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Luke & Bobbie discuss her marrying Scotty (Toast to the smartness of the Spencers)
Scotty tells Lee he plans to marry Bobbie (for 9, 10 months) to give the baby a name
Susan tells Heather she thinks she tipped Jamison off that day on the Pier
Scotty tells Gail all about the Bobbie situation
Luke talks of people wanting protection money out of the Disco (Just a mention of)
Jeff hears Heather mumbling Jamison's name in her sleep
Steve wants Lesley to talk to the board about getting her on contract again (Les says not yet)
Gary & Tracy discuss the book he's writing
Monica gets embarrassed when Rick walks in on her & Alan kissing (She wonders why)
Laura tries to pretend to Scotty that she doesn't care that he's gonna marry Bobbie
Steve asks Jeff to take a look at Mrs Hewitt (She feels a little sick)
Laura tells Monica about the Scotty/Bobbie situation
Lesley walks in & sees Monica hugging Laura & Laura telling Monica that she was
.......the only person she could tell this to (This upsets Lesley)
Laura sees Bobbie introduce Scotty to Luke (This upsets her & she disappears)
Laura is late for her curfew (Mr Higgens is at the Webbers)
Rick goes to look for Laura (As Scotty, Lesley, & Mr Higgens wait)
Laura comes home
Lee is starting to not feel so well
Laura explains things to Mr Higgens (He says he won't have to report this)
Scotty tells Laura that he told her parents all about the Bobbie situation
[Flashback] Alice remembers Gina telling Heather she shouldn't have any more children
Scotty tells Lee & Gail he plans to marry Bobbie in Canada
Lesley & Laura discuss Scotty & the situation (Lesley was Laura's age when she got pregnant)
Lesley tells Laura to fight for Scotty (Laura says it's the 1st time she's felt so close to Lesley)
Mitch is angry at Susan for lying to him about her divorce
Mitch dumps Susan & calls Tracy (She toys with him)
Scotty tells Bobbie to ask Mrs Hardy for some time off, so they can go to Canada
Scotty tells Bryan about marrying Bobbie
Lesley thinks Bobbie is faking her pregnancy
Heather is worried Jeff will find the clothes she wore the day she met Jamison on the Pier
Heather calls Alice to get the clothes out of her apartment (Susan insists on going along)
Jeremy is staying with the Hardy's while Mrs Hewitt feels sick
Diana brings PJ to see Heather in the Hospital
Alice puts Heather's coat & boots in a bag
Susan finds some pants with sand on them (& hides them in her purse) & sees mud on the floor
Susan vows to ruin Heather's relationship with Jeff (She thinks Heather blabbed to Mitch)
Lesley talks to Peter about Laura
Lesley tells Scotty that he should make Bobbie take another pregnancy test
Bobbie is so excited
Scotty talks to Gina about getting Bobbie to take another pregnancy test
Susan confronts Heather about how Mitch found out about her divorce (Heather denies telling him)
Audrey visits Mrs Hewitt (She thinks Mrs Hewitt should go to the Hospital for another check up)
Scotty tells Bobbie he wants her to see Gina & have another pregnancy test or he won't marry her
Susan tries to explain things to Mitch (Tells her to get lost)
Bobbie goes to see Luke for help (He comes up with a plan)
Heather decides she needs to get their baby (Stev. Lars) back for Jeff w/o him finding out the truth
Gail thinks Lee doesn't look so well
Bobbie tells Scotty she will go see Gina
Mrs Hewitt comes to the Hospital for another check up (101 Temp, scratchy throat, back pains)
Luke & Bobbie overhear a patient insist to Gina that she must be pregnant again
Luke tells Bobbie that all she needs to do is switch her test with that lady's
Mitch tells Jeff about some papers of Jamison's that were found
Luke meets Dan
Mitch sees Bobbie's name on Jamison's paper (With "$500" next to her name)
Bobbie goes to see Gina
Jeff gives Jeremy a tour of the Hospital Lab (He meets Lester the Lab Tech)
Jeff is puzzled by Mrs Hewitt's test results
Luke sees Lesley about his arm (She looks at his stitches)
Bobbie switches the blood samples
Steve decides to put Mrs Hewitt into isolation as a precaution (They're baffled by her test results)
Gina wants Heather to tell Jeff about her kidney condition (& how she shouldn't have any more kids)
Lesley tells Steve & Jeff about some patients she had in the clinic (Have similar symptoms)
