Ruby tells Bobbie that Roy said that "Luke needs all the family support he
can get tonight"
Roy continues to drink that the [deserted] Disco as Laura gets set up for
Roy goes over to Laura & forces her to dance with him
Bobbie sees Roy & Laura dancing
Scotty comes over to stop Rick from having it out with Krekorian
Scotty tells Rick that he knows the truth about him & Monica (Rick says
it wasn't a planned affair)
Bobbie tells Luke about what happened with Roy
Bobbie wants to know what's happening with Luke (ie.. what Roy told Ruby
Bobbie tells Luke that she saw Roy dancing with Laura
Luke storms out of the office
Luke pulls Laura & Roy apart (Tells Laura "Are you here to play or work?")
Luke tells Roy to never go to his family again with anything that has to
do with "this business"
Later - Laura apologizes to Luke for dancing with Roy... Luke apologizes
to her
Luke tells Laura that Bobbie & Roy broke up
Laura tells Luke that Scotty found out that she used the credit card
Laura explains to Bobbie about her dancing with Roy
Bobbie tells Laura that she should quit her job... Lots of the wrong kind
of guys come into the Disco
Roy continues to put his hands all over Laura as she works
Bobbie tells Roy to leave Laura alone
Luke goes to The Meeting
Luke meets FRANK SMITH for the first time (And his son Jim)
They wonder about Luke's involvement in Ted DiLucca's arrest at the Disco
Frank says no one is accusing him of anything, but... "One thing is certain,
Mitch Williams has to go.
.......And we thought you'd like to keep the record straight, by personally
taking care of the man"
Luke says he's never done anything like that before
Frank says Luke needs to reestablish "credit" with them
Luke says he had no choice but to cooperate with the Police once they were
at the Disco
Luke says they think he was working with Mitch Williams
Frank says they're just telling how it looks
Luke asks "When do you want it to happen? F - "Nov 6th, Election Night, After
the vote is counted"
Jeff distracts Roy to keep him away from Laura & sits him at Bobbie's
Frank says the hit will take place at the Victory Rally (Using a rifle) ("Go
for the body")
Luke asks "What if I miss him?" F - "I'd be very disappointed in you Luke"
Frank gives Luke $5,000 (Says if he does a good job "we'll see about a bonus")
Luke says "I'm sure I won't have to worry about my future after Nov 6th"
& leaves
Frank & the others agree that Luke "has to go" after the hit
Bobbie tries to sober Roy up
Bobbie tells Roy to leave Laura alone... R - "Laura happens to belong to
your Brother, don't worry
.......about it"... B - "You're crazy!"... R - "You just watch her, alright.
You watch her when she sees
.......Luke, you'll see if I'm crazy"... B - "That's not true Roy & you
know it!"
Roy can't get the images of Bobbie as a hooker out of his mind... Roy leaves
Luke gets back to the Disco
Bobbie asks Luke about the meeting (Luke won't tell her about it)
Heather in is the Sanitarium
Jeff tells Bobbie that he thinks Heather told Peter something about Steven
Lars before he died
Jeff thinks maybe Heather has known what happened to Steven Lars all along
Laura asks Luke if he's in some kind of trouble... Lra - "You look very worried.
You have a very lost look your eyes"... Lk - "Lost. Yeah. I guess I'm just taking a last
look at something special. Something
.......that I can't lose, because it never belonged to me"... Lra - "I don't
understand" Lk - "No you wouldn't...
.......It was just a dream to begin with. And now it's wakeup time, you know.
End of dream!"
Laura gets a call from Lesley about some good news
10-5-79 (Friday)
Laura is waiting in the empty Disco for Scotty to pick her up
Laura calls home, but Scotty’s not there
Laura calls Bryan (“Little after 2” AM) looking for Scotty
Laura wonders if Scotty’s not picking her up because he’s angry
with her
Bryan offers to come get Laura, but she says no
Scotty is having a celebration dinner with Zelda (The Lawsuit was dropped)
Laura stands in a dark corner of the Disco as...
Luke staggers drukenly in & turns the disco lights on
Luke starts to cry
Laura asks Luke “What’s wrong?”
