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MARCH - APRIL 1979 (Part Two)

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Alice thinks Heather is foolish for not telling Jeff that she can’t have any more babies
Susan tells Jeff she saw some Birth Control pills that Gina prescribed to Heather
Jeff is upset by the news & leaves
Jeff goes & sees Gina & asks about the pills
Gina tells Jeff that it would be extremely dangerous for Heather to ever concieve again
Dr Hardy is released from the hospital
Audrey is in Salt Lake City with Lucille
Scotty asks Gail what time Monica left the night the Quarantine was lifted
Gail doesn’t answer
Scotty is uncomfortable around Monica
Monica asks Gail about Scotty
Gail tells Monica what Scotty asked her
Dan & Jessie return from Canada a day early
Dan continues to ask Jessie to marry him
Bobbie calls Luke “Joe College”
Laura & Scotty talk about their Wedding & the talk they’re gonna have with Rick & Les tonight
Laura has her last session with Dr Kincade (Will start with Dr Taylor again)
Dr Kincade talks about the pitfalls of Laura wanting everything to be perfect (Including her marriage to Scotty)
Kincade says he doesn’t think she is ready for marriage
Laura says she’ll prove him wrong
Kincade says “You already proved me right by how you are reacting to my opinion”
Laura leaves
Lesley is worried that if she agrees with Rick (About the marriage) she will destroy all the
.......closeness she’s gained with Laura
Luke runs into Scotty & Laura at GH (Seems to be 2nd time Luke talks to Laura)
Luke says it’s nice to see Laura smile
Steve finally runs into Jeff, but Jeff doesn’t really want to talk
Laura, Scotty, & Lesley wait for Rick to come home
Bobbie brings Luke home (Bobbie doesn’t know Jessie is home sleeping)
Jessie overhears Bobbie say that she’ll go on lying, saying that she’s pregnant, to get Scotty marry her (She’s intent on marrying someone with Scotty’s social standing)
Jessie is shocked
Rick finds Jeff drinking at The Floating Rib
Luke leaves Jessie’s place
Bobbie tries to explain
Jessie says “No more lies!”
Rick wants to know what’s wrong with Jeff
Jessie is furious with Bobbie for lying
Jessie wonders how she can believe anything Bobbie ever says
Tracy keeps taunting Monica about how she acts around Rick
Jeff finally blurts out to Rick that Steve Hardy is his real Father
Rick doesn’t take the news too well (Tells Jeff that he’s a liar & walks out)
Laura calls the Hospital looking for Rick
All Laura can think about is how whatever the emergency (with Rick) is will affect her & Scotty
Rick goes to see Steve
Steve tells Rick that what Jeff said was the truth
Rick says that his whole life (& believing in a perfect love) has been a lie
Jessie is upset about how she treated Bobbie
[A day... Maybe more.... Passes,,, I guess]
Jessie & Bobbie seem to have made up
Jessie hopes Roy will make Bobbie forget Scotty
Luke & Roy visit Bobbie at the Hospital
Jessie meets Roy
Jessie invites Roy over to dinner
Bobbie is angry at Luke for bringing Roy to GH (& they JUST missed Laura & Scotty)
.......(Bobbie is worried that Laura will recognize Roy as the guy from the bar)
Laura has a session with Peter (Taylor)
Laura is disappointed that Rick told her that she isn’t emotionally ready for marriage
Peter says that Laura needs to act like a mature person & then people will treat her like she one (Laura seems to like that idea)
Bobbie meets Luke & Roy at Pop Snyders
Laura & Scotty come into Pop Snyders
Laura & Scotty sit in the Park (Scotty studies)
[Scotty’s finals are in “6 weeks”]
Scotty mentions getting married in June
Laura wanted it sooner & thinks Scotty has changed his mind
Scotty says the rough part will be getting permission from the Court
.......(Or they will have to wait till September)
Laura is sure Rick & Monica are having an affair
Laura had ran out of Pop Snyder’s when she saw Bobbie (the other day)
Scotty says that Bobbie has a new guy (but he didn’t see his face)
Laura thinks Bobbie is still in love with Scotty
Bobbie meets Luke at Pop Snyder’s & tells him never to bring Roy to the Hospital again
Bobbie keeps bringing up the “bunch of creeps” that Luke works for
Luke says not to play games with Roy
Bobbie says that Roy has the wrong idea.... She’s worked too hard to “end up with a Roy
.......DiLucca in some four room flat with eleven kids!! I have a much better kind of life in
.......mind! Respectable!!!” (Scotty can do that for her)
[Scotty is gonna graduate in June]
Bobbie still plans on getting Laura sent away
Rick is in a bad mood & he won’t tell Lesley why
Lots of Tracy & Monica arguing
Laura is happy that other students are treating her well
Bryan tells Laura that there is alot of pressure on Scotty (Due to the School & the Wedding) &
.......that she shouldn’t pressure him so much
Luke comes into the Student Union as Bryan leaves & sits with Laura
[Kind of FIRST REAL L&L SCENE.....]

