Links and more...
I love the Internet. Where else can you find such a wide array of information presented in so many wonderful ways?? ;)

Should you want to link to me...

Look, I'm obviously no fancy-schmancy leather-wearin' in the summertime WebPrincess, but I do find this lots of fun. If you'd care to link with me, save the banner below and put it on your website. This banner is in rotation on the Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange.

My banner:

When you've got me all linked up, send me your URL so I can link right back to you! =)

Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange

Tribe KiwiKewl

Pay homage to Renee O'Connor and become a member of the MacConnors at The Bard ROC Cafe.

Wanna see more of the fan fictions the Xenaverse has to offer? Check out The Ultimate Fan Fiction Directory.

The Regent of the Queen's Home Land - Xena Uber fiction for you Uber fans out there.

Nio did a montage for my episode in the Xena: Warrior Princess Virtual Season Seven. His website with his many wonderful wallpapers can be found here:

Nio's House of Walls
This is a great fan fiction site. I had asked the wonderful
Cindy to post all the stories here on this site when I
didn't think I could handle working on this site anymore,
but I'm back as much as possible with both sites
hosting my stories. Thank you Cindy!!

Xena Warrior Princess Virtual Season Seven

This is a wonderful fan-run effort to bring peace back to
the shattered Xenaverse after seeing the travesty of plagarism Rob Tapert calls a Finale.
The episodes, in script format, will follow the same airing schedule that Xena used.

Tom's Xena Page
Visit Tom's Xena Page

Blitzgal does the teaser adverts for the Xena: Warrior Princess Virtual Season Seven,
but she's also a master wallpaper-maker! Go get a Gab-paper. You know you want to... *g*


Halcyon Days

Buffy the Vampire Slayer links

Yes, you read that right, folks. Buffy the Vampire Slayer links...well, fan fiction and sites for Amber Benson (Tara) and Alyson Hannigan (Willow).

This is The AURYN's sister site...

Extra Flamey

Wiccan Ways

Stain and Varnish, a fan site for actress Amber Benson

The Alyson Hannigan Corner

Other Links...(things I find interesting...;)

What makes Magenta Magenta? Who is the woman behind the colourful screenname? If you find out, please let me know, too, but for now, here are the things that interest

I love NASA...I love space...if things had turned out differently, I might have been writing Xena fan fiction while on the ISS...

My screenname is Magenta, who is my favourite character in Rocky Horror.

Interchangable Parts a Rocky Horror cast based in St. Petersburg, Florida, near where I live


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on Earth.

The Official Website for Stevie Nicks

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