Character Profiles - Made Up Characters

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Name: Lily Witter (

Age: 16

Personality: She's really fun and easy going. Despite that, she also has her depressive and serious moments. She's one to snap back at you with a witty remark or something to slap you in the face with [figuratively speaking]. But all together, she's easy to like.

Hobbies: She's a drama fanatic.

Relation to the show: She's Pacey's cousin. She was born in Capeside, but moved away when she was two.  Lily used to visit Pacey every summer but stopped coming about two years ago. Her parents decided to get a divorce and she now has to move in with Pacey.

Name: Cloey Richardson (

Age: 16 (or same age as Joey, Dawson, etc.)

Appearance: tall, long brown hair, deep brown eyes, bears a remarkable resemblence to Joey

Personality: Pleasany, outgoing, friendly.

Other: Cloey's a model who just moved to Capeside from Sydney, Australia. She's lived around the world in various places such as London, Paris, Rome, and Hong Kong. Her mom and her dad aren't really home that much so she's very independent. Her dad is a lawyer for a huge corporation in New York City and her mom is an interior decorator for celebrity homes. They live in the "Country Club" district of Capeside, but Cloey doesn't act snobby at all. She's very down-to-earth as she's been through a lot in her 16 years. She recently found out that she was adopted when she overheard her parents talking about moving to Capeside. She thinks that moving here has something to do with her past and hopes that she something, or someone, could lead her to the answers she so desires.

Name: Sabrina O'Ryan (

Age: 18

Personality: Really sarcastic and funny, but can sometimes be dark and sad.

Hobbies: She was on the basketball team back home, but she doesn't know if she'll play this year.

Relation to the show: She was Tim's (Andie and Jack's brother) girlfriend. She came to stay with Andie and Jack because she couldn't stand to live with her abusive parents anymore. Mr. McPhee loves her because she represents the goodness in Tim.

Name: Cameron Welsh (

Age: 17

Personality: Cool and indifferent at first, and upon the first meeting he can appear snobbish; however, if you're persistent enough to get to know him, you'll find a friendly, deeply sensitive individual.

Hobbies: Reading, writing poems and short stories, swimming.

Relation to the show: His family just moved to Capeside from Chicago, a transit which he's none too happy to make.

Name: Brandon Marshall (

Age: 17 (one year older than the Capeside teens)

Personality: Very sweet and nice; a great friend; sensitive and devoted to everything he does; doesn't let anyone get too close cuz he's scared of having his heart broken again; very smart and can pick up on the littlest things going on around him.

Hobbies: Likes the typical male stuff (sports, TV, cars, girls), but also likes reading and photography.

Relation to the show: Used to be best friends with Dawson, Joey, and Pacey when he was in the 8th grade and they were in 7th. Then he moved away to California and hasn't been back to Capeside since. Is in town for the summer to visit his aunt and will be attending the University of Boston in the fall. Had a crush on Joey, but knew how she felt about Dawson so Brandon never said anything. Is shocked and a little disappointed when he finds out her and Pacey are together.

Name: Dulcee Sullivan (

Age: 16

Personality: She's kind of shy and quiet. She's very sweet and friendly to everyone. She's never mean, even when the people deserve it. She's your average girl next door. She's a little too trustowrthy of others and wears her heart on her sleeve.

Hobbies: Singing, she has a fantastic singing voice, but doesn't show it much.

Relation to the show: She used to be good buds with Dawson, Joey, and Pacey. They were all pretty close. She moved away before their freshman year and is now back in town.

Name: Courtney (Court) Lancaster (

Age: 16

Personality: Courtney is very outgoing and fun to be around, she's very exciting and is always up for a party or an adventure. She's really nice and sweet though and can be very serious when she needs to be. She's very smart.

Hobbies: Acting, singing, dancing (she's very talented at all those things. Wants to become a singer/actress and has an agent. Already has been in a few random productions and well on her way to making it big), partying, and shopping!

Relation to the show: Jen's cousin from NY that's come to stay with her for the summer. Falls for Pacey, but respects his and Joey's relationship, although she can't stand Joey.

Name: Allison Patterson (

Age: 16

Personality: She's sweet, but sometimes shy. She likes hanging out with Hyper outgoing people, so that she isn't the center of attention. Has never had a real boyfriend, but is looking for her soul mate.

Hobbies: She also enjoys Filmmaking, but doesn't make it her mainstage thing. She prefers to act as long as it's not the main role

Relation to the show: Pacey's old and chubby Elementary/Middle school friend.  She just moved back into town and at first is not recognized. While she was gone in NY she lost weight and lost her geeky glasses and her braces. She was a totally new Allie...

Name: Lucca Bella Jackson, just goes by Lucca. (

Age: 16(same as Dawson, Joey, Jen, Pacey, etc!)

Personality: She is very bubbly. She always has a smile on her face.  She is always joking around and loves to have fun. She is the sweetest person and makes friends quickly. She loves everyone. She can be a bit clumsy and ditzy but she is fairly smart as well.  She can also be a smart-ass some times!

