All photos are sharp, in color and can be purchased in (3) sizes.


4x6 Prints - $2.00 each; postage for 1-5 include (2) 39 cent stamps, 5-15 prints include (3) 39 cent stamps, or Groups deal of 15-4X6 Prints - $23 postage included.

5x7 Prints - $7.00 each; postage for 1-3 include $1.00, 4-6 prints- $2, 3-4 prints- $3

8x10 Prints- $9.00 each; Postage for 1-2 prints $2.00, 3-4 prints $3.00, 5-over prints $5.00

1- Groups set of fifteen 4X6 prints $23

Please make checks or money orders payable to:  
Debbie Morris, Photo Request, P. O. Box 96737, Houston, Texas 77213.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for orders to be processed.  If you have any questions, you can email me at

Click here to see more samples of my photos

Please note:  I have tons of photos from Daytime to Primetime and more. AMC, OLTL, Y&R, GL, Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, Sakira, Josh Holloway, Patrick Dempsey, Cheryl Burke or Jaclyn Smith to name a few. Please email me if you are looking for someone. I would love to help!

 Photo List #18 

General Hospital Fan Weekend 2003

General Hospital:
-Alicia Leigh Willis (1 shot)
-Andrea Pearson (2 shots)
-Andrea Pearson and Greg Vaughn (2 shots)
-Blake Gibbons (3 shots)
-Chad Brannon (5 shots)
-Christina Carol and Dylan Cash (2 shots)
-Cynthia Preston (6 shots)
-Denise Alexander (2 shots)
-Dylan Cash (2 shots)
-Greg Vaughn (3 shots)
-J Robin Miller (2 shots)
-Jackie Zeman (2 shots)
-John Ingle and Natalia Livingston (1 shot)
-John Ingle (3 shots)
-John J York (3 shots)
-John J York and Robyn Richards (1 shot)
-Leslie Charleson and Stuart Damon (2 shots)
-Lindze Letherman (3 shots)
-Lindze Letherman & Cynthia Preston (3 shots)
-Marisa Ramariz (1 shot)
-Maurice Benard (4 shots)
-Natalia Livingston (6 shots)
-Natalia Livingston & Tyler Christopher (4 shots)
-Penny the waitress (3 shots)
-Rick Hearst (3 shots)

- Rick Hearst and sons (2 shots)
- Rick Hearst and Tyler Christopher (3 shots)
-Robin Christopher (3 shots)
-Robyn Richards (2 shots)
-Robyn Richards, Greg Vaughn, John, Alicia Leigh Willis (3 shots)
-Scott Clifton (8 shots)
-Scott Clifton and Lindze Letherman (7 shots)
-Scott Clifton & Lindze Letherman- outside (4 shots)
-Steve Burton (3 shots)
-Steve Burton and Alicia Lee Willis (3 shots)
-Steve Burton and Tyler Christopher (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun, Ted King & Alicia Leigh Willis (3 shots)
-Tamara Braun (3 shots)
-Tamara Braun and Alicia Leigh Willis (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun and Ted King (3 shots)
-Tamara Braun and Nancy Lee Grahn (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun, Nancy Lee Grahn and Robin (5 shots)

-Tamara Braun, Nancy Lee Grahn, Robin and Ted King (3 shots)
-Tamara Braun, Dylan Cash, Ted King and Cynthia Preston (4 shots)
-Ted King (2 shots)
-Tristan Rogers and John Reilly (3 shots)
-Tristan Rogers, Maurice Benard, John and Wally Kurth (2 shots)
-Tyler Christopher (2 shots)
-Wally Kurth (2 shots)
Scott Egan Event:
-Sarah Brown (3 shots) -Sarah Brown and Scott Egan (2 shots)  
Cynthia Preston Event:
-Cynthia Preston, Rick Hearst and Greg Vaughn (2 shots) 
Maurice Benard Event:
-Maurice Benard (2 shots)  
Nancy Lee Grahn's PJ/Coffee Event:
-Constance Towers in PJ’s (1 shot)
-Nancy Lee and Kate Grahn (5 shots)
-Nancy Lee Grahn and Bergman (3 shots)
-Nancy Lee & Kate Grahn and Connie Towers (4 shots)
-Nancy Lee Grahn in PJ’s (4 shots)
Tamara Braun Event:
- Alicia Leigh Willis (3 shots)
- Cynthia Preston (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun and Rick Hearst (2 shots)
-Tamara (2 shots)
-Tamara and Alicia shopping for jewelry (1 shot)
-Tamara and friend who sold jewelry (1 shot)
-Tamara, Rick, Alicia, Cynthia (4 shots)

