Complete GH Episodes,
Thanks to
my good friend Joan has GH episodes from 1981 through current time, we
have been working on getting them transfered to dvd and described. Most
of these episodes do not have commericals. Thanks to Lynda Walsh,
who has started doing write ups for the 1988 time frame and has been a
tremendous help in getting these episodes described and without her help
this page would not be possible! Thanks Lynn!"
30, 1987 - July 7, 1988
July 8-22,
1988: 7/8, 7/11 Duke tells Anna that he slept with Olivia in NY, 7/12,
7/13, 7/14 [Episode Descriptions]
July 15-21, 1988: 7/15, 7/18, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21 [Episode
July 22-27, 1988: 7/22, 7/25 (counter on first 10-15 mins cm), 7/26
(cm), 7/27 (cm) [Episode Descriptions]
July 28 - August 3, 1988: 7/28 cm, 7/29 cm Outdoor location scenes for music
festival begin, 8/1 Outdoor location scenes, 8/2 Outdoor location scenes,
8/3 Collette kidnaps Coltin & Felicia as Sean and Robert search for
them, Lucy & Tony get amorous but are interrupted when he is called in
to GH, Lucy then fantasizes about making love to Alan [Episode
August 4-10, 1988: 8/4 A haggard Robert and Sean search for Felicia as
outdoor music festival scenes continue, 8/5 Music festival scenes continue,
8/8 Explosion at the music festival, 8/9 Anna & Duke get away from
Olivia to a mountain cabin, 8/10 Duke & Anna wake up in bed together in
their mountain hideaway, Anna tells Duke that she would like to have his
baby, Sean and Robert tell Felicia that she is still in danger from the
terrorists [Episode Descriptions]
August 11-17, 1988: 8/11, 8/12 Felicia and Tony believing Frisco is
dead have an informal memorial ceremony at Frisco's grave in Quebec, with a
long series of Frisco & Felicia flashbacks, 8/15 Robert follows up a tip
on someone fencing the Aquarius diamond and is shocked to find Anna is the
fence, 8/16 (5 min bad spot), 8/17 [Episode
August 18-24, 1988: 8/18, 8/19, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24 Duke & Anna tell
Robin about wanting to have a baby [Episode
August 25-31, 1988: 8/25, 8/26 cm, 8/29, 8/30, 8/31 [Episode
September 1-7, 1988: 9/1 Victor finds out the truth about Olivia, 9/2
Monica & Tony operate on Victor after Olivia withholds his medication,
9/5, 9/6, 9/7 [Episode Descriptions]
September 8-14, 1988: 9/8, 9/9 Coltin remembers he killed Frisco!,
9/12, 9/13, 9/14 [Episode Descriptions]
September 15-20, 1988: 9/15, 9/16, 9/19 BJ drinks Lucy's nail polish
remover (cm), 9/20 cm [Episode
September 21-26, 1988: 9/21 cm Monica makes love to Ned not knowing he
is her nephew, 9/22 cm, 9/23 cm, 9/26 [Episode
September 27-30, 1988: 9/27 cm, 9/28 cm, 9/29 cm, 9/30 cm [Episode
October 3-10, 1988: 10/3, 10/4 missed begining, (10/5 no show
baseball), 10/6, 10/7, 10/10 [Episode
October 11-17, 1988: 10/11, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14, 10/17 cm [Episode
October 18-21, 1988: 10/18 cm, 10/19 cm, 10/20 cm, 10/21 cm About :52
mins ea epi, deleted some commercials
[Episode Descriptions]
October 24-27, 1988: 10/24 cm, 10/25 cm, 10/26 cm, 10/27 cm
[Episode Descriptions]
October 28 - November 3, 1988: 10/28 cm, 10/31, 11/1 Olivia is shot,
11/2, 11/3
[Episode Descriptions]
November 4-10, 1988: 11/4, 11/7, 11/8, 11/9, 11/10 [Episode
November 11-17, 1988: 11/11, 11/14, 11/15, 11/6, 11/17 Cheryl admits to
Robert that she was on the balcony [Episode
November 18-23, 1988: 11/18 cm Jake arrives to defend Anna, her trial
begins, 11/21 cm, 11/22 cm, 11/23 cm [Episode
November 24-29, 1988: 11/24 cm, 11/25 cm, 11/28 cm, 11/29 cm [Episode
November 30 - December 5, 1988: 11/30 cm, 12/1 cm, 12/2 cm, 12/5 cm [Episode
December 6-12, 1988: 12/6, 12/7, 12/8 (missed first couple of mins
pre-emption), 12/9, 12/12 [Episode
December 13-19, 1988: 12/13, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16 Robert shows Sean a bachelor party, a peeved Tiffany arranges to jump out of his cake, Robert meets Katherine Delafied, 12/19 cm reduced quality [Episode Descriptions]
December 20-23, 1988: 12/20 cm, 12/21 cm (missed first 2-3 minutes
pre-emption), 12/22 cm, 12/23 cm [Episode
December 26-29, 1988: 12/26 cm, 12/27 cm, 12/28 cm, 12/29 cm [Episode
December 30, 1988 - January 6, 1989: 12/30 cm, (1/2 no show aired), 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 Katherine's engagement party [Episode Descriptions]
Episode Descriptions
July 8-22,
1988: 7/8, 7/11, 7/12, 7/13,
July 8, 1988 -
No Commercials. Anna prepares for Duke's return home. Colton and Felicia
return to the store only to find that it is still closed. It suddenly occurs
to Colton that they could have been followed by the terrorists. They decide
to check with the local police on any recent explosions in the area. Sean
arrives home and is informed by Tiffany that Colton and Felicia are gone.
Fran shows up at Anna's. Anna tells her that she believes Marty is dead. She
asks Fran to make notes on any people Marty had contact with. The shop owner
is jumped when he arrives to open the store. He is coached on what to say
when Felicia and Colton arrive. Duke moves back into the house. Colton and
Felicia arrive and question the store owner. They show him a picture of
Frisco and the music box. He denies selling the box or knowing Frisco. Just
then, the terrorists grab Colton and Felicia and drag them into the back
room. Scotty tries to blackmail Lucy with pictures.
July 11, 1988 - No
Commercials - Anna lays out her plan to Duke on how to break the mob.
Renovations are underway on the brownstone. Bobbie finds an unusual looking
knob and puts it aside for the arts festival. Meanwhile, the two men holding
Colton and Felicia try to take her music box. Just then Sean bursts in and
frees them. They all escape before the police get there. Robert drops in on
Cheryl to apologize for walking out on her. Sean tells Colton and Felicia
that Kinley was murdered. Robert goes looking for Scotty after he talks to
Cheryl. Sean and Colton speculate on whether or not the store owner was
involved with the terrorists or not. Meanwhile, Felicia excuses herself to
go to the ladies room. However, she never returns. She sneaks out and
returns to the store. Sean becomes suspicious when she doesn't return so he
asks the waitress. She informs them that Felicia left. They race back to the
store. Sean finds Felicia and drags her out before she has a chance to speak
with the store owner. The two men who attacked them are outside watching the
shop and see them leave. Duke confesses to Anna that he slept with Olivia.
July 12, 1988 - No
Commercials - Victor and Olivia visit PC to see the newly decorated club.
Olivia inquires about Duke's whereabouts. Angel informs her that Duke spent
the night at home with Anna. Duke spends the night in Robin's room. Anna
wakes early and tells Duke that she's going to NY on her own to check things
out. Cheryl steps off the elevator and finds Olivia, Victor, and Duke having
a meeting. Shortly after, Butcher calls and threatens Olivia if she doesn't
pay him more money. Anna arrives in NY and immediately starts searching the
apartment. After she drills a hole in the floor of the closet, she installs
a camera. The camera is setup to record everything that happens in Duke's
office. Olivia decides to stay in PC for a little while longer. She agrees
to meet Butcher in the park. Lucy follows Butcher to the park and
photographs him and Olivia together.
July 13, 1988 - No
Commercials - Colette breaks into Sean's penthouse and has to hide in the
secret room when Tiffany and Prunella show up. Sean and Colton worry about
how to disguise Felicia with her long hair. She decides to help them and
cuts it. Prunella runs into Colette coming out of Sean's secret room. Sean,
Felicia, and Colton head back to the store in their disguises. Colton sits
outside the shop disguised as a panhandler. Sean and Felicia discover that
the shop owner has been removed and replaced by a woman. Sean figures that
she is one of the terrorists. He drags Felicia out of the store. They meet
up with Colton and head back to the hotel. Sean gets the feeling they are
being followed. They decide to return to PC at once. While Colton is
packing, he notices a newspaper article of a terrorist bombing. Amongst all
the rubble, there is a clear shot of a symbol painted on the wall of the
building. Colton thinks it looks familiar for some reason. He begins having
flashbacks to when he was stationed oversee with the Marines. On the plane
ride home, he relives the horror of waking up in the middle of all that
death and destruction. He tells Felicia about the bombing and how his
friends all died but somehow he survived. Colton realizes why the symbol in
the paper looked familiar. It is the same symbol that was painted on the
wall of his Marine barracks.
July 14, 1988 - No
Commercials - Colton feels like there's something in the back of his mind
that he can't remember about the bombing and that symbol. Anna keeps tabs on
Duke's office by watching the tapes. Meanwhile, Victor sends one of his men
up to PC to follow Olivia. He then learns that Anna has moved into the
apartment upstairs. Colette shows up at Sean's to see what he learned in
Quebec. He tells her that Kinley was killed but are interrupted when Tiffany
arrives. Sean hustles Colette off to the secret room before letting Tiffany
in. However, Tiffany smells the perfume and knows there is a woman in the
penthouse. She wants to know who she is and where Sean's been the last few
days. Sean finally pacifies Tiff and gets her out of the house. Colette
comes out and kisses Sean before she leaves. Sean and Colton meet to discuss
the case. Something jars Colton's memory and he remembers the symbol next to
Leblanc's body when he was killed.
July 15-21, 1988: 7/15,
7/18, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21
July 15,
1988 - No Commercials - Anna remains in NY. Duke suggests that he join her
but she declines. Robert and Guy search the computer for Butcher. Just then,
Robert receives a phone call from Butcher. He tries to trace the call but
comes up short. He and Guy come up with a plan to nail Butcher. The plan
involves Sam dressing up as a hooker. He sends Sam out to the park with two
hookers and bets Butcher that he can't pick out the cop. This ensures that
Butcher will call Robert back and give them another shot at tracing the
call. Back in NY, Anna dresses as a bag lady and heads down to the docks.
She video tapes a drug deal. Scotty and Olivia both make plans to meet with
Butcher. Butcher places a call to Robert and does pick out Sam as the cop.
This time Robert succeeds in tracing Butcher's call. Robert races out to
pick up Butcher. However, when the police arrive they find Butcher murdered.
July 18, 1988 - No
Commercials - Anna gets stuck between two crates and is nearly crushed when
the crates are moved. Colton informs Sean that there was a medallion with
the terrorist symbol next to Leblanc's body. He discovered it when Felicia
was searching Leblanc for Frisco's wedding ring. Sean realizes that Felicia
actually met with one of the terrorists posing as Leblanc. Robert checks
Butcher's body for ID but finds nothing. The body, not to mention, the hotel
room were picked clean. A shaken Olivia shows up at Duke's club. She seems
very anxious to leave PC. Sean can't figure out how the terrorists always
seem to be one step ahead of them. He wonders if the fire in the brownstone
is somehow connected to the terrorists. While discussing the case they
discover that CNALBEL and Leblanc are really one in the same. Just then
Colette shows up asking them how Quebec was. Sean lies and tells her that it
was a dead end. He asks Felicia for the music box but she refuses. He
promises her that he will take good care of it. She finally agrees. Colette
tries to follow Sean as he leaves but Colton holds her up. Robert hauls
Scotty down to the station to ID Butcher. He then questions Scotty about
where he was when Butcher was killed. Olivia returns to NY and heads
straight for Duke's apartment. Anna invites her in for a chat.
July 19, 1988 - No
Commercials - Tiffany is upset over Sean negligence. She tells him the
relationship is over. Tiffany informs Sean that she is going on a cruise by
herself. He gets mad and tells her that she's going with him. After she
leaves, Sean calls CNALBEL. He suspects it might be a front. So, he decides
to book a flight to Washington. Colette discovers that Colton has been
staying with Felicia when she arrives one morning and finds blankets on the
couch. Tom brings a box of junk from the brownstone to the teen center. The
kids inspect the contents of the box. A medallion with the terrorist symbol
falls out of the box. The items are to be used for the art festival. Audrey
resigns after an altercation with Alan.
July 20, 1988 - No
Commercials - Duke and Anna head back to NY. Duke remains in the dark about
Anna's plan to take down the mob. Colton can't come up with a topic for his
show. Meanwhile, Felicia is driving everyone at the hair salon nuts because
she can't decide on a hair style. Duke and Anna arrive in NY. Anna heads
straight for the closet to check on the camera. One of the terrorists breaks
into Felicia's apartment looking for the knob that fell off the music box.
Back at the hospital, everyone's in an uproar thanks to Alan. Louise fixes
dinner for Tom at her place. Anna photographs Victor and two of the drug
bosses while dinning in the club.
July 21, 1988 - No
Commercials - Sean and Tiff on their cruise. (Sound is muffled for about 5
min) Bobbie and Terry discover that Butcher was murdered. Anna tries to
befriend Olivia in hopes that she may divulge information about the
business. Scotty asks Lucy for help with an alibi for Butcher's murder. She
reluctantly agrees. Shortly after, Robert arrives to question her.
Unfortunately for Scotty, she blurts out that she took a call from Butcher
while in Scott's office. Back in NY, Anna arrives at Olivia's gallery just
in time to see her kissing Duke. She leaves without making her presence
known to them. Cheryl arrives in NY. She informs Olivia of her decision to
come clean with Robert. She's going to tell him about Julian. Before Cheryl
leaves NY, she visits Julian's grave to say goodbye.
July 22-27,
1988: 7/22, 7/25 (counter on first
10-15 mins cm), 7/26 (cm), 7/27 (cm)
July 22,
1988 - No Commercials -
Duke, Anna, and Olivia dine together at the club. Olivia storms out after
Anna mentions Julian's death. Tiff wakes up to a note from Sean. The note
says that he's left the cruise for an important business meeting and that he
will catch up with the ship at the next port. Tiffany is furious. She calls
Felicia to find out where Sean went. Felicia has no idea where he is. Colton
and Felicia just happen to be discussing the case when Colette shows up. She
questions them about Sean's absence and is skeptical when they tell her that
Sean went on a cruise with Tiff. (slight tracking problem) Felicia contacts
Anna in NY. The committee for the Arts Festival would like to hire the PI
firm to oversee the security for the festival. Anna tells Felicia that she's
busy in NY and gives the job to her. Sean arrives at CNALBEL and is
introduced to the real Leblanc. Back in NY, Anna heads to the camera shop to
have the film developed. Olivia follows her there. After Anna leaves, Olivia
questions the sales associate about her. Colette turns out to be the leader
of the terrorist group. She gives the order to eliminate Sean, Colton, and
July 25, 1988 - Commercials
- Felicia and Colton try to figure out where Sean is. Meanwhile, Colette
plans Sean's murder. She wants the pleasure of killing him all to herself.
Simone arrives at the teen center just in time to see Louise kiss Tom.
Leblanc tells Sean that there is a traitor in the WSB. He admits that he
designed and built the music box himself. And that Frisco has hidden a
microchip in the knob of the box. The microchip contains information on
various terrorist groups and the WSB traitor. Leblanc asks Sean where the
knob is. Sean explains that Felicia dropped the box when she fell down the
stairs the night of the fire. Leblanc explains that Frisco's wedding ring is
the only thing that will open the knob. Opening the knob any other way will
destroy the contents of the microchip. Colette shows up at Felicia's just as
Colton is about to kiss Felicia. She claims to have important info on the
case but insists that they wait for Sean. Duke and Anna join Olivia and
Victor for dinner. Olivia suspects that Anna has a camera with her. She
searches Anna's purse while Duke and Anna dance. Olivia finds the camera and
removes the film. Sean places a call to Felicia from Washington. Colette
listens in on the call. He explains that he wants to meet with Felicia and
Colton but doesn't divulge any information over the phone.
July 26, 1988 - Commercials
- Sean sets up a meeting with Robert. Then he calls Colton and Felicia and
tells them to stay put. Felicia doesn't agree with that. So, she decides to
go into the office alone. Shortly after, Colton bursts in the office. He
insists that Felicia call Sean and ask him to meet them there. Robert gets a
lead in the Butcher murder investigation. He questions a man who runs a
newspaper stand across the street from the Butcher's hotel room. The man
tells him that two people showed up at Butcher's room. One was a man in a
dark suit. He knocked on the door a couple times and when no one answered he
left. The other person was a very pretty blond woman. She entered Butcher's
room but was only there for a minute or two. Robert learns that this woman
did not park in front of the hotel. She left her car down the street a good
distance from Butcher's room. Prunella arrives at Felicia's but no one is
home. She decides to wait inside. Shortly after, Colette shows up. She is
confused when Prunella tells her that Felicia is out. Colette suspects that
they moved the location of the meeting. At the PI office, Sean informs
Felicia and Colton of the knob and how to open. Robert discovers that Scotty
was the man who showed up at Butcher's room but never went inside. Colette
arrives at the PI office and informs the group that she found out about
CNALBEL. Sean and Colton suspect that someone is watching them or perhaps
listening to them. They head back to Felicia's and look around. Sean
discovers the bug in the phone.
July 27, 1988 - Commercials
- Duke and Olivia meet to discuss the prostitution bosses. Sean returns the
bug to Felicia's phone. He plans to use it to feed them misinformation. Sean
instructs Felicia and Colton to check all the phones at the PI office for
bugs. In the meantime, he heads home to check the penthouse phones. Anna and
Fran plan to meet for lunch in the city. Rudolpho informs Duke that the
meeting with the prostitution bosses has been canceled. Duke is furious.
