Sean tells Anna what Tom told him and is starting to think that Duke is
involved in something shady , but Anna doesn't want to believe that Later,
Anna is compelled by her job to question Duke about his involvement with the
ADZ Warehouse.
September 9-15, 1986: 9/9,
9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/15
September 9,
1986 - Edward goes to Captain Lewis with incriminating evidence against
Donely and demands that the police arrest Sean for Alan's "
death." Lucy meets with her publisher with an idea to boost
sales for her book, by printing a letter from Kevin
O'Connor. Lucy arranges to have the royalties from the book go to
her instead of the Jennifer Talbot Memorial Wing. Bobbie and Jake plan
their wedding and asks Patrick and Terry to be witnesses. Captain Lewis
questions Sean about Edward's accusation that he stole the Quartermaine
fortune. Tony and Tania question Angel about Frisco and Felicia's
whereabouts. Damon gives Edna, the hitwoman an order to retrieve the
printout from Frisco and Felicia and then go ahead and kill them.
September 10, 1986 - Anna tells Tony that she is going to have to throw the
book at Frisco for stealing a motorcycle and helping Felicia escape.
Buzz tells Anna that Dan Rooney was the victim of a hit-and-run accident ;
his right hand was almost severed. Anna tels Duke that it seems like the
accident was done on purpose. Felicia wins money at the gambling tables
playing blackjack . She and Frisco take her winnings and go shopping , while
Edna searches their room for the printout. Bert tells Damon that David can
take over Dan Rooney's position as Building Commissioner , now that Dan is
out of the way. Toughie tells Duke and Angel that Damon is in Atlantic City
, meeting with Mr. B . Buzz , Rick, Yank and Bobbie tell Anna and Ruby that
Dan made it through the surgery . Frisco spots Tessie on the boardwalk and
chases after her, but she manages to elude him. Tessie tells Duke that
Frisco and Felicia are in Atlantic City. He tells her to keep them safe from
September 11, 1986 - Ruby tells Bobbie she is grateful to hear that Dan is
going to be okay. Duke tells Angel that he is going to Atlantic City . Bert
tells Rick that he can't find any evidence of the hit-and-run driver who
mowed down Dan. Searching for proof to clear her name , Felicia and Frisco
go to the Tumble Dry warehouse, only to discover that it is out of business.
Tessie leaves bait for Frisco and Felicia, the mink coat ; which is at an
auction house. Duke reminds Tessie to keep Frisco and Felicia safely
hidden from Damon. Bert manages to talk Mayor Morgan into hiring an
assistant to Dan, to help with his Waterfront Redelopment Commissioner
duties. Dan will not be able to devote all of his time to the job , because
he will be recovering from his injuries . Bert tells Damon to order Duke to
recommend one of their mobsters to be Dan's assistant. Damon tells Bert that
Sean has been snooping around the ADZ Warehouse.
September 14, 1986 - Bert tells Damon that Tessie knows that Edna is trying
to kill Frisco and Felicia . Tessie tries to warn the couple by sending them
a note , but it is intercepted by Edna. Damon tells Edna to kill Tessie
before she has the chance to talk with Frisco and Felicia . To keep Donely
away from the ADZ Warehouse, Bert tells Damon that he will arrest Sean for
Alan's murder . Duke tells Angel he plans on retrieving Frisco and Felicia
from Atlantic City and bring them home, safely. Anna interrogates Sean about
his Swiss bank account and theft of the Quartermaine fortune. With Sean out
of the way, Duke and Damon make the cash transfer to Duke's Club. Duke
thinks that he no longer has to be involved in laundering money - that he is
out of this dirty business ; but to Duke's outrage, Damon tells him that he
is still going to be involved in money laundering with the
mob. Planning to meet Tessie on the beach , Frisco and Felicia watch Edna
shoot Tessie and then turn the gun on them.
September 15, 1986 - Damon tells Ramsey that he informed Duke he isn't
going to be allowed to leave the organization. Anna wants Duke to tell her
what information he has on Felicia and Frisco, but Duke tells her he needs
more time. Frisco and Felicia manage to escape from Edna. Anna receives a
call from Captain Lewis that Tessie has been killed in Atlantic City. Bert
tells Damon that when he was named co-chief of police, instead of
commissioner, he decided to join the mob. Now, he has the power he always
wanted. Ramsey and Anna go to Atlantic City and learn that Frisco and
Felicia bought the mink coat at an auction. Frisco and Felicia return
to their hotel room , but escape when they hear Anna and Bert entering their
room. Duke confronts Damon about the hit on Tessie and tells him he is going
to Atlantic City. Duke tells Angel that he blames himself for Tessie's death
and that he feels responsible for the danger that Frisco and Felicia are in.
16-22, 1986: 9/16, 9/17 Robin
calls Robert, 9/18, 9/19, 9/22 Robert Returns
September 16,
1986 - Monica returns from Switzerland and informs Rick that she didn't tell
her children that Alan is "dead." Rick tells her that Sean has
been arrested for Alan's murder. Monica plans to put up the money to bail
Donely out of jail but Tiffany tells Sean that she will come up with
the bail money for him. Lucy's book publisher informs her that
Kevin's letters will put her book on the bestseller list. Jake is angry when
Patrick tells him that Kevin's letters will be published in Lucy's book.
Jake is concerned what this will do to Terry; since the letters implicate
her. Patrick and Jake agree not to tell Terry this news until Jake returns
from his wedding. While Edward tells Jimmy Lee to bring Alan home, in
Pawtuk, Alan tells Charity that he wants to marry her .
September 17, 1986 - short cable reception glitch for about a minute at
about :32 mins into epi, very watchable and overall good quality - Anna
tells Sam that she found no sign of Frisco and Felicia in Atlantic
City. In the meantime, Frisco and Felicia are in a truck that is taking them
out of Atlantic City. Duke confronts Damon about the killing of Tessie.
Damon tells him that Duke answers to him, not the other way around. Damon
orders Duke to convince Mayor Morgan to hire one of their mobsters to
replace Dan Rooney as Building Commissioner. Duke warns Damon that if Mr. B
doesn't call off the hit on Frisco and Felicia, he will tell Anna everything
about the organization. Buzz is in an angry mood, which makes Sandy and
Jimmy Lee wonder what is bothering him. In the park, Robin overhears Damon
say that he may have to kill Anna. Worried about what she heard, Robin tells
Anna, but she thinks that Robin is just imagining things. Robin makes a
phone call to her daddy, Robert Scorpio, and urges him to come to Port
Charles to save Anna.
September 18, 1986 - Bobbie tells Terry that she is calling off her wedding
to Jake. Duke threatens Damon if he harms Anna. Bobbie tells Jake that
she thinks he cares more about Terry than her. Terry is upset with Patrick
when she spots Kevin's letters in the newspaper. Lucy is pleased when
her publisher tells her that Kevin's letters have made it into the papers.
To save Frisco and Felicia and to protect Anna, Duke is putting together a
package of incriminating information on the mob and he is going to send it
to the police. Angel tries to talk Duke out of doing it as it will be
suicide for him. Lucy tells Patrick that she had no idea her publisher would
release Kevin's letters to the public, but Patrick doesn't believe her.
Duke plans on sending the package to Bert Ramsey and then leaving town. Anna
tells Duke about her past with Robert. Anna makes it clear to Duke that she
is devoted to him, now.
September 19, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia are going back to Port Charles and
plan to go to the ADZ Warehouse to investigate the shipment of washing
machines . Damon tells Edna to shoot Frisco and Felicia on sight. As Duke
packs his bags to get out of Port Charles, Anna arrives. Duke explains that
the bags belong to Angel, but she is skeptical. Ginny tells Ruby that she is
angry at Rick for not trying harder to keep Mike from leaving town with
Derrick. Damon calls Duke a traitor and waves the package in his face that
he thought he had sent to Bert Ramsey . Damon threatens to kill Anna and
Robin if Duke tries to betray the organization, again. Entering the ADZ
Warehouse, Frisco and Felicia don't find any washing machines, but they do
find an invoice to a circus. Duke tells Anna that he needs more time to come
up with the information needed to help Frisco and Felicia. In the meantime,
Edna is waiting in the warehouse ready to kill Frisco and Felicia.
September 22, 1986 - Robert is back in Port Charles, having knocked out Edna
with a karate chop as she was about to shoot Frisco and Felicia in the ADZ
Warehouse. Hearing the couple escape, Robert gives chase, but loses them.
