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PURPOSE: To send the Once & Again cast and crew a **unique** fan package to show our support.

A recent sidebar to a Columbus Dispatch article (2-5-01) contained the following Once & Again behind-the-scenes information: "At the bookstore, the photos of the "Booklovers" bulletin board are Polariods of the show's staff and some extras. To fill out the board, some people have been shot at different angles several times."

In order to prevent staff from having to be shot twice, bambam, aka duchovlet proposed that Once & Again fans send in pictures of themselves so each "Booklover" person is unique. Bambam offered to collect the pictures and send as one package so individual attempts of the same would not get lost in the OA mailroom. If all pictures arrive together they carry more punch and are harder to ignore. This is a tremendous way to show support for the show and allows Billy, Sela and the OA family to put faces to happy, happy fans everywhere. Who knows, if the photos are actually used, it might also help producers save on production costs :-) The idea can only work if a LOT OF PEOPLE participate. I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH--WE NEED A LOT OF PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE. So round up your OA friends and start snapping!

PERSON IN CHARGE: Barbara aka bambam or duchovlet
Questions? EMAIL:

PHOTO DEADLINE: March 15, 2001 ***ANY*** standard size picture of yourself accepted. Photos DO NOT have to be actual polaroids. Digital or scanned pictures may also be emailed to as submissions. She will print them for the mailing.

PO Box 534
Elkins WV 26241 USA
RE: Picture Project

Your name (At your own discretion include only first name or full name, depending on what you are comfortable with revealing.)
Name of your favorite Once & Again episode or book*
Where you are from (state or city/state), but only if you choose to provide

*book info. optional, but it fits in with Once & Again plotline

PROJECTED MAILING DATE: late March/early April 2001

This should allow for the Once & Again office to receive the package and open it BEFORE the end of the production season.