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Laura & Scotty go to the Lodge for dinner
On the way home, the car breaks down & won't start again (Luke has tampered with it)
Laura & Scotty have to walk back to the lodge
Laura & Scotty come back to the lodge.. their car died on them two miles from the lodge
Laura is worried that she'll miss her curfew
Luke is sitting in the lodge watching Laura & Scotty
Monica's Dinner Party (w/ Rick, Lesley, Lee, Gail, Tracy, & Mitch)
Scotty calls for a tow truck
Laura calls Monica's looking for Lesley & Rick
Luke calls Mr Higgens & tells him that Laura is at the lodge (& then he leaves)
Laura tells Rick what happened
Lesley & Rick head for the Lodge
Mitch says he'll explain what happened to Judge Stalman & Higgens tomorrow morning
Luke fixes the car so it will work (An adlib... not Bobbie's idea)
Laura is so worried about what will happen to her for missing her curfew
Rick & Lesley arrive at the Lodge (Lesley feels bad when the one Laura runs to is Rick)
Laura, Rick, & Lesley are about to leave the Lodge when...
Mr Higgens arrives at the Lodge
Scotty tries to explain what happened to Higgens
Bobbie comes to see Luke (He tells her what happened & about his adlib on the engine)
Luke also called & told the garage that he was Scotty & to cancel the tow truck
Higgens tells them that he got an annonymous tip (Lra wonders if it was a girl that called)
The Desk clerk mentions to Higgens that he was just about to give Scotty's room away
The Desk clerk tells Scotty that the garage said he cancelled the tow truck
Higgens asks Scotty about making a reservation for a room at the lodge
Scotty says he didn't
Higgens wants to go to the car & see if it works (Scotty & he leave for the car)
Luke & Bobbie discuss Jamison
Scotty insists the car won't work... Scotty tries the car... IT STARTS!!
Scotty tells Lee about how the car started up fine & how Higgens was there
Higgens, on the phone (as Lra listens in on the extension), tells Rick that if someone doesn't
.......come up with a very good explanation for what went on at the lodge, Judge Stalman is
.......gonna have very serious reservations about letting Laura remain in their custody
Heather wants to have a nice house of their own (Jeff says they can't afford it)
Jeff & Heather argue over Jamison (Heather doesn't want Jeff to meet with him)
Jamison calls Bobbie again & wants to know where the money is
Jamison says Bobbie can pay it off in installments (Part of it must be sent "TODAY")
Jeff asks Heather why she didn't give him the message from Jasmison (that Bobbie took)
Heather says she never got that message from Bobbie
Heather slips the message from Jamison back into the stack at the Nurses station
Scotty is worried about what's gonna happen to Laura
Scotty & Lee go over what happened
Bobbie asks Dan if she can borrow $100 for her "sister Pat who is in trouble"
Higgens talks with Scotty & Lee (Lee tells Higgens that he is sure it was a set up)
Higgens says there's a good chance the Judge will send Laura to reform school
[Bobbie is the Top Student in Audrey's Nurses classes]
Bobbie calls & thanks Luke again for what he did last night
Jeff asks Bobbie about the Jamison message again & tells her Heather said she didnt get it
Jeff finds the message in the message file (Bobbie can't understand how it's in there)
Tracy keeps trying to find out if Monica is pregnant (Alan plays like she is... to tease Tracy)
A long distance call comes in for Jeff
An informal meeting has been set up between Laura & Judge Stahlman
Mitch is trying to track Jamison down through the phone records
Heather taunts Susan about her divorce infront of Mitch
Jeff is furious with Heather for how she acted
Heather tells Susan that if she she better get Mitch off the Jamison track, or else
Alan & Monica continue to tease Tracy with signs that Monica is pregnant
Luke tells Bobbie that he's got a new job as Manager of the new Disco
Bobbie shows Luke some pictures that Jamison sent of her in Jacksonville
Bobbie sent $100 to Jamison
Mitch calls & asks a friend to find out about Susan's divorce for him
Laura is so nervous about the meeting with the judge
Lee tells Lra that he thinks the Judge will send her to reform school if he doesn't believer her
Lee offers to go with Laura before the Judge
Susan says she's gonna find out why Heather is so terrified of Jamison & even the score
Bobbie pretends to be nice to Laura infront of Scotty
Lesley is busy again in the clinic
Laura has a session with Peter
Peter says Laura's two big problems are her defensiveness & her inability to trust
Peter gets angry at Laura for being evasive
Laura says she won't trust her parents because she can't trust herself
Laura says she knows she's capable of terrible things (Like killing a man)
Laura blurts out that she lied about her memory block even after she regained her memory