However, he manages to run into Sean; they return to the ADZ Warehouse and
find that Edna is gone. Sean tells Robert that Anna is in love with Duke.
Monica tells Rick that she is willing to fill in for him and perform surgery
on children in Central America. Under suspicion for Alan's "
death", Jake advises her not to leave the country. Anna isn't
thrilled by Robert's return and gets defensive about his doubts over Duke.
Robin arranges for Robert to meet Duke at the zoo. Robert tells him that he
is in town for as long as necessary. Anna reassures Duke that he is her
future and Robert is her past. Bert Ramsey is shocked to see Robert and to
hear that he retrieved Edna's gun. Ramsey orders Damon to get Edna out of
town. Robert plans to stay at Anna's place for the duration of his visit .
September 23 - October 2, 1986: 9/23,
9/24, 9/25, 9/26 Jade returns, 9/29
September 23,
1986 - Rick is upset with Ginny for enlisting Jake's help to take legal
action to reclaim Mike. Ginny tells Rick that she is determined to get Mike
back, with or without his help. Sam tells Tony and Tania that Frisco and
Felicia were spotted in Port Charles by Robert and that a woman tried
to shoot them. Damon gives Edna a passport and money to get out of the
country. Frisco and Felicia arrive at the Oliviert Circus and manage to
secure jobs there. Frisco is hired as a roustabout and Felicia is hired as a
belly dancer. Ginny encourages Tony to go on TV and make a plea to Frisco to
return home. Terry tells Patrick and Ruby that she is the reason that Bobbie
and Jake aren't getting married. Feeling rejected by Patrick, Lucy cries to
Rick that he and Ginny are the only friends she has. Damon orders another
hitman to find and kill Frisco and Felicia.
September 24, 1986 - Anna is not happy to see Robert sleeping at her place;
invading her privacy and she makes a point of waking him up. Duke is also
annoyed when he spots Robert at Anna's home but she tries to explain to
Lavery that Robin feels safe with Robert close by and that makes it okay.
Damon orders Duke to host a masquerade party at his club as a cover for the
laundered cash that will be arriving from the Oliviert Circus. Against
Anna's wishes, Robert goes to visit Duke at his club and they have a tense
meeting. Tiffany tells Sean that she can tell that he still cares about
Monica and she doesn't want to get involved with a man on the rebound. Tony
tells Robert that he and Tania are worried about Frisco and Felicia and
urges Scorpio to find them. Robert reassures Robin that he will stay until
he finds the man who wants to kill Anna .
September 25, 1986 - Frisco tells Felicia that he believes the Oliviert
Circus is connected to the ADZ Warehouse and he plans to follow around one
of the members of the circus; a man named, Michele. Patrick tells Lucy he
has had enough of her lies and manipulations. Bert is nervous about Scorpio
being back in Port Charles and tells Phillip they are in jeopardy as long as
Robert is in town. Another hitman sent by Damon to kill Frisco and Felicia
arrives at the Oliviert Circus. Rick and Ginny are having marital problems,
because of Mike's departure. Rick isn't even sleeping in the same bedroom
with Ginny, but Rick tells Ginny that he loves her with or without Mike in
their lives and they resolve their differences. Frisco is determined to look
inside a treasure chest that was delivered to Michele's trailer. When he
tries to open it, he discovers the chest is locked.
September 26, 1986 - Glitchy picture during last two minutes during last
R&A scene - Bert is worried that Robert is checking into Duke's
background on the computer . Damon tells Duke tonight's masquerade party is
a cover to transfer illegal money from the Oliviert Circus. Damon warns Duke
that if the police catch them in the act, Damon's men will shoot Anna on the
spot at the party. As a favor to Ginny, Patrick takes her mysterious friend
to Duke's masquerade party. What Patrick doesn't know, is that the woman
behind the mask is really Lucy Coe. Jade returns to General Hospital to
see Audrey and Yank is not happy with her. Robert shares his suspicions of
Duke with Anna , but she doesn't want to hear it, she thinks that Scorpio is
just out to get Duke. At Duke's Club, Robert watches Michele and another man
deliver the illegal cash in a treasure chest . By the time Robert looks
inside it, the cash has been replaced by fake money. Robert tells Anna he
has discovered there is a month missing in Duke's life.
September 29, 1986 - Tracking glitch for first :15 seconds - Patrick tells
Jimmy Lee that Buzz is on edge at the hospital and it looks like he is about
to start using drugs, again. When Anna awakes in the morning, she discovers
that Robert has left and wonders what he is up to. Dockworkers are upset
with Duke for not delivering the new jobs he promised them. Sean isn't
helpful when Anna questions him about Robert's whereabouts. Duke is worried
that Robert is going to find out about the illegal cash transfers from the
Oliviert Circus, but Damon is unconcerned about Scorpio. Lila encourages
Sandy to pursue her interest in Patrick. Telling Edward that Alan has left
and afraid he won't come back, Charity is pleasantly surprised when Alan
returns to her. Terry tells Patrick she has to move out of the Brownstone
and maybe even Port Charles. Duke promises the dockworkers there will be
more jobs for them. Bert orders Damon to find out where Robert has gone.
September 30 - October 6, 1986: 9/30,
10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/6
September 30,
1986 - Patrick tells Steve Hardy that he doesn't want to spy on Buzz ,
anymore. By spying on Buzz , Patrick has to spend time with Sandy and feels
he is giving her the wrong signals. Steve urges Patrick to continue spying
on Buzz awhile longer. Rick and Ruby try to convince Bobbie that Jake
is a good guy. After D.L. Brock, Bobbie does not want to get involved in
another failed marriage, but Rick and Ruby urge her not to let Jake slip
away. General Hospital has a board meeting to decide if Jade will be re-
admitted to the nursing school. Having left the school without permission,
Buzz, Steve, Dan, Audrey, Rick and Jessie debate whether Jade deserves a
second chance. Stella goes on TV with Ginny and Lila to participate in the
lottery spin and she wins $ 50,000. Patrick talks Steve and Audrey into
helping Sandy into nursing school. Jake tells Bobbie and Terry that
they shouldn't let petty problems separate them.
October 1, 1986 - Robert is still away and Robin asks Anna where he has
gone, but she does not know, either. All Anna can tell Robin is that Scorpio
is working. Bert tells Damon he is going to the Oliviert Circus to see if
Robert is there. Frisco alerts Felicia that the cops are at the circus.
Felicia wants to run away, but Frisco wants to stay and continue his
investigation of the circus. Robin doesn't think that Buzz cares about her
and she no longer considers him to be her godfather. Buzz apologizes to
Robin for not being there for her in the past. Sean wants to know when the
murder charges against him will be dropped, but Anna says that the decision
is up to Ramsey. At the circus, Bert spots Felicia and Frisco working there
and Scorpio, who is disguised as a clown. Ramsey tells Damon to order
Michele to arrange for Frisco, Felicia and Robert to be killed.
October 2, 1986 - Damon tells Duke that Mr. B has new orders for him; Duke
is supposed to marry Anna to keep her in the organization's pocket.
Damon presents him with an engagement ring to give to Anna but Duke refuses
to follow orders. Robert overhears Michele and another man order two members
of the circus to murder Frisco, Felicia and himself . Angel urges Duke to
get engaged to Anna to appease Mr. B. Frisco tries to open the
treasure chest but is interrupted when Robert shows up. Robert tells
him that the chest is headed to Duke's Club that night . Later , Frisco and
Felicia are captured by members of the circus and ordered to turn over the
printout. Robert comes to their rescue and frees them from their captors and
the three of them escape. Duke caves-in to Mr. B's demands and he
proposes to Anna, she accepts.
October 3, 1986 - Damon informs Ramsey that Frisco, Felicia and Scorpio are
going to be killed that night. What Damon doesn't know is that the three of
them are on the road, following Michele to Duke's Club to try to intercept
the illegal cash transfer. Jake tells Sean that Monica's testimony is the
key to keeping Donely out of jail. Tony and Tania stun Buzz with the news
that Anna and Duke are engaged. Anna wonders why Duke proposed to her so
suddenly, unaware that Duke was ordered to by Mr. B. Hearing of the
engagement, Sean tries to talk Anna out of marrying Duke. Robert arrives at
Duke's Club, too late to catch Michele delivering the cash. Bert is shocked
to see that Robert is still alive. Hiding outside of Duke's Club, Frisco and
Felicia are spotted by Captain Lewis and Sam and subsequently arrested.
