Official GH
Luncheon 2005 Edit - 2:40
GH Luncheon footage is
1:45, Fun in the Sun Anaheim footage is :50 mins
First I have some interviews with fan club staff:
Betty and Cathy, web masters for Maurice's official web site (addy listed
below), Jeanna Davis (M'fundo's new fan club president), Debby O'Connor
(Blake, Greg, Rick, Cynthia, and Ted's), Lisa (JJY Online), Ginny (Becky's),
Kurth & Taylor (Tim), Kelly's, Alicia's (her mom), followed by shots of
additional fan club tables and shots of the fans as they line up for the main
The press room coverage begins at :28. Soapnet
solicited fan questions and interviewed the actors in the press room. I have
shots of Kat (from "Chat with Kat" fame) and her camera woman,
Lavonia. I have interviews with the fans who won the press room pass, Constance,
Alicia, Paulo (an aspiring actor who appeared on Oprah's Wildest Dreams and won
role on GH), MaryAnn (a fan from the year before who won a guest appearence on
GH), Lindze, Rick, Adrianne, Katia, Jennifer, and Kelly. Also included are shots
of the actors posing for photographs with the photographers and some of the
behind the scenes footage before the actors come out to the luncheon.
The luncheon begins at :50 with John J. York as the MC,
and he introduces all of the actors: Jennifer Bransford, Dylan Cash, Leslie
Charleson, Tyler Christopher, Corbin Bernsen, Scott Clifton, Stuart Damon, Sandy
Ferguson, Blake Gibbons, Nancy Lee Grahn, Ron, Rick Hearst, Becky Herbst, Ted
King, Adrianne Leon, Lindze Leatherman, Natalia Livingstone, Kelly Monaco,
Cynthia Preston, Ignacio, Sarah and Emma Smith, Kirsten Storms, Constance
Towers, Greg Vaughn, Katia, Alicia Lee Willis, Kari Wuhrer, Jackie Zeman, Larry
Poindexter, Paulo, Steve Burton, and Maurice Benard.
John then goes out to the audience and asks for fan
questions for the actors. Jennifer is asked about playing Carly, Corbin about
staying on GH, another fan asks who is the biggest practical joker and Dylan
grabs the mic and says it is "Steve and Mo". Another fan asks who are
the biggests gossips and someone laughs and says "hair and makeup".
Leslie is asked about who Monica's next conquest will be and fans suggest
"Corbin" (he appears to love the idea), and "Coleman" (this
brings about great laughter at the thought). Cynthia is asked abou the
possibility of Faith rising from the dead, who has the messiest dressing room
(Steve), Maurice is asked about balancing the heavy load he carries at GH, Kelly
is asked about balancing doing "Dancing with the Stars" and GH. Then
the following awards are presented:
Winners of the 2005 General Hospital Fan Club Awards
Outstanding Lead Actress - Natalia Livingston
Outstanding Lead Actor - Maurice Benard
Outstanding Supporting Actress - Robin Christopher
Outstanding Supporting Actor (Tied) - Rick Hearst
Outstanding Supporting Actor (Tied) - Ted King
Outstanding Younger Actress - Lindze Letherman
Outstanding Younger Actor - Dylan Cash
Favorite Couple (Tied) - Sam & Jason
Favorite Couple (Tied) - Liz & Lucky
Scene Stealer - Scott Clifton
Favorite Character Wardrobe - "Carly"
Favorite Song - "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan
Favorite Website or Fan Club - www.MauriceBenard.tv (Cathy and Betty accept this
award and are thanked by Maurice)
Then Maurice pays tributed to Carol Scott, a GH producer who has passed away
from cancer. The autograph session begins at 1:28. I have some additional
interviews with Mikhail (the winner of "I Wanna Be a Soap Star" season
one), Greg Vaughn (and he ribs Mikhail about a really hot poster he has
brought), Larry, and John York. Really cute moment as I interview an adorable
little girl "Bianca" who is wearing a t-shirt with a picture of her
and Steve together from SSW and she tells about meeting him. I happened to be
taping Maurice's table as she goes up to him, and he kisses her on the cheek not
once but twice!
6/05 Fun in the Sun Anaheim (included on the GH Luncheon edit) - :50 mins
- attended by Scott Clifton, Jennifer Bransford, Kirsten Storms, Rick Hearst,
Alicia Lee Willis, Michael (AMC). This is not the traditional Q&A but
contests and autograph sessions where fans have the opportunity to
interact with fans. Alicia and Jennifer participate in a cup stacking contest,
each actor is teamed with a fan. This is followed by a wagon racing contest
between Scott and Michael B., then Rick and Alicia and Scott signing autographs.
The best event was a Match Game where actors are asked questions and their fan
partner later comes out and tries to match their answer to what the actor said
in a newlywed game format. A sample of questions are: Which character are you
most like between Donald, Goofy and Mickey? Of your co'stars on stage who is
most suited for Dance Party U.S. A? What is a perfect date between dinner &
movie, sunset stroll, or hot dog & concert. Next is a fan singing
competition judged by Kirsten, Jennifer and Michael (missed first contestant).