Luke tells Laura to go away... Laura won’t leave him
Laura tells Luke she thinks her marriage is over (“Almost 2:30 AM”)
Luke says Scotty’s not that much of a fool
Laura gets mad at herself for going on about her problems
Scotty tells Zelda that he had a fight with Laura & that he owes her
an apology”
Scotty says he gave Amy a message to give to Laura that he wouldn’t
be able to pick her up
Laura wants to know why Luke was crying
Laura says he’s always been there for her... She wants to help him...
Luke says she can’t
Luke says “TIme is what I don’t have”... “Within a month,
I’ll be dead”
Luke tells Laura to “get out of here”
Laura says “We’re your friends” & says to call the police
Luke tells Laura “You’re incredible, do you know that? I really
think you should go home now”
Laura won’t leave
Luke says she’s never known where he’s coming from ... Lra says
she knows he cares about her
Luke says “Laura, I’m in love with you!”... Laura says “No,
I don’t think it’s really love”
Luke says yes it is... It’s like a sickness that’s eating him up
Laura starts to leave... Laura says “I don’t know what you’re
talking about”
Luke says she can’t understand because “You have Scotty!”
(Throws her sweater to the floor)
Luke - “Do you know what it does to me to know that you’re in his
bed EVERY night? Do you
.......know that all I care about is holding you? I NEED YOU! All I do is
dream about you, I
.......dream about holding you in my arms & making life to you... Laura
you are my life!”
Laura - “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Luke I think I should quit
my job here.”
Luke - “No!
Laura - “Luke, my life with Scotty is all that I want right now, ok.
Now I know that you feel like
.......your life is falling apart right now & I’m sorry, but we
can help you, Scotty & I are your
Luke - “Don’t! Don’t say that ever again, Ok. I don’t
wanna be your friend, Laura. I DON’T
.......WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND [Luke turns on “RISE” on the turntable]
And I can’t have You don’t belong in my world, I don’t belong in yours.
Look what you’ve done me! I’m not gonna die without holding you in my arms just
one time. Dance with me Laura”
Laura - “No, Luke!”
Luke - “I said, Dance with me!”
L&L dance
Laura [As they dance] - “Luke I have to go now. Luke, let me call a
taxi please. You’re frightening No [Luke kissses her] No! No, Luke... Let me go! No. No! NO LUKE
Luke Rapes Laura
Scotty comes home & sees that Laura’s not home
Scotty calls Bryan looking for Laura (Learns Laura was looking for him)
Scotty calls the Disco (No answer)
Scotty calls Rick & Lesley
Scotty calls the Hospitals checking on any accidents that happened tonight
Luke stands over a cowering Laura & extends his hand to help her up as...
The phone rings
Laura runs off
Luke turns the music off & answers the phone (It’s Scotty asking
about Laura)
Luke is dazed & confused... Tells Scotty that she was waiting for him
& then she left
Luke says he was working on his books all night
Luke picks Laura’s sweater off the floor
Luke says “Oh my God! What have I done?!!!”
Luke breaks down crying [Eiree version of “RISE” plays] as...
Laura runs frantically through the park & falls down by the fountain
& cries
Someone walks up behind Laura & she screams
10-8-79 (Monday)
Scotty says it's all his fault for giving Amy the message
Laura realizes that it's a policeman that came up behind her
The Policeman asks if Laura was raped... Laura nods Yes
Roy is sleeping in his car near the park
Rick & Lesley arrive at Scotty's
Jeff & Joe come over to Scotty's to help
Luke is sitting dazed in his apartment
Bobbie comes to see Luke (She'worried about where Roy is)
Roy is brought into the Police Station
Scotty blames himself for arguing with Lra about the Law Books (When she
did it for him)
Laura is brought to the GH
Nurse recognizes that it's Laura
Nurse tells Jessie that Laura was raped & brought into Emergency
Jessie calls & tells Rick that Laura was raped
Rick tells Scotty & Lesley that Laura was raped
Jessie takes care of Laura (Washes her up & changes her into a gown)
(Tears flow from Laura)
Laura says "I'm never gonna be clean again"
Jessie says "Of course you are, because you have never been dirty. Nobody
can touch the real
.......person inside of you, Laura. Nobody can touch or hurt the real girl
who's inside"
Luke tells Bobbie that he doesn't care about much anymore
Bobbie wants to know what's bothering Luke
Luke said he met with some big shots tonight & they want him to do a
job for them... but
.......he doesn't want to do it (Tells her that he has to prove himself to
them - He has no choice)
Nurse wants to call the Rape center & tells Laura that she can't let
it ruin the rest of her life
[Flashback] Laura remembers dancing with Luke & saying "No!"