Robert tells Duke that he knows what he is up to and is going to hunt him
October 6, 1986 - Note: Audio drops out for a couple of seconds towards the
end of the episode in a R&A scene - Unable to find Frisco and Felicia,
Robert goes back to Duke's Club to confront Lavery. Handcuffed, Frisco and
Felicia are questioned by Ramsey. Frisco wants to wait and talk to Robert
first but Bert makes it clear that this is police business and Robert
isn't a cop anymore. Edward tells Jimmy Lee he couldn't find Alan in Pawtuk.
Without Alan, they won't be able to get the Quartermaine money back from
Donely. Charity gets jealous when a woman flirts with Alan. Determined
to strip search Frisco and Felicia for the printout , Ramsey rips out the
alarm system in the holding cell; which demands that they are searched and
put into regular cells with hardened criminals. Predictably, Frisco is
beaten in his cell and Felicia is attacked in hers. Angel and Duke agree
that it is only a matter of time before Scorpio figures out what is going
on. Robert tells Anna he thinks that Duke is laundering money but she
doesn't believe it.
7-17, 1986: 10/7, (no show
10/8), 10/9 Robert & Anna, 10/10 glitch, 10/16 Robert & Anna, 10/17
cm Robert & Anna *Baseball
Playoffs no show 10/13, 10/14, 10/15
October 7,
1986 - Anna informs Tony that Frisco and Felicia were arrested and beaten in
their cells and are at General Hospital. Frisco tells Anna that she is to
blame for what happened to him and his wife in jail. Duke arranges for
Marco to take the fall for Frisco and Felicia in exchange for $ 50,000 now
and another $ 50,000 when Marco gets out of jail. Bobbie and
Jake find Tania in her apartment about to give birth. Tania is
upset that Tony isn't there with her. With no time to get Tania to a
hospital, Bobbie helps her give birth to a girl. Frisco tells Tony
that he is bitter with the police department and believes that he is going
to be dropped from the force. Anna is beginning tohave doubts about Duke and
starting to believe what Robert says about him might be true. Anna
gives Duke back his engagement ring.
October 9, 1986 - With Frisco and Felicia facing charges, Jake tells Frisco
he will enter a plea of not guilty on Jones' behalf. Ramsey is upset to
discover Scorpio inspecting the alarm system for the holding cell. In
court, Jake argues to allow Frisco out on bail, which the judge allows.
Damon orders Duke to get Anna to take back the engagement ring. After
helping Tania deliver her baby, Bobbie tells Rick that she feels empty
because she can't have a child of her own. The police trial board dumps
Frisco from the force . Frisco does a TV interview with Ginny and says he is
bitter with the police department and Anna. Robin is upset with Anna for not
helping Frisco and thinks she has lost him as her godfather. Donely is upset
at Anna for not investigating Duke's involvement in the
framing of Frisco and Felicia.
October 10, 1986 - Tiffany tells Edward and Jimmy Lee that she no longer
wants to deceive Sean but they threaten to tell Donely about her
involvement in their scam if she doesn't continue her role in it. Jade wants
to re-enroll into nursing school and Steve, Buzz, Audrey, Rick
and Bobbie agree to give Jade a second chance. Edward offers to make a deal
with Sean, the money in exchange for Donely's freedom. Expecting to meet
Alan at Kelly's, Edward intercepts Alan before Monica, Sean and Jake see
him. Alan tells Edward he doesn't want to be part of their scheme to get
Donely anymore. Alan wants to start a new life with Charity in Pawtuk, but
Edward threatens to have his medical license revoked if Alan doesn't help
get their money back. Buzz informs Sandy that she has been accepted into
nursing school. Lucy has a press conference for her book, where Bobbie
shows up and defends Terry and Patrick.
Playoffs no show 10/13, 10/14, 10/15
October 16,
1986 - It is Robin's birthday and Frisco and Felicia deliver presents along
with balloons to her. Robert has found information on the computer
about Duke and won't tell Anna what it is. Damon is putting pressure on Duke
to get the printout back from Frisco and Felicia. Chuck Morrison advises
Monica to go to the general store in Pawtuk. He says that she will be
interested in what she finds . Frisco tells Robert and Sean that the
printout from Duke's computer was in code and they are determined to crack
it. Duke tells Anna that one day they will be together. Tania leaves General
Hospital and goes home with her newly born baby girl . Frisco goes into
Duke's office and tries out access words on his computer. Sean confesses to
Tiffany that he has Edward's money. Monica is stunned to see Alan in Pawtuk.
Duke catches Frisco in his office and demands to know what he's doing there.
October 20-24, 1986: 10/20 cm, 10/21 (missed 1st 10 mins), 10/22 cm, 10/23 cm, 10/24 cm
October 20,
1986 - Edward tells Jimmy Lee he is optimistic that Sean will soon give back
the money he stole from them. Duke informs Tony and Jake that an employee of
his, Marco, "framed" Felicia. Alan wants to know if Edward sent
Monica to see him in Pawtuk. Edward thinks that Chuck Morrison is the one
who told Monica that Alan was really alive. Bryan advises Bobbie not to let
her feelings about Lucy interfere with their working relationship at General
Hospital. Tiffany scolds Ginny for not covering Lucy's press
conference. Rick argues with Sean and blames him for Monica's troubled state
of mind. Tony and Tania tell Bobbie they are naming their baby girl
after her. Monica learns from a nurse that Alan asked her about amnesia
before he "died."
October 21, 1986 - Missed first :10 minutes of episode - Felicia tells
Anna that Frisco feels betrayed by the police department. Ginny tells Rick
she is going to hire a full-time nanny for her son, but Rick doesn't like
her idea. Frisco expresses his bitterness about the police to Duke and
Damon. Frisco has no problems with Anna the woman, but he does have problems
with Anna the cop. Arriving at Sean's penthouse, Monica is not happy to see
a half-naked Tiffany greet her at the door. Monica calls her a slut
and marches out. Ginny complains to Claudia that Rick does not understand
that she needs to devote more time to her career in order to make enough
money to get Mike back . Felicia arranges for Jade to have a romantic
evening with Yank , but it is interrupted by Frisco, Bryan , Rick and Jake.
Frisco tells Felicia he is determined to convince Duke and Damon that
he is a cop-hater.
October 22, 1986 - Terry is upset to spot Lucy's book at General Hospitaland
Bobbie and Patrick are unable to calm her down . Duke tells Angel that a
ring Angus sent him is proof that he will be free of the organization, soon.
Arriving at court for Felicia's hearing , Frisco promises her that she will
walk out of it a free woman. Marco's confession of framing Felicia is enough
to convince the judge to drop the charges against Felicia. Rick complains to
Bobbie that Ginny is behaving irrationally since Mike has left. Angus
holds a meeting with Damon, Phillip, David and Duke. Angus announces that by
December 1st, Duke will be out of the organization. A bitter Frisco
cleans out his locker and tells Bert and Captain Lewis he thinks the Port
Charles Police Department stinks. Tiffany urges Jimmy Lee to help boost
Terry's following at Duke's Club. Ginny conducts a tense TV interview with
October 23, 1986 - Angel cautions Duke not to be so sure he will be let out
of the organization, regardless of what Angus told him. Robert tells Anna he
has discovered something on the computer about Duke's missing month. Anna
informs Robert she is getting engaged to Duke again. Lavery is angry at
Damon for setting Angel up as a fall guy if the organization is exposed.
Edward tells Sean he has evidence to prove Donely's innocence and will use
it, only if Sean returns his money. After Alan leaves Charity's store
for a little while, Monica enters and approaches Charity. Monica shows
Charity a picture of Edward and she informs Monica that she recognizes him
as the man who recently visited her in Pawtuk. Robin identifies the voice
she heard in the park of the man who threatened to kill Anna. Robin
tells Robert that Damon is the man. Robert assures her that he will
take care of him.
October 24, 1986 - Showing up in court for Sean's preliminary hearing ,
Robert advises him to give back Edward's money back. Damon receives an
anonymous note to meet him at the park. Duke tells Angel he honestly wants
to marry Anna, even though the mob is ordering him to. Edward and Jimmy Lee
are worried that Monica knows that Alan is faking his amnesia. Edward
presents Sean with a written agreement for him to sign; the Quartermaine
money in exchange for Donely's freedom. When Damon arrivesat the park, he is
surprised to find Scorpio waiting for him. Robert tells Damon that Robin
overheard him threaten Anna's life and warns him to stay away from them.