Olivia tries to calm him down by inviting him to lunch. Duke declines her
offer. Colton and Felicia come up with nothing at the PI office. They call
Sean to let him know. He came up with nothing at his place either. Robert
questions Lucy and discovers that she was lying for Scotty for some reason.
She finally admits that Scotty wasn't with her at the time of Butcher's
murder. Olivia searches Duke's apartment. She is nearly caught when Rudolpho
comes in. She sneaks out the door while Rudolpho is in the bedroom. Fran
tells Anna about a warehouse in NJ where the Carter mob stores their family
records. Sean meets with Robert. He tells Robert what Frisco was working on
when he was killed. Sean explains about the knob, the microchip, and the
terrorist group. Sean calls Felicia and gives her false information. Colette
overhears it, but she doesn't believe it.
July 28 -
August 3, 1988: 7/28 cm, 7/29 cm
Outdoor location scenes for music festival begin, 8/1, 8/2, 8/3
July 28,
1988 - Commercials -
Sean returns to the cruise and surprises Tiff with breakfast. Robert clears
his desk of all cases to work with Sean. Colette locates Felicia by placing
calls to different locations. Felicia finally answers but Colette doesn't
respond. Lucy informs Scotty of Robert's questions regarding the Butcher
investigation. Sean, Felicia, and Colton, go over the plan. Sean tells them
that he has enlisted Robert's help. They are going to set a trap for the
terrorist using Frisco's ring. Meanwhile, the search continues for the
missing knob. Finally, they track down the box of junk from the brownstone
at the teen center. Unfortunately, the knob is not in the box. Tom tells
them that the kids used some items for the arts festival. Robert asks Sam to
impersonate Felicia. Colton and Felicia head over to the festival grounds.
They check out the teen center booth for the knob. Back at Sean's, Colette
eavesdrops outside the door. She hears him tell Tiffany that he may miss the
festival because he and Robert have some business to take care of. Hearing
that, Colette suspects they are up to something.
July 29, 1988 - Commercials
- Duke feels like he's being taken advantage of. None of the bosses take him
seriously and they continue to cancel meetings. Sean and Robert outline the
plan. Colton and Felicia are to go to the arts festival. Colton will
broadcast his show live from the festival. At the same time, Felicia will
head to the bank and retrieve Frisco's ring from the safe deposit box. Sam
will be in the bank disguised as Felicia. Sam will leave the bank and go to
the park to meet Sean. Colette sends her agents to tail Felicia. They follow
her into the bank but fall for the switch and follow Sam out of the bank.
Meanwhile, Felicia is supposed to go back to the arts festival. She shows up
at the park instead. Robert and Guy are hiding in the bushes as Sean and
Felicia (really Sam) argue over Frisco's ring under the bridge. Colette and
her agents are there hiding as well. She spots Felicia coming down the
stairs and immediately realizes it's a trap. Felicia realizes that she's
been seen and takes off. But the damage is already done, and Colette sends
her agents after Felicia. Robert and Sean don't yet realize what has
happened. They soon discover that they're all alone. So they pack it in and
head to the festival grounds. Back in NY, Anna sets up a meeting with Fran.
As she hangs up, Duke bursts in and tells her to pack. Eventually, Anna
calms him down and convinces him to stay. Anna meets Fran for lunch and then
they head out to NJ. Fran leads her to the warehouse where the Carter mob
hides there records. When they unlock the door, they make a gruesome
discovery. They find a human skull. Fran screams and tries to run away but
Anna calms her down.
August 1, 1988 - No
Commercials - Felicia returns to the festival. She locates Colton but he's
in the middle of taping his show. She finally gets his attention by asking a
question during the audience participation part of his show. A confused
Colton continues to ask her questions in the hope that he will figure out
what she's trying to tell him. During his commercial break, Colton runs over
and asks her what happened. Felicia admits that she went to the park and was
spotted. She thinks that the terrorists have followed her to the festival.
She is correct. Colette and her agents are searching for Felicia as she
speaks to Colton. Anna and Fran find the Carter family journals. They also
discover journals from the Jerome family. Back at the festival, Colton grabs
Felicia and tries to drag her to safety. She refuses to leave without the
knob. Against his better judgment, Colton agrees to help her. They return to
the teen center booth. Felicia discovers the knob on a sculpture just as the
terrorists spot them. Colton drags her away before she can get the knob.
August 2, 1988 - No
Commercials - Robert and Sean arrive at the festival grounds. They suspect
that the terrorists discovered Sam was only a decoy, and they have gone
after Felicia. They split up and search the grounds for Felicia and Colton.
Sean runs into Prunella. Felicia slips away from Colton and back to the teen
center booth. She tries to break the knob off the sculpture but it won't
budge. Colton finally catches up with her and drags her off when he spots
the terrorists. Just then, Prunella runs into the terrorists knocking them
to the ground. This gives Colton and Felicia time to get away.
Augist 3, 1988 - No
Commercials - Anna returns home to PC with the journals. Felicia and Colton
hide out in symphony hall. The terrorists track them down there, so Colton
uses himself as bait so Felicia can escape. Felicia refuses to leave without
Colton and they are caught. Sean meets up with Robert. He tells him about
Prunella's strange message. Neither can figure it out so they split up to
search for her. Colette overhears the message but she can't make sense of it
either. Duke is worried about Anna when she doesn't return to NY. He decides
to try her in PC but is interrupted by Victor and Olivia. Duke becomes
furious when Victor tells him that he hasn't rescheduled the meeting with
the prostitution bosses. He tells Victor that he is going home to PC and
will be back when the meeting is rescheduled. Victor goes ballistic and
tells him that he can't run the family from PC. Sean and Robert have no luck
finding Prunella so they head back to the teen center booth. That's where
Sean saw her last. While there, Sean discovers the knob on one of the
sculptures as it's about to be sold. Sean offers the woman $100 for it, but
she refuses. He makes up a story about his sick mother and cons the woman
out of the sculpture. Sean breaks the knob off and then asks that the
sculpture be delivered to his penthouse. Finally, he runs into Prunella. She
tells him that Colton and Felicia were being followed. She takes him to
symphony hall. Sean informs Robert that he has the knob. Unfortunately, it's
useless without Frisco's ring, which is now in the hands of the terrorists.
Colette took it off Felicia when they were kidnapped. Olivia snoops around
Duke's apartment. She plants a pair of sexy underwear in the bedroom.
August 4
-10, 1988: Music Festival - 8/4,
8/5, 8/8, 8/9, 8/10
August 4,
1988 - No Commercials -
Anna works on the ledgers for a while, then tells Olin that she's going back
to NY. Prunella pays off a security guard to switch the Aquarius diamond for
a fake. Sean believes that Colton and Felicia are still on the festival
grounds. Colette threatens to kill Colton in hopes that Felicia will talk.
Olivia pays Duke a visit. She inquires about his meeting with Victor.
Robert, Sean, and the police search for Colton and Felicia. Colton manages
to knock out the guards. However, on their way out Felicia falls and gets
knocked out. Colton picks her up and tries to carry her to safety.
Unfortunately, they have taken too much time. The terrorists catch up with
them before they can escape. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Felicia's
still unconscious so they put her inside a trunk. They gag Colton and dress
him up for the play. Finally, the terrorists open the door and Robert and
Sean enter. They demand to search the place. Anna returns to NY. She finds
the underwear that Olivia planted. Just then Duke and Olivia walk in. Anna
asks Olivia if the underwear belong to her. Olivia is stunned that Anna
would think that. She denies owning them or leaving them behind. Robert and
Sean turn up nothing from their search. After they leave, Colette plants a
bomb in the building.
August 5, 1988 - No
Commercials - Sean and Robert continue to search the festival grounds for
Colton and Felicia. In the mean time, they are growing increasingly
suspicious of Prunella. So Robert has her followed. Colette learns that Sean
has the knob. She instructs one of her men to place a bomb in a camera case
and leave it outside the jewelry exhibit. Sean receives a call from the
kidnappers. They are willing to trade Colton and Felicia for the knob. When
Sean hangs up, he tells Robert he's almost positive that it was Colette on
the phone. Colton and Felicia escape. They steal some costumes and head out
to find Robert and Sean. Colton thinks that the terrorists are targeting the
dignitaries. Prunella shows up at the jewelry expo and the guard slips her
the real Aquarius diamond. Colette discovers that Colton and Felicia have
escaped. Colton and Felicia run into Prunella. They tell her to get a
message to Sean.
August 8, 1988 - No
Commercials - Felicia, Colton, Robert, and Sean are all captured by Colette.
There's a struggle and Robert gets away. He notifies Lewis of the bomb
threat. They begin evacuating people in an orderly fashion as not to create
mass hysteria. Meanwhile, Sean and Colette struggle over the detonator.
Colette is accidentally shot by one of her partners. Colton breaks free and
catches up with Robert. They search frantically for the bomb. Colette
stumbles out onto the festival grounds. Greg and Christy see her and run to
help her. Just then, Colton finds the bomb and tosses it down a stairwell
seconds before it explodes. Greg and Christy are in the path of flying
debris where they were helping Colette. They are both injured. Cheryl's
injured as well. Just before the explosion, Robert threw her to the ground
and covered her with his body. Through all the chaos, Sean and Felicia
search for Colette. They find her with Greg and Christy. She's unconscious.
Felicia tries to search her for Frisco's ring. Tony tries to save Colette.
Felicia fears if she dies they'll never know what happened to Frisco. With
nothing to do at the hospital, Colton and Felicia head back to the festival
grounds to search for the ring. Prunella delivers the Aquarius diamond to a
man in the park. Felicia finds Frisco's ring.
August 9, 1988 - No
Commercials - Felicia brings the ring to Sean at the police station. They
decide to wait for Robert to open the knob. Cheryl wants out of the
hospital. Back in NY, Anna checks on the camera. Duke catches her in the
closet and questions her about it. She lies to him and says she saw a mouse
run in there. Sean calls Robert at the hospital to check on Cheryl and
Colette. Meanwhile, Colton begins having flashbacks of the bombing. Duke and
Anna decide to go away to the cabin for awhile. Duke notifies Victor of
their decision. Victor agrees. Olivia storms out of the office. After Duke
and Anna leave, Olivia begins destroying the club. Victor comes out and
yells at her to stop being jealous of Anna. She starts screaming at Victor.
Suddenly, he grabs his chest. This shakes Olivia out of her tantrum. Robert
receives a note from Prunella. She says she's going home to Australia. Sean
unlocks the knob with Frisco's ring. On the microfilm are all the major
terrorist groups and the locations of their headquarters all over the world.
They also find a message for Felicia. The message say beware of sanctuary.
Sean fears that Felicia's still in danger. He asks Colton to watch over her.
Robert receives word that the Aquarius diamond has been stolen and replaced
with a fake. Back in NY, Victor's man arrives with the Aquarius diamond.
Olivia sneaks into Duke's apartment and discovers Anna's hidden camera.
August 10, 1988 - No
Commercials - Anna and Duke relax in bed. Anna wants to discuss her plans
for taking down the Jerome family. Back in NY, Olivia apologizes to Victor.
She explains that she doesn't trust Anna. However, she leaves out
discovering the camera. Instead she points out the hole in the ceiling of
Duke's office. And together they head upstairs to investigate. Victor
discovers the camera in the closet. He's furious. Lucy discovers that Scotty
stole money from the day care center. Victor confides in Rudolpho about the
video camera. Robert questions Scotty about Butcher's murder. Duke pleads
with Anna to go fishing. She blurts out that she wants to have his baby.
Olivia heads to PC. She visits Cheryl in the hospital, and convinces Cheryl
not to tell Robert about Julian. Victor is convinced that Duke has no
knowledge of the camera. Robert arrives at the hospital and just misses
Olivia getting on the elevator.
11-17, 1988: 8/11, 8/12
Frisco's funeral, 8/15, 8/16 (5 min bad spot), 8/17
August 11 - No
Commercials - Anna and Duke are at the cabin. Olivia visits Cheryl in the
hospital. Cheryl asks Olivia to leave. As she opens the door to leave,
Robert steps into the room. Colette has regained consciousness. Felicia
fears the truth, but Colton and Tony convince her that she needs to know.
Victor is having doubts about Duke and Anna. He enlists Rudolpho's help.
Rudolpho trusts Duke implicitly. And he doesn't believe Anna would betray
her husband. Meanwhile, Anna reveals her entire plan to Duke, including the
video camera in the closet. Duke can't believe that she would take that kind
of risk. He wants to go back to NY immediately. Victor believes that Duke
and Anna have betrayed him and that something must be done. Back at the
hospital, Felicia worst fears are confirmed when Colette tells her that
Frisco is dead. Felicia wants to know where his grave is. Colette reveals
Quebec as the location. Robert and Sean berate themselves over Frisco's
death. Colton begins having flashbacks of his time in the Marines. Olivia
questions Victor about his plans for Duke and Anna. He tells her to mind her
own business. Victor recalls Anna's past as a fence. He decides she will
fence the Aquarius Diamond to prove her loyalty.
August 12 - No Commercials - Scotty convinces Lucy to steal from Tony to
replace the $5,000 he stole from the daycare center. Robert and Sean work on
solving the diamond theft. Duke and Anna return to NY. Anna discovers
that the camera has been tampered with. Anna begins telling Duke they have a
problem but Duke isn't there. Suddenly Victor appears in the apartment. He
questions Anna about her problem. She concocts a story about a cockroach in
the closet. Victor offers to check it out for her but she declines. Anna
tries to warn Duke but Victor sends him off to a meeting with the
prostitution bosses. Victor suggests that he and Anna have a meeting of
their own. At police headquarters, Robert and Sean have come up with no
leads on the diamond theft. Robert is furious that Anna's not around to help
them. Tony, Felicia, and Colton fly to Quebec to find Frisco's grave. Victor
shows Anna the diamond. She knows immediately what it is. Victor plays dumb
and asks her how to dispose of it. He explains that there are some people in
the organization that doubt her loyalty to the family. This is a perfect
opportunity for her to prove herself. Anna agrees to fence the Aquarius
diamond. Felicia finally finds Frisco's grave. They have their own little
memorial service. Olivia calls Robert and tips him off about when and where
the diamond will be fenced. He flies to NY right away. Robert bursts in with
the police and catches Anna in the process of fencing the Aquarius diamond.
August 15 - No Commercials - Duke returns to his office and finds Victor
there. Duke's confused by the sudden turnaround of the prostitution bosses.
He wants to know what Victor has done. Victor reveals his latest business
venture. Robert takes the diamond off Anna and demands an explanation. Anna
begs Robert to walk away and let her continue with what she was doing. He
refuses. She explains that her cover will be blown and she and Duke will be
killed if she doesn't return with the money. Robert explodes when he hears
that Duke's involved. Back in NY, Duke is furious over Anna's assignment.
He's shocked when he learns that Victor knows about Anna's past as a fence.
Olivia discovers that Robert has gone to NY on business. Anna tells Robert
about the evidence she's compiled on the Jerome family. She promises to
reveal it all if he lets her go. Robert gives her the money and plans to
meet her tomorrow in PC. She gives him the diamond. Felicia, Colton, and
Tony return to PC. There is a man following them. He followed them to
Quebec, and now to PC. Olivia fumes when Duke won't tell her what's going
on. Victor arrives looking for Anna. He's starting to think something went
wrong. Suddenly Anna walks in carrying a brief case. Victor welcomes Anna
back with open arms. Olivia can't understand how Anna didn't get caught.
After Anna and Duke leave, she explodes. Victor tells Olivia to stay away
from Duke and Anna. Anna tells Duke about Robert catching her. They
determine that Olivia was his anonymous tip. Anna explains that Robert only
let her go because she promised to give him everything on the Jerome family.
Robert returns to PC. He shows Sean the diamond. Sean is shocked when Robert
reveals that Anna was the fence.
August 16 - No Commercials; five min bad spot during episode - Robert
arrives at the Lavery household to question Duke and Anna. Robert can't
believe that Duke would place Anna and Robin in danger again. Colton thinks
he recognizes the man who has been following him. He has more flashbacks of
the explosion. Tony and Felicia discuss Frisco and how their going to move
on with their lives now that he's gone. Anna and Duke outline their plan to
Robert. He's furious with them but agrees to help with one condition. His
condition is that Robin stay with him until it's over. Anna refuses. Guy
tracks Robert down at Anna's. They caught the security guard who lifted the
diamond from the festival. He reveals Prunella as his contact. Robert can't
believe what he's hearing. Felicia plans a memorial service for Frisco to
coincide with the awards ceremony. Frisco will be honored posthumously for
his work breaking up the terrorist group. Felicia asks Colton to be there
with her. The man following Colton has Colton's Marine dog tags.
August 17 - No Commercials - Tom gets reinstated. Felicia's nervous about
accepting Frisco's award. Anna visits Robert to check on the diamond
investigation. Anna tells Robert about the video camera and that someone
found it. She suspects that's why Victor had her fence the diamond. It was a
test. They discover that Prunella left NY the day after the diamond was
lifted. She's now in the Bahamas with a companion. Robert tracks them down
at the hotel. He catches Prunella, but she denies everything. Robert tells
her that her companion was caught at the airport with another woman. She
refuses to believe him until he drags the companion and woman back to the
hotel. Anna and Felicia watch Colton's show and finish packing up the rest
of Frisco's things. Colton reveals his true feelings for Felicia.
August 18-24, 1988: 8/18,
8/19, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24
August 18 - No
Commercials - Colton's introduced to Ripley, the man who's been following
him. He feels like he knows him from somewhere but can't place him. Felicia
goes back to work but Sean comes in and tells her to go get ready for
Frisco's ceremony. Victor has arranged a luncheon in Anna's honor. Olivia
bursts in with the newspaper article of Robert retrieving the Aquarius
diamond. Victor questions Anna about this. He seems satisfied with her
answer. Sean learns that Prunella was responsible for stealing the Aquarius
diamond. Victor announces that Anna will rule the Jerome family in equal
power with her husband. Olivia looses it and goes crazy. She barges into
Duke's apartment while he's packing and refuses to let him leave. She
announces that she pregnant with Duke's child. Ripley breaks into Colton's
room. He finds a paper in the trash with a Greek word written on it. The
translation of the word is sanctuary.