-Tamara trying on jewelry (2 shots)
Q Brunch Event:
-Amber Tamblyn (5 shots)
-Denise Alexander (4 shots)
-John Ingle (1 shot)
-Leslie Charleson and Stuart Damon (3 shots)

-Leslie Charlson (4 shots)
-Natalia Livingston (3 shots)
-Robin Christopher and Wally Kurth (3 shots)
-Robin Christopher (2 shots)

-Scott Clifton (3 shots)
-Susan Brown (1 shot)
Steve Burton Event:
-Steve Burton (3 shots)
Lane Davies Signing:
-Lane Davies (3 shots)
Tyler Christopher Event:
-Greg Vaughn (3 shots)
-Rick Hearst (2 shots)
-Tyler Christopher (3 shots)
Becky Herbst Event:
-Becky Herbst (3 shots)
-Marisa Rameriz (2 shots)
-Michael Sausada (2 shots)
-Rick Hearst (2 shots)
GH Studio 8/2003:
-Lindze Letherman (4 shots)
-Nancy Lee Grahn (1 shot)
-Robin Christopher (2 shots)
-Scott Clifton and Lindze Letherman (4 shots)
-Scott Clifton and Lindze Letherman playing around (3 shots)
-Wally Kurth (1 shot)
-Becky Herbst (2 shots)
Port Charles Event:
-Alex Mendoza and Cari Shayne (2 shots)
-Erin and Brian Presley, Kelly Monaco and Brian Gaskill (5 shots)
-Kiko Ellsworth and Kent Masters-King (2 shots)
-Ann Jeffreys (1 shot)
-Erin Presley and Kelly Monaco (1 shot)
-Kimberlin Brown (1 shot)
-Brian Gaskill (2 shots)
-Erin Presley and Kimberlin Brown (1 shot)
-Mariam Parris (2 shots)
-Brian Presley (2 shots)
-Mariam Parris and Brian Presley (3 shots)
-Eddie Matos (2 shots)
-Erin Presley, Susan Brown, Marie Wilson, Rebecca Staab (2 shots)
-Marie Wilson (2 shots)
-Eddie/Marie (1 shot)
-Joy Bisco (2 shots)
-Michael Easton (11 shots)
-Eddie Matos and Tamara Davies (2 shots)
-Kelly Monaco and Brian Gaskill (3 shots)
-Rebecca Staab (2 shots)
-Erin Hershey Presley (3 shots)
-Kelly Monaco (2 shots)
-Susan Brown (1 shot)
-Erin Presley and Ann Jeffreys (1 shot)
-Kent Masters-King (2 shots)
-Tamara Davies (2 shots)
-Erin and Brian Presley (4 shots)
-Kiko Ellsworth (3 shots)

-Ladies Group- Erin, Marie, Susan, Ann, Tamara, Rebecca, Kent, Mariam, Kelly, and Joy (6 shots)

Erin and Brian Presley Event:
-Brian Presley (2 shots)  
-Eddie Matos (2 shots)
-Erin and Brian (2 shots)  
-Erin Hershey Presley (2 shots)  
-Eri, Brian and Eddie (3 shots) 

Brokarage Club, Long Island 9/03

-Rick Hearst (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun (2 shots)
-Tamara Braun and Rick Hearst (6 shots)

Triple D's, New Jersey 9/03

-Tamara Braun and Rick Hearst (3 shots)

Wally Kurth Concert, Houston, Texas 10/03

-Scott Clifton and Wally Kurth (3 shots)
-Scott Clifton (5 shots)
-Wally Kurth (4 shots)
-Wally with band members (2 shots)
-Wally Kurth, Scott Clifton, and band members (2 shots)

Riverside Comedy Club, San Antonio, Texas 10/03

-Tamara Braun and Rick Hearst (6 shots)

Riverside Comedy Club, San Antonio, Texas 12/03

-Steve Burton (4 shots)

These Photos Have Never Been Offered Until Now:

Studio 2001:
-Angel Boris (2  shots)
-Constance Towers (2 shots)
-Jacob Young (3 shots)
-Jacob Young on motorcycle (2 shots)
-Marisa Ramerizand Coltin Scott (4 shots)
-Marisa Rameriz (5 shots)
-Nancy Lee Grahn and Maurice Benard (2 shots)
-Robert-Kelker-Kelly and Coltin Scott (2 shots)
-Robert-Kelker-Kelly (1 shot)
-Tamara Braun and Maurice Benard (5 shots)
-Tamara Braun (3 shots)
-Tamara, Maurice and Angel (2 shots)

Remember:  Photos make nice gifts for birthdays, Christmas or a "I was just thinking about you." Let us know you are sending the photos as a gift to someone and we will enclose a card letting them know they were on your mind. 

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