Duke is depressed, he tells Angel he knows that Anna will find out the truth
about his involvement in the organization. Ramsey calms a panicked Damon,
who is very worried about Scorpio. Robert wants Anna to spend a weekend with
Duke; so that she can be sure of him.
October 27-30, 1986:
10/27 cm, 10/28 cm, 10/29 cm, 10/30
October 27,
1986 - Commericals - Jake demands to know why Monica gave such damaging
testimony against Sean. Edward tells Jimmy Lee he is sure that Sean will
sign the agreement to give back their money in order to keep out of jail.
Robert warns Frisco and Felicia to be careful around Damon. Lila tells
Monica about the scheme Edward and Alan came up with to get the money back
from Donely. Frisco overhears Angel order three men to launder cash in New
York and reports this to Robert. He tells Frisco to follow one of
them. Edward orders Alan to come back to Port Charles or he will end up in
prison on a fraud charge. Tiffany pleads with Sean to sign Edward's
agreement and he ends up doing so. Monica informs Sean that Tiffany is
working for Edward. Sean makes a deal with Edward to make sure that Tiffany
doesn't get any money.
October 28, 1986 -
Commercials - Felicia wants to go to New York with Frisco , but he insists
that he goes alone . Tiffany demands that Edward pay the money he owes her
or she will go to the police and tell them all about Edward's plan to scam
Donely. Monica tells Jake she believes that Bobbie broke off their
engagement in order not to deprive Jake from having a family of his own.
Frisco follows a man that Angel sent to launder money to three banks .
Looking at the check, Frisco notices that it is made out to the dockworkers
union. Jake lets Bobbie know that it does not matter to him whether he has
children of his own; they can adopt. Sean becomes a partner in Lila and
Stella's relish business. Edward and Monica go to Pawtuk to take Alan back
to Port Charles .
October 29, 1986 -
Commercials - Patrick apologizes to Terry for interfering in her life; it is
just that she is very important to him. Edward is upset with Monica for
bringing Alan to General Hospital, but she is determined to prove Alan is
faking amnesia and she has Buzz examine him. To Monica's disgust , Alan even
pretends not to recognize Lila when she visits his hospital room. Amy
reveals to Sandy that the reason Patrick is spending time with her is to get
closer to Buzz; in order to prevent him from taking drugs. Sandy tells
Patrick that she doesn't like being used by him. Monica tells Jimmy Lee and
Edward that she is going to have the police give Alan a lie detector test.
After Lucy spends a small fortune on clothes, Bobbie tells Jake she suspects
that Lucy is using her book profits to pay for them. Tony confronts the man
who had his motorcycle stolen by Frisco.
October 30, 1986 -
Commercials - Arriving at Frisco's hearing, Tony tells Jake that the man
whose motorcycle Frisco stole is refusing to drop the charges. However,
the man shows up in court and tells the judge he wants to drop the charges
and Frisco is a free man. Damon is feeling the pressure from Robert Scorpio,
but Ramsey tells him to keep his cool and not to panic. As part of their
plan to get Damon, Robert and Sean confront him and warn him to stay away
from Anna. Robert urges Anna to spend a few days somewhere with Duke in
order for her to decide whether or not he would make a good stepfather for
Robin. Anna and Duke go to his cottage and she initiates questions, but Duke
gets angry when she begins to question his past . Damon tells Bert they
should put a hit on Scorpio, but Ramsey orders him not to, it would be a big
mistake. However, as Robert and Sean are guarding Anna's house, a bomb
explodes outside.
October 31 - November 6, 1986: 10/31, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5 bad spots,
glitchy, Duke accidentally shoots Burt Ramsey, 11/6 cm Stan Ivar (no end
October 31,
1986 - Duke is upset that Anna is questioning him about a secret from his
past. Convinced that Damon is behind the bombing outside of Anna's house,
Robert tells Sean he is taking Robin away from Anna for safety
reasons. Frisco uses Anna's computer to investigate a new mobster in town
that was seen with Damon. Robert orders Ramsey to arrest Damon. Thanks to a
tip, Robert and Sean capture two men at the Bucket of Blood they suspect
were paid by Damon to bomb Anna's house. The two men admit they did it, but
got their orders by telephone. Getting an idea, Robert arranges for Damon to
be in a voice lineup. However, the two men do not recognize Damon's voice
when they hear it. Suspecting that Damon disguised his voice when he talked
to the two men over the phone, Scorpio threatens Damon. Jake wants Bobbie to
consider adopting a child.
November 3, 1986 - Jake tells Bobbie he thinks the bombing of Anna's house
is connected to Frisco and Felicia. Monica allows Edward, Stella, Lila and
Alan to move back home; Edward is suspicious of Monica's motives.
Edward is appalled to hear that Lila has gone into business with Sean.
Monica tells Jimmy Lee and Edward that she is going to prove that they
conspired in Alan's amnesia act. Alan tells Charity he wants to go to Pawtuk
and be with her instead of his family. Serious about adopting a child
with Bobbie, Jake goes to an adoption agency. However, Jake is told that he
cannot adopt a child until he has been married for a minimum of two years.
When Monica arranges for her and Alan's children to greet him, his amnesia
act is exposed. Bobbie tells Tania that she wants to give Jake a baby
through surrogate motherhood. Alan tells Monica he wants a divorce.
November 4, 1986 Frisco is keeping an eye on a home that a mobster,
Ellerbee, is moving into but he is chased away by angry dogs.
Frisco finds a safe haven; next door at the Quartermaine mansion. Robin and
Anna are upset to see a bomb crater outside their home. Robert informs Duke
that Damon is responsible for it. Anna realizes that Robin wasn't imagining
the threat to her life. Sean gives Tiffany the key to his apartment,
something Donely has never done with a woman before. Edward wants
guardianship of Alan's money but Monica talks the judge into making her and
Edward co-guardians. Furious at Damon for the bombing, Duke beats him up and
tells Frisco to take care of Anna, he has something important that he must
do. Duke confides in Angel that he is going to turn himself in and
turn state's evidence against the organization.
November 5, 1986 (glitchy spots during episode) Bert berates Damon for
bombing Anna's house. Angel tries to talk Duke out of turning himself in but
Duke has made up his mind. Under orders from Ramsey, Damon tells David and
Phillip to keep an eyeon Duke, who has gone to see Anna. Duke wants to
confess to her, but is unable to because Anna is busy with Robin. At Anna's
request , Felicia agrees to come to police headquarters to identify the man
who stole her and Frisco's money in Cincinnati. Frisco refuses to because he
has to maintain his image as a cop-hater. Later, Duke tries to call Anna but
Bert answers the phone. Duke agrees to meet with Ramsey and tells him
everything about the organization. Duke overhears Ramsey make a phone call ;
where Bert refers to himself as Mr. B . Bert pulls out his gun and Duke
fights for it, the gun goes off and Ramsey is shot.
November 6, 1986 Jake and Bobbie's application for surrogate motherhood is
denied because they are not married. Damon is upset to learn that Ramsey has
been shot by Duke. Bert is wheeled into General Hospital in critical
condition. Buzz, Patrick and Rick operate to remove the bullet . Anna
doesn't want to believe that Duke shot Ramsey. Anna angrily places Duke
under arrest and tells Robert she feels responsible for Bert's shooting.
Duke tries to explain to Anna that he shot Ramsey out of self-defense.
Neither Robert nor Anna believe Duke's claim that Bert is Mr. B, they still
believe that Ramsey is a good and honorable cop. When Anna demands to know
why he proposed to her? Duke is forced to admit that the mob ordered
him to. Tearfully, Anna slaps his face. Duke urges Anna and Robert to beware
of Ramsey and to fully investigate him. Angel gives Duke a warning from
Damon, don't turn state's evidence or he, Anna and Robin will be killed but
Duke doesn't care about Damon's threats.
November 7-12, 1986: 11/7 (6 mins bad section) Robert & Anna,
11/10 cm, 11/11 cm, 11/12
November 7, 1986 - Jake
calls Anna and tells her that Ramsey is out of danger. Anna wants to talk to
Bert but Tony says it will have to wait until the next day. Bobbie tells
Jake she wants to find a surrogate mother for them. Duke informs Scorpio
that he has evidence about the mob on his computer. Before Robert and Anna
can check Duke's computer, Damon has all of the incriminating evidence
removed from it. The news about Lavery upsets Ted because it could
negatively effect Purity Water Company but Phillip reassures Ted that
the plans for Fisherman's Village will go forward. Robin is upset when she
learns that Anna has arrested Duke. Damon is aware that Duke talked to the
police about the organization and tells David that Duke has signed his own
death warrant. Upset over Duke, Anna gets drunk and complains to Robert that
she always falls for the wrong man.
