"Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It’s harsh and cruel. ~ We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be. ~ Angel
"Back off polygrip! You think you're bad? All mean and haunty? Picking on poor, pathetic Cordy. Well, get ready to haul your wrinkly, translucent ass out of the place. Cause the bitch is back!" Cordelia
"This one is willing to sacrifice every drop of human happiness and love he has ever known for another. He is NOT a lower being." The female oracle .
Cordelia: I learned something, too. I learned, um, men are evil? Oh wait, I knew that. I learned that LA is full of self-serving phonies. No, had that one down, too. Ahh...sex is bad?
Angel: We all knew that.
Cordelia: Okay. I learned that I have two people I trust absolutely with my life. And that part's new.
Buffy: You hit me!
Angel: Not to go all schoolyard on you, but you hit me first.
Personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon.