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Buffy/Angel: The Series
The Chronicles Of Narnia
Harry Potter
Angelic Brat's Fiction


To Take




Title: I Wanna Be With You

Rating: PG

Synopsis: Angel and Buffy meet, and then pretend to date to keep well meaning friends off their backs. But is it really all pretend?

Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Wesley, Spike/Dru, Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya

Notes: Challenge Fic.

Status: Completed

Title: The Heart Never Forgets

Rating: PG

Synopsis: Buffy and Angel were high school sweethearts that were broken up by her move to Sunnydale. Years later they meet again.

Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Riley, Angel/Kate, Cordy/Doyle, Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya

Status: Completed

Title: One Of These Days

Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: Buffy and Angel were once partners in the LAPD, but Buffy left. Three years later they are reunited by a common danger.

Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle

Status: Completed

Title: The Ghost

Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: Buffy is a ghost and Angel must help her prove her innocence so she can move onto the next world.

Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle

Notes: There is a sequel (C/D central) - 'Past Lives'.

Status: Completed

Title: Past Lives

Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: What was the secret Cordy was hiding?

Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle

Notes: Sequel to The Ghost.

Status: Completed

Title: Twisted Angel

Rating: NC-17

Synopsis: What if Buffy met Angelus FOR THE FIRST TIME in mid-season Three? Would she accept his offer for an alliance to stop the Ascension?  Would they still fall in love? 

Couples: Buffy/Angelus, Spike/Dru, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordy, Jenny/Giles

Notes: Challenge Fic. AU Fic.

Status: Unfinished (Part 4 now up)

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four    

Title: Spinning Around

Rating: NC-17

Synopsis: Buffy is forced to make a decision that will affect the rest of her life. Totally AU.

Couples: Buffy/Angelus, Willow/Tara, Willow/Lindsey, Joyce/Giles

Notes: AU fic.

Status: Unfinished (Part 15 now up)

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen

Title: Twists Of Fate

Rating: NC-17

Synopsis: Buffy is the one sent to the Hellmouth to watch over the PTB's newest warrior.

Couples: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Xander

Notes: AU Fic.

Status: Unfinished (Part 1 now up)

Part One