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Derek Rayne's Journal Entry

November 15, 1999

I have an awful head cold...think it'll be a restless night for me. I hope I'm not getting the flu...don't want to be couped up in bed for a couple of days. I don't like it when people hover around me.

I have so much paper work to do and get ready for the annual Luna Foundation New Year's Eve bash. There's been so much talk about the lights going out and computers not working at the stroke of midnight. People have even built underground hiding places, stocking up on water, food and etc. What worries me the most, is what kind of evil forces that the Legacy will encounter in the next millennilum. My head hurts, and I'm feverish so I'll turn in now.

Derek Rayne


I just woke from the strangest dream...that tiny creatures in black hoods were all over the house and managed to locate the Sepulchers. The house was filled with such evil that the only way to stop it was to plant C4 every where. I hope it was just a nightmare due to the fever...can't sleep. I think I'll go down to the kitchen and make some tea.


I'm stuck in bed with the flu. Last night when I went into the kitchen, Alex was there drinking tea and eating cookies. She saw that I was sick, and she told me to go back up to bed...she'd fix my tea. I like doing things for myself, and I told her so in a not so nice way. She has been a good friend, and I shouldn't have treated her that way. I wanted to tell her about my dream...knew that she would understand. Rachel will be by later, I'll tell her about my dream. I would tell it to Nick, but he would make some wise crack like he usually does.

Derek Rayne


I'm still stuck in bed. Rachel came by the house yesturday and told me that I had to stay in bed for a week. She also told me that I couldn't do any work not even go over the reports that I need to fax over to London House. The one time that I was late faxing them over, Sloan gave me the biggest lecture. Even though we didn't see eye to eye on matters concerning the Legacy, I miss him. I haven't found away to get him out of the sepulchers.

I told Rachel about my dream about the hooded creatures taking the sepulchers and the house exploding. She looked at me as if I was nuts. I'm just afraid that something awful is going to happen at the stroke of Midnight New Year's Eve. Sometimes, I think that having the sight is a curse and other times, I think it's a blessing.

Derek Rayne

Nov 18, 1999

Being couped up, is starting to get to me not to mention that I can't do any work. I asked Nick to bring me my files, but he refused. When Alex came to check up on me, I asked her to bring them and she refused as well. I tried to get up to get some books from the library, but I too damn weak. I've been watching soaps, and I don't understand why women LOVE them so much. Sunset Beach is awful, but I like Passions for the supernatural element. I told that to Alex, and she got angry at me. Told me that Passions is the reason why her favorite soap Another World is no longer on the air...her and her grandmother would watch it together in the summer.

Derek Rayne


I did some work today. I forced Nick to bring me my files. He did put up a fight, but I told him that I wouldn't give him Christmas off if he didn't bring me my files. I think he has some feelings for Alex...think for a while now. He always has a smile on his face when her name is mentioned. I think that Nick and Alex would make a great couple. I need to get out more and date. Watching Megan die was horrible for me. Most of my relationships have failed due to working for The Legacy. I need to find some one who works in our organization...some one like Rachel. She hasn't had much luck with relationships since joining The Legacy. Maybe I'll ask her out on a date.

Derek Rayne

Nov 20, 1999

Alex is going to see her sister in New Orleans and, Nick will be going some place on his motor cycle. Rachel is taking Kat to Disneyland. I'll be alone in this big house. If only, Megan was here. It would be nice to have had the whole place to our self. I'm glad that the Legacy has finally sent Horton to hell. I still think something is going to happen on New Year's Eve. I still see those hooded creatures ranging war against the house. Rachel thinks that my visions are a little off due to me being sick.

Derek Rayne