August 19 - No Commercials - Duke refuses to believe Olivia. Tiffany
interviews Colton and Felicia after the awards ceremony. This drives Lucy
completely insane. Olivia tells Duke that she's going to have the baby.
Robert brings Prunella back to PC. He and Anna continue to fight over
Robin's living arrangements. At the awards ceremony, Felicia announces her
plans to start the Frisco Jones center for the performing arts. Ripley
riffles through Colton's duffel bag. Prunella runs Kelly's while Ruby
attends the awards ceremony. Anna feels ill and has to leave the ceremony.
Alan takes her to the hospital to be examined. Colton has flashbacks while
at the ceremony. Duke arrives late and learns that Anna left early. He
arrives home to an empty house. Just then, Anna arrives and announces that
she's pregnant.
August 22 - No Commercials - Robert thinks there is something wrong with
Anna. Olivia tells Victor that she and Duke have come to an understanding.
Duke tries to tell Anna about Olivia but is interrupted by Robin's call.
Duke doesn't think Anna should continue with her investigation. Cheryl
becomes upset when Robert wants to go check on Anna. Robert arrives at the
Lavery's and is stunned to learn that Anna is pregnant. He's not happy with
the situation. He can't believe they would bring a baby into this whole mob
situation. Gregory donates the building for the Frisco Jones center. Felicia
goes over to check it out. Cheryl becomes upset over Robert's reaction to
Anna's pregnancy. She thinks Robert's still in love with Anna. Robert tells
Cheryl about Duke and the Jerome family. When he steps out of the office,
she discovers a drawing of Julian on Robert's desk. Colton goes to the
library for a Greek to English dictionary. He's horrified when he learns the
meaning of the word he keeps writing. It's sanctuary. Anna notifies Victor
of the baby. He tells Olivia. She appears very calm and collected.
August 23 - No Commercials - Lucy freaks out over the morning paper. She
thinks Tony should be on the front page not Colton. Colton is having a hard
time concentrating. He tells Tiff that he can't do the show today. Tiffany
assures him that he just needs to rest. He's been through a very
traumatizing ordeal. He agrees. Sean cautions Felicia about getting into a
relationship with Colton. Tom returns to work. Monica plans a dinner party
to celebrate Tom's return. Sean donates the money for the new theatre.
Felicia's worried about Colton. She goes to check on him after his show, but
he wants to be left alone. Tony returns home just in time to hear Lucy say
she's glad Frisco's dead. Tony grabs BJ and tells Lucy to be out before he
gets back, then storms out. Felicia realizes she has feelings for Colton.
August 24 - No Commercials - Edward decides to invite Scotty to the dinner
party. Alan comes in and announces that he's invited Lucy and Tony. Lucy
catches Scotty stealing money from the daycare center again. Robin returns
from camp. Duke and Anna tell her about the baby. She's thrilled. Robert
arrives and still wants to take Robin out of the house. Lucy threatens to go
to the police if Scott doesn't put the money back. Olivia shows up at
Cheryl's and pushes her jealousy buttons. Duke and Robert continue to argue
over Duke's involvement with the mob. Anna calms him down by giving him the
ledgers for the Carter and Jerome families. Anna tells Robert to beware of
Victor's daughter. Robert learns Olivia is Victor's daughter. Duke catches
Olivia coming out of the elevator. He's furious and tells her to go back to
NY. Robert tells Anna of Olivia's sudden friendship with Cheryl. Anna thinks
it's to get at him. Robert visits Cheryl and tells her to stay away from
Olivia because she's Victor Jerome's daughter. He doesn't want her involved
with those people. Olivia stays in PC and stalks the Lavery's.
August 25-31, 1988: 8/25,
8/26 cm, 8/29, 8/30, 8/31
August 25 - No
Commercials - Anna and Robin create a shopping list of baby items. Bobbie
spends the day with BJ. Charlene drops by to bring some of BJ's things and
Bobbie invites her to visit. Robin and Anna go shopping for the baby. Anna
has an uneasy feeling that someone is watching them. Olivia's following them
around. She overhears Robin saying how much she likes the lovebirds in one
of the stores. Duke calls Angel to find out if Olivia went back to NY. Lucy
breaks into Scott's room. Duke confides in Alan that he slept with another
woman and she may be pregnant. Duke discovers that Olivia did not go back to
NY and she's staying at the Port Charles hotel. Lucy finds the pictures and
negatives that Scott has been using to blackmail her. She rips them up in
front of him. Duke barges into Olivia's hotel room. He demands that she go
to NY with him to have a pregnancy test. Scott's been following Olivia. He
notices Duke and Olivia leaving her hotel room together.
August 26 - Commercials - Bobbie babysits for BJ. Colton sits alone at the
studio trying desperately to remember something that will help him out of
his torture. He doesn't understand the visions he's having. Rip continues to
follow Colton. Duke takes Olivia to see the doctor that Alan recommended.
Olivia emerges from the examination room with the doctor. He tells Duke
there is no reason why she can't give him a healthy baby. Scott calls Lucy
from NY. He tells her that he's been tailing Duke and Olivia all day. Robert
arrives at the Lavery's. Anna lets him have it for putting her under
surveillance. When he denies it, she becomes concerned. Anna explains that
she felt as if someone was watching her all day. Robert decides to take
Robin and Anna to the zoo. Anna feels stupid about her paranoia. Robert just
tells her to keep her guard up. Back in NY, Duke asks Olivia what she plans
to do about the baby. She tells him she's going to have the baby. Later that
day, Scott pays Olivia a visit at her gallery. He blackmails her for
$10,000. Robert brings Anna and Robin home. When they arrive, they find cage
with two lovebirds sitting by the front door. Robin is thrilled. Her parents
are suspicious. They try to figure out who would send something like this,
and then they start calling all their friends. Nobody they know sent them.
Anna figures that Duke sent them. When Duke arrives home, Robin thanks him
for the birds. He doesn't know what she's talking about. Anna and Robert
become concerned when Duke announces that he didn't send any birds. Felicia
tells Colton that she has feelings for him. Unfortunately, he's half asleep
and blurts out that he loves Ariel.
August 29 - No Commercials - Felicia questions Colton about the name Ariel.
He explains the flashbacks he's having, but he doesn't know anyone named
Ariel. Felicia's upset that he said he loved this woman. Sean calls Felicia
but she's so upset she won't answer. She finally does answer but can't hide
the fact that she's upset. Sean rushes out to check on her. Cheryl tells
Tiffany that Robert's still in love with Anna. Tiff tells her she's nuts.
Robert and Anna tell Duke about Anna's feeling that someone was following
her. Olivia daydreams about Duke and their baby. Sean arrives at Felicia's.
She tells him what Colton said. Sean thinks she should give him the benefit
of the doubt after everything they've been through. Colton strolls around
the docks and has visions of a woman. As he struggles with his past, Ripley
appears. He tries to talk to Colton but Colton asks him to leave.
August 30 - No Commercials - Terry and Felicia go over the plans for the
theatre. Bobbie and Tony discuss what happened with Lucy. Louise and Simone
get friendly. Louise keeps inventing reasons to see Tom. Lucy still thinks
she's going to get Tony back somehow. Felicia calls around to find Colton,
but he's disappeared. Ripley hangs around the site of the Frisco Jones
center. He asks Felicia a lot of questions about Colton. Lucy cozies up to
Alan. Monica and Tony walk into Alan's office and find them in each others
August 31 - No Commercials- Colton snaps at Tiffany. He's having a
hard time concentrating on his show. Anna's at Kelly's looking at baby
clothes with the girls. Robert shows up. (slight audio problem for about 5
min) Victor announces to the family that Duke and Anna are having a baby.
Tiffany tries to help Colton through his problems. Robert and Anna argue
about the lovebirds. Olivia sneaks into Duke's bedroom and comes on to him.
He tells her he despises her and only loves his wife. Colton loses control
and destroys some crates on the dock. Felicia witnesses the end of it.
Robert gives Anna a ride to the hospital for her check up. While they wait,
Anna has another dizzy spell. Robert is concerned. Duke finds baby clothes
in his drawers and realizes that Olivia planted them there for Anna to find.
He also realizes that Olivia sent the lovebirds. Duke and Olivia argue.
Victor shows up to find out what is going on. Duke informs him that he's
going home and won't be back. After Duke leaves, Olivia is hysterical. She
tells Victor that she's pregnant by Duke. Victor is furious. He vows to
bring Duke back. Anna emerges from her examination and informs Robert that
she will be spending the night in the hospital. He promises to watch Robin
overnight. Anna apologizes for being a bother. Duke rushes to Anna's side
when he learns that she's in the hospital. She assures him that she's fine.
Colton and Felicia kiss and wind up in bed together.
1-7, 1988: 9/1, 9/2, 9/5, 9/6, 9/7
September 1 -
No Commercials - Colton and Felicia are in love. He feels that whatever has
been plaguing him is now gone. Olivia cries to her father about Duke. Victor
vows to bring him back and make him take responsibility for Olivia and their
unborn child. Back in Port Charles, Anna wakes to find Duke by her side. He
informs her that he's done with the Jerome family. She cautions him that
they might never be rid of the mob. Robin and Robert spend the night at
Cheryl's. He shares his concerns, over who sent the lovebirds, with Cheryl.
Victor tells his mistress Dimitra about Olivia's pregnancy. She warns Victor
that Olivia is very dangerous. Duke confides in Alan about Olivia's
pregnancy. Alan cautions him about telling Anna. Dimitra tells Victor that
Olivia was seen meeting with the Carter mob just before Julian's death.
Victor is horrified at the possibility that Olivia could have killed her own
brother. Olivia shows up at Cheryl's and meets Robin. While Cheryl's in the
shower, Olivia tells Robin that if the daddy lovebird dies or is taken away
that the mommy bird will die. Anna is released from the hospital. Olivia
returns to her hotel to find Victor waiting. He can barely contain his
anger. When she asks what is wrong, he asks if she had anything to do with
Julian's death.
September 2 - No Commercials - Olivia denies being involved in Julian's
death. She's insulted that Victor would ever believe such a thing. Victor
swears that he will kill her if he learns that she was involved. Monica
decides to take a vacation by herself. Felicia suggests Colton see Tom
Hardy. Maybe he can help Colton work through the visions that haunt him.
Victor suffers a heart attack while fighting with Olivia. She withholds his
heart medication in the hope that he will die. Felicia tells Sean about
Colton's visions. Rip overhears them while lurking around the complex. Robin
tells Anna about spending time at Cheryl's. After Anna goes to lie down,
Robin tells Duke about meeting Olivia. Robin's very worried about her birds
after what Olivia told her. So, she mentions it to Duke. He's furious. Duke
tells Robin he has to go out and heads right for Olivia's hotel. When he
arrives, Olivia is standing in the hall crying. She acts hysterical for
Duke's benefit when she tells him Victor's having a heart attack. Victor
tries to tell Duke something but he just doesn't have the strength. Duke has
Victor rushed to the emergency room. In the emergency room, Duke lets Olivia
have it for going near Robin and upsetting her. Anna's very concerned when
she learns what Olivia said about the lovebirds. Victor manages to tell Duke
that Olivia lies, as he's wheeled into surgery. Colton agrees to let Tom
hypnotize him.
September 5 - No Commercials - Under hypnosis, Colton remembers going to the
Greek Isles after his discharge from the Marines. Monica and Tony operate on
Victor. Robert and Cheryl drop by Anna's. When Cheryl and Robin go into the
kitchen, Anna asks Robert if he knew Olivia was at Cheryl's when Robin was
there. She also tells him what Olivia said about the lovebirds. Robert is
furious. He questions Cheryl about it. Just then, Duke calls from the
hospital and tells Robert about Victor's heart attack. Robert learns that
Olivia is with him. He rushes right over. Duke asks Alan to contact the
doctor in NY. He thinks Olivia paid him off. Colton tells Tom he wants to
stop the hypnosis. Tom convinces him to just take a little break. Robert
threatens Olivia at the hospital. Robert is still upset when he reaches
Cheryl's place. He wants to know why Cheryl would allow Olivia around his
daughter. She gets mad and stomps off. Shortly after, Robert apologizes for
losing his cool. Felicia and Colton dance in the park. Ripley watches them
then he takes a picture out of his pocket. It's a picture of Ariel.
September 6 - No Commercials - Colton has another session with Tom. Duke
informs Robert that he's out of the mob. Robert is furious as he needs on
the inside. He orders him back to NY. Dimitra arrive at the hospital and
confronts Olivia. Colton remembers meeting a woman in Greece. Alan informs
Duke that Olivia was never actually tested in NY. Robert and Anna discover
that Fran Woods and her children have disappeared. Robert places Sam
undercover at the hospital. Olivia finally has the pregnancy test at GH.
Colton remembers Ariel leading him to a church. Inside, he notices the Greek
word for sanctuary written on the wall. Robert shows up at the hospital to
talk to Duke. Duke admits that he slept with Olivia and now she claims to be
pregnant. The test is negative but Olivia sneaks in and switches the
results. However, Dimitra witnesses her doing it and changes them back.
Colton remembers that all of Ariel's friends had tattoos of the terrorist
symbol. Later that night, Ripley sneaks into Tom's office and listens to the
tapes of Colton's session.
September 7 - No Commercials - Alan talks to Tony about the divorce. Monica
goes to the spa for two weeks. Anna attempts to knit something for the baby.
Robin's worried about her lovebirds. While at the spa, Monica meets a man
almost half her age. Duke learns the results of the pregnancy test. He head
over to Olivia's to give her the news. Duke tells Olivia that she's not
pregnant. She refuses to believe him. He threatens to kill her if she comes
near his family again. Later that night, Anna threatens Olivia in the ladies
room at Duke's club. Olivia storms out.
September 8-14, 1988: 9/8,
9/9, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14
September 8 -
No Commercials - Anna goes to the hospital for another check up. Lucy shows
up at the brownstone early in the morning to find Tony and Bobbie in their
bathrobes with BJ. Felicia jumps out of bed with Colton to rush home and
meet her grandmother. Lucy begs Tony to talk but he refuses. Mariah greets
her granddaughter with raised eyebrows when she notices her disheveled
state. Anna runs into Olivia at the hospital. She tells her not to waste her
time going to NY to find Duke that he will be back soon. Tom encourages
Colton to continue with his sessions. He reluctantly agrees. Scotty learns
that Olivia is Victor Jerome's daughter. Colton remembers being in the
church with Ariel. They're participating in the ti-chi session. Suddenly
Colton becomes very agitated. He remembers seeing flashes on the walls of
the church, then disturbing images of death and destruction. He's afraid to
continue. Anna visits Victor and meets Dimitra. She assures Victor that they
will remain with the family in Victor's time of need. After she leaves,
Victor asks Dimitra to find proof of Olivia's involvement in Julian's death.
Tom puts Colton back in a trance. He remembers himself being arrested by the
military police. They grab Ariel too. When Colton resists, they lift Ariel
hair and reveal the tattoo behind her ear. He can't believe that Ariel is a
terrorist. Dimitra informs Victor that Olivia's not pregnant. Colton is told
that he's been given mind altering drugs by the terrorists. Suddenly, he
spots a tattoo on one of the MP's. He realizes that they're not Marines at
all but in fact the terrorists. He tries to get away, but they catch him and
drug him. As he starts to fall, he grabs the curtain in front of him. He's
astonished to find that he is in the church. Just before going out, he sees
the Greek word for sanctuary written on the wall.
September 9 - No Commercials - Duke tells Robert that Olivia's not pregnant.
Colton decides to take the day off from his sessions with Tom in order to
attend the opening of the Frisco Jones Center. Tom shows up at Kelly's after
Colton cancels his session. Tom convinces him to continue or risk his future
with Felicia. They return to the hospital. Under hypnosis, Colton remembers
the continuous injections he was given. He is shown pictures of a man and
Ariel and told that they are traitors and must die. He can't see the man's
face clearly. Felicia is worried because Colton is late for the opening of
the Frisco Jones Center. Just then, Colton remembers that his code name for
his mission is sanctuary. Suddenly, Tom realizes what this means and he
tries to calm Colton down. Colton becomes violent and attacks Tom. He runs
out of the hospital still in a trance. Tom catches up with him on the docks.
He tries to talk him out of his trance.
Meanwhile, Felicia learns from Robert, that Colton
is on the docks with Tom. She heads down there to pick Colton up. Olin takes
Robin home but someone is watching them. When Anna and Duke arrive home,
they notice the cover is off the bird cage. Duke goes to replace it and
realizes one of the birds is dead. Anna and Robin come into the living room.
Before Duke can stop her, Robin runs up to the cage and notices the dead
bird. She starts to cry and says, “now the other one will die too” Anna
and Duke try to comfort her. Back on the docks, Colton's remembering the
rest of his mission. He's at a warehouse when Ariel and a man walk in.
Colton jumps out with his gun drawn. Ariel screams for him to stop but he
shoots them anyway. He walks over to the bodies but Ariel is not there.
Colton takes him dog tags off and places them near the body along with his
gun. He rolls the body over and realizes its Frisco. Colton is horrified. He
screams that he killed Frisco Jones just as Felicia arrives.
September 12 - No Commercials - Duke and Anna try to Calm Robin down. Tiff
asks Robert where Colton is. Robert tells her that Felicia went to get
Colton on the docks. Felicia hears Colton say he rolled the body over and
saw Frisco's face. Colton's racked with pain and anguish. He asks if he
killed Ariel and if he will hurt Felicia. He questions everything in his
life. He's devastated when he realizes that he has to tell Felicia. Tom
cautions him against that until they can figure all this out. Felicia
returns to the brownstone and runs into Tony. He asks if she's ok. She tells
him she's not feeling well, and is going to lie down. Felicia grabs some
keys from her apartment and leaves. Back at the Lavery's, Duke suspects that
someone got in the house. He instructs Olin not to tell Robert. Felicia
arrives at the PI office and takes the gun from Sean's drawer. Robert finds
Tom and tells him that Felicia went to the docks looking for Colton. They
rush out in search of Felicia. She's at Colton's apartment holding a gun on
him threatening to kill him. Colton begs her to shoot him. She can't do it.
Robert and Tom burst in just as Colton's about to kill himself. He confesses
to killing Frisco and waives his rights. Robert arrests him. Tom accompanies
Colton to the police station. Robert takes Felicia home. Olivia pays off the
man she hired to kill the bird.
September 13 - No Commercials - The whole town is in an uproar over Colton's
confession. Tony barges into Felicia's apartment with the morning paper. He
wants to know if it's true. No one can believe that Colton could do such a
thing. Tiffany burst into Robert's office. She demands some answers. Robert
tells her that Colton gave a signed confession and if convicted the penalty
is death. Rip learns about Colton from Prunella. Anna asks Robert to take
Robin to the zoo to cheer her up. When Robert asks what's wrong, Anna tells
him about finding the bird. Charlene arrives at the police station and begs
to see her son. Colton tells his mother he did it. He asks her to walk away
and forget about him. Robert asks Felicia to come down to the station to
answer some questions. Tom asks Steve for some advice. Prunella overhears
Rip talking on the phone in Greek. Edward suggests that Scotty defend
Colton. Robert question Colton but is frustrated by his answers. Suddenly,
Guy comes in with Felicia. Rip is on the phone when he announces that Colton
didn't kill Frisco.
September 14 - No Commercials - Melissa feels foolish for Believing in
Colton. Bobbie cautions her that it could be a mistake. Robert and Cheryl
take Robin to the zoo. Robin is depressed. When Robert asks what's wrong,
she announces that the bird dying was no accident. She believes that someone
came in the house and did it. Duke visits with Victor and meets Dimitra. Amy
blabs that Duke is with Victor to Olivia. So she decides to visit Victor.
Tom's in a fowl mood and barking at everyone. He wants to help Colton but is
bound by his doctor's oath. Robert tells them he forgot a business meeting
and has to leave. Olivia tries to visit Victor but Duke drags her away.
Victor instructs Dimitra to follow them. She overhears Duke threaten to kill
Olivia. Tom drinks himself into oblivion. Louise comes in to take him home.
Dimitra pleads with Victor to let her tell Duke about Olivia being involved
with Julian's death. Robert waits for Duke in his office. When Duke arrives,
Robert tells him he knows that someone was in the house. He tells Duke he's
taking Robin out of the house tomorrow. Olivia shows up at Cheryl and asks
for forgiveness. She tells Olivia to get lost. Duke goes into Robin's room
while she sleeps. He sits on her bed and apologizes to her for what happened
to her bird. He tells Robin that her daddy is going to come tomorrow to take
her with him for awhile. Olivia hires Tim to do another job. Robert talks
about Anna in his sleep.
15-20, 1988: 9/15, 9/16, 9/19, 9/20
September 15 -
No Commercials - Cheryl brings Robert breakfast in bed. Scotty visits Colton
but Colton refuses his help. Mariah asks Felicia to take a cruise around the
world with her. Felicia's not sure but she agrees to think about it. Robert
receives a call from Guy that two WBS agents are on their way. Olivia
tries to visit her father but Dimitra refuses to let her in. However, Olivia
cons her way in when Victor's doctor shows up. She gives her father a box of
chocolates which he proceeds to throw across the room. Tom and Felicia meet
at Kelly's. Felicia begs Tom for information on Colton. He tells her that
he's unable to divulge anything without Colton's permission. He does tell
her that Colton wasn't lying when he said he loved her. Ripley is ordered
back home to Greece by his father. Olivia barges into Cheryl's office. She's
upset over her father's rejection. Unfortunately, Cheryl has no sympathy for
her and tells her to get lost. Olivia threatens to reveal Cheryl's big
secret to Robert. Tiffany visits Colton. He admits his guilt and refuses her
help. Later that night, Olivia sneaks into Cheryl's office. She puts a
picture of Cheryl and Julian in an envelope addressed to Robert, and then
pays Tim to place it at Sean's doorstep. Ripley cleans out his apartment but
leaves a box addressed to Sean.
September 16 - Commercials - Tony is harassed by reporters at the hospital.
Sean finally returns. He can't believe what's going on with Colton and heads
straight to Felicia's. Sean tells Felicia that he will get to the bottom of
Colton's story. At the Lavery's, Duke tries to tell Anna something but is
interrupted when Robert and Cheryl arrive. Anna is furious when she learns
that Robert and Duke have decided Robin's living arrangements without
consulting her. Duke tries to explain but Anna snaps at him. Robert gets a
call from Sean and has to leave. Prunella cleans out Ripley's apartment and
finds the box for Sean. At the station, Robert lets Sean read the police
report. Sean doesn't buy any of it. He still believes Colton is innocent.
Prunella arrives at Sean's with the box. Sean and Robert are hesitant to
open the box. Felicia goes to visit Colton. She asks him if he killed
Frisco. He admits to killing him. Felicia gets up and walks out. Back at
Sean's, they discover a duffel bag in the box. When they open the bag, they
find Colton's dog tags and a machine gun. Felicia leaves for her cruise. BJ
drinks nail polish remover when Lucy's supposed to be watching her. She and
Louise rush BJ to the hospital.
September 19 - Commercials - Sean pleads with Robert not to process the gun
and tags yet. He needs more time to examine the evidence. Robert grants him
the time. They grab the evidence and head down to the PI office. Robin calls
her father to remind him that there's a letter for him at Sean's. Cheryl
catches Robin opening her father's mail. She sends Robin to the kitchen for
something. Meanwhile, Cheryl's curiosity gets the best of her and she opens
the envelope. She horrified when she sees the picture of Julian. She
immediately starts tearing it up. Cheryl hides the evidence under the couch
cushion just as Robert comes in. Tony gets word that BJ was rushed to the
hospital. When he arrives, Simone tells him that BJ's in a coma. Prunella
shows up at the PI office. She tells them about the phone calls Ripley made
and the fact that he spoke Greek. Sean asks her to track down the flight he
took when he left PC. Robin and Cheryl cook a Greek meal for Robert. He asks
Cheryl about the letter. She tells him it was junk mail. After Cheryl
leaves, Robert finds the pieces of the picture. He starts to put them
together but then pushes them aside.
September 20 - Commercials - Robert brings the shredded picture to the
station with him and has the lab put it together. Anna wanders around in
Robin's room. Duke finds her and asks if she's ok. Anna questions him about
Olivia. He finally tells her about Olivia claiming to be pregnant. Sean
tells Robert that he has discovered Ripley's father is a retired general
named Gastineau. Olivia crank calls the Lavery house. Anna knows it's her
and yells at her. Anna arrives at Robert's office. She wants to know why he
didn't tell her about Olivia claiming to be pregnant. Robert gets the
feeling there have been more threats since Anna's not screaming for Robin to
move back home. Of course, she denies it. Duke catches Olivia on the phone
planning something. He tells her that Anna knows everything including the
fake pregnancy. Olivia asks Duke to help her run the family. He refuses.
Sean visits Colette. He learns that Ripley was recruited as an explosives
expert by the terrorists. Anna and Robert go over the Carter and Jerome
ledgers. Scotty barges in yelling about some new evidence in Colton's case.
Sean contacts Robert and gives him the info about Ripley. He plans to return
to the prison tomorrow to see Colette again. Olivia plans to unite the
Jerome and Carter families. Robert learns that it's Cheryl and Julian Jerome
in the picture.
September 21-26, 1988: 9/21, 9/22,
9/23, 9/26
September 21 -
Commercials - Tony learns that BJ is going to be okay. Olivia shows up at
the hospital to see Victor. However, Victor's been released. Sean returns to
the prison to see Colette and learns she escaped. Victor rents an estate
just outside of town. He plans to recuperate there with Dimitra by his side.
Victor receives proof that Olivia was behind the death of her brother. Sean
visits Colton in jail again. He asks him if he remembers meeting Ripley
before? Colton thinks so but he's not sure what this has to do with
anything. He tells Sean to leave and not come back. Sean is adamant about
helping Colton. Olivia finds Victor. He informs her that he has proof of her
involvement in Julian's death. Olivia still denies it. Victor is livid. He
vows to make her pay. Tom visits with Colton. He begs him to fight for his
life. Tom tries desperately to make Colton see it wasn't his fault. Sean
goes to Greece. Monica's flirtation with Ned, he kisses her in the
September 22 - Commercials - Monica wakes up next to Ned the next morning at
the Green Valley Spa. She has slep with Ned, not realizing he is her nephew.
Tony asks Charlene to watch BJ when she's released from the hospital. Anna
wants to spend more time with Robin but Robert doesn't feel the Lavery house
is safe. He tells Anna to pick Robin up from school and then go over to
Sean's with her. He wants her to spend time with Robin. Cheryl calls for
Robert but he refuses her call. When Anna asks him about it, he tells her he
doesn't want to discuss it. Sean calls from Athens. He's going to meet with
General Gastineau. Cheryl tries to see Robert at the station but they won't
let her in. She doesn't know what's wrong so she heads to Sean's looking for
Robin. When she gets there, Cheryl looks under the cushion for the picture.
She discovers that it's not there just as Anna and Robin come in. A few
moments later, Robert arrives. Anna excuses herself. Robert hands Cheryl the
picture. She's devastated when she sees it all back together. Tony puts all
of Lucy's things out on the porch and has the locks changed. Lucy moves into
the Port Charles hotel. She asks Scotty to represent her in the divorce, but
he refuses. Sean meets with Ripley's father but gets nowhere. Cheryl tries
to explain herself to Robert but he won't even listen. He tells her that he
will never trust her again. Rip pleads with his father to save Colton's
life. His father refuses to let him talk to Sean. Anna returns home to find
a package by her front door. She opens it and finds a doll with the head
ripped off.
September 23 - Commercials - Sean gets a visit from a friend of Ripley's.
He's told to meet him in the park. Sean believes it's a setup, so he takes
the friend with him. Back in PC, Duke suggests to Anna that they bring Robin
home. Anna refuses. Cheryl goes to Olivia's hotel room to confront her.
Olivia admits that she sent the picture to pay Cheryl back for rejecting her
when she needed a friend. Cheryl attacks her. Duke assures Anna that Olivia
will be out of their lives soon. Olivia arrives at the hospital. She asks
Amy to contact Victor's doctor for her, While Amy has her back turned,
Olivia changes the time of Anna's appointment from 1pm to 2pm. Cheryl pays
Victor a visit. She tells him that Olivia is out of control. She asks if
there is anything he can do about her. He informs Cheryl of Olivia's
involvement in Julian's death. Cheryl is stunned. Victor tells her there's
nothing he can do but there is something she can do to avenge Julian. Cheryl
can't believe her ears. Victor is asking her to kill his own child.
At the hospital, Anna arrives for her appointment
but is told the appointment isn't until 2pm. She has to pick Robin up from
school at 2:30. Olivia overhears her tell the doctor that she made
arrangement for an officer to pick Robin up. When Sean arrives in the park,
he is met by General Gastineau and some immigration officials. They are
sending Sean back to the US. Suddenly, Ripley appears. He goes against his
father's wishes and tells Sean that Colton did not kill Frisco. Sean and
Ripley head back to PC. Duke learns of Olivia's plan to unite the two
families from Rudolph. He leaves a message for Robert. Olivia shows up at
Robin's school in disguise. When Robin comes out she tells her that Robert
sent her. Robin's teacher is hesitant to let her go. Anna receives a call at
the hospital from Olin. Robin's teacher called to check on the woman picking
Robin up. Anna's concerned and tells her not to let them leave the school.
September 26, 1988 - reduced sound from about :5-:12 mins - Lucy listens in
as Amy and another nurse gossip at the nurse's station. Amy gets snarky with
her and Lucy calls her a “motor mouth”. Robin's teacher tells a frantic
Anna about the woman who picked up Robin after school. Anna calls Robert and
asks him if he had someone pick up Robin? He doesn't know anything about it
and points out that Robin would not have gone off with someone she doesn't
know. Anna is horrified as she realizes that Olivia took Robin! She tells
Robert that a madwoman has her daughter! Robert assures her he will take
care of it and he will get Robin back! Robin is sitting in the park talking
to Olivia in disguise. Olivia is pretending to be a police officer. Robin
innocently asks her if she knows Sam? Olivia lies that sure Sam is a great
“guy” (Sam is a woman).
Over at the Q's, the new AJ is seen as Monica
arrives home as Edward & Lila are talking. Lila advises Monica to ignore
Edward's comments as his eyesight is failing and Monica is looking ravishing
(cue flashback to Ned). Charlene is grieving over Colton's trouble and cries
on Tony's shoulder. Later, Lucy rages at Charlene for getting Tony to kick
her out and change the locks.
Back at the Scorpios, Sam tries to get the pregnant
Anna to sit down and relax. This doesn't last as she jumps up when Duke
enters to tell him that Olivia has Robin and if anything happens to Robin
she will never forgive him. Guy arrives with an update on the APB and asks
for a current picture of Robin to release. Robert heads over to see Cheryl
and asks her for a picture of Olivia. When Tiffany arrives, Cheryl tells her
that she was once in love with Julian Jerome. Tiffany asks if she ever told
Robert? She says no that she was worried about losing Robert, and now she
has. Tiffany tries to reassure her but Cheryl tells her that Olivia has
taken Robin. Duke arrives to see Robert and asks if he also believes that
Olivia took Robin? He says he isn't sure. Sam calls and tells him that Anna
took off. Anna heads to the park where Duke soon finds her.
Olivia takes Robin to a haunted house and allows
her to become separated from her. Robin becomes very afraid and calls out
for “Gene”. The guy running the haunted house takes off his scary mask
and reassures her. Robin soon arrives back at the penthouse to everyone's
relief, having no idea she was kidnapped. Robert takes off to track Olivia
while Robin fills Duke and Anna in on her adventure.
27-30, 1988: 9/27 cm, 9/28 cm, 9/29
cm, 9/30 cm
27, 1988 - Commercials
- Melissa and Greg head down to the courthouse for Colton's sentencing. Sean
returns with Ripley. Bobbie and Terry arrive at the Jones house to baby-sit
BJ so Charlene can go to the sentencing. Tom decides he will break his oath
and reveal the information from Colton's sessions. Ripley reveals the truth
about Frisco's death. However, Robert isn't sure whether it's enough to stop
sentencing. Robert tells Sean that Robin was kidnapped yesterday for a
couple of hours. Robert wants the US attorney to ask for a continuance. Sean
brings Ripley to the prison to see Colton. He tells Colton that he was in
the warehouse the night Frisco was killed. Colton doesn't believe him. Rip
continues with the story telling Colton he didn't shoot Frisco. Colton tells
them without proof; he's still going to plead guilty. Charlene visits Colton
before sentencing. She pleads with him to fight for his life. Scotty is
granted a continuance. (muffled sound for about 5min) Robert asks Sean to
have Frisco's body exhumed. He wants to find out which direction the bullets
came from.
28, 1988 - Commercials
- Tony and Bobbie discuss Colton's case and the new evidence. Anna threatens
to kick Duke out if he doesn't come clean with her. She's fed up with Robert
and Duke trying to run her life. Anna's scared for Robin's safety. Duke
promises Anna that he will go see Robert and tell him everything then he's
going to take his family out of town. Anna is against running away. Olivia
tries to merge the Carter and Jerome families. Neither side will agree to it
without Victor's blessing. Duke tells Robert he wants out of the business.
Robert needs more info before he will let him go. Robert heads over to
Anna's. Tony has a dizzy spell during surgery. Robert shows up at the
Lavery's. Anna is furious. She wants to know what he's doing about Olivia.
As soon as Robert's out the door, Anna makes a reservation on the shuttle to
NY. Victor plays the pathetic old man card when Duke visits. Duke assures
him that he's taking care of everything. Victor tells him to forget about
the family. He is releasing him from his obligations to the family. Anna
shows up at Olivia's gallery. She dumps the decapitated doll on Olivia's
desk. Of course, Olivia denies everything. Olivia pushes Anna. Suddenly,
Anna doesn't feel to well. When she arrives at the airport, she contacts her
doctor at GH. The doctor tells her to come in immediately. Duke reports back
to Robert on Victor's sudden change of heart. With Duke's curiosity aroused,
he agrees to stay in.
29, 1988 - Commercials
- Sean drops in on Cheryl. He wants to know why Cheryl disappeared from
Robert's life. Robert and Robin arrive at home. She's glad their alone as
she wants to talk to him. Robin thinks her father treats her like a baby.
She wants him to be honest with her and tell her what's going on. She knows
the woman who picked her up wasn't a cop. Duke becomes concerned when he
can't find Anna. He gets a call from her doctor asking where she is. The
doctor tells Duke that Anna called but that was over two hours ago and she
still hasn't shown up at the hospital. Duke learns that Anna may be
miscarrying. He rushes right over to the hospital. Sam shows up at Sean's to
watch Robin. Meanwhile at Cheryl's, Sean learns that Cheryl lied to Robert.
Anna finally arrives at the hospital. Tiff tries to talk to Robert about
Cheryl. (sound muffled for about 5min) The doctor examines Anna. She decides
that she's in no immediate danger. Tony changes his will and writes Lucy
out. Duke brings Anna home and tucks her in on the couch. He wants to know
why she went to NY. Suddenly, Robert arrives. He and Duke start bickering.
They stop for Anna's benefit. Robert tells Anna about the talk that he and
Robin had. He can't believe how grown up his daughter is. Bobbie plans to
move into Tony's place to take care of BJ. Duke has a problem at the club
and has to leave. Anna asks Robert to stay and talk about Cheryl. He tells
her that Cheryl lied and that he can't trust her anymore. Anna points out
that he's a bit stubborn. It took him six years before he would even listen
to anything Anna had to say. While sitting alone, Cheryl remembers Victor's
words. She grabs her gun and calls the airport. She can't make a reservation
as the airport is closed due to the storm.
30, 1988 - Commercials
- Alan calls to say that he found Ned and he's bringing him home. Back at
the police station, Scotty tells Colton that Frisco's body is being exhumed
as they speak. Colton's furious that he wasn't consulted first. Scotty knew
that he wouldn't allow them to go through with it. Sean gets a tip about the
case. He sends Tiff and her crew over to the courthouse to cover the story.
Cheryl and Robert make up. Sean interrupts them to inform Robert that two
WSB agents are on their way with Frisco's autopsy results. Tom will not let
Colton die for something he didn't do. He's adamant about breaking his oath
to save Colton. The autopsy report indicates that Frisco was shot from
behind. It also reveals that the bullet didn't come from Colton's gun.
However, Colton may still face execution for conspiracy. Tom shows up and
refuses to let Colton hang. Colton agrees to release the tapes of his
therapy sessions. Sean discovers that the dates on the report don't match
with the WSB's account of what happened. He believes they are hiding
something. The charges against Colton are dropped and he's free to go.
Monica daydreams about her affair with Ward (Ned) Olivia shows up at the
hospital and overhears Anna's doctor saying that she could lose the baby if
she has any more stress. Scotty gets a job in the DA's office following his
victory in Colton's case. Olivia contacts Tim for another job. Colton asks
Sean to find Felicia. Monica arrives home and is introduced to her nephew
Ned. She's speechless when she discovers that Ned and Ward are one in the
3-10, 1988: 10/3, 10/4 missed
begining, (10/5 no show baseball), 10/6, 10/7, 10/10
October 3,
1988 - No Commercials - Anna frantically waits by the phone. She can't
locate Robin or Robert. Duke arrives home and Anna tells him that Olivia may
have taken Robin. Just then, Robert and Robin come in carrying pizza. Robert
tells them that Colton is free. Ned arrives. Monica is horrified when she
realizes that Ned is Ward. Robin wants to know when she can come home.
Robert and Duke continue to argue about Olivia. Olivia and Dino overhear
Rudolpho tell Duke about the summit. Olivia decides to use the info against
Duke. Tom tries to convince Colton that he was brainwashed. Colton doesn't
believe that he has a chance with Felicia anymore. Duke gets a call from
Olivia asking him to come to NY. Meanwhile, Robert asks Anna about the doll
with the broken neck. Monica's rattled by Ned's presence. She tells him to
leave. Anna has a bad feeling about Olivia's call. Olivia calls Tim for
another job. Colton gets a call from Felicia.
October 4,
1988 - No Commercials - Olivia plans to give Duke a false date for the
summit. Colton returns to his show, and gets heckled by some fans. Victor
has a ck up. He's recovering nicely. However, he asks that the doctor
withhold that information from Olivia. Olivia tells Duke that she's over
him. Duke knows better. He believes she's up to something. She does tell him
that she set up a meeting between the Carter's and the Jerome's. Duke's
furious. Scotty tells Lucy that Bobbie has moved in with Tony. Lucy runs out
of the hospital threatening to kill Bobbie. Colton tapes his final show.
Olivia convinces Duke to go through with the meeting. His condition is that
Victor gives his blessing. Lucy shows up at Tony's and pushes her way past
Bobbie. Colton tells Sean that he spoke with Felicia. (Reduced quality audio
and video for about 5min) Olivia daydreams about Duke. Colton gets a new
job. Sean and Tiff set their wedding date.
October 5 - No show due to baseball
October 6,
1988 - No Commercials - Cheryl shows up at Anna's. She wants to know how
Anna convinced Robert to forgive Cheryl. Meanwhile, Robert and Duke talk
about the summit. Anna and Cheryl plan a night out for them and the men.
Shortly after, Cheryl arrives at Robert's office and informs him of their
dinner plans. The foursome head to Duke's for dinner. In the middle of
dinner, Robert suspects there is something wrong with Cheryl. She finally
admits that she learned Olivia was behind Julian's death. Robert doesn't
tell Duke for fear that he will run out and kill her before the summit.
October 7,
1988 - No Commercials - Tony continues to take medication for headaches.
Robert cks on his daughter then tells Cheryl that he's not going to do
anything about Olivia. Cheryl becomes furious when Robert jokes about it.
She wants Olivia punished for killing Julian. Robert wonders if it's justice
she wants or revenge. Tiff asks Cheryl to be the maid of honor. She agrees.
Tony agrees to let Bobbie take BJ to Chicago to visit her grandfather.
October 10,
1988 - No Commercials - Anna has a check up. Meanwhile, Duke meets with
Robert. Robert asks him to wear a wire to the meeting. Tim tells Olivia he
wants out of the latest job. She threatens to kill him if he backs out. He
agrees to do the job. Colton snaps at Tom when he tries to talk to him about
Felicia and Ariel. Robert has all the major crime bosses followed from their
homes. Olivia calls Duke and asks him to come to her hotel. Robert and Guy
listen in. Just then, Anna walks in and hears Duke and Olivia. She's furious
with Robert for not telling her about this. Robert tries to make her
understand that Duke is a key player in taking down the mob. He finally
convinces her to stay out of it and go home. Tim snoops around outside the
Lavery home. Robert and Lewis discover that Duke has been set up. They warn
him to get out of there. Robert places a call to the hotel room and gives
Duke a cover to get out. Duke promises Olivia that he will be back. Anna
arrives home. She showers and heads to bed. As soon as the lights go out,
Tim puts a poisonous snake in through the open window. Duke arrives at
Robert's. The trio soon discovers that Olivia was trying to distract Duke
and keep him away from home. They rush over to the Lavery's thinking Anna is
in trouble.
11-17, 1988: 10/11, 10/12,
10/13, 10/14, 10/17
October 11,
1988 - No Commercials - Olivia waits anxiously for Duke to return. Dino
doesn't believe that Duke is coming back. Meanwhile, Robert and Duke are
stranded at the station. Robert is furious. Duke decides he will walk. He
has to get home to Anna. They finally get a car and rush over to the
Lavery's. Tim knocks over a rake outside Anna's window. It's enough to wake
her though. She turns on the light just in time to see the snake slither
under the bed. Terry and Colton share a drink and commiserate with one
another. Anna grabs her gun from the nightstand. Suddenly, the snake starts
up the side of the bed. Anna fires once missing the snake. Robert and Duke
arrive just in time to hear the gunshot. They burst into the bedroom. Robert
steps up and fires, killing the snake. Duke and Anna believe Olivia is
responsible. Robert makes Duke call Olivia so she doesn't suspect anything
as Duke never returned. Anna warns Robert that he better take care of Olivia
soon, or she will. Robert shows up at Olivia's hotel. He threatens her.
Olivia goes crazy after Robert leaves. She destroys her room. Monica pleads
with Ned to speak with his father. Robert returns to the Lavery's and
informs them of his meeting with Olivia.
October 12,
1988 - No Commercials - Sean and Tiffany have breakfast in bed. They are
interrupted when she receives a hysterical phone call from her producer. The
woman thinks someone is trying to kill her. Tiffany begs Sean to help her
friend. He agrees and places a call to the DA's office. Sean learns that
Scotty is prosecuting the case. Larry schedules an appointment for Ariel
with Tony. She wants to cancel it but Larry demands that she keep it. Lucy
and Tony begin divorce proceedings. Lucy cries to Amanda.
October 13,
1988 - No Commercials - Robert's frustrated when he can't figure out what
happened at Anna's. Meanwhile, Duke waits on Anna hand and foot. He's
driving her crazy. Just then, there's a knock at the door. It's Olivia. Duke
refuses to let her in, but Anna invites her in. Olivia tries to explain why
the meeting never took place. Then she informs them of her meeting with
Robert. Olivia shares her suspicions with them about Robert's knowledge of
the meeting. Tiffany and Cheryl shop for the wedding. Monica arrives to
examine Victor. She tells Dimitra that Olivia is questioning his competence.
Duke notifies Robert that Olivia showed up at the house. Duke decides that
he's getting out of the mob once and for all. He suggests that they leave
the country. Anna refuses to run. Duke wants to meet with Robert but insists
on being present. Victor tells Dimitra that with any luck Cheryl will take
care of their problem with Olivia. Olivia is in the hallway and overhears
the conversation. Robert informs Duke and Anna that the snake was extremely
poisonous. Duke wants to take Robin and Anna and go away. Robert agrees that
would be best. Anna is adamant that she will not be pushed out of her home.
Robert arrives at Cheryl's. He assures her that he will pin Julian's murder
on Olivia. Just then she gets a call, it's Olivia. She wants Cheryl to come
to NY. When Cheryl refuses, she threatens Robert.
October 14
1988 - No Commercials - The Quartermaines plan a party for Lord and Lady
Ashton. Ariel tries desperately to get out of going to the Quartermaine
party. Cheryl calls Olivia at the gallery but she's not there. Charlene asks
Colton to escort her to the Q party. Colton is horrified when he runs into
Ariel and discovers that she is Lady Ashton. He walks out of the party.
October 17,
1988 - No Commercials - Robin wants to have a party at Sean's. Anna brings
Duke breakfast in bed. She feels very optimistic now that Robert's
investigating Olivia. Cheryl tells Robert to stop investigating Julian's
murder. He's confused by her sudden change of heart. She tells him that
she's afraid of Olivia, and is concerned for his safety. Olivia meets with
the Carter family. Duke calls Olivia to ck on the date of the summit. One of
the mob bosses is an informant for Victor. He's keeping Victor apprised of
the situation. Meanwhile, Victor is planning a big surprise for his
daughter. Duke drops in on Cheryl and Robert. He demands to know what info
Robert has on Olivia. Olivia decides to have the summit in PC on the night
of Victor's birthday. Cheryl heads to NY. She's followed onto the plane.
Olivia and Cheryl meet at the gallery. They argue and Olivia threatens her.
Cheryl is upset when she leaves Olivia so she decides to visit Julian's
grave. Tiffany and Sean announce their wedding plans. Julian appears at the
cemetery and Cheryl faints.
October 18-21, 1988: 10/18 cm,
10/19 cm, 10/20 cm, 10/21 cm - About :52 mins ea epi, deleted some
October 18,
1988 - Commercials -
Colton's mood hasn't improved since discovering Ariel at the Q's party. He
tells his business partner that he can't work on the Aphrodite any more.
Meanwhile, the party at Sean's is being held up due to Cheryl's absence.
Since Robin is getting antsy, they decide to start without Cheryl. Just
then, Cheryl comes to in the cemetery. She becomes hysterical when she
discovers that Julian is holding her. Back at Sean's, Robert assures Anna
that Duke knows how to handle Olivia. Dino reports back to Olivia that Maxie
is an informant for Victor. He was overheard telling Rudolpho about the real
date and time for the summit meeting. Olivia orders Dino to silence
Rudolpho. Julian brings Cheryl back to his hotel room. She starts hurling
accusations at him about faking his death. Julian explains that he was set
up to get killed. Victor found out about it too late and Julian was shot. He
decided to use that to his advantage and get Julian away from NY. Julian
heads out for some brandy to calm Cheryl. After he leaves, she tries to call
Robert but has no luck. Cheryl is forced to spend the night in NY with
Julian. Rudolpho places a call to Duke's. He tells Angel he's being followed
but it's very important that he speak with Duke. Angel calls Duke. Robert
takes Anna home and tucks her into bed per Duke's orders.
October 19,
1988 - Commercials -
Tom visits Colton. He's curious about Colton's behavior at the Q party when
he saw Ariel. Tom wonders whether Lady Ashton is the same Ariel that Colton
met and fell in love with while in Greece. Rudolpho arrives at Duke's. Angel
contacts Duke at home and asks him to come to the club. Rudolpho attacks a
delivery man while anxiously awaiting Duke's arrival. When Duke arrives, he
finds Rudolpho slumped over at the bar. Rudolpho utters a few syllables
before he dies. Unfortunately, not enough for Duke to figure out what he
meant. Duke immediately calls Robert. Robert arrives with backup. He begins
questioning Duke and Angel. Robert orders an autopsy as he believes Rudolpho
was murdered. Robert, Sean, and Duke try to decipher Rudolpho last words. In
the meantime, Robert reveals Olivia as Julian's murderer. Duke is stunned.
That is until he finds out about the threatening phone calls placed to his
wife. And there was a little matter of a doll with a broken neck. Duke
becomes enraged and threatens to kill Olivia. Robert and Sean stop him. They
convince him that she's more useful alive right now. Forensics proves that
Rudolpho was murdered.
October 20,
1988 - Commercials -
Colton confronts Ariel. Cheryl returns and overhears Duke making funeral
arrangements for Rudolpho. She asks him about it. Duke tells her that
Rudolpho was killed. Also, that Robert has been looking for her. Colton
accuses Ariel of lying to him and turning him into a terrorist. She assures
him that she didn't know, and that she loved him very much. Duke visits
Victor with the news about Rudolpho's death. He learns that Victor knows
about the summit meeting. Julian contacts Cheryl at the club. Then he visits
his father. Victor orders his son to stay hidden until the summit meeting.
He will play his trump card at the meeting, but only if Julian stays hidden
from Olivia. Meanwhile, Olivia tries to convince Victor that Duke's against
the family. Cheryl shows up at Julian's hotel room. She finally has to tell
him about her relationship with Robert. Olivia hires Tim for another job.
October 21,
1988 - Commercials -
Robert arrives at the club to see Cheryl. On his way to her penthouse, he
walks right by Tim. He questions her about her trip to NY. Robert thinks
she's keeping something from him. He believes that it has something to do
with her kidney. Suddenly, the power goes out. Robert heads downstairs to
check things out. Tim has cut the power to the penthouse. Robert doesn't
find anything so he heads back upstairs. Monica and Ned kiss in the
boathouse. Cheryl inadvertently gives Robert a clue about the date of the
summit. He contacts Sean then heads out. Olivia plans Duke's demise.
24-27, 1988: 10/24 cm, 10/25 cm,
10/26 cm, 10/27 cm
October 24,
1988 - Commercials - Anna prepares for her doctor's appointment. Robert
calls Duke about Rudolpho's message. He and Sean deciphered the message.
Cheryl moves into Tiffany's while the power remains out at the penthouse.
Tim decides to back out of his latest job, but Olivia won't let him. Cheryl
runs into Tim as she's leaving her penthouse. He asks her for a key to the
elevator. She unknowingly hands hers over. When Duke arrives at Robert's,
Robert explains that the summit will be on Victor's birthday. Duke has to
find out the location for their plan to work. Anna leaves the hospital with
a clean bill of health. She heads over to Robert's office. Meanwhile, Duke
is on his way to the club. Robert believes that Cheryl is hiding something,
so he has her tailed. Shortly after, Anna arrives at the PCPD. Robert
informs her of the plan to take down the mob. Duke shows up at the club and
heads up to his office. Tim has already started cutting through the elevator
cables when Duke arrives. Cheryl visits Julian at his hotel room. She
refuses to tell him who set him up. She advises him to speak with Victor.
Anna shows up at the club to see Duke. They stay for awhile. Just as their
about to leave, Duke gets a phone call. He urges Anna to go on ahead. He
will catch up with her. Anna gets on the elevator alone. Suddenly, the cable
breaks sending the elevator plummeting to the basement. Duke hears Anna
scream and rushes to the basement. Robert admits to Cheryl that he's been
having her followed.
October 25,
1988 - Commercials - Cheryl is furious over Robert's admission. However, he
questions her about her presence in a hotel room. Cheryl claims that she's
protecting him and his family. Duke races to reach Anna. He finally reaches
her just as she's coming around. With all the chaos, Tim manages to sneak
out. Angel notifies Robert of the accident. Robert and Cheryl head over to
the hospital to meet them. Anna fears for her baby's life. By the time
Robert reaches the hospital, he's already convinced himself that it wasn't
an accident. Tim calls Olivia. He informs her that Anna was the victim
instead of Duke. Robert notifies Sean of the accident. While at the
hospital, Cheryl admits that she gave her elevator key to the electrician
(Tim). Robert doesn't like the sound of it. So, he heads over to the club
with Sean to ck it out himself. At the club, Robert discovers that the
elevator cables were cut and the safety mechanism was disengaged. Back at
the hospital, Anna starts having severe abdominal pains. Duke tries to
reassure her that everything is okay, but in the end she loses the baby.
Robert launches an all out search for Tim. Meanwhile, Cheryl returns to
Julian's hotel room. She discovers that he's gone. Robert calls the hospital
to check on Anna, and learns that she lost the baby. Duke and Anna mourn the
loss of their baby.
October 26,
1988 - Commercials - Bobbie returns from her trip to Chicago. Tiffany
believes that her sister is behaving rather strange. Tiff thinks she's still
hiding something from Robert. She urges Cheryl to come clean with Robert or
risk losing him. As soon as Tiff leaves, Cheryl takes off. Victor learns of
Anna's accident. He's furious and doesn't believe for one second that it was
an accident. Cheryl arrives at Victor's hysterical. She tells him that
Julian's dead. He tries to calm her down by explaining that Julian's gone
and she has to move on. He becomes upset when he realizes that Cheryl knows
the truth about Julian. Now he doesn't know what has happened to his son.
Victor sends some of his men out to find Julian. As Cheryl is leaving
Victor's, she is kidnapped.