Peter realizes that Laura regained her memory the day Rick gave her the adoption papers
Peter says this is a big step
Peter says that he's gonna help Laura be ready to one day tell Lesley the truth
Scotty tells Lee that he loves Laura & wants to spend the rest of his life with her
Lesley, Rick, & Lee talk with Judge Stahlman (Speak on Laura's behalf)
Laura & Scotty talk with Judge Stalman
Laura (by herself) talks to Judge Stalman
Judge Stahlman says he's made his decision (& hopes Lra understands the reasons for it)
Laura tries to persuade Judge Stahlman that she's not lying
Judge Stahlman tells Laura that Mr Higgens believes her
Judge Stahlman tells Laura he's gonna give her one more chance
Lesley is upset that Laura only wants to hold on to Scotty at this moment
Heather tells Alice what she heard about Susan's divorce - Susan was having an affair
Laura tells Scotty that she thinks Bobbie is involved in the Lodge fiasco
Rick advises Scotty & Laura not to get too emotionally involved right now
Bobbie overhears that the Judge believed Laura
Bobbie calls Luke & tells him it didn't work
Bobbie says she's not giving up & that she has a new fullproof plan
Rick talks of having a family of their own
Laura says she's afraid Rick & Les will convince Scotty that she's a child (He says no way)
Mitch's friend comes through on the report on Susan's divorce (He's sending it)
Tommy is upset that he never gets to see Jeff anymore
Steve & Audrey plan to have their Christmas Open House "just before the Xmas weekend"
Jessie wonders what is frightening Bobbie so much... says she'd love to meet Luke
Bobbie wonders why Jamison's call is so important to Jeff
Jessie gives Bobbie a letter delivered from the "other" Mr Jamison
Bobbie reads the letter (Says she still owes $400 & that he's coming to PC)
Jamison wants the rest of the money when her arrives in PC in the next few days
Alan & Monica keep teasing Tracy about a "secret"
Jamison calls Jeff & tells him he'll meet with him "tomorrow" (Have the money ready)
Board Meeting is called short due to Beatrice Hewitt getting the news that her son
.......Craig & his wife's private plane crashed in England & they are in the hospital
.......(She is glad her grandson Jeremy wasn't with them)
Beatrice leaves for England
Monica tells Scotty to trust his instincts when it comes to his feelings for Laura
Bobbie talks to Heather about giving her the Jamison message (Heath says she didn't give it to her)
Heather hears Jeff (on the phone) tell Susan that Jamison is coming to PC tomorrow
Rick wants to invite Alan, Monica, Jeff, & Heather over for dinner, but Lesley balks at the idea
Rick & Lesley fight about it (Lesley wonders why they can't just spend the evening alone together)
Lesley agrees to the dinner
Rick wonders when Lesley will be ready to set up a meeting with the board to discuss her contract
Lesley says she needs to have the strength to get up infront of them & ask for forgiveness
Heather is frantic that all her lies are going to be revealed (Due to Jamison)
Scotty meets Laura in the park after school (As he does everyday)
Scotty & Laura express their desire to have a future together (Can't imagine one apart)
Coleen stops by to say hello to Bobbie (Jessie is there)... Bobbie tries to brush her off again
Bobbie tells Jessie that all she wants to do is forget all about Elm Street & the past
Jessie says that she shouldn't be ashamed of the past, but should use it as a springboard
Luke comes to see Bobbie at the hospital (Bobbie tells him to leave before someone sees him)
Luke runs right into Scotty & Laura as he is leaving (They don't recognize him)
Rick & Monica decide to help each other Xmas shop by going shopping together one day
Lesley walks into the Cafeteria & sees Rick & Monica talking & has [Flashbacks] of R&M together
Jeff fills Mitch in on the Jamison meeting to take place tomorrow
Mitch says he'll wait 20 to 30 minutes for Jeff to talk to Jamison before he moves in w/ the police
Bobbie meets with Luke & asks him to loan her the $400 for tomorrow (L says he doesn't have it)
[Laura's 17th Birthday is "next week"] - [Same night as the Hardy's Open House Party]
Jeff & Heather arrive at the Webber's (Jeff looks forward to tomorrow & knowing where SLars is)
Laura thinks of her parents house as a prison & can't wait to get out (She tells Scotty)
Dinner party at the Webber's (Alan & Monica are there)
Rick & Monica wisper about Xmas presents & Lesley can't stop looking at them
Alan asks if Rick & Les are gonna have kids... Les gets flustered & drops & breaks her crystal glass
Alan asks Rick to give Edward a physical when he comes to visit for Chirstmas
Laura notices Lesley watching Rick & Monica
Scotty tells Lee that he is REALLY in love with Laura... He asks "what do I do next?"