Lesley & Rick come to see Laura
Scotty wants to see Laura, but Jeff says to let Rick examine her first
Laura won't let Rick exam her
Scotty comes to see Laura (Lra - "I'm so ashamed Scotty" Sct - "There's no
reason for you to be"
.......Lra - "Yes there is. You don't know, you don't know what happened")
Scotty tries to convince Laura to let someone exam her... Laura adamantly
says No!
They need to exam her to see if she was pregnant before the Rape (Laura says
They tell Laura that she needs to talk to the Police to try & identify
the man
Laura says "I can't!!! I don't know who it was!"
Lesley tells Laura that the Police picked up a possible suspect a little
while ago... They think
.......they have the man who raped her
Bobbie is frantic wondering where Roy is
Roy calls Luke & tells him he's in jail
Luke tells Roy that he thinks he's in jail about a girl being raped in the
park (He overheard this)
Roy is released
Jessie tells Bobbie that Laura was raped
Roy wants to know what's the matter with Luke
Luke tells Roy about the Meeting (& that he got the contract on Mitch
Roy is surprised that Luke actually saw Frank Smith ("Nobody gets to see
Frank Smith")
Scotty tells Rick he's afraid that Laura won't come out of this as a whole
Scotty wants to find the guy who raped Laura & kill him
Roy & Luke come to see Bobbie
Roy tells Bobbie that they brought her in about some girl who was raped in
the park
Bobbie wants Roy to tell her that he didn't do it
Luke says "Roy didn't rape anybody, you know that, he's not that sick!"
Bobbie tells Roy that Laura was raped in the park (Luke looks confused)
Luke asks if Laura was hurt... "How bad?"... Luke says he's gotta get to
the hospital
Bobbie tells Roy off for all the things he said to her... Roy asks Bobbie
to forgive him
Bobbie asks Roy what Luke is into... Roy tells Bobbie she'll have to ask
Luke arrives at the hospital & asks every nurse in sight how Laura Baldwin
Luke goes up to Scotty
Scotty grabs him & says "Where were you when this happened... Why didnt'
you drive her home"
Luke says "You think I wanted this to happen? You think I wouldn't do anything
to change it?"
Scotty apologizes
Luke asks how Laura is (She's sedated) & asks if she said anything about
what happened
Scotty says no..."Just that it happened in the park"
Luke says "It happened in the... park"
Scotty wants Luke to use his contacts on the street to find the guy who raped
Luke asks what he's going to do when he finds him... Scotty - "Kill him!"
Luke sits with Scotty in the waiting area
Laura is moved to another room (Luke watches)
Rick says Laura seems to have gone into some kind of delayed shock
As Scotty talks to Laura ... [Flashback] Laura remembers dancing with Luke
Lesley says Laura has to talk about last night... Laura says she doesn't
want to
Laura says she doesn't remember much
Laura tells Lesley how she decided to walk home through the park
Laura says someone jumped out of the bushes & grabbed her from behind
& tore her clothes
.......& the next thing she remembers is the Police man standing behind
Laura says that is ALL she remembers
Laura wants Scotty to take her home (Says she can forget much better at home)
Gail comes to see Laura... Laura is mumbling in her sleep... Asks Gail "What
did I say?"
