Welcome to the revised Charmed- A Site For YOU!! This site will hopefully be much better and more interractive than my old one. As you can tell, this is a site all about the TV show Charmed, just for you! Hopefully, you will send in some of your ideas, stories, etc. about Charmed and I will put it up on my site!!
Charmed is about three magikal sisters, Prue, Piper, and Pheobe Halliwell (and soon to be Paige) and how they manage to life a normal life around their magikal powers: Prue- the power to move things with her mind and astrial project; Piper- the power to freeze time; and Pheobe- the power to have premonitions and levitate. Together, they make up the Power of Three, the most powerful force in the paranormal world.
**Disclaimer: All of the pics on here are ones I have collected over the net. If any of them are yours and you want me to remove them from my site, please email me at btvs416@yahoo.com and I will gladly take them off!**
Second Disclaimer: This is just a fan site added to by many Charmed Fans becuase we love the show so much.... So please don't sue us! :)
This site is dedicated to Shannen, Holly, Alyssa, Julian, Dorian, Brian, Rose, and everyone else who works to bring Charmed to us each week... I hope that I did you proud with this site!
Places To Go Here:
Charmed Fan Fiction
Favorite Quotes
Episode Reviews
Charmed Show Review
Episode Surveys
Character Summaries and Surveys
Cast Bios
Show and Cast News
Charmed Surveys
Charming Spells
Other Great Charmed Sites
Basically Charmed Quizes
Charmed Central
Charmed Dreamer
Charmed Forever
Charmed Interactive
Charmed Media
Charmed Ones!
Charmed Shrine
Charmed Sistas!
Charmed Sisters
Charmed The Power of Three
Charmed Weekly
Charmed Rocks
Charming World
Rex's Charmed Obsessed Fan Coven
Smalldevil's Coven
Spellbound- Charmed Scripts
The Charmed Domain
Totally Charmed
Witchy Sisters