Luke says “Laura?”... Lra - “Oh, uh, I'm sorry I didn't see you”... Lk - “Tell me about it!
.......I feel like I interupted a very heavy thought”... Lra - “Oh, No!! Not really.
.......How are you?”... Lk - “Fine. Mind if I join you?”
.......(Luke sits with her as the scene fades out)
Luke says “Ah, Laura look, it's pretty obvious that we'll be running into each other here at the
.......Union & on campus, so I'd like to clear the air right up front, ok”... Lra - “Ok”...
.......Lk - “It's about my Sister. Now, to say that you & Bobbie are not on the best of terms is the understatement of the Century, but I...”... Lra - “Luke, however I feel about
.......Bobbie has nothing to do with you”... Lk - “You mean it?”... Lra - “Of course”...
.......Lk - “Well that's great! How's your Mom?”... Lra (Puzzled look on her face)- “She's
.......fine. Fine”... Lk - “She treated me a couple times when I... uh.. wasn't feeling very
.......well”... Lra - “Oh. She's a good doctor”... Lk - “Yes she is. She's more than that too.
.......You know, she's relaxed, easy, gracious. Infact, maybe you take it for granted because're her daughter, you know, but to me people who have her qualities are like, I don't
.......know, they've always, well they've been like the poems in this book”... Lra - “I don't
.......understand”... Lk - “Well, it's like they're suspended somewhere in time, you know.
.......Untouchable. When I was a kid, I always looked up to people that had a lifestyle like that
.......& I was always told that I would never have one”... Lra - “Well, you've already proven whomever told you that, that they are wrong!”... Lk - “Well I'm working on it. But know trying to get something that's unattainable can really lead a person to do very
.......strange things. (This seems to bother Laura) Uh, did I say something wrong?”...
.......Lra - “Uh, no. I'm not sure I know what you mean”... Lk - “I was talking about Bobbie.
.......Now look, I would never try to make any excuses for the things that she's put Scotty
.......through, but Laura I really believe that she did not mean to hurt you or Scotty. You
.......know, she just wanted something that was out of her league & she got desperate”...
.......Lra - “It's all in the past Uh look, I don't have much time before my next class & I
.......really should be looking over my lecture notes now”... Lk - “Sure. You mind if I stay & study with you?”... Lra - “No. Not at all.”
.......(Luke kind of watches Laura as she studies)
People are being invited to Lee & Gail’s Engagement Party (Being given by the Q’s)
Scotty tells Monica how Laura thinks that she slept with Rick
Scotty wants Lee to change Rick & Lesleys’ minds about letting them get married
Bobbie overhears & is happy the Webbers are against it
Lee still thinks they should wait till Scotty graduates
Tracy pumps Audrey for info about the night the Quarantine ended
[The Engagement party is at “the end of the week”]
Rick continues to be tormented by Jeff’s news
Laura wonders what’s wrong with Rick
Laura tells Monica she blames her for Rick’s attitude about marriage
Laura wants to know if Monica spent the night with Rick at the Quarantine’s end
Monica says “yes”, but before she can explain what she means, Laura walks away
Heather continues trying to drive Diana crazy [All throughout the tape]
[Roy’s brother in law owns a restaurant in town]
Laura tells Lesley how Lee & Gail’s Wedding plans upset her
Lesley says Laura shouldn’t get upset from other people’s happiness
Laura doesn’t understand how Lesley can go to that party thrown by Monica
Cal Jamison has called Heather again (Wants $5,000 in 2 weeks)
Monica thinks she’s the cause of Rick’s problems
[Lee & Gai’s party is “tomorrow night”]
Steve & Jeff discuss things
Luke comes across Laura in the Park (Says Scotty is a lucky guy)
Luke leaves & Scotty joins Laura
Scotty tells Laura he thinks Lee is understanding their situation about marriage better
Laura agrees to go to the Party with Scotty
Laura again talks about being sure that Rick & Monica are having an affair
Monica tells Rick that Alan is getting suspicious & that he has to come to the party
Rick agrees to go to the Party
Lesley gets upset that Monica was able to convince Rick to go to the party (When she couldn’t)
Heather has decided she wants to adopt Jeremy
The Quartermaine Party for Lee & Gail begins
Laura has a hard time (She gets “angry” when she looks at Monica)
Tracy overhears Laura say to Scotty that they were “denied permission to get married because
.......Dad & Monica spent the night together after the Quarantine lifted”
Tracy then hears Scotty say that Gail insists that nothing happened
Coleen sings for the Party
Coleen sings “The Way We Were” (Which is Rick & Monica’s song... & Lesley knows it!)
Bobbie complains to Luke that she should be at that party with Scotty & asks why Luke can’t
.......come up with a full proof plan that will get Laura put away for good
Luke says “No more plans for me, baby!”... Bobb - “Why not?”... Lk - “Because I’m not very
.......happy about what I’ve done already!”
Roy arrives at Bobbie’s & Luke leaves
Bobbie is upset that Roy & Luke won’t talk about their work (Roy says that’s how it is!)
Bobbie says she wants the kind of life that will get her invited to party’s like the Q’s
Heather tells Jeff she wants to adopt Jeremy
Jeff says he was thinking the same thing
Tracy taunts Alan & Monica & the Webbers about what she’s learnt about the Quarantine & what happened after it
Monica is worried about what Tracy knows & doesn’t like that Laura can’t look her in the eye
Laura & Scotty leave the party & discuss things in the car
Laura says that she can’t stand the hypocracy that was rampant in the room
Scotty says “I admire them for being able to do it”... Lra - “Well, I couldn’t do it. Not for
.......anybody”... Scty - “You’ll never have to”... Lra - “How can you be so sure?”...
.......Scty - “Because that is never gonna happen to us”
Laura brings up that all married couples start off in love & worries that after a while, things happen.
Laura also says that she would die if Scotty was still attracted to Bobbie after they got married
Scotty says that he could never look at her again after all the things she’s done
Laura says that they haven’t made love in over a year & she wonders if she’ll be as satisfying him as Bobbie was
Scotty says “that’s crazy!”