Gina calls & tells Bobbie & Scotty that she's got the test results
Bobbie & Scotty head up towards Gina's office
Gina tells Bobbie & Scotty that Bobbie's test results came back positive
Scotty is devastated
Mrs. Hewitt is in the hospital (they don't know what she's got)
Jeremy is staying with the Hardy's (his parents just died & his grandma is in hospital)
Laura is upset about Scotty having to marry Bobbie
Heather has just miscarried
Tracy mentions Mitch running for State Senate
Scotty & Bobbie prepare to leave for Canada
Scotty brings Lee to the hospital (Lee has the same symptoms as Mrs Hewitt)
Gina wants Bobbie to take another pregnancy test
Tracy mentions her son's name (Ned Simpson) reverts to Quartermaine after each divorce
Lesley, Scotty, & Gina discuss Bobbie maybe faking the pregnancy test
Scotty makes Bobbie take another pregnancy test
Scotty & Gail worry about Lee
Bobbie goes to see Luke about helping her out of this mess
GH Lab Technician gets the symptoms (of the disease)
Scotty learns that Bobbie isn't pregnant & that she's been lying
Scotty tells Laura the good news
Scotty tells off Bobbie for what she did
GH Kitchen worker comes down with the same symptoms
Bobbie tells Luke what happened
Mitch Williams wants to come over & ask Bobbie some questions
Mitch Williams comes to see Bobbie
Mitch asks Bobbie about her connection to Cal Jamison
Mitch Williams wants to come over & ask Bobbie some questions
Mitch Williams comes to see Bobbie
Mitch asks Bobbie about her connection to Cal Jamison
Mrs Hewitt grows worse & worse (her blood won't coagulate)
Laura is worried about the talk they're all four gonna have about her marrying Scotty
Health Department refuses to go public about the disease
GH is made the Center for the Disease treatment
Jeremy sneaks up to see his Grandmother in Isolation
Jeremy mentions that his Grandmother reminds him of the sick people he saw in Africa
Day of Laura's last High School Exam
Lee's temperature is up to 102 Degrees (Mrs Hewitt is now in critical condition)
Laura finishes her last High School Exam
Announcement about the disease symptoms is made (so says Alice & Diana)
Heather is set on getting "PJ" (Steven Lars) back for her & Jeff
News on the disease from the Atlanta Disease Center is awaited for
Edward has a heart irregularity
Jamison calls Bobbie & wants another $500
Luke pretends to be Mitch Williams & tells Jamison to leave Bobbie alone
Anne recognizes the symptoms
Anne tells Steve & Jeff that the symptoms are the same as Lassa Fever
.......(She caught Lassa Fever when she was in Nigeria)
Tracy sleeps with Mitch for the first time
Mrs Hewitt goes into shock & dies
Rick & Lesley argue about their marriage & Monica (Rick goes back to GH)
All visitors are told to leave GH
Lee looks to be going into the final stage of the disease
Anne mentions the only known cure for Lassa Fever is a Transfusion of plasma from a survivor
Anne offers her plasma for Lee
Atlanta confirms to Steve that it is Lassa Fever
Steve announces that GH is to be put into immediate & strict QUARANTINE
Everyone in the hospital is told they can't leave
Streets of Port Charles are almost deserted
GH is in full swing of disease treatment
Search for the Carrier of the disease is under way
Laura past her Exams (Supposed to start College next week)
Lee is improving & is going to make it (Thanks to the Plasma from Anne)
GH is running out of plasma to use against the disease
Cal Jamison calls Heather
Anne says some people are born with an immunity to Lassa Lever
GH is waiting for more plasma to be delivered
Laura is still worried that Rick won't let her marry Scotty
Luke puts an add in the paper to bring people into the disco despite the Epidemic
Plasma supply has run out (New plasma has been delayed on route)
Diana invites Jeremy & Tommy to come over for a visit
Monica's feelings for Rick are driving her crazy (She tells Gail)
There have been over 50 deaths
Bobbie is freaking out working around people with Lassa Fever
.......(She works with Lesley at the Emergency Detection Center)
Shipments of plasma have arrived
Search for the carrier is still underway
421 cases being treated at GH -- 79 deaths -- so far
The Epidemic seems to be on the decline
Rick & Lesley talk on the phone (They both apologize)
Mitch & Tracy walk down a PC street [Location Footage] - Streets are EMPTY
