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Alex Moreau's Journal entries

November 15, 1999

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I'm a little down cause it'll be the first one with out Grandma Rose...same about Christmas. I miss her a lot. I wish that I was able to save her soul from Daniel...part of me feels like I let her down.

Derek was a real grump today...hasn't been himself since Megan's death and won't open up to any one about it...not even Rachel. When he's in a mood, I don't like being around him. Nick is rarely a grump. At least he apologizes for being in a bad mood, not Derek...don't ever remember him apologizing for anything.

It's late but, I can't sleep...guess I'll take a hot bath then fix myself some herbal tea.

Alex Moreau


Sometimes that man drives me crazy. Derek is so stubborn and won't ask for help or let any one help him. Last night, he came into the kitchen and was sick as a dog. I told him to go back to bed and that I would make him some tea. No, he insisted that he was fine and could to it himself...almost collapsed. I had to take him to his room. He was burning up. I told him that I was calling Rachel if I couldn't bring down his fever. I was able to bring it down. Rachel will be by after she's finished seeing patients. I needed a break from Derek; so Nick is with him.



Derek was again a pain in the butt...didn't like the way I made the soup. He used language, which I never heard him use before in the company of women. He's always so proper, the perfect gentleman. Men are such babies when they are sick...whine and complain.

I had to look over the files today since Derek can't do any work for at least a week, and Nick helped out. I can always count on him to help with the work around here.

I sense that Rachel is having second thoughts about the Legacy again. Wasn't too thrilled to be here yesturday. That's what Nick told me last night when we were having our late night snack...cookies and milk.



I recieved a letter from Tanya today, and she wants me to spend Thanksgiving with her in New Orleans. I've been trying to convince her to come and live in San Francisco so we could become closer. Maybe when I see her Thanksgiving, I can get her to come back with me. It would make Grandma Rose happy if we were closer. She wasn't too pleased when Tanya and I weren't speaking to one another.

I have a feeling that Nick is interested in me...been spending a lot of time around me...more than usual. I'm interested in him. I think he's so cute, and he knows how to treat a lady right.



Nick asked me to go on vacation with him, and I had to turn him down. I could see that he was crushed. I haven't seen my sister in a long time. I need to go to New Orleans and see her to convince her to come back to San Francisco with me.

I really wanted to say yes to Nick. I'm attracted to sweet and not to mention so good looking he is. Maybe we can do something for Christmas. I hate seeing him look disappointed. I'm going to speak to him right now.



I spoke to Nick last night while we had our late night snack. We'll be going to Mission Beach for Christmas. We may even miss The Luna Foundation annual New Year's bash. I'm tired of sucking up to the suits. I wanna have fun, and I love being around Nick. He always makes me laugh when I'm having a bad day.

I'm looking foward to seeing Tanya. I leave for New Orleans in a couple of days. I wish that Grandma Rose was still alive. I know that she is watching Tanya and me from heaven. I know now that her sould doesn't belong to Daniel. She was too good of a person to end up in hell.



The flight to New Oreleans was good. It feels so weird being in Grandma Rose's house with out her there. I really do miss her. I tried talking to Tanya about coming to San Francisco with me, but she doesn't want to leave New Orleans.

I think I'm going to give Nick a call. I miss him a lot. I wish that I was spending Thanksgiving with him. I'll ask Tanya if it would be alright if I invite Nick.


I spoke to Tanya and she said that it was ok that I invite Nick. So I called him up, and he's coming here!!! It'll be a good Thanksgiving after all.


Nov 21, 1999

I took Nick around and showed him the places where I used to go. I kissed him on the cheek. I think that I'm really falling for him. He's taking me to dinner tonight. I hope he kisses me.


Nov. 22, 1999

Nick took me to a fancy resturant last night. Then we went dancing. I had a lot of fun. He's so kind and gentle. Nick kissed me!!! Oh my whole body tingled when that happened. I think I'm truly in love with him. I can't wait til Christmas when we go to Mission Beach. I wonder if he wears Speedos...would look so hot. Rachel called last night she and Kat are having a good time at Disney Land. Derek is better so he's going to Napa Valley to the Convent to spend the holiday with Ingrid. we all have plans, which is good.