Hobbies: ACTING!!  She absolutely loves it. She also loves to watch TV, go to the movies, hang out with friends and eat!

Relation to the show: She comes from LA but was born in Capeside. Her parents are archaeologists and they are going to Ireland for two years, so they send Lucca to stay with her cousins Bessie and Joey. Lucca has always really liked Joey and always wished she could've stayed in Capeside but she moved away before the began Middle School. She know Dawson, Jen, and Pacey but will be meeting everyone else for the first time.

Extras: She is totally in love with Dawson. She backed-off because she knew Joey liked him but now she'll be really happy to know Pacey and Joey are an item!

Name: Juliet Verona (

Age: Just turned 17

Personality: She's sort of corny but she's sarcastic and pretty unpredictable. You can't always know what to expect from her but she isn't a risk taker so it narrows down the possiblities. She loves the rain and finds that just standing in it relieves all of her stress.

Hobbies: She's into swimming, cooking, gardening and whatever is currently appealing to her. She absolutely loves poetry by Pablo Neruda.

Relation to the show: Her parents came to Capeside this summer for vacation and decided to extend the trip a bit. They rented a house and are hanging out though she's not quite sure how long they'll be rooming it there but is trying to be a little optimistic about starting the school year away from her friends.

NAME: Madeline Scott (

AGE: 17


BACKGROUND: Has lived in Capeside her entire life with her family. They are reasonably rich and they live in the same neighborhood as Chris Wolfe.

CLOTHES: Preppy, yet fashionable. She's a pretty casual dresser. Think Old Navy or American Eagle.

HOBBIES: Writing, Reading, Acting, Swimming, Exercising, and just plain hanging out with friends.

PERSONALITY: Extremely friendly and nice. Smart and involved in a lot of activities. Can be ditzy sometimes, boy-crazy.

FRIENDS: She recently met Joey in art class and Jen in English class. They became great friends. She is incredibly attracted to both Pacey and Dawson.

ENEMIES: None really

Name: Seth Davidson (

Age:He's 17 going on 18.

Personality: He's sweet and not too conceited about his looks. He;s cool to hang out with cause he likes to joke around.

Relation to the show: Single and new to town.

Name: Taylor Maris (

Age: 17 going on 18

Personality: A little selfish and very conceited. With Taylor no one comes before herself, even if she may not even notice it. Very intelligent and manipulative. She has a way of persuading people around to her line of thinking. Is used to always getting her way and doesn't like it when things don't work out as she planned.

Hobbies: Gossiping, shopping, talking on the phone, having fun.

Relation to the show: Taylor is Brandon's ex-girlfriend from California. He broke up with her after he found out that she had been cheating on him with his best friend. The two had been dating for three years and he loved her very much, but just couldn't trust her anymore. Taylor is still in love with Brandon and regrets cheating on him. She wants him back now and when she found out from his parents that he would be staying at Capeside for the summer she decided to book a room at the cozy little Potter B&B she heard good reviews about. Since she's rich this was no problem for her. The challenge is getting Brandon back. She's very persistent though and will let nothing get in her way!

Name: Jessica McPhee (

Nicknames: Jess

Age: 16

Personality: Nice, smart, old-fashioned, fun to be with, goofy, friendly, serious.

Hobbies: Writing poetry, writing screenplays and stories, going to the movies, dancing, and acting. She also likes to do modeling but on the side of everything else.

Relation to show: Andie and Jack's cousin. They haven't seen her since they were kids. They don't remember what she is like, but grow to love her as soon as they see her again. Jessica is shipped there suddenly because her parents have decided to go on a voyage through Asia for the next 6 months.

Name: Natalie Summers (

Age: 16 (same age as Joey, Pacey, Jen, Dawson, etc.)

Personality: Outgoing, sweet, funny, kindest person, nice, very popular.

Hobbies: Shopping, writing, acting, dancing, volunteering.

Relation to the show: Natalie goes to school with Joey, Pacey, Jen, Dawson, Andie, Jack, etc. She's on the cheerleading team with Jen and very popular, but not ditzy or snobby like the other girls. She's pretty close with Jen, but they don't usually hang out besides the cheerleading thing, but they will get closer over the summer. She was also in Dawson's Film class (well, before he dropped out), Joey and Pacey's English class, Andie's Math Class, and Jack's Science class so she knows all of them.

Other Information: She's single and just broke up with her boyfriend, so she's scared to let herself get too close to anyone again.

Name: Crista Clark (

Age: 16

Personality: Caring, compassionate, friendly, sarcastic, innocent.

Hobbies: The arts, (dancing, acting, painting etc.) movies, kick boxing.

Relation to the show: An old sandbox pal of Dawson, Joey, and Pacey. Moved to California at 13, comes back with her newly divorced mom. Was once dating Pacey. She is looking for love but does not know where to find it. She is really realistic and up front.

Name: Matt Stepp (

Age: 17

Personality: He's upbeat and usually happy. He's a pretty laid-back kind of guy.

Hobbies: He's a journalist, is on school newspaper, and always tries to investigate.