Jamison gives his sister in law a book with info... If anything happens to him, she is to burn it
Jamison leaves for Port Charles
Heather is nervous about Jeff meeting with Jamison
Alice tells Heather that if Jamison tells Jeff about StvLars being alive... She should
.......just deny any knowledge of it
Jeff waits for Jamison to call
Jamison calls Bobbie (She says she has the money) & they plan to meet at the park in 15 min
Jamison says after this transaction, she'll never hear from him again
Heather asks Susan what has been planned (Police wise) for the Jamison meeting
Heather forces Susan to find out (From Mitch) when the meeting is gonna take place
Jamison decides to meet Bobbie infront of the Hospital
Bobbie gives Jamison the rest of the money ($400)... Jamison gives her the pictures & letters
Jamison says this WON'T be the last time she hears from him (She kind of insulted him)
Jeff calls home looking for Heather... Alice answers... Heather's not there
Luke tells Bobbie she blew it by insulting Jamison & telling him she knew he was a wanted man
Bobbie saved all the money she made in Jacksonville & used it to pay for Nursing School
Jamison calls Jeff (Tells him he's got a gun & won't hesitate to use it if necessary)
Jamison tells Jeff where he wants to meet
Steve wants Jeff to leave the police out of it... but Jeff says no
Jeff is gonna meet Jamison on the old Pier at the Harbor (with the Amusement Park)
Jeff tries to call Mitch... can't get ahold of him.. so he calls Susan (Heather is right there)
Jeff tells Susan where the meeting is taking place so she can tell Mitch
Heather forces Susan to tell her where the meeting is
Luke oberves how Heather & Susan seem to be aggitated... He connects it to Jamison
Luke says Bobbie needs to get something on Jamison to use against him
Luke doesn't understand how Bobbie doesn't want revenge on Jamison
Susan tries to get ahold of Mitch
Jeff leaves the Hospital for the Pier
Bobbie thanks Dan for giving her the $400 (He thinks it's for her Sister)
Jamison is waiting on the Pier [Location Footage]
Heather runs up to Jamison (He doesn't know who she is) & warns him that he's walking
.......into a trap & that Mitch Williams & the Police have the whole place staked out
Heather tells Jamison he better leave
Too late... Jeff approaches down the Pier
Scotty & Laura bump into Mr Higgens in the park
Heather tells Jamison to run (He does) [Location Footage on the Pier]
Heather climbs over the side of the Pier
Jamison runs right past Jeff.. Jeff runs after him, but falls down
Jamison runs onto a Carousel... Jeff follows
Jeff almost catches Jamison as he pulls a gun on Jeff
Jeff says he has the $5,000 & wants the info on Steven Lars... Jamison says he gets nothing!
Jamison drives off... Jeff keeps yelling "I want the information"
Heather climbs down the side pillars of the Pier
Jeff looks over at the water as Heather is holding on right beneath him
Bobbie tells Scotty she bought him a Xmas present & says he should come over one night to get it
Bobbie asks Luke to help her pick out a present for Scotty
Luke says he hasn't heard from her for a year & now all of a sudden they're Siamese Twins
Luke says give up on Laura Webber... Bobbie says no way... She has another plan
Mitch & the Police arrive at the Pier & ask Jeff where Jamison is
Jeff says someone or something scared him off
Heather climbs down the rest of the way
Jeff & the Police drive off
Heather runs away down the beach... Gets pains in her stomach
Mitch wonders (To Susan) who could have tipped Jamison off
Heather comes home... She is NOT in good shape (She takes her sandfilled clothes off)
Heather has sharp abdominal pains... Tries to get to the phone, but ...
Heather collapses to the floor
Alice calls Susan & then Laura (at the Hospial Book Room) looking for Heather
Mr Higgens comes to see Laura (He's impressed with Laura's positive attitude)
Scotty tells Laura that he doesn't think of himself as one person anymore... now he thinks
.......about the both of them.... Laura says she knows what he means
Laura suddenly reverts bavk to her guilt about the David affair... says how can Scty trust her?
