The Unofficial Fan Site of The Real World's New Orleans' Season


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August 6th 2000

Ok, I do have a new poll up...I will have the episode summary up hopefully by the end of the day. Thanks to everybody who has showed me much love and support, and I promise in a few weeks, everything will be updated. For now, please take time to vote in the new poll, and please, if anybody has any new questions for the quiz, email them to me, or leave them on the message board. Speaking of message board: I have links to Jamie's interview on Insider Radio and to his web page. Thanks again to Laurence (ENZPYRE99) who emailed me the information about the interview.

July 22nd 2000

Check out the new quiz. Also, get a new email address through my page, sign up below!


Are you interested in seeing Real World's New Orleans' Matt's website?? Well, HERE IT IS.


I want to thank Kate Dowling AkA AuburnGirl for the following information she emailed me: Entertainment Tonight ran a piece on Julie. Apparently, her school, Brigham Young University, is trying to kick her out of school because they say she broke a lot of rules. Some of the kids who attend this school felt she should be kicked out. Entertainment Tonight interviewed a Dean and they have also interviewed Julie which should air sometime this week. So keep your eye out for that!! Thanx again, Kate!! Also, T.V Guide is featuring the New Orleans' cast on their cover this week. To read the article and see information about the cast click Here.

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