October 27,
1988 - Commercials - Colton is working on the Aphrodite when suddenly Ariel
appears in the doorway. She asks to speak with him. Robert learns Tim's
identity. He has Guy question everyone who came in contact with him. Tiff
begins to worry when she can't find Cheryl. When Robert arrives at the
hospital, Tiffany questions him. He hasn't heard from Cheryl. Robert visits
Anna. He tries to comfort her and agrees to bring Robin in to see Anna. Anna
becomes agitated when Robert lets it slip that the elevator accident was no
accident. Julian calls Maxi and inquires about Olivia. Maxi tells him to
stay away from Olivia. Robert assures Tiffany that Cheryl probably went to
NY to deal with a client. Robert asks Tiffany to run a picture of Tim on the
nightly news. Anna and Duke break the news to Robin about the baby. Julian
learns that his sister was behind the ambush that almost killed him. Tim
hides out in a bar and waits for his money. He ducks out of the place when
he notices his face plastered on the news. However, the bartender already
noticed him and called the police. Just then, Olivia man walks in with the
money and a gun. Tim returns for his money. Robert bursts in and arrests
Tim. Anna is overheard threatening to kill Olivia if she had anything to do
with her losing the baby.
October 28 - November 3, 1988: 10/28,
10/31, 11/1, 11/2, 11/3
October 28,
1988 - Commercials - Cheryl tries to escape her kidnappers. Meanwhile,
Julian emerges from the shadows to confront Olivia. Robert interrogates Tim.
Tim refuses to talk so Robert threatens him with a murder charge. Cheryl
demands to know why she's being held against her will. Her kidnappers are
less than thrilled by her demands and refuse to tell her anything. After
Olivia gets over the initial shock of seeing Julian, she plays the loving
sister role to the hilt. Suddenly, Julian turns on Olivia. He confronts her
about the shooting that nearly killed him. Tom walks into Anna's room and
overhears her threaten to kill Olivia. Olivia finally admits to Julian that
she was the mastermind behind the shooting. He can't believe his ears. She
tries to explain that she was setting Duke up to die. Julian doesn't believe
her. He wants to know what happened to his sweet loving sister. Victor runs
into Duke at the hospital. He offers his condolences and then tells Duke
when and where the summit will take place. Simone tries to help Anna through
her grief. Olivia outlines her plan for uniting the two families, to Julian.
He refuses to be part of it, until Olivia tells him that Cheryl has been
kidnapped. Olivia threatens to have her killed if Julian refuses to go along
with the merger. Julian jumps Dino and takes his gun. He demands to know
where Cheryl is. Duke tells Robert about the summit but he refuses to be
involved. Robert finally convinces him to go. Tim and his attorney discuss
his options for freedom. When Robert questions him again, Tim is ready to
give Olivia up.
October 31,
1988 - No Commercials - Sean and Tiff arrive at the police station. They are
concerned about Cheryl's disappearance. Robert doesn't have time to worry
about Cheryl as he questions Tim. Back at the hospital, Anna becomes furious
when a tuxedo is delivered to the hospital for Duke. She realizes that he's
going to the summit. (Video problem for about 2min.) Robert catches Sean up
to speed with Tim's confession. Olivia pays Cheryl a visit and informs her
that she's going to die. Julian leaves Dino tied up and goes after Cheryl.
Robert contemplates telling Duke about Tim's confession before he walks into
the meeting. Meanwhile, Olivia is informing the family members that her
brother Julian is alive. Cheryl escapes her kidnappers. Anna overhears
Robert telling Duke about Tim's confession. She also hears him tell Duke
that the elevator accident was meant for him. Duke and Robert organize
police support. The family members begin to arrive for Victor's party.
Olivia arrives and begs for her father's forgiveness, He gives it. Olivia is
furious that Julian hasn't shown up yet. Julian finds the hotel room where
Cheryl was being kept. However she's already gone. With Robert and Duke
focusing on the summit, Anna sneaks undetected out of the hospital. Victor's
party is in full swing by the time Sean and Tiff discover that Anna is
missing. Suddenly, Olivia's hotel door swings open and Anna steps in
pointing a loaded gun.
November 1, 1988 - No Commercials - Anna threatens Olivia at gun point.
Robert and Guy monitor the party from the hotel. Meanwhile, Sean, Tiffany
and hospital staff scours the hospital for Anna. Sean is unable to reach
Robert. Cheryl waits on the balcony of Olivia's hotel room while Anna
informs Olivia that Tim confessed. Sean reaches Robert to tell him that Anna
is missing. Just then, Robert realizes that Anna knows about Olivia and has
gone to kill her. Meanwhile, Olivia is on her knees begging for her life.
When suddenly there's a knock at the door. (Julian) Olivia takes the
opportunity to grab Anna's gun. They struggle for the gun while Julian goes
out the side door and onto the balcony where he finds Cheryl. She's pointing
a gun into the room. He grabs the gun just as she fires causing the shots to
ricochet off the brick wall. Duke races up the stairs to Olivia's room. At
the same time, Robert and Sean hear the shots while in the elevator. Duke
arrives just in time to find Anna standing over Olivia's body. Sean and
Robert arrive a moment later. Cheryl is hysterical so Julian picks her up
and helps her down the fire escape. He picks up a shell casing on his way
down. Robert calls the rescue and asks Duke to return Anna to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Guy bursts in to Victor's party and arrests everyone.
November 2, 1988 - No Commercials - Robert sends Sam back to the hospital
with Anna. Robert has his men search Olivia's room for evidence. While
there, Sean finds a bullet lodged in the wall, Robert digs it out. Olivia is
taken into surgery. Robert questions a possible witness. The police find an
earring out on the balcony. Julian takes Cheryl to a safe house in the
mountains. They hear a report of the shooting over the radio. Cheryl
believes that she shot Olivia. Back at the police station, Duke barges into
Robert's office. He demands to know why he can't see his wife. He and Robert
argue. Duke returns to the hospital. Julian talks Cheryl out of going to
Robert. Robert learns that Olivia has made it through surgery but has lapsed
into a coma. He runs a check on the gun Anna was holding and learns that it
wasn't hers. The gun she had was unregistered and untraceable.
November 3, 1988 - No Commercials - Olivia survives through the night. Tony
has another dizzy spell while in surgery. Scotty snoops around the hospital.
Victor is released from jail. Lucy moves in with Amanda. Scott blackmails
the attorney handling the St. John case. Tony's going to be admitted into
the hospital for tests. Victor calls the hospital to check on his daughter.
Julian shows up to see Victor. Colton takes AJ for a tour of Lord Ashton's
yacht. Scotty is appointed to prosecute the St. John case.
November 4-10, 1988: 11/4,
11/7, 11/8, 11/9, 11/10
November 4,
1988 - No Commercials - Robert finally lets Duke in to see Anna. He informs
Anna that she's the prime suspect. Back at police headquarters, Scotty pays
Robert a visit. He takes great pleasure in telling Robert that he's going to
nail Anna to the wall. Meanwhile, Anna tries to convince Duke that she's
innocent. Duke wants to know why she left the hospital in her condition.
Anna admits that she heard Robert tell Duke about Tim's confession. Colton
runs into Ariel at the hospital, while she's there to see Tom. Sean and
Tiffany try to distract Robin by taking her to the zoo. However, she catches
on and wants to know why she's getting the special treatment. Sean and
Tiffany make a tough decision to postpone the wedding. Cheryl returns from
NY. Robert arrives at the hospital to question Anna. He cautions Anna to get
an attorney. She refuses. Anna tells Robert that Olivia wrestled the gun
away from her and pushed her out of the room. He questions her about the gun
she was holding. Anna admits that she went home first to get her gun before
coming to the hotel. She is shocked when Robert informs her that the gun she
picked up off the floor wasn't hers. Robert tells her that he sent Guy to
her house to retrieve her gun. Scott confronts Robert at the hospital.
Robert promises him that he won't be prosecuting this case. Robert explains
to his daughter that Anna won't be coming home right away.
November 7, 1988 - No Commercials - Olivia starts to come out of her coma.
Anna is becoming concerned that Robert hasn't called to let her know what's
going on. Meanwhile, a helpless Robert makes a gut wrenching decision to
arrest Anna. He sends Guy around to pick up Anna and charge her with
attempted murder. Anna is thrilled when the doctor agrees to release her.
However, her excitement doesn't last as Scotty shows up to antagonize her.
Julian visits his father. Victor feels guilty about what has happened to
Olivia. Robert and Sean try to come up with something that will save Anna.
Guy arrives at the hospital and arrests Anna. Duke barges into Robert's
office. He's furious and wants to know why Anna was arrested. Robert checks
to make sure Anna's okay. She's furious with him. Robert receives a call
that Olivia has come out of her coma and wants to speak with him. He has Guy
put Anna in his office to wait. Robert is devastated when Olivia tells him
that Anna shot her. He is left with no choice but to charge Anna with
attempted murder.
November 8, 1988 - No Commercials - Duke barges into Robert's office. He's
furious with Robert for arresting Anna. Sean tries to point out that Robert
had no choice in the matter. Robert tells Duke to go home. Anna is processed
and placed in a holding cell. Cheryl becomes hysterical when she learns of
Anna's arrest. Duke walks in just as Robin hears of Anna's arrest. He tries
to explain it to her but she refuses to listen to him. Robin blames him for
not protecting Anna. She wants to see her father. Tiffany and Cheryl argue
over where Cheryl's been. Robert and Sean discover that the earring they
found on the balcony of Olivia's room wasn't purchased in Port Charles.
Tiffany and Cheryl show up at the police station. While filling them in on
the case, Sean pulls out the earring. He tells them that the owner was
probably on the balcony the night Olivia was shot. Cheryl's face drains of
color when she spots the earring. Robert questions Anna. They hash out the
details of that night. Anna contends that she went home to retrieve her gun
first. When he questions her about the balcony, her response is that she
didn't know there was one. Robert promises Anna that he will clear her.
November 9, 1988 - No Commercials - Duke arrives at the police station. He
informs Robert that Robin knows about Anna and refuses to listen to anything
he has to say. Robert assures Duke that he will explain everything to Robin.
Robert heads over to the Lavery's to see Robin. At the same time, Duke
visits with Anna. He tells her about Robin's reaction to the news of Anna's
arrest. Robert explains to Robin that he's responsible for arresting Anna,
and that Duke had nothing to do with it. Cheryl isn't sure if she shot
Olivia or if Anna did. Meanwhile, Scotty tries to deny Anna bail. Robin
apologizes to Duke. Shortly after, Duke finds sequins in Anna's drawer where
she keeps her gun. He doesn't think much about it at the time, but gives
them to Olin. Robert returns to Cheryl's. He apologizes for his rude
behavior. Cheryl receives a call from Julian while Robert's there. She tells
him to meet her at her office in an hour. Robert heads back to work.
Cheryl's worried that Robert will eventually learn who owns the earring that
was found on the balcony. Colton tries to reach Felicia on the ship. Anna's
attorney attempts to convince Anna to plead temporary insanity. Anna
refuses. Robert and Scotty go at each other. Robert promises to get Scotty
thrown off the case. Unfortunately, the DA stands behind Scotty. Cheryl runs
to Julian begging him to leave town. She has to tell Robert the truth and
doesn't want Julian caught in the crossfire. Anna is denied bail thanks to
Scotty. Duke slugs Scott in the court room and has to be restrained by
Robert and Sean. Julian spies on Robert and Cheryl while on the docks. Duke
attempts to reach Jake, but has no luck.
November 10, 1988 - No Commercials - Victor and Dimitra visit Olivia in the
hospital. While there, Victor is served with a summons from Robert. Robert
and Sean go back to Olivia's hotel room. They discover some sequins in the
carpet near the bed. Robert calls the forensic team back to the hotel.
Victor learns that Olivia's prognosis is grim. Robert has the sequins tested
to see if they match Olivia's dress. Meanwhile, Sean forces Robert to step
out on the balcony to get some air. While out there, Robert makes a
discovery. There is a chip in one of the bricks on the balcony. He has the
forensics people back to check it out. Robert questions Victor and Dimitra.
He believes they are lying. They police find a shell casing under the
balcony. Robert believes his only hope is to return Anna to the scene of the
crime. He hopes it will jog her memory.
November 11-17, 1988: 11/11,
11/14, 11/15, 11/6, 11/17
November 11,
1988 - No Commercials - Reporters harass Victor and Dimitra as they leave
the police station. Sean informs Guy of Robert's plan to bring Anna back to
the scene of the crime. Robert arrives to get Anna. He walks in while Robin
and Duke are visiting Anna. After hearing his plan, Anna agrees to accompany
Robert back to Olivia's hotel room. Cheryl is desperate to reach Julian.
After exhausting all avenues, she reaches out to Victor. He tells Cheryl he
has no idea where Julian is. Robert, Anna, and Sam arrive at the hotel. They
attempt to reenact the events of the night Olivia was shot. Suddenly Anna
remembers something. She had forgotten that there was a knock at the door
which enabled Olivia to grab the gun and push Anna into the hall. Robert is
encouraged by the new information. He now realizes that the third person had
to be out on the balcony. Anna is still skeptical about the new lead. Armed
with this new information, the trio head back to the police station. When
they arrive, Sean is there to greet them. Robert reveals his new lead.
They're interrupted when Cheryl calls.
November 14, 1988 - No Commercials - Bobby receives a call from Jake. Anna
reveals the new evidence to Duke. Just then, Sean arrives to give them an
update in the case. Anna asks Sean to look out for Robert. Meanwhile, Robert
visits with Robin. She pleads with him to get her mother out of jail. Robert
promises her that he's close to solving the case and clearing Anna. Cheryl
decides it's time to tell Robert the truth about the night Olivia was shot.
Julian threatens to turn himself in if she goes to Robert. Cheryl agrees to
keep quiet. Back at the Lavery's, Duke arrives home. He and Robert begin
arguing when Robert learns that Duke has been keeping evidence from him.
Duke found sequins in the drawer where Anna keeps her gun. Olin retrieves
the sequins and gives them to Robert. Robert calls Sean for help, and then
heads off to meet Cheryl for dinner. Meanwhile, Julian visits with his
father. Victor tells him to leave and go back to the west coast where he
will be safe. Anna is attacked by some inmates.
November 15, 1988 - No Commercials - Sam heads off to NY to question
witnesses. Colton runs into Tom on the docks. He tells him that Felicia has
broken things off with him. Scotty appears as a guest on a morning talk show
to discuss Anna's case. While in NY, Sam finds the jewelry shop that sold
Cheryl's earring. Colton asks Sean for information on Ariel. Sean agrees to
look into it. Sean is suddenly called away when Sam needs backup. Colton
stays behind on the computer to wait for the info. Scotty steals a copy of
Tony's will for Lucy. Colton finally learns the truth about Ariel. Sean
threatens the jewelry store owner unless he can come up with a receipt for
those earrings. Miraculously, the owner has come up with a receipt. Sean and
Sam head back to PC with the information.
November 16, 1988 - No Commercials - Duke arrives at the courthouse and is
bombarded with questions from the press. Meanwhile, Cheryl watches on the
television. Robert shows up at the hospital to check on Olivia's condition,
Monica informs him that she's still critical. Sean arrives and tells Robert
that the earrings were sold to Julian Jerome. He decides that he can't hold
off any longer on checking out Cheryl. Just then, Tiff shows up at Cheryl's
office to pick her up. Cheryl's reluctant to go to the courthouse. Jury
selection begins for Anna's trial. Robert checks out the hotel where Julian
was staying. He shows Cheryl's picture around and learns that she was there
visiting someone. Upon further investigation, Robert learns that Victor
Jerome owned the hotel where Julian had been staying. Meanwhile, Julian is
meeting his father for lunch. Robert decides to pay Victor a little visit.
Julian just barely makes it out the back door before Robert comes in. Robert
questions Victor about the hotel, but Victor tells him nothing. Cheryl runs
out of the courtroom. Sean arrives at Robert's office and tells him about
November 17, 1988 - No Commercials - Cheryl shows up at the police station
to talk to Robert. She can't live with herself any longer. Cheryl turns the
missing earring over to Robert. She finally admits that she was the one on
the balcony the night Olivia was shot. Cheryl remembers firing her gun but
doesn't know where the shots went. She, of course, leaves out the part where
Julian grabbed the gun and redirected her shots. Robert asks her to take him
through all the events of that evening leading up to and including Olivia's
shooting. Cheryl explains about her kidnapping and how she escaped. He asks
about Anna's part in the shooting. Cheryl has to tell him that she saw Anna
threatening Olivia with the gun and then tell her she should die for what
she had done to their family. She informs Robert that she fired her gun
twice and ran down the fire escape not knowing whether she hit anyone. When
Robert asks about the second person on the balcony, Cheryl lies and says she
was alone. Cheryl is surprised when Robert tells her to go home and get some
rest. However, as soon as she's out the door Robert puts a tail on her.
Alone in his office, Robert reflects on his relationship with Cheryl,
knowing that it's over. He will never forgive her for letting Anna and his
daughter suffer this way. Later that day, Robert informs Sean that Cheryl
was the one on the balcony that night. But he doesn't believe that she gave
him the whole story.
18-23, 1988: 11/18 cm, 11/21 cm,
11/22 cm, 11/23 cm
November 18, 1988 - With Commercials - Anna
begins having nightmares about the shooting. She wakes startled. Meanwhile,
Robert assigns Sam to keep an eye on Cheryl. Sean questions Robert's
decision to let Cheryl go after she freely admitted to being on the balcony,
the night Olivia was shot. Jake returns. He runs into Bobbie at the
brownstone. Jake tells Bobbie that Duke contacted him in South America. He
knows its something to do with Anna but he doesn't know what. Bobbie fills
Jake in about the shooting and Anna's involvement. Anna is harassed by some
of the prisoners. Duke barges into Robert's office. (Audio's gone for about
20 min) Jake consults with Anna's attorney. Anna is thrilled by Jake's
presence and asks that he and Karen be co-counsels. Robert has Cheryl's
phone tapped. Sean's furious with Robert for letting Cheryl remain free
while Anna's in jail. Meanwhile, Anna's trial begins. Sean and Robert need
more time to build their case. So, Sean tells Jake to ask for a continuance.
