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"Alvin and the Chipmunks: The A Files"

Note: Alvin is "Moldy", and Brittany is "Scuzzy".

"The X-Files" theme, version from the first track of "Songs in the Key of X", plays in the background. Crunching footsteps.
Echoing voices: You've never been closer... the darkness is out enemy... spin me a cocoon...

Moldy: Look at that, Scuzzy! Over in the clearing!

(Sounds like a spaceship engine)

Scuzzy: What do you think it is, Moldy?

Moldy: I don't know... maybe an alien mothership!

Scuzzy: (scoffs) What makes you think that?

Moldy: Call it "instinct".

Scuzzy: I call it unscientific. You and your "guesses". (scoffs again) Why don't you go to Vegas where you belong?

(Sound of ship taking off)

Moldy: Scuzzy, it's taking off! Let's follow it!

Scuzzy: We're too young to drive.

(Spaceship noises)

Moldy: We gotta go! The truth is out there!

(Sounds of them running to the car and driving)

Moldy: I wonder what's inside? Green prehistoric bugs? Extraterrestrial DNA? Big Blue?

Scuzzy: Is that another one of your "hunches"?

Moldy: An educated hunch.

Scuzzy: It's landing!

Alien: Do you know where they're holding the Roswell celebration?

Moldy: I think it's in Roswell.

Alien: Is that a guess or a fact?

Moldy: An educated guess.

Scuzzy: It's near Las Vegas.

Alien: Oh yes, where Elvis played.

Scuzzy: Elvis is dead.

Alien: No, he's not. Oops! You didn't hear that from me. Thank you.

(Spaceship takes off.)

Moldy: Say it, Scuzzy.

Scuzzy: (pauses, then sighs) Okay, Science is no match... for a good guesser.

Moldy: Ten times.

Scuzzy: Science is no match for a good guesser. Science is no match for a good guesser. Science is no match for a good guesser...

(repeats as it fades out slowly)

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