Gail says she was dreaming about the rape
Laura says she's so ashamed... Gail says she has no reason to be
Gail asks how much Laura remembers
Laura says she can't remember much
Amy comes to the hospital... Scotty blames Amy for forgetting to give Laura
the message
Amy starts to cry... Scotty apologizes
Amy wonders why Luke didn't drive Laura home
Luke sits in his office & [Flashback] remembers the Rape
Luke tells Roy that he knows he had nothing to do with Laura's rape
Gail continues to probe Laura for details (Laura continues to say she can't
Laura says she just wants to forget about it
Gail says that the man who did this to her has to be caught
Laura says she didn't see the man's face
Laura says she feels ashamed, sick, & dirty
Laura starts to freak out & says she doesn't want to answer any more
Laura is sedated
Scotty worries about Laura having to go through court & such if she can
identify the man
Policewoman [Actress who later plays Natalie Dearborn] comes to talk to Scotty
& shows
.......him some pictures of possible suspects
Scotty sees Roy's picture... Asks "how come you have his picture?"
Policewoman tells Scotty that Roy was brought in for questioning last night
She tells him he was picked up sleeping in his car by the park
Roy comes to see Bobbie at work & tells her that he's been called in
for more questions &
.......asks her to be his alibi for last night between 2 & 3:30 AM
Scotty watches Roy talk to Bobbie (Roy leaves)
Bobbie tells Scotty that she left the Disco with Roy & they went to Jessie's
& then Roy left ("Little after
.......three"... "I didn't look at the clock"), was drunk, & pulled over
to sleep
Scotty asks Bobbie all sorts of questions about Roy... "Kind of a coincidence"
Scotty says it's a good thing Roy has an alibi... Bobbie says "Roy is not
capable of rape"
Bobbie is really worried about Roy
Luke looks at his pictures of Laura... [Flashback] Luke remembers the Rape
Detective Delaney asks Luke some questions about Roy (Discuss Roy forcing
Laura to dance with him)
As the Det. asks Luke questions... [Flashback] Luke remembers offering his
hand to a cowering Lra
Scotty tells Bryan & Claudia about seeing Roy's picture (Scotty wonders
if Bobb would lie about Roy)
Luke comes to see Bobbie... Tells her about the Detective asking questions
Bobbie tells Luke about lying to Scotty... giving Roy an alibi
Luke tells her to tell him what she told Scotty so they can get their stories
Bobbie says she doesn't know if she believes Roy
Scotty remembers [Flashback] their Wedding & Honeymoon
Luke runs into Scotty in the park
Scotty apologizes to Luke for the things he said to him in the hospital
Scotty wonders if Laura will ever be able to be a wife again... Or will she
always be afraid
Bobbie tells Jessie about Roy being brought in for questioning
Jessie is confused about when Roy was with Bobbie (Jessie says Bobbie better
be certain)
Policewoman questions Bobbie about Roy
Bobbie says the she is close friends with Laura & Scotty
Policewoman says Scotty said they "knew each other" (Not close friends)
Bobbie tells the Policewoman that Roy left her apartment "sometime about
Policewoman tells Scotty that it seems Roy has an alibi for the time of the
Roy tells Luke their trying to frame him for the rape
Luke says Laura will take him off the hook when she comes out of shock
Luke - "... I'm just a little preoccupied"... Roy - "You still thinking about
this Williams hit, huh?"...
.......L - "Yeah, that, & a couple of other things"... R - "What other
things?"... L - "Let's just say I
.......don't care much what happens anymore"... R - "Luke, look, you don't
have to worry. They're
.......not gonna waste you after you hit Williams, alright, they just wanna
test your loyalty"...
.......L - "Listen, Roy, I'm not concerned about my future. I'm concerned
about one thing, doing that
.......job & right now, the way I feel about myself, I just might have
the guts to do it"
Scotty asks Gail if Laura said anything about being upset with him &
that's why she walked home
Roy wants to know what's wrong with Luke
Roy says if it's the Mitch Williams thing to let him do it (Luke says he
couldn't even if he wanted to)
Bobbie wants to know what "job" Luke is talking about (They won't tell her)
Bobbie tells Roy that she lied for him... Says she won't stand by that lie
if Laura names him
Jeff comes to see Laura
Laura asks Jeff how a husband feels when he finds out his wife has been raped
Jeff says a real man, like Scotty, knows that it's not her fault
Laura says "He still loves me, doesn't he?"... Jeff tells her of course he
Laura says right now she doesn't want anyman, not even Scotty, to ever touch
her again
Laura says she has "so many questions"
Jeff says "What you're experiencing right now is what every woman who's been
sexually abused feels"
Laura says "I don't think so"
As Jeff talks to Laura about love being "more than just the physical part"
& how "being there for each
.......other could create a deeper more meaningful relationship between the
two of you than you ever
.......thought possible", Laura remembers [Flashback] being on the floor
as Luke offers her hand and
.......she says "but you can't erase what's in your mind"
Jeff asks Laura if she remembers anything about the Rape
Laura yells "I don't remember anything!"