Scotty wants to know when she's gonna accept the fact that he DOES trust her
Scotty doesn't think that this Laura that he knows was EVER touched by David (So to speak)
Scotty tells Laura he loves her for the first time (Laura is so happy & cries)
Heather lays on the floor mumbling in unconsciousness (As the phone is off the hook)
Jeff mentions a lawyer named Wallace (in NY) maybe being involved... which would mean
.......that StevLars could have been dealt through a black market ring... but Jeff doesn't know
.......his first name
Susan says she saw his name on a letter head... but can't think of his first name right now
Heather is out cold on the floor
Everyone is trying to call Heather, but the line is busy
Heather gets up & starts to phone for help, but has a sharp pain & collapses again
Tracy convinces Edward (& Lila) to come to Port Charles for Christmas
Monica, again, teases Tracy about her "surprise" (Alan comes in & plays along)
Rick & Monica go Christmas shopping at Wyndhams
Lesley & Coleen decide to go Christmas shopping at Wyndhams
Tracy continues to try & get Mitch for herself (& away from Susan)
Tracy keeps telling Mitch that she has connections that could help his career
Tracy invites Mitch to her Hospital Christmas party (ie... would be good for his image)
Dan continues to pester Jessie about marriage
Rick & Monica stop for a drink after shopping
Lesley & Coleen come into the bar & see Rick & Monica
Lesley pretends not to be bothered by it
Mitch asks Tracy if she is serious about contesting her Grandfather's trust fund
Tracy wants to wait & see what Alan & Monica's "surprise" is first
Rick comes home & drives Alice over to Heather's
Rick & Alice find Heather on the floor (Rick calls for an ambulance) (Signs of bleeding)
Jeff, Rick, & Alice wait outside Heather's hospital room (Gina attends to Heather)
Jeff blames himself (& the Jamison situation)
Gina says Heather's bleeding was not caused by emotional strain... but by physical exertion
As Jeff visits with Heather... She mumbles... "Cal Jamison... Steven Lars... PJ... Don't take my baby"
Steve worries about his unborn "grandson"
Mrs Hewitt's daugher in law died & her son is in critical condition & not expected to live
Scotty tells Lee how he & Laura feel about each other
[Laura says she never really liked having her birthday so close to Christmas]
Lesley tells Lra that she's grown up so much (She's more considerate of other people's feelings)
Laura tells Lesley that Scotty thinks she's special even with all that happened with David
Jeff contiues to blame himself for Heather's problems
[Flashbacks] Heather remembers warning Jamison on the Pier
Heather starts to hemorrhage & they take her in to surgery
Lesley asks Scotty to be at home with Laura when the Christmas tree is delivered
Gina tells Jeff that Heather lost the baby (Heather will be ok)
Heather learns she lost the baby
Laura & Scotty decorate the Christmas Tree
Laura asks Scotty to put her Star on top of the tree ("I remember every Xmas when I was a little
.......girl... and I would just stare at the star for hours... I made a wish, every year it was the same")
Laura makes her wish on the star
Scotty asks Laura to marry him (After he gets out of law school in June)
Laura says YES!!! (Laura looks up at her star & says "My wish came true... It's what I wished for")
Jeff visits with Heather
Heather keeps saying she broke her promise to Jeff (To give him a son)
Jeff says they'll have chances for lots of kids
Scotty tells Brian that he proposed to Laura & says he wants to give her a ring on her Birthday
Scotty calls Monica & asks her to help him pick out "something special" for Laura
Bobbie calls Luke about going shopping with her to pick out a present for Scotty
Gina tells Gary that there may be a good chance that Heather won't be able to have any more kids
Bobbie was the number one student in Mrs Hardy's Nursing Classes for the Fall/Winter term
Bobbie meets up with Luke & hurries him to come with her
Scotty & Monica look at rings (Mon says "you could have warned me you were getting an engag ring")
Bobbie sees Scotty & Monica looking at rings through the store window
Heather tells Alice what happened that day on the Pier with Jamison [Flashbacks]
Heather asks Gina when it will be safe for her to have another baby (Gina says tests are needed)
Bobbie shows Lee the wallet she bought Scotty for Christmas
Scotty & Laura plan to talk to Rick & Lesley (tomorrow on Laura's birthday) about getting married
Lee tells Scotty that he thinks Scotty is making a terrible mistake by getting engaged so soon
Scotty tells Lee he already proposed & that Laura accepted
Lee says be ready for Rick & Lesley to opose it
Bobbie asks if Luke got her the "Imformation" she wanted... and Luke says "this guy will see you" & that he'll drive her there... and that "this guy is on the shady side of the law, but he'll
.......gve you what you want... for a price!"