November 10, 1986 - Bobbie informs Frisco and Felicia that Duke shot Bert .
Maintaining his cover as a cop-hater in front of Bobbie, Frisco pretends not
to care what happened to Ramsey. A crooked cop acting as a messenger for
Bert. goes to see Damon with a message but they are interrupted when Tiffany
arrives to do a TV interview with Damon. Needing Monica's signature to buy a
stock, Edward and Jimmy Lee go to see her at the hospital but Monica refuses
to sign until she talks with her financial advisor. Frisco visits Duke in
jail and urges him to get a lawyer. Rick is upset that Steve refuses to give
him a grant to do heart transplants. He and Ginny discuss the possibility of
moving away from Port Charles. Monica threatens to go to the police and
expose Edward for fraud unless he gives her the money he was going to give
Tiffany .
November 11, 1986 - Robert encourages Frisco to keep up with his undercover
work. Alan returns to Pawtuk but can't find Charity. She has gone to the
Quartermaine mansion and is stunned to discover that Monica is Alan's wife.
Now that Ramsey is able to talk, he wants to see Robert and Anna. Bobbie
tells Jake they have gotten a response to the ad they placed about
wanting a surrogate mother. Buzz and Sean offer to take Robin to the zoo but
she refuses because the zoo is her special place to go with Duke.
Monica informs Charity that Alan is faking his amnesia but Charity doesn't
want to believe it. Ramsey tells Robert that Duke shot him because he tried
to apprehend Stan Radner/ Robert knows that isn't true because Stan was
spotted in another state at the time. Robert tells Anna that Duke might be
telling the truth about Bert being in the mob after all.
November 12, 1986 - One of Ramsey's guards is worried about Robert and Anna
but Bert is unconcerned because Duke is going to be killed before he
testifies to the grand jury. Concerned about Duke's safety, Robert asks
Captain Lewis to watch over him through the night. Duke tells Anna that he
has lied to her about certain things but his love for her is true. Anna
remains cold towards Duke and tells him that she won't forgive him for
putting Robin in danger. Robert informs Anna that he has a team working for
them. Frisco, Felicia and Sean. Frisco explains to Anna that he pretended to
hate cops as part of his cover. Anna is happy that Frisco didn't give up his
dream of being a cop. Ramsey checks out of General Hospital and meets with
Angus, who has a plan to get Duke. To Lavery's face, Angus tells him he will
help Duke escape. Duke is demanding to see Anna and Bert goes to his cell to
find out why.
13-19, 1986: 11/13, 11/14
(glitchy spot near end), 11/17 (glitchy spot), 11/18, 11/19
November 13,
1986 - Frisco admits to Felicia that he still dreams of being a cop. Angus
tells Damon that he has a plan to help Lavery escape from jail and then kill
him. Robert and Anna tell Duke that they believe what he is saying about
Ramsey being in the mob and they have a plan of their own to get him
out of jail. Robert plans to have Duke go in the police van but instead of
Ramsey's guards as escorts, Robert will have his own people with Duke. The
plan almost fails when Bert changes the time schedule for the van's
departure but Frisco, Felicia and Sean manage to help Duke escape certain
death. To hide Duke somewhere that he will be safe from the police and the
organization, he is given a car and told to drive to the cottage. At the
courthouse, Ramsey is furious when Captain Lewis informs him that Duke has
November 14, 1986 - Ginny, Tania, Patrick, Yank, Amy, Bobbie, Dan, Bryan,
Rick, Buzz and Steve all take turns congratulating Tony for being named the
senior staff neurologist at General Hospital. Robert and Sean make
arrangements for Robin to stay in Donely's penthouse for safety reasons.
Told that she is playing a game, Robin is led to a secret room at Sean's
place, where she will be protected. Sean assures Robert that nobody will get
to her. Robert tells Anna to join Duke at the cottage. Scorpio admits that
he may have been wrong about some things concerning Duke. Robert believes
that Duke would lay down his life for Anna. As part of the plan to fool
Ramsey, Anna's bracelet is discovered in the police van that Duke
escaped from. Rick has been offered a job in New York; he and Ginny discuss
moving away from Port Charles.
November 17, 1986 - Ramsey, David and Phillip are looking for Anna and Bert
thinks that Robin may know where she is. As Monica and Edward argue over
which one should be guardian of Alan's estate, Alan declares that he knows
who he is and is capable of taking care of his own money. Duke tries to
explain to Anna that he cares about Robin but Anna resents him for putting
her daughter in jeopardy. Anna considers Duke a criminal and to prove it,
she holds him at gunpoint. Damon and Phillip are installing a radio at
Duke's Club in order to communicate with Sister Island, Frisco and Sean
decide to use bugging equipment to listen in. Ramsey goes to Sean's
apartment and questions both Felicia and Sean about Anna and Robin's
whereabouts but they claim to have no idea where they are. Listening in on
Damon's radio communication, Frisco learns that Sister Island is a ship.
November 18, 1986 - Robert tells Ramsey that Robin knows where Anna is, she
has run off with Duke. Ramsey concludes that Anna is an accessory to
Lavery's escape. Bert surprises Robert with the news that he is going to
resign from the police force. Alan tells Monica he is a changed man because
of Charity, he no longer desires to chase women. Frisco informs Robert that
Sister Island is a ship, not a place. There are mob members on it and they
are waiting to come ashore once Duke is dead. Believing that Duke has told
Anna that Ramsey is Mr. B, Bert and Damon decide that both Anna
and Duke must be killed. Robert arrives at the cottage where Anna and
Duke are in hiding. Robert reveals a plan for Robert to shoot Duke and
fake his death. Alan asks Jimmy Lee to go to Pawtuk for him. Alan
wants Jimmy Lee to check on Charity and find out if she is doing okay.
November 19, 1986 - Ginny tells Rick she has a job offer in New York and
they both decide to move there. Instead of selling his house, Rick wants to
lease it to Tony. Tired of being in Sean's penthouse, Robin complains to
Frisco, Felicia and Sean that she wants to see her mommy and daddy. Frisco
informs Robin that Robert will be coming to see her later that day. Robin
packs her bags and Sean tells her that he will take her to Mexico.
Without explaining the reason for it, Sean wants Tiffany to come to his
penthouse and do a TV interview. Bobbie and Jake meet with a woman who might
be a surrogate mother to their child. Tony and Tania happily accept Rick's
offer to lease his home. Frisco wants Tony to help fake Duke's death by
pronouncing Duke dead but Tony doesn't like this idea as it could jeopardize
his medical license. After Frisco explains Ramsey's mob involvement in Port
Charles, Tony reluctantly agrees to go along with Frisco's plan.
20-26, 1986: 11/20, 11/21
(glitchy last minute), 11/24 (bad spot first 2 mins), 11/25, 11/26
20, 1986 - Burt informs Angus that he plans to kill Duke. Robert and
Robin do a taped TV interview with Tiffany at Sean's apartment in order to
fool Ramsey into thinking that it is a live interview at the Brownstone.
Robert tells Sean to take Robin to a safe location. Robert doesn't want to
take on the mob until he is sure that his daughter is out of danger.
Felicia, Amy, Claudia, Patrick, Terry and Jade have an aerobics class at the
spa. Bobbie and Jake visit a woman and discuss surrogate motherhood. Tony is
upset with Frisco for talking him into taking part in the plot to con
Ramsey. Robert has convinced Ramsey that Duke and Anna will come back to
Port Charles- Duke to get his money and Anna to get Robin. As Anna and Duke
arrive at the Brownstone, the plan is for Robert to "shoot" Duke
with blanks, but Ramsey fires his gun, instead. Duke falls to the ground and
Tony tells Robert to call for an ambulance.