Amy tells Luke that she feels responsible for Laura not being able to work
& offers to cover for her
As Amy tells him that she was the one that didn't give Laura the message,
Luke breaks a glass in his hand
Luke says "Don't go off on any guilt trips, Amy, I'm sure whoever raped her
is feeling quilty enough
.......for everybody, you know."
Luke comes to the Hospital wanting to see Laura
Gail tells Laura that she can't shut Scotty out (Laura doesn't want to see
Laura says she feels guilty... Gail says it wasn't her fault
Laura says "No, maybe it was. I mean, maybe I was asking for it by the way
I acted. Maybe it really
.......was my fault!"
Gail says "By the way you acted?"... Laura says she shouldn't have chose
to walk home
Jeff asks Laura if she'd like a visitor... Laura says "No, I don't think
Jeff says it's Luke... Laura pauses, then smiles & says "Luke... That
might be nice" and then says
......."He's not like the other... He's too sensitve to ask about what happened"
Jeff tells Luke "You are the first person she's wanted to see, outside the
Luke goes in to see Laura (With Flowers)
Laura acts like nothing happened & says "Hi Luke! Oh what beautiful flowers,
oh how sweet of you bring them for me... they are for me aren't they?"
Laura puts the flowers in a vase & continues to act like nothing happened
[Daisies are Laura's favorite]
Laura blabbers on & on
Laura - "I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to work last night"... Lk -
"Laura, don't be ridiculous"...
.......Lra - "I mean I've just got so many double shifts to work before I
can pay off that salary advance gave me for the law books, but I'm gonna be back as soon as I
can"... [Luke looks confused]
.......Lk - "I didn't think you'd wanna come back to the Disco"... Lra -
"Not come back? Why would ever think something like that? Of course, I'm gonna come back.
It's my job"... Lk - "Well,
.......I thought that maybe Scotty wouldn't want you to"... Lra - "Of course
I'm coming back to work"...
.......Lk - "Laura, last night!"... Lra - "Nothing happened last night"...
Lk - "You must remember"...
.......Lra - "Nothing happened... I'm fine... [Smiling all the while]...
I love Scotty very much... And
.......he loves me... Thank you for the flowers"... Lk - "You're welcome"
Luke says "One more thing... Your purse... You left it at the Disco" (Luke
gives her the purse)
Laura's cheery face disappears for a brief second as she stares up at Luke,
then it returns as...
Laura says "Thank you for bringing it back to me... I think I'll be back
to work by tomorrow night"
A shocked Luke leaves the room (Luke stands outside shocked & bewildered)
Laura [As RISE plays] takes her purse out of the drawer & starts to cry
Policewoman (Lt Tanner) comes to ask Laura some questions
Laura agrees to look at the pictures
Laura sees Roy's picture & remembers dancing with Luke [Flashback] &
starts mumbling "I didn't
.......wanna to dance... I didn't wanna dance with anybody... He made me
dance with him" [As she cries]
Lt Tanner tells Gail "From her reaction I think we have found the man who
raped her"
Bobbie tells Roy about hearing some rumors about Laura seeing pictures &
saying "It wouldn't have
.......happened if he hadn't forced me to dance with him"
Laura remembers [Flashback] the Rape
Scotty comes to see Laura (He tells her how much he loves her & how nothing
has changed)
Scotty tells Laura that she's gonna have to take it easy, quit her job, &
concentrate on being a wife
Laura says shes alot stronger than he gives her credit for being
Laura says she's going back to school tomorrow... and says "I'm not gonna
quit my job at the disco for
.......anything in the world, either.. I couldn't , even if I wanted to...