Relation to the show: He's lived in Capeside all of his life, and has always blended in with the background, no one really knew him. He's vowed to stand out more and make some good friends.

Name: Jason Rhodes

Age: 16

Personality: A really sweet and understanding guy, but is ready to lose it. He's very athletic and on all the sports teams in schools, but he doesn't really want to do it. His parents, especially his dad, are pressuring him to continue it so he could get a scholarship and turn it into a career, but what he really wants to do is become an actor. That's his one true passion, but would never tell anyone in fear of tainting his and his family's distinguished reputation. That's a fear his father brought him up to be aware of. He can be very serious sometimes and deep. Knows how to have fun though and is considered to be one of the most popular guys at Capeside High. He would give it up all in a minute though if he could, but he knows that would disappoint his father.

Hobbies: Acting (secretly), sports (although that's more of a chore to him than a hobby now; he's lost all his love and interest for it), reading.

Relation to show: He's one of the other natural-born Capesiders that's known Dawson, Joey, and Pacey since elementary school. They never associated though because they ran in such different circles and they thought he was some idiot jock who they hated, but he's completely different then what they perceive him as. Befriended Jack on the football team and the two grew pretty close. Also met Andie through Jack and he lives near them.

Name: Drake Parker (

Age: 17

Personality: He's really cool, a hard worker. He tried out for the school's football team a couple times but hasn't made it yet...sort of a sore subject for him. He hangs out with Jack since he's one of the few football players that isn't a complete ass. He's working a couple jobs over the summer to save money for a car. He's funny though and a blast to hang with most of the time.

Relation to the show: He's lived there most of his life though he's not really friends with Pacey and the rest. He knows Henry, Jack and Jason from football.

Name: Phoebe Lindley (

Age: 15

Description: Long blonde hair, Hazel eyes, Pretty, and slim.

Personality: Julie is really sweet and kindhearted.  She is also very fun and wild.  She hates being told what to do, but respects her elders.  She is your typical Wild Child.  She is extremely smart and can usually get herself out of anything.  She is always a big time trouble maker, but rarely gets caught in the act.  She doesn't believe in God in either.  

How they relate to show: She is Jen's younger sister.  Her parents couldn't handle her anymore so they sent her to Grams, hoping she could help, but the only reason she's acting this way because she misses Jen.  They are very close.

Name: Lara Wolfe (

Age: 17

Description: shoulder-length blond hair, about 5'6", 5'7". Green eyes. 

Personality:  well off, rich, but not too snobby about it... usually pretty cheerful and optimistic, but a bit spoiled (and it shows) at some times. Will develop later

How they relate to show:  Visiting her ever-invisible cousin for the summer (Chris Wolfe), will somehow meet up with Dawson and the gang around town, not sure about possible relationships, but just a friendship at the beginning after that, it's up to the fates...and the players.....

Name: Jordan Walsh (


Description: 5'10" Shoulder length dark brown hair. Greenish brown eyes.

Personality: Brutally honest (what others would consider blunt) a bit sarcastic at times. Has a weird tendency to be overly polite to other peoples parents. Doesn't smile much because she doesn't like anyone looking at her braces. Has an interest in photography and likes to hack into other peoples computers.

What she would bring to the story: Jordan's mother is a long time friend of Mrs. Leary and asked her to take Jordan in over the summer. Jordan reluctantly travels from her Chicago home to Capeside which she commonly refers to as the "boonies" and meets the teens in Capeside.

Name: Kathleen Alexandria Lawrence (

Nickname: Kit

Age: 17

Description:  Very straight, light brown, just past the shoulder-hair, always parted straight down the middle.  Slim and tall.  Sparkling grey eyes.

Personality:  Outgoing from the start, never afraid to speak the truth, despite any repercussions it might have.  Always ready for an adventure or excitement, a party or trouble.  Constantly wants to do something or go somewhere.  A bit of a tomboy, athletic.  But loyal to a fault, and there for anyone who needs her, due to a sensitive side that is barely seen, except by those who she becomes very close to.

Relation to the show:  Moving to Capeside for her senior year with her father and two brothers (one younger, one older) after her mother ran out on her family.  A movie buff because of her need to sometimes escape reality, she runs into the gang one night at the Rialto.  Might stir up some excitement, but will eventually fall for one of the guys, namely Pacey, possibly trying to bring up trouble in his new relationship.

Name: Rachel Smith (

Age: 16

Personality: She's fun, outgoing, party-lover, guy-crazy, but can have an attitude

Hobbies: She loves to party, loves to flirt.

Relation to show: She was one of Abby's best friends and was away on vacation when Abby died. She sort of blames Jen and is upset because Jen isn't the same now as she was when Jen hung out with Rachel and Abby.

Name: Katie Etchelles (


Looks: shoulder length brown hair, dark blue eyes and tall. Kinda mysterious 

Personality: Quiet, untrusting, but likes to have people like her. She does have a problem with starting trouble

Hobbies: swimming, tennis, writing

Relation to the show: She's new just ended up in Capeside. She moved into a small house with her mother.