November 21, 1986 - Bobbie tells Jake that she wants to have a baby and they
choose a woman named Gretchen to be a surrogate mother. Having dinner at
Dino's, Frisco and Felicia are busy keeping Terry and Patrick away from the
Brownstone. Duke is alive and Tony tells him to play "dead" in
order to fool Ramsey. Tony informs Burt that Duke is dead. Robert tells Anna
that Duke is alive, because Sean put blanks in Ramsey's gun. Burt goes to see
Duke at the morgue to make sure that he is dead. Jake asks
Bobbie to marry him and she agrees. Bobbie asks Terry to be her maid of
honor and Jake asks Patrick to be his best man. Frisco apologizes to Tony
for getting him involved in his police work, but Tony tells Frisco that they
are brothers and he would lay down his life for him. Burt questions
Anna about her participation in Duke's escape from jail. She convinces him
that she was Duke's hostage , an unwilling participant. Frisco, Felicia,
Olin and Yank hide Duke in the catacombs.
November 24, 1986 - At Duke's funeral, Damon orders Angel to convince
the dockworkers to name him as union president- replacing Duke, but Angel
infuriates Damon by naming Tom Green . Against Robert's wishes, Anna goes to
see Duke. She tells him that she loves him and has known it since the
moment that she thought Ramsey had killed him. Frisco bugs
Damon's ship-to-shore radio. Damon is taking over Duke's club and fires
Frisco- so, he can't listen in on Damon's communications with Sister Island.
Duke tells Robert that Angel can be trusted. Robert tells Frisco to confide
in Angel. After being told by Frisco that Duke is alive, Angel agrees to
monitor Damon's ship-to-shore messages. Rick and Ginny are leaving Port
Charles and moving to New York. Steve and Audrey ask Bobbie to have her
wedding at their house. Robert berates Anna for visiting Duke - it is
too dangerous.
November 25, 1986 - Bobbie and Jake get married at the Hardys and Ruby,
Jessie, Tony, Tania, Terry, Tiffany, Patrick, Dan, Brian, Claudia, Alan,
Monica, Ginny and Rick are there to celebrate it. Bert Ramsey is retiring
from the police force and informs Robert that his new job will be at the
Dockworkers Savings and Loan. Bert and Damon have a meeting in the
catacombs ; Duke and Frisco narrowly avoid being discovered by them. Angel
tells Frisco that he heard Damon say that the disc was safe. Robert decides
to search Duke's office and discovers the floppy disc; which contains the
mob's illegal business dealings. Robert tells Frisco that the disc is Jones'
" ticket into the mob." Felicia has been hired to serve a
catered lunch on Sister Island and gives entry passes to Scorpio and Frisco.
They both leave for Sister Island without her.
November 26, 1986 - More of Bobbie and Jake's wedding with Terry catching
the bouquet. Anna tells Duke that Robert has a plan to trap Bert
Ramsey. Robert and Frisco arrive on Sister Island and go below deck . While
there, they find a jeep with a secret hatch. Robert assumes it will be used
to put illegal mob money into. Felicia tells Duke how afraid she is for
Frisco's welfare. It is Rick Webber's last day in Port Charles, he is
leaving for New York. Anna calls the state police commissioner and arranges
for her and Robert to meet with the man in a couple of days. Anna tells
Felicia that Frisco could be killed by the mob , he is on a dangerous
assignment. As planned, Scorpio leaves the ship and Frisco is left
behind to take on the mob on his own. Angus spots him on deck and demands to
know why he is there. Frisco tells Angus that someone in his organization is
trying to betray him. Frisco, also, tells him that he wants to join Angus'
mob . Angus doesn't believe his tale of being an embittered cop and
sends him to the brig.
November 27 - December 3, 1986: 11/27
cm Thanksgiving, 11/28, 12/1, 12/2, 12/3
November 27,
1986 - It is Thanksgiving Day and Jake, Bobbie, Terry, Tiffany, Ted, Buzz,
Sandy, Ruby, Patrick, Tania, Tony and Dan spend it at the Brownstone. At the
Hardys, the Quartermaines and Jessie celebrate the holiday. Scorpio is
keeping surveillance of the ship, watching out for Frisco. Locked up on the
ship, Frisco is demanding to speak with Angus, but one of his guards informs
Frisco that Angus won't speak with him until tomorrow . Steve and Buzz
offer Monica the job as head of cardiology, replacing Rick, and she accepts.
After speaking with Robin over the phone, a lonely Anna takes food to the
catacombs for Duke. After Tony demands to know where his brother is, Robert
tells him that Frisco is working undercover and in danger.
November 28, 1986 - Angel overhears Ramsey tell Phillip that he needs to
coordinate his retirement lunch with Pilgrim's arrival in Port Charles.
Pilgrim is the top mob boss on Sister Island. Frisco tells Angus that Damon
is trying to sell-out the mob ; that he is turning state's evidence and
giving the state commissioner of police the floppy disc. Sam and Eric hold
Damon at gunpoint in his hotel room,
while Robert and Anna meet with the state police commissioner and get his
cooperation in setting Damon up as a traitor to the mob. Angus orders
Phillip to find Damon. Damon agrees to turn himself into the police,
realizing that the mob will be after him. Phillip spots Damon being escorted
by two cops from his hotel and reports this news to Angus, who believes
Frisco and tells him to meet with Phillip and David and wait for further
instructions. Robert tells Felicia that Frisco will be okay, but Bert Ramsey
tells Pilgrim and Angus that Robert might be using Frisco in a scam to get
to them. Pilgrim decides to give Frisco a test and orders him to kill Damon
before he can testify to the grand jury.
December 1, 1986 - Robert and Anna inform Captain Lewis and other members of
the police department that Ramsey is a bad cop. Frisco, David and Phillip
are in a hotel , waiting for the day that Frisco is assigned to kill Damon.
Duke tells Olin that he hates being stuck in the catacombs, unable to help
the police. Robert and Sean figure out that the mob will drop the illegal
money into a manhole next to the Dockworkers Savings and Loan. Robert and
Sean find another manhole in the neighborhood and will try to divert the
mob's cash into it. Duke tells Anna that the mob will probably order Frisco
to hit Damon as a test of his loyalty. Disguised as a hotel employee, Sam goes
into Frisco's hotel room. Jones gives her a coded message that she
relays to Anna - that Frisco is to kill Damon. By Robert's orders, Frisco is
told to " go for it." Anna yells at Robert for setting
Frisco up for a murder charge, but Robert says that Pilgrim, Angus and the
other mob members won't come ashore unless Damon is out of the way.
December 2, 1986 - Frisco is nervous - it is the day he is
supposed to kill Damon. Jake tells Bobbie that they must postpone their plan of
having a surrogate mother, because they don't have the money , right
now. Tiffany's TV crew is at the courthouse , awaiting Damon's arrival to
testify to the grand jury. Robert tells a group of police officers that they
must stall Bert Ramsey at his retirement lunch for as long as
possible so that Scorpio can deal with the mob arriving from Sister Island.
Frisco shoots Damon and escapes the courthouse. Felicia is upset to learn
that Frisco is the one that shot Damon. Frisco is the toast of the mob,
until Pilgrim sees a TV replay of the shooting and spots a bullet-proof vest
that Damon was wearing in the video. Pilgrim realizes that the hit was a set
up ; Damon is still alive and Frisco is working with the police.
Pilgrim will come up with a plan to get rid of both of them.
December 3, 1986 - Sean, Anna, Duke and Felicia are in the catacombs, trying
to gain access to the alternative manhole through a chamber door. The mob
finally kills Damon through his lawyer. Damon never knew the water he was
drinking was laced with poison. Pilgrim gives Frisco the assignment of
driving the jeep with the illegal money. The mob from Sister Island
and Frisco come ashore to Port Charles. With instructions to drop the money
into the manhole next to the Dockworkers Savings and Loan, Frisco
manages with Sean and Felicia's help, to drop the money into the
alternative manhole ; where Anna, Duke and Robert are waiting to take
possession of it. At Ramsey's retirement lunch, Buzz, Bryan and Steve are
keep Bert occupied. Robert tells Anna and Duke that he is going to find out
why Ramsey turned into a bad cop . As a reward for driving the jeep,
Angus gives Frisco a watch that is rigged with a bomb.
4-11, 1986: 12/4, 12/5, 12/9,
12/10, 12/11
4, 1986 - Anna learns that Damon is dead and she wants to go to the bank to
warn Frisco that the mob is on to him, but Duke won't let her walk into a
trap and knocks Anna out, cold. Duke goes to the Dockworker's Savings and
Loan, instead. Sean hears Frisco's watch ticking and manages to hurl it
away before it explodes, saving both of their lives. Duke confronts Angus
and demands to know what instructions he just gave two hitmen. Angus admits
that they are out to kill Robert. Duke races out of the bank to find Robert
before the hitmen get to him. Pilgrim, Angus and the other mobsters are
arrested by Anna and the police at the bank. Robert confronts Bert and
demands to know why he betrayed the police force. Shaken, Ramsey confesses
that he was bitter at having to be co-chief of police with a woman, Anna.