Unfortunately, he can't give Jake any reason for it. Robert learns that the
shell casing found under the balcony came from Cheryl's gun. Julian contacts
Cheryl. She agrees to meet him on pier six. Duke confronts Robert about the
new evidence. When Robert won't tell him what it is, he decides to sneak
into Robert's office and find out for himself. He discovers the notes about
a meeting on pier six.
November 21, 1988 - With Commercials - Sean
and Anna are hassled by the press outside the courtroom. Anna asks for Duke,
but no one knows where he is. Just then, Duke is mobbed by reporters, as he
leaves the PCPD. Cheryl waits on the pier for Julian, while Robert watches
from his hiding spot. Cheryl informs him that she told Robert everything
about the night Olivia was shot. Sean tries to reach Robert but learns he is
out following up a lead. Tiffany learns of Cheryl's involvement in Olivia's
shooting. She feels so guilty over it that she tells Anna everything. Just
as Julian is trying to convince Cheryl to leave with him, Duke shows up and
the duo scatter. Robert is furious as Cheryl and Julian both get away.
However, Cheryl was shot in the process. She and Julian return to the safe
house. Cheryl wants to call Robert but Julian convinces her not too. He
tells Cheryl that Robert set her up. Duke returns to the club to get his
gun. Meanwhile, Robert meets with Anna and tells her that Julian's alive.
Duke pays Victor a visit. He tells Victor that he knows Julian is alive but
threatens to kill him if he doesn't come forward and clear Anna. Robert
arrests Duke after he threatens Victor at gun point. He confiscates Duke's
gun and lets him go.
November 22, 1988 - With Commercials - Duke
visits with Anna. He tells her about Julian. Duke doesn't trust Robert and
wants to find Julian on his own. Anna pleads with him to let Robert handle
it. Duke refuses. Meanwhile, Robert receives a summons to testify for the
prosecution. Jake asks for a continuance, but the judge denies it. Sean
stays behind to work on the computer. Tom testifies at Anna's trial. Robert
checks in with Sean. He learns that the sequins found at Anna's match the
ones found in Olivia's hotel room. Just then, Robert's called to testify.
Duke returns to NY to try and find Julian. He questions several mob members
but gets nowhere. Robert and Jake introduce new evidence into the case. At
the conclusion of Robert's testimony, Anna's trial breaks for holiday.
Robert discovers that Dimitra's purse had black and silver sequins.
November 23, 1988 - With Commercials - Cheryl's
wound is becoming infected. Julian wants to get a doctor to take a look at
her leg. Cheryl's scared and doesn't want him to leave. Robert obtains a
search warrant for Victor's house. Julian attempts to care for Cheryl on his
own. But soon decides he must go for help as her fever has set in. Robert
arrives at Victor's with the search warrant. He agrees not to search the
place if Dimitra hands over the outfit she wore the night of the summit.
Lucy pays a visit to Jake. She tells him of Bobbie's affair with Scotty.
Jake's become furious and throws her out. Julian is stopped going into the
drugstore. He shows the cop a fake ID and gets away. Robert has Cheryl's
apartment searched for any clothes with sequins. Julian returns with
Cheryl's medicine. She has become delirious from the high fever. Jake
confronts Bobbie about her affair with Scott. The pair argues and then
kisses. Robert, Sean, and Tiff argue over Cheryl's involvement in Olivia's
November 24-29, 1988: 11/24
cm, 11/25 cm, 11/28 cm, 11/29 cm
November 24, 1988 - With Commercials - Bobbie
wanders around in a state of shock after her run in with Jake. Meanwhile,
Duke visits with Anna. He tries to reassure her that this nightmare will be
over soon, and she can go home to Robin. Just then, Robert stops by. He and
Duke continue to argue about Anna's case. Robert informs Anna that he has a
plan but it involves Monica. So, he wants to speak with Monica before
revealing any more information. Back at the safe house, Cheryl's fever
finally breaks. She's confused when Julian starts discussing their future.
Jake stops in to Kelly's for a bite to eat. He and Ruby discuss Bobbie's
behavior. At the same time, Bobbie tells Terry that she wished Jake had
never come back. Larry finally admits to Ariel that he's in financial
trouble. During Duke's visit with Anna, she begs him to make peace with
Robert. He only promises to return later. Robert solicits Monica's help to
catch the real killer. Cheryl and Julian discuss turning themselves in.
Julian talks her out of it by convincing her that it won't help Anna. Duke
and Anna have thanksgiving dinner in prison. Robert arrives with a TV. He
wants Anna to see the news bulletin that Tiff is running. Tiff releases a
story that Olivia has come out of her coma and will reveal the real killer.
The story, of course, is a lie.
November 25, 1988 - With Commercials - After
the news release, the hospital is surrounded by reporters. Robert places his
people in and around the hospital to wait for the killer to make a move.
Monica's concerned that Robert's plan could go wrong and someone could get
to Olivia. Victor learns of Olivia's condition. He wants to go to the
hospital but Dimitra talks him out of it. Jake convinces Bobbie to talk
through their problems. Cheryl hides the gauze pads so Julian has to go out.
Meanwhile, Robert leaks a new story about giving Olivia a truth serum.
Victor calls the hospital to ck on Olivia. While Julian is out, Cheryl
leaves the safe house. Meanwhile, Dimitra slips out of the house. Jake's
temper is threatening to ruin Anna's case. So, Bobbie tries to calm him
down. Jake and Bobbie kiss. Just then, Scotty walks in. He provokes Jake and
the two start throwing punches. Someone sneaks into the hospital and knocks
out a guard. They cut the oxygen supply line to Olivia's bed.
November 28, 1988 - With Commercials - Jake
has a meeting with Duke and Anna. He tries to prepare them for the worst in
the event that Robert's plan fails. Back at the hospital, Robert rushes to
the oxygen supply closet. He finds his officer down, but no sign of the
killer. They discover that one of the nurses was chloroformed outside the
staff entrance. Tony falls down the stairs at home. Robert questions the
nurse that was attacked. Unfortunately, she can't tell him much as she was
attacked from behind. Jake preps Anna to testify. Just then, Robert arrives
with bad news. He has to tell Anna that he lost the suspect. Julian returns
to the safe house and discovers that Cheryl is gone. Just then, Cheryl
stumbles in. She's hysterical because she wants to help Anna but she can't
make it to town with her bad leg. Jake and Bobbie share a glass of champagne
on their wedding anniversary. Duke visits with Robin. Julian and Cheryl
learn that somebody made an attempt on Olivia's life. Julian believes the
whole thing is a setup put in place by Robert.
November 29, 1988 - With Commercials - Bobbie
calls Gregory from the courthouse. Lucy lurks around the corner and
overhears her on the phone. Duke and Anna are furious when they learn that
Robert has left town. Duke tries to track him down. All he learns is that
Robert has gone to NYC. Victor and Dimitra try to figure out who shot
Olivia. Dimitra learns Julian's whereabouts. She calls the Lavery's and
leaves a message for Duke telling him the location of the safe house. While
Julian and Cheryl are arguing, she blurts out her true feelings for Robert.
Anna's trial resumes with Anna taking the stand. When court breaks, Olin
gives Duke the message about the safe house. She also tells him that Robert
came to the house with the police and removed something from the bedroom
before heading to the airport. Duke rushes out of the courtroom. Anna gets
back on the stand and recounts her story from the night Olivia was shot.
Duke arrives at the safe house to find Julian and Cheryl.
November 30 - December 5, 1988: 11/30
cm, 12/1 cm, 12/2 cm, 12/5 cm
November 30, 1988 - With Commercials - Duke
confronts Julian. He threatens to shoot him unless he agrees to come back to
the police station. Meanwhile, Prunella stumbles upon a witness to the
shooting. Robert returns from NY with a new lead. He tells Sean and Guy that
they found hairs in the drawer where Anna keeps her gun. The hairs don't
belong to either Anna or Duke. Sean argues that they need more. Just then,
Prunella storms in with her so called witness. The witness saw a lady with
dark hair sneaking out of the hotel after Olivia was shot. Lucy tells Jake
about Bobbie's affair with Gregory. Again, Jake throws her out. The police
sketch artist comes up with a drawing of Dimitra based on the witness's
description. Suddenly, in walks Duke with Cheryl and Julian. Jake walks in
on Bobbie and Gregory kissing. Robert questions Julian and puts Cheryl in a
police lineup. She's not fingered as the shooter.
December 1, 1988 - With commercials - Duke informs Anna that Cheryl and
Julian will be testifying. Scotty barges into Robert's office demanding an
explanation on the new witnesses. Shortly after, Robert visits with Cheryl.
She tries to talk to him about their relationship, but he wants no part of
it. As far as Robert's concerned it's over. Anna's concerned that Cheryl and
Julian's testimony could do more harm than good. Victor reads an article in
the morning paper saying there are two mystery witnesses in the case. He
believes them to be Cheryl and Julian. When Victor leaves the room, Dimitra
straps a gun to her leg. Robert tries to convince Scott to drop the charges
against Anna due to recent evidence. He refuses. A duffel bag is delivered
to Robert's office. He sends it to the lab to be analyzed. Just then, Robert
receives a call notifying him that his suspect got on a plane headed for PC
two hours ago. Suddenly, there's an explosion at the courthouse. Dino
appears and takes Cheryl hostage. Dimitra draws her gun but Sean rips it
from her hands. Dino drags Cheryl out of there and up to the roof. Court is
recessed until further notice. Meanwhile, Dimitra begs them to let her go to
the roof and talk to Dino her son. Robert catches up to Dino and Cheryl. He
tries to talk Dino down but has no luck.
December 2, 1988 - With
commercials - Ned invites Colton to a surprise party for Ariel. Back at the
courthouse, Anna learns that Cheryl was taken hostage. Sean talks Guy into
letting Dimitra up to the roof to talk to Dino. Unfortunately, Dino thinks
Robert's trying to trick him. So, he threatens to throw Cheryl down the
stairs. Suddenly, Dino pulls out a grenade. Sean sneaks around behind Dino
and grabs the bomb. It falls on the staircase and Cheryl is able to get
away. Robert runs up the stairs and he and Dino fight over the gun while the
bomb lays on the stair next to them. Robert finally wrestles the gun from
Dino. He picks up the bomb and throws it only seconds before it explodes.
Dino and Dimitra are taken into custody. Robert comforts Cheryl after her
ordeal. Then he escorts her to the courtroom. Due to the recent events, all
charges against Anna are dropped. Anna wants some answers from Robert. So
she and Duke head to Robert's office. Jake asks Bobbie if she's having an
affair with Gregory. She walks out on Jake. Robert and Sean go out to
celebrate solving the case.
December 5, 1988 - With
commercials - The Q's throw Ariel a surprise party. Duke punches Scotty out
at the police station. Colton and Ariel dance at her birthday party. Terry
and Bobbie argue about Jake. Scotty shows up at the Q party. Anna returns
home to Robin. Bobbie has to decide between a divorce or giving up her life
in PC and going to Uruguay to be with Jake. Colton storms out of Ariel's
party. The Lavery family is together at home once again.
December 6 - 12, 1988: 12/6,
12/7, 12/8 (missed first couple of mins pre-emption), 12/9, 12/12
December 6,
1988: No Commercials. Sean suggests Tiff not mention Cheryl in front of
Robert. She promises, but when Robert comes down for breakfast, she starts
in about her sister. Robert gets up from the table and walks out. Cheryl
calls Anna and asks to see her. Anna's reluctant but she agrees. When Robert
comes back, he informs Sean that he's moving out. He finally lets out all
his pent up frustrations about Cheryl. Meanwhile, Anna meets with Cheryl.
She's furious with Cheryl for not coming forward sooner. Anna tells Cheryl
to stay away from her and her family, Robert included. Shortly after, Robert
shows up at Anna's to see how she is. Anna tells him about her encounter
with Cheryl. Anna feels bad about the way she laid into Cheryl, and thinks
Robert should forgive her. Robert thinks she's being awfully generous after
what she's been through. Robert refuses to forgive Cheryl for what she did
to his family. Tiff walks in on Cheryl and Julian. She gives Julian a piece
of her mind. Julian leaves Cheryl with her sister. As he steps off the
elevator, he runs into Robert. Robert tells Julian to get out of town and
take his girlfriend with him. Tiff believes that Robert and Cheryl will get
back together someday. Sean informs her that Robert will never forgive that
kind of betrayal.
December 7, 1988 - No
Commercials - Alan tries to convince Edward to get in on Lord Ashton's
business deal. Colton continues to try and track down Felicia. He finally
receives a post card from her. Cheryl learns that Robert is out of town.
Anna sits in the nursery and cries. She and Duke try to work through their
grief. Colton decides that he needs to know how Felicia feels. So, he begins
calling all over to try and find the cruise ship. Victor visits Dimitra in
prison. He doesn't understand how she could keep his son from him. Victor
decides to make up for lost time with his son. But when he visits Dino, he
finds that Dino isn't interested in a father son relationship. Duke and Anna
are being harassed by reporters, so Duke unplugs the phone. Cheryl receives
flowers from Julian. She's upset and wants to leave town. Just then, Julian
calls and invites her to dinner. Colton learns that Felicia's ship will be
in Sydney, Australia on Friday.
December 8, 1988 - No
Commercials - Ariel receives a mysterious phone call. A man tells her she is
to wear the emerald. She lies to Larry about the phone call. Scotty invites
Lucy to lunch. Ariel retrieves the emerald. Tony asks Bobbie to be BJ's
legal guardian if anything happens to him. He wants her consent to legally
change his will. Ned confronts Larry about his business deal with Alan and
Edward. Larry receives a file on Sean. Bobbie and Lucy fight in the
hospital. Tom asks Ariel to try hypnosis. She refuses. Lucy and Scotty have
lunch together.
December 9, 1988 - No
Commercials - Colton shows up at Sean's to tell him he's going to Australia
to find Felicia. Sean and Tiffany have been invited to a dinner party by
Lord Ashton. Robert visits the Lavery's. Robin's going to be staying with
him while Duke and Anna are out of town. Robert asks where Duke is. Anna's
not sure. Meanwhile, Duke arrives at Victor's place and confronts Julian.
After Duke leaves, Julian calls Cheryl. She agrees to meet him. Robert heads
to the hospital to oversee the transfer of Olivia to the sanitarium. Ariel
goes to a club. Ned shows up and tries to take her home. She refuses to
leave. Colton makes travel arrangements to go to Sydney. Then he receives a
call from the travel agent saying that Felicia and her grandmother left the
ship in Fiji. When Duke arrives home, he tells Anna that he went to see
Julian. Robert runs into Cheryl at the hospital. He refuses to forgive her
for what she did to Anna. Larry discovers that Ariel is at a club on the
waterfront. Cheryl tries to talk to Robert, but he doesn't care to listen.
Suddenly, Julian walks in. Sean receives a call from the new head of the
WSB. He wants to meet with Sean. Colton shows up at the bucket of blood and
finds Ariel dancing. There is someone snapping pictures of her. Colton tries
to stop it but winds up getting caught holding Ariel when Larry walks in.
December 12, 1988 - No
Commercials - Robin takes the baby blanket away from Anna and puts it away.
The WSB blackmails Sean into helping them. Colton and Larry fight. Anna's
concerned about Robert. Tiff decides to move back to the brownstone until
the wedding. Robin and Robert arrive at Sean's. Sean tells Robert about Tiff
moving out. Robert decides to go for a walk. Sean agrees to read Robin a
bedtime story. Anna calls Sean's. Robin answers. When Anna asks about
Robert, Robin tells her that Robert went for a walk. Anna's worried and
decides to go out looking for him. Victor and Julian visit Olivia at the
sanitarium. Robert runs into Cheryl on the docks. Cheryl pleads with Robert
to forgive her. She points out that Holly and Anna weren't perfect but he
forgave them. Robert resents her comparing herself to Anna or Holly. Anna
overhears him tell Cheryl she's not in their league. Cheryl walks away. Anna
shows up. She tells Robert that she's worried about him. She tries to make
him realize that Cheryl was the first person to get through to him after he
lost Holly, and that maybe he should give her a break. Robert takes Anna
home. Olivia wakes from her Coma. Sean sneaks over to Tiffany's and slips
into bed with her. She throws him out. Larry takes Ariel's necklace. He
removes the emerald and places it in the dragon bone.
13-19, 1988: 12/13, 12/14,
12/15, 12/16, 12/19 cm reduced quality
December 13,
1988 - No Commercials - The WSB contacts Sean for an update on Colton and
Larry. Sean's interrupted when Robert comes downstairs. Just then, Tiff
walks in ranting about the morning paper. She becomes hysterical when she
learns they have to change the location of the wedding. Amidst all the
chaos, Robert informs Sean that he needs a place of his own. Sean tries to
talk him out of it. But Robert is insistent. Sean and Tiff leave Robert in
charge and head out to get their marriage license. Shortly after their
departure, Cheryl arrives for her dress fitting. Sean and Tiff return.
Robert tells Sean that he can't be his best man. Sean is furious. He informs
Robert that he's not going to get his own way, and if he wants to retain
this friendship he better be at the wedding. Robert decides that Cheryl
isn't worth ruining a friendship. He agrees to stand up for Sean. Meanwhile,
the WSB instructs Sean to bug the Quartermaine mansion. Julian asks Cheryl
to go back to NY with him. Sean arrives at the Q's. After hearing of their
wedding woes, Lila offers the Q house for the festivities. Sean bugs the
house while he's there.