Laura continues to worry that Rick won't let her marry Scotty
Luke & Bobbie discuss the Epidemic (Bobbie says she's gonna get back at Scotty & Laura)
Jeremy & Tommy go to stay with the Taylors
Diana drinks from Jeremy's cup by mistake
Mitch Williams has made an announcement that the danger is over (Doctor's are FURIOUS)
Laura says it was Lesley's fault that she had the affair with David
Lesley wants to know why Laura resents her so much
Laura tells Lesley that it was her (Lesley) that David wanted all along
Lesley goes to one of her group therapy sessions
No new cases of Lassa Fever reported in the last 36 hours
New cases of Lassa Fever are reported
Luke is thrilled that people are back in the Disco
Bobbie goes wacko & tells Luke to "give me some money so I can get out of here" (due to Lassa)
Laura wants to work at the Campus Detection Center
Diana wants Jeremy & Tommy to stay with them till the carrier is found
Bobbie says she's gonna break up Laura & Scotty if it's the last thing she does
Luke's chef feels bad & wants to go home... Luke won't let him
Luke's chef collapses & Bobbie says he's got Lassa Fever
Luke says he can't let anyone know... They'll close him down
Lesley tells Laura how she really feels
.......(How she resents her for all her problems due to her protecting Laura)
Lesley says they both, from now on, have to be honest with each other
Blizzard could delay shipment of more plasma
Luke takes the sick Chef to his (the Chef's) room (Luke won't let Bobbie call a Doctor)
Sick Chef packs a suitcase
Bobbie calls & tells Mitch Williams where to find the sick Chef (thinks he might be the carrier)
Sick Chef says he "has to get back home" & leaves with a suitcase
Audrey hopes one day Steve will telll Jeff the truth... Steve says NO, that would be selfish
New shipment of plasma was able to get through
Search for the Carrier continues
Sick Chef tries to go to train station to leave town [Location Footage], but learns everyone has be interviewed (He runs off)
Jamison calls Bobbie & tells her her payment was $300 short
Jamison says he'll be in PC soon to get the rest of the money
Luke says he'll let Bobbie borrow the money (since she's keeping quiet about the chef... so he thinks)
Sick Chef goes to the Freight Train Yard [Location Footage] & climbs on top of a train
Mitch learns the Chef headed for the freight trains (They think he's the Carrier)
Dan calls Bobbie & tells her that Chris (her hospital friend) has Lassa Fever
Mitch & the police converge on the Train Yard & find the Chef
Everyone thinks Mitch has found the Carrier
Doctors realize the Chef is NOT the Carrier
Dr Taylor thinks Laura should tell Scotty about her memory block secret as well as Lesley
Everyone is angry with Mitch for jumping the gun with his "I found the Carrier" statement
The Virus is completely out of Lee's system (He's now immune to Lassa Fever)
Laura was supposed to start College "today", but classes were cancelled
Lesley says Laura can volunteer at the Camus Detection Center
The Disco was just shut down due to the sick Chef
Bobbie & Luke talk about Luke mentioning Jamison to Mitch Williams
Luke wants to get his hands on whoever told the Authorities about the sick Chef
Laura passes out flyers at school [Location Footage] about the Epidemic
Lesley picks up Laura [Location Footage] from school
Lesley & Laura get gas [Location Footage] - Lesley's friend ("Spence") from therapy pumps the gas
Lesley goes to another Group Therapy Session
Steve realizes he has Lassa Fever (He tells Jeff) (He's in the 2nd stage of the disease)
Lra tells Scotty she faked her memory loss during Les' trial (after she remembered what happened)
Steve refuses to be treated specially (Won't take plasma away from others in further stages)
Steve tells Audrey the news
Jamison called asking for Peter, but he wasn't home
Diana is worried about PJ's temperature being up
Jeff tells Rick & Monica about Steve
Anne tells Diana about Steve
Steve orders that he have NO plasma until AFTER every other patient has
Monica starts to freak out about giving up/there's no hope - Rick slaps her
New shipment of Plasma is delayed due to blizzard
Rick tells Lesley about Steve
Jamison tries to call Peter again
Dan tells Bobbie about Steve
Bobbie is scared to death she'll get Lassa Fever from working at the Detection Center