Bert hands over his gun to Robert and starts to cry. Along the docks, two
hitmen are perched with rifles, ready to shoot Robert. Duke arrives and
yells out to Robert to watch out. Duke then jumps infront of the gunmen and
takes a bullet in the back that was meant for Robert. Scorpio returns fire,
shooting both hitmen. Anna holds an unconscious Duke, while Ramsey is
December 5, 1986 (Missing audio for a few seconds in a scene between Frisco
and Felicia, near the end of the episode) - Anna and Robert are at the
hospital, waiting for word on Duke's condition. Dr. Tony Jones tells them
that the bullet Duke took might have severed his spine. Duke wakes up and
tells Tony that he can't move his legs. Duke tells Anna not to waste her
life on him - a cripple - but, Anna promises to stand by him. Buzz tells
Tony that he is in trouble for forging Duke's death certificate and
threatens to report Tony to Steve Hardy, which could cost him his job.
Frisco and Felicia discuss the fact that they are both unemployed and need
to find work. Robert and Anna say goodbye to Bert, who has suffered a
nervous breakdown. Tony tells Duke that the bullet did not penetrate his
spine and his chances for full recovery are 50/50. Having already told Duke
about his own recovery from paralysis, Tony informs Duke that he is going to
have to have surgery to remove the bullet.
December 9 , 1986 - Duke is feeling bad about his future. He is facing a
jail term and possible paralysis, but Anna tells Duke that she will be
waiting for him when he comes out of prison. Frisco tells Bobbie, Jake,
Felicia, Anna, Tiffany, Sean, Patrick and Terry that they should take over
the running of Duke's Club with the proceeds from the first night, going to
Duke to pay for his legal and medical bills. Duke approves of the plan
and is grateful for their support. Ted wants Steve's recommendation for a
chief of staff position at a hospital in Laurelton. Steve thinks that Buzz
is the man for the job. Buzz says that he will think about it, but Sandy
doesn't like the idea. Alan confronts Jimmy Lee about his growing closeness
to Charity. Bert Ramsey is being transferred to a state hospital and
Anna wishes him well. Jimmy Lee tells Charity that Alan is not the kind of
man that she thinks he is.
December 10, 1986 - Anna faces the police review board, concerning her
possible misconduct in the just-finished mob case. Mayor Morgan says her job
as police chief is on the line. Anna isn't worried about it, because she is
thinking about Duke, who is about to have surgery to remove the bullet from
his back. Jake and Frisco discuss the problems that come with being married.
Tony and Anna tell Duke to have a positive attitude when he has
surgery. Members of the Dockworkers Union plan on filing charges against
Duke for misusing union funds. Tom Green asks Jake and Sean to talk the
union members out of it. Frisco, Felicia, Bobbie, Tiffany, Terry and Patrick
start the clean up of Duke's Club to get it prepared for the opening night.
Robert defends Anna's unorthodox methods as police chief infront of the
police review board. Tony and Yank begin the operation on Duke.
December 11, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia go to the airport to pick up
Robin and bring her to General Hospital to see Duke when he gets out of
surgery. The police review board reaches a decision on Anna ; she is cleared
of any charges of misconduct and keeps her job as the chief of police. Mayor
Morgan tells her that the decision was unanimous. Alan wants to be with
Charity, but she tells him that she won't have anything to do with a married
man. Lucy is suddenly in the money, Bobbie and Jake wonder where she is
getting it. Steve is angry and tells Buzz that he is going to punish Tony
and Yank for falsifying Duke's death certificate. Robert convinces Steve to
forgive them, because Tony and Yank's actions helped stop the mob. Thinking
about Ted's job offer, Buzz tells Monica that he isn't sure he is ready to
take on the stress of being chief of staff at the hospital in Laurelton,
because of his past use of drugs.
12-18, 1986: 12/12, 12/15,
12/16, 12/17, 12/18
12, 1986 - Ted, Bobbie, Jake and Bryan discuss Lucy Coe and her newfound
wealth and wonder where she got it. Lucy is planning on moving into an
expensive condo. Robert tells Anna that he can't leave Port Charles until he
is sure that she and Robin are going to be safe from retaliation by the mob.
Frisco, Felicia, Terry and Patrick prepare for the opening of Duke's Club.
Duke is upset and thinks that Tony is lying to him when he tells Duke that
he will walk again. Duke is convinced that he will be "half-a-man
" for the rest of his life. Robert tells Sean he is concerned that the
mob will make an attempt to kill Duke in the hospital. Robert tells Anna to
be prepared to walk out of Duke's life - for her and Robin's sake. At Tony's
urging, Frisco tells Felicia he is going to try and get his job back on the
police force.
December 15, 1986 - Sandy overhears Alan tell Monica that Jimmy Lee is in
Pawtuk with Charity . Sandy goes there
to try to get Jimmy Lee to return with her to Port Charles, but he
tells her no - he is happy where he is. Jimmy Lee makes it known to Charity
that he is interested in her. Lucy finds out that Ted knows she has been
receiving royalty money under the table from the sale of her book, money
that was supposed to go to the Jennifer Talbot Memorial Hospital Wing. Lucy
needs the rest of her royalty money to pay for her new condo, but her
publisher refuses to pay her. As a result, Lucy tries to cut costs, but
Claudia won't give her a refund on her spa membership. Monica refuses to
give Alan a divorce. Patrick and Terry think that Ted should see a doctor ,
he isn't looking well to them. After having an argument with Lucy, Ted
clutches his chest and collapses.
December 16, 1986 - The police review board meets with Frisco to decide if
he will be allowed back on the force. Frisco tells Felicia he wants to
be a cop more than anything. Jake, Anna, Felicia and Tony speak to the
board on Frisco's behalf. The board isn't sure that they want a free spirit
like Frisco in the police department. Frisco tells the review board that he
won't change - he is proud of who he is and walks out on the hearing,
convinced he will not be allowed to be a cop . Later, Frisco returns to hear
the board's verdict and he learns that he is being reinstated on the Port
Charles Police Department as a detective. Charity thinks that she is too old
for Jimmy Lee, but he disagrees with her about that. Charity thinks that
Sandy is right for him, but Jimmy Lee thinks of Sandy as a kid sister. Sandy
tells Charity that she should marry Jimmy Lee. Outside of General Hospital,
a hitman makes a phone call - telling someone that he is going to kill Duke.
December 17, 1986 - Frisco, Jake, Felicia and Bobbie need to recruit people
to attend the opening of Duke's Club and ask Captain Lewis and Tom Green to
help talk the cops and dockworkers into showing up. Tony tells Duke that the
results prove that Duke will walk again, but Duke remains pessimistic.
Disguised as an orderly, a hitman sneaks into Duke's hospital room with
the intention of killing him. Robert spots the hitman and arrests him. Jimmy
Lee tells Charity that she is the first woman to make him forget Celia. Alan
refuses to attend the opening of Duke's Club with Monica. Terry and Frisco
sing at the benefit for Duke and the opening of Duke's Club is a success.
Robert gives Duke a pep talk, reminding him that Luke Spencer recovered from
his paralysis. Robert tells Duke that he has reason to be
optimistic and that Anna and Robin need him to get better. Duke says that he
will try and agrees to start therapy. With Anna's encouragement, Duke
manages to walk a few steps .
December 18 , 1986 - Today is Frisco's first day at work as a detective and
he wants to get started doing undercover work. Sam's cousin, Will, is
going to mentor Frisco in his new job on the police force. Duke tells Anna
that he is ready to turn state's evidence and give a statement to the
Assistant D.A. . Jake plans on plea bargaining on Duke's behalf to try
to get a reduced sentence for him. Ted tells Patrick and Terry that Purity
Water is close to going bankrupt and asks
Tiffany for a loan to save the company, but she turns him down. Jimmy Lee
asks Charity to marry him, but she is concerned about their age difference.
After thinking it over, she agrees to Jimmy Lee's marriage proposal. The
Assistant D.A. cannot guarantee protection from mob violence for Anna and
Robin and this deeply concerns Duke. Later, he receives an
anonymous note with a death threat against Anna and Robin if Duke goes ahead
with his plan to turn state's evidence.