I owe Luke over $1,000 for your books"
Laura tells Scotty how she borrowed the money from Luke
Scotty says they're gonna take a loan out to pay Luke back... Laura says
no... she's going to work it off
Scotty says he's not gonna tell her what to do
Rick & Lesley want to suggest to Laura that she get at least a couple
hours of therapy sessions
Lesley says there has to be a reason why she doesn't remember the rape...
just like how she didn't
.......remember David's death... Says it must be "some sort of self protective
Luke remembers offering his hand to a cowering Laura [Flashback]
Sgt [switched from Lt
.......know that the Police may bring charges against him in the rape case
of Laura Baldwin"
Luke asks what proof they have... Tanner says Laura "all but identified"
him when she saw his picture &
.......that she said "unless he had not forced her to dance nothing would
have happened" & other witnesses
.......who saw Roy force Laura to dance
Tanner asks if Luke saw Roy for Laura to dance with him... Luke says yes
Luke says "I know for a fact tht Roy DiLucca did not rape Laura Baldwin"
Tanner says "Really? Well then you're gonna make our job alot easier. Who
do you think did rape the girl
.......Mr Spencer?"
Laura & Lesley talk about why Laura never talks about her childhood...
Lesley talks of how much she
.......missed... Laura says she never talked about it because she thought
it would hurt Lesley's feelings
Laura tells of how people used to tell her she had beautiful hair when she
was little
Lesley tells Laura that she understands that Laura sometimes needs her "Mother"
(Barbara) & that she
.......lost a Mother 5 years ago... and a Father recently (Jason)
Bobbie sees Laura (Bobbie tells Laura that the Police think that Roy was
the man in the park)
Bobbie tells Laura that it's important to know if it was Roy when she remembers
Bobbie tells Laura about lying for Roy... but if Roy did rape her... Bobbie
says she will admit she lied
Laura promises to tell her if she remembers
Rick asks Laura if she remembers anything that happened that night (Laura,
again, says no)
Laura says "You want me to get psychiatric help don' you?" (Rick says he
just wants her to think about it)
Luke tells Roy about the Policewoman coming to see him (Says Bobbie's alibi
won't hold up because
.......they have established that the rape happened before the time Bobbie
said she spent with Roy)
Luke says he doesn't think Laura would press charges against Roy
Luke tells Roy that he wants to take out a life insurance policy (for $10,000)
with Bobbie as the benificiary
Roy says that nothing is going to happen to him
Luke says "Something is Roy. I was at the meeting. I saw their faces, I heard
what they didn't say"...
......."Roy, I'm a dead man. As soon as I kill Mitch Williams, there's a
bullet waiting for me. I just hope
.......I don't feel it"
Laura packs her stuff into a suit case to leave the hospital... She remembers
her "Nothing happened"
.......conversation with Luke in her hospital room [Flashback]
Scotty tells Laura that Lee's given him some time off, so he can spend a
few days with her
Scotty takes Laura to the Harbor beach for a picnic (They sit in a beached
Laura tells Scotty not to treat her like a piece of china that's about to
Scotty brings up the Rape Center to Laura... Laura says she doesn't want
to go to it
Laura kinds of pulls away as Scotty touches her face (She says "I'm sorry,
I'm just sort of numb")
Laura says she has to become a whole person again... "& then we'll see
just how strong this love is"
Laura says that she needs space to sort out her thoughts & feelings
Scotty doesn't want her to shut him out... He doesn't want to be alone...