Laura wants Scotty to take her back to his apartment, but Scotty says he’s taking her home
Laura keeps on bringing up Bobbie... Scotty wants to know why
Scotty says he wants it to be right this time. He feels guilty for leading her into the wrong kind
.......of relationship when she was too young
Laura wants to know that Scotty wants her as much as she wants him
Scotty says he does & says that they have a whole different relationship than he & Bobbie did &
.......that she’ll find that out when they get married
Laura says she feels that day is getting farther & farther away
Bobbie comes home & wants Jessie to tell her all about the Quartermaine party
Bobbie says that her date with Roy was mondane & boring (Roy is standing right there & is not
.......too pleased to hear her say that)
Rick & Monica discuss the party (Rick says it was the most uncomfortable evening EVER)
Rick doesn’t think much of the institution of marriage (ie... His own marriage & his Parent’s)
Dan tells Bobbie Do you realize how much you hurt Roy last night by putting down her date with
.......him as being so mondane (Bobbie says that she didn’t mean to hurt Roy)
Scotty tells Bryan how he’s gotta find a way to get them married before September... He doesn’t
.......think Laura can last that long (Larry Joe is evesdropping on this conversation for
.......Bobbie --- This is in Pop Snyders --- He hears Scotty say how Laura is jealous of
.......the relationship he had with Bobbie)
Larry Joe tells Bobbie what he heard... Bobbie LOVES hearing that Laura is jealous of her
Gail tells Monica that they’ve decided to have their wedding in May (At the new Q House)
Monica tells Gail that her attraction for Rick could destroy everything she has
Bobbie apologizes to Roy on the phone (Says she DID have a great time with him on their date)
Monica asks Scotty if Laura is really as mad at her as it seemed at the party (Scotty says Yes)
Scotty tells her how Laura blames her & Rick’s affair that night for why they’re not able to get married
Monica tells Scotty that nothing happened that night she & Rick spent together
Monica finally convinces Scotty that nothing happened that night
Monica wants Scotty to persuade Laura not to talk about this to anyone
Monica says that she thinks she has a chance to make it work with Alan, but if he ever found out would destroy everything (That’s why she wants Laura to keep quiet)
Heather is doing something to the window in PJ’s room, so that it looks like Maggie disobeyed
.......Diana’s orders (Part of Heather’s plan to make Diana think she’s going crazy & make her
.......think she’s not able to raise a child..BUT Heather still needs to do something about Peter)
Laura & Rick discuss him & Monica
Laura tells Rick that she knows he & Monica spent the night together & that’s what’s behind his depression
Rick says that’s she’s wrong... But he can’t discuss what’s really behind his depression
Laura just can’t understand why he won’t tell her
Laura says that what it all boils down to is that he still thinks of her as a child & she resents
.......that (She walks out)
Lesley goes to see Dr Hardy about Rick (She’s worried about him & that he’s letting some
.......personal problems affect his work & she wants Steve to talk to him)
Steve says he plans to talk to Rick today
Lesley says that she thinks she’s the cause of Rick’s problems... Steve says he doesn’t think so...
.......Lesley says, yes she is
Rick comes to Steve’s office (Rick doesn’t look too happy)
Rick says he doesn’t want to talk to Steve... Says he made his Father look like a fool
Steve tries to explain what happened between him & Helene (Rick’s Mother)
.......It was when she was about to divorce Rick’s father... They weren’t looking for it to
.......happen. The love just happened... It was genuine
Rick isn’t too happy about Steve telling him what he should do (ie telling him he should tell his
.......loved ones what the matter is) & he walks out
The Hospital Board meets to discuss the proposed Cardiac Wing (Seem to be business men too)
They bring up all the problems that Rick has let happen
Rick walks out of the meeting because he feels that Alan is attacking him personally
Steve tells Lesley what happened at the meeting
Diana comes in & finds PJ’s window open (She’s not to happy about that)
Heather calls Diana again & doesn’t say anything (Diana - “Who is this? Please stop calling!”)
Rick looks around the house, remembering sounds of when he & Jeff were young, thinking it was a
.......happy family (He then remembers celebrating his parents' anniversary in the living room)
Lesley comes home & tells Rick she heard what happened at the meeting & she was worried about him
Rick says why can't the present be as happy as memories of the past?

(After this, there is a big chunk of time that will be missing... Were Rick & Monica were about to leave their spouses & get together, but Rick changes his mind due to Laura being in a car crash... The next section [May-June] will pick up from a few weeks later...)

MAY - JUNE 1979
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