December 14, 1988 - No
Commercials - Duke and Anna relax and enjoy the cabin. Meanwhile, Robert
agrees to attend the party that Cheryl is throwing for Sean and Tiff. Robin
and Robert go house hunting. Larry hires a PI. He learns that Colton was in
Greece for a short time after he left the marines, and that he and Ariel had
an affair. Larry decides to call Colton and invite him over. Duke convinces
Anna to go ice fishing. She eventually gets bored and heads back to the
cabin, leaving Duke to fish on his own. Robert isn't having much luck with
the realtor. Just then, she discovers a quaint little cabin for rent. It's
in the woods and quite secluded. Robin thinks it's cute and asks if they can
go see it. Robert thinks seclusion is just what he needs, so he agrees to
take a look. Duke arrives back at the cabin soaking wet. When Anna asks what
happened, he declines to answer. He finally admits that the ice cracked and
he fell in. Robert and Robin love the little cabin, and he rents it.
December 15, 1988 - No
Commercials - Robert tells Olin about the cabin. She offers to stay with
Robin at Sean's, while he gets everything settled at the new house. Sean
drives Ariel home after the party. Meanwhile, Cheryl and Tiff talk about
Robert and the party. Once home, Ariel calls for a taxi and sneaks out of
the house. Colton believes Ariel is still lying to him. He fears that he
might hurt her. So, he calls Tom and asks to talk. Ariel meets with Darius,
who asks her to take pictures of any strangers that come in contact with
Larry. Sean returns to find Robert moving out. After Robert leaves, Sean
monitors the bugs at the Q-mansion. He learns that Ariel has called for a
taxi and snuck out of the house. Sean contacts the WSB to let them know that
Ariel's on the move. After talking with Tom, Colton arrives home to find an
envelope slipped under his door. The envelope has a picture, of Ariel in
fatigues with a gun, in it. Colton goes ballistic, and runs out. Robert
settles into his new home. He calls Sean and offers to host his bachelor
party. Meanwhile, Ariel arrives back at the Q's. She tries to sneak back in,
but is grabbed from behind. The anger on Colton's face scares Ariel. She's
never seen him like this. The duo argues and is interrupted when Ned shows
up. Colton disappears into the night. Ned questions Ariel about Colton.
December 16, 1988 No Commercials. Lucy is angry with Scott as their plan to catch Bobbie in the arms of another man. Scott tells her that Gregory Howard is still in PC so their PI still has a chance to catch them. Gregory wants one last evening with Bobbie as friends. Anna nurses a sick Duke. Robin thinks that Robert ordered a grand piano delivered for her at the cottage. Tiffany is teed when a stripper and a giant cake arrives at Robert’s cottage for Sean’s bachelor party. Bobbie and Gregory have dinner. She insists it is to say goodbye. Later, Colton tells Sean he is convinced that Arielle is a terrorist.
Robert throws Sean a bachelor party at his new cottage. He rolls a large cake into his living room.
Suddenly, Tiffany jumps out of the cake. Robert is disgusted. He tells her
that she just ruined years of tradition. Bobbie and Gregory have dinner
together. Back at Robert's, the party is in full swing. Everyone's standing
around the piano singing Irish songs. Robert thinks the Irish songs are to
depressing and starts to sing an Australian song. Just as he starts, he
passes out. Some of the guys carry him up to bed, while the others finish
the song in his honor. In the middle of the night, Robert awakens abruptly
to the sound of music. He thinks it's the alarm clock so he tries to shut it
off. When that doesn't work, he throws it on the floor. He tries to get out
of bed and falls on the floor. Robert manages to stumble to the top of the
stairs. He finds a woman playing the piano in his living room. In his
drunken state, he yells at her to stop. The woman, Katherine Delafield, stops playing long enough
to see that there is a half naked man yelling at her from the top of the
staircase. Robert's confused when she threatens to call the police if he
doesn't get out of her house. He kindly informs her that it's his house and he is the police.
December 19, 1988 -
With commercials; reduced quality episode - Colton tells Sean that Ariel is
lying to him and that she's still a terrorist. Sean asks him to back off
from his anger for a bit. Colton is afraid that he's still brainwashed to
kill Ariel. Robert guest doesn't believe that he's a policeman. When he
finds his pants, he shows her his badge. Unfortunately, she still doesn't
believe him and threatens him with a candlestick. She wants to know why he's
in her house. He puts his pants on and tells her he signed a two year lease
with the realtor. Robert is extremely hung over and doesn't want to fight.
He heads to the kitchen for some ice and coffee. Sean asks Colton for the
picture of Ariel. He wants to show it to somebody. Robert wanders around his
house looking for a copy of the lease he signed. He finally produces it. It
turns out that this is his landlady Katherine Delafield. She can't believe
that the realtor rented out her house. Robert tells her she's welcome to
spend the night in a nice hotel but he's going to bed. She is outraged by
his arrogance and storms out. Katherine is forced to return when her car
won't start. Robert tells her she's welcome to spend the night in front of
his fire. He drags a mattress downstairs for her. Robert discovers the
mystery of the piano when he learns that Katherine is a concert pianist.
Meanwhile, Sean's at his wits end with Colton. He's about to be married and
is worried that Colton is losing control and might try to kill Ariel.
December 20-23, 1988: 12/20
cm, 12/21 cm (missed first 2-3 minutes pre-emption), 12/22, 12/23 cm
Sean & Tiffany's wedding
December 20,
1988 - With commercials - Robin and Anna arrive at Sean's for their
fittings. Anna and Cheryl decide to bury the hatchet for Sean and Tiffany's
sake. Back at the cabin, Robert decides to wake his guest by playing the
piano. She jumps up and starts yelling at him. Sean comes downstairs
hung-over. He sneaks, past all the girls, out of the house. Cheryl wants to
speak to Robert before the wedding, so she goes to his new house. Bobbie
informs Tony that she and Gregory were caught together. He realizes that
Lucy is behind the whole thing and assures Bobbie that he will take care of
it. Robert cooks breakfast for him and Kate. They discuss the living
arrangements. She wants her house back but Robert's not willing to leave.
While their arguing, Cheryl shows up. The three argue and Kate throws Cheryl
out. Scotty gets his hands on the pictures of Bobbie and Gregory. Sean pays
Tom a visit. He needs his advice on the situation with Colton and Ariel.
Robert attends the wedding rehearsal at the Quartermaines. Kate arrives to
apologize to Robert and Cheryl and to propose a compromise. She needs to
practice at the cottage during the day while Robert's working. Then he can
still live there. Robert tells her that he will think about it.
December 21, 1988 -
With commercials; missed first 2-3 minutes for preemption - Tom and Sean
discuss Colton's reaction to the picture of Ariel. Robert calls in sick.
Katherine shows up to practice and finds Robert on the couch. Robert
receives a call from Robin. She concerned that Robert won't show up tomorrow
to see her perform. He promises he will be there no matter what. Kate makes
up a bed for Robert in front of the fire and makes him some soup. Sean finds
Colton at Kelly's. Colton informs him that he went to NY to clear his head.
Sean suggests that he pay Tom a visit. Sean is concerned that Colton is
spinning out of control. He follows him to the hospital and witnesses a
confrontation between Colton and Ariel. Colton runs out of the hospital.
Sean follows him. He finds the picture of Ariel tacked to a tree with bullet
holes in it. Robert falls asleep while Kate practices.
December 22, 1988 -
With commercials - Robin and Anna arrive at the Jones Center for her show.
They try calling Robert but can't get a hold of him. Robin's upset. She
thinks her daddy's not coming to the show. Tiff and Sean wake up in bed
together. Tiff tells him the wedding is off when he makes fun of her because
she gave in and slept with him before the wedding. Sean thinks Tiff is just
joking until she grabs her stuff and runs downstairs. He runs after her
wrapped in the comforter. He tries to apologize but she won't listen. Robert
shows up with his tux, only to learn that the wedding is off. Sean begs
Robert to fix this. Robert runs after Tiff, but she wants nothing to do with
either of them. The Quartermaines prepare for the wedding. Alan is giving
the bride away since her parents are not attending. Tiffany calls Monica to
tell her the wedding is off. Back at the Jones Center, Duke and Robert both
arrive for the show. Robert tells Anna and Duke that Tiffany called off the
wedding. Meanwhile, Cheryl is yelling at Tiffany for being so selfish. When
Sean arrives, the pair argues. Finally, Tiffany realizes how foolish she's
being. She apologizes to Sean and the wedding is back on. He calls Robert to
tell him. Robert and Sean arrive at the q's. Alan gives them the latest on
hurricane Tiffany. The guests begin arriving. Sean meets Tiffany's parents
when they show up for the wedding. Sean decides he must speak to Tiffany
before the wedding. He agrees to talk through the door, so he won't see her.
Everything is going well until Tiffany asks about the honeymoon. When Sean
doesn't respond, she knows something is wrong. He agrees that they will have
a honeymoon, just not right now. Tiffany tells him the wedding is off again.
Bobbie arrives at Tony's and finds him unconscious on the floor. She calls
the ambulance. Sean is at the end of his rope. He tells everyone to back
away from the door, and then proceeds to kick it in. He grabs Tiffany and
sends everyone downstairs. He tells Tiffany that he will drag her
kicking and screaming down the aisle if he has too.
December 23, 1988 -
With commercials - Tiffany kicks Sean in the leg as he drags her down the
aisle. The wedding finally takes place and Tiffany becomes Mrs. Sean
Donnelly. The paramedics arrive and transport Tony to the hospital. Sean
apologizes to Tiffany. Lucy goes on a shopping spree. Meanwhile, Tony is
rushed into the ER. They have to operate on him but need Lucy's consent.
Finally, they decide to go ahead without Lucy. Charlene tracks her down at
Wyndams. She tells her about Tony, and they rush to the hospital. Lucy is
furious that they started surgery without her consent. She calls her
attorney. Cheryl gives Robin a Christmas present and explains that she's
leaving town. Robert hears them talking and walks in. Cheryl informs him of
her decision to leave town. Tony survives the surgery but could be left with
brain damage.
December 26-29, 1988: 12/26
cm, 12/27 cm, 12/28 cm, 12/29 cm
December 26,
1988 - With commercials - Larry and his captain discuss the dragon bone and
how to get Edward and Alan involved. Sean and Tiff lounge in wedded bliss.
Until, Sean gets a call from Larry. Larry wants to meet. He has a business
proposition for Sean. Robin tells Duke that they should have another baby.
She thinks it would help Anna out of her sadness. Lucy is thrown out of the
ICU by Steve, after creating a commotion inside Tony's room. Anna makes an
appointment with Dr. Collins. Tiffany gets a letter from Cheryl. She's very
upset when she learns that Cheryl left town. Sean meets with Larry. Larry
grabs Sean's interest when he shows him the dragon bone and the emerald
necklace. (Reduced audio for a few minutes) Larry asks Sean to recruit
Colton. Bobbie visits with BJ and Charlene. Lucy walks in and starts a
fight. Charlene finally throws Lucy out. Anna meets with Dr. Collins. She is
devastated when she learns that she and Duke can't have anymore children.
December 27, 1988 -
With commercials - Robert arrives at Anna's with the morning paper. The
picture of Bobbie and Gregory is plastered all over it. They head over to
the brownstone to lend Bobbie their support. Bobbie is being hassled by
reporters. Amanda throws Lucy out of her house. Colton refuses to help Sean
when he learns that Ariel could be involved. Meanwhile, Anna and Robert
arrive at the brownstone. They help Bobbie escape the press to go visit
Tony. Sean convinces Colton to join him with the investigation.
December 28, 1988 -
With commercials - Sean continues to monitor the bugs at the Quartermaines.
Robert calls Anna to request Olin's services. Just then, a painting is
delivered to the cottage. Robert opens it and discovers it's a portrait of
Katherine. He calls her ask about it. Bobbie receives a summons to appear in
court for a custody hearing on BJ. She calls Robert for help as she needs
character witnesses. Robert assures her that he and Anna will be there for
her. Anna, Duke, and Robin arrive at Robert's. Robin takes Duke for a walk
down to the lake. While they are out, Robert tells Anna about the hearing
for BJ. She agrees to go with him. Anna tells Robert that she can't have any
more children. Kate shows up at the cottage to see the painting. She meets
Robin and agrees to give her piano lessons. Sean and Tiff open their wedding
presents. Robert and Anna go to the custody hearing. Robert testifies on
Bobbie's behalf and then leaves. He arrives home to find Robin and Kate
playing the piano. Meanwhile, the court has ruled to take BJ away from
Bobbie and Lucy and make her a ward of the state. Anna can't let that
happen. She and Duke offer to take BJ in until Tony is well enough to take
December 29, 1988 -
With commercials - Robert arrives home to find Kate playing the piano.
Colton catches Ariel with Darius. He accuses her of having a lover. They
argue while Sean watches. Back at the cottage, Robert and Kate argue over
the painting. She wants it over the fireplace, but he doesn't want it at
all. Anna and Duke are awarded temporary custody of BJ. Robin is excited to
learn that BJ will be staying with them. Charlene stops by with some of BJ's
favorite toys. Anna tells Charlene that she is welcome to visit BJ anytime.
Sean and Colton discuss the treasure hunt. Larry asks Ariel about her
father. She refuses to tell him anything. Bobbie visits with Tony. She tells
him about the custody hearing. Just then, Tony squeezes her hand.
30, 1988 - January 6, 1989: 12/30/88,
1/3/89, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6
December 30,
1988 - Commercials - Tony is unconscious after his first brain surgery.
Bobbie tells Steve that Tony squeezed her hand. Sean and Colton looking at a
scroll for Lord Ashton's “Quest” for an ancient dragon bone. Arielle
goes through Larry's things; she finds a dossier on Colton. Monica questions
Alan about investing in Larry's quest. Sean wants Colton to investigate
Arielle. Monica makes a house call in a blizzard. Alan suggested Ned go with
her. Their car breaks down and they get trapped in a motel in the storm.
Introduction of Dr. Harrison Davis to consult on Tony. Harrison suggests a
second surgery for Tony. He insults Bobbie. Tom stands up for her. Simone
and Harrison know each other...they met at a conference in England. Tom is
suspicious. Arielle tells Colton about the dossier…Larry knows about their
affair in Greece. Harrison nixes Bobbie assisting in Tony's surgery again
due to her personal relationship with him. Arielle confronts Larry about why
he is investigating Colton. He explains and they make love.
Janary 3, 1989 - No Commercials - Snowstorm hits PC. BJ staying with Anna
and Duke. Duke and Robin go sledding. Arielle has a dream about Colton.
Colton however is confused by her actions. He meets with Sean at Kellys.
Harrison Davis berating the surgical staff in a test run for Tony's surgery.
Bobbie is in now to assist. Alan is worried about a missing Monica and Ned.
They have been gone 3 days. Ned is hitting on her relentlessly. She rebuffs
him. Simone and Tom fight about their possible new house and loan from her
parents. Harrison wants answers from Simone about why she left England
without a word to him. Arielle lies to Larry and he catches her. Monica and
Ned return to PC. Larry is suspicious about what went on between them. Ned
tells Larry off. Tom wants the truth from Simone about Harrison. Anna meets
Duke's new female assistant (Hilary Bates) for the club . Arielle's Quebec
flashback She meets a mystery man (Darius) on the docks. Sean is there
spying on her taking pictures. Harrison Davis is rubbing all the GH
staff the wrong way. Alan is relived Monica is home but is suspicious of her
and Ned. Sean wants a trace on Arielle's “mystery” man.
January 4, 1989 - No Commercials - Charlene, Terri and Colton wait in
cafeteria during Tony's second surgery. Scott comforts a worried Lucy. A
helicopter carrying Katherine lands in Robert's cottage front yard. They
argue but she is there to practice piano for 6 hours per their deal.
She gets the cottage during the day and he at night. Power goes out and he
makes her dinner as she is forced to stay. Simone and Tom argue again. She
blames him for everything. Lucy breaks down in worry over Tony. Scott
defends Lucy to Terri. The power outage also interrupts Tony's surgery until
back up generator kicks in. Simone kicks Tom out of their home. He is going
to bunk with his parents. Lucy prays for Tony (slight tracking problem on
tape - 3 seconds or so) Tony pulls through the surgery however he may be
blind. GH staff is snowed in together. Audrey, Alan and Larry all are forced
back to GH by road conditions. Katherine has to stay on Robert's couch. Both
she and Robert can't sleep and they share a few drinks. She tells him about
her archeologist boyfriend Paul. They have a long distance relationship.
January 5, 1989 - No Commercials - PC digging out of massive snowstorm.
Robin is excited about snow day. Robert thinks Katherine should take a break
from practicing the piano. Helicopter arrives at the cottage carrying
Katherine's boyfriend Paul. He is jealous of Robert. Sean fills Anna in on
Tony's surgery; he is expected to make a full recovery. Anna is getting
attached to BJ. Larry also has a dossier on Sean. He is almost caught by
Arielle. Larry suggested they get cozy with Sean and Tiffany and suggests
dinner with them. Arielle finds the dossier. Katherine and Paul arrive back
at her house to a relived Mary. Paul is perplexed about Katherine and
Robert's arrangement regarding the cottage. Paul gives Katherine an
engagement ring and wants to plan a party. Sean instructs Colton to listen
to bug tapes he set up at the Q's. Sean and Tiffany have dinner with Larry
and Arielle. A mysterious figure (Darius) breaks into Robert's cottage
eyeing Katherine's portrait picture. Robert interrupts him. Darius clocks
Robert and gets away.
January 6, 1989 - No Commercials - Robin and Katherine practicing for her
piano piece at the engagement party. Robert tells Katherine about the
cottage break-in. Charlene and Scott find a sleeping Lucy in GH lounge. She
is worried about Tony. Scott invites Lucy to the engagement party. Steve is
worried about Tom and Simone. Audrey convinces Tom to go to the party.
Robert installs a security system and a forensic team goes over the cottage.
Sean arrives. Robert and he find a rare coin in the bushes outside.
Katherine and Paul's engagement party. NOTE: ABC News Brief slightly
interrupts this episode (Right when Robin is getting ready to play the
piano) Tony wakes up. One of the servers at the party puts poison into one
the champagne glasses.