Bobbie makes an excuse not to go into work at the Center today
Luke tells Bobbie if he finds out that she told Mitch about the Chef that she'll be sorry
Patient talks to Anne about Jeremy & all his travels
Anne suddenly remembers Jeremy being with people who ended up sick
Jamison comes to see Bobbie (Luke scares him away)
Anne is allowed to leave the Hospital because she thinks she knows who the Carrier is
Jeremy overhears that his Grandmother has died
Rick & Monica talk of their past together
Chris (The Orderly) has died of Lassa Fever
Anne comes to the Taylor's looking for Jeremy
Jeremy has dissappeared
Anne finds a map of Jeremy's with Nigeria circled (Lassa Fever started there in the town "Lassa")
Anne tells Diana she thinks Jeremy is the Carrier
Anne calls Mitch Williams & tells him that Jeremy is the Carrier & is missing
The Sick Chef dies
Diana realizes Jeremy must have overheard them talking about his Grandmother's death
Jessie tells Bobbie that Chris died
Luke says he knows Bobbie told Mitch about the Chef
Mitch & Tracy come over to the Taylor's house
Anne, Mitch, & Tracy search for Jeremy
Jeremy sneaks into the Museum of Natural History
Lesley goes to another Group Therapy session
Jeremy sneaks around inside the (Closed) Museum
Steve grows sicker
Lee tells Scotty he's not against him & Laura getting married
Alan seems worried about Rick & Monica being together
Anne finds Jeremy in the Museum
The town learns that Jeremy is the Carrier & the disease in him is being killed
Laura tells Lesley when she remembered killing David (Day before Lesley testified) & that she
.......continued faking her memory block
Lesley FLIPS OUT & runs out (She feels totally betrayed & used) (GREAT GREAT Scene)
Steve keeps getting worse even with Plasma
Audrey goes to the hospital Chapel (She wonders if she should tell Jeff)
Audrey tells Anne that Jeff is Steve's son
Anne tells jeff to go see Audrey
Jeff sits with Audrey in the Chapel
2/26/79 (Monday) (This Episode can be seen at the TV/Radio Museum in NY)
.......Audrey tells Jeff that Steve is his Father
.......Laura is upset about telling Lesley about the David situation (& how Lesley is upset)
.......Jeff is NOT happy with Audrey's news
.......Rick & Monica discuss their feelings for each other (sort of) & how they have to resist them
.......Some good news on Steve arrives (His white blood cell count is down)
.......Bobbie sits with Bryan at a restaurant (Scotty walks in)
.......Bobbie apologizes to Scotty for everything she did to him (He accepts... IF she's sincere)
.......After he walks off, Bobbie thinks (to herself) "Oh I'm sincere"... "Sorry... that I got found out"
..............& that she's gonna break up Laura & Scotty
.......Rick can't stop looking at Monica
.......Steve is responding to the Plasma & getting better
Bobbie lies to Luke & says Scotty called the "whole Spencer family trash", so as make Luke help her
Jamison grabs Bobbie as she tries to leave her place & takes her back into the apartment
Jamison says he's staying there till the emergency road blocks are lifted
Bobbie dresses Jamison's wound (He was shot)
Jamison was on the phone with Diana when he was shot
Steve keeps improving
Luke calls wondering why Bobbie isn't at his place yet (Bobbie makes excuses)
Luke knows something is wrong & takes off
Man who shot Jamison dies (Before Peter & Mitch can talk to him again)
Steve regains consciousness & wants to see Jeff (Audrey worries Jeff will tell him he knows)
Luke comes to Bobbie's apartment (Rings the bell)
Jeff comes to see Steve (Jeff doesn't blab)
Steve wonders what's wrong with Jeff
Bobbie says she's fine, but Luke wants to come in
Jamison hides & Bobbie lets Luke in
End of Quarantine could come in 24 hours
Rick & Monica act weird towards each other
[I think they've changed to the BRAT PJ ]
Laura & Peter discuss Lesley & why she's upset (Peter says Laura is very self centered)
Bobbie tries to get Luke to leave (Luke sees blood on the floor)
Luke leaves
Rick wants to know what's wrong with Jeff (Jeff won't tell him)
Quarantine is still in effect
Rick & Monica feel VERY uncomfortable around each other
Monica (on the phone) tells Alan she wants a child right away
Quarantine could be lifted by morning

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