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Favorite Hunting Territories

Had enough? Ready to move on to bigger and better web pages? Here are some of my favorite foraging grounds. True, not all of them are Thundercats, but I have interests other than swooning over Tygra and Bengali. (Aww nuts, did that actually come out?)  Anyway, because I seem to be collecting a plethora of great links, I've subdivided my links section.  So click on a logo to go to a specific link page.

Updated 10/2/01
Strangely enough, on a page devoted to Thundercats, I have links to other pages devoted to Thundercats.  Funny how that works out.  What a strange world.  Anyway, click on the logo to find all the other great Thundercat sites out there!

Yes, that's right, Tolkien.  I like the LOTR.  So sue me.  Here are some good pages on the books as well as on the upcoming movie!  Follow the ring into sites of fantasy and the immortal world of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Dinosaucers was my second favorite cartoon when growing up, Thundercats was number one, but Beast Wars is closing the gap quickly on Dinosaucers.  (At least, I think I'm still growing up.  You're still growing up in your 20s, aren't you?)  I don't visit Beast Wars pages that often and I can only find a couple Dinosaucer pages, so I've put links to both subjects up on the same page.

I had to throw in a link for me. ;)  Anyway, for those of you who are completely in the dark, the tiger is an endangered animal and extinction is not far away for some subspecies.  So if you'd like to know more about the beautiful tiger (I've never been one for modesty) click on the siberian above and follow the links to learn what you can to do help.

Actually, I think I'll stay at this site a little longer.  Take me back.