Bobbie says she is now looking forward to Christmas... They both laugh

Just before Christmas
Rick & Lesley discuss things (Lesley thinks Rick finds excuses to keep from being alone with her)
Rick tells Lesley to grow up & handle her insecurities
Laura's 17th Birthday (This is Christmas Eve it seems)
Laura says "That's my star" (on the Christmas tree)
Bobbie says she has a special present for Scotty
Dan comes in dressed as Santa
Heather has just lost her baby
Laura & Scotty plan to talk to Rick & Lesley TONIGHT about getting married
Bobbie just went to her family Doctor for a "check up" yesterday
Heather is still in the Hospital
Mrs Hewitt is in London & plans on bringing her Grandson back to Port Charles
Lesley brings up talking to a marriage councelor with Rick
Scotty goes to see Bobbie
Bobbie tells Scotty that she's pregnant
Chrismas Open House Party at the Hardy's
Scotty calls & tells Laura to go ahead to the party
Everyone sings Christmas Carols at the Party
Laura is sad that Scotty's not there
Christmas Day
Laura couldn't sleep all night wondering what was the matter with Scotty
Scotty & Bobbie continue to discuss the situation
Bobbie says she must have gotten pregnant that last night they spent together
Scotty says he needs to think about what he's gonna do
Scotty tells Lee that Bobbie is pregnant
Scotty tells Laura he needs to see her
Rick refuses to see a marriage councelor
Scotty tells Laura that Bobbie is pregnant
Laura learns that Scotty slept with Bobbie that last night
Laura says she "wasn't meant to be happy"
Laura says her first mistake was trusting Scotty
Laura runs off
Christmas Party for the kids
Alan gives Monica the deed for the house she loves (Will be ready in a few months)
Mrs Hewitt & Jeremy (her Grandson) spend Christmas with the Hardy's
Bobbie goes to see Luke & tells him the plan is working
Laura comes home & wants to be alone
Bobbie & Luke celebrate (Mention that Bobbie isn't really pregnant)
Alan & Monica tell Tracy that they've been pretending that Monica might be pregnant
Bobbie suggests the only thing they can do is get married & give the baby a name &
.......then get divorced later
[Flashback] Scotty remembers Laura wishing on her Christmas star & asking her to
.......marry him & how she said her wish came true
Scotty tells Lee about the marrying Bobbie idea
[Flashback] Jeff tells Heather what happened that day on the Pier with Jamison
Jessie wonders why Scotty is so upset
Lesley & Rick wonder what's wrong with Laura & Scotty
Rick still refuses to see a marriage councelor
Lee wonders if maybe Bobbie is lying
Heather wants her Mom to tell Mr Wallace (the man who arranged the death/adoption)
.......about Jamison contacting Jeff again
Scotty goes to see Laura (Tries to explain things to her)
Laura throws Scotty out
Scotty tells Bobbie he wants to go to her Dr so he can hear the whole story from him
Bobbie is furious that Scotty thinks she's lying
Scotty insists on seeing Bobbie's Dr
Laura blames Dr Taylor for telling her to trust people
Laura says David was right... You can only trust yourself
Susan tells Jeff she remembered Wallace's 1st name (Frank)
Laura tells Dr Taylor about the Bobbie/Scotty situation
Peter tells Laura to stand by Scotty
Tracy tries to convince Edward that she's as capable as any man in ELQ
Laura confronts Bobbie & tells her she won't keep her (Lra) & Scotty apart
Jeff calls Mr Wallace about Jamison
Laura goes to Scotty & apologizes & tells him she wants to help him through this
Bobbie tells Luke she needs Dr Haines to tell Scotty she's pregnant
Luke says if she pays Haines $25 he'll do anything
Bobbie & Scotty go to see Dr Haines (He goes along with the pregnancy story)
Tracy & Mitch discuss ways to bolster his career for the November Election
Dinner party at the Webber's (With Caleen & the Q's - Alan, Mon, Edw, & Lila)
Dan takes Jessie out to a romantic dinner (Dan keeps talking about marriage)

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