19-25, 1986: 12/19, 12/22,
12/23, 12/24, 12/25
19, 1986 - Duke shows Robert the death threat note he received and tells him
that he has changed his mind about turning state's evidence. He is not going
to do it in order to protect Anna and Robin from the mob. Jimmy Lee invites
Buzz to his wedding and asks him to be his best man. Ted threatens to sue
Lucy if she doesn't give him the royalty money she made off the sale of her
book. Buzz accepts Ted's offer to be chief of staff at the Laurelton
hospital, but Ted tells him that the job is no longer available. Buzz is
angry and thinks that his past drug use is the reason he isn't getting the
job from Ted. Duke gives Frisco and Felicia the keys to his penthouse.
Since Duke is headed for jail, he is going to let them live at his place
until he gets out . Ted has checked back into General Hospital with heart
trouble and Patrick blames Lucy for causing it.
December 22, 1986 - Duke tells Jake and Anna that he isn't turning state's
evidence, but she won't let Duke sacrifice himself for her and Robin, which
would mean a long jail sentence. Anna wants Robert to take Robin back to
Australia with him, but he refuses to do so. Anna suggests
that she and Robin go into hiding with the Witness Protection Program, but
Robert won't allow that because he would never be able to see his daughter,
again. Frisco tells Tony that he doesn't feel right living in Duke's
penthouse, considering the circumstances that Duke is in. Frisco and Felicia
surprise Tony and Tania by getting them a Christmas tree for their new home.
Ted is angry and wants out of General Hospital and Port Charles. He is
yelling at nurses, Amy and Jade, whenever they enter his room. Robert and
Jake persuade the judge to give Duke time to change his mind about
refusing to turn state's evidence.
December 23, 1986 - Ted Holmes is dead at General Hospital and no one
seems to know the cause of death, but Steve tells Anna that it is a police
matter, Ted has been murdered - someone suffocated him with a pillow. Frisco
and Felicia tell Jake and Bobbie that they are moving out of the Brownstone
and into Duke's penthouse. Anna assigns Frisco to the Ted Holmes case, his
first as a detective. Jake and Patrick tell Frisco that Lucy Coe and Ted had
been fighting over the royalty money from her book. Bobbie tells Frisco that
she thinks that Lucy killed Ted. Amy informs Frisco that she overheard Lucy
make a threat to Ted's life. Lucy goes to see Jake and desperately asks him
to be her lawyer. Jake isn't sure he wants to represent her, but he tells
her that he will think about it. Alan refuses to be seen socially with
Monica. In Pawtuk, Jimmy Lee and Charity get married.
December 24, 1986 - Lucy is afraid that Frisco is out to pin Ted's death on
her, especially, when he shows up at her home with a search warrant. Lucy
tells Frisco that the night Ted was murdered, she had an alibi - she was at
the movies. Frisco tells Anna that he considers Lucy and her book publisher
suspects in Ted's murder since they both had a motive. Sandy, reluctantly,
tells Buzz that she knows he had a motive to kill Ted, because Buzz lost out
on the chief of staff position at the Laurelton hospital and was upset with
Ted about it. Frisco believes that Ted's killer had access to the main
supply room at General Hospital, due to the fact that fibers found on the
body are consistent with lab coats. Bobbie tells Anna that she is having
second thoughts about having a child . Anna tells Bobbie that she should let
Jake know how she feels about it. Frisco offers Yank the brownstone
apartment he and Felicia used to live in and Yank accepts.
December 25, 1986 - Missing audio for a couple of secons in a scene between
Duke and Anna about midway through the episode - It is Christmas Eve in Port
Charles, Anna visits Duke at General Hospital to see that he is progressing
very well on his walker and is getting closer to a full and complete
recovery from his temporary paralysis. Alan tells Monica that he is going to
Pawtuk to spend Christmas with Charity, but it is a shock to Alan when Jimmy
Lee and Charity show up at the Quartermaine mansion to inform him that they
have both gotten married. Robert calls Holly and wishes her a Merry
Christmas and tells her that he misses her and will be home soon.
Felicia and Tania discuss how it is their first Christmas together as a
real family. At Tony and Tania's home, Frisco, Felicia, Patrick, Amy,
Dan, Ruby, Bobbie, Jake, Yank and Jade celebrate the holiday. At
Anna's, Robert, Robin, Sean, Sandy, Buzz and Tiffany enjoy the day.
26, 1986 - January 2, 1987: 12/26,
12/29, 12/30, 12/31, (no show 1/1), 1/2
December 26,
1986 - It is Christmas morning in Port Charles. When Felicia awakens,
Frisco surprises her with a fully decorated tree to celebrate the holiday.
Jake tells Duke that he cannot get a lighter sentence, unless he turns
state's evidence against the mob but Duke refuses to; he will not put Anna
and Robin's lives at risk of mob retaliation. He is willing to keep his
mouth shut about the organization and suffer a long jail sentence. Duke
doesn't want to talk about his decision when Robert, Robin and Anna visit
him, he just wants to enjoy the day. Duke informs Anna that he
has bought a house in Scotland for them to live in one day. At the annual
Christmas party at General Hospital, Steve tells Robin and other children
the story of the first Christmas. Lucy tells her publisher that she has
found Ted Holmes' real killer, it is someone who has no alibi..... Buzz.
December 29, 1986 - Charity tells Jimmy Lee she doesn't care about his money
to be happy but Jimmy Lee is determined to get money owed to him from
Edward. Alan informs Jimmy Lee that Edward doesn't want to see him. The
judge in Duke's case is demanding Duke's testimony against the mob or he'll
throw the book at him but Duke is still refusing to for Anna and Robin's
safety. Robert gives Frisco advice on how to investigate the Ted Holmes
murder case. Frisco tells Robert that Lucy is his prime suspect. Anna
is not going to let Duke sacrifice himself for her and Robin. Anna
plans on holding a press conference, announcing that she will
"testify" against the mob. Duke cannot allow Anna to set herself
up as a target; he informs the press that he will turn state's
evidence after all.
December 30, 1986 - Duke has an idea of how to protect Anna and Robin.
He wants Robert to sneak him out of General Hospital so that he can
talk to Angus. Robert enlists Sean's help to make sure that people don't
know that Duke has left the hospital. Robert and Duke go to the prison and
confront Angus. Duke threatens to expose the secret of L'Orlean, something
that Angus does not want anyone to know about unless Angus guarantees
that the mob will not harm Anna or Robin. Angus is angry at Duke and
believes that he has already told Robert about L'Orlean but Duke insists
that he hasn't and won't , as long as Angus ensures Anna and Robin's safety.
Monica tells Alan she is tired of the fighting in the family. She and
Lila offer to give Jimmy Lee the money he wants to leave town. Angus gives
his word that no harm will come to Anna and Robin. Robert warns Angus not to
go back on his word.
December 31, 1986 - Alan reads a good-bye letter to Jimmy Lee that was
written to him by Edward. With the letter is a check that Edward has given
to Jimmy Lee with enough money so that Jimmy Lee will be able to buy the
farm that he wants. Captain Lewis, Anna and Steve make arrangements for the
transfer of Duke to the courthouse for his arraignment. Jake tells Bobbie
they have the money to go ahead with their plans for a surrogate mother
but Bobbie has changed her mind and does not want a child. Jimmy Lee
says good-bye to Buzz, Ruby, Lila, Alan, Monica and Sandy. With Charity by
his side, Jimmy Lee leaves Port Charles a happy man. Robert persuades
the judge to allow Duke to spend time in a safehouse, instead of jail before
he is sentenced. The safehouse is Sean's penthouse; where Duke will be
staying with Anna.
January 2, 1987 - It is New Year's Eve, Duke and Anna plan on spending it
with Sean in his penthouse. Frisco, Bobbie, Felicia, Jake, Tony, Tania,
Yank, Jade, Alan, Monica and Tiffany will enjoy the night at Duke's Club.
Sheriff Broder comes to General Hospital and tells Buzz he does not want him
to be chief of staff at the Laurelton hospital because of his past drug use.
Broder is in town to find out who killed Ted Holmes, which worries Sandy.
Sam and Eric inform Frisco that there is no way to confirm Buzz's alibi the
night that Ted was killed. Broder tells Lucy that he considers her the
number one suspect in Ted's death. Bobbie admits to Jake that she thinks God
is punishing her by making it impossible for her to ever have children of
her own. Jake has stunning news for Frisco; Sheriff Broder was found
dead...... in Lucy's apartment.