He wants to hlep her
Laura says that right now she doesn't want to be close to any man... not
even Scotty
Laura asks if Scotty can take that kind of truth... Scotty says he's trying
Laura comes home for the first time & finds flowers, food, & cards
from all her friends
Lesley has written an emotional letter for Laura telling her they're there
for her
Laura sees the Marionette that Luke had given her & RISE starts to play
in her head
Scotty says that Luke turned out to be a pretty good friend... Laura says
"Yeah, he's a good friend"
Laura continues to pull away from Scotty at certain times
Laura tells scotty she doesn't want to go to any sessions at the Rape center
Lesley comes to see Laura (Laura thanks her for loving her... and for the
Laura tells Lesley how she kept pulling away from Scotty as they slept (Lesley
says that's normal)
Lesley brings up the Rape Center... Laura gets upset & says no again
Sgt Tanner comes to see Laura & says they need her to either clear or
accuse Roy
Roy asks Luke why Laura doesn't come forward & clear him
[Two weeks till Election Day]
Luke continues to tell Roy that he's a dead man once he kills Mitch
Laura comes to Luke's office... Luke says "Lra, I don't know how to tell
you what I need to tell you..."
Laura interrupts & tells Luke about the Police wanting to know more about
the man in the park
Luke says - "Laura, you can't remember?"... Lra - "That's what I told them.
I know that Roy DiLucca is
.......under suspicion now. I don't know what to tell them now"... Lk - "Laura,
Roy is not the man, you
.......know that!"... Lra - "Please Luke, please, all I'm trying to do is
figure out what I'm gonna say, ok.
.......Now the police told me that Roy has to be either charged or cleared.
How am I going to clear him IF
.......I can't remember things?"... Lk - "Maybe you should tell them the
truth"... Lra - "No! No, Never"...
.......Lk - "Laura, I've been going through some kind of hell..."... Lra
- "Please, Luke, I don't want to about that night. I don't want to talk about that night EVER!
I am here for 2 reasons. One is
.......Roy and the other is that I owe you alot of money"... Lk - Oh plea...
forget that!"... Lra - "No!
.......Listen to me. I'm trying to go back to my old life. I'm trying to
keep everything as normal as
.......possible. I'm gonna return to school this afternoon. I would like
my job back at the Disco, if it is
.......still open"... Lk - "You could do that? You could come to work here?"...
Lra - "I've got to Luke.
.......It's going to look very strange if I don't. I can't let anyone suspect
that it didn't happen in the park"...
.......Lk - "Oh Laura"... Lra - "Do I get my job back or not?"... Lk - "Anthing,
anything you want,
.......anything"... Lra - "Fine. What am I gonna do about Roy?"... Lk - "I
guess that you'll have to tell
.......them that you remember how it was that night"... Lra - "You mean in
the park?"... Lk - "Yeah, in
.......the park, if that's the way you insist on playing it"... Lra - "It
is"... Lk - "Ok, then I think that you
.......have to give them a description of someone who doesn't look at all
like Roy"... Lra - "I guess
.......somebody tall and blond"... Lk - "Yeah, I guess so"... Lra - "That's
all I'm gonna tell them. Because
.......I don't want to remember anything else"... Lk - "My god, I wish I
could forget it"... Lra - "You're
.......going to have to. You're gonna have to blank it out... Just like I
have"... Lk - "Yeah"
Bobbie wants Luke to run & hide from the organization & this job
he has to do
Luke tells Bobbie that "When people are in love... & somebody gets in
your blood it's like a fever"...
.......Bobb - "Yeah, I don't know if I can control it"... Lk - "You can't.
I think the only thing you can do pray that someday it burns itself out"
Claudia & Bryan are shocked to see Laura return to school
Laura tells Sgt Tanner that she remembers the "coloring and build" of the
man who raped her
Laura says the man was very tall, thin, & blond (Tanner says that certainly
clears Roy DiLucca)
Laura says she remembered this as she walked by the park on the way to school
Amy comes crying to Laura & asks if she'll ever forgive her for not giving
her Scotty's message
Amy overheard Laura talking to the Sgt & says "that could almost be a
description of Luke"
Laura says "Amy, it could be almost anybody"... Amy says she didn't mean
anything by it
Scotty sees the front page of the paper - "LAURA WEBBER BALDWIN VICTIM OF
RAPE - Police
.......Question Roy DiLucca" (Scotty says "I can't let Laura see this")
As Scotty reads the article he says "It's Roy... It's gotta be!"
- OCTOBER 1979 (Part Five)
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