Nancy Lee 2005 Event - 2:40
100% of the proceeds of this edit are donated to Nancy Lee's charity a
foundation she has set up in her father's name. I ask for a $20 money order only
made out to "Robert D. Grahn Foundation". I donate the cost of Media
Rate shipping and the tape or dvd (please indicate which format your ordering).
Sarah and Emma Smith entertain fans for a few minutes prior to Nancy's arrival
and sing the abc song. Nancy Lee Grahn arrives and her daughter Kate shares her
newly acquired New York and Boston accents. The Q&A begins with guests
Constance Towers and Corbin Bernsen. After awhile, Corbin leaves and Dylan Cash
arrives. The Q&A ends at 1:19 and Rick arrives. Rick spends several minutes
talking and interacting with the twins who are still on stage, then he begins
doing the raffle. This is the absolute best raffle! He does a wonderful job
talking about each item in detail, especially all of the magazine pictures and
articles and gives each fan a hug and sometimes a kiss as they come up to get
their item. He has a talent of making each item feel like a real treasure
and autographed everything, and made each winner feel special. I edited this
section down to about 40 minutes or so (I cut out moments in between items as
new items were collected but all of Rick is included other than the down moments
so nothing is missed). The event itself is 2:09. I then added additional clips
to fill out the edit:
9/04 Soapography - feature on Nancy Lee
Soaptalk's 2004 year in review - Mimi Torchin declares Ric & Alexis one of
her favorite GH storylines of the year and Michael Bruno's prediction that Nancy
Lee would be nominated for an Emmy.
Emmy 2005 coverage - edited to Nancy Lee. I begin with Carolyn's prediction that
Nancy Lee should win. Nancy Lee and Kate's arrival during pre-show coverage,
Rick's nomination for Best Supporting and Rick presenting Best Game Show,
Nancy's nomination for Best Actress, GH montage, GH wins Best Direction and Best
Show. I followed this with the post-show coverage on soapnet where Nancy Lee is
showcased from raves about her dress to laments about she should have won.
Official Monica's Open House (Quartermaine Brunch 2005) Edit - 2:03
The brunch is 1:08 minutes. A 100% of the proceeds from this edit are
contributed to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. I ask for a $20 money order only
made out to "Susan G. Komen Foundation". I donate the cost of Media
Rate shiping and the edit. I
begin with press room coverage and interviews with the following actors: Bergen
talks about Big Alice having a crush on Luke and working with Tony Geary, Scott
about his charity event and his new music CD, Natalia about winning an Emmy,
Leslie talks about her work on behalf of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Wally
about his charity work with the Kurth & Taylor Foundation, Legendary Bingo,
and dontions of Fun Centers for children in hospitals, and John J. York talks
about his sister having breast cancer. This is followed by fan comments as
Jeanna Davis talks about M'Fundo (he wasn't able to attend the weekend), then
clips of fans as I went from table to table and they did messages for Leslie and
what they love about the Quartermaines. Leslie announces her guests: Stuart
Damon, John J. York, Susan Brown, Dylan Cash, Wally Kurth, Adrienne Leon, Lindze
Leatherman, Scott Clifton, Natalia Livingston, Denise Alexander, Bergen Williams
and Constance Towers. Flowers are presented to Leslie by her fan club, and then
Leslie presents flowers to her housekeeper and fans sing Happy Birthday to her.
Wally is ribbed about wearing the same shirt as last year (Note: JJY wore the
same shir to the GH Luncheon as last year). I then covered the autograph session
as actors took pictures with and talked with the fans. I did additional
interviews with Lindze about working with the Q's, Susan Brown about Port
Charles and some of her former cast members (Carly and Kin), and Denise who
talks about how the original Rick/Monica/Alan storyline was the first time that
GH went to #1! Note, no raffle included as it was held while I was in the press
room and there was no Q&A with the actors this year.
I followed the brunch footage with about 55 minutes of additional
interviews (these are also on the Stuart Damon Tribute edit):
Soaptalk 2004 - Stuart & Leslie
Soapcenter - Stuart on replacing Steve Hardy reading the Christmas story
Soapcenter - 4 min feature on the Quartermaines
Soapcenter - Skye's arrival and introduction as Alan's daughter
Soapcenter - Stuart on losing his scripts
Soaptalk - Robin Christopher on playing Alan's daughter
Soaptalk - Feature on Anne Lee's Memorial - Stuart
Soaptalk - Stuart interview, he also makes meatloaf
Soaptalk - Leslie
Also, Becky's fan club will be offering an edit of her event as will Tyler's fan
club of his event. Usually Kurth & Taylor offer a video of the concert as
well. Check those official web sites for details. Steve, Kelly, Maurice, Greg,
Rick, Cynthia, and Scott's events are not being offered as far as I know.